4 ill xj. - . isszm swiff BuK;Vjr TXEfeB filllttttMld.rt ibt'Ciait House ia H hilrwtfo. n (ha 2nd Monday ia Jawaary It. the I-.1 -wine Irani of fond, or orach thereof M wiIUim7 i)m, tax mul charge fi la jn of IMI at.d 145, jx- ,i -, - , , - . , v 840 Acres on the Wxiffliw Mvrr supposed to llJimJ MrKaV. '" 40 Aerj4iMif to above twppeetd lWi .M,ha.S ii .: ' . '; '!' .. , tdi !..' i 't" !,, ' w, do " ! - - '' Wifak'w, vv. : do -- - - -' CIO do d I- " .- " ' MO- do i-SO ' H8,rtiiW. ei d i - .40 ,S4j ,.. ,. .d. - if.,.:.,.- :: MQ di ea iM lJM Sa-u,p at , . . MO da oa Dear Island d 810 da oath W 40 d. 840, ds.' , vfcivllo abv lb do aa . d do do 840 da 8W' da I'H ' 643 ' da' ' f' I - CIO da 640 .10 iferet ioiruncCarti FieMson Reugbhra. 300 Aetv ih bcira of )aub lUudcn on Brown Mar h. , , 300 Acrtt mo. r ofU being r n!d to b v, a anal) pan of lb Bit urT. mUI b triab , , u Plawara to HtmataiHl. , , " 91 Aaraa Ua awpefty of Jama Dury tfc A. Drytn aa JuntpM Bay. . . . , ,. , 100 Acta A UarrlU da SowW Swamp. &(0 Jbav F, Harnr for 4ba hi of William Riharln i ' , .100 JubnDimaiaty aa aaebaiJ.of Whita Marah. lOO-Ta-ti Marb oa Cum Swamp.: :;; e 200 Tha preprtt ofSarab TbomM an Ui aaat . aiil of iba lrk, 00 Arre In bir afSafab Brittoo or Boja raM,!.')y -i 'fi i !--'h' r n0 Acraa Htmaal N., FUWdaoo. . t "150 Ajtraa Biiriiua 8 Adrf aoo. " " i0 ae-aa. iba properly af W!li Kamp'i beira, yining Wat. M. BalJwin, on Iba wataca of Wbil Marah. , 00 aetaa, Jaa. J. MeKay . Jnlnj William Sib- (-arf, a Iba Oreea Bwamps - ' 00 aeraa, Ihafrofa"? rfAWir. Kinf, -aa) tha 'lOM Hwamp. -: ''"' i '' - '1t aora. tha prnpeHv afTbamaa Halaaeav Mat Pirawaj Kerry, j40tiroba Q. brilmmy. u .'j;Wt it J. WII.LMMMm.tSbWC. Kavl rmTm tm-al4t-9ti ).-, - . r 'T I rn - . i ... - .: - .... . EXEypTiyE DEPARTMENT, J ; t.ltLBioMDcwnAr 71845. y' 1 tWj.cra! 'Order, Nar 21 ... i SByettivfiSr JiUawjCWa'Ch aaAaiiaaiwalAr lMisMlC f5flT AUooo. nailer in f iaelamaiwn of the irowraor, dlad 2lil of MjF JmC fc.n; ie'cGiMral la j. lA,4ba aak wf -J yilctl Slatra bearding to tit laxpa rci!4,, th Ulf ,re,airj of . Ma freaidHU NTCK ia HCatM air,Tliai V,. gagimaiitof, V-4iiilaer I'ifantry m trquii. f 4, tMara tbrviir lA''p'wiJl IfiffcajM, lur aaaaar aeAayyaa;', ia,..,...,;.-;., nTa Uompi Jc..ineoainf Ute Jitrmcf t Rf;i. . iMni aiidbpaa wba iba oiuntart4, but wcra) - aoi JoltalK7 aatjiica, uv by a, Uaneral Order, alatail Nembef. J 9lh bara infiirmrd afiba afatfn'Mbioa, aixl be been allowed , pre- " lerraea in, fuming tbapreaent qne and, 'n rtl (beaa, Companies rbahall rrpaat Ibcawaira raady lor duty ia raaaoiiaSIa lime, will, nawu b fCpia .Pt toproviilo aifmiiwl delay of Ui Mjirtiriipxenf, a'erj ; Colonel ia JpHmmand of Rf Kimeni in Iba 9lal, wil, ai M aa practicable, jl'ur .lbe raceipt of ihia Order, ennTena tha men f aucb BrjHmerJ, and al tor Volutileer aceorr utna; a Uo raqnUi lin an , maUe, Tha Kireut Mill cpneiat of . a r arw .t.sC;'loijal,. Z , ill anal Staff ': i . . N1" -' at. . ha V'V i a t. ditio of One of the Corn ea, bai nut In ad it ion '. a-Ormitii'a'ion rJcrgefot Majie, . 1 Quarter Maier "rrrranl. . d sue 2 friaoipal Mnaieiaaa. 0 comptni, each fa con eietar 5 L hi :i .'41 V .ttf-i 'it I JHaii. . v t Pwat Llcatenant "- uo ,i , I, Secmd LieateaaoM, a til.. 'a -. 'tf ajorponda, . . dl 4. U ,,4,, M.i'.iciit.ra, . ... , .-.f6:i T-.rf-. . 8J Pr-te . . ., 'K aitmpany. 4Bie-r will be ippdntM in Jba .Mi.ner.lu-r'ifor) made known, and the Pj,U;rior. ieiiherjiy be.Uiwemor r it ouch athermo-U a the'lH-ga'aiure my prcaci.be Tlir tlti i of kit? - poinpany, -which may , be eTph-nst alwi, avrHiarmtliately report . ytfw fCI trlll kjr i ftntunrl of ibe I; !Oany t, ., ) to be in r. adiue, tut m rrbing to Wilmlnp ..JiMlbeplJtc f rerolaiMi'l afpornleOby Ih War IVpartmeflt, attlia tarNrat day praeticalile. 1h, A flapr.ls wlileh aliall, comply ,;4tii the rerji'Wtion and rrport ihemeha arcot- d.Mly. a-illba recaiverl. awl the "fficra pfeiwb jv.a iH take Knt."rit according jthe dateof lu tu fco4 fmP eet'm'fi,tl .W 'lii ejoinoil .a t all a boin it nuy Cuncern. tlit tta ctaw may, - ia rilL tba r.a'iirrment of the tonaiitnted antw- itara.iiJLlhc UhIoh. without delay, wl iSat (lie . K-e-iiBnt mat ba in rea-linea to amrmrkation A.jAltM, aHiritt neti4.