0 CALrD PIIOPOAl.!l willlwrec. ti um ffK a tb cttiriiicf rbtu - AomuuU iuU the 1st day e May nt, o t eUmnf ibm C pi-id Sq-eiw with fence ef So ami Irsw, according -wtle plea end 'P"? berewnte MMatMcd; ed n tbw day ebote rrred , the ComfciLtoorr. PwbUe Baikling will e soch Proposals, and let lb .inetfor the ereetto) f lb emcluwure according to tb prwiuuma of the el of b General Ambly slit leeoot ,UWM F. COLLIN. . Bucrd ofonumm. , ! i"(ic "uiWir. j.a'yte. Mi 4 9m 8PCCIFICATIOKS, ' Of lbem.mer to biebikr.r!lr Public Sowere. t City of Raleigh, on which , the state H- U ererled, ie I be built. " The reaoe Ui be b dlf stone end ui; to hav a gawd and solid fowxlOu- f ' "" Km iwttr, benerh lb swfeee ' Ibe rth, nd to im ap to the level of the earth --i n which u to l erected autiJ. dressed, atone coping, twcrv in. he high, and autre incr-ee wide -each pannel ' to b eight feet wide the balance of lb feure to beef cast Imik the panned paw- be five nd a hlffcethih,fiiiK-hoohtfi.Jintt:teioer lha baae, and four iucbra and a batf in diameter net the top, aa hewn in the drawing; to be hol low, round, sod Hated, wilh an ornamental lop, aa hewa U tbt drawing The trewsi! werk rting M lha tooe cping lo be one root high, and the rail ef ibe Irexil week M each end kt into the pannel aaata. and the tnp rail let into the pahucl T post!--the lop rail to be i roche wide, by 4 ef aa inch thick lha top rail of the trea.il work, en which the upright rod aet, "to be S Ine be wide by of an inch ihicki the tower ml of all to be 8, inches wide by ef an inrh ibick the op right reda to be eqoare, H tnehee in diame'cri to pau ttuoosh top rati, and met on the tipper rail of tha lrea.il wark and let into aorkef, kith : iK mIm of iha rad ar ancle to lha Irorrt. with an maiMm'al hrad like that kbrwn 1n the drawing. Iiutde ef ewh pinrwl poM there ia le be aa iron rod, wrtngkt, J fcicbee equare, to pae .from the "'top ef tha poe,id t b brattf and aerjwrelf At teoe l in tha1 atone coping, there are to be fifteen apright rega in each pannel. ' I here altall lie tour - large galea. Jronling the tour entrance of the Htale Ilea to be twelve fott wide betwee i Uie gate poet; the galea to be folding galea Iho gal poet and lha gatoe to be higher than the balance of I lie fence, and in proportion to the lenoef and en each gate peat aa ornament! lamp, the frame of wltich ia to be of caat iron, the aifteela be irreJ with inflate. The gat, in opening to turn an iron relleia, running an Iron Der let into oiiu done; the gate poet and galea to be after the me pat. torn a the balance of Ike fence t all at tne iron worn to be of raat iron, eiccpting the rode which p inid of lha poet and are aockeled ia the alone coping. 1 ha whole fence to be built according to the drawing to bo ecu in the Coatptrollrr a Qflii m . faraa fol1 aale, tawtafnltif T" 81 aeree. It 1ra an rhe road - " C ' I" between;" Waremton end Haliba, V... . eouiduttnt from both pi V and baa on it a large and well rM anlthed dwelli-g and other hoq r V ," - - iatliha- .a. Liberal credit will be gi tu Imrm li Ut ftttbhaV koUBa- PereMM dWroua of atabing enquiry or iiling Ibe praaiiaa, can call an tha aubecriber, or write to him at Waat Land, X - , CI. -v. WM. H. EDMUNDS. "Wrt liiXVma Urn. f ,187; ' W 8TKAM MARBLE WORKS, Ahve f prlaiff Oaraloa Street, - PHILADELPHIA. Thie etblihmrtt la rected on an Improved pUn. and by tha aid af Mtaam Power manufaetarae . . . . . . ... .ar . i t all itBU of ftartaa naini aapenor aijnami at tha loweet prioee (be Caab, ' The iargrjet and beet aaaottmcnt af Marble Man tel ever er&red to lha publie may be aeen at the Wara-Roooa. la which tha attantioa af purchaser iareepeeifully invited. Impoftcfj Garden flutnary and Vaee of the ' Moat taaleful deeign and pattern, made ef ihn finaat and handtomeat deecription el Italian Mar bie TUe for Plooring, Imported, and alwtya aa Jiand, and for aale at lha moat redeemable price. . 1 ' 17 Marbla Cutler can be eupplied at all time , avith any namber of DnUhed . Maaeele or Table T'apa.at reduoed wboleatte pfioee, and tb Trd will be "uraiahefl t the ahartoat 'notice wilh all kind of Me-bte ia tha Maek, ar oil to aise for Moaamenla, dt. , v JOHN bAIKD, ... Ridg Road, above Spring Oardea 8k, Philadelphia, ,s"-'.iUl.'7 4V I7u WILLIAM A DROWK'S VnIIIELLAllABAIOLl : raraMleUe at Shade MANUFACTORY, . 