- . - :r l t uil ton" da, lha ine, yt nil-, al ur not ion w out you cit' liuir mid .of n4 ally, ii 17 i rut I and e.bjr aUol "'r i, d; )scc; w4 5rd; te ie 0 cetcfl f". w nation :n. !' oilc I" Hy fed rw m speion r- . : riMn iM l ill Illflfvu in i . i resists to uieiu, a you V "." ' ,...,r H enrrlial pood wishes. I am, gentlemen, with great personal regard and esteem, . -v Your obliged friend,' " aud obedient servant, . DANIEL WEBSTER. IIou.Jameb Iredell, and others. TO WM. DALLAS HAYWOOD, Esq. . - Mavor of RaUih. The following roriespondenee shows that the President of the U. Stales and one base accented invitations to Ul IllB " ' I iTniriiv next June, to a'tenu t nit j --- - - .nrnnK. when he will leave Wash- inton. arrive at. Gaston, snd Raleigh, and at Chapel Hill in all probability. To his Excellency, Jases K, Polk, Prenideat of the United Staler. Dear Sir : The newspapers have an nounced that you have accepted ol itivitn iait the University of North Car- ,lu ' .t .I:-- .i Bait cnmniancimeHl. to OS at Uillia - - - . ti.nt institution in lune next, and your let lw citizens hail with de licl th coming us of tho Chief Magistrate ot ine the more especially as you are a native of the State and a graduate of our University. Influenced by these eonsid ,.,t;ni. the citizens of Franklin, Gran ville, and VVanen, have held a meeting at Henderson, without distinction ot party, and appointed the undersigned a committee. Gaston, which is near ho Sinn- line, to tender to you tho liostti- ,-!;.;,. ..film Sute. and to attend you in your progress to the University. With the best 'feelings approach yon through this communication, and ask yoo to inform us at what time you will -reach Gaeton, that we mar know when we .i, r,l.,,r to meet vou there. The mail train leaves Gaston iu the Wight, " Vut ai,a .raj. WrtLlnoHMBaSirtm-lfltITTWIOTIniTIUHIB, w.uijubc IU iiomir roorninz after breakfast, soiled to your pleasure, and which will carry you to Kal- liiehby daylight. Hoping to hear from vou snd to be notified of your conlem. lilnled movements, we suuscnoe ourseirca, most respectfully, Your fellow-citizens, Jno. D. Hawkins, "1 . William J. Branch, I . WmjP WiUiams. I Of Thomas K. Thomas, - Franklin. William K. Martin, Levin Perry, ; Wesley W. Yonng, "Ja- II.-Littlrttohfl. r ' "Frsnk Hawkins, I Of f Ar'd E. Henderson. f Granville. W. S. MeClannahan, Georg C Kin, . ' We'u'n. N. Edwards. Gen. E. Uaskerville, ' VJ.Su k . Thnrnlon. I . Of William Katon, iscn. i warren: a; a. Aust. :" ' ..... J. JR. Johwon, .... , lot I N R EATON, .Chairman, ?o D. IIjwkiks, Jim. Sec'v. To which letter ihe Prenidf.ni mn.U th ollowing reply. Washington City, Jpril 28A, 1847. r"""" have 1 ad the honor to receive your;e.,grticallo 0f the I7th in.4. transin.tnnjr to proceeding, of a public meeting, he d at lUmPr. tv?....i. Carolina, on that day,;, I am deeply o-rate- Vv li W Uountiea of tranklin, Granville and Warren, who eompOsetUhat meetV, or lhe tender the v make to me, through oa, of the hospiud aue, of my native State, ,- ,ho occio f jny eontemp ated visit to thk Univershy of ISorth Carolina at the eommnee. jnent. . Should lhe slate of poie Affmin le sneh ss to permit me to he abseu for a fow days, from the seat of Gorernme j uuiicinalentuch pleasure in re visiting yo, University where' so many pleasant day of my youth, were spent. i f . ; '-. In answer to- your : enjoiry'1,,at ' what time" I will probably "reach Gaston near the border of the State," I have to inform you. thai it is