SSfni the Slavery debate on tht Oregon buT, M continued, ? On Saturday, Jan. l6.thtbiUtolBCTeise .i. . .. b ott af 44' to 1. iscomUted t6 ft' MfllwryCnbinij1 1,W inwmejioM w report an tmeoarocnt 1 KO vim Ol I4na r an w i uMtf in lite Mexican war , lathe JVU"? the Original bill ,wa passed, the Sou b,n' Slvety qoretha. I IS "'A. ; , U'h'a WondnJaMr I . ' Mi Jhnin of Md. ofC-red a Keluno o! liici liWoer one day nnder ; the role, colling epH. tb- Secretary ofoSe tury hi report to ih Sennts wheth r any fuud ol'lbe eoeernment ba ben,.renihted Intra the Atlantic Stwes to New OrluanaJ Of lo Uie disbnrsng Offi.-er 'f the Arr in Mesei aince the (l .r September Jl; md if so in w'ia f"ntl. lneY wert ud whether H tpecie, treasury not, bank Bate or bank 7 Tbeexk&j and- fir win,! rWrrt rvmhletl.iB'joldend Her what ha bee" the expense Ui'lh Girve'rw meut of each of eiifh remittance. And further that he also report o the Senate whether in hi opinioa the SntMroaeurj:, act U h-H calculated to prevent' M,mb m Uuc Goternmeul. in cgouaii g aucb a Irwin a will e rewired to carry en the .listing war with Mexico nd whether U weald no to. ne mir resi 01 1 d State so rrpewf aaol law or suspend iu operation uutill the further order ol Coo I in the liens,' toe 0111 o " mm W'tutdferi taken at; and aTnettded by ilia .rowpdii&ah additional monthly pa 4 Mil 4MllMI '". To aeeewf section had reference to tht' lihd warrant" and the"Vr f ricV wliich-'wrnold allow ito payment - .. . . Optntoton., to time; and ixten!A?f rv ce Were er '," Varied, f,Th amortai of iaiMT Aroooeeil, was 1B0 aorea. : s ; r - A' lionorabi 1 clMeharjfe,' -Outf month artc.TM armfthe war,r.foIuq; tminf for owalha'Wwar Ilia ubataao aftht aarersl amend weiw. which1 were d.irated n ,bn Airoi of; or, Vj 1 ShmiU lo-liliaia,. MernKj Jonee . aod Kwitt of TeiHwaneo, Owdao of New York l)arrK;aCPjVtb.5Wp . The lloiue ailinaraea - without a Oecie- iMi.'" " ' '',A ,! '"'"' ' In tfio jSonaV; 1a.Jyi January I "; , , UrSottere froni l''s JUommitUo on Fttfaijrli -Affaire wportod- a Bill making further apprnprlatiimito btrinj' the' Mex-; Tb kill "' proeiilea 'that : eonl of imiMvunt ticeeediiif ' inrea' ninior ""oT l,,IUr. WP4)ropriBte4 for Ue purpoae uf Jefaiueirewoa which may be incur r.l in Krirfcl jhoaiiiing war with Mex- eh M-a pKHly ai! honorable eoocinanm; 10 h paid utf y nwtneyintha Treau rr n ttbrM appropriated; and l; be nppliw4 wwiar Wd4reeMow of- Pwaidenl of llie L'eiVil St tea, who shall eauag 'ail nrcount 4Vniia penditure to I laid before CoWra aa soim aa may be." : v? t i f lAt Benun. Irin the same Comtniieo M wliMsh ka4 bc.-n referred back the "ten riaom" hill from the House with ioatrue iui,:rpilwd back Uie aaiao witli'aa MieiidoMiol j(rantia 100 aerea of J and to non rimmlioned officer ahd eoldier serViri during fho war. Upiuillua.juneDtlineBi a .long debate fOtf-uiiii wnicn. several awnuonai ainendinenta were "wffVred. Tnero were oomt tiy t vrardl 'MtiM Ueaan Cat lioiui. Berneh'.an4J peiVon the , lattat lie (1 'iiian'bVin ih4 principtrkelligeieht. 'I'liVre wan noihutff perawd ln'he -contro- ety. bottom thing jfpinM smlpanfent Tbo. Ornate Itai iMtroried STf.7Cniooii (tnunhie ( Millilary Affairs) to report hack a bi'l granting, Bounty,LanJ'to' the officer -et the Toluuteer corps, aa well a the aolJftrs in rank and file. 'Mr.iknton paid no heed to that branch of the in . itruciioa ; mhieht. hiJ. itefererice to ofBoers. and ackuowleilged, quita eavat h-rtrVthat but little heed was paid to ! tha uuiptreji a aevere rebuke from Air Be.-rten, antxhet tron y r uauioon woicn noweTer i was only answered 'with an jiausnal display i M-nator; ' J''-! I ; Mr. Benton naa,Deen aour ' trer .