!..n-i' J. LBXAT. Eairea Asa PaoraiiTaa.V' 9' f?. e-r -errs tiJ -7 l".-r4iW.i vd ',-ir-rfc'ia;i?, t'Ky, ' bobt CAtLivf:-rW(rct, I ai, ibtbubctcji. ib rime, : t- ,. , , Htrr-ort - -ps- t..i .4 v ,--,-r,r--. f -gift .,lH-.- rrn- j CAt mKtOVCK--TBB LAB Of 0 (IKKIAai Tit BOWS r PC AVVCCTiaiC 1 nm', It A LEIGH, If. C , WCDNESOAV.RIAUCII , ISIT. , to 1 4T LAWS r the STATE OP NORTH CAnol.IKA , ' PASSED BY THE CESBIULSSEMBLY, Tana itia: wait tci e or, t aiCTiiara m . (TKXBB, lfB VMDSABB' CIBB11 BOBBBBB It's Hllb ,. . . ; MB, AB BBBBB TBB BIBBtklSTB T MAm'Wr B ; , . tlWUM BISBT BDBHBCB IBB rOBTt BTB . , . , . , (MYJUTUOMnr.J . , 'V An Act' to authorise the'Bard of Internal Imprtnremenfa to make sale of the 1 "Clubfoot and Harl6 Creek Canal." 'I-.-: in '-.: I'll f.T"; Jj. ,' ;ti P-.,! i ; t! Sec. If Be it enacted by the General Auinhly eftfu t Slati cf jVWA Carolina, and it i hereby enacted bf the authority of the tame That th Bodrd of Internal linpwferneirt ' b, it it thereby authorised and empowered, in Its discretion, to make sale of the "Clubfoot and . Harlow Creeki Ganalf. to any individual or association of - individuals, it such price, and poii such 'terms and. conditions, as the said Board may think nrODer!ot n v-)ii un-ru yi; m ,L-;i?',it' f)ii..fj nti SeoH B it farther itUtctedJThtA in case the Boat d of Internal i Improvement shall' effect' a1 sale' of the said "Clubfoot and Harlow Creek Canal," the purchaser, Or pur- chasers are hereby declared to be a body politic and cor poraie, by the name and style of the "Clubfoot . and. Harlow Creek Cannl.'J Company," and shallbe invested with all the powers, privileses. and immunities, and be liabla to all thq restrictions, liiibilities, duties and penalties, prescribed by ait act of incorporation passed by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, in die year 1S13, entitled "an, not to incorporate a company to be called the "Clubfoot and Harlow Creek Canal Company," so far as the said act may be- made applicable to the-rchaseTW-'TJurchasers tf tiesnia Ulubloot and Harlow Ureek Uanal aioressid ir eto Aorfv4iatin vasa ef valof the said iGanat-by thalioardot Internal -Improvement,--ther" said r Board "shaft establish such rate of toll, for the transportation of produce and other-articles on said Canal, as it may' deem just and proper which rates' andnoi other,:shall be receivable' by the purchaser or purchasers of said Canal. 1 '' ; ! Sec. 'i.. JJe it further enactei; That - the power hereby given to (he Board of Internal Improvement to make sale oi the said "CI ubfoot arid Harlow Creek" Canal," if not exerois - before tlm rneeting of the biennial - session of the Goiieral : Assembly,' shall cease 'and determine after that timet vti'vi . -;J'i . n.tf.i: u t m - J s S jc. I. Delt f'iher avci, That this an1 shall ;be ill force from and after its radfieatioi------ , Ratified 18th January, 1847. f -iv; v . :?:.. AcltfblrTcuThga Yadkin to the waters of the Cape Fear, iu this State, .,f.( :ir',, .x--fi..ii. j-ti-if K-iii t .-J i.it , -Hi V-dt .Whereas the cutting of a canal frotn tha- waters of the Yadkin, to connect with the navigable waters of the Cape Fear, is deemed to be a work of vast importance, and would, when completed, greatly facilitate the transportation of pro duce from Western North Carolina, to a (food -market within ilia State: and whereas many persons are willing and desi- f rous to subscribe large sums ot money io nect trie compte f lion of said wrirk, and if is just and proper that sucn persons, their heirs and .assigns should be empowered to i receive reasonable tolls forever, in satisfaction for the money ad van xed by them in carrying the -work into execution, and the risk they run: Therefore, isj hT-l ir. V? - H 1 Sec L Be it enacted by the General Meembly of the State of North Carolina, and