my piesent intention, to vet out front this City on the 528 ill of May, nnd travelling by the public conveyances, I learn, that 1 wil arrite at Gaston on the same evening or early next morning. .. It will be a pari of the arrangement of my jourL,cii-!o4)rweed .to Jlalei5h on Satur. day, where 1 will remain until Monday. -1 beg yew, gentlemen, to. accept for your Helves, and . con vy M those whom you represent, uiy profound arkuowledgments lor this niarr of your regard. ; With stMitimenls of reat respect, 1 airi your obedient servant, . JAE3K.PpLK To MessrrJno. D. Hawkins, Wesley W. Young, Weldou N. Edwards, and oth ers, Committee &-c. Henderson, N. C. The following letter was addreoed to the. Seorcury oi Ui avr the- Hon. John i . iVlanon. To (he Honorable John Y. Maoon, Secretary of lhe Navy ', Hear Sir : His Excellency, J Pout. President of tho United St a iambs K Stales, it ta announcsd HI the n id in ihe nwartpcrs, has accepted is to vibit the Uuiversity ofNortlt invitations Vfolins. In miiicipslioii that he will make the visi'. many citizens of the Coun lie of rr.nklin, Granville, and Warren, wiihoni diatiucuon of pail v, Jiae hnd geiMral niteUng at lleiidersnn, to appoint a fmmilleo' of arrangemeuti to receive the l'rrytut and his suite at Gaston, which w near the border of tbu State, to tender to ... un jim rin oi me oiaic, . -..Mioaci I,..,, ami , sM.te on.tp me v - , y .w.e.go. i. ihX; "of,D.-.r luems ai the Ci.y Wtt-biHgtoa. .ecMiaiHiny Inm, Under litn.iilMHtif. iale nLuliar ideasurrt i i in i j irjg loii io arcompany the', Piesi '" '('! ! '!' PNkr wiih hini of li? liorpi- -"". I" ' 1 ' ', ' '" 'i '4 '' . ' ' " "" ... . - ' . . . . ' ... li with exalted pride e here recognize vim as a Graduate of ouUiiifrsitjr. - Aud i . .... . . ... we hope and bolieve it on your part to that ancient seat of hsrning, will call to you pleasing renrnisemces, when you re view the groves aud enery which encir cle and conseciate you Alma Mater. The time when thePresideat will come on, he will fix, and w hope and rely that time will be notified 0 you by him. We have the honof to be. most respectfully. Yipr fellow citiiens. John D. Ilaikius, . William J. .(ranch, - Win. P. Wlliams. Thomas 15 Thomas, William !artin. Levin Perf , Wesley W Yonng, Jas. H. Litpjohn, Frank lladcins, Ar'd. E. 1 1 nd, i son, W. S. Mcllarinnhan, Clnnrao V. "".(linn. Of Ftauklin. Of Grinvillc. "Geo. D. Bfkerville, Fr'a's. Hlioriilon, Win. Est. Seu. A. A. Ain, J. S. Johton. Of Warren. JOHN SEATON, Cheirmin, Joiim D.' Hain8, Jun. Sec'y. IIcnderon, (invillu C-o. April 17. i7. To the foripnir Letter, Judffe Mason made the fol)bw2 reply ; if (infon, JiprdVtoh, 1817. Gkntlkmin :l have the honor to ac knowledge tefcceipt of your letter of the I7tu inHlunl which you invite me to accompany President of the United 8tates in hwonieniplated visit to Chapel Hill, and tesrtake of the hospitalities and MaMesHig. irks of Jtndnwrithiicji I ttte-Uaef Us Oountiea of Krank hn, him, and Ue who may iccompnny hi n. Having acpirajm inviiauou irom mo Society of f Alumni of the University, to be present their nest meeting, I content- ... . ...u,, n. be most hy to meet the friends whom ye repreaV-and yourselves, en the oc casion of o visit Having ent many years in North Car- olina, andeling . a grateful aenae. of the obligationsow to her venerable Univer sity, and tier people lor uuilbrm qd uiiremittin kinduess and friendship, I look for d to my re-visiiing scenes which, r,wif yJMpgimAm hwcenes t associations. After an ab sence of tty yean, I can hardly expect tj meet ny of those who were the com panions dy hippy Cdllegittie life, " " Bst it will beatifying to me again to visit my Alinaater to witness the improve mente wb have been made, and Iheevi. dences ole blessings diffused by the U fltversttyi rough the litatewhich to no bly endod it. ; '. 