3fa.'i Market Street, Phil iruiiaaj A. Drawn invito aotitbcra anil Waat' era Merehaata vlsitiaf Philadrlphia la eximine, hie ck of UbrtlJ, Paraaola, Praolettt ftd Sua 8hadea. which wiU b leund tha tergeat . aad meet oomplete atMrtment -of aoirkbl Ac Geedeia lha aaarkat embracing; every variety from the lowest price to thoec or tha Bnct qoal ity. ; , : .s . . Owing- to a reduction ia aome materiel, af which I bare availed myaelf, I can efier in ducement to purcliaaer that -cannot aa found lewera ' My prleea will be found the lowel lit the city, and the Good warranted of the be I mane. , rWctntvV . . . ShiUdtlpkui. ItfT. , l. - Invalnabt Famllr Oanaiil0H' SIX LECTURES ea the USES OF THE LUNQd, Cause., Prevention and Cure of Con aumption, Aathmaaad Diseaaa of th Hert ' Oa the Law of Longevity, and iitodc of meserv- ing jw?e and terw ly; ciposing cauec and jcave wf those dirse. that produce CenstiRvntinn, or horlen hi, a af , erection af tha whin. Spine, Stonurh, lewel Kidney. Liver, Scrofula, Pile, Giaval, and Fo , ' male Complinl. lis rule, easy, practical, and , tpwa. feva a guide le perfect health aad long life. ; "28 Engvavuigai SZ pe. ou rsMs rit . ' 9 l.t cents. By SAMUEL 8HEI.D N FITL'li, " A. M. M. U., at 707 BROADWAY NEW YORK. - - ; . - ' , , Any person remitting fifty tw'. free, will r- ecivr on eojiy, by nal, to -any d'rt. . 1 be trod . . eiiKulied. Jan 1847. 7-' NEW ALMANAC. 1 ' f L'S" 4'e'jli.ted. and fur ante at the Star Of. wJ Bee antheetlrMraiIOomlton Store ee-jj-. B. HaOHESi Mi 4bi City; - Le ,, i ty'e H, Carolina Aifrteitliurat AI- (Uittine for IS1T , . llcomain. hesidr ;tj- ... . n. .i.- l.. ",i.- ralicil v.lUAOte uwuer mr i uonuiii, ' ' e-tltnJar prfe the axial ktau.ucal injur "it r iu. m .miianl refer nra of prwfeewiM: ,J.r parfei the asual t4ati.ucai miornui.oa . ... . . .- I , Ii'i-iihm men, aiK-cuoiei, ate. w aau wiuae t, ' sui-l ill any qaanlitie ' heep. I - tUkifh'Mirf. 11. 3 J NEW AND CHEAP FALL AS D WINTER GOODS," JUST AT HAND THE Mubarriber, at hia new . Cetabliaboaent ap poaiieiha aiarbat Hottaa. On Wilmrwgton Mreel, haa ibe pleeeara af aanooncing to tha pobHc, thiit raeeal arrival have pUcedto bU f oaeeion, a neat and eaeellent aaaortmtnt of 9tatr mm Fnnty Dry Coeela, adapted lo the full and Winter traSe flMtmnd I $4 7, and to which he reepectfully invitee the at tention of parcheeer. Hie Stock eoaipriaaa hi part, the following ar ticlea,aay. Fine and eaperHne Cloth aod Cawisibu, Superior SATTiarrra and KaaTccar Ja, White Plannel and Vesvtnga, Tine bleached and tnblcembed fibirtinga, 4-1 riheeting and superior Bed Ticking, Calicos and Gingham, in great varioty, from 6 to Si tent, Caahiner, and Chmcre IJe'Coeee Robes, C'Htoa and Bandana Silk Handkerchief, tfhawla and Fancy Cravat, Cntar Kaf and Corroa Gmnvnon, Gum Elaatic and common Su'pvndrrs, Corded Skirta andApron Jbeck. Pine and common Gingham UmUellaa, Linen lloeom and Collar, Padding, Canvas and Spool Cotton, Silk Sewing. Twirt and PaU-nt Tbreail, Fancy Bonnet and VaU Uoerh, . Ladi J and Gentlrincn' fin and coarae SHOES and BOOTEEH, f eocllent.J IanariL I' and Loir Srea, Caisana, PvLvaaniB and Baowa SveAai, Molame. Corraa and Sjrcrr, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and eVgarc, e-having Urrtm and op, Cologne, - CHINA and CROCKERY WARE, Plain and Cut Tumbler. . Hoirry and Glove. Adamantine Candles. Ciimba and SnulT Do, NAILS and -BURNS' AXES, and CORN BROOMS, drc &c, together wiih many other sr. licit too namerou to uiention, any part, or all of which for the Ciiil will be sold with the urcatrtl "trnagiriitule pfcaarjio; "on the riiot"faV6Tabte term. The T A I LO If 1 ft M BUSinriSB also carried on. To nil ap hi Interval of leiur. (rum III aale of hi. Good, 'though bo does uol anticipate much pr time, uchi the CaiArit or a i ii- he woul3 also most repectful'jr iay, to hi old friend and customer who have ao long and generously patronised him in the day of other years, in tbe Tailobiso Bcaima, lht be I atill prepared lo execute in the ueuletl ityk any job, either of CuT-rixa or making up, wilh whioh h may from time tobefivored. JAMES LI 1 ClirUKU. Raleigh, November 10, 1848. 