-- Tie nider f Hi KtccU .0 JC5i . - ,WIWAM A. CKAilAM. Kaae. W. IUr w.ni Adjutant General. ' -, - - - " ' " 2 : NEW ALMANAC. t'j lulMri, and tit Sale at the Star Of -aJ Am aaiLtlia Anettitt and RommNMim 5 tore . nTBT. . TTTTOITrS. in lhi Cilf.. ' L .aaiay'a nraliuaARiitCUllurnl Al m tWJr ' .. I eimtBMij, bewde aiiicb rlaahltt mtif f e the huabandman, tne & the awut aUlUtical informatron ,Jt fiif l t ceeea'iaat r leranca of profeawoial and "bavuaa men. aaewlotes. iu. ka 0h1 itl be fe't a y aaanwiaa vary aatsp. ; vv WagkrwJi,44lv atiilii arVnlasMa HwarrtMa fas' ial , nUHUANT40aa'ardarwf tbeConnl vXrCmAaf JobastOtv insda at Nov.. Term 1810,' rh brihsr, a A4m. a-f Ui n 1 If ryaa, win arooasfc piMtt ai wvvn ' "Moot la Bmithfiard; aatha 1st day T Jaeutry lOTnext, ertala klsves Belonging ta held deesaaed "'it; Angelina' aad hot t abildrsa..' AareliM Is vslusbls' U good amtrsa ' tad boose a i . .... im. ." B. BBYAlt, Adm'r- 1V ' 14,1 " o-U - 'aULfiOH. eni, lir lb Al"of Alt kinds of Gooij, tVn irrvr l'roda m s&4 .jjooi Estatt. .J PIio . Washington Hijtcli IX lb say a( RALEIGH, h haltr rest. Posse tsto gla aba tfca I Ja Mm, for tala " - A pair of well-broke, well nialblicd, gentle earring lionet Grejt. , A Ho, a light CARRIAGE, made ia Kev Art. New Jersey, aa -feraes. ' ' tLM, A fev Durham and Dafoa Cat tle, male snd femslcs. r Alao. 909 Dale Cotton. All of which will ba aold low. Apply to SKTH JONES It mile IN r. ol uaieiyh, -y. 6tb Uec'r, 1846 39 4t ' LOUISBURO . - M ale cV Feniaie Seminaries. 'JHB tnd oaeion of tbaaa Scboola eloatd on lat X inO. The naxt aeaaion will eommeara on iba flrat day ot January next, tba Mala Departmrnt amlertb managenent of JNO. B BOBBITT, iba Paaaale under Mr. B. whs will be awialeil by a young Lady Iron Ibc North. In recom mendation of Ibeae school, the public are infor med, that not aa inetanee of aickaaaa ariginatad amongat the Boarder, o' who tliera wait very Urge number, during the hole year. 7rm ptr ttiiion of Jin MoUh$: Board, $95 Titin for !.ati, Creek and Trench, IS Ordinary C"gliali Brancbta, 7 Moi'c on the I'iano 15 T h. Dec. 1840. 49 53t. QT7' Rrgiater and 8andarl three limei and Tarbotoueh Freaa will inaert three time and send account-1 (hi Office for. collection. Plntvbe Natlnnl Dasuerrlan Ool- lery nuA Fholograpuert Fuirvh lav DcpoUi Awarded th Uuld and Silver Medal, loot f'irat.l'iemiuata, aud. Two. Hig beat Honor, at die NaiionaL thftl aach u net i, the New Y ork and tha Pennaylraiiia Exhibitions, retpeciively, fair the moat apleudid Colored Daguerreotype and beat Apparalu erri exhibited Portrait takeo iu exquisite atjle, without regatd to weather. . iHilruetioo given In the aft. A Jrg aaaorinieirt of Apparatua nd Stock alwayt oa band, at the lowrat cab pricea. - New Vork, 851 Broadway; Philadelphia, l3oV.Cbnut M ( Boaton, 75 Couit, and 5 Haaovar at. BUinior, B.ltimore t.j Waa)infaa.Penii)-lania Avenue; Peietabutg, V Mechaaiea' Hall) Cincinnati, Fourth and Walnat, and 170 Main at. Saratoga Spring, Broadway Pari. 137 Vieilla Kudu Tmple Mvcrpoei, 13 Chaich St. .IIILtSBOilOUOU, NrC. MnilB eifrciiei rf l r- & , Mrs., BUR 1J M'RLfS SCHOOL for young U Jlaa trlU Wrietlamai on. eYedoeaday tb Oih Jbf dan. twit. A few boardereeen ba aeeommodated ia in f.mtly at tba prtocipml. i Baatd pa raaaaan, ,-, ;m .,: ., 50 00 Tuiiioe. " gl, li I7 40 M ana on trie Pin and ' Culler, Drawing nA Pafbting, lb Preach' wd ItaKaa mngttagee, will be ot by 'Mr. tonio di Martiflo, who baa lauibl aoecawifully 'tj aavaral of the beat achooh) w .lha Nwtb. , F i .nrther. information addrc Rae.B. Baiwall. HlUhare', N C. s . . . Dee. 14th. 1844 . ,. , 0 4t BaOtrOATIOU--- -mnJ. Jniixips' school, in Wbub U ia laugul aU ih, uauai Jwaachea of a good Snlia ailiiaaiaa. aU aoniwaaaa, abort diataoae rora VnakliMoa UkihM, .KraaklM aoaaly, aa ih 4al Ma4a at Jaouaiy. , l baa the atlt aulagei ol a aioial aeighbovbooH, iaaele4 kealtb, and great MMeliiit nt aoaaiajamiaainM wjih iliitaal poiat of ibe Mia. Hoard aaay be bad ibabaM taauiieaae obeap ar aheapor