XT A 4 : , Z : V , : - : III ID III IHI miM lLk M III llll nil " III lul 11 Iff B jl III aw u f It 1 4 1 I II llll h . I hu It H wJJI It I Ml III BH am II A III (ill II 111 I 111 I Hi 1 III W 1 1Z lilt iBf-kri-itflhi ..a. (Hiiwr, 1 " HI UU IUks'.HppnBlsaBs v bo nia bj.'h una vts IBS' ci tea sw a ca a uu hi aasw Ul illtsl wl W IfeSS IN IS ti s-iis! HfWpa 5 y yj "Ufl J i 2 1 jaiv,J AIT. . . . . ' .- u ,1. nj.'T f FiWW.KXPWiN ' " ' aB ' ' T 9 3 VI T ' - v. IMU-IC 4:11 IO ilil hi . . if 'J ' III. . i. . f. . nl . ! , . . .. - . , i -. , ! . . . 11 i f'.aeava moni4.'-rfartiWnii, tTti,tttCt aaarevticai allocates re a 6t tea tiaat4sa tab imi e eea arrtcTreat Li 'i' THREE boll. A KB A VlAK-li.i.tiM.. 111! i c 1 1 J -Hll('l JO ",.H FRESH GARDEN SEED. WILUAM3, HAtWOOO & CO. JUST eirea, lor ie, iae morn pop- isPAR AGUSOiant J? , ?&t inh(TCOlA-VmrA(i One aV 1 KAra Krij! WHiw uwwi -t RefugeeTof1000t5 l.J Red Speckled. French Laree White Lima ' ' EET.j Early Blood Tprnip , ; ' Long do Unrl y Y elloir S near French - . . do ' . Mantle Wurtiell 2ABBAGE, Early May I . i h York ;v Baferscit . ,4 ! Sugar Loaf Large linle Battersea ' winter Drumhead ' Green" curled S . .1 .1 H M 41 K It . cc l u. u oy. do u ..ill 1 . "-.;i do Globe do-Drumhead do Fla . Long OrangiB AJtrioghani 1 f Irelaie White Field ELERY yhite Solid-,r.i ..j ...-..Seyinourt.SuperV-vjjjj. fjCOMBER, Early Frame H w ,r 'r rTuskatpra , ,1,. , r.-.-rw-iir'iif'i 1 4" t Mpiwuwu j v. ff'4i Sugar '1 'CO PLANTt Purple"' K?Tbc jB, .-latto' French white Head ktoeev' Greeo. Cabbage a;'; f-' ELONjMiong-IslandWatw - 1 . ui- . uarouna . nura ...a,;. inm Citron -NatnVg- '' J l' NASTURTIUM ';V, i tl"i KarljE Sil w Ski rEPPERGKA'SS Carted Otosii) , AfifMf.R-r'.'Tk&iMA Hiirlfld' ' 4.. W f . !' ' - PEAS, Early Cedo iMuili J Washington, ""Cishbp'i Prolide,4 v iwarr-iwanHWM i Tall- ditto ''' PEPPER, fjohgf Cnyene- - " :l The ol4 (stblished House over Forty , .BALTIMORE, Md, Bank ffoU nd Sorsic Kkthnntt effir. . lUnk M ' Ml"Foreigit feollr IKHptl nlM4 ! byEm? kOatattltoaaU( v tit B MOttVto' cah-oMM Lottery fim hi liacta, iiwil jx(.ili 'y hal obmbm k, naclM B0 oa of IMf lauKr6ni iMctrni tbt art daily prfegiMf (S W II my J to-wmr. 4a Mall tiiMS.Ui aaa4t .lhiroH,ala4l. Cl'erl Mracf, btUpf 10 wait oa all who for Iheai hn tr. 4 n -'J" CAUTIOM. W wwoU aol rf emtolljr ra apiai manauaateaii aha; a awf al lvfl a4dHbuiafinif luar ,iKM0RY k 0 B.lu Wore, and aol to tuy liwlfirtr hi tnj,' itiroab aialtie HHMMek, rrprtit kWnlf ekkar aa'-Miif or batofiw. ir ambrr of aor Sna. A SbaErTamao.tiUaaiiokT oar frirns . will l- aecbr prompt aaf oafldcnliil rlly t ikalr l0ri .fl i'!.''' ft. ; Emory t Ca teab all ptitct told fc iham u GOLD. Vir-Sifl - ff . ' . " i -... EmofT & Ct. ba. M,i mot f!?J llialwl lo nnaihi lha er told ij aajr lea vaailcrt kubeValtetf State- 1 One prise of ' " J' 40,000 dollsMfone priifr rf t3,000 1 ne prin f 16.009 4olUtM t S pfie of I0r 00Q dotlafa flra triaei ;f 4,000 ddllftn! teirtT1maetH-lv00O teUartt-Atl oliby Emory 4t . in' tb lat Wo f .!.;ii- ATTBN TION ALLls u r !, .. . 