l I V. -t" 1 i Sr 8"' THE ST A R'. "wd3 Liberia, el natal eolutn. RV LEIGH, DEC. t9. 1817. roa rsEsiPixT or the vritbb states, OCX. ZICIIAIIT TAYLOR, THE COCKTRlf's CHOICE. REM AINS OF GEN. H ILTON. It is announced in (lie Tarboio Preas, tliat the remain of Gen. Wilson are ex pertet t arrive at that place about the Jin of January nest, and will bo kept a lew days, in onlor to give much notice of the precise day of the funeral, sscircu in stance will permit A discourse will be delivered on ibe occasion, and tbe remains will he interred with Masonie and tnaitial honors. SOUTH CAROLINA, The House of Representative!", on the 13th insU, decided upon giving the election dent to tlie people, upon the general ticket ayetem, by a vote of yeas 64, nays 54; but the bill was lost in the Senate ; and the Legislature adjourned tine die on the 17th int. .- VT Dr. Frederick J. Hill, Col. Andrew Joyner, Hon. Richard Hines, and Messrs. " J a mw' Wrl Jryira,1 William B;- Sheprwrd sod Joaiah Collins, are each spoken of as the Whig candidate for Governor of South Carolina. Rich. Times. The devil must have, misplaced a type for our brother Time. These gendemen are North Caiolinians. "wonderful discovery. Dr. Sylvester, an Italian by birth, and an eminent chemist, has discovered a mode of hardening the human body to the consis tency of stot eor solid marble, which he is about to exhibit in London. His specimens have excited great astonishment. ' One was ihe head of a lady, with her hair parted and dressed, retaining its flexible properties and grew resembled atone somewhat like a wax model also a child's head, plump and as in life, and a tongue petrified as if it nev er uttered a sound. , The petrifying process is said to be simple and cheap. A boquet of choice flowers the juices first extract ed by a pneumatic process preserved their natural colors, but were as hard and rigid as ., if some cunning workman had carved them from Parian marble fornot only the leaves and petals were rendered stone-like, but the minute hair formed stems were rendered coraline. "j"' ";; -' The Richmond Whig says, that. the. Wings of the Virginia Legudature are do- . eirfedly of opinion that Gen. Taylor ought to be the nominee or the Whig party for the next Presidency. Our brethren, we are glad to see, are every where getting their eyes open to the true policy which ought to be pursued by the party. The Legislature of Tennessee has, by a MMnifflniu vnto inwiliwl flan'! Tivia. visit Nashville during the present session of that body. Dts is done, says the resolu tion, that the members of the Legislature .may " testify to him, personally, their res pect and regard." ,. - The Amebic!? Flag, published ai Mat amoras, says there is a growing desire on the part of all the industrious classes in Tamaulipas, and of the men of property, to bring that State under the protection of the civil government of the United States. Gen. Shields visited Charleston on Mon day, end was honored with an enthusiastic reception by the military and citisens gen rally, s He was welcomed by the Mayor of the city in a very eloquent address. f " the"claV meeting in new. York. Some 5,000 persons, friendly to the doctrines of the Lexington Resolutions, met in New York on Monday evening 20th, according to previous invitation , Dudley Selden presided. Mr, Clay's Lexington Resolutions were all endorsed to the full, ami an address adopted suitable to the oc casion. Tbe Hon. Caleb Sratth, of Indi ana, was present : be avowed himself op p mcd to the farther prosecution of the war. Death of Chancellor A'cn. The whole eountry wdl learn with deep sorrow, (says the Baltimore Patriot or Tuesday evening under its postcript hoad) of the death of the venerable Chancellor Kent, of New- York. He died at hi residence in that city on Sunday evening, in the 85th year of hie age, having surpassed with undiminished vigor f in'elleet iw t scarcely abated physical abilitv -,. ,-; ,, t,y m qUarter of century, i S constitution of. that longer competent to ' .