ihaa hi aar oabcr part at ra aaua tea, aod lb tuiuoai eery low Paraoat dcairooa Mli-ig Ibeir daoghlea I rum a diataae will ad rhwaa Jetrpb Koaraey, Ke,. or Mi. S. P, Phillip, fraaklintoa. . OO, UM. - Jl-Jt. . IICILWAINE, BHOWWLCV, dfc CO. PUIKKSUUIIU, Vs., Are nnw receieuiff than PALL SUPPLY of GKQCF.RIF.S. hirh ia eery large nnd well BMorie'd, ainbractng nearly erery im- clo in their line. - They invite lb attention of Merchanta and Cotton Plautcra to ibeir atock of Cotton Baggiag, Bala Hop and I wine. . Alnaety taiyeanpply of Sole ad ITppei lieathar, al aauaually low irieea. Urilera Iram IL aoanby will meet auk prompt .tnotii-a. . i . PeiertUirf, epl. T, 146, tT-Sm L JRIMP. TlVP.GAIIe : t . i- rcaeieea ay . J AS UrCHFORD. The (irbseriber would Tepecifullv Invite the ttrmiorl of merchant to ht I arre atsortmenl of llaltiinore. New Jersey, and Crown WIN HOW GLAiSSs Lewis, Weather!', Colo's Ailstttie, sns Ulairr WHITE LEAD; Chrome Craea and -Yrllov. Lineed Oili rjairite of Turpentine, Sand Psnmi Clnet Putty, Copal, lapun and Coach Vinlhea; Paint Brushes S-tali r Tool. rAtliis colours and material; lruno ratal, sit colours, ta smsll ean. . - And eonetsn'ly receiving from the Faciories all the above, with a general asMrtmeat of ar ticles asuallv kept h his lino ofbuaineas, wbleh is offered at tha lowest msrkrt rates. ..J. W.M. A. WloONO, a i Ki S North Liberty Stioet, V '' t 'J . ' Baltimore, 4 very aoperior article of Ciobed Sagar, J de - th) falv.riae aa. Hi. Croix tmd Port Ilia Heat old Java CaRe, Laajqira ami Hia do.; , . Prim M'daaaea, . . Mattmd, U -eamd Pepper, Ginger, Mve. He Snap, Ice, iica. V. tin band and fov aare by t ? t JAMES UTCtirORD. "' aajaBTaaaaraawnTa Wotfbff. Clsekt nnd Jewelry. .- .v 7VJ9U TfrBm fmftrre-er, . I lie. ilic.aiMlirv WHm. il atc fully inform th citia.-ne of Ka'cgh thai be ! apea M i Waicb aid Jew.lry Stove on rayelle'li1 Blrewt 8 tLxw llW Meeara. ,V. A Stuk. where be will keen en hand a fi i-nrtmMt af Jewelry and MaaicaJ lilmremvertet end eaxmie w.ara, eirx nt. moicd1natnimeil jeweiry a every sewcrip li"j . a ptly attd eubawriaHy vl madrrata pri r i,i,lenluf hieJill'y giv- t!factloa, M rii vs fry? KXTTOrt ' Ycrtical W ater httlsT 1 - - . - . . I 'M ' . IN oaeqaao af the vary great popularity A wbiaa Ikeae 'Wbcela have kUaiaed by iba aaa al nearly toOOeMheea k 4fr( pana of ina oatnlry, the Oobaavaben ba astd aboail 10V KftiU in Kortb UaroliM, 90 of oUicb are ia full and oa aeaatal operation ia Conabera4 eoaaly- Wbew aroprrry aatrodaaed. I key early dmabU ba vatvw al lajo MHI, end ia ejeaotiiy af wajk generally lr etaeed Iba moat aanguiee eapeeutioaa at ike " era, many ot horn are gcaiteaaea dUlingaiibed tur ibeir eeieaee aod praeliaal akill. waa have al taaad to the value at- iba . laaprat emenl. lb Wbcela are more dorabl. and aaore eaaity kept in order, hra properly jral tngeiker, than lbom aaoa flutter Wboct. They will aav oaa-lba-d of iba water, end run well ia lawk vaier vkca there ia a bead above. Ti.e apced af ibe Saw i toarta ed to mora than double ih atroke per miaale. The priM nf aa individual nrtil. for aa pair of Wheela.i. fJO. .. Wt refer, amtng btbera, 10 the fullowiag gentle men, tome of ohem kaee bad ilia AV heela ia eutra lioa H monlba or auore, and tram araay at ha are hare reeeived aernSaatea highly approaing of tbeae Wbela,aud Maringtbal their bawa, with ibi improvement, aat 1500, 3000, 3JO0, and e-ea at high at lotto leet s day, aaeording 10 tha head a ir. Faycllevills. ' A Graham. Cumberland. Mr Ijiaaiter. Jones. Lemuel Bimntoai, Col Ale Morchiaon. Craven. Cbriatopber Maaroc, Joha Bryant A ie wuiiama. Col A S MaNiell. Lolumbtis. Farqukard Smith. Lot Willams Joha MeDaniel, John Evaaa J V Howell, Robeson, W i; MaNeill. Richmond, lohn C MeLaoria, Dlauen. Gea Jamea McKay, Robert Melvia, 8 N Biebardaoo, Joha L Pairley. Anson. A Baocbum. " Tbomat C Smith. Lf at Ueid, Mill Wright. Itaae Wi iitit. Caswell. John Smith. Ll T Dodioa Mill vrigb HamnsoiK T UarkadalF, Orange. Patrick Murukt. Or Yaney, John i Spearman, I tardy Royal. W II Merrtt, W llarbee. Chatham. INew Hanover. Jamea Murphv. KJol k Branily, Chartet