it f hereby enacted by the authority of the tame, Th&t it shall and may be lawful, and the following persons are hereby empowered to open books for receiving subscriptions to the said undertaking, in the town of FayeUeville, and at such other places as they may deem proper, to wit: Giles :W Pearson, William H. liar, din, I). G. McRa, Edward J. Hale,. John Morrison, & C. Bruce, M u rdock1 Persons, Alexander Kelly, and such other persons as they may ehoos to associate with them; and the said persons above named, and their: associates are hereby declared and deemed to be a body corporate and politic; un-, der the style and napie df the Yadkin and Cape rear Canal Co upaiijr, and by mat name: may sue an4te eued, plead ind be impleaded, have a common Beal, hold ana possess reaf )mrt;', and huve all such other powers as have been here tufuie irrautbd to -like corporations. 4 i v-'i "4I rum? fhSeci tf. Be Ufvlhtt tnacftd, That the capital') stock of Httld eontNiuy shall be eighty thousand dollars, divided into -sluires nt'uim hundred dollars each, each share to! berepre twuted in said company by one vote; and- Abai whan shares aroouutiii'x to twenty five thousand dollars shall have been subscribed, the' persons herein named, or amajortty'of them, are authorized and empowered to call a general meeting of the stockholders for the purpose of electing a president and five directors, for conducting the said undertaking and man agin all the business concern! of said company, lor and du-' ring sMch tinie Las lhai said stockholders, pr a hiajority of t liera .'tnayth' iik fit, -not-exceeding twe-yerirsvs mtsfr: ' vSy 3 ? tie l it further enacted, fTbat the said president and dinctort so elected, and their successors,; of; a majority of ihom assembled, shall have power and authority, to agree with ny person or persons, on behalf of said compaoy to cut tht said caiialf and erect tuch locks - and dam and pcr- form eh other works, as they' shalliudge neoesaamibr tlia u iviiralt ii of said canal! and couveyioz on the ? saimv f ro w placebo place mid from tirt)eto time, antlupoti snch ternis and iui'ickmuuner, as they shall think fit; and out of the moliioa nttsing from tho - subscriptions, tons and omeraius givan to pay r tho ariie; and to ' repair ' and i keep in order , the said catial and oiherVorki thereto pnrtauu&ga id to dftfray all incidetttil charges;: and also to iappoiht. ai lieasirer clerk ind such other officers asihey may, defcm requisite aud also ift muke aud establish rules of proceediuss,; aud;iratisact-all iUluijusiucsa aod ltcerbs -of the .Bawir emupanyt ktaud 4 -irtng iutervaU. oi tho general Jmeeuug of the same; and )yr their trouble, thefi shall receive! such, compensation as hail' by-therCueralwec4jing.of ihe stockholders be i.dee bee. 4. Be it further enacted. Thatitot ndi in j,consder a corn- same ! their profin' pertaining, slwirbe,1 h nd are Hieretyyktcdinihe COtl Sai ceive 'at such p'ace of places bi they rry Appoint, f or jplU, foraII cnntnodlli1 tranKpnrfl'-thTongli sr. as may be determined, it pott bygneral hietiitgoF sfockholders;iid noii oi uie expenses tiiui such proprietors wm oe at n plettiri'.'saia ivork,"krtd rkinlaliiifii and keeping the in' tvnair.'ihe' aala.caiial and other ' worts. ' tvith all (tilcWtoll i ; i lunner, inarsai7',ftfocxnoia:rs, mrougiv tnir agents, snan havJ jjowef tdeclare: tftldends' siimi-ahntVrtHyi ' S?ecr$. AhJ Whereisf, s6'rtfebtht fldees 'through which H ' jmi 1 W ,tiUv-XitK ? . rA !,a't HlH.'it V" amy be necessary to conduct said CanaL may- be conve nient for erecting mills and other water works; and the pos aessor of said .propoxty , may. desire to improve the same t and whereas it is not the intention of this act to interfere with the rightaof private property but simply for the pur pose of improving the tiavigatioii