THE STA R, IXbertnt et natalt sownw " RALEIGH. OCT. H. 1S4& There was no cut of genera! interest before Wake Superior Coorl last week. Judge Manly presided with his usual dig nity, ability and impartiality. LITHOTOMY. Dr. Rulaa Haywoodr formerly of this city, hat dUuoguisJied himself iT?k aa. Ala., the place of his present resKldncIe, ;for hi skill and aucwaawlaUhutom the very delicate operation of cutting inte) -tt- bladder, i order to extract a etenev Dr. I!., though quite a young man when he left hia native State for the Sonth, stood deservedly high a physician and a eentleman. and we are gratified to learn that heis rising .to the highest eminence in eo useful ' branch of science. . ; PUBLIC IXJ TRUC HO.V Ijegisl risl.tture-earefully to foster and improve our common school system; and we rejoice to knovr thai, tlje Whigs,.. whflL will, bate. -mhriscendancy in that bodyauhe ensuing ession, feel and acknowledge the force of thin obligation. Ourt is a Government of the people; and without a well regulated ' and successful system of public instruction, It must finally become a government- of ig t gtoratice and corrnption. . Our State tus made a noble beginning in the great work of diffusing the blessings of education throughout hefborders But it must be remembered it ia only a hegin oing. -The skeleton of the system hat not ren yet been completed. Much, then, stltl e f general usefulness, and render it ade- plumed. Iu claims must not be overlooked la the neat ana ciamnroi partisan connici. The representatives of. the people should individually ttudy the subject, and when ever they assemble, together; as a body ' five it a most deliberate.; and thorough ex Lamination that they mfcy. ecnUnuallr add 4 te it such! improvements as their united , wisdom and experience ; may suggest There are : several things, in the perlor "TMnreW tliw themselves upon their immediate consider tie..'. v -'rr .7.rnr--:',-'. ' la the first place, it is abvious lhs sys tem never can work well without the aid of a well .qualified general superintendent, whose duty it shall be to eee that suitable teachers are employed, proper text books introduced, comfortable .houses provided te inspect the schools, to lecture the people, to esickrn and keep alive the" seal of tCh dot smpechitendents, t school committees,. an4. cheat ! masters. . This feature should be smsacdislely introduced into the system. It is practiced in Prussia and : France with eat access. - IVt have " Board to iau 9erinteud our school fund. But of how little avail is it to have a fund, and to have . it well taken ea.-e of, unless it is also pro perly amended! i In (he ecnl place, it is alsii highly im gtwtaat that some plan should be defined tar onti(Hung the operations of the "schoo's an the respective district for longer peri dsLf possible , for at least rri tie month in some districts, is not long enough to awaken a general intercresf,4 and they" are closed fcrfore some even sre aware of their exis ' aeMsvi'Tlik will oot seem strange, when is recelWcteJthat many within the soon Js f a district are ; aery" ignorant, "and 'bat teldiu go" eut nd mingle with society; f and often, whatever take! place beyond the limit of their own - enclosures,' is news to 'them months -ft?r ; it lianspired. Tboss whodoct'end hav scarcely time to learn " what "pegs "oh which to hanr their hats be" to forget what liltte they may hare learned. xVeloru the next session.. To make the ays1 -rm sATcivnt, it mu6t ' be so rrrulated as to 1Jnteret an:laaest and thi. -m enlyDTtC) " m ptemWjkrt ti done by pro-klin eompeteiit. teachers and extewding