J CONGRESS., Ciaissponoetioa e th BalUmec Amerifsn. i , irtuhington, Feb. 19. UNITED STATES SENATE. XA tk penitio of ami lvety memo rial fria tii LegUU'ur of Nw Hampshir snd Nw f y, aad froa pmiliuow in Penn sylvania, Mr Clhaa fee d offemd several resol irea rdaa, 14 th VVilmot' proio, and .reoeWed to 4dr tb Seaaia ia relation to them. At ties Um af bit remark; th rssoiu tiaas eaor a follows, - Mmtnei, That tit torritori of th United States belong to s.h erl State composing (hit Caioa, mi a beid by Uitut a their joint and common prapaM. ' netoai, t"bt Cansiret. a lb Joint gnt sad narMenurhw of h Sta of thi Union, has hi t "r.e any la, or do ny aet whatever, that all4Uaetfy,r by ita fleet. aa.dk any discrimination a euro th State of hit HJataa. by whwh arf of them shall b nVpaiaed nf it fall hull eat eight i.i any tor rlKiry of b Cairnd Ctateti acawired, of to b acntrire!' Mathedi Ths Ai eseotmeat n any law which should diruedv, r bait asTacU, deprive the citizens of awy of lb 'State of tbi Union from einijrtfiog with rbeir property into any of th tetritoHer. erf Baited tttttMwilf mats tuck disecimmavion, and would, akerefoie, be aeiolaiioa of rb edafctHaiioa.and fas right of ik State from which aueh ettrsen emigrated, and in daMffanaa of (hat perfect lity which belong to rbeni a member of thi Union, and would toad directly to subvert lb Union itself. MntteeJ, That a a fuadimeatal prineipl ia oer oliteal creed, that a popl ia forming a constitution bav th aoaditiooal right to form ud adopt the garamt which they may think bt calculated to secure their liberty, prosperity and bnppioeta; and that In conformity , thereto, no other condition I imposed by th federal rootliiution on a Ktat in order to be admitted Into thi Union aimer that M constitution (hall be rapablicanr and that the imposition of any other by Congress would not only be in violation of the conatilotion, but in - Url ooadtot with- tbe-rinriplr on whictr our political tysteni reel. Mr Calhonn. I rhdv that the tesol tion be printed, i ah ill mora that they be taken up to morrow and I do truat tbat the Senate will git then early attention, and an arly vol upon th subject. Mr Denton than roeod taid: Mr Praaidant, ws ha tome buine to transact, I do not intend to avoid business for a Itring of abstrac tions " Mr Calhoun. The Senator say It cannot take up attraction. I he eonttitution it an abstraction. Propriety is an abstraction. All the great rule of life are abstraction. Tb . Declaration of Independence was mad on an abstraction) 4c when I hear sno declare tbat be is against abrtraet, tuih ia cat of this kiod I v ain prepared to know what discourse will be! J cecuioiy k aupposejl that the fcenalor ; from Missouri, tli representauv of a alaveholding State, would have supported these resolutions. I moved them' in good faith, under a solemn conviction of what waa da to thoe whom I represent; and due the wbola South and the whole Union. I have at littl deair at any Senator lo . ob struct public basine. All I want is a deeie km. and a decision before the three million bill ia decided. ' If the Senator from Missouri wants to-morrow morning very welt. Tb resolution can be taken up on Monday, ' Mr Benton. I will purtu my own cooris when th time come. I know what ar ab atraetioo, and what ar not. I know what business is, and wbat is not. I am for going on with tha business of th session, and I aay I shall not vote for abstractione year ahead, to the exclusion of business. He ay h calculated on my course. H it mis taken. H know very well, from my whole course in pulilic I He, tbat I never would leave palilio bosine to lake up firebrand to set the worm on ore. Mr Calhoun. The Senator does not at all comprehend me. Mr Urnton. I am from the right place. I am on the tide of my country and the Union. The resolution were then ordered lo be printed Mr Archer uggeatd tbat Monday b the day named for ibe consideration of these Resolution Mr tjtlhoun said be bad no objection. Hi only wih wa that th Resolutions should be voted npon belore the three million bill. The Resolution were then ordered to be printed, and tbe subject passed from th Senate. The manner of thi little dialogue between Messrs Benion and Calhoun wa much mote impressive ihan th matter . itself. , it wa earnest and solemn on the part of tha Senior bom South Carolina, and quite contemptuous upon the other side. The Nsvy bill wa next considered and passed. THREE MILLION BILL. Mr Houston made a very , long speech, first in reference lo the liberty , of tbe Pre, sod then upon question growing eat of tn annex- f aiion w i exss and tbe rar wim Mesio.' Mr dlhoan'i view were opposed, and the liaw marked out in hie peeh of rat-week.