1 beg" to accept mjr grateful ac knowleten for the kind and flalleiing manner wheh you have alluded to me as a Guatc f the Institution. ilh th highest respect. - " r , Yomobidientaervant, . J- Y. MASON. Wsrs. Jno. D. lis wk ius, Wesley IV. Yovff. Weldon N-d wards, and others, HnAniuee. &c. . , Vthe letter audited to J amis Brcii. an, Secietary of St, he made the fol laving reply: .1 , ! fta$hineton, BV April, 1847. jbmTi.aH: I cordiaUtymnk' you for jour kind invitation to company tlie resident, in June next, or,,j8 Dronosed visit o attend the Coin meinentf tne University of NorilrCarolim and I need acarcely assuie yoo, that tlyould afford me great pleasure to accept t Your University liaa okma justly celebrated It has gfven Vht Union my difettngniahed citizens ,av0 ''l the gratitude of their flptry. it i an ;natitution of which vv mv k juatly prt. I should esleema ?Drivi. ege to be p.aent at the approacU Com. mencement. raetidrs, on t' at Sgin, j should meet temeld and vsluab! ven(jy and enjoy the pleasuwj of miking rv a quainunees, nnder the most agrecai pices. 1 hare, therefore, sincere! Krenfial rcahDoraccept yourlnvitatS . iLwooid hflalmont impossilueior roerv I a just regard to the public inicrestl leave the City during the alwunce of u I're'tdent. With eenUments nfthe I.iahcsl respect, j . .... I remain sinceiely your's, . JAiML. riUOIIANAlV. John O. Hawkins. Esq. and others, Committee, Ac. ' WHIG DISTRICT CONVENTION. Delegates from eight of tho Counties composing this Congressional District, 8Snibte:tinrvmiiioii onVednes da7 last iu Washington. The odicial proceedings of that body We are not yet in possession of, but such of the partic ulars as we have wa lay Iniforo our readers. Tho Convention was organ ized hy the 'appointment 6' Col. S. 8. Diddle of tTntva rrren Ceasley orSVashTiigtuu aud- David. Oar- ter of Hyue, Vice I'lesiuents, ana t , u. SiiUerlliwititeol'Pilt) and John Harvey, of. Craven, Secretaries. A coimniltee was selected to draft resolutions, but the duty pi confiding to that committee ma fiM lnl i .in ,r.-,M,; 9kiinirliitH fnr tdin. 1.1.1... riKa Nmu amioionr nuenuon. i grts was dispensed with. J he tmmr ni - f H. S. Do.nneli. Esq., was presented Ly , gentleman from Pitt,; which was ! ,ilke" P..cc.ama,io, .nd 1m, was m.Mnxf nniijnioaslf.;; Mr, Domiell 'lmg informed oflns liommstion, came btifore tho (ioventon on iiivitaiioii. and - jaccepletl lhe nominaikiii in person. 1 Im on the nccasioit-.wps, - liujjy I noble i of irJi a(i . and well limed, ? Mr. Joyner of Pitt al- -s"nddrr.ssed-"tlwCofiy ftnt iuU. W leant th representation was Uih usually large, and ihe best' feeling pre vailed. , - Newbentian. THE STAR. I Vt;i---.ivlai Liberia el not alt $o!um. RALEIGH. MAY 12, I84r. another"- briltjant vic'roinr . We puldiali in another part of this paper the particulars of the great victory acliie ved by the army uudi r Gen. Scott a1 Cerro Gordo. The number of killed and prisoners, considering the troopn engaged, stamps it as one of the most brilliant mili tary achievements ever performed on this Continent. - The Mexican army were 12,000 strong the American 8000. There were C00O Mexicans taken prisoners nnd 5,000 killed find wounded. Our loss was 700 killed and wounded. Santa Anna's carriage, din ner, eork leg, and f 18,000 In specie, we're taken. CAPT. CLARK'S COMPANY. Theeompiiiiy of regulars just enlisted forewvifcyrtpl of tliig ttity, now numbers, we understand, between ninety and a hundred men, and will mari'h (or the seat of war. next week. Thirty to tliirly-iive oi them are now in this city, and the others at dilforent points of 11119111101 .'