the time of teaching. " ' - In" the third plare, another important featuve whb is lacking, is eomtf mode of iaJuemg those who are indifferent, from tfwir own- igninanee, to the education of fjbeir oirspring, to send their . children tig' ' aWIy to school. Some reined r tor the apathy which pervails. among many ought BiM applis- This ' mttet be tererred to aW wistfiMa of the Igislatate. fo Prussia vrry parent, is obliged by Jaw to send his ' clufc! Uf school from the age of seven years aa lourtosn; and if the parent is not able sa lurnish the child with suitable clothing, fcs.; attend school, be ie furnished at the pablie expense.". Perhaps, by gentler means the end can be accomplished; but ift order to secure auccess, the popular feeling in favor of public education must be so strongly enlisted, as to sweep, away all the prejudices of the ignorant and bring the most indifferent To feel it sn imperious du ty to avail themsel ves of the proffered ben efit. ' " We have more to say on this subject. change: of policy. It appears there is to be a change of the poliry of the government toward the Mex lean people, in the prosec'ntiorf f the war. In a" month ortw6after ihoInBa!oo of Mexico, Gen Taylor, in his procl amatioa, m behalf of this government, explicitly assured the Mexican people that their re ligion and property should be" "prtttceteef and remain invioUte; that "we thould wsnt tfothingfrorrir Iffern tnrTe-forotlrmyT'' and for this i&ejf thould be . jii. cash rat rt-LL TAtct- The - government flnght nevee to..have given anclt pledges Their consequence has been tlist. the Mex. leans have made a great bargain of our irtrsslort. Losing nothing, they hsve gain ed (fie privilege of supplying our armies at enofrnrtn p irea Btrt we judge, frnn the language f th- IIansWhWel jrejssj;. aboutSto ; be; isrvktini Vfi Wsnt prbvis- ions.': para the . eovernment paper,, and. 1 "paU in cash the Ailt Vaiu'e'-- foe them, as they have been by solemn Proclamation infur msd shall ami a s be doner "e must rftWineihcdtX Mexico to share with us the' expenses of the war" to "contribute for the support of the army." -The Union, however ardently Hi Editor honorable position, evidently hangs at the tain of the Administration; and iloes not, therefore, slways furnish an infallible in dex te its deep and v'ut designs; but when ever it begins to rntlU, it may be taken as evidence that there is some disposition to bite. Now, we do not object to compel- lm?WMtc"f1f'wi'li army; but there ia certainly great moral denceof her people by false professions and promises, ana aousiog tnat coniiiieuce by a violation of the most Solemn pledges. ' , Rut such Wete the means by which this bung ling Administration was brought into pow er, and, it would seem, by which' it fs to be npheld llerf must tndeed be f tihd wnS does not find daily cause for an increasing desire to see the government once more in Uie Jof JosJtragkwwrJ-mear ;,TbV N. Y. Tribune addresses .ihese question lo the Washington Unions 1. Has not Gen Taylor recently inti- mated to the Government hia desire to be aided or relieved in the command in chief against Mexico!. .J. Has not Gen. Scott recently urged upon the Government, his claim to com. mand the am y idvarcing on Monterey, and been coliHr f nsedf ; to appoint one of the new Generals if his own creation to the chief command , of our forces invsding Mexico? . Mount Mitchell, in North" Carolina, is the highest land in North America, east of the Rocky .Mountains, being 0470 feet a bove the level of the eea. ' : 1 , J 1 ......... ,-, .i, J If ' Maryland election refurnti