- '- Some discussion took place between Mr H. and Mr Calhoun, aa lo vfheiher Texaa troopa bad eter crossed tb RioGraide, Mr Simfuon took the floor Jd will eontin- ne the debate to-morrow. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. The Hniit added a resoluiion to give th Jarkana Monument Aoeiation lour bra canty uken by Can. Jacluoa at Pensaeola, t the purpooe of eontribati le th erection . BroM Siatae, to be rcted lo Cea. Jack son IU l0 40. PRIVATE CALENDAR. Tlx House went into Committee of the wbol opOOlh Prlraia Calendar. I the Senat Saturday, 90, the bill reported on I nesday last from 1 It eemmtttee on Milia ry AITairs in conformity with the recommend, one in th President' message of tb I3ib Wt, forth rgsnisatiosi of tb ten regi. ree ently asthof ised to be raised in brif . f)kt1 ttp. and M ? I Uan.BH mM...lMMn l,nad to give increased efficiency 10 lb rrviee, wer adopted, whaa th bill wa laid vpoa tb labia to be called op again at aa early V 'Wee million bill wat ibtw mka , M Mr t-.mmon addressed ,b 8nta at ng'h. devoting a considerable portion, nf his lv-h o rvirV oS it revolution and re. j..a.k,f Mr CalUou mibmiited yeter-.y Mr Calhoun rejoined, (o which Mr Simmon agsm replied, and the bill Was then pasted PJ iaformally, Mr Soule having tha flour for Monday Mr Sevier gave nsiice that he jald ask for a vol apon ik bill on Wed x" Afict ih imntaetioa of aome bP woesg tic Senate ajoarm d. - ftyo 1. " " vnrwviwiii iirvHviirawti, la th Ho, Mr Drom0ol prenid the reaolation of th Virginia Legislature about the war aodtke PraideM'atanagmalof it, i A bill appropriating for lb improvement of 1 tb harbor at Milwaakia, twenty fiv thous and dollar! of tb harbor at K seine, lift thou tan -I dollars; of the harbor at Soathpjrt, fiftc) thousand dollara, was takea np and passed, with an amendment granting f 10.000 for improving Newark bay, N. J. Aa amend granting $350,000 for the extension of the Camberland road, wa adopte-l in eommiit, bat rjcctJ by tb House, 89 to 7. Monday, Ftb. tt. In lb 8ente. Mr Ersn reiiiMsA as Regent of tb Smithsonian Institute, and Mr. Paarc of Md. was cbvsen in bis stead Mr, Mason present) the resolutions from th Virginis leg slstara, thanking th President for the manner in which he had carried an the war ami said b concmrred in lb sentiments of lbs resolutions. Mr Dslla presented a leter from MrJIeissoae of th pnblisbsrs of th Washingta Union enquir ing wbeuier be was included in wa expulsion resolution! Tha bill for appointing; general officers tor lb new troop to be raid under the ten regiment bill was isken bp. ant after consideration laid asid.. The thtw million bill was then taken up. . Mr aoule made a speech on tb subject. H bad a lam auditory, and wss listened to with moch silwitioQ' , In the Hne. Mr. McKsy reported bill to pnro."riat 38 million for th army, for two yssrs la MM. Tb b:ll wss Ukeb up and Mr Winthrop made a oowaifu' and eloquent speech against iU and eg. rrad an .nWndnient that no appropriation of mon- e ia mU fo.' conquest' Mr. FaadJelOn 01 a, loiiowca in pvweniu - ... r f . r ll I ; . . I nd elaanent'ara.imnt. in eondemnation of tbe PraaiJcnt Mr, J, K. IngsKol? spoke in favor of carrrying on th war. Tut t day, Feb. S3. In the aenat. tb bill t provide tor tbe organiia lion of th ten mrimeni. and th appointmsnt nl M..MI mmA l.r nflieers. sfier - tb adoption of amn aamaodmrat, wm ordevred to be engrossed for third reading, and vUI c". up ... passage to morrow. JMv takenupand Mr.Evanaadarewd h awnate in opposition to the. war and .lb '1,,,,io,,1 was followed by Mr. Breese, bo su.oported ths adminwt ration snd urged vigorous p rosecution of the warinorder toobuia aa honorable Tb Army Bill psed by lb tous lo dsy embraces between two and three millioi 01 new appro prisiion. which swell th . at la lb amoant of thirty two, million of dollars and mors. The Bill is also op a to emend mer. ' iif the senate, and new items wilCprobably be ad- ded there. V . Wednesday, Feb. 24 Iu the enste, tb three million Mil wss uu. cussed bv Messrs. Benton snd Calhoun with some saver personal thrust t each otber, . Tbe Hoar was engaged in th consideration, of the Post offlcs biU, .. .;, .v -.v:- Tliuriiay, Feb'. 