$tnce ; his Toes of the office of Lieutenant .General which he had ia anticipation and has been out f hi element ever tine he pat on the heroes of thi Administraiioit all the prottioeal meMUir of . Sub Treaaciy BUI excepted, he opposed on til the meet!n of Coiigre. ' '. Finally at a late hour the amendments ! were ordered to be printed, and the Senate j adioareed. m .U ! - . ' The House went into Committee of the Whot. and hit O H of Ky. addressed the House in an earnest and able speech vpon "the esetUs of ttM biirfot increasing the pay 'r of the aiUdleri, jhe tolonteem erfce and the good 'rendered lo the county . by ; the Army of Uie United Stats iu Mexico, . . Mr Bell made an argument in defence ,f ' Gacral Taylor, whose conduct had Uen covertly assailed in th House; He Bell , offered - an-Tamsndmsnt, , that , twenty 4e per ceot be Ukea ' Irons the aaianee of tUe pitil offieera of the General Jeswrament aud appropriated to the . eel diers, the eame to eoeitinne daring the pre ecatioat of the war with Mtxieo, . . , The matter was Anally referred ? lo, a select committee. ' ' ' I .:Thw Homo look Wp 4be bill making aa appptprihtien for the Indian 8ert ice for tlMvcar erdlni June SO. 1848. , The Bill was read through whea Mr 1 V f cr of New York, moved , that : Ine roiwuii lee riet'iuOii 1 Tlve eoeiMa wae ieaited,' and is the H apaf7ne part, ,fonpirafy . to carry .thwrt dwinirihe Aighi. ,'1 l vThe rawmitreee were aliernsietr 'wi h a J weilwNt 4ftM4fwee,nd .U was the A nidation was' rtrodieed by Mr Ileustae) . alls - 'Oidy fife 4aiauies dfhme UOn ihelilir'hTNyalg meniDei'a resisted thi lol even fiee sninul'S were not allowed, and thi time f.waaoceupird in coHQiing nifraber epva tnoUantbi the Cowuiiuee ri.. , . , ' tht Committee finally nwe without a o,eoroin; and after a eaTt of be Hoase 1 had bcjn'ffone thrurh whhJ and much value . hie time.. iod rood feeling "wasted, the Hoese-agreodte adjoora, y.aa 60, nays i . ,v 'ni V v irtintKtuy Jan. 0 In the flenale, the ronsiueralMio ( of the Ten Kegimewts -bill wae rVauHtel the quetmn being n the numeros pending amendmen s to he bounty land section. i After,, f , lung, and ( tedUue debste, the amendment offered by . Mr Cot win yeskr (lav was agreed to yeas 29, nays 18. . It provide tnaieacn piivai . anci non cemmiseiowad officer aer mg in .the war shall have J60 acres of land but if the full term tor which such person volunteer ed shall nmtxeeed one year, then it is to he reauceu to pU acres omy. 1'he remaining portions of lb bill were next considered, when the Senate adjourned without any final action npon it 94 to 23. "In the House. Mr. Pyaneof Ala., asked leave lATeoon atill for the extension ' of the Kight of Suffrage to the people of Uie city of Washington. Mr Payee asked that she bill : should be passed at thi time jnd the b II passed, yea 1 28, nays 2ft. Mr C J. Ingersnll reported ihe tmkke million Peucf BUL and moved that it be made ihe special order of the day fg the first Mn4y in February. Mr McKay moved tha die House go Into ('hmmittee npon the Naval Appropri aioi Bit. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Ho!me of New York. & Mr Culvei (puke at lengthsnd while . the Utter was peaking of i.e repudiation practiced by MUsisit'ippi,' .-'- ...j. ' - -Mf Itoberri "of M'ns. hert beietforth from a flamo of fire, an aaid with a aientoii aa voice, false sir, 'ti false. ' Miais aippt never repudiated het debtf' , , t MrCulvjr. J)oe tho. gentleman wean 10 say that I speak falsely t Mr Koberts. "Ye ir, ti false. Criee ofcider.order ran through Hull and Mr CuTver anwerbd that if Bet charge was denied, he wuld multi ply smth witnesse aa would make -every man believe what he aid. which wae the stock was issued by the Governor of Mil istippii which was not duly, not paid.' hut bewkad about in the trel and unsaleable, i Ihe debate waa lumultuoua throughout. In the Benete, the consideration ol the bill from the Hnvae to Wreae the regular trniy by-theaddition of ten regimen's, was resumed, and continued nntil, the 'adjeura roeht. .ifiiiii " ' i iM In the House ,'lne bill to issue 823,000. 