TRICMPH OF; W II 10 PRI 1CIPLESI r7Vu Legislature largely whig in both " ' 't tfancftt$,r The returns of tlie elections a te recei v- ed from a considerable pottion f tlie Staler They sfTurd the gratify in g "susvithce thst the Senste and House of Delegates will both be largely Whig- Ot the", 2 1 members comHsing the Senate, k is asceiiained, thus far, that the Whigs have I J; and in the House of Delegate tha . Wl.igs hare gained, m the Co amies lieaid frem, , 12 member!.; f', ,JZXf.. From official return of the vote in the City of Baltimrer it; wiH be teen ' that Charles M. Keyaer Esq. thtf Whig. candi date for Senator"WM declared tp1ee1ee e4'istavga two-'; Whig .Delegates. th? ,IIon.'. M P7 Kennedy an.HA Patterson. Esq.U and of Messrs. Baoghmsrr. Ware and Cox, TRfitV - Here is sorwetbi eg which to all appren tices is rrell worth readiag, ; Ji ia Loef " t "It is seldom that 'an apprentica who makes his maetoc'a interest hi -owrr does not raceive a reward by kia Joes anij favor, while aa apprentice; and in alloc lif he is quite sure to be" prosperous in - birsioess, and a useful man." t , . i-i' .,, in i i 'ii i ' 4-'- - ' The imports of cotton into Boston dur ing toe year ending the 1st inst. amounted to 11j073 bales of which 136.518 was received directly by maaotacluarra or. their agenu. Exported daring the year 7.186 balej, '. luiporH last year 1 83,729 baieaVr x , .-. ; Georgia election. - V We have but few returns from the' Elec lion ,n this state but they are very clieer mg, indeed. Messrs Tombs. King and Stephens are re electeJ to Congress, in their Districts. D.ath of llyt. D. M. Hoyt, who wis shot a few days ago at Richmond Vs., by Mr. Myers, for alleged iutlmscy of an improper character with his Wife, died on Saturday last. The- New Orleans times rrientions the death in that rity of an Italian named tios eende who had serred as a city watchmen there for the last twenty six years. He was a miser in his hnbits. and at his death left an estate .f fJiOfl to 3a 0Xf. The Right Rv. bishop Iliwkes officis- ted at the Consecration of Christ Church, atIknsvil1e"lissouhTonr " .- J'tUow .Fever. The Board of Health in If. Orleans re- pott oh th 25th -ok. an incrense of Yellow Fever m that city, the hurtibfr nf cases foi the prevtou 24 hours being 10 or 13 but pronounce that it is not an epidemic being confifMid trt strangers who have re' cently arHved lo the citv in verv Jcstltuts Vuhittfilf AWrnrV. bngiand cnnt-ts of 01(000 vols., besides 8KK or V.ODtf pmrj'.I..u. the depart iht-nt tin Ainerieanjlisiory,is . sppposspd fte the West in-ihe world contairiint .000volsv The oldest work on Ameri can History known to exist, U a letter from Columbus transtsled from Italian into Lat tin, and publiheJ in 14U4. - th. J?w; thZr-n. We have pleasure In sMirli (says the Fay. Olis that assurances hte already been received, from North and Souih, which jiistiry (he hope that the Rail Road Con Convention lo ba hedl hereon tho.tlU of next mon(H, will be very numerously k land respectably attended.' .ircl: The Committee have issued the foUow , zr A t'onventioif will be held iu Fay rite ville on the 4 h day of November Wikiweidfiiowtrte imwm tance of completing" the connecting; link in the Metropolitan jine vf Ilaleih, Ni U. and Camdm. 8. C. The citizens of the counties who feel an interest io this. Work are requested to hold meetings and send Delegates snd hit who aret friendly to th scheme are invited to visitj Tayrttevilla on luat occanon. By order of tlie Executive Committee. ARCU'D Mcl.AIN; Sec'y. : Fayettevil'e 0 t. fl. 184jt. Wf brrshtharowThis siTHulra lion of the rhilosonhy of letter ' "writin. Major McCaJla, il will be seen, is positive pointed and soaieation- Csptain Tobio ia candid, diseursiv and ' dluairtic. The whole, if not trenching- on the. sublime, belongs at least to the beautiful) . . Tteamry Drp&rtineni 2d Auditor's Office, July 2 1, 1840. 