25. lath aenate, Mr. Fsirfield. from the naval rem uitie report d a ioint meolutioo. authorising tba fjeeretary of the Nay to place at the disposal of Cspt DeKay, the United states ship Macedonian for tba purpose of transporting to ' the CmUhing Irish and Scotch, each contributions as may be obtained for their relief, and appropriating $6 000 for repairing and fitting sud vessel for sea. " 'Tb resoiuti mt wer mad twice and ' then' post, pooed till to morrow. The civil and iliptsmatie appropriation bill was nail taken ap and severe! important amendments were adopted. After whieh the bill was postponed onttrto Th three million bill wss then token up, and Mr Davis addressed the Senat at some length, vrnen Mr u. nad concluded, air tiaon-gan ot taioed tbe flour, and the bill was passed by until to morrow. The senate then passed the bill to provide for the purchase of tbe manuscript papers of tbe late President Madison and also the bill for tbe relief of the widow of the late col McRae, a d after s short executive session, adjourned Th Hons eosnt th day in th consideration of a bill to erect certain lighthouses a bill making alteration in tbe post 0(000 law th post erne ppropriation bill- a bill amendatory of tb several acta in relation to the progre of tbe useful arts and th Senat amendments to ths bill for. snppsrt of the military academy, and to the Indian appro. tin . pnaus u oiii. WAR NEWS. Tampico, Feb. 5. 1U7. A eotnmerciil boas in thi eitty. which ha a branch la Chihuahua, received a latter from Ibeir agent there under a vary late dat stating that aa America a fores from Santa re. a part of Ueneral Kamv command, had showed themselves netr Cbihuahoa, and war immediately attacked by a superior .Mercian fore. ' A long and aanguiaary batti waa fought, M which tbe slenchter en both idea, is said to baa beea verrt grest, surpassing. aocording to nasxbers, any that haa yet baea fougbt Ultimately tbe Americans wer victorious. ' and eatorod tba town and placing ear rug in plac of lb Mexican, ia th principal squire. proclsisMd the tows to be taken in tb nam of th Unitod states of America! Tba letter particularly Mated tbat th me warn l principally M issoariaaa, and wedistely set them down aa Col Price's men. I most say thst this new receives mot credit hsrs than any Mexican am that 'bas keen in circula tion sine I have been in thi country . .' ' TROM TAMPfCO Yeaterday afternoon the city way throws ioto commotion bv th renwrt that tha . shin Ondiska, with a part eflhe Louisisna regiment on Buaro, nad Been wrsckad. and ell lb . vnlaotaers, with the crew of tbe vessel, taken prisoners by th Mexicans. We received n Icttova, as w sipecttedby ths arrival yesterday.' bat' the (acts K-rn to be, st ws learn from gvntleman , who eamO pngr n the schoooer 8harroa Jwbirb (eft rsi.:wco en tb (th inet, that th ship Oadi akawent a'bore th eveniping af tb Arst inst about thirty t mile sonth of Tampico. Ths troop and all an bond wr saved with their bag gag, and wan at 7 ampio warn tb Sharroh left; Bat while coming out O'er th bar b learned from a pilot bat direct from lb wrecked ship, lbs about sight hundred Mexitaa bad taken; possession of m ship, in advst.ee of a company of tbe 3d artitory, which were sent to bold losses sion'afhe. By a letter, received by a mercbaa tile howas in this city, dated at Tampicv on tha th innt thai new is. canfinasd. Tba! lUr sis states that part of tha crow: snd aonv of the volunteers ars erinfitied at Tsmpio for mattcf Tb new concerning tb miltiteiy movemenlt mad v intrnder, mrd nothing definit ' , ' r"v tfew Orkani popr $yt to aait smuaiag to read lb nvlag f the Lae-foce papara, th aired press as of tb Ad ministntion, against Mr calhoun and his wing of tb "'Pemoeroey .. fr sbandoping 'Th party. Wonder if the Rrprcsenltv from Ibis District in Con a won t wdt. to W..tuento 'So meet to . :.. -. CommrToonnrh- beas remrvad ,f csmmaadi tbsfiplf d eo.modor Py ha. tlkin bis 4c. THE STAR. Libtrla ct natalt iQlum. raleksh. march 3, iair. 22nd OP PERUARV. W inadvertently omitted to tlat ia oar last, thst Waabingtoa's birth day was observed in thi city, by our fin volunteer eowpanien, in a becoming manner. The Cossacs aiidr Capl. Collin tbe Ringgold AriilUiista, under Cspt. Manly; and the Wake Cavalry; Cspt. Siith, were out on pa'de. and all made an unusually handeome and martial appearance. . Gacca W. Caldwelx, Esq. haa received from th President hi reward for hi contempt of hi own Stat authority, ia th appointment of Major in tba tegular army; and alao LA. E. O- DaviMoit, a Captain of th Dragoon, with authority to recruit the company . for the war. 1 k Standard attes that it learn by private letter that these appointments we. oppoaed by .Mr. Mangam, a tba nominee bad bean guilty of insubordination. II tree, Mr. Mangum did light. Sech diotganiar ought aot lo b pro. motd, Th American Amarmnik, mnd l-dy't and Gentk sun's Ttmftranc Mogaxmt. Th first nnmber of thi splendid msgaxin haa been received. W earnestly recommend it to all of our readers. It is published monthly, in Philadelphia, by Messrs. Parker. Jonet fit Co., at the low price of $1 23 a year; It con tains a great vaitety of matter,- andi beautifully illustrated with