30 MmUmwT etKan person Iba-awrt hetWrWHW arrajr ol bnllMol hmeel o0erfl la ine pobiia A mtinwnX of llit firL iraterl - io4,Slt;; io lls(rilUteI amoDf Taakda anir M iMUre. t Warai prflimoa. Thn i a rum brautilal asbeaie br paakaire. . KMURV A CO. jrill iell , ockaif of whole for $104 Hl? 70, VIoarttM faa. PatAik ia-Hh' b Wkr U burclie-too 1iiTlhoTbolecwnbriieh of lh LoHerJ by aabMHigr Mkae, mmii ia- aaekatfe eM draw Ihofoar hieheat pritef of 15,000. Bwb! uk'fw ihe,biiufi iH.or 1 60.9001 Tbn be baj by porchi(r Jfcpfw fiitiQrj JUp,?onf package In the following cheroe '. '' - fi. CON SOLI OATtiD LOITERT, H Ff beoefil of eqrtvia DU. Olrtlsook . . ' n 19 (".ir 1847. . . -.r . tobe drawn la BalMfnora, oa Wadnradar, Hit 'ii ;i ml Et,lil 4 ,VHI f. 'f H , ! iff T i.1f i -H 8wetSpanial RADISH, Long Scariet -Frty Short Topi "r.Crierry Tomipi' White Summer RHOBR&ilrfor Tarta), a SALSIFY oryeffetabWOyaterj . SQUASH, Early WhBummer jMwh iMi ' Comroodora Porter'iri m Crook Neck-. i jo rur.a SPINAGK, Summer TOMATO, Large Red H W Ji -flrid!'YellDyi"f'3 Tttrr.-aeit Uhjster .W' TURNIP, IAfgovE'hglBn' drfoHt'":) Piirpla Top RutA U ' f' 1 1 arge Whltti Flat Dutch ' dfoJijdTojl ' ' ' . HAraiv AMii mvrM.IMil '. t.i it aleVtaoT W aJK JWWl IT MM WW 4t '. ; The Brick 8;i"ly'-Ttlt Btreet.'ia Ralelph. afewdoorrtelow itie wH knw atan4 r4 Willtame Haywood fc Co.; iww occnpietl kjr M;.BinalioR'rrd tor M accommoilaUaf ,term.ulM wejl fitted fcr a Plore and DwelUnK. with all ncceeaary out hiar a Ht eaeelleot tantl; and pay a hanJeome ret. "A ftlMher deacription it deemed ynneceatary, aa thoea d irina: lo purchase will of emire call end etam- f " ..- -ut tr n ao aJ IT a tutke reminee. ; Bibrooton omxn I J-. M convene r Feb i7. liracuK : I prisa , :,: 40,000 ? ,40,000 a J5 . ! .."72 :J ; I I il Jl K.tlayaA : ' BrOoo aoo o ofiotf, aw, aoorso;1 . ? wj? 05 of 800, Aw. &e. ia n .OOdf-jhtei, ticket fio-anareo in" proDoruoo. A certiBcaitl or a ' nacfcam' of 25 whbl ticket; c6mairtSntf an the numbera' la thai tiuevii aw in w a m iwi., , . 18 whole tkavt tl Wl tS'qoarteni 87 85 5 hairticketortl 1 25 igh84il8lra 'tirdera Teeaivw pratapi ' luenuoM wan mm- .ne-usNf Nat CrffftlSKBaUiiBoia, Mf WD. OONSoUBATEO ' tiOTTERYl ' (.. .. jrjirti35,'Wl84n 'i 'f-'V to U itiwa 4t tW ftff' of BattiaMN, Md. 4 'MdWtfay, fakV 2i 4 m ('- 78 1abHM'a 4)raaHi BMe4aT !. nt i"8PLENDlI 8CHEME.i;r i - y , 1 ntuut; oTr h W 60S i.tai. Jxii .Hi i MJkOO i4co -,A lataupZefOO-v wd JJ? !"!- 450tj: "iaa TSckrtt IS -Shares la properUba.) i a ' Tk heat anttery ibia nab (nr pwkaaea A er auatber al Drjtea thaa klauka Paekace al le ai u I i.i: W I A M ABROWJiii vnitiie A, P A n A SOL, -a pn'raawtctttf Ban 8nade 'U'"1 '"" 'MANUFACTORY, n S"! Ne. 9f MMket Be rtited." ' i"4im A Brr Miite aakr and Weal, en Merclianla vlia'tina; Pliilailflphia lo examine lila' fc.ock of Umbtrliaa, 'ParaaoUTareeolehea .M fWy ShinVv fvltlt,w'4r be fetrad lh larieat ana ,H4Ml aiiMi tele aaeoninrnl f demble Aa CJt"m the Market rnibraeij'rr 1 ar!ei irtawtlie lew rat nc lav) af b SACt ijM OwinKto a greM r4itoit m annje mat rnela, of which lhae .trailed myarW.T can oflrr in d.Winnti jwreliairtwrliat wannaf -fcraod ehaweaa ivi : s;!;-i.vl . r'4 -i Wvrtl r lf prSeri tDT'H'ftwII tkeMowM In J.b ej, ami Uie Gowflt warranted of the be t mm - ' "Try II en.'