-ocellor, . , .' -it started by 1 ' r '- ' - Ilmorjb, 1 t- ,. ag and . t" twos --- : 1 -Mdvk. . t'. " ' . eara from an x(iree,thst these . of an am bador i roun ry to hi L'eurt of ,J7ome, instead . of inferior BiiMiom, as was first proposed, tbd tliat Chief Jswtic Taney may be the ambassa. dor, with an 00161 of aine thousand dollars, and a salsrr of nine . thousand dollars a year,' provided he swept the appointment." The Editor f the Herali. who, having recently taken the tonr of Europe, speaks 1 t n t , ex catneara 01 baropesn an sirs, oeciarei that the j, appointment of Judge Tam-y would be a h'glily appropriate way fur tbe Unitel states, as a nation, to "tvmpetnize with the movements of his Hol-aess. in re-esiab isliing civil and religitus liberty in sunny luly. It ia well known that the Chief Justice is hielf a mcmbei of the Roman Catholic church. "If Hypocrisy is the homsge which Vice pays to VJitue one mih think (says the Baltimore American with polished severity) that Virtue wit wver held in higher respect than now by official personage. .-, Tbe American proceeds, exempli grat ia, to refer to the President's protestations of a love for peace and his efforts to preserve it, and of the reluctance with which hr was forced into wtr. THE JOHN DONKEY. This is the title of a new paper, devoted altogether to wit - and humor, showing off the John Donkey ism, or Jaekaasiiy 6f certain characters in all grades of society. t is ; ptMited in,.,, quarto Cim, pogvi, .-.I :n.. :.:.l.i .:.i. i;;..f.-:.-. l,i,- tide page has John Donkey :n his ten d f fercnt characters, as the fp. tbe authoi, the parson, the physician, . the miliury John Donkey, &c, . t It will be issued weekly commencing on ihr 1st. JinuarY. and simultaneously in Boston. New York, Philadepiia. Balli ttmmimA WasKinjrttsn,"ntnd irnry bebsd by addressing A. Heard, Chsrletton, S. C: , or Zieber & Co., J'hitadelphia, and enclosing t3. . IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. By the schooner Poriia, arrived st New Orleans, Vera Crux datrs to the 1st Dec. were received. Grn. nava was elected , President of Mexico on the t Ith December, to remain in office no longer than thettli nf January. He is in, favor of peace, a is his wmde cabinet, and his first act was to despatch commissioners to the city of Mexico, to re open negotiation wiih Mr, Tiistt but rinding Mr. Trit had been recaUed, and Geffcotriwii wpremfm turned without efTeciTng ant thing. "' Many members of Congress, displeased with Anaya's election, resigned, Having, how,, ever, a quorum. The next most important Intelligence by this arrival is the rrporu-d arre-t ofGen. Worth, Gen. Pillow and Lieut. Col. Dun. em by Gen, Scott. The verbal if port is that letters written by these gentlemen re ftVciing upon the commanoer in-chief have fallen into Ms posession, upon. which lis at once arrested them. ; Tbe Governo.'s of the several States had been called together at Quere tarn, by the General Government, solely fur thepur? pose of throwing light noon their diffionliies, that , the General Government would be able in soma manner losurrender its pow ers, snd that it was mora inclined to. open or conunue negotiations of peace than to prosecute the war.. V, ' Fanta Anna has assumed the command of tie army in Oajaca. He says