r. t; Fcsolution relating to certain fcrip 'isswa by. the Rale'uzh and Gaslon Bail Koad 'Conijinojfj- endcndorsfed by.Uie -'.state, Zi'nL- y ' tJ? P-- . f K&blTcd.''Y Serine concurring, that the Public irea purer be, and fw is hereby authorized and required loluke "" up the unappropriated snip for. thirteen thousand . dollars, Widorstsd by the" Sfalc for the itafeigh, and Gaston Hud Road, v rfid destroy -tjie same before the committees of Finance. Resolution disposing of the cpmpendiiynof the Sixth Census. .Vcretf That the Snpcrintcndcnt'of Public Buildings j be", indhe is hereby instructed, to 'depnsite fif.y copies of the ; Compendirini of the Sixth OnRus, now in his possession, in the State Library, .for the use of llic same; mid that caclf 4 member of the present rSenewl Assembly shall -be entitled to u4 reerive one'ropy ef saidvompendiurn. i . RatijS'ea 18th -of Jaauary, 1317-1 . - A Tesolntion'flddressed to the Gorcrnor of this Stale. .-I ; Knotted, That the:Goveruor of (his State be requested iftd transmit to the "Governor of the Commonwealth of Vir ginia, a copy of an act, passed nt the. present session of the , Goiicral Assembly, cu tilled "an 4icr to provide for the ap prehension of tuii-a way slaves in thai great Dismal Swamp, .and for othef purposes," w'it't a request that he bring the ilbjecrihcroof K the attention of the Legislature of said , "C-oinmonwealth, at.d ask 'their co-operation in the subject matter pf said net. . " .. ' '--t ' ..: jOtcsolutionuiTeVtiion to the Recounts (A the pitrthasorsof , t the Clicrke,3 Lands. - Hesolred, Tlml tho Comptroller of public accounts be ;reqtHjred, front the Tf turns made by the agent' fo'rfht collec tion of tho Cherokee bofd to; th li liiaKeitrio oecenry ifhd proper entries, on the accounts of tlje puchasere of therokoc lands, on'tbe books ol his-office,' S9 that tho said 'accounts shall show all payments made thereon, whether of principal or interest; and that the said Comptroller. Iks required to continue -to make similar entries J on said accounts from the reuinw to tlie tfio" hooks and accounts of the sata otlice snail at alt times tio w the actual condition of the accounts of lira .purchasers of Cherokee Land . ' Ketolced further; That the' Comptroller shall be allowed tot bringing tip the aforesaid accounts, to the period when the Cherokee agent j directed 'to make a duplicate of his returns to the Comptrollers olhce, the sum ot Uiree hundred dollars, to bo paid by tho Public Trensurci, whenever the said accounts on the Comptroller's books are brought up to the period aforesaid. "-' . .Resolution relating to the State Capitol. . v Whereas, ' some doubts have been expressed whether the roof of the Capitol is at present sufficiently -secure a :.7 giari that a matter -so deeply affecting the interest and pride of the State, receive the prompt action Of this General Assem bly j He it therefor, ' Resolved, That the Governor, Treasurer and Comptrol ler be repaired to ascertain with as little delay as possible, Lwhelherihe safetyofJhebUildmg " -, "mcans; and "if, in their opinion, any means are necessary to l-ender the bui Iding more secure; they are hereby Kttttiof ised and directed to have the same attended to with as little - delay as possible; an,d that the Treasurer pay every expense incurred thereby, arid be allowed the same in the .settJe inentof his public accounts. -Beii (further resolved, That the keeper of the capital, haveaM beds removed from the rooms .thereof, except the ene used byhimself; and- hereafter it shall not be lawful for any public officer, .Clerk or other person to keep any bed 4a said rooms, or occupy them; as sleeping apartments; and hereafter it shaH be the imperative duty of the keeper to take charge of the keys, and not ollewhem to be used unless it bo by the heads of the difl'ereut Slate deparmeuts. r-Resolution relating to the roof of the State Capitol. Beiolved, That the superintendent or Public Buildings be directed forthwith to adopt some means by , which the plastering of the Commone Hall, immediately under the Flag .Staff, may be priNMCtedf rem -rains; aud if necessary to effect this,1 tore move, the I'lag'StdtT. v Absolution 'directing the president and directors -of the i' Literary Fund to lend two thousand dollars to tke presi- dent aud trustees of Floral College. - Resolved, .That the President and Directors of the letter : "rjr Fond be, and