Henry; " Mmiiha; Pullee, .. , - Unslow. Robert Araaa. Greene. H Clerg. AVake. Baxley, r u. Tbomaa Hooker, Lett no. Thnmaa Kooae, twatde many other ia dhTereat parH' al Ibe siai. Wkh aaeh a deterred I v hieh aharawter, tlM tao- Mribeta feel juaiined U orTariagibeae Wheel ta the Publia. Tkev will aril individaal or eoanty righla OB reaaoaable term. .1 bey eauiioa all ptraoaa throaghnul the Slate trem paying any peraual bat ouraelvetor nor anthoriced Ageaia lot (. ri,ht of aainr theae t Iteela lMUI lCK III MILiiWKIUIIIS If van wiak emnlmment. aceuaint VeuraclvMmkh nnuiaetn ibaea VVkeela aa wat naw aitk te employ at Jaaat 10 ia ihia butiaeu ia diOcteol pafttoi ue i SKfe ' - ''' v; -'- - -x-: du:nuan lenr.iui., i AiicHi). Mclaughlin, A. A-.McKETI.AN. V Payetleville, Jaaaary itit. ' 7. MlTCnELL'3 school oEooRAnir v Atlas. SECOND R E VISED "EDFTl O V. sTpHE Pabliabert' of thia valuable work iak iX great pleaexre Fn 'pretentlng to th PaWri the tecund reviaej aditioa tbereof. ia conformity with the plaa pvoaoard in the pre race ta the. first edition, and which will b repeated regularly bare after tvety aucccaalve period of fir year. 1 a utmoat ear baa been bealoweo on tne pre vent edition Th whol wark' baa bee n reviaed. many portfoaa ha .beea writtan anew, and more raoeai atatomenta introduced. Boo of tba leaaona have been remaJelh-d. and atveral new one been added (atwithJut ebngeg "their anrangement. McCunoeh' Uasrtteer, Wilka" Narrative of Ih U. S. 'eSiplerinr Eiprdition,- Pramoal's Tour Wert of tha Rocky Mountain, and other late pablieetioaa,,4Ma aupplied. many , nw facta; wmw tba annexation of Tex to Iba uuion, , the Oreg ro feeatien, tha Independrnc of Upper Cali fornia, and the eettlement af affaira eonarquent aa the termination of the Chiate War,, have imparled new Interest to thwe paru of the rth, and nave all been- noltrad in the Gwgrapli, Ia lb Atlaa, srao,, a thorough reviaiao ba been made, and aeverai new- and aaeful p'atea have been introduced. Of theae,' the Map of TiaVof Oregon and California, of Prance, fpatn, PoKupil and Italy, New Brunewick, Ac, Greece and . Egypt, with New England oa a larger ecale, beaidee increaaing iba number from elghtoea totweaty-eight Map, nave added new inteieJt ta tba Alias, sad rvaxterwd K mora valua ble and complete. The Oeogra..hlcal aad IHatialical Table btre alao bean remodelled and enlarged, and mad la conform, in all reapecte, with th moat recent pul'hcaiinna. Mitchell' rnmary uaograpny n ait oven recently reviaed, and I prevented to tba public the beat Firt Book of Geography for Children extant. - THOMAS, CO WPERTH WAIT & CO. Publiahera, Pbi1lelphia 471m. Just HeeelTed, XV BMALLIot of liobinaan'S eeh-bratad Cli Ladle Slipper. J AS LITCHPORD. X 3 S3-; M 5 m ? ts 8, If V I i.ti .9 S'J 'I' , I tf g i s 2. - S.S I a s S r?:- r, 'SSa IT ?r B l 8-8 H sTW X . I at I -i. -, Baaa S. iJ.J's'S'JM 5 5t ea i i ' ,r i 3 P U . . vl t. J 1 S " " "u- , PROSPECTrS .. . " '"'c'u c try Sa wtrant or i' THE NORTH VAROLINA FARMER' UHIS work iepablubed at the aeat of Govern il laealor th tJtaie. r One yea baajo ad by eince it waa fueaenled; 4o tba publae, aa aa axprrimeat, without a aingl aubacriber. r It new baa g liat of bar bendre aubecriber.' embracing km of the moat il letligent and enlerpriaing tar mere in the State, wba aa only, give their un qualified approbation of iba manner' , in wblcliit baa bean conducted, bat arge aa to ton tin ue it publication, which we' are encouraged o- aa, thousb ila Datronata i bv aa aafficient, aa yet, te pay a fcr oat labor. W ahall, therefore, f coiamenca tbeaecead volume in June, and a new eubacripiioo are eooalamly coming la. we ahall enter upon lb aew publication year, with th bop that by th clue of il, our liat will have Inereaaed to at leaet a Ihouaand. It ia devoted excloeivaly totbe caoaeof agiicoltura ia North Carolina ii conducted by one who baa eome praetieal kaawl edge of fartiiit- numrera arnong tha eon trrbtttava ta iu page aom of lb meat ekilfal And aeeaoafnl farmer iw tba 8tte nd draw it election from lb ableat agricultural periodical ia tba country. It ooght, therefore, to receive lb aapport of every on who feel any concern forth advancement of the great agricultural intereeta of the 8tu aad we reapaetfully aolicrt laeir aid In giving it circulation among the tiller af the aoil TERMS. If aot paid till tha end of tba year la advance, 1 copy, oaa y ear . -Six copiea, " ( Twenty-fin jbpie 9)1 60 91 oo 5 00 20 00 One hundred ropie. 