46. GORGEOUS SCHEMES For the Month of Iflarrh! HE OLD ESTABLISH EDHOtJ8E or MOKV dr. CO., second to none iu the Weid for 'SMin fiiseaf EMonTsrcor THE NAME OF WlllCir STANDS HIGH ON THE PINNACLE OF FAME! KMOItY tc CO. pay pom oa all teller dl reeled la ihem. ., A tli tvl HU-alioa 10 all order irom ibeireut- roraer' awd eeereey in all -basiaeea IrsaMclioa, ba gaiaej for.them a popularity that cannot be ex celled. Tw b draw - - MARCH 31. fM7. For the Benefit el the Stminehanwa Canal "Clra 1 1, A MOST AUGUST BCHRMBI... CAPITAL PitlZEl 60,000 DOLLARS! PRIZES l,00 DOtXARS ARE $150,000! PRIZES 1.000 -DOLLAR. ARE 1 ef flSOOO 100 l m ,uuu 1 of 7,000 t.000 4,000 9,000 1,500 1.01)0 1 of 4of 4ol 100 of 100 of 100 $100,00(7! Ticket 115 Share ia aronoriioa EMORY at CO. reeeraesend ihi aehem aa omeihiae: iraad aad hone ill their oaaloraer will take a aaaae the lowest auaioer prmi get anal be ft 000 PACKAGES the 'beet way. 1a Ike yoe a worlH to yea lb aadasm amaant ef 74,000 dollar.' EMORY It CO. will aell a iekr at tb fol. lowing rale via. 88 whole listen $9A) 1 94 auarter Ut Mbaif do 110 1 o eighik St HERE'S ANOTHER BEAUTY, to be drawn March 17, Cl48 : SPLENDID CAPITALS-, I of 30.000 I at 10.000 100 PRIZES l,K) DOLLARS ARE 100,000! taf i.ooo 111 of 4.000 t of a.oool 00 of 1,000 00 ol 00 100 PRIZES OP iMO EACH! T label 110 Share ia aroponioa. EMORY k CO. wdl aell a package la above t hem tor ' whole tickets il0H 08 auarier 88 halt da 85 1 88 eighth the 18 Slid Aaolherl Ta be draws Merea Srd., 1147 CI 14, BRI1UANT CAPITAL! 35,000 DOLLARS! X 1 Pri of 910 000 h) 1 10,000 4-1 ti.et 1.000 . I 1 4,0O0 " ol 8.448 I .48 8 011000 re 90.000 90 ol 00 are 18.000 Tkkete 10-9lirva ia propetiiow. 4ac.kage Ibe aame a Class 16. P. 8 I ke amall Pry Lottery, Capital 4,000 5,000, r.000, kr, tc , drawing every! Saturday Ticket I I, ooarter 8S emit, Emobi k Co. will sell aekg ia Iheto mll leheme for 3,50, thai eaa draw yna lha foer highest prce. ' T4ekM la all Catteries advertised by other vender, are for aale ea Iho urea term at lha old and larky office of KMOItY fc Co wberw all order are attended I with punctuality and despatch, aad forwarded free of postage, with Iho wiaasgert' official drawing Mat Immedutely alter drawing. . . , - - . V- iftiAuv i. , i - Address Baliimore Md. ; UlYViYAli. - - - - - -- - - - 4a - v 16 ftiDscriber tins reinovei his SlfOE dc BOUT ESTABLISHMENT to th heus opposite the fnulh east corner of lb Capitol Square, lately occupied, fry Mr. 1 hoiap MU M , Cabinet Ware Koura, end a few pice of ib North IJarslin Usok Stere, whe-e he i. T'ei'' le -erve hi cistomers and the public, .ptfuijy colieii atronge. In adduioa to 'the wom executed by eellnl ul faiihful work- ne la uiuli-r faiw n aanciiiftcndctc, he intend 'ta f gtfimcfii of aerthein made boot and : ahoe. bich will be ld very cheap. , lltRKI rURITSK., , Rahigh, Feb. 32, 1847. , . . , 8 9u, , ttegsrtsr and otaadard three 4aitiona. r . . C1VY TAX Ubt, . . - i.t ' Noiiee i hereby given iksl I abaM atlewrl al lb City lUHea oaiai-d.y, Ils7ihul Marvlsrastaal, h-oinltl e'SHMK . a a i o eiwi nv. m in ih Jir Taa List toe she warreat tear, a required 4v tow. vlt uU !, t .1 ,y sfi'fi.'t miiBv io imairii h ., mm im ( tin, . m., mUl wrtve le a ta af Two ItoUsra. , - !J ,,.i;i i-i- ,WM DALLAS HAYWOOD, ! f etaaauwl. 9 i TO BUILDERS. - The audersigrMd Vnaiaaieaera appointed to aa prrintoud the building of a new Jail for Aahecounty will, oa Monday of Ashe 8uperiorCowrt,atb A i ril. 1847 J proceed ia Idtoat tbeaaid bwilding to Ibe towetl bidder 'lenderiag tfficient aaretiea for IMrfortnaaco.) The boildiag to be f brick, forty frat long by thirty wide, tweetorie high o ton trim (bur apartment for phsortsr, and Jailoi' a partmenta lo be covered wiih tin Term and pacific lioni more fully at letting. dNO. RAY, . GtO BIIOWN, M. POE. March 1847 10 31 Steam Iron Italllae; Factory, RtOGE ROAD, Above BnttonMood Street, PHILADELPHIA. At tlri eUblihment may be found the great cat variety of Plana and beautiful Pattcrna for IRON FAILINGS in the United Sitae, to which tlie alieotinn of those in want of any dcscriplion, and especially for Cemeteries is particularly invited. The principal part of all t'ie handMome bail ing at Laurel Hill, Monument, end other cele brated Cemcterie in the rily and county of Philadelphia, which have Iwen ao highly exiolled by the public prtaa, were executed at this maun factory. A large Ware