cut. Msr. Badger, Mangnm, JSlewsrt, Bairin geu Graham, - Dockory, and Dobbin,- will plea receive our thanks for various valuable publie documents for which w ar indebted to their polltt attention. Gen . GatMVoluntttr the Mminiatratio. No one, ibat wa have obesivtd, haa noticed the fact that the very ' thing for which the gallant and patriotic Gaixis ws court-marshaled, via. hi requisition for a respectable army 01 volunteer, has been finallv adopted by tbe Gov'ernment. Whether the General had ex paa authority or aot, for the tall, it ia now cerU'in that subsequent venls have proven beyon.1 . doubt, th wisdom and expediency of the o.iea.'t're, and moat triumphantly yindica leif him trou thecharga -pt mental weakness or derangement "hich hi conduct wa top posed by thte aagfaaloaftbah i'hhrieeir lb indicate. Hd l" efficient plan of General Gaineabecn adApU'd bylh govrnmnl and prosecuted with becoming apirit & nrgy, tb war with Mexico Voa.'d have been at an end aa end siorioo to thfl ar.ma, and favorable to the honor end interests of thr eoonirj. But no! Tb Administration, intrwi'aated with-tha- con ceit of "whipping Mexico hefore breakfast" with a handful of shamefully neglected troop, thought proper to countermand h call of. Gen. Gaines, nod ofder him ' to trial! Th results are aovr before th eonntry. Oa-vnobm littl army, it ia true, b pHormd"Tmirel-sndr mi r,di, and Read;" but a nation of atiffht or nins millioc ba been mmim' "o deepe ration, and not itlfinuch s formidatsIe attiiode of defence that th nnmber of that a.r ""at now be augmented to afore equal to tha,' which Gen. Gaines foresaw would be necessary, bvo''e it can be expected to achiav farther conqoeui nd the drum are now beating all over the country, to rait tb recruit that ought .at first to have been sent to tb field. Th hsm and eondemnation fall now in the right place, npon the head of aa imbeeil and corrupt ad mtoitlration . TREASON TO THIS SOUTH, It is said Mr. Polk has mad bargain with the aertbera members to negotiate a treaty with Mcxiee favorable to the North, for their support ot ika tare milltooi bill. This matter eaekt lo ke mveetigaled, and H loaad trae, the Preaident sheald s forthwith tanpeaehed, sad expelled from ike kigb taw, ss deepty disgraesd by soeb base trcaebcty. -- - Wear autkorittdto state taatibs PnUlaTrsa. srer is a at has see sees Haas, reacy to lak ra th bond of lb Wilmmgloe sad Ralrigb RsU Read Compaoy adonedbytbe Stat, which lell do ia Jaaaary. , ,'. . , Tb laraTbill wat defrsied in the Hoc to sf flcp- reseauiivs.s, onmiwiasy, iu 1 itw. FROM EUROPE. The Csanbria. 14 day latter from Eorop. brings aew of a foil in tba price of grain, flour snd cotton, of th entirely Ire admission of corn into Europe, suspension of tha BrCutt navigation laws. of relief to - Inland propoessd ia Parlitment, and aa aniicipaUid famin in rranca- " LECIsLAT UK B" Hv cr ts W pnUiah. by reaoaat, the yes snd nays en ths pasaars of tbe biU to alter the time of holding th saperior CeurH in th seoowd Judicial Diatrict, and of iheconnty cearto of Onslow, Jon, Craven. Beanfort, ana Hyd, it aecond reading in the Sea ate, Ja. lh, 184?, . They ar as follows, , Pea . Mssaers. Csrtor, (ewar, I'anial, Eborn Psmnd. Gilliam. Gilmer. Oitehrist, Grave. Hal try. HiU,' K4y, McMillan, Mekhav, Pattaraoa- Poradextor, Kussell, SUeet, ibemaa, waddall. and Waedfta. ' . AarMeMrs Abrigbt, Barnard, Bogle, Boyd. Camevoau Ink Eiem. Oavin, Hargrav. Hester, Howard, Krr, Mills, tpeiiht. Htsllings, 8uwe, Ibempseau Tomlinsen, Waid, Weeten and Walker. v Tha Sundard say tha Star gota "for the emma." . Belter lo be conlenl wiih "tha erums," with a good eontcienc. by th firm maia- tonance of oor principles "ami tha aupport of trath and justice, than to barter wr principles and eschew those virtue, for the whole loaf of a party which we de spise in. our heart, to become their aupple and aervile tool lo do their dirty work. The present Editor of the Standard, be fore fce waa installed editor of I hat paper, had written ror bitter thing against tba Democracy, nd praised Messrs. Clay, Mangnm, etc, more extravagantly per hap ihan any other of bit at and (landing . . iitl' ' l. v.. v. IS ns nig rinnn - j nddM f lh, Sland.td, he demaerat. If be could end a little more fff" fjf 'i'T be would bfCOta sn m and way wa" any Ibmg cle. H1QHLT IMPORTANT r ROM MEXICO. A letter dated January Si, waa received by Captain poat at the Bra to, from Capt Chap' an,Qaartiiuaator, aitaehd to (re. Word a division, informmiog him that Msjot Botlanet, of the Arkansas cavalry, with fifty men, and ... "i . uiim, aiaw vnvtM av. v.iaj, w,tn t,i mora, hsd been urprid and saplursd at a tlc called Inconaaion, abont fifty mil from Ssltillo on th morning of th S3d