5 Sir. You are charged on the books of ibis office with 9I02D, the . fslu... of the dothinjr "and blanket '; furnished for the MiM y oar coinaaay ao4-fbj which yi will be held aeconntable. In order to relieve yourself from this accountability, you will eruer on your 6 at muster roll ill articles or clothing and, blankets - issued to the men under your commander aiid request the paymaster to deduct the several, amounts from their first payment, , v Yon are also held responsible for tlie eamp and gaihon equipge received for for company un:it turned over to a.U, S. quartermas'er. I am, sir tonr obedient servant, JNO. M . VI eCALLA, Second Auditor, Cant. C II Tobin. ""T " " ,,. Washington Reg't Ia. Volunteers. " iTreanfry Department: J- 2d Auditor's Office, Aug. 8,, 1840, Sir; By a decision of the Hon the See retair oi war, eacn soldier onuer your commander is entitled to six months cloih- mgto the amount of f2I all ovrrthai they are to be charged with. ' There will , be other charjres of which you will be1 irlform- d by this office, , You will please consid- ei this letter vhut guide in addition to the the one yourseeivrd from me ef tbe 3tst Very respectfully, T os- M. McGaiX, 8eeond Aod'ftoT FtB!k fa IfftkrJ Aew Orleans, 9epl. 1, 19W. j TJr I have the honor Id acknowledge I hsr leceipt of two" favdraj from " you on dated 91st of itny the other 9 of August I can pniy answer oy a yarnvf c, AceunUyman of mine was ones in4tg mg in the very, intellectuaf occupation ofjf,?T otM' TnnS . "u-.i. ' tmm mn . fknockiiig for admnisnee, that they may sucking fresh eggs raw and reading a news paper, ty some mrsenanee ne contrives to bold a'chicken.. The Jioortbird chirruped as h ment down hit throat and he very po- itely ohserved "B the powers, my frieml yoa spoke tou lata. ps"i -vif r - eaa smiy ssy, wu mat -yoar lavors hsva reach ma too laiev Thev haver been ebashig me through , the Mexican post offices; that is, to- express' myrallf more Iclesrfy, wlien I received them, they Yt be j letters; were uon in aixieo and 4 - was P d whea l alUlnl reeeiva them, lory were pp iwrt anu a waa sown mere, 4 The fact ia that most of my man7' have been paid off, and are now scattered to- the four quants oft the Globe;- v They ;were tt' 111 t ' mostly sailors . as I was myself. From them (if then be charges J hoihiinr ,cari In expected. The camp and garrison equip age Has been turned ovei to the proper ofii er with the exeeptinrt of surtdrv axes smashed and placed hire tu cotntat in chopping down those amiable chapnar il on the junks of the Rio Grande.. I ex cept, also, the ramp kettles and pans hih ny of which were ned p in rous ing, boiling itewinj; and frying our pork and beans, bacon and freh beef, not w speak of the slow venison, which some were ill- natured enough to call !r exicm beef tor my own respousihi ay in the ma't' r, I r gret, more on Untie Sam's aCwHini than on my own, that I am not worth a dime. I have b-en hot "ntv paid, but t believe over naid bt nbnut 10. Mr con science comrtfled me to remonstrate "'-with the psv (nailers, but they asxurtd me that they made no mivtnkes (bank tellers some times say the same I considered their feelings and indulged them. However. I nude. good use of the motrey I gar it to ins ick anu unpaid soldiers. Mot OI the fi'Mt enpiains . are in the same