.' 11AREAND UXJLY CUS I OMEII. On Monday morning last, one of the largest sized Bull Fro$ was found in the yard of one o? the dwellings on Hillsbor ough street, in tb's city. What brought thwcxtrAftdias aqueous quarters into the city, is altngethcr a mailer of eonjeelure. There had been, until Saturday night, nothing -very invKing to oue of his uste and habiu, f if we except the music of the "doubling drum," which he my probnlle relish;) for the dry weath er had parched tho high grounds and til led the streets vvuh entirely loo much dust for a vocalist. We had rain ou Patiirdaj nightj and on Sunday night a very heavy alio wer; and some think it highly probable he came down from the clouds, onjfiis return from lnJ?Iial.TJ9Iag J?.lch holiad uken to par ticipate in a concert of the spheres. VIRGINIA ELECTIONS. There is still some doubt as to the exact ro suit in Virginia. If Fulton and MeComas are elected, ihey stamt, for Conjrees, Whigs 7, Locos 7, and one vacancy. It seems to be certain the Whigs have five. The. Whigs claim a gain in the Legislature of 18 -aud admit a loss of 7-clear 11, whicji, if cor rect, sweeps away the Loco majority pf 22 in the luHt Legislature, If Mr. Polk's Editot al Washington, has tears to shed, he may shed them now, The scpirli ia departing '- 1 "" " THE NEWBERN DISTRICT, f A Whig District Convention was held in Washington on ihe 28th utt.jby which KicHAMO S. DoxNEU., Eq. of Cmvon, was nominated fir Congress by acclamation. who appeared before the Convention, and, I in a spiriuid and stirring address, accepted lh nomination. This is a mott excellout choice. Mr. Donne!! h' a gentleman of High qualifications, and may be pointed to ,,le 8tat ' 01,0 f ' ncr' jewelaV With wch a leader there en he no doubt of a Wious whig triumph in thai di-trid. light counties were represented in the ivvnlion, by about ninety delegates. Gen TatloU will be cslled by the r to fill the PresidentiaLChair-iit "Thus shall it he done to lhe man ,lh people delight lo honor.M Mr. Po ill then think of Hainan. 1NOTHER VICTORY. Perry has taken Tuspan with the j tilled and 11 wounded. The Mextcj ted, rv he Caledonia, Iondon dates to the 28th lhavc been reetdved. There was an cc in ; bread stufls. (-otton had been nil down, and was then a- bout t'i it, ' M U11CENT BEQUEST. . MaMacm,"a8 left the. whole of his property, vain.,,,,,,, limiKii thousand dollars, to be Vtjv divid.-d hiw.n tt. Tor the Blind, and the Mc Lane A h,r tte Insane, at Somcr- ville.'! It irlve .,J w...1 .....i. THE NEXT HOUSE OF REPS; t ill bo U hie. - TnFremilt'of the recent elections is 89 Whigs, 65 Lot!6s only 8 Vacancies to be filled. The Polkites are daily "growing beautifully' less by de gress.V? : ,i- i- - (jjTln New t Bedford, Auss., the spring election has reunited in the success of the whole Whis ticket. WHIG VIC the rage. Hurrah! for TORIES arc ull Taylor! FIRST RATE. Prentice, says, 'None of the. regular locofoco papers have ss yet run up Ccn. Taylor's name for the Presidency. We see however, that although