-S: ARsq.'' a nvmbe o Congress ' froiii the Irfle District, has published an address hi the "'for bore? Presa., tefhrititb be a cnudidnte lor ttloettork' Vir., ,u ft) Whole ika -,$' I 4 Quarlert v ( S!k MARYLAND CONSdU DATED., pMlbebrardt oflSutnarbanaa Canal. Ctaaao. 3 for I84T To be rawa in Baltimorf, on Wednesdaj hU ' , February 34Uii;l9.47 i- T5 Nombera-la Prawa Uallott. , ,, Th BRlLLlAtf'fl SCBEME,, u H. SPriXeaorifiOOcaChara 70,lpol , X r (i 4O00 vj.000 -e si "wiiittwl ! -'' s,eno ill loii,ij ii'ifiajt-,,',.,! aopo n &t! " 4t c7 T&c',wlt '"?'Tr,s Tlckei 1 1 bhaiea til f ropoiion. 1 ' " 35 whole tkt, 140 00 I 23 quarters, 35 00 85 half lkt !' 7e'0 I rielMha, '1 17 50 rv HERE I AMALWAV8 ABOUT, nil ,i)eciaLNi.' Taa fawoaaff Small T" Lolieriea, capital 4000 dollars, draw eterj gat arday. irlrkaif I dsHJaxJialrea 50 enia, qaar tera 85 eenta. A full package of wbolea In this kcheme ceatk tyf H dunaia. baltes. 7 dollars, quartera tKWJ Otdrtajorllckrtt inlhla W any Loifrrj drawinjt ia 'bw 'a a.' wilf nrtci wiilr prompi aiwmHaavifaddagtaad ta tbore, "1 fOirir Wtha Pieayoria,? 1 ltewOr'.ni,To(lr. r.b' I T m.'J HIGHLVrLMFORTANli t l i Wa bar jal IrceivctKnawt front Aa4oa Lisanr9 US)torwr 20tb "lit ' m . Om 4f ibA lettr ra v wtavsa Uiat CangT" wuba Dilmlti ater a storiB-actaija, - prorrd i he braiabetinii ora aottrorasma; trirOoTttnitAa' 4aVx'ior to raiae CIS, 000,090 bj the !Jjbithceaiion cartma inoia of the chorea oppoaed this, and , h ia mmored odnoaitioa ao exaaperalcd hie eotdiere that they had shot him! Ouri eotreapcndmt aajra i tbat ibia report requires eonBnntion, but Uiemare muxireiime1aaicea which ' ,Ui J nil. u.i.! wl,,! : ,t1h the fate of Santa Anna . The army barait'liaueaavi hT n.nV.f tl itThapaaaaffeef, the abaft : law has cer Uioly, created the greatest eseilemeat in Mexicew ,Tbe churchea are , olosed. and erery irrdication of mourniof and of real's tance hat been evinced by thoee rho tVp .-a.a-1,. asa . port ute religious esuDuanmenie. i . ir Th Mejucan , Crmgrcas. and Mexican preta everywhere, .appear to be ihorotighJr arotiwd, The iwue. they mak ia'S' a no ar to beior-not ux.be, . j.; Mr, Uogera waaaiill m coa-nement at Vera Crux. bt waa well ueatcd We heure fijea . ol papcra, . but bare no time to look at them before tlig mail . clo ses. t I o-morrw w snail gre full sum mary of the news. !M:. ; , UA J fBif Je ROM TFE A KMT, o A 0n. Wortlv arrived with hit command U Rraioa-on jLhe 23d ulf by way, of (U- muigo.- Uie composed of ihe 4th Infantry, andei PoU Wbittlw! 