that he was deprived of the command by Pena y rejjfl, in ojdf r, f bstt. lltftlftXfn.!Cl!lJiil4 n9 obstaele in making peace with the Ameri eans. Ha avows his determination to op pose any negotiation for peace with the American forces occupying soy portion of the Mexican territory. ; , ., ; , : Oji the 8b, 3S wagons with merchan dize, belonging to Merchants in Afexico and Puebla. left the latter for the former place, and were seized bv the guerillas. Gen, Lane, upon being informed of ii, sent out a lorce who everhauled the "Viartv. re captnred the wagons, except six, which were burnt, killed If ef the guerillas, sud look 13 of their officers primmer. t The Vhginis brings Vera , Crux dates to the 7th December, from which we learn that the train under Gen. Butler, with 8000 men, bad left, and thai Gen. Scott will soon ha va 35,000 to 8't.000 men. - By last accounts. Gen. Filizola - was st Queretaro with a fores of 2l00 men. The general in-chief, Bnstamente, ; had yet his head-quarters at Guanajuato with so army of 0000. ; -;,-'.'----?;vV!V--: . r A pronuciamento having been made g the military In .Queretaro in lavor of Santa Anna, he is making his way there under an, escort furnished by tbs Governor of the Mate of vera Unix. , . .-. , , . EARTIiaUAKE & REVOLUTION. The intelligence from the Pscifio is very interesting There had been a terrible earthquake in Chili and Pern, destroying several towns. It occurred on tbe same day as that which destroyed .the town of Ocntfcn in Mexico. It appears to lisvf come from ilia nortlii - ' The direction of the earthquake was er, iilentlv from the north. Coquimbo suffer- d extremely, i s best public buildings wei leduceii to 1 oscitktious of ihe a mats of ruins. Thai deavor to turninh useful and enterlaiiiintlhava been paid over to the disbursing offj 1 saith were, frightful. Njiatter upon other subjects. rjeers bfthe army snd nsvy. --A . lation 'stent in the ones lWhilst we have our p.litical predilee- j 1- ' " The wh population slept in the one a rietfl; even-tho stones in the rivers were raised from lir beds and thrown to di'tance. , ' '',;'.v.f '-': " . There was a lepmt corrrnl st Lints on iheTlh Jor;iht a olmton-ha broken out in Bo:iva, sgainst bolirian and iu fa-, or of Velasco. ; is.-. ." ICT Mr. VV. Heaton. of New , York, has invented a new printing prese which throw i'iT eight sheets in a single rev olution of le ry Under, taking an impres sion on IhiiIi sides at once. It will print 20,000 elieets in an br. -The wear of Ihe types ' U' diminished.'- ' r' . - - - r rrt, " -4 DEATH BY POISON. i Tle Sprii.gfirld (Ohio) Republic reemds the deaifa ef Dr. John Patton, of that coun ty, b the accidental use of ttryehnki in stead of moroAiii .11 had procured, two viala from a drag store, one containing strychnia and the other morphine, but both supposed to contain , the latter. He took, in the evming, a small quantity of lb strychnia, measured on the point of a penknife and, the color very nearly re sembling that of morphine, he did not discover bis mistake .until he felt the effect ol -the poison. ." ' " Morphine is well understood to be a sedative poison, bat strychnia, more recent in iu origin, is very linle known. It is very deadly and quick, snd produces desth by convulsions snd lockjiiw in a few hours It is the alkaloid of nox vomica, ths seeds of which are familiarly called dg but tons.! and exists in several plauts - the far-famed up aa among the rest . REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA. Oar reader were msde acquainted week since with the fact that the Clony of Li beria on the Westt'oastof Africa had been e rected into a Republic, to