they do not run it up, they dere not run it down. LASTFriTEROMANS. rMr. Bowden, M. C, in a recent speech in Taladega, called Mr. Polk "Tho last of the Romans." The Montgomery Journal on the occasion expressed its de' light thal the breed was so well nigh run out! A WELCOME TO THE PATRIOTIC. The Annapolis (Mil.) Herald, a Loeol1 ro paper, says if "Polk's rcnomination is out of the question, and the party couiiot be concentrated upon him on account of any Northern faction of poisuma, would it not be best to rebuke such fectious spirits by upportmg Geii. TaylorT We know not who are meant by the uirm "NorUtern faction of possums," un less rre-Silas Wright, Van Burenlind o thera. opposed to Polk's rc-moruuwiion; but we are' decidedly of the opinion thai it "would be best1 for the LocofacOih or der to avoid getting a real Buena V'mtn thrashing, to take lite Herald's advice, and join in the support of old Rough and-Ready for the Presidency. True, the old fellow is a trufrdieartcid-Hcnry Clay AVhig still tliat fact dots not, thould not, will not prevent his friends from tlirowing the door widMpenraiid extending their hamls-most Wicartily to all who fuel willing to join them lii elevating Gen Taylor to the seat now oc cupied by a mair who was afraid tppnt the olkthtnli let Santa Anna .'pass" into fcxieo, s and place himself at the head of nil army iiO, 000 strong to shty ltim an l his patriotic and unconquerable little band! TROOPS FOR OKEGONT The Warhinten Unjon ys Ujat of Ute 6,000 volunteers lor tne. Arm.y : wuO-jare embraced irLthe call of. the ' War - Depart inciil, for die present month, about 2,000 are destined for Oregon and Santa 1', GTThe Liverpool Albion says that reeent- a man sold liis wife hi the ful. lie market place, at IJuilo, for a shilUiig.t.: 1 he rascal! , fir-Jlie Cecd (Md) Whig of ' Saturday says: " Simie farmers in this neighborhood are ploughing urr their Wheat, and prepar ing to plant corn instead, so unpro-niing is the appearance of the former grain.'' , Gen, Wotth. is konwn hy die cogno men of The Waving plume a title pretty. gracciui anu epinteu. , ' SCOTT AND TAYLOR. ' A large and euihuhiustic meeting of the friends of Gen. Sbott fot- the PreFidcncy was held in Lebanon on tho ,? Jui.' ttlt. Spirited resolutions were adopted hi favour .1 .-n .... . .:; , .i . ui uic -ureal I nciiicnuir, anu biwi iniru- ly commcnilatory of old "Rough and Rca dy." . ;.t'.r, ' ; ' " NEAT PUN. .' ,. A. printer on sooing a , ulidriff eoloncly' pursuing an unfortunate rrtithw, -mnnTked if Litorature" tinlwinnd and hot pressed.' fcjrTho wife of a good Whig of Fairfield county, Ohio, presented huh wiift two sons and a daughter at one Uirtli all living and well. Ho mimed them Zaehnry Taylor, Wihfield Scott and Mardia Wanhingtoo.. tV"" Father Matthew," the great Irish Catholic Temperance Lecturer, has an nounced his intention to visit the United Slates Uin summer. WHEN A MAN BECOMES OF AGE. Chancellor KcntJiad decided tliat a man bocomos of age die day previous to the an niversary of his birth-day; so lhat a person born on die second of April, attains his majority on the Crsu r - EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. The annual Conventi.m of the Protestant Episcopal ;. Church pf Uiis Dioreaev'a st iiiblcd in Newlem, , on Wednesday the 6th May. Many of die clergy and laity expected to be in attendance. BiHhop Ives who was called from his visitations by the death of Mrs., Hob art, was expected, to return in time to attend the