Room is connected with the estabUsbmeot, where is kept eonatanlly on hand i a larire atock of ready made ikuu BAiu.iun, ORNAMENTAL IKON SETTEES. IKON CHAIRS, new atvle. plain and ornamental IRON GATES, with an extensive saortment oflRON POBTS, PKDtSTALS, IKON Alt BOitj, etc. Also, in great variety, Wrought and Cast Iron ORNAMENTS, euitiU for Hailing and other purpose. The subscriber would also elate that in hi Patiern and Designing Department lie ha employ ed some of the best talent in the country, whose whole .attention .Jmaa-.tlUmtibammm: forming altogether one of the most complete and v Menu tie establishment of th kind in the Union. ROBERT WOOD Proprietor. Ridge Road, above Buttonwood St. Philadelphia, 1847. -fO Cm fuuniturk: Kespectlully to the Public. C. II. & J.F WniTE, CABINET k UPH0L8TER7 WARE ROOMS. 10r eV 100 Walnut Street, i PHILADELPHIA. Prreona visiting Philadelphia are invited to call and see their extensive variety of finely SDtsaed,. faahionaMy rich and plain Faruitart, all warranted in every reaped, at tha moat reasonable prices, a4 such aa can be depended ea ghina entire. at 4 ifaetin Isreteellenew of vrorkmsn.hiet -" C. H A. I T. WHITE aaanre riB and Ci'SToa.. that punctuality and despatch rosy be . relied upon by all whom ihey may have toe pie are of furnishing with goods. So we solicit a call. From en and all And with Ihatbeapast end best to plea yoUi . - - For be aare you'll 6d Thing to your mind. Nor in using, by disliking, teaz you. Ftb. 1847. Bt- Now Prauaarvo raa CixT orPaitiarirau, scorrs weekly paper, ENLABGED AND IMPBOVED. Tb Largest six Family Newapaper, Neutral in Politic and Religion, and devoted la Litera ture. Tram, New, the Art, sciences, nealtn, Temperance, Morality, Amusements, Mechanira, EJuratioa the Farmer, Markets, dec Bubtcrip- woaree ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, Single Copy ,75 eente In dub ef Eight, aad lee aver that number. f I All E Undersigned would most letpet tful 1 ly inform ibe citizen of Raleigh and the surrounding country, that he he recently re turned from the North with -hi assortment, which eenaHr lata and Gaps, Boots and Shoes, uroceries, conieciionariea, Hardware Cattery, Crockery, dke, HATS AND CAPS Fur, Silk and Wool Hale, with an eraortment of Cps. BeOTS AK9 SHOES. A fin assortment, -of all qoalitiea nd price. - ' GROCERIES. Loaf, Crashed and Brown gars; Mola, a iaperior artklei CoAea, moat ex eelleBl; ehee. Flour, tfall. Candle, Sperm and Tallow Shaving and Turpentine 8oap,c hewing endsmokiag Tobacco, Mr. Miller' .Snuff, Gin aar. Penper, apice. kc. CON FECI ION ARIES. Cndie and Nut of all kind. Oranges aad Lemon, Raisiaa, Kiga, ke. HARDWARE AND CUTLEUr lie. Pocket Knivea, Knrveaand JPerka, Raaora, Padlocks, car ry Cobe, Tacks, Looking Glasses, Percussion caps. Powder and Shot, wriliug Paper, Fiddle Siringa. Needle- e3aev Thimbleirel -Pins; -Watch Guard. Beade, Blacking and Brushes, ke. ' CROCKERY. A large and exlenaivo assort ment. Tbesbov articlra tviU ba eoM cheap for cah, or en a short credit to punctual cuitomcr. QUINTON UI'LEY, Hargctt St One door eaat of William, Haywood d Co. rbMary S3, 1847. 8 St. TX. B. The highest sh price will ba given for country produce. Q. U. rl Wo iresuthoiised to announce (I iGeo. MIC AJ AH T-II AW KINS Zr,JkB a eaudidit to ie.teeniihe people of the sixth Conjressionil District, com poied of the eoumiea of Warren, Franklin, Wake, Johnston, fidtrecornb, Nash, and Hali fax, In the House of Representatives of iue nevt Cenj-ress of the U. States. . Sattaary 8th, 4849 tf. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ASHE COUNTY. Court of Picas and Quarter St'ssum? Feb- ,. , . uary, 1847 Authony , C. Douglieity and wifo and otheis, i I . -.. j X- Nineva Ford and oihot, , t , J i Petition for Partition. U sppcaringto the satisfaction of th court tliat th defembni re not resident ' of ihi State, it ia ordered thai publication be made lor six week in ilieRalrigliSiar notifying Nineva ford, Epliraira Ford, John Ford, Smith Ford, Win. ilately and wile . Ana and Allen Somsrs and wife Sarah Iba dafeadani in aaid lition mentisned--Ihat the plaintiff have by prlitioa to the County Court of Ah county, applied for Partition of th hard belonging to Iks' sintiffV and .defendant ia eomraoa, and if fhey be drairoue of tnswrtu, they cao do ao at thd coavt of aaid county, at the coat t heia.Jll'rroa, on roe 4 U Monday jo Mar. loft, ... . JN0 nAYf cil;4 (Price adv -85 68. Cr. 85 rttd') 40. 