allimo, by Gen. Minion, at tb bead of flv bsndrod eaval ry. Not a gun wat filed! . LsiuL Kilchle, with ten drogooat, whb daapatch ea to fiea. Taylor, amved at Monterey ta eaTer, slopped Ihera a sight and smeaeded aa their real ta meet Gea. Taylor rke seal day. Tswsrds data, Hrtehie rcwebed the village of Villa Unaiht, die ism iwemy I area miles from MaMerey. Meeting, jatt after bis arrnat, with a Katlikmaa, a- taiiinacd i basmess there, a availrd evaM-ll of his serviae le procare refiesbmctiis lor nimwll sad eoeamaad. As Ike two were erwesMig ike plstsof ViltsGrsade. ia funkvrsaee of lh ebjeat. a M extra ea korackaek same wb.skiag by ikesa, aaea iuildvaly he thiea Usso v..r Kilshtt, pat spars ia kis saiiael, sn.1 saaaeeiled i" dragging him beyond tka Iowa, lo a small ervek IB ine vieiBKy. tiers he murdered him, snd anrr mnlilatine kia badv ia a bar, id nuur. atada off with I he despsishes. I bese are said le ke of graat soastquesjce, eea- taaieig a akeiek ot the plan ui Ike lortkeomiag sompa.ga, wajh alher intaoriaat aarlieulars. . 1 ke Court Martial which tried Col. Hareey a Ik eharge at disokeaieae cf orders, seMeaard kirn ia be reprisaasded. , Gea. Hooil remklvd the seatenee, sail ordered kim lo the dissharge ot Ike dalwa lor tba aetleet at ahiah aa kad heca til ed. Tbe Amerkani are pushing tor Vera Cras, a kirk aa attack is eoasemptated as' early as nrae tietbto. Tba pleee is ia eommead at Gea La Vrja. with about good ireopi ia Ik say sad IIO0 ia Ike sax hi of Ulas. Tbe assaasiaaiioa al Ssnla Aaea tares eat la ke aafoaiidedi so als of kis aeiive ppoaitaa I Ike wisure of ekaiek praperty. Al last sasoaals k vat still at aa Lais fMosi, witk 83,0(10 mea. The mesare ot the Mexieaa Cong, ass, of taking the ehureh property lo carry oalhe war, is ra tling great tacHement, and haC oeeasioned many resigaalioaa. itrjoa eoases ia as minister of slate, to sarr) th meaiuro into tlfrat with all possible riger. Svma ml lb clergy kad bee haprisoaed, kick would toad greatly lo iarsreate tka t xsite Dwal. . -.-: . - Tk (stool Col. De Ruisy'a command ffour eompsnies from LooiiUaa ynlanleert). . wfeeked in, th Ondaika, is aot etrtaiii kal h is feared they kavv keea eaplure.1. Gea, Pillow bad msrchtd lo Ihelr attistanee. 'ThC report is they were eapiurrd by Gea. Cos, at the head of a or VUuu Mexicans Our arms have been arowaed with laeacts, alter a ludicrous somen, st Pssso del Norte. Oa the 5ih Deeember SeaorCuylia wat al Kl Pass al tka head ot 480 regulars, abo, td.led lo the Pascnca, or troops raised near F.I Pasto, exceeded I.Ouu ia number. 1 he Americans were at Imaa Ana 400 strong. They advanced apon Kl Paso, Caylill prepared lo fight them, but the evening he was lo set lorlh oa bis marsh he was seised with a violent brain fever, wbieh rcadcred him kelpless. ,- Tha eomaMind devolved apoa VliUI, aha posses sed little ' military skill, and eieeied lo ear roaad aad destroy Ibe Amiriians like ta many rabbits. He pasked forward 400 -aavaliy aader Capt Aalaaio Panes, at wktob a no hn acre fate-aas,-.Tka Avmartiaaa demaadsd a paarUy, whtok was deaied. and the I (ill MaaMdiateiv ecoaateaaed. Poate charged at , tb . head of kit asialry,.. hot in vain, si he a at wousded ia Ibe tret onset'. Jest the Ibe Psseaot raa and threw sash dl order into th whole that all took t light, Icasis . I ! . ! a I. I f . f I nwwiiarr hi inn h.du si , jscriraaa aax VV' rybtg off threw other pieces. Vidal returned rtb all speed to Carriaal, forty leagaes tram Bl rase. Tb lost oa cash aide wss aet knowa ar it aot slated. Oa Ike S7ik ike Americans tank possession of Bl Peso - witk' oo cavalry- sad too miaatry.- atexieaa low raporteq I oe 1UU. Tk number of troop at Tampico, ibe 6th alt. was 700 There was fearful mortslity among the Missitsip. Aa Officer of Ibe 8J Ohio Regiment. U. Miller tt believed to be hit name, was manlend, at Cki ekironi, aad awfully mutilated. The "North Carolina Standard" lias been so Ion? and so notoriously the vehicle of falsehoodand detraction, that it ia now regarded by men of information through out the Sue at totally unwotthy of confi dence no reliant whatever can be placed in it statements. It should bear tha name, a it a "ei'T where doc tha reputation, of the Stand'' f Faltehood and DeJ amotion. The only n.-duemcnl there , ia for correct ing its gross cod deliberate slanders, is to disabuse ths mi't.'ds of the iporant and sil ly portions of iu recdert, who are ready to swallow any thing, bo waver absurd or rid kuloaa, because it to p.