of said waters; : ,.. . ., ., Sec Me M enacted, That .the Water,, pr any part thereof, conveyed through said canal, shall not be nsed for anyothtfr purpose, than iu this act .specmed, except , by consent with and consent ?of said company. .. ' , rvl ec. 7 , Be U further enacted, That it hIimII and may be lawful for the said ' President and, Directors, or , a majority of them, to agree-with the owners of land through, which said caual passes, for the purchase thereof: and in case of disagreement, or. in case thq owner thereof shall . be, a Jtme covertj infant,, or ; won, eampot ou application r to any, two Justices of ,tha cputy,iu which -said land ,ahar lie- the said Justices shall issue their warrant, under their hands, .to' the Shermol said county, to summon a jury of freeholders, to meet ou the laud, on a day, to be, appointed in said ; war rant, to assess tle damage tho owners, thereof, will sus tain from the cutting said Canal .through. lheir lajid; and such assessment shall be paid fo the pwueis of the land, or their legal . representatives: and on the.! payment thereoC such : Company,, shall be seized, in . lee of said Jandpas if. conveyed by the owners thereof, to them, and thoir success ors by legal con voyance, , r ( ,i,(,H , '(,,. , 'v,(,; ,:;t, T Ratified 18th day Januaiy, 1847.), , H ,i u-t. .' lowed on vot foraoh and ery ,t!iire add by liira, or brr as iar,af icn timre, nna one vote lor every nvt hares, bore tn: Aaj proprie tor, by jrriting under' bis W (ie'rarul,f exeeeied bei fore two ubqnbinj wilnee, and acknowdged or proved bt fore a Joitice of the Peace bf ibn cunrv iiv whi?h iid Subscriber snail reside, may depute ' a; member to act bs proxy for dim or of A.BU! ? supplemental to i' An Acttoiucorporate theYadkiu v., , and Caps. Fear Company. , .rf;..j.,. Whereju an act ha beefli. pajsjy the ?ener.jksM9ls. uly owiu 8iorw incorporating ''dje Yadkin apd,Cape Fear Canal ComoBnv." arid it is ; beleived that the caDital of said Corporation will be insufficient to complete the said canal in the manner ; contemplated , and it is the , desire of said corporation to use some of the many creeks or streams of water in the counties of Montgomery, Moore and Cum- oeuana: . 1 herelore, ! - .-j -H. Vi H,t; , . , . gee., 1. Be it enacted bu the. General Auemblti of .the Slate of North Carolina, and it in hereby enacted by the authority r.J the tame, ,Jiai the said Yadkin and Cape Fear Canal Company shall have power and authority, a majority of the Stockhol ders agreeing thereto, to increase thru Capital Stock to a sum not exceeding twp hun lred thousand dollars.' , , Sen 2., Be U further enacted. That the saiT. Yadkin "and Cape Fear Caual Company shall have power and author- ity tO"U9e,onsaidCanaf,Jany Creek or greeks-prolhec.'w ter courses, in the counties of Montgomery, Aloore, or Cum berland, for the purpose of uniting the waters" of" the Y: kin River with the watexs of the Cape Fear River by means of a canal ; Pror that the act shall not bo construed to give-tothe said corporation power to interfere - with any mill, mill seat or mill dam, , without the consent of the owner thereof, his, her, Of fjieir agent or aitoriTey.T XZ, T?!?J t:, iKaunca i Menerat Assembly, itstn January, 1S47.J .;, jo Incorporate i lie 7Ne w-rRiyer ifif 'lKafpiiwa. v- .'-i- i :.: t .' : -. 