they are hereby rinstructed, to lend two thpttsand dollars of theLiterry Fund, to the President and Traatjeef Floral Col lego, on 4heir giving good and satis factory peraonal security for tho same, and upon thepay ' luentpfthe jutoresterai-annuaUy, 4; t Resolution relative teihe duty of door keepers. . Jte$ olved, I'hai the door -eepors bo directed to procure iom the roomi of the members of mis Legislature all the dnk-standj and sand boxes furnished them by aha door Jteepers at Uie commencemcn t of the Session, aui deposite . them with the Secretary of State. Resolutiou relative to the mode of printing lha Journals. ;of ".i: '.v-r.'vtneJoiic.rai Assembly. .ii?oIre4,That the Becrelary of State bo, and he is here by authorised oii directed to causa the Journals of the Leg '. islature to be priatod iti a more convenient form; and further, that the yeas and haya shall hereafter bo printed horizon tally, and he shall add a, full and suitable index to tho ' Reslution4a teUttiontto the Adjutant General' Office. , lit solved further, That Jlis Excellency '.the Governo f . and freelioUers required tobe appoiated by the first r Resolution relating to JLhe Inletstm the coast of orth Car- v,': : oiinaA av ; . t aol ved, That our Senators ana Represeittatrves w Congress be recjuested to call the attention of he General . Government to the condition of the Inlets on our coast, and especially to those that have been recently opened . TUtalruiA further. That our Senators and Beprcsenta- Stives be teqnesfcdlo use tlicTr"Merr1oni in procuring ironi Hhe ceneral government, an appropriation for improving and . rendering pej-ruaBCMlaia inieis, or any one 01 uicm uiui may be thought best. V -Retained further. That the Governor of this State be re- ntAlin fnrurard. as ciirlv as couvenieut, conies ol the Jaregoiog resolutions to each of our Senators and Rcpmseu- 'itjitives in Congrcsf. ; v W. r ,.i .Z ' JRatifiid lfiihof January, IS 11 ; , ' Keselution io relation to'lhe bonds given for rent ciChew--1 . , : - lr m UnA. snrrendered to the Statu, ; . i JUskvtd, That the obligors, their heirs, Kxecutors and in thn bmids. heretofore sivonH he Stale, Vfor rents of Cherokee lansHrrendered to the Xtata, under '. the act passed at the last session of the General Assembly, '1)3. andihey are hereby absolved and disch.trged Trotn Uie p-ytnent of one halt l me momes ihchuvucu iu ou wu . i'nvidid, that ibis resqlnrion shaH iii no wise affect the i vua'itscodtained in saw ooims rwauvc w w; Vi y- ,io. subseanent surreudor o sad lads a, .them. J 7 and set apart as an office for the Adjutant General of hi State, and shall be hereafter known as "the Adjutant Gou eral's? Office." Ratified 14th day or January, 1S47. Resolution providing for the equipping and paying expenses of the volunteer to "Wilmington and Charlotte. Whereas, by the action of the Executive and the subse quent sanction' of Congrescfhis Republic is involved in a foreigR War, and our Slate is called on for volunteers; Whereas it ishe duty of this State to give all the aid she conveniently can to the operations of the General Govern mentto bring this war to a speedy and honorable terrrmaa- tion; and whereas it is desirable -to secure the immediate comfort and support of lit?; soldiers who may volunteer in this Stato: lit solved, That the sum of ten thousand dollars be, and is hereby appropriated, out of any monies in the State treas ury, for the purpose of equipping and paying the expense, to Wilmington and Charlotte, of the Regiment of volunteers required of this State, by the President of the United States. aud that the amount be placed at the disposal of the Gov!1 ernor, to be placed by him at different points of the State most convenient for the purposes herein specified, Ratified on thoT2(hiViy of "January, 1847. , , A resolution for an appropriation for Volunteers. Rcsolved'hy the General Assembly of the Stole of .North Cuwi Urn, That as war now exists 'between. Hie United States audiha liepubiio of Mexico, it U the-duty .