-intJid in a paper claiming to be the organ of hei'r pariyt and we give notice to the public, lit"?t is for this reason alone, that we occasionollv' per form the task of nailing iu base coin lo the counter; and this we can do without any very serious encroachment upon our quiet "ilumbert. Sec an Interesting article on Dr. Mor ton's Letheon In another column of todayg Star. ,:- i - - r 1 .i Tka Rtot af Florida h4 rewudiatsa it 11 motto, Let os lon." and tubstilatod lo lien there of"InQod nfurtrust- " 3 WHIG DISTRICT CONVENTION. Wa have been requested to. give no tice thai a Convention to nominate Whig candidate for Congress in the dis trict composed of counties of Orange, Chatham, Caswell, . Person and. Gran ville, will, be held in Hillsborough on Tuesday of March court, th flth inst. ttj- Tho Norfolk Courir stoles, oti the authority of an old friend of Cenernl Taylor, who has recently seen find oon versed with hiro, thot- "Old llotigh and Rerdy" ia a Staunch tcotolaller," CO'. hating drank a glass of "tha ardent" for twenty years. - ; , . ESFIh-to waot Victoria, Um ca'pital of Tamaolipas, ia not laid down on any map of Mexico whkh ws have seen-?; In a letter to ths St, LiOuis Union it, Is thus detcribad: ''Victoria m aitnatet sboat 23 deg. 60 mia north Utitude, 63 miles south of Santander or Ximine, 2(Vj fronj - Mala moro, lying at tbe bass fef tha mountains thai foraa , the high ublr, , Unda of Mexico. The livers nin near,' the town.- 'fhis, location, (aays the Nsw Orlesns Mercury) will place it about where Lleta'i marked en tbe maps. , A great meeting was held in Washington ciiy, cn Taesday' week, at which the Vice President, Mr Dallas preaided, for the relief of the sufferers by famine in Ireland at which addressee, were delivers. J by Mettrs, Websier, Maclay, Owen, an d triuendenden, of tha moat elonucnt at ui uffeclitf characcr LtaasmtB. N. C. Feb. IS, I8ir. Edi!or of the Star: Sir . I had the pleassrs af witnessing an operation per. f.irwrd by Dr. Bern ley (1e of N. Ymi; for ibe cure f llrabmmst (or cms ej) on two little girts nf this t.lacs (en yes terd y.) nne of T years ef age, ami the other of 2. 'Hie operation waa performed within a few seconds, with apparently bat little pain, and with the best sticce. Oar three physicians of this place wrre present, and all ei pressed themselves well satislied with the aperations. Dr.B. has travelled and operated during the last fiv year through mes( of the S'atet; and hat in his poSt tiun many , Battering testimonial of hit skill and success as an nrcalitland Surgeon ot good authority. tie intend vtatting, daring the ensuing ; apnng ml tummer, mutM the town md , cnanties of North Carolina, lie may be expected in Raleigh in a few wreksj via. Oieenaboroagli and Hillsborough: liii chargea are reasonable, snd lu the poor gratis. Respectfully. IS. FIDO. For ibe Star. . Mr. Lenity: Why ate the editors throuifh out the State so sparing in nolirinj the 'Par. mei"! Why do they never notice itseontent nor recommend H to th Planter of N. Ct Do they tuppos that th circulation of lh "Far mer" will b any disadvantage to them If so, surely they at mistaken for facta prove the contrary. No, air, th circulation of the Parmer will sot detiaet from th circulation of political paper at all; on the contrary, it will enllyhten tb mind of Farmer, and can many to tub crib for political papers; it will a so cause many to be economical, thereby saving the mean tot pay for papers. Then, let every editor ia N. C. who has tha least spark of philanthropy in , him, coin oat and notice it eon tents and recommend it to the considera tion ot Ihs Farmer. . ... Aad sir, lb Postmasters I fear, do not do their whole duty relative lo th "Farmer " Some P. Offi-es I know do not receive single copy af h. and Ibe fault must b with the Post Meter. ; Is it not the duty, is it not the iowteat of evsrv nhilsn thro.ie individual to lend hit aid In making this paper what it should be, and thereby saving lb "good old North State." from the sbsm and dis. grace of linking in an tgrtrultural and literal y point oi view! sir, I nop th Mltor IS N. C will not be quite so sparing with their antlreoi and I hops Post Masters will be more aralous in tbe cause of agricultural reform tkaa they have bean, and will therefore aid in circulating tbe Far mer. Will you, if yon have not don to, send every P. M. in N. C. number of lb Ftnner. NEUTER. . THE VVILMOT PRQVISO. . Tlie proviso, interdicting absolutely the existence of Slavery In any territory lo be required front Mexico, bus been engrafted, in the House of Representatives, on the three Million hill. With this evidence hoth of the power snd intention of the rep. resentalives of the non-slavvhodling 8 la tea to monopolise all such teiriiory as may Ire obtained by connueat or purchase, from Mexico, will Southern- men concent to the annexation of an sera of ber soil. - For one, ws say ws'll none ol it" and