1 - .4.. nai yompany, in vnsiow uouoty.. Whereaithecuttimr of a navaerable canal from the vra- ters ofHew RHrer, in Onslow county, to the waters of Be-ir Creek,' in said county, will "be of great public utilify," and many persofis are willing' to subscribe sums of money to effect such a beneficial work, and as it is jgst and proper that they, their hetrs and assigns should be empowereo io receive reasonable tolls in satisfaction for money advanced by thera to execute said work and for the risk they, run: , " ( . ' -t Sec. 1.. Be it enacted by the Ventral , .Aeeembly of the State of Jforth, Carolina, and it ie hereby enacted by thi authority of the .tame, r That ; it ' shall and may be lawful to open books of subscription it the '.following places,' in the coupty of Onslow, viz:. At Swansborough, under the direc tion of William P.Ferrand, Charles If. Barnum and WU-narri.'C-. lAmberson; . attarkeY' Creek,' under the direction of David W- Sanders; at French's Mills, under the direc tion of Joseph M. French.-Isaac ri. Sanders, and Edward vy, sanaers;, at rmey urecn; unuer.tne airecttou.ot L,uite B.-Huzeins.- Phili o Kooace- and David W. Simmons: on the Sound, under the direction of John Hurst atjd William Andrew Jackson Pollock; at Jacksonville.' under the direc tion bf George J. Ward, VYillfena Ferrand, William P. " Pel- leucr, iuwaru v .ivjonuori, ittuiaun? i icwia i- vis Owen Hugsrins and Jasper Etheridee: on South West', under the direction of George McMillan, Joshua t oy and Jobu . Spiceq . oud at. RichJand s, under the direction of, John, H, Averitt, Charley, DufEjy John; M,' Franks and j William Humphrey; and,, also to,;, open books at th?,' Tolldwing places , in the county bf Carteret, vitauhe Straits, under the' direction of David W;"Whitehurst nd Khjah Pigottj jatufort, under udirccUonipf Isaac Kamsey, John t jpnesrnotn.os uitncanw.y ijuam u.jtetu BerijamhrL. Perry, ! BenmmiutraffJIarqns CThdmas, Belcher Fuller, Jolm P. C. Davis.. James Burnley and William 1. Langdon; at Bogtie Sound, under the direction of Lev , OgIeby,,Williatn if.; ipf nn'is. and .Barclay p.Bov denand ajty hite Oak,.. uudere thei oirectiou,. of Wflriam V. ucll. l-irdl and Klnaha.UclL tor recejvtnir .subscriptions to thet ahiouut ffteti, thousand, doitar JTor, aai( undertaking. The stib8cribtious shall be made' MorsoneUy. or by bower of . ' ' ' i . hA A j, ' tL ' Ira. 1 ' ? t.,- aiiorney. innares oinuy. uonars -encu, -aiw saia dookb shall be opened at any time after the first day of March pest s nd that a nieeting ot, the subscribers -hall becaljed at S wansboroughl in Oualo w county, after Ahe snm 'of three foresatd, ef atiywo.ofjtneni, shaJl (givei potjee of )he sail) mectuig m any liewspapcr published jn.j the town, of New bern, aiid by d vcrtisenient n the nost public places . in the couii tics of Oiislo W and CarfcretV bna ruorifh at least before the day appojnted for thid purpose; fixy . that the' managers shall then, ajid 'there lay before the said rneeting the books by them kepf, foulatning a stidement ofthe subscript iotu made; and .the meeting shal . and inay t Jie contiimed from day to day ontii the business is finishe!. , " V " VJ; "Z ' ''".L .c 3, Jit it. further MeeTnat as soon as sixty shires of said capital haJ be subicribcJ aa sttreeaid, the subscribers, their heirs Cri ttlfa Iflrivirtiei with all'ihi 'rights' sad piweir bropeily and legally irt b bodv eorDornier and the eubecriber are' hereby S OHIvflPCU anil ntquirru wi rim fiviuvii, huh ,wr nntciun tvr aniiitueiing the Bd' omlertalin tand rnaiMigiot; alt the busiaeafe and ooneerna of ld ettmvwr, (f suote tkne-c: toot rleeedinf en 9Mtm saidsabatfiben ibaJI ihiok fiU )a CouDtiag lAe,via at the (rat-ral meeting of saul and Bsmpni ahau, pa ana tbey ure hereby declareu to be in- pbrated mtp company by the name ana style of ilie New ver and Dear CrefekCna Oinpnyi and by aaid name may mi r mifii: nava a couimon aeui. aucrauia bii Diraanr. ino r'T t'w fi f in iJ oopan leatb ,irabr shall be l- her; and the acts af said proxy shall be r euotuut be 1 tde Sets Wa er her onaemal woukl bJ ;-.& -w-wi t- ,? t Sec. 3. Beit further ehacttd, That every Presideht1 and Lfirector, oetore he acts as such, shall take find subscribe an oathof affirmation, for the due exercise of the duties of his Office."'-9 tk-''-!'