be known as the Republic of Liberia.' Late papers frm t'te new Republic, brought by a recent arrival at New York, furnish na with full and in'eresiingaecftunta of the organisation f the Government and the raising of its flag. . The eleclon of President, Vice president and members of the Legislature took place in Uciouer, ana re-uiieit in the elevation of Gov. Roberts to the Presiden cy, and the choree of N. Brandon Esq., as Vice President. r The Constitution is published in full in the Luminary of August llth. The docu ment i well writton and bears upon ' its pare unmistakable evidence of having heeff d Wtffriiftetthe CTiltmioTHff wtr own Cofederscy. Many nl the seciion of the latter sre copied literally ."The Consti tution was completed in Convention on the 20thJuly, snd was almost unanimous ly approved of by the people.' The birth of the Young Republic was celebrated throughout the various settlements on ths t4tn of Attifost1 .; Every thing connected with the organi sation of the Govarnment appears to . have been conducted in admirable order. A flag was presented to the Govern ment by the ladies of Monrovia, on which occasion the Military were out in strength. Later in the diy service of a vriy iinpres- .m4&ajtar4et..eM HIGH AUTHORITY. , The Washington eorrepondent of the Philadelphia American makes the following statement: ' " llie Hon. J. R, Poinsett formerly Sec retaire of War, uhequently Minister to Mexico, and withal a pure and patent Democrat, has recently written" here that the attempt to sustain our rmy by contri bution derived from the cite run I and in ternsl commrc of Mexico will pros ri diculous snd futile, : Few men in the conniry have devoted more attention to the condition snd affairs f Mexico than Mr. Poinsett, and few nndeistand the true char acter of her people more thoroughly than he does. His opinion, tberelofeT fonsider" ed in connection with his long residence in Mexico snd hi acknowledged ability is worthy of some attention, and if it be not treason to say so, is perhaps a l'ttle more to bo respected dian that of Mf. James K Polk. ' . :: , AN IMPORTANT HINT. It is known, that there has been for two or three years past, an uttti-ual amount of sickness in the op-country, which ha not been satisfactorily trsred to sny . particular canse. - A very intelligent gentleman, of extensive observation, inform us, that ke lias no doubt it has been produced by the immense number of dead Oak Trees stand ing on every Plantation; and that there will be no doorcase ufaxkness, until they are eat down and burnt up. He -i. him self, acting on this opinion, and is CHiting down and burning the dead timber on bis farm.' As we hsve never, before, heard thia cause assigned, w have thought We might subterv the causa of humanity, by mentioning it. Register -CAROUNA GAZETTE.! ' We have received the first number of this new paper printed in Wilmington by Mr. W. J. Vorr, sud with much pleasure enter it on our exchange lift. ; It is hand, aomely printed find well filed with matter. The following i a specimen of its Edit orials, and deserves the imitation of the press and ths commendation of tbe public: OUR POLITICS. It j . It is irenerally known luat we have. ever since we hats been able to judge for our self, been a Democrat, and we shall, at suitable time, enforco our - views, with such arguments is we eonsider conclusive, in support of them. There are times, how ever, when puli'iica! subjects sre insipid. The mind has been orer-burdened . by . ex citement and craves rest, and it i obtrusive on -the part of the Press, to serve up that for its readers, which th-y are slxeady sur. feited with. At such