such. we qnderuke to aay, will . be , tbe , nnam mous sentiment of the .Southern people. - HUM. nlug. ' ' THE N. C- REGIMENT. , , Jobs A. Lena, a privat in tha Camber la ad aad Bladen company, died on Thuisday last, of hemor. mg or in longs. There it nothing lib th sickness among the troop that thsre wa a week or two ago. ' ' , . Ths Orange Voiantoers, being detachment on. ly , hsv bean divided and apportioncM, on to ethei deficient oampantaa, chiefly to th Yancey, to thst by tbi and otber changes, nin complete com pa nics htvt been made np. ktavintf an ta be gather ed yet Toward thi, aome twelve ot flfteea ms from on of th W eat em counties cam down M the Rail Rood on Morulas, aad Lt. Col. Fagg hssgn tuBuncombnfor more recruiU. By lb sp portionmeot of the Orsng Volunteers among lb otber companies capt. C neroo I left witboat a command . The nine companies rang alptqabeticaliy ttiucf A, Eascas,CapC vViLaoar B. Wiih, Cpt. BaalBT) C, Cabairaa, Cspt, Hhivat D, Yancey, Caot. Blalocki G. E.laeoombe. rpt. Dotreaa, F. : Caswell Capt. Williamson, U, Rockingbamapt. Henry iH, Nw Hanovei. Capt, Piice I, cum. Denanu. capt, ikirkpaUicfc. Uompsnies A. and B, left for Braans 8sntig on th tftth inst-. in th Schr. E 8. rowsll CompsnuM B, C and D, wilt, it ia expected, leave to morrow. In the Brig Stmuel N OoU. Major Htokes wUI go with tbm. . Tbe chr Hameoa Pile haa keen tontraeted for by Lieut , Fremont, th Covemmmt agaut, and will probably get away 10 bur or five days, hAins companies n ana s. rru Cares. From lhNtional Instrlligencer. , GENERA I TAYLOR'S LBTTER. -A long coinmunicaiinn in the New York Express of Friday Morning apparent ly wriltsn by D. F. Bacon, and specially sanctioned by. General ' Gaines, shows lorth the bistort of Uaneral Taylor's much talked of letter, nd the manner of ita publication.1 The letter il teems, wa written to Gen. Gaines, who is Gene, rat xsyiur scconil cuunn ana m -r.u he has been long in the habi; ol correspond inj frctlj?. Genera! Gainee showed it one day, lo l)r Bacon wlm U his occasional medical adviser. Dr Bacon suggested (hit its publicsiion would be timely snd ncful at a Cfuuplete answer toall thos rsscallv auaeks upon Genn.l Taylor, kni that the whole people ought to see it. Gen'l Qinrt Msented veryjewW aoon as he had leisure, made a copy, omit ting the eonfidc'aai passages which copy ha rffcrei M the editors of the Express - On the day sf the publieatioo, 1 Gen. Gainet aent a copy of , the Espreea lo General Tavlor. .with s letter explaining war ha hail narmilted tb nublication, 4ra pudiating the editorial comments of tba E ptess Having oceasion to visit Washing ton viext dsy, be laid a copy of the Express bef ire the Preaident, and in the ' evening ba A aa interview with that gemlemaa and tl,e Secrvtsjy tf War. to whom he svewea ( tie aoener in the rmbrieation, with like liscliror of the edkorinl :. comment. General Gaines deore that there ia any thing ia the letter, . eaher ss written or sa published, . she publication of which aaMihk snanv known militoty prinskrVsi eomtoibote do the United Suurs say r' thst there wa any 'ensnaet with politicians " in reference to the publication; it' wa his act solely, and performed only in the mili tary internet nf General Taylor. ; expunging. ;J;,r The Locof.KJO speakers in the LeguIa lure threiend, if ihey ge into ptmer, to expunge the preamble to the resolution ap propriating wlO.OOO to the volumei . T,tt hope that thi will be another motive- with all considerate men t keep them. t ' of . power. In the course of more than half, s century, with from fourteen to twenty eight independent government within the' Union hut one case of Expunging a Journal of s ' Legislative body ha occurred. That , wa : a caae of miserable aycophaney o mam. And now we h-v a threat to set over' "the tame d;graceful scene, and still its object i to cutiy th favor ofs ma. There ia nothing nationatta either c . lit. Vbtli- For ibe Star. DIED, la Doplia eouaiv, aa th Uth ot Fckraarv. tVal. tee, aaly son af Kl.sabeth and J saves M. Crady, awed shirty dat. - ., - i i-i J -nappy laianl, early hlesC. , . tn, Kest, ia prsMlul littic ber teat, j.