6w THE WAY IT WAS DONE. HOW IT WAS, HOW IT IS, AND HOW IT WILL BE. If there be agM ol cewgrMulalioa ia me posilioa ef asaa. m eilber hie Metal ar pabli aapacMy, ia which he baa eomaaaioa with bie lellee bciug. or ef aai ioaa at their aareer which Ibeyrve, aad while they cant, it may be lracd lo a wrcc Iron which all that it bright ait-1 barmoa'nung, sll lli.l sreiit gooil feeling, fellowship, love aad retpeel, from man toward Sua from owe satin lo another (adit ksKtbnitapoudoHgrhtwliichirivbi. It n apoa thie broad priaciple, art vaiwwenl iu it aa tare bat growing brighter aad brighter eaeh ly ilist it rxiMitodifTuteiisraitthai. SYLVEH Ell ! hi aonduetcd hi busiucsa Pruw Hie soumtoe i ntenl of h.t aisutaiog sbarge of h-ti dispenu ' Ifs, h hms aever Oritl rroia lhl (t'li,. selling I Tichsta aaly ia Lotiericaawlhoiiscd by lhe Stjiir, ' ia wbiab ihey ar drawn, under tb euprrvi.ion , of Looii tuun. r. appointed for ibe purpoie. and antler the m.nemeul ol reeponeibla and reK.-el -ble yailiea jil hi Ir.nvac'.ioo will brar the clntrst inipectioa, aad be invite scruimv I. its doubla iCaase, iherrlore, congratulation, abeab n-viivei rh onnraaetim nl bi eorrroiHleuls, tlo ir in ! veuioeatt, if not loriunut aic for a proier yurM'-rt I but graiiljittg, uuspeukoblir gralitjiiiK 1. if I tie reuilt lie at n hat been in rrbruar. I wo lapn.lt and ibn-e Seeoml Cm.in.lt, have Wen snld, betidei nnmeri us I'ru t f trail Irr arnomiatoi end but one ol lliete rtre unp-iiil lo a pertnu who lit yil lo reaeitr llicae jojlul lnlin;t. He luiui with tain-1 faetloa from deeilt pa.t to lhte hi--b lie has jet le pel lor io. UNK MILLION mint b ditiiiliulrdr tlwll il be to yna. reader' Look, ai Ibe bright and glowiag SCtfKMKS nnrivilled in magmtcence ai d tplendnr nf detail He eeretul and addieat early your order lo " 8 J. SYI.VKSTEK, 41 V'all Street New York. E3er t:i,C66! S3 ALEXANDRIA LOTTfcHi. Class O, for 1847, to be drawn at Alexandria, (D. C.) on Saturday, the 3d. of Apr.l 18 IT. T8 Numbers 14 Drawn Bal lots. SPLENDID SCH EM K. tWMb 1 1 3,333 I oi 0,606 ' " i'of 4.1JS 6 prizes i.f $2,000 ecrt S prizes of 1 1.500 each! 5 prizes or wl.250fh " 15 PRIZES OF 1,200 EACH! 4tl Prises f tWeach!! SO el doll.r. i . . 350 Prteet 4l0 Eaehrt 4 of 100 dollars. 64 of 75 dollars '64 oT 60 64 of JO doe. &c. &.C. Viekett 10 dollar. A certificate of a Package af 20 Tickets will be srnt for 9130 Share ia proportion. 3 Prizes of $10,000! ARE 30,000! WSW ERST STAT CI 48, fdfm7 le'be drta M leSeyCHy, (!f. J') n' Weriaeada. tb rib ef April, 1847. JS aumaers 18 Urawa Ballots. Grsad Seheea. - $10,000! i $10,000 $10,000! lott.OOO I of 1,640 --20 Prizes of $1000'J " 80 6100 80 ol 150 155 of 106 etch! 68 of 80 63 of 40 H6 of SO 886 of 80 &c, .Ac. Ac. Tickets, Only J Dollsrs. ... . A CerliScate of a Package of 85 Ticket will be eat for $61 bharee in proportion. $50,000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTKBY, Clast P, tor 1847 to be drawa at Alriandria ID. C.) Saturday, ih 10th of April 1847. 75 naraber 18 Drawa Ballots. -- Grss)(T Scbc niVe $50,000 120,000! 10,000 1 of 5O00 dollar 1 014000 dollar 1 ol 3.500 I ef 8,000 I of $8,500 1 of 8 400 50 PRIZES OF $1,000 EACH! 0 OF 500!!! Ill of 8850 63'oflOO 63 of 80 43 of 70 63 of 60 858 ol 40 It, tc. Tickets 10 Dollars shares in proportion. A erti6el of a Pksg of 85 Ticket will be sent for 140 dollars--Shatea in proportion. $J5, ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, CUt. Q, for 1147 to be drawa at Alesaadria, U. C. oa Sstarday, 17th ol Apr. 1847. 78 aumbei 14 .Drawa Ballot. Graad Scheme. 35,294! 4)10,000! 101600! It of 4,000 1 of 3.000 I of 3,585 8 018,000 3 of 1,500 3 wf 1,830 SO of 1,060 each 19-! 30 of 500 40 of 400 200 Prizes of 100 each!! 188 of 80 lSSefSO 188 pf7f r , 188 of 80 &c, 'Sr.i. &c. Tiekef 810 Ceitiflaale nf a Package af 86 Ticket will k muI tor $130 Sb..a -properliea.'- S40.000 ALKXANORIA UITI EHY, Class R, for 147 lo b drwwa at AUiaaitria, 1 C. oa Saturday, 4ihf April 1S47. 66 number 88 down Ballot. Splendid Scheme. . . 40,000! 110,000! S.UU0 dollar. ,f00 Hollar I of 8.31. I of 1,000 J of 4500 each! 10 of 300 each! 10 ol IMO. dollai . 