Convention. AYlT)irCANDLE8l A dealer in Philadelphia advertises un article which he runs "Taylor candles," - for die illumination, which are warranted not "wTien he pufiedop a carrot. . GNERAL ASSEMBLY. . Tho General Assembly of the Presby terian Church in the United States - (old school,) will " hold its next annual meeting in the First Presbyterian Church, in the City of Richmond, on Thursday, the 20th I of May instant. . . t & Senator Penree, in his speech on tho Three Million hill, quotes the following' Resolution, offered by Mr. Benton, when protesting agianst die Treaty of Annexa tion, which omliodied the claim of Texas to the Rio Grande;. - ' ,, "Resolved, That the incorpration of tho Rio delNorte with the American Union, by virtue of a treaty with Texas, compre hending,' as aaid incorporation would do, a part of the Mexican Departments New Mexico, Chihuahua, Coahuila,' aud Ta maulipas, would be an act of direct opinTs sion, for" all the eotwequences of whielt the U luted Stiitcs wnuul stand responsible. And yet yet Mr. Polk has undertnken, of his own mere powsr, to involve die country in war witli a neighboring powet for the s'.ike of this territm'. The Balti- moic Amerenn, speaking on the subject, very properly says: The responsibility which Mr. Polk as sumed of determining that Texas tlid ex tend to the Rio Grande a thing which G.OPgrest . had. refused- to av was tn dicated to the World by the order to Sen- eral Taylor to" inarcli to that river aud to occupy its left liauk. If Congress had authorised this order and Congress wns n session when it was given it would war, as it was in fact when it rame from - Mrr Polk. rThe""di rterenri be observed "is that Cohgrcss is empow ered by the OonMiMition to declare wari and the President is not. This ditTorenre is aU to be overlooked by Mr. Polk's ap ologirts. ; ' -'-:'f -. !"-, I i , n,. Well,- after all, said anta Arm5" lb Kis olTiwrs on the evening of the 23d of February, I believe 1 i won't take the troobhrlo-go back to whip that con icntpti- ble old Yankee, Taytor. -That's tight, General! . : - - sfjhism killed hs modter sedanee iuXireonupshuivli, Ky He At her asvbe lay asleep In her bed. - He wnstoxicatcd! The Goveruor - of -liomsiana ha leeit culllcd on by tlie Trcsideot t to raise fire companies of Drugorms for the war! In the Wayne Congressional District, , m Indrntiai 4oth tW;-Whig: and Democratic Caiididuunifor Congress ar i for Jjeri.iach ary Taylor lor Qw yrtjithlency-. ?rn r?Trt The Canada pajiers are ' loud in their complaint of many , British troops desert ing their (lag and . fleeing to the , UniUxl Stetesj to enlist in. our army. It it estj mated -tljat uot far from four hundred . men have, taken: 'French leave' of their posW j THE VICTORY , TO COME. I Prerrtice says: "We have before nd maps of the batde-gfouiids urnm which Geii, Taylor wouhis four victories in 'Mexico. We have also ."before us a map of the tattle-ground upon which he will win his great battle of 1848 that is to say, a intip of the UnUed Slate: ' u i ' ; ", :- i i -' 'i" ' PUBLIC MEETING, ': At a very firsre snd respectable meeting f the citizens of Rsleih arid the County iif Wake, ansemblnd at the City If all, on Saturday the 8ih insk, ' f r the purpose of making arrangements for l proper recep tion of ths President fthe United Stales, ou the occasion f his intended visit to tho State i.r Jobs next, on motion of Pol. John II, Mualy, Win Dallav Hay wood, ' Eq , Intendaut ot f olice..was cdledlo iho CitMr, lutiil