fix with myself (barinc the overpay) about respoiisihillity, and. .refer to my epU tie as an answer, In yon have anv faither enmmnnicntions fof me please direct to the cre of Maj. (Jen. John L. Iwis, N O. I srldom po to the post office, because I have., nobody to cort spond widisml vet 1 am not the man w no never had lailier nrnr irwiher bujll AV-iw-iit-.irtffIlf.f:; Very ep. ctfully, j a . . . fl - P. . I dim't know whether to ikiV myself capta:n. ex-cap(uin, or Istt captain, I ifa a ciipuin. Th6 Rev Dr plKor oTTrnuy Church. Pittsburgh wns araiiltl on Fri- IT iiinrninz limi nj ".Ylsjor " Illinfl, a teacher of (he swoiil rxrrcise, N The Ma jor" W:ia afterwards nrrestd and in default r bail Was crim;nl(ied to fall to answer, ' 1 ne ,aMe "nJ .. ttreninstuners. oCthd I he causes and Die knowledge ef the members of TVini'ir Church that it was the intention of Maj. Dunn to eomninne in , that Church,' and Dr. Unfold was rcdrie.iMf hint that it would be rcpugrtnrtt to the feel ings of the" members of the Church , for him ld.,00. afi. On ..-.Wedncaday -aveniog the Dnctof met Dunn neur the door of the alrtij-farfh it was his intent ion to commune With the Uiurch, Dunn msriited aprt hie pnrnojht nthe"T)octoTr1o1dfiin1ir he' did so it would be his duly to ptss hint fey when ad ministering the ordinance. At this Dunn gj-t enraged and seixed the Doctor by the hirt bosom hut be slipped from his grasp and went into the Vesi'rv an.) tnM.l i.. or, s , . . , - From this- time it anrtAan " ihf -ftn hat lonke'dTfor i oppottnnitv to revenge himself for What he was -pleased to deem an insult and oh' Friday morning . he rn t Dr, Unfold, in company with the Ilurht ft-UWltoji PHrr-M -trrrtrnntr"to-the Uhutclv yard -on, , StXth atieeVandafh-r some question in regard to whether the Uoctor was satisfied that be was not arufimji lie attacked him irith a heaw eane. Or. Upfold wanted off the bow-with bis arm but the seceond one struck him a cross the foreheed, causing- a very severe uuuiusiun, .: . , ,.r r Tbo btwtality of the insult is the more aggravated from tlie fact that the Doctor was but honestly and conscientiously exer rising the diitieaof his calling . and as all our ntizens know is one of the kindest, meh in the city, . His very enemies if he has any) speak well of bis .gentlemanly bearing in his personal intercourse with all mankind. ..'..: v. INTEREsJTINO DOCUMENT1 The following prtyer was delivered by the Rev. Jacob Tmdt on the evening be fore the battle of (he Brandy wine. i. e , on the I f trt of September.- 17T7. It was pfnnnunred before the main body of, the American army, in the presence of Gea. Wsshingtnn, Gen. Wavne, and other uiaimguwuea-wuL-ers ot tut army: .tctfa. Prtnjer of tin Revolution ' t r Great' Father! we bow' before thee; we m vpke thy bleastng. wa deprecate thy wrsth we return thee flianks for the pa t, we ask aid Tor the future, fur we are In times ol trodble, oh, liord I snd sore beset by foes, merciless rami unphyinf'. I he sword gleams over our land, snd the dost of th oil is dampened with the blood of our neighbors and friends. ' Oa, Ood wf mercy! - We pisy hee to oiess tne meriean arms make the. mtn of our hearts strong in thy wisdom!" bless. we baseeeB trtee, wiui renewed life and strength .our hope and toy , instrument, evetiijeorga3Yas!ijngtonLhowerahy eounels-owtha llomirable. (he Cotrtfncntai oier in his wndnds and aftictimis, nerve him for the fight, prepare him for tbe, hour -And in the- hrmr' of oirr- defeat, oh," Goil m noeu! dt thou fas oar stay, anil in the tne hour or triumph be thou our guide. Teach us' t.i be mercifully thoughthe