times we will tiom, snd shsll lake pleasure in expressing them when ws think the will be. produc tive of good, it oust not be expected of as to follow in th wake of many other polit ical journal, m applying epithets to those who differ with us. It is considered a breach of g'lod manners to apply a name of term rto an individual that he dislikes. How much greater then, the impropriety 01 applying en epithet r term of reproach to a large rclsss s of-individual! Those journs s in the habit, of doing it may be entitled to alt the-credit so fr a we are concerned.' The terms Lw Foco. Mex ieari Whig, and their Kindteds, will not, uules our mind chsngrs, nisr an Editorial in The Gazette, snd should the psper ever pats into oth. r hands, it is hoped that it never will he permitted deeend to any such . servility. Kpitbets, are the argu ments, only of the vile sud ignorsnt ...-'. i'7 '1. G. 1:. ill 1 SUBSTANCE OF SIR. BO IT'S . ir- - RESOLU I IONS. j 1st. To adhere to the narion! integri. 1 .1. . a .. c - I j. vuvj lur ionaiiiuiicn anu ream ucc cutive encroachmen s- 2. rhat territory acquired by Congress is in violation of the Consilium snd in con flict with the genius sndfspirit of our institu tions. - 3v That the wsr with Mexico wss not brought on by Mexico. 4i , 4. But wss brought on by the unauthnr isett act of the Executive ia our Army to Mexican terriury. 6 That we have no right to, clam in demo ty for tbe expenses of w wsr brought on by the ill advised and unprovoked act of our I'ub'ic functionaries, . 0. That the honor of the nation does not require the exaction of territory from Mexico to whic b we have no claim, and yielding to Gr-at Britain territory tbe title to which we declared to be clear and unquestionable. 7. Thai to exact territory from Mexico would devolve upon ua the necessity "of making aim lar demand in all future ware which would involves in interminable dif culues , v if- h. v 8 That no more territory can b ; an -ncxd to th U: Stal by virtue of the war without involving the - agitation of doinetie d.fficultie, begetting sectional animosities and weakening the lies that connect u together. : 9. I hat if conquer J territory be not the object of the war. we can perceive nu -gowi Yetson for eo n t i n o i ng ewr - troo p - in the heart ef the enemy'scountry, by which their lives sre exoed and our resources uselessly etpended. ' 10. Thst n conquering nation has noth iiig to apprehend from an exhibition of magnanimity to a defeated foe. 1 1 That the withdiawat of our troop under preliminary arrangements, offer the only bop of speedy and las'ing peace. , It. That our institutions, founded npnn the rights of man, repudiate the doctrine that 'tmighl makes right! ; ; 1:1. Thst if upon the restoration of Peace it shall be found that we need a har bor on the Pacific we are able sod ought la :;w$f jngicr forehssetfc.;,. . , -i. i 4se That if rt-sba 11 J.b iletermmed "b y the Representatives of the People that this wsr shall be further piosecuted it will then berome the duty of men ol all parties to furnish all needful supplies to cairy on the wsr with vigor snd effect. We Irarn from undoubted authority, that G--n. TayW continues to occupy the position thst he tuek in regard to , his nomination for th Presidency from the beginning thst he considers ' himself si plated in nomination for that office by the People in their primsry assemblies thai he will do nothing lo change his re ation to Ihrm bet will leave the country f.eeto o'e for him er not ss it shsll routine l place him iu nomination by any "of the existing formsof psrtyorgsnixatlnn be will abide by thai will so' expressed that it ia for the