76 00 THOS. J. LEMAT. Raleigh, May 85, 1848. tporlaiH Informatian to Merchants. ill Philadelphia t well known to Und unrivaHed ia i the trade or ' UMBRELLAS. PARASOLS, PARASOL ETTES, ate. . The moat axteriai ve manuracturars ara" ' "" SLEEPCU A FEItHEU, Waa have prepared Ibe la-feet arid beat aaaort- --w - r,-;.,-.--.,, meat -of-,,,v, ., Ever oBered to the MerabanU of. America. They will aot cay they are - the forged and (heaped ia tha world," but they will aay they have the beat aaaorlmoot tn the United t)Ula. ; Aalbey h adopted every improvement in machinery, man- factare mainly by aUam, and have carried the divi- aioa af labor to a great extent, they are prepared to oiler lower prirea than ever before, Those m chanla wba will favor tham with aa early call and tarain their ateck, will b eatirfied. Tbaaa who ara aot coming to the city, but who will treat their order to B. a. pet mail, (ball be convinced: that they ara faithfully execnU d. Every article ia at tba lowest net caah price, from which bo abate ment W made, .j-. , '&maBprrth,br&rttotnu, ami tha- Mwnvaf rm- erree f kmyerand teller, on a orearf ttmle, i th tjeet and kant of this long eatabUahed heoae. -, 120 Market Suetl, Philadelphia, v January 1, 184T - - 63 8t I'UILADELI'IIIA Silk and Fancy Goads far Spring .- tradov-r- .--; r---L . raoaais .x, haixo well, & co 143 Market Strut, Intorm their friend and marehaata generally that t bey have made arrangemenU ta open ewfy in the approaching ba-lneet season,, on of tb ricbett tuck or new 1 BILKS AND PANCY GOODS 1 aver efleeed in this country. -' One af the firm i now in Europe, purchasing Spring Uooda exelu. rvely for CoA, which wilt eriable u lo furniih good in ouf line t the loweH market piice, '" - Jaa. I, 1817 63 1 V. TATE8 COLLECTING AGENT, " V B. Palmer. Eaoa Philadelphia, has eaUbliih ed for hinaaelf a high reputation aa U. $talea Col lecting Agent,' He hasofGceain Philadelphia, N. Xork, BostoB,sod BalUaaors, in each of which places he acta as agent for thia paper and by bia rpompt, diligent and faithful discharge of the dutica of hi agency baa al way a given the highest eatie- actioa, and th best evidence of bis qualification for the buiaineae. Bains aawainstl ikaA-aaaa aaKbaaan Car war oa tablUbiiient i aufficiant ia the above named eitiea, we hereby give notice that hereafier V. B Palmer win be the eny authorised agent lor tba " Raleigh 8Ur ar.d N. U. Uaiette to receive subscription and adveniaeroent. end grant receipt -in tb eilie c Beaton, - New York, Philadelphia,, ao I Balti attices Irnrn r I " H Eitibscriber intends visitinf Rs M.:- leigh in r fast after the holy days to diapose of the following among ether article in hi Una of agricultural ntertria vbv t -t 77 lat. Well rooted Grapa Vine, bait, American PricafromSO U 40 cenUeach, according toaia and kind ' Cuttings 8 dollars per hundred. A pretty large (trppry nf large well rooted fthi kind asi reared by catlings) Scopp rnong vine, , td- Best Americaa (counted by good judge superior to 'oreign wine from 8 lo 8 dollars fer gall. Becoming to quality, come pure juice made with double refined rogara only (aad ae apiriu aa all foreign have ere thipfed) both wUtt a reaf color. ' The former color fines for culinary and other family, and la ter , most . deairabl (or rnadical and aacramenlal purpotea. Sd. Finest kinds of Rhubarb or Pye planU well fSajtCsJa, i 4th. JerQtttem Artichoke from which-more than 1,000 buabel per sera made.) Stbv Apple and ather fraat trees twa sarin South. - r - -. . .. .v. -: '. ' Oih. OrnamanUl traea particularly tb Ailaa thers ar tree of Heaven; the first and moat beauti ful of ehad tree.