0 of 800 dollar. (Nfiof l0 eaeh'! 53 of 0 4 t J of 60 Sic See. etc. . TioteU $12 Share la propottina. - - . A eeilifiesleol a Package nf 98; Whole TteAers will be est lor I) dollarv-Sbrt ia proporilna. GVuaa, VainU, OUs, &c. " TbeenbacrtbewoaM pre-fotly Wile the adendon of merchants to hia large s.sonmenl of Biltimore. New Jersey. and Crown WIN DOW GLASS; Lea is, Weaiherel's, Cole's Atlantic, an. Ulster WHITE LEAD; Chrome Green and Yellow; Linseed Oil; Spirit of Turpentine, Sand Papw Glues Putty; Copel Japan, and Coach VaiaUbe; Paint Brushes S.ihh Toole, Aitist colour Srtd materia!; Ground Paints, all colours, in small can.. " Aod constancy receiving from ibe Factories all the above, with a general assortment of ar ticle utnaTlv kept tu hia tine of bueioess, whroh 4a osleeed -at tb loweal market rates, WM A. W180NG, ' No 9 North Libeir Siieef, ' . ; r , I-. h,.H, , Usltlmore.;, N. B.JIUGHES, , Oommisaioiv wTerchunl, nnd.Genern! A " tcn, for the twlo ef r. 1 kinds of Goods, (Joohlry ProrVico ond Real Etle. " lteVines entrusted to bita shall be ruaoptly and ailtlifuU 'attended If. A PKOCLAMA 1 H v, i By Hi Excailency, WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, Ciavsrnor ' nrtk Cnrtrliua. , Vr7liereaa. by the Acl ef the Orat-ral A Vjf aembly, at iu last Seseiorl, ealnbrd An Acl ) lo lay off and establish a ConotJ by the nuinf j of ALEXANDER," Mid an Act fsspleiwenfnl thereunto, it it provided, that an pwneri K.n ! of the popahition of Ibe Cotnty of CrfWwell, within it own proper bound ''lie, nclesive of theinhahiums of that part of its Teiriiory which had been added lo the Counr of Alel-I uiUr .koll k l. I r :..!.,!.,. I to l.e .ppoin.ed by the Oounly Coort ol the id CoZy ,f CM well, a in.joVit, otH.e acting Justice, tlneof beine prewni: 'aiiJ Ji. .Me ration of both of said Ae4e mad to defend. uJutim tf Five TtoutunJ touit ." And ivlu.r,.!!. II SI.......I. OI...U. ifn Dioiiand J. N. Boon, m ho' am eorrifiud to h.d 1,.. .1..1. ...i:a..i 3 iiiisioner in tint behalf, have repotted to me, amlrr their hands and seals, rlmt upon said eiiiui.eiaii(,n bring made, directed by lite Act of Ariseinlily afoicjidiil they find that the (aid County of CaMwelJ ;irofx-r, contain s Pedcrnl pnptilation or Five Thousand, Nin Hundred and Three oul. Now, therefore, I, William A. Graham, Governor of the -Slale of North Carolina, in conformity with the requireoient of the fore said Acts f the Legislature, do hereby pro claim, and make known Ibe fact thu sseerlain ud and that the operation of said Acts no longer depends nn sny condition, but thai the said County of Alexander is absolutely established ilar&r 'n testimony whereof, 1 have fiTi.:$S. eaused the gieat Seal of the Stale of ft' VallS North Carolina lo be affixed lo these ..-.v w-. i imw ni'iriiiiiiru a nil iiiiniiiir-u wis - I r-KC presents, and signed the same with SJlV my hand. Done at the City of Raleish. this 13itdt of March, -A. D. 4 817, and of out -Itidejiehdehc) tne seventy nisi. WILL. A. GRAHAM. ll3w VALUABLE BIIICR STOUC llOUSC AND DWJEJLLITVG The Brick 8iore, on Fayctteville Street, in Raleigh, a few door below the well known Hand of Wiian Haywood d Co., now occupied by Mr. Biggs, it oflered ior sale ea accommodating terms. It is well fiitod for a Store and Dwelling, with all necessary out houses: is most excellent tod; and pay a handsome rent. A further description is deemed unneceesary, as those de irina; lo purchase wl of court e call and exam ine the premise. 1 6YLVE8T SMITH. Raleigh, f eh 8, 1847.' 6 if. . eaaaiaw- i-b wawaBaaaaa Jr- ifJusnbe Maslsisusl JdaKrrriari Clstl lery and Flila;rsLprs Faaih -lsssj Dota) Awarded the Gulfl arid Sil ver Mftdeta. Sam, First 4rerotoms, and Two Highest Honors, at the National, the Massac u setts, the New Vork and the Pennsylvania Exhibition, respectively, for the mot splendid Colored Osgueireotwes an1 kaaaa na..i. s 1 - 1 "' ft" vv- MiiwBiira rTwi yKn(Wjt - .-"- Portraits uken ia exguisite style, -without icgaiu tu weatner. Instruction triven in fhe aft. A large assortment of Apparatus and Sipc.k slwsys on handrathe 'lowest -eah prices. New York, Sol Broadway; Philadelphia, vnaenoi t. ooston, 70 Uouit, and I5S Hanover sts.i Baltimore. -305 fialtimora .