000 Treasury notes, passed , 168 to 22. What a chiment opoB -the liar-1 money aubtreasftiyy "' Te ptdhtrrtnlt of Mr; Plkt when they spring Uto Mexicau'war vpbn the country imagined, no dnibL that they had achieved a master stroke of policy. . II we may jadge of their calculations from 1 evidence softrtent -tn-r establish . conviction , Jioro, inoidinary cess they counted upon a new and unfailing source of popularity Bad snport in' the martial spirit and patriot ism of the people also upon a high vantage giouad from which, to assail the ;VVhig nut to mention the impunity with which they expected td indulge ia vituperation underthe gttise of an ardent devotion to tliecauseof the country. ''' " " Unfortunate experimetil ! ".The engineer has teen hoisted by bis own petard. The stone of Sisyphus, pushed to . Uie op ol the mountain,- baa not only rolK d back, but it has overwhelmed in its recoil those who lnbred to elevate H. Upon the Ad ministration it its friend tho mass of respon sibilitiea ha, fallen which they had accumn jaied for the overllnow of llio. Whig., , 1 Look at the facur With edminieiraV ti.w m jorit'es ju both House of Congress the demand for supplies to csrry on thie Mexican war has been refused; the Secre. tary of the Treasury find his urgent per sonal appeal thrown back In l is facr With almiiiistrtion majoritir in both House the President' call for a Lieut, General, deemed Jy him and bis advisera indispenaable 1J tbe saccessful prosecution of the . war, U rej etedby both Hooses and that too under circueastance : of deep humiliation. Again, With regard to thai ntotnentou . ouenon u a. floras lie ne lure which shakes Ihe foaadattoes of party organuatwn ana distraeta the national council it i ItBowa that the "mover of ; it and it anosi determined' fomenters , belong to the party which brought Mr Pole into power., Mr, WiLBOT, or fettsyivanta. and Mr Pekstom Kwo. of Mew York- democrat bath, according to the vocsbula. ry of the orthodox are the avowed lead er ia a movement which renders ananimily and efficiency impossible in the prosecutive of the war with Mexico, ' If these check and rebuffs these ob stacles to the wai policy of the administra lion had come from the Whig, who 'ea estimate the vehemence and the virulence of the denunciation which .would have been ooured 'upon their beadsT Eren odor the flimsiest pretexts the torm of tnvecuve,has been let loose, but the outbreak war premature; the managers had been disappointed , in their efforts to get a anffi eient eeprdy of thunder, while the light ntng expiiedjrWi fljh In the'' pan. To eomidetethe disaster the whole magazine of combillbt;f Wftloded- behind the aceaea; ;)' 5Tl"T';f J.-y!-tM ! The eoiittitmn'of' nuhlia affair is trulv atoat iplrcMd , Mexico , refuse all fermj(acMmmodatni o, long; -as oat rmieaare apua her o4 and aar. sqosdrons ia her waters. Shall the War be vigorously pushed on. as Mr v CEnftjieEH org'esf h admin wars 1 ion matorrr h ia thi r two Houses deny (be seqnisite means; the Pres ident eann4 nblaisi sum. lie uem ' 'a Con gres of hi own fheB4-,( A in, without whhoul adeoate financial measure! to lu .... it. iHpracv-.We-r-, iaeee . Treasury netee on asutking credU, i worse hi is ueirable that . so-wetlnag ahouM he done : If money ie not to he fumirbed there seems to be no eJiemative but Ut withdraw dor tronps from Mexico since the refusal oltupplies amounts to a irHmppvat of the war. . ' ' ' iiuit. 4ntt.' . PAYING THE PIPER. Cen. McKay's Military Appropriation on is lor this eestioB pro poke u tollo )WIMg tergeamoontsa ' , 'Army proper,' " Veluu'eerr, 'l Nvy,fc" ' Indian, , -. tM 13.373 8 21tr24:t 00 8,20.204' ' ri?932l Q 839,ft te.2:li 81 a.SMMMw A SIRONG POpil,- . It is said thai at the famous pwse.M2 lo$i .AAro,,beiweea Salttlto and Mon terey, four thousand Mexicans once repul sed 40,050 Spaniards. Yet thil pis was derted by the Mexicans,' upon the pro pert of sa attack bv half their . number of the, American, If the Mexicans wi 4000 neu performed such prodieies at this pass would it not be impreroableV" in the hands of Americsn of 4000 against all Mexico combined? Jiiek titpub. ; AliODELM KSSAGR. Tliere have been nmuy poima in lite former course of the new Goewrnor of N. T ., which wd could not ndurire, but his firat message ia auch , a tuodel ol brevity that, but for bis rndicul opiu ionav we jvoald like lo $pe Jiim ruiLfor the uext PrwWertctr. i .no- Messng of our Governors itnd Presidents ore tisii nllv from seven to leu columns 10 length; With some uovemor. Uie numerous and .diversified interests of tlm .Knipiro Slate, and the reflectioiis lguggeted. bv ttiA nrlArtf i.n srvT aa lidtrfp . t as3l il 11 1 it ' tyould have. beWniado to ortiipy n whole newspnper' ". Governor , Ypttiig. howevor.iuirtiortKl honor, to hi iuumi, has imitated Ihe laconic aiyle of Gen. Taylor, and aaid all he lind to snyiu two columua ah4 a , half. llich. Rep. TEUItt m latpotoxr: 'A most disastrous eatasiroph occurred, on the Reading Rail-Road, about ten miles from Philadelphia en the llth. A train of empty coal car Were being taken up when tli boiler of the Weraotive exploded. five ra aember. I h body . -v-aj in men was blown ix hundred yards, and the engine wa ahaltcred into a thoasaad pi cm This is the third locomotive that has exploded. The Treasarer ol Pennsylvania has giv I en hotice that ihe Interest of the State' will continue to be punctually paid whi n due despite all lb predwUoas of lh eioakar THE REVKNl'R. -The receipt at thu New Y".k Custom House during the month of December, 1841, mounted to 81,182,403; of which thei were in Treasury notes 8140,078. , Iii De cember, 1845. the receipt were 81,070,. 488. i ' -r'' ' .; A Rtnchinun'CVM of Guii Gotton.K lata Paris paper states that a gentleman in that city, lately committed suicide by cram ming bt mouth full of tun cotton, and then touched it off with a cigr. , ; A FRACAS IN tHSJ CAMP. , W regret to lera thai a v difficuhy occurred between 1 Captain Long, of the Rowan volunteers, talioned at Charlotte, and a priateK named Shaves, which ' cams near resulting in toe dea'h 01 th. former. Shaverv we-we Um baiug jutdmt. ihein fluence of liquor, became riotoua, - w hero upon Cpt' L. inierpi-si-d to n-s ore order; Shaver drtjv Itbowie knife and inadea t'ck at th Captain head, who rviciVf d ' Uie blow op bi arm..' sliUng a little, below th houlder pealing tbe flesh J"rom alts bon4bwn to the elbow; a second blow was ben aimed, which the Captain ward, ed'off with the other a-nii, ' not 'iiUvei without ree'eivinff horrid giah. ' - Al this jnncliure of ffsrs: Shaver -wst rted ' by some of the men and lolled 1, the ,4u ly weapon -We learn that he(haj benw a milted to Kowaa iaiU s r. , t ' .v '. .y We have detailed the particulars at titer were narrated to os. ' ;' rZl ? Mt nCktottielt.i! The packet ahip Rochester, arrived at New York to day, bring date! fruat Liver pool to the 12th ult Tb4 awptditieaj new of interest. Previsionriot , arf begining to .lake place In ', Franc--ib scarcity of food becoming very geacral, 'Xh Overland. Mail from ,; India and China haa been received ia London but H bring nothing important tbeie ha : bet a no arrival in China hum the United Stale. , At Liverpool 00 the 12ih there , was an advance in W beat of two pence aiee the proceeding Tuesday. 1 Ftoar had advanced six pence, American selling- at 14. to 83. and very ml quintity in market, .' y v j ? Corn is held at 38. none in market,'? ; Twelve thousand bal a of Cotton anld at the previous Saturday ' prices J t4 higher. Upland i to 61, Uriean 4 to vW aaderalaad, (ayv en exchange pa pet.) that an ingeoioa. Yankee ha pbt op saw-mill which i driven by th fore 04 circnmsiaBcet.: - at iU H : -i Huzza for tht J ankett! Ii i taid that the invincible Ar.b chef who 8t l'r many year named tne r ranch gengral in Africa, b) ceompsniod ; on, , ll hi txpeditioaa by .e regular down -eat tdr, a NaatHcket man, liolly deaeeaded fMta old admiral Coffin. He sport the Moorish dres, tdr a, , magnificent brbt Jay by the dollars. profe mahomeUotora, but old hundrtd the genuine aua) twtn trbenefer he going into bal le. - tNC!DiS tAlkLTlAXk'rryn Wbe. OeeWeeth'. oomeud ... ap-1 1 .ZZlt JC'Ji When GeaVerth' coaxaaud wa an- prMMhang, , tialiitla, f and were about three I sailea il ataat frvm ihe citv.tour eooiie wo rub. habited iu American Ureas, were arfe stsuthog by the roast oi Cunosiiy. tan hiH te know' w he they : were, and t-iey received assry a gailsnt salute the troops paaeod thews. At last aa ' offit e roU ap le ee who they were. Thej iuforincd I him that they were from New Jiey,aad ' engsged ia eriotohdit tne Itmale operatives in a fottoa and wool U-n factory bard by, aad expressed, in W rooree of .(heir ' conversation, a doaire te hear "Bjtin the old National 'Air of Yan kre Uootlle, . . 