Junioi fc Ji-irIiin urui mwiiitiswl KonM "rhe Chairman i Tiavihgrui MfanrirOpriafe iddrees, explained t';e object of the meet ing, on motion of Perrin Busbee, Em.', a committee of five were sppoinied to re port resolotioiis for the action of the : meet ing. . Whereupon, the following gentle men were annninted by the . Chair, via: Perrin Bushes, Weston R. Gales, William i K. Poole, John II. Manly, and James T. Marriott, E'luires, . , y : ' . ' ' ' I he Committee retired, and after a abort abiierice, reporti.;dthrpu.gJi3.ViiuR.. oihc, Ksq. the following Kesolutmna: , . 'I1i eiiissns of Ualeiirh and the County of Wake, have hern muchgratifi -d to l-arn, that the President ol the United Hutl rnniemplates a visit to die University of the Slats st its ensuing Commeocemvtii in June, nnd thai he will pass through Raleigh on his. may to that pine: And bHngwithnurWtntncrioa otptirTy, desirous or exirnoing in mm tne Honors arid regard due to Ihe'exalled sta'iou i.f Chiff Magis trate of the Union, and' of lendering.to him a hearty welcome y the hostilities of his native Statel Therefore 1 ; . t Retulved, Thst a Committee of f0 be 'an'. pointed hy the Chairman, en behalf fif : tlie City of Raleigh ami W ake County whose duty it shall be, together with the Commit tee heretofore . appointed on behalf of .the Cily Commissioners, toVtnhke ' suitable preparaiions for the feeeption 'of the Presi-( dent, and of those who may accompany him. on hissrrivslln this City., s ' Under the forgoing Kesolntion.the fol lowing gentlemen wrr uppoinicd. ' ft fir Committee hehnlf r7 the IHtii end 'Oounly: Dr. Josuh O. Watson, Iun, Will. ion. Jamea Iredell,, Wm. llilL Kso., Perrin liubee, Duncan, K.-McRae,. Geo. W. Mordccai, Edmund B. Freeman, Jamea B. Shepnrd, Charles .Mm.lv, William hite, AtbeH fiith, Jcrt-ph li IfouIUc, 11. W. Dusted, II. W, Millet, Kiclr'd. B. Haywood, (J orge Little , Wm. R, Poole, Alfred J ones, B. B. ISmith, E. P. Oniony Wesley Jones, James D. ' Newsi.m; John II. Manly, Wetoi ROslcs, Geo; W; Thompson, James TV Mstnoth Matthew Sha. Jninra F. Jordan. EilwaTd' YarhM rough, Willie Pone,: Willie' Whitaker.' Charles E Johnson, NVilJiaiu 11, Tucker, Win. H. Jones. Wm. G. ' Hill. Wm. M. Scoll, Simon S mi h, Jesse Brown. Ji,n S. Wnlion, William C, l uckor Jordsn Wvmble, P. B. Burt, Kimborooah Jones, Sion Rogers, Jr., Henry D. Turner, Jno. M. Flemming, Joseph Cooke, Samuel P. Norrl. Esquires. Dr. Wm. 11. MrK Nathaniel Warfeir, Eq. ; " , K!7TheCommitee is reonosted to mcrt al the Town Hall on Ssttirdar, nexl. tho 15th insr, at 12 o'clock, A M. Committee on tlie tmrt vf CommitMian er: Wm, Dallas Haywood, Wm. W. Hoi den, Geo. W, HsvwoikI. S.W.' X John Hutthino, Esqtiirrs. s - .jhtioiveil, Ijintthe proceedings 6f this meeting be ptibliilied. tit the City papers, and a copy thereof transmuted to the President,',-. T ..; . ; , . . . .... . Pit 'notion, Ihcmet lirg then adjourned. WM. DALLAS HAYWOOD Ch'n. JsMlisF. JOUDAV. ?CC. , ! .V, , Tho New York Journal of commerce' states, that in ISOI. Jlicra was a fam-- liifl in Englnnd, scarcely less extensivo und distressing than that which now scourges Ireland and a part of Scot land, William" Pitt, then Prime Min ister, issued an order en&aginz to nav barrel of American flourwhich : ollouUl be shipped to F.ngland, with full lih ttty tolho' iinrHirtpr, to .gota highof iiiurcanuie price ii no coutu. f Wns tho TariiT pf 4Q' 'then in force? Was free tr ado" cvoii n tcp is of, tlis cussioa? . " ; , ; ' . ' . uThe Cfuxelte