-of jvery patriotic ettixen to use his best efforts to bring it to an hon orable and speedy termination. Zfo.il further resolved, That the Governor of the State be, and he is hereby authorised and directed, Win his-opin ion it shall be necessary, to draw upon the Treasury for a own not exceeding ten thousand dollars ;($10,0C0) in ad dition to what has already been appropriated by this Leg islature, for the Use of the volunteer regiment now required of this State, or any other which may be required by the President1 of the Uuited States, -for the .prosecution of said war. Resolution in'relation to the payment "of the State tax by the "Cape Fear Bank.11 Reserved, That in1 the opinion of this General Assembly, rhe tax -of twerttv five rents, per share, on each sliate of staiknflieBatik of ape iFear, held by individuals, as imposed by the renewed Clmrter of said Bank, was designed to be collected from andpwid by 1 the , individual stockhol ders, and that the State, as a stockholder, was to Buffer no diminution of dividends of profits by reason of said tax. Rtsoived further, That the practiee'of-said Bank, to pay this tax nut of the whole profits of the Institution, instead of the dividends-df profits -declared to individuals, :has de prived the-Lrteraiy PunflHKl'the'SMte, of a portion 'of the profits to which they are 'entitled as stockholders iherein, and that the Attorney General'be, ahdlie-is hereby directed to institute such proceedings in the proper 'court of Wake ouiity, s may be necessary to establish aud secure the proper mode oT levying the said tax for the future. (Ratified 18tTi of January, 18 VT$ ' Resolution respecting sale of Swamp Lauds. Resolved, That the president and directors of the Litera ry Fund be directed to make sala, either privately or at pub lic auction,of such jwrtions efthe reclaimed Swamp Lauds, belonging to said Fund, and upon such terms, as they may deem compatible with the public interest. Ratified 16th of January, l47j Resolution te borrow Money. - Resolved, That the Public Treasurer be, and he is here by authorised to borrow, from the fund set apart for Inter nal Improvement, the Literary Fund, or from either of the Banks in this State, such sum or sums til money, from tlmcj to time, ot six per cent, interest, as may be necessary te meet ihe proper tharges anlhortsed Ty law against the State, until the next meeting of the General Assembly, jtrovideJ, that the amount so borrowed shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars; and provided further, that the sum oriums so borrowed, under the authority of this resolution, shall be paid by the Public Treasurer, as oon as the Treasurer shall be in a condition to enable him to do the same. Resolution Telartng to t"he publication of documents illus trative of the history of the State. Resolved, Thai His Excclleticy the Governor be, and he is hereby authorised and empowered, to collect, arrange and publish a new edition of the -Pamphlet, containing the floctimcnts pertaining to the declaration of Indepciidcnce in Mecklenburg, iu May 1775; abothe Journals of the varitnis Provincial Congresses, aud ooiMmiUces of safety from tT74 to AlZ&r inclusive toge&er-uthihe JoirrnalLtriolJoard of War, alluded to iu the advertisement apended thereto : also the class of documents relating to the period which preceded h organization of the State Goverrniont, undor the Constitution from 1774o Decembor 1776, consisting of, first, a Provincial Converitiou or Congress, at Newbern, 6u the "filth ofAiiffus"t, 1774; second, n similat Conven tion, nt fhesameplace 3rd of April, 1775; third, a Congress at rtilbberonah, 80th Atigust 1775; fourth, a Provincwl Council at iKAnsten Court House, 18th Ootdber, 1776; fifth, a Provincial CoxmicU at Johnsteu Court (louse, IPth Decern- bee. 1775: sixth, a Provincial lnticil at Newbern 28th i 1 0 F-ekruary, 1770ie,rnils n Council of Safety at Wilmicg- ten, 5lh eWana, 1770; eighth, the Journal of ihe Congress or Com rent ion at Halifax, 12th of NovetaibeT, 1776; and suck other docHmefiti s may be illustrative tof The early histtry of North Carolina, aud wwch I mVe not been pub Governor. He it resolved, by the General Assembly of .the State, of be, and he is hereby authorised and.empewered., to draw on" NaWIi f!ftrilIoj fViitf ff .Itrwim JiiH II rjtpMi'nmirvtinn of ilia the Trpnitiirv ir en ti ni.npiui1iii civ ImnlnJ .1ilt.Mf Capitol, und oathe second Coor, commonly known as"Com- of any unappropriated money that may be in Ihe Treusuiy, miiteo Room o 5," be, and thesame is hereby appropriated I at the time, forjthe payment of said piiblicution. naiinea itn January, -W47j Resolution making an appropriation to pnrcliase a Regimen tal Flag for-the volunteers to serve during the Mexican War. . f?Mo'!e',That flif ExceiJe'ioy the