- moderaU in Mas, BuJ quicke of growth, l hatikful for past liberal patranag the aubacritier ta eneoorages to nop lav conuaacu auppurtsramhia fricrMla aI tb Public, i .,) - Ciu.lbl vvx.L.a.in Brinkleyvill. Halifax co,, N. C Dee. I. '44. P. 8. Those deairoo V MttNBf view oa vinevarda, and temperance ssnssctad thrwithi aadsa other agricultural subject aa tha artichoke culture, Cfe. are reapeet fully referred Is , the Urn- tad Butea Patent frire KepertM year inoi ana also to column of th "North Carolina Parmer. ' ' r tn&m' w t . A rwHE Parinertbir heretofore eiiwUr betweea the I nakaerfWr. aaoVr ibe asm of Cuaa,tlaB- atsea It Tsbbria, wa ib day sisaalved by eve. taal eoa eai t Per UoMes Is ins I'lrm, wis uleasr some forward aad settle Mh W, J. Clsbk, aad thee kav'mg alalma agalaaf them wHI ' plei pretcat ikem lor parmeM. w -- ' MES S. TERRKU. iAaaaaasie -. NEW AND CHEAP FALL XSD WtSTER GOQJOS, ; -JUST AT IIA1VD-. : i THE fubat liber, at bia aew Establish ueat op poaiu the market House, 4 Wiluiington street,' baa ibe pleasure of announcing to tb public, that recent arrivals have placed in hi poaaaarlon. a neat snd excellent aaaorbnenl of Stanle and faner Drv Ooeda. adapted ts the to and Winttf trad a 1840 awsf 1847, and to which be reapaetfully invitee tha at tention af purchasers. . His Stock comprise in part, ibe following ar ticles, aay, Pin and aopertln Clots aad CsMtaiaxe, Superior Sattisitt and Kivrecxr Jtsxs, WbiU Flannel snd V eatings, i ' Fine bleached aad an bleached Shirtings, 44 Cheating snd superior Bad Tkkinga, . Calicoes and Gingham, ia great variety, from 6 lo 85 cents. Cashmeres, and Cashmere lVCoese Robes, .-" Cotton and Bandana Silk Uandkerehiefa, Shawl and Fancy CrsvaU, '' Chssv Kkbsst aad Corroa Oaaaaoaai, Gum Elastic and common fSuapendera Corded Skirts sndApron wbeck, Fine and common Gingham Umbtellaa, Linen Boaoma and Collar,' ' ' ' Padding, Canvass anJ Spool Cotton, - Silk Sewing. Twist and Patent Thread, -' " ' " Fancy BanneU and Parte Board, . V Ladim and GsnUcmen's fin aad coaria SH0E3 and BOOTEE'J, excellent. J , Iariatsv Tsx snd Log Boexa, Cai taio; PcLTiBiiin and BaoWjrtTaik, MoLitaM, Corris and 8jrcrr, ' Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and Segara, Shaving Cream and Soap, Cologne, .it -CBHrA andCavOCKEflY-W AKS. PUwand Cut Tumblera. , - Hosiery and Gloves, Adamantine Candle. Combs and 8nuff Box, ' 4 . ' " '; NAILS aad B U R N S A X E 8, and CORN BROOMS, are, dec- together with many other ar ticles too numerous to mention, say part, or all af which for the Caaa, will ks sold with the greatest imaginable pleasure, on tb most favorable terms, The TAILORING. BUSINESS alao cairied on. To fill up hi Interval of-leraore. from the aale of hi Goods, fihoLgh ha-does n-H anticipate moch aptre tints, och f Ibe Caxavstas oe ais OsnaO ha would' alas moat iespectfully aay, to hia old friends and customers who have ao Ions and ceneroutlr patroniaed him in the day of other year, ia the Tii.oie Bcatxtss, 'ht he is arJtl Drerjared to axeenta in the uectft erV&snV job.' eilheT ofCemso or making up, with which bemay Braat 'twas as as shaeal;T':,'.,;r:-;'r :. JAMES UTvUrUKU. RaJeigWNownbac 10. ,.I8An44-trtWl RENOWNED THROUGHOUT. TUR WORLD : The Popular and well know " . .. LUTItKY rIKM, '.-; - o "J- I EMopr &cos .; Ouposite Oarnum s Hotel, BALTIMORE. MtT. -? Earollsd first oa lb Stroll af farae, Patroniatftfer lit luck, earned s tn aonre ot wealth, ret pealed for ka foog tUnding, aad antveraal- " ly acknewledred tke epeeM agent ot a -the GOUDES5 FORTUNE! Orders from aay aerie tke Union uitbmliy atlea- ded to by retura mail, and tlte maaager'a oBtsial drawing forwarded hamediately to all who - ardee . iroaa una otnae. - , ' CS7"Confidence strioll j oberved.sa . uur uoutiis are traitort, ann max a lose ta goon we on migni win oy tear rag to attem pi. " " Shalulxare. "Now by St. Past the work goes bravely an.'" i.i -t-'j - ensxapeare. , NOTICE TO OUR PATRON 8, ,,; , We will fit ritrtftr Tuket fa say ofae Lat ter tet that ar nJWHaeat bg tk renew lot- . , Urg vender in the United Stale at tk , tame price that thejf adoertitc t . . tend them forward the Man- ' i ' ' gen tjtctal Browing f '' ' ' ! ! th Litter immedi- ., - aieJy afier it i , v ' i