-a;-',tt rcHMr 'i-.i ' V Sec.' 4. Be it further enacted, That ' '1110 presence f the proprietors owniug a majority of shares shall be necessary to constitute a general meeting; and that from arid after the first ffeneral mfvtin nf 'iK!frihr ' tl, u-iiinf ' inuiisa fchairanfiually' thereaiter' he" hetdM1l(' fir' Monday 111 u sjwauapuivuitiJ aiuresaiu; pui ii a suiiicieru nunioer shall not attend on that daV . 'the Drobrietorst whf do' attend may adjourn such meeting from day to day1 iiiml the, busi ness bf the company is finished; to each of,' which meetings the President and Directors sliall make a rerlrtrt. and render aisunci ana, just accounts 01 ail their, prtx ecdirtgs' and- on findih? them fairly and rustic stated, 'the riro&rietors then present, or a majority ofthem,r shall give1 them i cortificatf, a duplicate of which shall be! entered on' said tompany's books, and the original filed among the papers bf the Presi dent and Directors'1 rt f'"9 'r"."? :?. ' ' Sec t.' Jlnd be itjurther enacted, 'That if more than ten tn'ou sand dollars shall be subscribed; it shkh b-dueed to lbt tom by the nangere,or-a hiiijoriiy of them, by bennfn to atrike Off a eharS from the largetl Sabecriptinn made by individual in tne-fintiaBfltMrraffieoattnar te wirrkirtBiir eae'ghre"firdiii "Tttf aubecriplionft andar tltei largest arid over two" ahireV iiTmn the same is reduced to ten thounand dollars aa aforeeaid., Jn ma. king subteriptions for atockt. any person' may eubsciibe forene or. morehresbut not for apaitof ahrev m 1 ( .. See, ft. jJnd be it further,, eijcfd, Tliat the said reidnt and Director, or a majority of them, shall have powrM jn ,be- half of said Company, to agree and Contract with any person or persons to cut, dig and open a Canal of audi depth and widUi. and at snch place or places, between, the 'water of Nete River and Bear Creek; In the county of Onslow, o ks to connect' and unite the waters of said 'river and creek by iheins 'of 'aaid Caiiaf, f they shall think fit, and deem oioet eligible; and to 'erect iilch locks and perform such othr work ae they alia.ll indM fteeea- aary for the navigation of said Canal and earryrng on the yams from place to place and front time to ,Uma, and upon I suek terms and in such manner, a they shall think fit and right; and : out pi taaviaony arrisiat from .theaHbapiinet same and to repair ana to Keep in order 11(8 f aid canalj lock. and other works and bnildings ecesary thereto and to dehay.-. M incidental charges; and alo to appoint and employ, removeable at their pleasure, all auch olTicer. clerk and aervaiit a in their judgment ahall bfl neceafiry for carrying on the affair of laid officer shall be employed! to make. by-Uw. and ealnblUh rules of proceedinirs hot 1neoasistentjrh.jJijajj Anyjreneral meeting of (he proprietors majallow the Preidont and Directors such sura of money aa ,tbaid genStal meeting shall judr,e to be a Monable compen-ntion,. for Ueir i Irooblc and services : Provided alwuyt, Thtt the f Treaaorer shall .give bond, in such penalty and witheucb security, the said Preai deal and Directors, or a majority of them. hall , direct, for the, true and faithful discharge of the- trust repoted in him. nd for his good behaviour in tliadiacharge of the dutlesTof hi oulce; which said bond shaf be, made payable to "1 he President and Direclort of the New Hirer and Bear Creek Cartel ' Company;? and ia that name it shall and may be lawful to institute a suit or suits against the said officer and Kia- ecurity or luretie onon said bond, for any neglect, misconduct or mibhaviour in 'offiea of said Treasurer; sod that tie bffieer in the said Company shall have a vote in the settlement orpawing f hi owe account. ' ) ci See, IJSe U further enacted, That each proprietor shall pay at the first general meeting at which the President and, Directors