fill ne ynb the desire of revenge, yet let us. on, imi; spare the vanquished, though they never spare u jn tlie hour of butchery and blondshedtf x j ' A iid in (he hour ef deatlr rfa hoa guide as to the abode prepared for the blest; so shsll we retnrnr . ihankt anto thee through Christ' aur Redeemer. -(orf protpef the tautelAmenf - f j f ' i. s S'raocilaa ' FArrr. Tlie ; editor , of the New Ilsvenr. Herald sets it down as a fct innstnrsl history, proved by his experi ance for years, thai when a traveller rides up to a to 1 gate,' the keeper, if a man, 'r vsrisbly brings , out a box or a-hsndfnl of rhmge; but if a woman, she comes out aad -The state of things hnnounced in the following paragraph, tiom iJieU--stnube of the Su Louis New Era. fulfils, even earlier than was expected, the pfcdicllona j oftlio.S practic-1 statesiuen who, in Con- i irrets' and elsewhere, endeavored to save the Administration from the efforts of its own w liulnesa for We cana-l alinbute the peNistiug in the 8ubtreaury plan who ly to ignorance -In f.'feing iis odious hard-money schemes Ihrdnglt Chere at (he very moinetu . that it was ius'f about flooding the country with papCr ffpfeeenl. inj nafy the credit of Uicf o vc rn meht v ' , ,,,, , Vv..:. Am. HI. The FinancU O.TJcert of the gotVuU meut have etowded t e money m-rfcel with their ilepieciated ' paper. Treasury - notes and drafts, and still the government's cred it is very low. Tressury fiftes are at 4 or, 5-pr.-t-. disconhtrand Cannot hr cashed In Isrfre qiiMntitiea at thit rate. TJie Sub-; lreal,rT. I11.! openly Otid. frequently Jfioc tatedia many rrpecti by public officers ana ina present eomliiloft of allutrt lorcrbly exposes. that hard money hainbug. It is ikiw m in.i. si mat it is utterly impractica ble to erryj outi the hard money fffuject. and it is pro ab'sf that the Subir aoury will soon become a irnveinmenl Bank. " - .- . ; A Washington correannfiibnl .of. ilM 1U&rm tleraW aafs tJfit "the ' Ifreaieat IMjrirMM-lI.wi4ti uwh'latvtTOmeteiy'to th'pra- uons i..r carrying on Ihft warjrijh jyfeitico. 1 here is no dpubt that all the available strength of ihe nation ia'to b -mnlniriL lHwnbltcan:ri quaner. and consents to terms of peace; General Pattetson, (at the head of five tnousami men, including the . aeven hun dred regulars from the north, to be sent under direction of General Gaines. ) is to advance On Tampico with all nnaaih'a need, after lb. hmhuiuwiUua. nava oeen made lot that purpose. .The naval forces are. at a propel tirrie, W unite ineir sirengtn wiin iliose'orthd land, and thus insuis success." " .; ;C : : ; " Woaaa'a Pnorxarr. In the New York State Convention, J he following very im portant section, cliancine the neuuniarv re- Uiins of parties ihlOUtrh the marriara o. Vrace, WW mmMy Mrrifsnia and salon. icu uj a aiajoruy oi u All properly of marriage, and that acauired by her after wartls by gift, devise, descent or otherwise than from her husband, shall be her Sep- krate property i i La wi ahall be passed provuungioi ute registry ttt the wire's sep arate property, and more - clearly defining the rights of the wife thereto, as well as to property held hy her wjih hcthtisband lion. John Q. Adams and Amos Abbott, have been re-nominated for Contrreas bv iha Whigs of the 8th and 3d Districts of Mss- 4TIl(onyaonnned1trihn"Xlassl wards or four hundred snd 6fty yoliimes, besides a htrgw utf f tracts - reJlous t -"ii iibto contributed , UD- rwiiiruir, tviuiwrancs papery etc., eel,, as donation to the convicts in the State of Illinois, v, ' " 111 ' "" ' , ' project for establishing a line of Ma i lelegraphin New Yorh; bf Weert the aetie various station houlfcsY Wafrh in.r. i,. W hP Cifriee. is before the Boird of Alderirierf III that city. It will be of graat-adsantaga 4w tmwaftry.