4 . HI . THE SANTA ANNA 1NVESTIA TION. It i to bo hoped (say ihe Philsdelphi Xorth American) tliatthe resolmion offer ed in th cenale by the lamented .Barrow, in relation . to Mr Polk'sJ intrigue w itli Santa Anna, will not, now that iu orjgi naior ha been snatched from the scene ul hi Islfors, be forgot en. f he honor of the eoiiB'ry and the riifliisnf the people da nund a full investigation of the entire tran ' action . YYhht is admit' ed, w deeply and darkly disgraceful to the Administration, and whai is believed ia still more so. If an ou'iage so high handed aud extrao'di. na y le ermi led to pass without the solemn ie,irehension of the American Con Krexs, w't public oflenre bertafier need fear renibutiont, -'The Administration ihut acknowledges the ceminission of an act of somothing .more than moral treason, and al the same time dures to charge all Who censure Ihe crime, a alf.irding aid and comfort" to the eneniv has no claim upon ihe forbearance ol Coiigrcs. We d not desire ti see the President atraicned for the wrong; but w trust that the fact wilt W ascertaiwodV and history .vindicated.. r ttKYBN UK CUTiKRSr,- The Rt veniio , Cutters Polk add DihH hsve t en lemporarily transferred to the Navr Department, and are lo join our na val force in tit Gulf, , , .' , , SEVERE CALK. ' Ther ha been a gals Troy, N. Y., wbich blew oVwn ' a part of the (Minion Foundry! killed three workmen and woun ed seven other.' '. ,'; ".VV ..A-rH-.A LhRIsK SUM. The apprupriatioa bill already repar ted to Cunrras, aays the BsliMmre Paul n c-rtii prise a sum of over 8:3,000,000, HOW MEN SHOITT.O TREAT WO " V - MEN. s . " ; ... . -A Persian foetie Hie. IbUowlng m ttruciion on tbi important .paint: U hen thou .art married, seek . )o pleas thy wife, but litfen not to elf she say, ffoni man' right id a rib ws tsken lo a woman, aod never .wa there e en ajrtl,r.i"Uo straight, r' It breake but bend not. ftinre. Uien-H 4s pLain that crooked is woman temper; blame her not, forgive her, nor let her anger thee; correction ue. a it is rain to straighten whatjs crooked. ' -.' RECRUITS FOR THE ARMY. ' If t said that six eonipsnie are "organ Uing hi Baltimore for the' new army, th bill Tor which, i now before Cenriee Pouylvtiis.ia also moving for the tame purpose. ! -f :s tf. .-,' t SENATOR' FROMT LOUISIANA. . . Mr.8oote.a dia'inguihed oistor of Ne Orleans, ieepokea of aa th tacceator of Mruarrow; f l: .i. w. IM POUTAN DECISION . THE JEWS. "V The (rineinnatj. paper , tai that the1 Supreme Court of Ohio have decided Birutiisi tlie cur of -Cincinnati' in what I ha been failed the Jew cas. Th Court uecwresui oruuunoo 01 tne uinemnati Council, prohibit iog trading, bartering and selling on Sun&y void to . tltoce , who conv'ienunnaiy ooserve tne. screnui .. uay of the week a tb Sbbalh.M ' -1 ' ;totBUIa?b,4t'UUT..V-4 On IVdn-sdsy evenlnr, 13th ' Ib.' by Rev. J, Doll, Mr. John Hlscknsll. Jn to Mi L"ui, daaghier of Genl s Wm, S. McClaaahan, all of Oxford, N. C. R1ED, ..... , j In Franklin Cnly, oa SalartUy ISth; int. Mr Dtrr Jonetv ard about- 417, The event bt oit very worthy cit'net i Mr. Joatf, aud ' bl aeighboraVad If leBwt " "" ''"' nCTWfirafla.. tB9rieau C9We are authetised to annnance D. C. Dvnucf . a a candidate -'for:' coaetable tot tltl e ty, al the election "lolake place on Saturday nexW Mr SttwaaT, the present incumbent, ;we underttand, i alio a cnadi.-i - .? vZ ' t - TEMPERATE DISCUSSION, ; On the Wine Question, will be bad ou Wednesday (27th) evenmg, H o'clock, at the Court House.-vixy I J 1 Will die inereareof ytueyanU in our roonny prove detrimeoiul to t' cause of tempemicenhereinf" Tli affirmatir? ad voeated by Mr J.. f,amsda, of Raleigh, tnd the negative by Dtv S. Welter, af BiinkleyvStle, Halifax conaty. . io t-:. -,. , J.-i ; f ; ' " ' . ' " ' fsV !-"' '" '" " " ! ,Vn1nnvt Hegraee far tatla. mrjBUAr1T to ao order of the County UT Ctortaf Johnston, etad at Woe, Term, 1814, the auhserlbor, a Adoi'r. r.f David H. Itryta, will sspaooto pabti lo, at ihe Co rt ileoaiaSe)ithld, ehe 1st day ofJaaaery oet, rtla a lavo toloef log to aaid deeoed via Aaealin end bet ehlldfea. Aagelina i valewle as a teed siaoiatrr aad b gi.I. 0. IIBVAN. AdmV !0fe.tb.a4l. 