shall be appointed aa afroesaid. tea dollar on each and every bare by mm or her held in said Company The name of those1 then and there failing to pay day ;;b Bliuck'jolf . the bookiand others complying with thi rejrulstion may take ; tueir, (hare, or such delinquents msy be sued oywarranted for Such' sums bf money as they may fail or refute to pay according i0 the amounts so due from them, at the tliterctWn of 'said 'President and Direct tors. . The President and Directors? or a msiorlty of therashal) have power to direct at what timet and m what proportions the sabseribers shalljpay the sums by them respectively iobseribad; and the orders of this payment ahall be advettUet-al the Court honse doors la Jacksonville and tieaafortand such eiheri places, as the President and Uireeiorsahkll direct.. i Butt Abe Siid.Prrs ident and Directors shall n6f deraamtmore Mian twenty jfvfidoh lara on a share ie n yearpnle otberwl p'iricted by ; geny re! meeting of die stockholder, U any ofu the gbcriberf ,or proprlflois, lheir.beirier14Mignj sha)1.4il,)ellj.ay;thydy9.cei retj uireu, aivar ura, pajrmfiiii P.u nr innaim fin pk 11 urn iur, w jtbMf leas jnuVaiier tthsbVuna Issigoed r .lli' paiiie'al tlie rewf by the President and DWcWa as afpresaid.'.'tho said Pretldcnt and Director, of ','a majority of them, are.'' Iiereh 'authhrisee! Mo sell at auction' and convey to the ' purchasers' the hre' or' share Of the'' subscribers: 'or prpprie'tors Befall ing1,' giving 'arieast feite month's previous aotice; a heield nT6te directedf and iltoj ireu tainingf ilie tnmS Mae (hereoil, v1U Interest! and Incidentul charev. es.'the said President and Direcwr,,er s majority of 4hn ,nay, in the name of the CoiSpaoy de fov nd reedver iha Wanoo, any Court of eoiapetani jurisdicuea. -ui-.n-.n im Ijjq -h-i! !i,ceei . -And be U further enacted That from time Jo lime, on the pkpirtiQa ofU)e term lor which the said President sud . Ii; rectois may be appointet), the proprietors, at their general, jineel in j, shall ehhei continue the ald Prasidenland Direciori In olliciC or any of them, or chooie . other .n their s'eadi aad'in case ' of death, removal, or resignation, pr refusal h act bf the Preei-lent ot any of the Director, the remaining" memlK-r of fhat body4 may appoint a successor tiniil .lbe toe i general meet' ng: snd 'the 'pro prietors at their neat general meeting shall (II op such ' vacancy i and moV, at eny'gftrierat meeting, remove the 'President or! any of the Directors and appoint others in their aiwad, fr and d bring die term for which Such persan Or -persons' was 'aiort to: have . See. St. And be it further enacted. That- ia ' contidei atioo of theespensea the said .proprietors will lbs at in cutting, the. said Capal, erecting .Jocks, and sluice;, and performing other work neeesssry for the nsvigaton of eaid Canal, and, jnainlaining 'and keeping the same ia repair, the eaid New Uiver and Ber Creek Col,lock,fixaires, buildings and every; thine; ,apprtiulii to the, fame, and 10 the pavigatinn tbcfeot tgedier with ,lh Jand that maybe bdu(hl, purchaied p'r condemned Dr the jMme, 'nd that may be requireq fbrjhe ssme. shal", he, ertd they ' aie' here', by vested in the proprietoii,' ihelr' heirs and.' assigns. foreeri'as tenant' in eommon, ,iri' iroportioi hi'lhei( respeetive haresj arid the same Shall be elempt froni the payment of any tax, Inipoi iitiort W aiement whteer, for the term oT fifieea 'yeafif and after Aat period," the Tgmiere trtiy fmpoM rwctf reaMiwWp tatflhereod'ss It ahall d jit ndteo(lir5he'f atCi tik .'Xt-r. kite.' U l.ll I "U '."".. imposed on similar aroperty ! behntgmg h iodividaa's; Sad llatal I and may be lawful ha said pro.iiieiormgenetlmretinK aaem blejl.pi hjvranafollemaireatoiiBhjejh.il ,i a- gioU, Ware and nerchsndiae,snd v aUJoib,tave-aieg!w.4 or other produce or eooimoiliiy whatsiievyr, wfuclway bo' tran. ported tip or hwii id canal,' either a toaia wrtlrWi, pe fhp'f Wrfe; and imi all Vmuty rNiAt; whicb toils aluill Im niil i k nr- . i ... . Tf.nj-'.