existing -parties to decile hetber hkf ) will assemble in General Convention : and sdept .his nomination Iresdy msde and that he will oppose n obstacle lo the anion .f Stats r General Conventions ii bis behalf. Rrport of Ihe Secretary of the Treamrif. ; The great length of the Report of the Secretary of th Tre isury (says the Georgetown Advocate) will prevent, its perusal by ths great mass of readers. The report goes the whole figs re for the ultra doctrines of ihe Demorratin party. The Report .first exhibits the financial condition of the Treasury during Ihe past sad present year, with estimates fur the Coming year ami set loitb: the various modes thst have BferTTeaortrrl twf rataing revenue in Mexico. It recommend Ihe plan for it pres-cutiori which it ured in the Preidfnl's Message. If recommend a moderate wsr tax on tea and coffee and a law to reduce and graduate the ' price of publie lands, so as to.i'imtnisti the a. mount of th loan requisite to tarry on the war. After sllsiling lo some inciden tal topic the Report then passes on to ths consideration of the three great ques tions with which it is occupied the work, ing ef the .Subtreasury, the Warehouse system, snd free trsde. upon the principles of which lha existing leriff is established. The Secret sry goes through a statement f ne commercial snd financial system of the country, through the snccesiva er of our tariff policy, , as recorded in the books of the treasury and of course makes out statement in favors of his own views, , ':,dy- i.'i:'V'"'i'.' j- In tho Report. of the Secretary of War, the amount f ilia, eolleeiion of t; military contributions In Mexico ia ststed at )5s0, B10 4a being; -receive -hy -nor officers of th army. Of this sum $130,723 S3 ' In this City, on Wednesday evening tat, by Rev. Benj. M. Me Williams, Mr. David A. "Wicker, to Mi - Emma J ; Williarrs, daughter of Mr. Mark MeWilliam. Ji - In Wilmington, on the 2lsf insU , r Rev. Mi.. Stedmsn, William II, Jones, Esq. Coshier of ths Brsnch Bsnk of Cape Fear in ihis City, to Miss Msry C. Niion. Ia HiHaboro' on WaJneaJay th 5ib nUnt, by th Be,. Ribert Horwell, Udwin A HearU, nq le Mi Alice Elitnbrlb Wl'aon, daughter ef ib Rv. Alexander ilaon, D. D. ' , - la Chapel Hilt, Mr. Ribert Louder to Mia Franc Wat aoo, , i In Orango county, Mr. Joseph A f mini I Miea .tarah Ann fttdinjf,dsaghtr of Mr. John krding osaaa Picaril t Mia Eliaalwth cat , t Aho Mr. WiHUm.8 Dollar, ol Challnas esan ty, to Mia Mary lle U!a Mr. Jebn Vbk.,- . Also Mr Conaiaatin eVItnw ! Mia Maria BawMi.itaughtef of Mr. iamtph Dawn."- AU Mr. MoImm Cheek leJIias Caeaa AT an. la EdgacHmb roan'v. Mt.,iabn W. Knkht Mm Klis.heth McDowell, .Jauf hnw itH faulck Mcbowaii. ? . ,. Alan. Mr. BUunt Bivn. la Miaa Maigartt CtiTTTM J.a.hlaf mf PI . Ck ,I,J t . Ia Cbaihaa -oanty, lately, Mr. Joseph Thoas a te Mia f mtwianre Moora. Ah RrV tiaetnn rarrar to Mrs, Manha VU aoo. ' -"-: - , AIm Mr. Waller Staarwd Pea to Miaa Maria Covet- i -,, '.,.;-,,. Abe Mr. Wftliam Gunter le Mia Wlnnv M- Also Mr Ellaa Brook to Miaa Mart A. Harris, daoshl -e of Mr. H'nrt Harri. Jr. .5 la Frankhn. ht tb Rev. Wm ArMdatl C one! Junlan P. Joac. to Miaa Lory J, ftaoipan duherf Uorg SUinper, Eaq. ,. " ." ' in Graven Count; Mr. (Men Ange 10 Miaa Aietu Gwatny. daughter of Mr. Ilura'i GwatnyJ In Newborn. Mrt. Mar E. Braofort wife of Ctpt. Heory Ucaufort. in th year, of hat In Feraon County, or Para'vaia. Dr - Porteo Monro. pt 03 year an old an l aai-ful ehnten. In Chfitham Uo' it, of 'otuwmptlaa, Judith M Lindley, wife of Joehaa l.imJIe;, JrrcJ 5 year ' ,, , . .:. On th 1 Ith November. latT. Mra DvntMrt roiiaoit of Richard Daaiiport, ofTjrrel eounlv, in .k. aaj . rk ' ' -- . THECLOSINO OPtllt? AC ' COUNTS. fc . APPERANCE OF THE BALANCE r"H i.