'ft0- IsjiUr. ur ,h hie. m mm mum iLmAu h l-ri 4Vf. IU ! m s-4 a- . ' . - lisoe aeiM fmy tut " tars4 J 1 risut mtmU m m) sewU j 1 f , r. PHItUF. . isi-tt. it4rw-,.,i : - ' , SEALED PIIOPOAAa.9 WB to recei ved at Uts mm ef the UompUuilse ef PoUis AMMIs entil lb 1st day May neat, - cLmi the Ct pi'l Vqiiam with a troesaf u sad Inm, aetmnlina to the plan and usciSrtii-n tomua soMniNstl; bsmI ws hs day stor testeer to. tbs CmHMiMMr of Public B uiUinp will oja orb ProfMiMk, aitd tot U n tract for ihe serrtis t lh mrkaMrs secMding to lbs prsvisioas of tbe . . . .. ... . . set 01 iaw wvnersi amwhimt u reesni sent, WM r. CUI.I.I.N. 4. J'ublte Kuildlu, J.b'j SS, IS 17 t 3m SfEClFICATIQKS, Of tlwauanKtia which ihe Fene. envloti I the Public thuara. in th t'iiy of Rlih, sn skicli t! Uto lluu is erortoil, ia to Ua ku b. Tli Fsoee to be Brail- of slooe aad iraot to ba a fowl and sntM t Hinilalieo of oo laid ia stnoig Htn SMriar, IWnsalh lb utfuor u' Dm Saith, aa toeome aptolh tWl of it earth a wniob is lo bo ofoeto a sotul,'dnMas t, fciotw eopiof , loetv mi hrs bih. and siiteso liiedoo wide each man to to eight tf-t wkoV-lkStUac of lb fcoe 10 ho af east irMH.tns panosltla to bo and o half fvat kith, Avsinchoosoil a tialti" ilinnxtsl near the lao, anJ four i,'ichs aod a half iu diauieler near lb top, as ba ia th drawing- lo W hol low. ntotiJ. anil flu'd,wib aa. omamcti J hewa in tb draWiitf. 1h trroail Work r.Mim on lb stuns cophif to be one 'oat . bltfH, a4 Ih rail of lb Ne-il work at each end lt iki h sannal posta, aivd the bp rail let Into h paonvt posta sir Ih tp rail to b S inch witU, b, of aa inch thick th top aiL of Um IrouU srorlu oa which th uprihl ioa sot, to b J Inrhes wiU l.y I of an inch thiofci lbs lurr rail of all to b t indtoa wid bjr of art lorh thid; the ap right rod lo to sowar. W iiKh- m diro eri to pssa ihioufh th top rail, and rsat th up(-r .,.t!,l,oXlhAJfer.l'. SWjI. JHjdJ ,t , , Into. oeket,; ,, .5,1th . tli edir vf ih rod or snato t-i th Ironi. wub an nuHk ihansheww ht-thrdrawmr- In .id of ewk pnm.i post ihers i to to n n rod, ugif. Il inchossqaaro, lo dm lroa Ih lop of ih poat, and to to Crm'y and Mnf . ten I io th stuns eoping. I bor sr to be 6Dw Upright to in each nl. 1 her ahalt to tear Umogai frttntlnt h hot on'raxeM of ih tUrnt Hoowwto to lwl twrl wide koiwe that gato praMar th gate to to filing gotoa lb gal po-U a id lb goto to to high, v than ihe to'aoea f L-iie, aud in rrt.pwtiuo tosh soOr aad ")" oaes) g' poaiaworwarastitiil Uaan, ih fraaa of wuaieh m to to ' iron, th oide ! to o r4 kh isinglass. Thtte.ieo,liig to tonioa baa ui to tonioa rdlruaolng ooitoa tors tot tot lid mmH I Ih gal ports and gnti toa'torr . ayrr.'Kr? Tv i. iiTLri.T3 torn a ih tolanos ef th tWoi 1 ItotoofeMi iron. .weepttof ho 1 InaMM 01 in posis ana ' oesn uTdAoiae 1 to see ia the C.wlrubVr's DiQo. Hforawawt to a 10 1 xsmiywrf uimm. It Q LRU TOCIiV V E II W IF 1)41 E I utr temetlj f Worms fhUrssasdy brvoroth Oooofrba Sanstto WtordHMuy over aasd. .... It orv aoll rradtmUt OneoM rv wl, sr sWIrt. al daO.-...T Tmat psi,b by ohwqi oiiHuot io nsi bams liMiia. toat ilHir rcuoii i auntd t Wbat.imia aM ripmnibility . ibea rr-stsapoa lbs rNt obt do ant kaoo, aod ito BWor obo doss o Hodcetlaiid 1 lb OMpUinl wbwb IsoiB. triniag tboas orMrso towers f Ida A)'dnM - " . WM bol I bJloat t wit v.a - Tk Mr lfiia Gto M vrwilago, ohjah will to tor 4 rj gned o"ibey"b tHtaorm., sad d lby toi h ill destroy and vrbdo to Iboas I b a certainly "d aesetaion sroty aoaai tout -f f It nhoi bara, -Im Ma.lloal talal or Ih troogt dolt.' Ttorw t BO" asofory or naai'al toB Mtriry I, tlKbudsof OroM woeas 'jdt sod IheraOMdr ta wattoaa ooee-tho tb dm a. to a of n loaeag, bl rely epaa ibii. Krry porsso olir b ooorlaaod 00 ooo trial, Umi a ia ib- most peff oar ever towMod ti -:: "Tb lointeas sal ihat this vcrmilag has, is a 'sera 10 af its v.tu sad Ihe eal hoatoat 4a wbib H I held by faiaiiWc. - It would bv ouh to sipoo In l poblisb volara 'ol. ' ortiaa Uwl bate toa gea fur tbitariil. and tho aw r fdaro reed to tprcad lbs ao to alt pee Mat whoa 1 ha. thiatt