-TidYr&e. -Mis 8altsman has obtained a verdic of f 1,000 against William McClelland, ia S:ubynille, Ohioi for breach, f promise "l marriage. 'X Pui Tata. M. B Lowrv, nf Craw ford county, P. the Dem-irntic nominee tor Congress In the -8?d Congrrsionsl District, in a letter giving hia views on the Tariff; says; 'Should I receive the nam inatiim and be elected to Congress, 1 ahall vote for the repeal of Mr. McKay' TV iff Bill I will go farther should th elec tion for the ne it President, fas recent in tlic'atimi rentier quite brobable,; be carried Into- the Hue. I will not Vote, lit a mem hr.) for any Southern free trade Oemocra U nor '-tor any Northern rain ith Sou-hera feelinra. -r- v r'iv'- , t i,-f ' i : :; i,;,.-'"-' At the recent cumaiencement of Jeff-r son College pw the degree of Doctor of Oiviniiy waa conferred apon (he Uev. O C. Janes, f Pa. and the Rev. Samael flheeti-nf Ohio, and the Doctor of Laws' aiV- . L It w . . . . . . . """" uo". avensey Jonns. at unaware, nif the Hon. J, Crittenden, of Rtn- "U ttfixffH, hf - K.v. Tho.; ft O'wen. irlr RrebJd Tj lloakina, ef Alahsmf, t fli abeth Aiirtiwreneei aii1iir of Mr. 1v f. ' fit;" V .t.mrmw-.- -v Dlb'O - Ia BuataavMaaa M iKafiib Mrs."- lull. aaa Les Jama, wila of Dr. Tbom.a 1 , fnn fnrmerly ofihia City snd daughier of ,ibe Juts uea. rt. n. Jonnson, or warren. . In Milion, ea Teesds laat, Warner M, Lew ia.Ksq- T' - - ,t- Ml,aA'mnAtt CI , vjau j - niHuv v tyinri) , j AT WIIOLI HALE AND BtJTAlL. "'IHB subscriber has just rec'eived. from - J ' New York Snd Philadelphia, a fed eral snppljf of Sat Cloaks. Overcoats, Frock and Dress Coats. . Also, Panulooris and Vests in fast variattss. ; ' '''" tie will bs eonsianty supplied bysa ajeoi at the Noitb, who wiltaxeeuia spaeUI or lais, anl warrant sat'iafaeiion. J. J. BIGGS. .' Raleigh, Oct 6, 1846. , - 49lf. rTlUN rswderTaa. Ne t. - v.- Brawa ttng arvoPalvanW W hie, da. 1 Baal Ja,a and UIuira CoTae. in.t to harnl aad tat wis by , JA MTCHf0RD . rnmMalaws alao. A t .tt ;t,. j SQX SCIinnt ? ih p..;,u. kA Th. j rectors ofiha LHnvy Fund, have oiqVrei ihe Adlowinad si rilmiion . .r il,M h of the Literary Fund, for th aoppo i 6T Common SchrJolt fof yeaiJ rwdmir the 1st of Septetnher 1840. By'6fderof the Bosrd. ,VILUA,..GRHAM.'r . ftee t. ex.Vffuio' ArTABLE;- i . llmr'B illtur'k Coaalic.; I I MO I ISt Ax isusrTTf w dujrovOT A)m RmurnH ItSnia UiatWa rrniii'Wiea HllMMMI UmI Ca:dtN : . ,1( 60 7S tsn to ISS.! it - art j . tts 94 -1401 Ot ton n 'it4 so 70 ml 1(4:17 sr 79 or art sat ars j . 'sta ytt 101 tl Ct'.S S6t S3, 419 S7 94 Mm, SIS I' IS4 sat ri ?ir ssav 499(1 Cawde'a tit 07 ito S63 I3J Coeiarcl V.tll, i;iMiliia I4 ma SIS OS 7S.T SB : 44 49i ft Kin I9IS 4 IS4 M as ti 5 VHTl a&f - iu 041 - .'til It':, tti twos ay I9f Ait hrokc 8ia a4 iti 4ta eaj Cfcu,N 3IS IS iM' SOf saa tit 1 CtovstnaJ Columbo Coxa Uamberlaad Dirrilwl set .VJ V)t t SWT SQ niJi im. ) SSIIO, I.uta v4 as tiss ail !. -'vf mi a; Hli sri 6i 994 01 aurjut" 19.04 ia.ii ii. tti- 100 ,lla.r.-.Mao.f4Oii UrMVitl. IIIMJI m n- tie t 3" S30 itor- ,800, ,.wtu arr? . Sit .ir;; tvts I mo i . is 451 71 rs'7s Sfitidl 1911 st .? 9t f;i.(i rd ftsnr Asxt ati HaliUs ijukH lt Wvot uitt sit) "W9 lJ an us t4 i s $1 ttn 9M 9011 an -u ti Ir-rttrfl , ,. UI9V , iforo it IMtl 74 s tsa 97 , SM IS , Juli avion asisl tisol t in -a, if. UimuU , f 40 63 , 14M ta E..4Er!ah3 Mm, S9 Mciion vs.