- , ,t F.nily reieaed I rem tbcaares, . '' W hwk increase van growing tears, Na delighu arc worth thy Mty, Smiling as ihejr seem snd aav" ' f 8kort and aitkly at they all. Hardly Uned ere they i,alL All oar gaiety i vain, - . All our iabter h hat tain, . . Ui' !. inimg aaiy aa aivme. It aainnneene lik It me." " '" : ' , Journal please copy. ' s - ' la Hake r ore it. on lb aighl l lb Stib alt.. a raiaalaakeloto t 'clek,i Mrs. . Saeah T. Alst, wU of Tkomat Alaoa, Kisj., aged M year. She bad keea wear tarty . years a pious number of ike Methodist episcopal Ckarak, and waa e lady af sxiraordiasrjr erxs aad va-laes. Ws are audioriaed lo announce Gen. M ICAJ AW T, HAWKINS as a candidate to . represent ths people of th sixth Congreaaional Diuriaf, eont poeed of tb eountie of Warren, Franklin, Wake, Johnston, Bdgrcomb. Ntth, snd , Hali fas. In tha House of Kepreteatative f the next Congr of ih U. Stat. : " January Hih,197. -. f $ KOLTlSTOCK g VEUSIIFCCE. A ftutc remedy for Worms Fhlt remedy for worms It on of th mest es traordmsry ver used; ' It erectly eradicates wnrtas at every cart, tram aWMreo aad adalis 1 Thoatond pariah ky warns Wilkes Ik teal sen is basne; known. Some etnar reasen is asstjacd. W kat- Umams 1 aay ninikitoy , tkaa rests spaa: . tka par aal wk dee aet knew, aad Ik doctor wka Joes aot aadcrslaad, -rka eoeaplstet akta tsdas iroj ing those nreclnat flower f life -tkiUrtm, rVfcatahonb-dn 'Ki'W r. tjTk 4swr I pltia. Cras this Vasmifasa, wkiak will ke sor to d goad, af -tbey kava na warmw sad S I bet have, il will destrey aad radka.t tm with a arrtamty and seaeitio truly Maisbias - h aanaat fcarm Has imilltsf tacant avtka atraagtst aaaiu Tkr bt aa mareary ar, swoon! ia h. Metcary Is th kasU of most- worm tcavedies; .sad the rasaedy Is to-actimes won lltaa ihe disease. S aover ass loasns.es, bat taiy apna tate every parsea aUl ba .eosivUvaad aavaaa ytaj, ; tkat H i th most sarfest cure ever kiveale- ; , law immense mle lhar tblt vsrmllag ' bss, It a tar test f iu vsla sad rtM riasatina ta wkiak it is acid ay hmllkas. . It woald ke aaiie loa ea pea si ve le paklith s volame of 'ceniacetcs that kave bean given tar this artiste, aad ike asers af it era rat4 la rpeead lbs ansae la all aertoat wbm tbav think may ke keaeflnsd ky it, , . ... h it Ifpesk ol a ia all familats, aad yen a 111 da year daty la year fellow eraaiare, aad tort a stared af tha spproaation of all toed , aaea, aad IU reeelve year racard m kesvan, ,; f,,i, '--;t-.r W all sa all good e'tisans t auks knowa Ik effeet of tkil wonderful remedy : Prepared aad said ky CUMSTOCK at Ca , Maw York aad told in Raleigh by P. P. PECVD, TO ALL trttO VSg J.EATBSk 'IN Jjirr '"f '' FORM. '''1 . Leather Hestoier; " a a..i; i jttl ., avnew VHramicsu asiscorerr .1 iicsa Discovery., ,1 Meet 1 aooplo knew Ibat Skias sad Hate ara ana le knew ibat Skint and Hale are sew verted late Uslkaf by tba as f Tsaaia, estracied from certaia kaikt. It. - . . s 1 .,, . Whan tb tore and strength ef th Tsaaia la worn out, leather becomes dead, hard, dry, brittle, racked, severed wilb a ara si, Its. ,Tbl all knew. T red ore, tbew, I IK toftatl, molltncu, wreagtb, saaoathncct, snd remove all .ran, fly or bliaiar, real ore tii Taaal. ' Tbi tukstaaee Ik leather aevee aa recerVc Ihe teecad tinwt k tk . vlrtaet ol tt are In this article, loe Oil fj Tatutim, wkmb panel rnlet ika atlflest and bardest leaiber, T N ba keea twenty yean ia ase, aad il il tear esti. ry with tk tegers, it Imparl st ease Strength ihet is altcely faeredibto antii m. - b Weoeactlik aew leather, la all respects, wiih a deligkital soft nets sad pclitn, sad makes all leather eompletoly aad perfectly impervioa la water, - aartieatoriy karns, shoes, earriaga loa keenest, boas, true ha, and la taat all Ikings asad af leatker, givkw a sritea. did polish, even kigkcr tkaa aew lekcr , and at toast deahliag ita durability, Is whatever meaner tb leaihe is aseaV ; axniO'.x t. ir sJ 3(4 i 1 v' Tkm org Facl$,i ,Vi -, TbOS Wba Will naa a,a .I J .1.... ... rnt-ld with oldwarriag lops,-h.,. iJd" bar. as aad threw ikem sway Mil used .-look fllth tway. Itny what i irtiele of lesihee I I heir bcarl coat eat, lor a kal wa care, if Ikeir prejadieca ar sa stranf that ihev wilt M tj a aca dlssav. ary. W nave na fsvors ta eekei thsmt tbey ar ika geealeat mSercrs , beg : sabadj aaaiom r now, grwiirnea, pleat yearseivnai - iU 1st italeigh by r. F. rESCUD. u.i ,."'. li.,-;;! .:.; '.-;tma)tft t F O It Tn B P IIiEC t- Piles eSretaallr eared ay thi serial remer Tba tale of thi sniato is staadily .aawaeving. noT . wilhttsaaiag tbax n-anf eoontet H gat ap m Wmta tiea of m. Par ucahied wak this dieuv aai aamplaiat, dcalar ibat they weald eat be r,itneat this Preparation ia their baases lee tk prl a of ton botes. The publU wilt ireeolleet that fai I th anly remedy aflerei tkam ibat re to rJkj af aay ealae whsiever. : Ia plaacs wkvt n Is kajeaa, ta ry fomilt bat il hi ihcir beaae. Its prae it aotev sl tovadatalU h is shot sit peja. CsaH. k' .. . .1 - - - at .. m. v l . .:e v IA, 11 vsanaaut am ""-a, sa- nropre aMU to fisUlak h - .. t--"t fr N 1 ft. litis" . ' ' 4.. .tWO1'1 ...i kind fGhi - : and Real E fcte. B' Ianiraoml ta blm WtaU is" P,, a-- Wthfatl attended, to. ..t - .1

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