-ir-io'Hr; . b ,o;xeceiv inpp..iiiied by .the, twsiJ-ht andDirechHi iha JBJ I i !! urn iimce ir niaces aaiiiey iny .uqignaie, by trie owner. -commander lirbiIir4vng"cliBrg ' tafu jprriieTi'at''aqm,ptV loader Cargo W alreidv ria.dilie snmi Used is" fclb!lill toll free tend provided fuHhenhUWld tolls? iftatl-'b abaV ted incase when only a partial DVlrlOrWIlKlMf;Mia proportion loihe di.iaiKMajmah whkh aayrpatfoaoJ peron my pv and if MnyptiMoBi i jMreoha shafs eefus so: tender uk ' account of fatirroiM olhaei anioli and- navUha loll-at.tHa " time Of oTTerin to uu. and nreiou la Daaaimr thrnnuk ilm . - , , ---- r -JT-.rTinmil oal or any part tbvreof.tliaryl! actor ranv ia whil I v refuse aeaaa. ' P100 VW'-Wntfuwngtaad.j or tuli, or ether thing, vhull pss , witbou) '.paving.' ilia" toll, 'm the collector may luwfullyWize Such boat, eeMel.'rall'or pther tiling and aell U Ji at aneiion for ready money, .after ady tismg-ihe: Uaid sale at teaat tea dsVsf the ihnhe arisinW from'.! a dsVs'ftne mnheV ' sale, so far es is nec sanry, shall be" applied towards the payment f .'hl t(la. and exM.e. oreiure and !alet!ndif1d' U.rir. ii any, than Im paia to tho tfwnerr and the peraoa having the di- ' rcetionoflhe-aahnmirt. veslranoilief thiht i ilia awi.e ihereof; Shalt be liable for audi Ula, Jf aievsaiiJe ate hot aidvV niurcmiai i rntvuitu, - a oai u assarja aima,4Jtf me 'of toll fited, by.tbft aidimpany, under UiUectih4 hall lrie)ih gtMer amount f ppt pro&ts-' than JiMl ba.eqsat tfa tfujn peaj cenu upon the amoqBt .ofrapUahaciuajJreiiwndedraallliainoeni aJUwajsaid ksvuheavdie, ilit .nd-lecriabari -ied uoe the tateji f trjmsportatioir to sch S urns aii f half bring rtUicT ' did mv??wiMWjWk$Mtv'i '.sjcTft. vMcviur m bsiu couijwny, bhbh, every na years auer ujeir woras are completed and ready 'foi. transportation of JrWoceV'nyike Vyt' turn to the General Aiiseiritriy brthis Slate' or the ambtifittf toll receiveJ by iherti for the" M preceding' five1' Vearsr Whioh 'relurK shall be Sworn before bnO Of tlie Judge bf the SOperWrCo'oiU Of law' f this mubjW id oped eouit, mJoia one of die bounty eourte tff this 8tsiiwu.4il snU-mW'VHWi aoti n ,ilnll nhqi inO vSeei It) And be 0 furthtiemmctelLThkttmceii& MdMatle pf said company, don a puraoanca ofthir afct.-whei eoa;pkte4j halj Xoreyef jhereafbrj, as puhlie highWsya, bf, for 'die, ranppr3 lauon 91 any gooua, wares, ,. sommodttiei ."pr, , pf oduf a wnayay w payinent 91 hiii imp osn oy said company, Anu wiieresiV tif . w!vc.Br.i' iimi cwnin , uorouns pi ranu may gerncccsjary, , to ba; condemned f..r iheurposcs pflliii :hal?V " TSfo-WX UWrtWenactelirtol lP.fc.II &VttAt president tmd director, br I ajerny'dr'ih'em, to iigrea Witft Kne swners of the laod bU the route which mb bar'a'eleDieif 'TVr ihr - VP fWr?if ( .nwilS,Mlfy:CT,Sl H8umS..Mi said, jury. 9.ndi..5,h!f or aflTirmalion, tp each of Pbm.'pri ' td wItitThariitf'wilf iWparllkW : hhd 'bsscss thtf darndifc locatiort Of kald ' c.hal. "or th touVh- which1 rt LV' irilehded tol Van canal tb. pas,Tor the purtna' ther(h'.rf Wnd astJ'Uftsgted mentrbr if the owner'.' thereof ahall be 'inarvld1wemao,,8a der age, deprive of ressbh j:o jftof mCt, AnsUjwi, Ulif 1 said luaticeaf the Peace ehsll w Mwirtwarfaafci tb; thes8liyjffi! Onslow; oounty to sutumao. a j arylof eigldeef, freTphIdera :noarff laied Jo jhCrWdtfaMidiita valued, on rdav.te b meationed in, said warraat, not less uau .ij': 1 .L.i. . j . .il ir.'' .L- '.