- MttklmlHwf, Vlftorfi " Natti ast i tsiH 393 tV. tSI 94 4 t- t. ' til ! S93 utr t 4JJ- 1334 9. t tl 071 74001 tit IV AM 00 Kw Haaa-Mf - Na Ih.iiuioa, I076U II 74 9-4 I. (43 7 H i - SiJOl US3A4 l'aqurtauk Peiaulmnni 7J9I ties K7 tl U3 W rv waw'ofoH:a9j ,"?-'i'tMltia ' fit! ... , - . us Haarfolr , ll TSS S09 It . 199 91 ? 1797 73 lMWtM ' " 1.114 99 97 94 v tl 99 r j 1931 t 151117 CS7 SO -9VIS 41 -9t 17 - m 9 1044 73 Htihmogtl - t f9f- AW A2V 94 7SI9U Hkinihir tusiu' Tit 9St mi ! ttuUMutwd v 33007;., , m . liia a.. It let Wft Stanly ; . Vl 4 ' 9H SSI 7 399 fi jii9d Vit ls 44 Surrr " ' ftt.1RJ 171 ail 1911 17 45 -14093, . J' - -I 947 V uatoa- Wak- trVWr tOM - twits aM0.T i.l4of. 31 ( an "37S 91 4 ttlt 17 S5S M Warr-j,. Wa.uu.gtaa Wllkst " TanSy ' 961 S9 siai a in as an a 94l. .S7t 799 SI llo4.V tr wt 937 tr aol 497 U50V3 406W flS49SSll 97 tl .4, .53 In;tmld In Ans'm tad MacVlenboryi Board ibrM em bevsif YfTILLUM Ti BAIN, near the Ctp4 " T Ytiiotwltl be pfepsred Id accommo datesoaM IV er Iff MadiMrs 4 with comforiabls Board- v' i Hs charges itt bs modnats. October, 1846 ef ih I;eatoliaa' 'I -,sl 'aeaVVrVaraa, ; W. V.M BACH A N T A 1 hO R17 HAS thfs day received an extensive as aortmeht of. flrie dioi h,5 Cxsai naass, ano VcsTrsos, wbhh will bo laid for a small prnfii tot sash, or on six months time te punctual msn.y;"r . . .: r. His eustomers, and, friends gerrlly, ais rpctfally reijneated to gtv Mm a ealt or scad ea aider. .. ." ' -,: r " . ' lie has also' a full aufiplv of drsfs . Shirts. -Silk Merino, sad Lambs waol ander-ahirie, aad draworar Milk and Marino Half Hoset tlaad ksrrheifa. Crsvsti, Scarf, aad Sioebsi Bosoms, Collars, Suspender, Olnvas, ke. tit. - ' "lelgh Ocl th, 181.v ;r.tSC.. '" or ma inn votiwa 6r : ' ' -e TH E NOR I'll CAROLINA FARMEHL UHII9 work b publiabed st tb sratof GoVsra. . assalof the atal. Ona vS(.Jisa jaal aaa. -sd by sines it waa prsaaniml. ia the pnbMe, MM iprrimant, Whhaai a fla sobaeribar. ' It 00W has s Mat of lar tundras SOlMcribers, embrafcinf . um ef the irtotat h flligsat and sntcrfiUinf kr- mania the Slats, htf Hot only give tbair nay qualirWd apprat'.loH of lbs saanaar la which it has beaa eondicitd, but arga as lo aaaUnae Irs, . poblicalion. Which ara. aooural to day ibougti iu ptatronafa ia by aa aitana aurrtciant, aa f U pitj tf for ear labor, " Wa atoll, ihSrcfcre eomnranea tbsaaeond volume In Jan; and as ew . (ubhcrlpiioa are -coaslaatly oomii( la. ' ws shall titer Upon tb aw publieatina year, with th tyrf L. thatbjt JatojjJiVeerhi will bav ineMd toat Waal a Ihousand. Jt i dvold aaelnivly ath eaof aiiei1t(fra in Itorth tJarofirw 1 ' " eondaeicd by an who has soma practical kaowl. Jta af farminf inirrHf rs nMig th Irilmtara t It page soma of thi stoat akilful and oeeaaaful farmer in th Slats-t'nd draw it r?;. election from thS sbasai XrtrBharl pariad'ieala ia th eoantryfc It jit, thertfor. e racaiveika apport af every on who feel ny (nnrern for b draneamenl of th ! asriraltorat inttiaf - tb Slatei and wr rer4cifolry solicit Ibalr aid m giving it aireaiailt sW Ibaiillars aftbs sail. - If ant piM fill Aa t1 af th ysat O ft to la advanee, t aopy eae yaar - x - 1 III 0) ftitMBi. . .-v.l" ' :'.' !"eo tw.mytvaO.pie r-''; 0 00 Q0.hedrrfropl.,,,,, -- 7 00 R.Wfh. May ti. istt.. iLjm iwiimr -ij-inrsrr' irair. inn " - ...a.- Noic haraby glMa la iha lloaorakle Iha tm a'-g KeWl-rai totrvahlr rt lh -laU of Nnt'h lUrali. MVb applMarto UI h vaado that bwlj lo MMiMi tarry aai mm" r"ii iine, -I7f. a .-' JOIIN MAU INK. tolak, npflt. Is4t ... . J6-II , JOft paWTlNO Really eiecatgd at this affirav . A tlye shwteit notlrt. 949U99 740 It 1 104 oo 1170 71 isst 14 9.UJ 17 .1147 94 issu t "901 34 :.... .,.