Governor bererjueslsd to procure and purchase a suitable Regimental Flag, to be presented iu the name of the State of North Carolina, to the Volunteer Regiment called out to serve duriog the war with Mexico; and that the sum of three hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury, for the same. Resolution in relation to. ihe Public, Arsenal in the chy of Raleigh. tfffr,-That the Board of. Public Buildings of this State "be directed to have the door-of tho Public Arseual iu the city of Raleigh, enlarged,-so as to admit into th said Arsenal tlie two brass-twelve,pounders, uwin the posses sion of the Ringgold Artillery of said city; and that said Board' of PiiHhc Works be authorized to draw eu the Trea surer for money to pay for the same. Katiuea .lBlh J. January, 1S47.J An Aet to provide for a re assessment nf the kinds ofthis State, and a more accurate enlistment of the taxablcpolls. Sec. J. lie U enacted by the General Assembly vf -tfit Stole of Horth Car eltna,-unit tt ts hereby enacted by Hte mttihority of the same, .That it 6hallDe the duty of. the several eountycoarts in-this stwltttherjspecnte'terta tices of tho peace to take in the list of taxable property -for the year one thousand eight hundred and 'fortyseven, and at the same tetm every eight years thereafter; to appoint two respectable freeliolders, mon of skill and probity, to be Asso ciated with each justice, 'whotogether witfi'SUch justice, uui uo Biyieu lue uoaru oi taiuaucu: it snail be the duty of the Board of Valuation Iq ajytertain, either upon a view ot the premises or otherwise, as f ocnnrtely as -may be practi cable, the cosh valuation of tlie lands, with 'the improve mcnts'fheredn, within the tax or captain's district WAvfaich they respectively 4elongr aad to' return the smmc'to'ihetr ;re-' spective couuty courts in the manner herein re8cri- any fishery is established, shall take the same itfto conside ration inyaluing the improvemerttstipon lands, in Xheir 'se veral districts; and provided said justice and freeholders may, if they deem it necessary, call upon any .parson to testify as to the value of any tract of rand ivhich may b listed; ai they are authorised, in such case, 'to administer nn oath to any person so called upbii! No " person giving iu bis. lands for taxation, shall hereafter be 'required to state ihe value thereof upon oath; and if any individual -shall deem himself injured, by too high a valuation being placed upon his land by the board aforesaid, It shall "be 'competent 'for. the ensuing county court to reduce-the same, upon motion and satisfactory proof of such allegation; the individuals com prising the said Board of Valuation, shall annex to their resnective returns the following affidavit, signed bv them and certified by some justice of the peace : "We solemnly swear, that the foregoing valuations of laud, wifh the im provements thereon, made by us, are, in our judgement and belief, the actual value thereof in cash; and that in ma king the same, we have-endeavored to do equal justice to Ihe public and to the individuals concerned; so help t God." And the said justice of the .peace and freehol ders shall each be ' entitled to receive one dollar per day, for each day ihey may "be necessarily engaged in making said valuauou-and-reUirnsyt be paid out -of 4he taxes levied for county purposes. : - 2. Be it further enacted, That fonlie inter ve nini ive ... . . . ... -i ice. years betweea the respective periodi of aisetsmcnl, or valuation of lands, at provided for 'in tho foregoing section, the -tounty eovrls shall appoint one justice of the peaee in eaeTi district, to take in the Kst of lends and town lots, as now provided ty law, tbe va1(ttoa of Whteh fthailt adt lie below that aitixeH, by the Board of Valuation; aad where Uriels, of laai or town lots may have been subdivided, after the valuation affixed thereto by the said Board, the justice of the peace taking iu the list, shall affix lha vahiiriidn ot totih tAaSt1s1w,"ao;ftaiJhejig han'ttot fall 'h&ow the vulauioa of the whole Uact, made by said board; arid the said josiics shall have ihe power, io as fmM a manner to require the teslimeny of aay pereoa, m to the value of such lubdivision, as is granted to the Board df Valuation hi the first section of tins Hv frtvideS however, that it my be lawfiilfor widows or aged and infirm pertens, or person absent rrotn the county during (lie periud