5ih lnfaotry, Major Martin Scot'i 8th Infantry,, Major Wright; Second dragoons. . JCoL Harney; ,Ool. Cyd'f Artillery Hatulicn; U. Col. Dun can'a Flyipg Arlillrryj with Lt. P. Kear ney's company of Qragoona, and Captaiu Blanchard'a company - of Loiiaf- Vol unUefa-the latter ating with the fiib jn-fanuy- .A Ict.ftr sutes that CpU.i Harney had been arrested by General Scott for disobedience oXofders, jj.i appparttlmj he waa oraereu 10 proceed la Monterey wub foprpq mpanirs, Wile 1 aj"r Tonena of the (egiment yap ordered to lake eommand of he remaining six comptuies and march for the mouth of the riaef ta join VVoriW's division. Col. I taroer said he was' aot to be disc raced though iliey tnlgtit arrest him, tnd1 be B.coft!intf ly marched with the Iar gekt pArtioniof his rCiment ; ' A Court Msrliat U ordered for hia trial en the SOta inst. ' ft ts probaMe that a few other officers will be" bfoujrht befr4f. , " i ll ia generally believed thatflarncy will lead jhnliyo t!- ebarge." and' leave U to Die rotirt Jto tlecide thftiilCeticevM;:3.-4 'J -.' !!'. :. . ..i .. ' .J. uoii.'.. ui w in e-wmmnra m nueps v ie ta,'an eWatf d positieA 'len itiilea eoufli hi BakilU'enlberoad loSan Lriia Po'otJ, and with Jiia force of ihr thtfosatrd ' men',' 1 anil twelva pieces Of ardtniflct ffimmsnds the only paaoeWr route to and from that plaee. The BaoiplM4 ad jood eonlurtt of hia troona are highly mwkefl Of Alttong them are CoL Hardin's (Diners regiment, i - The eoontry from Itifvnoao ni Cimargo and Mier, nd ihroag' wMrinterey,' ia 6lled wiiai-nadiagetlirns,' robbing and ipo rderinff wlif reve t tbty" tin do so ... :.i..k i .. " ., a wiiu iiiihuiw .nr ii pi i " r -; -i-, t. A M Lanr, nahahat toeir enneed in the winaw nrade, belwoei Panws and Chi hnahua, recently returned flrora riii liner city, and feport .thai General Cuikyi 'late Governor f Cbihuahaa; was; posted at $an Roaalia.au early ae itha j 10th f i Oaa eeraber; with a (one of 2000; ci iiea aol )ii or rarcherov With, a view to iater- eept General Wool, who wa .expected la march anon Chilmahaa from Moaclova,. Generals Scuit and-Worth are to have commaivt., o the. main and .r regular -sraay. wnicn , ia. now concenfrauor t at Tamni co, or at pome place . in the neighborhood j The new recruiis have thei? place of ren Uetrpts at (the pew fnd af Mboe,. about 47.,m.!e!,?W":rair4rtpa,r Opinion jaaJmoat jmiacjnal that a, i move. meni is,nqw ,tja be made again suYey Qrua. It is understood that that, place la lo ba tnvesiea Dom ny tana ana water, General Tav lor ha returned from Vic foria fe Monterey 'with a small escorts, He is lo remain at the. Utter place in com mand of the lvolunpea. Ilia orders to this effect ptweeedrorrrehefaf Scott, who now holde the chief commend.'" V"t- ' ' v General Scotland rtarT till remained al Brazos, bruit was thought Would aail in i lew naye lor I amnieev , '.' " ' '' i r '!;.!!, I." f ii! , :j:;., , ,1 . , : I I . . T .. - . ,' . y. "' " ' ' ''I---' o-.'i .-(:' ... ,H,T, - - . 11 1 '...1 i- ! ..' .11" i I mi a , iAW8 JV the, Hrlrp otmtnrtt c AhouiA i , i-ASsep pT THE GEPIERAL ASSEMBLY, , n it Taaia etaeto waica ceaaaacta ea owbt, tmb siiteiStB at ' ' aartwaaw,' oat 'TaeMaa trear aeaaaia iae roars ma. aaasa qaraa aiooymsra a4a't, oa VWOcaAaa siaat caaaaa aail roTf aaaii,, (: ' ! '.-f! .: .i!!i ;nH - -'i-ii '' )-.'