(.. Washington. Pennsylvania Avemiev TeietSbarg, Va Maehaniea' Hall' r'Stwinn,., 4?.,!. Walnut, and 176 Main at.i Saratoga Springs, DToauway,- rarts, ia7 vieiue nue da I ample; Liverpool, -39 Chaioh St. S5-ljt. - i i U TATES COLLECTING AGENT. V. B. Palmer. Eg Philadelrdum. haa xi.h .h ed for himself a high reputation mV. otale Col lecting Agent, tie baa office in Philadelphia, N. Fork, Boton,nd Baltimore, in each of which place be act a agent for tbia naner and bv hia rpompt, dUigeat aad faiihful discharge of the dutie of hi agency baa always given the highest satis jRftinn Anil ihji lul .Ml.lAHAA .r LI- i: C . ww i'wwn mt uim uauucauon far the buuinera. , . Being convinced that one aoeh asent for nor ea. idblialimetlti ufficint ia the above named cilia, wa nereoy give notice mat Hereafter V. B. Palmer will be lha only authorised agent for the H Raleigh Star and N. C. OaMtte" to receive eubscriptions and adveriuemedta, and grant feeeipbj in 4 be eilie of Boston, New . York, Philadellhia, ar4 Baltimore. riULADEJLPUIA asielFasiey a, for Sprimt Silk sracie. XaXORBIS Zr SAZXOWIIXsIe, fc 00 148 Market Street, Inform their friend and merchant generally that Ihey nave made amngements to open early in the approaching bu-inea aoaesa, ' ewe ef the richest atocks ef new . SILKS AND FANCY tSOODS ever offered in thie country. One of foe -6 rm is now in Europe, forelisaing' Spring Good exeju rvcly or CosA, which will enable n lo furnish goods in cut tin at lha leweH market pi ice. Jan. 1, 1847 -83 t The Mode Miajects of Baptism, BY RKV. ALEXANDER fl. SMITH, , for ale t the Star Office. FRBNCII FASHIONS. J J BIGGS. MERCHANT TAILOR, FamtttvUU Street, Raleigh, 'N. C, YS now nnenintf 8 "trerf'baaBiiful " lot of A TRKNCH CLOTHS, t:ASSlMERES. AND V ESTIN G3, of nearlj ilLcolors snd styles, switahle, for every age and sea eon. These Good were aelecled by himself, in fJEW YORK, FOR CASH, consequently all persons wishing Desirable and Cheap Goods, at ike lowest prices, will do well to eslt snd ex amine his Stock. He cAaige eoinfctgfor loofc- FURNISHING fctfPAitTMrVNT ve ry complete. AH grmentirrfleo to fit. His thanks are tendered to liis friends, for past lavot, hoarewet small, and hopes by minding his own business, to receive tbrir continued patronage. Mfeh 8y 847, - '"8"-lw ' "EXECTJT0B.3'- ITOTIC35. ' rfsflirj; te1t Idlers testamentary nn the estate of Willie Jnnce, ejd ar Hie last Vebrttary Tei w of Ine County 3urt of Wskr, e lierelrj give notice In all persons having claim s gainst saii staie ta present them iwtlhin the t'rm liitiileti by taw, rjr lift 1 notice rtfl be Uti hi bar of the ir recovery ' - u., ,,, , : " JNO.H JONES. '""if. P.flittUY. , llach i 1817. ' .-3a- ItEtV STORE, UALCIGn.N r IVcaf anal BcnnUfctl 6priBtr. gi. for litT. ! !? U i , svenieal aad i k"T"n .'"V " l' H D tf. r. J'a' -.,U '"lSS -ba . . I I . . : . Imit, tn..i.anu.l. I. . " aiaBv ( "" ' - u. wu rren a early 't-P'y of fi .finable anting gnods, as ft .""'. f,rt :o,; I ndrm. ig talelligeat edrr Siaj io reV' telng J" pring ,. e IS ! YtantundtTtenH" .'' ' STAPLE aad PANtlY DKY CnO0, l ARU-WAKB a t'U TI.KUY. CHINA. OLAS5 eoCROCKEY -WA HE. HATS fUOb nt GlIOCEmm -elected with great rare by '.'r. Baj.'- B.Sajva, in the eily of New York, of the 1 'test t"Prtatunt, umlrr the new Turiff, rxpreealy C'T that ."''Sjk maikst, a t:ilv funwot for it. .ln.ir.. ;ob an d aa. rotiage of all thai is beautiful in atyie.ch'. ft.' ion, and refined and . l. B,,i in Ute,lna to ,,oieJ t " wuu'" 'ospectiully iiitite the at ealioa efi.1 iniclliKont purchaasr, .inee, in the fre-etiUtioa W tliw rtA of altroetive arsoilment of sprio goodT iid.so remiu tatty cheap, li flatter hinuelfHai all Ihoae who wi.h In o,Ly Uiemselvo with Ik. net mt tiauf,f,,t ad fathionabk art'tcka cannot fail to l.e pleased. The aaaortineul consi-u in part of lha follovHa. articles, lo wit; For firllllsniaaa ' ' t Superior blue and black Cloths and Cimere Elegant t-ilk, vislvet and oiartvillca Veeting. fh :?fer l?.UicdrJJrJ.aftJ Super t:ashm:ireil, Angola GaaaioMr, -i Kentucky Jean,. Union, fixture, " '. Manehetlei- sud Lrgotita Drills, Oregtn Vl.iit Plain, striped and plsid French Drilling aa I Gala broon, ,,; Black and fanry silk Neck Handkarcbutti ted Stock, .TtT Beautiful ailk Neck Tiea, Su-pendcra, Colltrs, Splendid Bundini, Odd Fellow' snd Poate ailk Hindkerchiefc. . l.tnens, Lawna, and