provided by law Tot. enlisting taxables, who may be unablefrora auch eanse to attend .the plsee appointed 'by mc'1 justice 'fof' taking in . ihe tie at taxables, to render a fist of their iainble prepertV on eath before any other jtisHce-of die petce fur aid county; which list sa rendered and certified by the'justice a(tministeragthe ofth, shall be taken by the justice ppointed to take in the list of tnablet, in the same way as if six! hsi bad been ft'iicred to him ec. 3. Be l further Imttci, That lha owners of all lands in ibis State (i( sweh dwbets be residents theieof, and if not, tbea the agent trr atiotfteij- of such owners ) shall furnish, on oath, to ihe Board of Vslaatton, whenever called on: for -ihat purpose, ind it is hereby iriado the doty of said board to repairs it when any person owns mbre than one eantiguoos "body or tract f land in bc same district, a list seUing forth the vepante coRtigvoas bod ies or tMcts of land so owned as aforesaid, by aay pei sow, together with the nnmbr of Jcree, an4 the name of the water coarse or netreal Water edurse etr other ' remarkable place were said landa may be situated, wbkh list shall inclade all rntries of land eft'lerod ift the name of say sach penon, or odr person for hfiin, not patented or granted, as well as those which are; and on failure of any perse give m such list he shall forfeit and pay a doable tax ss now reqaited by law. . Bect 4, Be U further trweted, Tbat the justice of the peace Sfl-I.,1, .f k ' . . H . . . . . . ... . lhj act, Mian in sscensining tne value ot all lands sad imj rote, menu wotjted as gold or silver mines), or lands (opposed to eo. tain goiJ or kiiver, or oilier ininerr, ake into consideration the increased raloe of all snch lands arising from the circooittaaee of their cunUMninfftich gold or silver or other mineral as afore rsaiiijsnd thev oliall muke diit.reiura uierenr.lo theeountv, , ' , . vwwif in thesame manner, as is prescribed for the return, of lands aad Improvements in the first section of Ibis act. " '' 8ec. 5. Be it furlhh' e.wcte it, That if any justice of the peice in this State, who may bo anpuinted by . the , county 'court to take in the list of the taxable poll or other taxable property, sj take the same -without admiuiteiinir the o.Mh or affirmation as required by the 40ih section of an act. 'entitled "An Act to pr0k vide forthe collection and uiamjemeiit of a revenue for this Stale," Revised SlattHee, chapter 10-4. ht shall, in addition the forfeiture therein incurred, be iTeemed sfuilty of a miidemead' or, and iadictable therefor m in other cs-e. Sec. 8. Be it further 'enacted, TJiat in all cases the owner or owneisof taxable alavetf this St Ue, and not the hirer, shall enlist them for taxation, whether til -y be in the possession of the owner on the'first day of April or not:1 PmritM. that in all ca ses where the owner or owners oC any such slaves reside out of Uie State, and. the slaves are hired to persons within the State,, the hirer or other person having them in poeeion at the time the list is taken, shall (rive them . in and pay the tax; and on failure thereof, the said hirer or other person rwvingany such slave in. possession, shall forfeit am pay a double tax on all aJ sitres, to oe collected and account ed for as other taxes. , See, 7. Be it further enacted. That in ease, any eMmty com half fall or neglect, from fly ca use, to appoint - jusUcee-oCtbs peace and freeholders totem thie Board elarbatioh as hneia provided, or of justices to take th list of Muutblee a now prg. vided'by law, it shall be lawlul u pon ihe Midi eaatsaion btiarw cettaiiwdv fwnyhr ty, to meelat the office of (he clerl of the eeey ewoK w time-Wore the first day of July and roaVe tft appointment tl jostfeee aod fieeholders m herein provided er ef)jstiees io take the listjf taxables as now provide I by law whiohi appointments shall'be recorded by the cierk, wht. shall sis wee tosachlne. tices and freeholders se appointed, the necteeery and maaf bZ tices, which notices shaB he served by the aaesiT io i the sams manntr as now required j law; w hich apMHntm)sMs,' so mads shall' be as gool and vabd ss if mad'? by the nrnxtj touiu .ec. 8. Be it further enacted, Tiiat it sliall W the duty of the- wum iu mis oim, wnesi rrsedij notices la. justices pf the peace of their appointtnenta to lafee'ahe list of ui. "M " the tfifth section of thii act, at larger an'the