asav bo boatlld by it. - c a SMk a il in all faradi, aad yna IH dd ' daiv tn tone follow oreaiarva, aad tort -and of Iba aprnai. at all goad ,, aad UI ri soar rtrd ia haavao. ,'":, Wa call on all geod a'tisao I auk ktoob tha ,gaaof Ibjis wodrll rsotody ) j . N.o Ymk aad sold la Balaiah bi P. Y PE'Ct't), " . ' ' Only ,itnt. TO ALL 1VH0 VSK J.EATBEH IS 'ASr svw w eTf vta vot Leal her RestbiciV A New ChcmleaJ &toeav-ery. Moo smwdIo koo rhat tkma and Hulas ar oo oortod ioao Law bar by sao ase of Vsaoia, sdsaatod ftaro sswain taaeasstii ,,. " ' -U-j-. , W too too toeao aad. tongtb of tb Taaoht I wro out, loatkar baaonHSs dad, hard, drr,.hritW, Mkt d, oerd oHb oeoai, tt. Tht all fcaow. T raatora, lhao, lira, aonoaas, saalataass. atteogth, naatbas. awt raaaaro nH .rost,) tf Or bleu re, reetote to Taooio. '.'i.Tbss sobonass lb iibao aavor mm reeetveoto aoanoil linMt bat iba obol fWiosaotkae torooartb-to. Ha On1 7Vio, obiab panotrai lb alitesl aad bardeal laalbce, H h boa ba woty nr to oaa, and il B laara ea4 iy wBk fb gera, it imparl al ooo Hrragtk-rbal laottoely baaradlhlo OMtd'Oooa. '- It bnaa 1 Bbo new toatboe. to a rupsita, whh o dtligbHol oft aaas aod ar liak, od toaaoo oil bwoWr ,edoWtaly ad , parlaatly boperviaoo to water, - aartaMlerly boots, dines, rarring lupa, tomeav, baw.'-iark, and in faat all tlntigt mla af toatbar, gi'Wg a ip'aa did paliab, evao kobartbao now toatboe baa, aad af ' 77ie7r ire Faeliu i The who a 111 may wear rid -he, s, - grOaa with oaeas-riile wilb aid sarrMgo top, hate ld ha mom and throw thee aw, haU owd-hok thby Ibrniwlvrs aod all abool- thcio, sped daobl what hi oeoaaaary lor- mlatas of- laalhar lo taaie bean's annleal, tor wbsl we ooeo, W Ibcw aoejadNMO aea aa Mroag ihat tby will - oa IrV aa dlaaov ry. W have t-o bear to oak of ttoini I bay ar lb grooms aasTsurs, we bag obdys eastom or po"ago '-i p-,f... t . 4f....vr 1 Now. ftotlensea, pteasyoett!"' ' " - 14 la Italelgh ly P. F. PEICUD. HAY'S LIltlMENT, ' ' ' pon vnn pilco: Pita ffeatoally aoeod by thi rtaio raotodyr Th tal of ll.l arllcl h tteadily toaroaiiag, OSOt hbstaadiag tha weay aooioestolls eat op n bnita. ttoafl. Iarojwoblod wab Uiis dMraastnc aaaiptain, dalar that tbof Waold oal to eUBoot thh) rvoraton bvaWir too tor lb oria f 10 taoa. vtTboooblM w,lb aabVael that tbia I the anly to wody-adbred. tbaaa bab) In reality any ifatoo obwaVae. : la sdaorslasjfs fe I knew, eve iy ami tj haaji h lb4.lMoioi Jto lw svae .iMm4k'mp ' ?-l75'' told ss Baic ifll "H4 - ll, I MI. t llJ,S. THS 8UUTHKMN AND WEiTEHN " LUtrary iIeiwger.7"a.aio,r Keviei; . : ' -, eU Ia4,7j!tlr it-v rThtoi a UasMbty Magaaiae Wvo vd to m J doparlioeal of Litoialui aad ho k'U Ails. " Il 1 th union of Btniroa' MoVmoeroaoad Vf , Urn Moitiklf Mugmtiut af ArtyMto!" of Nrik '' Catellaa, with ..' vi .t ." -Tilt; svOUTHKRN UTICRARY aIIS , - .S.GKli.f'- - ..H I :Th Messenger baa tor embliaJtee :,Be4 iba TwUs vara, asweh loogar ikaa apy oitv r ouibra work evot iiid, durtog wbiclt it ha tnalHUiiod Ih higlistl rank sotOof AoreT PiioJiol. ' Uadf il ' heW Ti-ls U It : triv 10 xu)ud lis fain hud MfiU4 ; i lis ' Contributor bto'aaru:ooa,whraBg Pnifusaiunal and Arasiaur w'Ums mt tho (rat disp ' uuctiour sa Utat Ua paga will to tlUI .uh lb choieeal aaattar, uf grvat vrtoy,och a r ? J KEVIK., UI8I OKlCAl, AKUUfOGCC PHU;L 8KB I CHE8, NOVELL. TALES? TKA VEI.K, EJJ8AY. POEMS, CRITfOLKit and Paper on the Atr. navy axS OlilEK MAinOMAL BUBJEOrS, f prtl FIAllOXAU aUBJEUTH. Vurti o C.rir,,W 7oAr r r, aclu', lioger'ard Rew'aldrTaJsM - eVd. WhiUthsWlc seUtotk and conndenity iwA to ibeot to ovftn" rr,tr iiw4v airooaK to rh only t.hetory Jooibal of toog and bigh alaatHng, io alt ihoir w.oV a-Wdi4i il ia ol secpno', having atoay cireoluttdai lo. It in ih Nona and Eaat, and aimed at hniiolug" a HIUHER NATIONAL UflAftACTrK ur t'eriodieal Mtera'uro. ;J THB THIRTEENTH VOttmB V f Will awneoc . 