.:( Aa Act to mnkc, Real Estate Aaseta; jSoC. L B ft tn&cttd ty the Gtneral AtUtnUif of Ik Stale of North Carolina, and il it trtbtf tndrtrt by tht authority of the tamt, That when if le goods and eh.ttinla of any deceased person, in the 4iands of his executor or admin Istratorahall bo insufficient to pny nil Ms dehts MtU the charge of administeiiiig the estate, hia txdculor or adininis' trator shall sell his real estnte,' upon obtaining a lkeie therefor, ami proceeding therein in the' manner In litis nc1 provided.' ' , l ( ' Sec.: 2. In ordei'fo Obtain such license, ihe eiecntdf ot'ttJ minis! fator shall present ti the Cdiitif y Court, dt to the Sn perior Court 6t la of the county in' which letters testamen tary, or letters of adnilnlstfatioir were granteda pelitlon set ting forth the amount of the dehis due from the dccescfl 'As nearly as they can bo ascertained, and the amount flf tha estimated ;cltaiifadininistr.ition;Tind"lhevatiig"bftbe personal eststtej and if it shall 1w nccessnfy to sell a pirt on ly of thi real tstat scriptionsi and cotiditioiis of the estatcr,'ior Brrcti TJfTirfefcdl ns he shall proposo to sell; and the tionrt may, in' nil cii-fa where It is not necessary to sell the wltol, decide and direct what specified part of Ihe estate shnll be sold. 11 Seci 3. If it shaU be represented lii such petition; and shall appear to the court, tliht it 1f necccsar ViMI some part of the fwl estate, and byWctt pa'iaM; th-.ttdi"of Ilie estatr1, or . some specified part or piece th.ieof, ould be greatly injti red, the court may license aside of thd wlidle es tate, orsitch part thereof lis tho court shall thitill Indcessfary. k . .'.! .k. 1 ..... Li . w J . .-IT l'. ana most Dcneuciai tor uie interest oi an coiiccruuu' mere '. -;il !'; iV-'f - r. i 'i; .,.'1 in ':Secr 4r Nosuch' Hccnse"iialj 1 be gfafited" ftntll ilielielrs and devisees, or othef pefsdns iriteteSted ; WHald 6ftfcTxhaff be3 made pa'rtiesvtd said petitiorti ' aiid 1 sorve with' holic, erthsr actualli' ofby yvertlsrneity iti other ttetltfoiii tiled in the County or Superior Courts of law, or id the yourji oi 'i .'MJlklTmoan it th partlei are beforo tneconrt, tflthef by persxinat seNfce, dft miy proceed to hear tha petition and decree the sale. If hecessa iV, ttnfess such 'cause la tlftf' contrary b shown as taay In duce the court to refuse it, of postpone the fttml hesrlog to ane4hertenrj.i-; 'l '!i-,';''1 : 1 'V''', - (t '",r Sec.J 0.r Whenever' the seourt may ec9 anldrteal estate, under th provisions of this act, the 'sale fchall be made upon such terms, and upon 'such credit, as the court roay direct, and the title shall be made to the purchaser by such person and at such time, as ihe court shall prescribe.' ' ' Sec. 7 'The executor or administrator ahall rauke nlTida vitof thefacts stated in his petition., a . u ' V,' 1. J 7 Sec S. All ths proceeds of thacal estate which may be sold upefer this act, ind which may not be necessary to pay debts u4 charges of adralnlstrotlon, , shall , V considered; real estate, and as such shall be paid oyer by the executor pr ammUtrator,' aooh Pr?"i JU'VPJl'fl ..f1?.1'1' 10 lana, naa lnoj oeei shu, or in us non. v iih unqi?) lljytraieu as jiiuvcwjoyi Pn imwv w, jiiiivi r i, , : Sec. Jhifvwo"d thll fctlo pay debts and charges ot, aaminuirauon, anaii pa assets, m ' M . - . .4 . - al the bands ot trie executor or aamiuisiraior ior uiai purpose and applied n tne Mrrunistration as tlipugn .the same, were proceeds qf'persopai estate, itnj bond. and other pbligcdions m whicht the ancestcr hath bound his, pr her heirs, .shall, not be put in suit against the heirs or .devisees of Ihe deceased, .