-li1- . ' preoimt to'patron h SCHEMES for JA. CARy, tSta, a year yet enborn. bat teat verging ht whwneefiMiiras w softly4 tlittejlwu th atream of 1847. the event of each dajr crW up on ur memory," unlit" lb mlhd la" peffeeilv . h orbed in lb contemplation, . Th then whL-h naturally oecuoie moat of our attention 1 th wrk ibat ka been dona.' and th manner In which it ha, been perpformed- an I it ia with feel in of rido w att tht ach" and everf nromiae made has heen romitly hilfitril.. W ell. tbs ennaeqiieosee'aro that di-ttilution nf n.rr Tw and n Ilnlf Millions of Ootlnrn in Priara, haa been mdo throhnot th United Hiate and Canada, Tbat IncalciilaU banefll have been derived from a ayatem vbichfrom Ibe Mead inaea ef it practioe, is now relied upon Jhf all par. tie with whom w eorwpond. SYLVEfl'ER ormliu-.a ihe ei-hemea far Ihe eaMlh nf J.ikiiarv. ea n llluairalioe of the brillianey with which it pnrpnae 10 iseae inem tor ino npproorning year. 'l-L- - ' :r . -r .L. 1.1 1 .1. !: : rt 100 awniCreoc of lh ranlul. anil til djtenuA,. Cfltinn oTUw cnce. r evioene T th Mranear which muel attend ibe eflbrUi of adventurers SYL VESTER again improaae upon ihe- tentitM ot hi Cnrraanondenl that bo oall nnno tint LE GALLY At THORIZEU LOTTERIES, in which PRIZF.8 ' mity aecured la ill lira were. He tequeat all order to be towtrdeu earl, and b careful M dd re ;t - . .. ALRXAXDRI A LOTTKKY. Clatt.- nrlS4Sli . be drawn al Aleaamlria (IJ... C ) on Saturday,. f tt ef Jaa. 1S4S.: It atiabr'-IS Uraos Ual- SPLENDID SCHEME. I ' $:W.f00! .' , $10,000! I ol 5 000 - , .1 of 8.000 I .f 8.500 1 of $.017 50 . i lOOPrfxes of $1,000 csch !; 'J . y 10 Prixes of $3 000 each! 80 of $250 ' 84 of R800 - 63 of 80 dollars " . ' 03 of. 60 dollars ,126 of 50 120 of 40 tit. . te. s- eVc. "- Tickets 10 Dollars.- . . ... PROSPECTUS Also Mr. Tboi READY WISDOM, . BEINO A COLLECTION Of - , . ' THE MORAL, INTELLIGENT, AND REFINED SAYINGS . - , '" Pi WHH HEX IN ALL, AOKS, . - ' i . ' ' ' COLLECTED AND ARRANGED - ' . ,", ' '; nr. uev. e. u peiihi.s. Th littl and ah-wt ayinga of the wis and esoellant r of great value, Uks die duet of gold r tba leaat apatk of diamonds. TLUrao. . . r , -,. - f - - v ; - t, f jA : i 4 The work contains SOS chapters, each chapter referring to a different . subject, besldes ' about. twenty ; pages of miscellaneous matter, and will make about 230 page octavo, needy printed on good paper, and put np in - ' a mailable form, with paper covers. Price $1 a copy, or any person send ing five names, with $5, shall be entitled to the flih copy gratis. Those who receive this proapectu, and procttre subscribers, will please forward " . the names and subscription money addressed to tho undersigned, at Ra- ' leigh, N. C. by the 1st of March,, 1848.' Persons wishing a single copy i will also address a above, with the $1 enclosed. Tho work' will bo' rca .' dy for delivery soon after that period, - ... - ,f iej , . The following is a sample chapter. ' The quotations are, in all cases where the aut'tors are known, duly credited: an tliat those who hav this ' " . book, will poe s rich and. valuable collection of the beauties and excel. leneies of distinguished writer, by which they wiU be enabled to command, ' Jika ready change, their pithy sayings on every topic of general bteresL , ; - , " SAMPLE CHAPTER. - . ,-..: . . J . Ths best inheritance is a habit of Industry i the father of excellence. - -. j Industry i fortune' right hand, and frugality her left. ' : Industry is preferable to idleness, as brightness is to rust, . Labor and Pleasure were tho first eouplo mart ted by Industry. i. r'V Vv.. - '"':' . ,1 ),tV.