00 tb let of ' Jtaoatv, Itsfi Jkid aaittor pain ar aspsa wilt - to sparsd to uwks H suMuWi iy wurtby of pairoaag. Astoag other thing, it will eoaaia t , HIBTOBY or. VRGIN1A'"! -and Brraasyavrila wilt to aad titpntwht 4 . rorular and early supply or aooee or NW-Wwrt an J odier Literary lnteiligiiie. OroWI 'f 'ihe 'ftcwt"'t work estt to.aeni to-at seVJ.'L1i.,tr 1 Tbs MtaneM sod fUvtow ; a pobtoai as saoubSto ibr. -j Eaeh Batbf aoolaio .. tors thai It torgo sapsMoyai pts, s4ft oa good lyp, sad io tho ";bvt rsaaauef, aod on pstor of lb at toaaiifol wsUty.,! , wl 'Ti'idt t, Too MoMigar end Kiw U mailoi a or boelia trat'd -of every sag : toajr.. Twstv stbar saato a viuawaa4 Jha prio jf -uorfiioa is ft per voluaja, o'feeirso mimmH Bw will Ih Work to ant l ao end, Siulaas Ui aJObkb aomnniod with (ha cOaA.rrTho r - r - Jr - T.t.ll 'r ",l-cHW t-wi jassMe taking irmjvidrao of the tut aad I . t k . t - - - - 2! o7o. owT 1 . ... - ' . . . .. ft M. . . M . . wnaii mmj ao raonuvo nnai at ro MMes aoMdot th prt law. " tf sarertt''ii Ht diioetod WWmmm fiaesd Vfor the trA'aamtor f a oltimas boen poblohod, it wUi to taka 1 woatlaai' (eotoe yas. V W. rV . 8. Any aa ucl"a u t f0 coreeht blD, at so., . lioi. w ih am of Plv Nw Vaberitira, hsli oi-rlv i;copisQf tUI Mssngr an) Ui ' viw, far e year. - - - , ,r-r v--r . f. Th aiulual obBgatlne of tb tuWubar sad sobaeribrt, ft ihe year, art ttitiy . toeorroj a a as ih Until, of th vo'uta to ts'OsJr and. af. tor ihtllro,'ao ' disc ntlrine of d aatotriptloa wilt to inoitid' Nor wB aiv aohaeHmfc b diatoaiiaoed wMt any thing remain ' do tbrraua, . BOlwoal th oirtioa f th oiitor. " '" " , , Editors poblwhing ti-a prospevto. wilb iko- romoanyuit eooditioo al IraM uirro limes aad noticing II editorially, Drtor lo IM 14 Of rMry. 1847. wdl to fuml-tod wih tb "M-snr aad c Ksi,M tproysr. J TI ... ..7.,. - ... . B. MINOR, -' ' ' t;M' b -' Editor sod PropristW, Richroood. V,' October, IBA. -' r-sUSUS V. WQ0l)WOHTH. . KUlfOK. .- VO.,MI, TOM 1847. . rJ- . .... , . 'I "HIS popular asentnly for roang pee. I - pl commence the ae ond year f Ma Laew aeriss in January;' )t47 It may owlan. gardVd as prrmanently isiUbliahodf aod b-Hh loo sdiiorsnd puMihr, eootursg-d by their pstmie tti. Will sndeavor ool nly to deaetvd th inr log McomiuoM ti jroo.lly ha-towJ epoattoit labors, but to mak ua Cutittt a grader ivarh m g toraoder lhao er The second vefuovs wilt to onridicd with nrtny of ,K ' ' ' " BtHUtiut BmitllitMoUnti.nm orgWaWfiii. ' Tbs dated vigoett. vngrd fr m d Wg to on of lb Brat arttos ia lb ooooiry. to .rn-sB geas,rrly aotpssssj fa lb mC oortf ssffS' atoee. Wbnt compleltd tbe J'ly tolanw ea . .'.ONE HnNDBGIrENdattlSGak" osvoraf pi oss of lb eh east musie. aod , ry (tor basdrsd elae psg.. '- - -1'- " - .TtocoaiMiaof lh SMgasiao ato lo ttoato partorigiaal- It is lb aim rrf tho ulilor loaflord ainaasawn and inalroetioa of the' baa kind and la ib moat plsaoirtf -Maaoaor to Vt" the gltoriir agairwt tr-to aoolt'piy' iwmtivas to virtu -and. whil ory ' Iking oaetoriin io earefally dicarJd, to iruprss tOpoW ' tto Vooag aaiod and h art Iba ao-prorat inportanor of Ihasrath af rftaUiiuo. and tb Boaiiy ;pf o.iitesl rH. gioOV -' ." ' " ' ' ,-,'r -.TERMII Or BtlBrtCntTlON. for a single copy. l 00 I Piitoew opias.lll 00 Foot epiar -OA I Thirty two Jo. i tt 00 Sevon eo,.!, ' ;' 00 forty eofi,- t( J fXj-Poyw srteffy 1 aoVooee, to o rosw.f i v ai" oaevwi ws aiiej osav oi sen asses vss ssea annual. It Is s moat beautiful and oalaibls ok. . and "cheap a la to plaeed ' within th resrb f all.' Prrra. to tain a.oliii,fT,8r tohdia g'dl edirM.ltAOr'imltst'00 moroero. $1.75. " " NEW EDITION OrrTllB BOQK OP OEMS, , . rOK THE HALL. , Par lbs 'oonrauhjiiie- o peiaooo at o-distaneo, . Ih eaOBaba .hao womared too rd!los f On " ' Book' of Oom sar iths tasaiX I'll Ji.k.ino to neat oapw aoosea, eird Ito pota ia jsay psttof ,( tho Uniiod. State a ory U ojK, pne One . ttottar. to woto toe wbiob 4o; ih Irnhbahaa. i1 aoooao touwi oslerae wi I tor aaei'ad t 'to . aahhar'ssd toaKa for . tw ooptot oil h atat r pwssAos? ttnjr o"ro nr. M., Ta' .a,: Crioea. re $!, Thholhioo b totgrsat denfod ' 63" Tha .-iTook . Ot Uauw, snail aJiUnn. and a veo? obrriptioo f IM?, wUI WfurnMrel to? tl-UB -ill pay tw ba aomo hj gOt " JMMlia, n4 a fer' subarrlptinsi. . . . . - P. A., HOOp WORTH PoMUtoe . p..aiBltoi .n. Nomo tOiae, New Voik, ' . bJr.JsM Uy Wkc jotic.t t o 4f ) f- . '!; i tL to.'. is J'.' 0