-The wewle whrthe tstgTm as of equal dignity with other, specialties, . bills, promissory notes and liquidated ocqonnts .- , rr yl..,...,,., ' Sec. iOo' proceeding" shall be jiad btidet thia act by fldminlstrotors appointed, or executors of, ' wilts 'proven, be fore the first day of February, .1947 id on and nfter Ihnt day alL bonds executed ifcy, amJnisiratpfS or, "execotors, when they qunlify, shall be deemed and taken (tq have been executed, as weu ioisecijrc.Tne pcnoninncc pi ineuuuiii'8.iiii poi?d by thls act as those alread j mjtiir of lu'iuinlstators or executors, . ,,. ; .nj,; .. . ;rr Sect 1 1 1 The reaf estate liable to, be sold nndejr this act, shajl Include all te deceased may have conveyed wilh in' tent to defraud; his creditors, and all. rights of entry and rights of action, and all other rights and Interests In lands !. ! i i;. . i.j;,--nit - ..-or "l'l.."j.- ' Jn .i i .. . . ; Ca9d ihe bolo t said recovery ehall twi be necessary to piy the debts nud Charges Bfcrresiikl.tlK! residue thereof shall bej reatored to the person pt persons of wlicnn such reeovsry w , .:. .' ,-f , "... ., . ',.7'.;;.. , Sec, 13. Wlreirever the land Which Is SOOgfit. Id bt fotil ahnll be claimed by another, under any pretence whatsdrffi the Court may order art Issue to try the title, 'and Kit shall b fouud tor the executor or. administrator, be shall have his w rit of possession, end a decree of sale according to th ro vision Of this act. , i ;:! ..,, .. ., ,: 'o.uym'sU 8c. 14. Wlwn tit tTxectttof, Otherthan Itich ti Wajl linva already given bond with security, is licensed to sell; iny portion of the real estate for the payment of debts, hv hall execute. a bond With good and sufficient securities, payable to the Slate of North Carolina; conditioned for the fulfill til nppliontion of the proceeds of sale to the debts of thf Testator; mid for accounting" and paying OVcf all the pro coi'da of sule Ihnt shall remain after payment of the debts and clwrge for which the real estate tnoy be sold, and Sot disposing of ilia same according to law; which bond may bo put In suit by any person or persons, or body politic or cor Sec. I9 Whenever an Executor or Administrator with the Will annexed, or other person, shall sell real estate fof pay ment debts -by rttie of ant Oflviserlwwer oT1 trust contnlhcd lu the, Will, the psocee shall be ttaetned legal, and not equitable assets, and shall be applied, as difeC ted by Uiis Actiu the discharge of debts, any dlatjflctlott ttf sold WUh or ally law to the contrary notwithstanding!,, 'i Sec. 1 6, If upon tha hearing of any petition filed, for the sale . of real estate, the Court shall decree; a sale of any pan that stay have? bcn ipeclfaaUy dVvised,. the devisee shall be entitled