diatvit, aaat fe, (. . - ran Jl pottage. , . In the event of a mitiamage of a letter directed to tur firm,- will indemnify the eerrttpondent l th full mmtunt tf the turn that A nclota fir delity, prompln,and confidence ttricttg tbterv. ed. Addict ., ij , . EMOKV & CO. Baltimore. Md. . A VOICE FROM OUR PRESS CALENDAR Combination 40 57 73 prise of, 15,000 DOLLARS . la the Consolidated Lattery, Ctass S, wa lent to a ssjrrvsatonSMit ra Kiabnaead vagina-, vsmkiaa ttlV, prj . . ; 20.000 DOLLARS!! Jn the SHiBebnn Lmterv, No. 4 was sent ' tea corrrsponrient tn vtnarntra, unio. '-vovnoittatnm 19 48 73 sprrxef' - 'i - -:il .t a t S40.0001 A Ii. Delaware aad Oeoret Lorterr. Claat 1, was seal to a awrretpoadent ra I anetser Pa, rr7 Tha above are the three moat Brilliant Prise that have been told is Baltimore since the aew majagement atarned the eontiol -sflh Latteiies, (now one mantta.) aad tk Uat that lacy were told sad cashed ky a .before the expiration of the 40 days, speak a volumes In favor ol the luck aad promptaeaa of as firm. Wt alao dnlributed dumg hat mealb, la differv-at aeetkHia of the anion ao naawaas aumber ol pnsee n mm or Impn-ianea, rag me m amouall (rem ItW dollars is W0 dollar. JPleaae examine theae ossgnineeBt Scneroe m tin paper lor ine mowtk of Jarmi-r, and forward vasa erdescra by aa ey Mail, addreued to . JUlVIUUl Ol, vu. I Oppttilt Bamum't, BaltimrMd. ."" .JANUARY SCHEMES, . . ; . A' JEWEL ''I'., 600,000 DOLLARS! ;: . , 4 i To ba divided among' our Patrons. Whole Ticket 10, H.lf tieleU $5, garter !J tickets 83,00 ctgntn s-itu rxj racaagee oi of whole $130. Halves $65' Quart r 8318, Eighth $16, 85. "-A package may draw this of the 610,000 pitKBf- order early , ts erasure a The SOtb day of January, 14: ahall wHeett mors Ihaa oaa af aar patroa the possessor af $ 110,000 j i SUSQUEHANNA . .. CANAL LOTTERY' r Cinss No. 3 Jot 1847 AT To ImJ drhtfrV Jnnnnrr20th, 1847a BEHOLD THESE LRIL.I.I ANTS. I as(l lrise f I0.0O nrt P-.i' vH I at , .,. to.oufl : I J . 10.000' i lAMW I ? - fi 10.000 I 10.000 A4 a ,t. , -:e,i,.; ytaaaoaaLVdl b'r'-: h iii's, :. Ait I ,M ,at a loaat' M s ' '18. 'SdVo jtvArOOP nrfi . a niio l '" '""IMff w 1131(1 -i, I ,raadPrvne eg t.OoO dtaM.r--fajI.j.,-- ST' A 00 THOUSAND ' lAOU- UK! , Tketstdaad 54 srawar aamber, w,a Tke fc Sib and 8tb dnwg aamberisTfr reethw "Staeui i- ..pir.., - t-r- -' i , . Tkr.ik sib sad mb, draws aa.ksra. a 41 jaatiae4 IOOut , ' - T-. Tbe lOik llih and lie drava aamber wiB raaeiie i ItOimli it u,, h.H The l II asd 4th drewg aa.ker, .-.ill $10,000 , , ' - . Tke lib 8th aad 7th raws 'tram Vet wiH 'rsssiv I0.01KI , t f f j,, i. I The lh 9ih aad lOtb dtasa aumber will res lr ' 10.000 ... ' " ' ' - - - . The tth 10-h aad lltbdrawa aumber will tseeiss, IOW0 l ', ' J" ' -. " : ; . . Making tha most gorgeos Schema . lbl w aver hd ilia honor of prsseating lo oat' patroftt. ' j Ordris are respectfully solici-ed from all la whose bands this paper msy fall: ' ' '" ' Please and re, ' s n f " EMORY At CO . THE NEW YEAR GREETING c TUG PAS r, THE PRESENT, AND THE FUTURE ' Anotbar ioger pat apes the great highway of lk- aaluaklc. ittcribableatiriauU of cxirt ease baa been passed, sad maa meatore years, sad padaally pataeall.em, heeding not ha warainr .'Tmri,f' aa-rnly, aad som-ly p,Z laia-"1 ake heed ye dsaot fake.-f- It isa. ly at we alter the figuret of the year we notice how' atealthily yet aeadHy h MgTeaars aad form Ike i.w laaey of a actuary gradually Bttaiaa iu m-bod, it pnme,aBd itsolifage, still actor seating ia itaoawanl atsrsh. Il is however, is ihete momeal wha tba breath of tbe expiring sear gives birth lo the ratty ierfant, tk saw one, ikat sua aasaaaevea liar a sd,aad wab a soaiiviai glas ia hand, or wore appropria e prr. atk proiperby for the la' are, ttJtpeakaotihat of thspaai, ft is wiibaala ral emotioas of aadiagurted pleassrw, auavled with' rtirsVlIUnTaH aJ4rW bia f Mc., Zv ot whoa, by year of eorretBOBJeaae, ia vbieh has been exhibited, he I proud to ever hot aitdvaervwd aoaSlcBce be aaa seated to be atraaftwa is, bw has eeotratted tarieiwltbip aad aa ttuem wktsh are semeat-jd mke-s Strang bonds be -erer-wverem- IHiring the year IMo. he hta pertutd principle whiab be avowed would govern kirn m all hi , uaasaeiion with lb publi, 1 1 adhne '1 Ukctt a legally aatborixed Lotane. in wbish be pa, meat" ka beca aeeared snd guarai.iied by me State hi which rlmyare draws. Newer baa he i,a-Ta. Z tailed to redeem bia B-emic-ai.d ba saald be tempted lo ditpoao of any, other tiakett wilk aueh auaeem ba bit tffott beea srowaed ih.i managers bblW4soMtoeting she fotsriessmdrhei: ehaige have wired, aad are inssiwlel hf .stbartf apponrted I frsaa toe tame wuraaa eauajly re.pontiUe aod whieb is of for more weight eqlulty leipretal Ms- Tb m tVrsss ditttu -srf by btra a 148. -waa Two Mdliona Bieht HaaiT.es l Thoamad of Uoilari! The aalei lor thia la wa prsirartioasbly large, and man) have met with Ml tuetos. "With MHHmiavthed aM .1 SCHEMES aaatiroateed ia tbaW brilliaa, y . he agaia apiicals to hi patraa premititw the tarn, -moat lo-. ww, wjueaiisjtgeiierauj atoaneOJitsestrUwat, will , Mill follow m bis lootneps, aartrseMecaba7i.lra4 aad lortyaevB willmiaeminatssaioy forge P1I1KKS asm aWAax . J , as a : 1. fa . fnraished earl i-m-tm,,. m itob ijuv. eroers as . aad oe careful to addreaa. , ' - d: SVLVESTEat." ' -.' vrrri t; ... 41 kailStrwst Nssx Yarha ,i S317" $30.0001 . a "I w , i ALEXANDRIA JrOTTEItTfV Ciaat Fa for 1847,40, ba tlrswa at , AUxandria. -I'D. C oJ-Lolorday, U Ctlj)( Feb. 47. nt lyumaeir 4 , Diawa Sal , SPLENDID SCHEME. . $30,000! SlOOOt 1 ol 5.000 , 1 of4U0 1 of 3,000 i-r,4 U-tttV., ,i 1 of. S0A SO tt(fiOO . ; i. . u t i 3 of 1,500 4of $1350. . - .. ., ,: i. 4ar$160. 25 PRIZES OP $1,000 EACH!! i, , Xll Vrlaaa of .SU -k 1 1 40 of $fo0 dollars: JO of 4900 dollar. SUOPnseaof flOOeaeh! ' - ' 'J is of SOdollara.- -iSi... doUars. IWaf OO., j, , ..1M..J(M i ar.-ftPt. i-f:im fec;, j.,R.,Jflrt ! Ticket 0 dollsr,, ?A certilioato; of a Packigi,,al 86 Tickets srilT bo lent for $120Sl)ares in proportion. ' ' 'v ?' f ' v ALEXANDRIA LOT1EKT, Claas C.' far' 1W7 is as srawa at Alssaaof M,. Vi aa 8a ate ay, tbe tub of Feat. U4A,i.r aamksmi .iOdrawa ..Balfotaj unia ZHtat. . oi i.two , - :- ' f ttsflm Ol,t00 I V.i .t! f.i (f :,1 afl Jlf so -100 PRIZES OF $1,000 EACH!'" ueisuu". -.h-.h'Ah. ..vvjo sf gtn At of A&A go. i ats. , Ic. v TickeU 10 Doll.r-r-tharcs iri proportion. A sertifieaie 01 s Package1 af U " Mkeia will be seat for mdoiforatlkara bt opemfc . a r., ,1 .:! - - $35, 2941 n .''0 yao ts-tr ALEXANDRIA LUTTEUVj CItt H. foe 1147 . la be drawo al Alexandria, il. C.aa Stsrday, 80th ol Feb. 1 (47. . '$ aumbetv-U Orasa Ballatl. '!.;), ' ul , .JUM -n H.aTT Grand $35,294! I ofl.MO I af S.ono 8 of 8.000 lo . littjRji-Jta Jfi jp i joo 1 Ol .ai s Jaii.wo i ji n vi:iMii 30 OF flrOOO, EACH,. ht 80f 808,.,, ..,(, '1!( j M . f 10 al 400 SOelfKW ' . " - ' Y00ollO " &c.-' fcu,ci w a ttt.1" M!M" Tiekeit $10 .-tjao. .1 A SsrtiBsaleol a leakage of M Ticket Sill W sMfor I80.dollar; i .Share pro-kit. -.,- ;, fi. $2O0Q0ti f,e ft, . agsoff " ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, XIbm I. -foe , to- bo diawa at Alexandria (l), C.) Satardsy, , the STtbaf Ftb- 1(47. 7J aamber IJ Draws l'-BsIIM. :.'.. iti t Jl-lii.-i jithjj-fc a a a a a-- b Si.oooi 4,000 :Zu. opteouiu oeaaa. , 4 s .!'; .... 10,000 " ' ' rVifoo 1 fcvi '.f'l-v ti lo ;or n.oooBACrtr vo- n-i-J 10 PrmaaofOOOatah'! -'t '? 18 of 400 10 of 150 to t am ! ...... -,a : Ittf sf 80O seek t ' 1 l 3wik (4efafh Vj nt.vvi ins !ijja-af 80 s.i art) 'dVcb a:-;sV'ri aextet ,atsil 1 Ticket f 10 Share la proportion, . . A CertiSasteol a I'askageof 88 Wfo.le Tmkea will be Mat lor $100 bre fa prlra gr,t)iHi"'"m' lAUEXASnHIA LOnKRl",' Clas 8, -fori II4T i lakadtusa a Ak-eaadri. li. C OS laeaaay, R.II.J. rtKiw e. vt. ot Craad ' SaaeSk.' - ti t.fl -rT -. 4112.000 ei .1.18 Y wa t 8)11,000 Ctn lYlfM ri .41 hma,u I si I nf tpta- ,!-ia, saw 'am.'saiW f of 8 'i!vt 80 m e n a . . . c . ate.- tv . wAltmtesaDPackmjyaf fiskat R " rtaeiarMeutro ad la hka ahal he fTitmpti n ajtthrall attended as. Ral.ibe',t 7. 1H6 37 m I 5 5- Haleyh, J.ii. lit, 1147 -Jt- 1 1 300 1,000 sni lee ffJ ?bar m pre pert iu. a

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