-.Sir" :. '.i. ien rir more inun iwBiiiy u recelpi of said warianL shi met, sn.tu uinirusier.ap oain 1 vided twclp or more appear, ' value the land in nuealion.' and consider Ittb'bwner thereof niy sastafa fa boflseSnence,tbf i18ia'g'diveicAP or h nronertv thefeini rihd : the inatim'.iorr' ir IsKett'inami signed by the Sheriff snd lweltsjurdrs to ba"leceilrbiflw'a the time for than purposei' tod- returtiW Mo ihetleekiaf OnMafst county Court, to bw recot'ded by. Wm; aad lasli SMciavihe jarja 1 directed 10 describe tee Japda alsd,aa tnetr jvaiufttmn ;ai he ponclusiyeijsnd 9 piytnenl.pf ihttsfirtcor. falaaihjl 'i"Vh' a afoiessidrhy ihepresjdenunddireqtros w . ian vaiuev, ; Vi,pn,pitlwmBB!4 ifHWrTFtflifi can ba found in th State, or U fouud, shnuld refuse to reqeiy e tlOj , money, then to the .clerlj. o;the court of Plss and QuajVjr ,ej sion of Onslow counly, the faid(eonipny,'elmU bo ' guiieci 'du-v rintf- the eiinlpiira uf ihlW 'charter tt iha 'land tfaldL'd'. fn thsaairiff manner ss ifj daly conveyed to thain1 by the owni'r 6r;;bw'le'ra, thereof daring the eiiatency' of thlicTirteflyrbier'Tega1 Wit veyancet rrociaeir, inM aucu 'conue nuauon -euau 'nwHiwiM; , fere Willi dwelling hoUae' Orlhfc' fcSrlllageri'und.'ttut bpdy:a strip lif hmd alohg ins route pP laid canal Hon eiccedirf thcea hundred snd fifty feet la width shallbaxondemiiei-lu Ihetipujej posesef said caaul br ltbaeeiistrttctioJrUjersof Wl, a'd -t.,JSoct: .WiAitd. bi U farther, r Macl( -Thai tltc Pesidcni and Directors,. or a majority pfi thcroy'auiy irogreei .ivithiibM proprietors or propridtor: of any Jands Cor-er rptanUcy flOt.-wi) eeeding four ac, atot ncaCiitha kottifotjCCillcctiig ih tolls: af Jtemd Jfar the pttrpode wCebc4ilg jiiecessary CuilJ, ittgsj er hr aseof u disagreement or ;any of tlij 'idispibiljijnsj aforesaid; or: ihej proprietor ot jproprjetorf ielng ippk&f jtjhe Siuirlie saino proceeding rrwy w tlwamefconn aertoontos shall followai re directed ia theme! ptf ccii sectidtn umti In fimHn 10 njiaoni I'mi oiti tn Ifruo-.ri 9 6ec Ui Md bfarlhem tnacttd,, Tlnt' lt .iUUii mayi bei;!awful far LanV ipropriejo share or ahdre by "dewguWrfiWtetprOoi t,oj ctilion- thereof, in tlio eompaoy'f book'. 5 audt not, other wi.sg ' . exeeptrby idevifejntduCh deyisbishaUlie f ibi,ted',jlr ijha President and Directors add. registcrsd in Jhe bppks.ofjh! company before, the devim-o adwlj be enlitjcdl to..frav m part of the profi ts from said tolls t iFroyided, 1 J;an?s fer sliall bp made exchptibr one or mora shares and no tor fa. pari of a 1 shore; add no aliarishall ,be- sold, convey ed jOjj held in trustrfos the use or i benefit, 01 hed inthj anio of another, whereby, the President, and, Directors br proof i etor mays be iiicinberscof said compan y pf .pjiypf thryu sliall or tuny ba challenged or troade ipj.ansyvr,apy;jac trust; but any person nppearlug to be , proprijelor.iBhaJl,; to olhersof aaid- company' bef tb vefyiiitentalven bso, lately as: snch; but between arty Jrnstce nnd jhp4 person 'fyt whose bodbfit such irtlsl shalt WtitWisAe hj coimou xm T edy may he preaerved.f 4i 4 steVv lot tvui-r rti Sec. 15. -And be it further e ftocf eXbU ifthe tmt cop italssIidulJ prove msuIUcieiit (ue pnioutit iiUKctiUnlk should not. be sulTicicnt, iltaliall and may h Jarful, fon thd suid company fiom time to time to increase- th, capital by Ibw-additkau of ad mapy 'rnore;wholef sha nsl, shall ,1, judged necessary by the preprk-torsi members of paid ohh hany, or. a toojority bf thein in ioioresA of tUem, wlu ejluilU be present at , any general meeung, and r on .. vqlmm9jit, tho said genfal,meeting aliali tWnlcJBend ,the.;soM pr idem and DI rectors arta majority of tlienu ,arqJu irthy irw therised, empowered and raqiuredaAer giviug.0'wa U ' ' previooe notw, toopsii loojts at the Ixiforo u)nitioneJ,pia, a fo rbccivjrig and. entering auch autlUinnttUstbsvriptiQnav frt-'n fiiaf yuyun a gmpjoiu ktwr1 bij"ni tgf'"'u lirr.! nl)ffi'r-.f Uj'fn'af! -!' in', v yt-

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