to a contribution from other devisees, accordinjf. to tbe principles which govern Couru of Equity, jb respect to eontrlbtitioti.aniong legatees i and children provided lb by tho fifteenth and sixteenth soctlnns of the Re vised Stat aylraniM vornnteers onboard, had arrived off the - Braios all well, ' They ' hare been ordered,' it I said,' to Lobos. ' TH' -From Tarn pice, dates are ' to the , 26th lui' General PaitrTenrv arrived there on the 23d with : 4500 rneru; Gens Twiggs. Qtiilme and Pillow4 were along troops all in good lieahhv ii x ' ' jsThe steamer Cinctnnali waa lost ntt die flight. Of die ( 2id ah;,5' about Iwenty-dee miiea to-be northward i of Tampiiro. She had en board (wo, eooipaoirs of troops and two, kVponndere, Snd .was bound en-an expedition aains 8no la Marina. Two soldiers and tiw itfo . pieces of eannon were lost.' The vessel was sold ae she lay high and dry Ur $30- jv p ; ;' On ihe 10ih ult., ihe V. 9. steamer went into ..Vera, Cruz, win Lieia.Kaioea on rdaWarerJofi deapatcbes. and JO Mexican priaotiers who had been : lakn- at the roimth of the Rio Grande,, -, . . The frigate Rntiian wa tying at Anton L;zardii, the rest of ilia Uf. ,8. squadron was n Sacrifii-ioa.i Ji,-, .j i" M ESS RS. '! A LEX A WDER AND GtJI- U1l i-tffh.fr. '".f I ,t I'll .!'.'"' ! It fives laa nnaflrected,,p1ea8ore. tou state, thai the diffivuliy betweea William T,yhV examtefaad illy wood GuioH, Esquires on 4wraaJeif loseltTtfwnlcK the parties ' met bnTlidia f 8aak Anna' day last in Virginia tvaa amicably 'adjtikt. Kired. that his tS OH the field, hf tbe intirrpdsition of the friends of the parties respectively, vix: Dnrean K MacRae,' Esq. of this City, and Hugh Waddell, Esq. of IIillaboro,: Tlie nrinekmla left the. snot; entirely reconciled ettfl render "A eiitimprtfssi'eanth lae beeirj with, each OthcrMi i- '' fsi -Stpturi qtealentlllHd.An Act. concertb mrfts,F6hnll Iribotioo. to his heirs: Provided, That binds. so fraudulently, convey ed shall not be .taken from any one who purchased Idem for a valuable consideration, and without the. kuowledgeof the fraud; but they . shnll be liable only m the , same cases in which they would have been Jlab'ts to attachment or execu tion by a creditor the grantor In lus life time )H, i . ;T Seci J2.; WJicn W slill file; his petition to sell land which . may have trnttdulenily been conveyed as aforesaid, ( of which, there . may have been subsequent bona fide, sale, whereby he cannot have a do-1 cree .of, saie of . tbe ( land, ,it , shall , be tIawful tor,, the trourt to give judgment in favor of such executor or adminis trator, fpr the value of said land, against all persons wbatev er who njay have, fraudulently purclinsed the same; said in rr nBec, ,17. When any part of the ;real rctate. ol : lestalrt shall descend to his heirs, by: reason of its not being devised or disposed bf by tho will, the undevised real estate shall! &rsloforgcble with pty far as it will go, of tha rctd estate that Is detlacd, tlhless fjrotiii tho will it shall appear otherwise to be tbe wish of the. tes-i - tator. ' A..,(f iH9vr4rUirM w:rr : Seci ; 19 The mode of procoodiitaf against .'thA, feat KhttB" of deceased persons, prescribed by this Act, shall be In use-. in all cases only, when the will may have been, proven, on letters of administration granted, ou or After. : the first day of February, eighteen hondred and forty seven and the present mode of proceeding agaic st such real estate, shall ba In U in alt cases where the) will may havs been proven or letters, ' qf administration granted prior to thai day, ,,.:. , . .. Scc. ! The eotBmlastoni allowed i to executors or ad-j , muiistrators for selling real estate, and collecting and . payv ing over i the. money ; according 4a hflh provision Of lhiSi acV shall, not exceed two and A half far rrnam, tipon tha amount actnally applied In the payment Of debts t Prirtl dt 4, that nothing herein contained shall be construed .to pre ventany executor or.adjniwstrator ifom,.K:talniog the ine cessary .charges atoddisbuiaeraeats bt the same mapper ; as, : lm hlhreior..ra Wn allowed by law, ! ,,, u,-. i .j,,.,, ;Sctv 2011 laws and, ilatiaes ot laws IncahsUtebt with the provisions of this act, .and which allow tbe.credUora Of "deoeased persons to sobjoct the lands descended . by teire. fadaa. after obtaining Judgment against, the estate, of, such. , deceased persona, are bereby repealed t Provided i Aowrter, that snch: repeal shall not aflect tha provision of. the iseVeni lot'itth section of this act) ttnd protldedjwthtrr that noth lug herein contained ahall affect the right of dower, , p t Ait Actio regnlate;the distribution of the Public AftnS''t ySoe I. It U dtd ajf the General JLsectnbly of &t. State ofJCorth Carolina, and it U hefeijf enacted by the authority of tkt taiaet That whenever,' out of the militia1 of this State, any Volunteer Company of infantry of the line,! Light Infantry; or Riflemen,' Artillery,- or CaValrymay be! formed, and it-shnll be raddetd appear to the Governor of the Statft, by A certificate front the Brigadier General of the Brigade, in which such company hi formed, that the said corps has enrolled si its members, the number of officers and men required by law for such companies, atod is otherwise tenements, and hereditimcnts whichby lawr would descend J eqtiipped, excepting as to. arms . and accdMroments, then thoGoTris'ialt mrnish, from 'the ptiblic 1 r Arsenal", ilO . cuch company, on application being made, the arms and evccoutremciits necessary to their full and complete equip jnent: the Corrtmnndimr oflirer of said corps first giving bond ' .'. ..... . w : I . . I . "I i. . "with security, as is now required by , law,, for the safo keep4 Ing of said arms and accoutrements. ; , . ,, T&S'ft it further' enacted, That allj;iaws and clauses' of l.iW, rrtfiiiiig within the meaning and purview, of this act, ? be, mid the same are hereby jwpnoled H.. u -i 11 5 flee. 3, Ue it farther enacted. That this act shall go iuto , effect and operation, from and after its ratification. . . ? t . tRatified I8thof ianuarylSir.J '-)",' V '1 ' " I '! I' .! a I ti.,...........! r

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