said clee atHhwcourt houscdoor of his con a ty, at and deelng thi i residuT of the term of the xonrt, when such appointments are nude; and! in failure to peeforra the duties herein required, (he said clerk shaU forfeit and pay the sum often dollars, farf each and,very offence.'to'be recovered on motion to-he Won Ufaetery proof thereof, by the eennty attorner. first nin &r. said clerk ten days previous .notice; which Toffeiture, when raw covered. Sh:ill Iim Mill hv lha . , -v , -wiiKy inio we rnoue- M Treasury, within thirty days from the receipt if the aam. R Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That il shaUbe the detv ef the- clerkf ef the several county coirru, at (he iie notices are issued to the several jasUoes of the peace, 'infomn'ng them., of their ap poiotawnts to late in the list f taxables ia their respective distrieU, to aecompaay -every -audi -notice or ordev with a fair copy of the returns made by the Board of Vabaation, in such par ticular dirlrtcU, of the last preceding asessment of laodV aadf town tots, within such dtricts, Which copy the juctice of l&e peace, Ukingtbe 'list of laxabks, JWll retura with his retumef taxables to the clerk's offiee, and Which copy may be again sueed from year to year, during the -seven years between the retpee rive periods of valuation, as provided . ia the' first sectfen of kW aet; and fortius service, (he county courts may stake seeh allowaoi to the (ilerks as ftWy shall deem iust and udh' -Sec 10, Be it further enacted, That the county cenru ef tbie State shall have no pewer to release or exempt any person from ihe payment of a double tax incurred aa now provided by law, tor faih'ngto give in a list et his or her - taxable property, except kr cases Where It may appear to the court, upon satisfactory proof, that aoch failure occurred by reason of the sickness of the party at the time such list Was taken, or where it may .appear that tbV ontission of ihe name of any person, on the lax duplicate, was caused by an error -ot tne jusuce taking in the list, in transeri bins ibe original for the purpose of making his return to the elerk of th tlie county court. 5, ...w -ft - r ( i ft " fw... w iim una e eounty -court, or other auScienl cause, to be judged ef by TSec 11.. Be it further encvJed, That all laws 1 end elsuses of laws coming within the me&t.ing und purview of this set. be, aa4 tne aame are nereoy repealed, r Ratified 18th of JanuaiyliJTtJ . "' . j' from llopson'a Shop, in ike .n act io lay on a puDiic road from lions county of Yancy, to the foot of the Iron Mountain Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it ia hereby" enacted by the autherily of ihe ' same. That William Dixon, Charles Baker and Major William Has ntn, oe, and the same are hereby appointed commissioners la lay off and establish a road fiom Hopsoa's Shop, in the county oi i ancv, Ihe nearest and best way, to ihe Toot of Uie tree. A&onntatttf in said eowity, where theTennessee nttd crosses the I tame. .':' ' -' -" - ' " ;; ;r 'SeH.'t. Be U further enacted. That the commiasieaer' 'fa laying effsaid road ahall have power (or a majority, of from deata fill any vacancy that may occur in their body citW or refusal to act, and that an agreement ot e binding on the third aa to location. . Seclietf further enacted, 1 hat .!' two shall k pointed under this act, are to lay off - rowMon f that its, elevation ahall not exceed ild.r?ad. n? 0 ! ketM.' Teeard to ihe interest of iroDruv " V "'"f . . . .. . tftnenu. and renor thM 51 w 1 .-lit.-.-.:- i a . .1. - aurvey, which survey w f H"',re " 9V . t't Z ecHirt shall W" toreM,a "d the confirmation . thereof; the s !. , power. and are hereby aothmited lo; appoints MhsHitcble allotments of said roaih and that aU baa to v LW.'r"? mi,e of,id rod bsteby declared liable w .ork in the opening of the same. . WwWfaT, Thai should anv damage e uaiameum lay m,r oir said toad as Wow prescribed, the sea shall be assessed in the same manner that is now pieKribedly. law in such eases. - -.iv ; See.6. Be U further tnartid. That the commissioners ap pointed unfa thf, net shall be entitled to receive, for their err ces in layiag off sold read, two dollars for each and evert 4J they mav heceasardy be employed ia iayier off said road, to "J"" "J w courv, ana allowed as el Lsiiueam ixu January, 1847. j , slber oosinty claiiaSs

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