-. , a.fee 1 '" Csn snore npon the flint, when tir sloth - ' .' - Finds the downv m law hard. The man that consecrates his hours .!.'" i Br vigorous effort snd an honest aim, . . ' V t ... . . ,i - h . fi j; . , J At oncehe draws the sting of life snd death ' 1 , And walks with nature and her paths are peace. To t. - - - The God of gods and men, with hsrd decrees,, .. , '. Forbids our plenty ttebe bought with ease; " 1 h v ... , Himself Invented first the shining share," ' ,' ' - And whetted human industry with care. Drydzx Those who signify the desire, shall have tho work full bound at $ 1 1 ; but they must receive it ht Raleigh,' where it will be published t ', ' : '- E. L. TF.RKINS. ,, Raleigh, ?f. 17, 1M7." , ---. 4 . .. . 1 . A certifies! of a Packer of S8 Tickets will be S-nt for $130 Shares in propottion. : i i4 , ALKXAN'DKIA l)TTEBT, Cleat 3, 1 he 1141, toko t.aa at Aletemlrie l f,.J 00 aiTt. Sib of 4aa ( I Si rs oxoWre 1 Ur,m Bailor.' - - , , - i MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. - -$36,(X)(! -'-.vv -o s.t $2CO0! loft.nos. 1 w 1 una - 1 t.ooo t 01 a,us - 4 Prixes of $3,000 each 10 Prixes of $ 600 each : ' ."" "10 Prixes of 1,000 each " ' 10 of $300 each!'! --15 Prixes of $3t.O each I ."I 400 Prises of $100. each!! - alo0lire . asr SO dollars S of 60 63 of 40' ,- &e; ' ' i fce, 4c. - -f Tieket. til dollar. Arelrooola.fackaiM US I taket III be eat Inr SISO 'ttwrea m proponioa. .. s 1 10,000! . , " v i ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY. Clsss 5. for l8tS. to be drawn at Alexandria. (D. C.) Saturday, the 15th of Jan. 1848. ft Number 12 Drawn Ballot. ' H SPLENDID SCHEME. " $40,000! r- ; ;.V ' f V ' $10,000 1 1 ofLOM 1 si-w 1 el , ;; - rf St.OM Sotl.SOO ''-" '""- "IMX " '5 of M50 TJoHers-' -" ' - - 200 Prixes of $500 esch ! ! -28 Prixes of 100 f T- 10 friges of 60 ISO of 40 ' 1 ' :'V-,:: ' Tkkel HO-Sli.1 in nronoriieo. ' t4of Mtr 'VaaW::.T4iuMsHr1li V 4-rtlor Smo hertlprtpor..- t . NEW.JKKSKV H'I'AI K. Lo tTKIIT," Cleat S , for 141 to be draoa at Jeewy Ciir, X. t n. nfVMnn, tno 111 rfa l4Sw 7S OOaabeia j 14 Draoa Ballots. . -GRAND SCHEME.' t $35,000!! 1 - $i,ooo ; $10,000 J of 5.000 ' . 1 f:i,5oO , y 20 Prizes of J,000 Each!!! , : W ol BOO - ' tSo-ot-400 - - 856 Prises of $300 eacht f - M ol 100 . ;$ r, ol SO ot, ol t) . , . ;; J, u. Itrl ef 49 Ticket (lOShtret In peoporthm. A CoxiSeateota faakagef lit 1'iokol will be arel lor $iao-Hhiires lo pr-pnrtion. i . - CCT $:i0,00OlixCl Al rXANDKIA LOTlEKf i C1aa.r, ferTIStl. bo ritawnal Ateaamiela, O C.eo8alurda. (heSMof ian.l(4S. 6. oambera 19 dr. a ballot, e ) J " V, , n .: . . ' 'A n iaH eai e. m UUA.U SCllt.-tl.. . .$3fJ,0(K) . $12,000 . . I m a nnn . t j a mii. , :i".Sl e,780 i.' litijOW j, T JO of l.OOdleach lQf ioaeachl 20 of $250 each ,' IT! ofl 50 "earl! IDS of 100 ' ' I4S.4 50 - etc. - 'i 46.' f te. I fr ,. tu, ,vrf --Tickets $10 ;t " A Certiflcsta of' a Package of 2) Tickets. will bs sent for $100 Shere in . proportion. Al.AXANURIA LOTTERY, Clan 9. for till i tenia, at Ahfiandrw, III. C I . Xaiordat, the Vth of Jan. M, t f oun.Vrra-.lJ Urae ItallMa.- . v ORANDSCUEME. ', ' . $40,0001, . . , , .4$30.000tf, 10,000, $20ffX)l)i ' 1 of $6,000 1 . I of $3,000!! . 1 ol 4,000 v- 4 lalS.tiS . ..iv a ot U0 dnlWa. - ',.., - 75 Prixes of 9, 1,0007 -" $00 Of $5.000 each fi ' isool farm.. jt.,v; .,. . ... isoolfto.' , ,IMor0v- 4 , . I3U a 0 . - , Ltt Tri tl. ! ,.iv. A Tickets tlf Shares le orooortMMi. A Reeiilleet of PaakaceoT S I lekel oill be aeal for $400 Share hi prpnttkm. I OF A NEW BOOK, .ft , ' -:i4 Industry. " ' ! t '', Kmesr - r fn ' t-