I'lireaJ. Cambric H.mlv. ' chieia, ) Finecnlton Shirtinga and Sheetings, ailk aad ton ha f I lore. Georgia Nankeen, brown and plaid Linn tor saav I met costs and pain f San Lni Fotoai check. Iteugk and Head Bedlicking, cotton uxntburga, Tampict Drills, r eJff goat aad pU laatlw shoe rj Gaif. Lrge silk snd gin him Uiubnlla. " - Fine Baavca, MoLitai. Paaaala. Lsaoas snd Pals Alto HaTS, cheaper iha ever - For the LneJics. Besaliful new style Calicoes and Gin-bam ( . great variety, ricAfie. and bemuty.) Eltgaot striped and figured Lawns, and rich 'baa ed French Mat I ins (of new design and bum plendid pattern,) Black and fancy colored Silka, r rslifornia Rob, Splendid Organdie Muslin, ' Extra super Marquis, rich chameleot lutri - - Ver Crug ytaide , JJbm Mualin, rich glossy tneen Ptalda, ElegaaiOraduaUd Muslin Room, Earitoa Ginf tharna, ftieh printed and embroidered jaconet Muslins, : Rich stripped shaded Barrage and BaJxariaej (movt ottmtifitl and lovely ,) Plain and figured rich luslred ailk . Aknaces. Bishop Lawn, mull and wi Muslina, ambrica and iaeonet Muliny Cambric Dimity, striped aad cheeked If sals, Beautiful ahmere and Meowliei delaias. ; Maiselliee and eommea Skirt. Muslin Edgings, and 1-axe and Colkwi, Super aiHt and cotton How and Glove (of every . . detrriptiojO , Elegant cap and .bonnet Ribane, r New Style satin (tripped Scarfr and Sbawli, Silk Neck HandkerehicA nd Ladies Crxau, Fine kid, vnovocco and aal .Slipper and Sboai, Bich Furuisur Print, Monterey Hfutwlt, Sun-Shade aod paraeoe Elegant tilk, latum and Mexican Bennett. Forgcaerul Conetitisgstiosi. ' Elegant Caia a Gum, us Cancasar Waas,' Karret and J-'oik, Jask aad Pea ate, Kaswv, ate.- - t . ?".." i' Saythe aad gran Bladea, pad aad etoak Lock, Stswi, aitt iaww VVauisa Hoa, TBACaCaaisa, asa Sa laoai, Soaaa, (Jus as, 'l'a Lois' ass mltsbisb Is aae. aiL, SwawDita ttbi, rtorjast a aa laal awe SrttL, SiMide aad bborali. Wire Bene. Coffee Mill. Celloa Card i, Snug, Vobaeao, Copaera aad U ; die. ' Powdar-aad Shoe, Pepper, Allaaiaa and Ginger, vii rfiit"-or i.oMf aao sHweHwrw aover ae wia dow ewiiaint, (.! Glabee ami Clincarvt, Hsndasw. Waffle and Water Iroa. Bra it and Caw. Andirons. Shovel and Ton,, and Csstioatr vogetber wak many other aeedlul and dctiraMe artwlet, lee auweroua w meulioa, all n) li'h, for Ibe cad or lo punetual ileatm;at three or four month, M win tempted lo ten ui racM reatoaabi leran. The anderaigned bai ii g been employed by Mr. Pswa, nd in wbns iMirett and soeeeit ia biiei bVVfesIs .a deep snd abiding anlieasde, bM ibe high graiifieation of anMouneii.g to tbe pablis thai he hat joet returaed from New York with ttw above rleacribed new abb astCTtroi a0BTaxrt or Goon, reeenthi imported vm.'tr iho epperetm of lite new Tariff, many of ihem from rwewiy ihirtv ber rent. Inrer than r- and la 8w seleatipa of whieti, out of the ia,mree sjaaaiity Is t, out o the immeaae sjaaantj , lor lb benefit of tb parcbstar, ndi tlitl he exerened fcil M K. He would, then fare, -sad market lni rtng, be astares hit frien hulvwmtttt tMA imte. j a------ - --- -- , - .u retietiniiy aoiKH a liberal patronage irew w. old Irienits and etntoraert, amthe nubli geaeralh;, f to lot g and generoatry bellowed apta aiev -em- wMcb tieiT't io remember wbh kwarl fclt raa tude.) in favor of the Xrw EetabU hmeut ef . M', 4'aaw. where fikl.. h.t.,, 1 m.I. ia aw rwteenlka of a cr.ntltiit and aueeettful basieewj ra company with that ienllen.a, the saderw- may alwava ba low d. rcatlv and Williat ta1 wpaa i acta geaiiemea and lauiea wnu aj - 1 1111 mnm p rm,, fo MANNING SQI)Y BRAve . ' a & smith., Raleigh, MarcmtW47., ,.. , . tr P)it.elphia Oapdlrn The subscriber i prepared ta fgeeois U YECETABLK AND FLOWERSBE to any exteal, to Dealeta, in hulk or petiy op in packets with printed labels snd dirff3iJ oaths most favorable terms,. His assort-" comprises every desirable variety, and in : aelecled In Philadelphia, nd ihd ierdasrs" wscranird FRKSH ami CENCINR wrown expressly ondtf tiia own direswas imported finm liie fir aouire in Eoropfi & llogaes aedeveiy aeeersary,, iofmtrtsiiea 87 kebtiedby addressingr poat paid, HEN RV A. Dim M poyTcnetnat 8treet,' PhHsdlpHI ""17 Agents wealed ta Ovs priilpl broach iii State, t-vu-v' 'fiii y-a

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