Jlledioale,' published in Paris, speaking of Loots PttiLippis King of France, says " r- MH rises at 6 in the mrtrningnt att seaaonr, works in Ms cabinet' while) fresh and clear, and therefore witTi easo reakfuss simply thn takes a long ... wrdkWch Jiromga taM axulaattH tary reaction towu?s the kin; ut din ner lias fbnstantly half a" fowl diesseit with rice, and for his drink takes only rrare watcrrbwHC "Which hls"Majesijr U very particular. - ai ine end ot his meal ho-takos half a glass of old Dordeahx: nie. lie sleeps on a single ninttmis, id on a camp bedstead,.', but for-iievet- ibra than "nix hoTirsIilSuch is the sov- berand austere :Jif't rf our SovorctVii, -aid with Bncha Tegimr'irnf'fi'in.iy live lfng...f It is know t thai Ixiuis Pliillipjia rfns sotne modicat opinions of his own. ' I lis remedies, however, are' most inno cent,aud have the snnction of one of the greatest practrt toners by whorrr onr art, is i honored. . hike .Sydenham in fact, tlie- Kinjsr may carry Hie ' whole of his: tlwrapeutrcal apparatus in the M ad of hisciw The lancet and opium are his.givrit iwhiedifs.. K' 'ft ' tu . ", ' i , I,,;,',- r -t.i ' . rH'V mnm , lo Jotinnton ruuiHt, on tlis !6tii of April, Zl pha Aim Pitmao, slJcut ifsughtvr. ef Joi I'Hinau, '- s .'-.. ' " i !.; im.ii A fine BROOD AND WORIvlAHE. and a sidendid three year old Fii.lv. Ap- . nly at tlie Star Otliee. t ; ; " KALEIttlr, MAY II,lH17,( . NEwillEAUTIFULSPItING (JOofrs I 4 ' hettlxr IhaM ever! " '' '"' J.lTCHf'nKU thunkful ir psM rUtom. waulJ mnrclt'u'l mj'itil eouinfiiutM ut iui. ooHe tr the fu'rjr. l(n has ny. lit nluta or lufoTminn hi lrii-ncland ciuiaiun Ijul at Um J't reettvri hit rin supjl of : i '. K W & BEAUTIFUL DRY GOODS; itj bs W i-V aKr rtaw V(rr couitiii VHt of ItM Mlawiiis, rtirlw,ii; : i h, Mvi v-uu,ttii mvu,itiis ssfiASr .vuyt blus, bluck and brown Cloths -:!' , ' Ha ? - 4. '?l,,l'Kw sikl UsMimsrea ! -v . Uo nil Msrseillrs Veslini; , t, , , . K BtaeVy Jsmssnd Sstimrtts 0 " " "f AlpucMtM Union OrilUhga " 'w ' "i:lif Nsiikron snd fiicr PahuinM, s'Minio lt' Besuiifu', Lwu and ( ill-.w U...,..!. imni rin ana coram Umlwetl, ETeiiii "hnry aTimmer Print su'l (iinuhsuui -J .Undid Orfa'l. now style Miulins ' pool I'VUom, Nscd'cs, I's.l.'ins, C'aasss ' ' ' ' ' , ii'(-u nuu uuuons 2 . ,. .; U-aur. Itli-whcJ srd brown Jeaita : "v , . . Ilunu-ry tilnvss, fatti-bard. . A surfl,.r lot of (luttllcinen'i snd Lsdios' allocs, hnetres and SlipMr. . ...- TTT Ou I'uwdw snilinriJ Tea, f.f, r,UHlilt and I'ulwnxnt si jsrsr Coirtt Snd D wa sugar ' Mwwn, Vinnnr ,snd snud; fVf sy jOh IiwiiH Blacking, AdmmiiM Osmll.-, 1'nwtler snd sliU l,h-wi Tobseeo and sepr. PsopSr,. Alisiiee ml (linger. t . , , , Chlnn, Crorkfry ami Ulasa War, ' Elegant China Tss seHs Pls'ct snd HUIim, li Pos. sin, Uowls, VtUtvrt tJhsoilH-t. aud besu'iful plsin sad mould TumMf-K. ,' . K Hrsds, NR Patht Ake com limnv ' rut Tscks, snd J ek. Knlvw, toilier wilh mtiT -f.r drhle riitlri oil f whlrH.for I sh, will m oM n rhii mal fiiTorsbls rm. , -, j , ',- Ts hit i.!d f'icnds Snd palrons, lie wmi'd V. Ihsl k' mill ri-riM nn Titl.Ofrt.W HVStvuax snd wmir.1 In, slH.t ermili- l( eMhrr in raiting or Mskinj with wkirh ihey, llirsched snd Ui,(t.-hcd Mjirtiug and Witelfusi Ootlpo rhHs and Brd Tick ine . , , l.iiisn etnbrie Hnd JUncf.ns Hundkerehicrs''' 1 f Psnct crs-vatsaiid Wei Mi.rw.n.Ur. ',' 'J ...,. , ,, lo um, msy si Ui labw I im. . . ; v lia'ctg'v May 8 . ,, 4 , t , pltlMR VINK'aii,; "s , ,; - ; 1. '.. ' ' -Jm l.y - ' d S. Ull tlKORU -';.