WHIG STATE COKTEKTIOM mi i'l-fo.lrriii rDi"iois . ". . ,-.v l , - i--5 to wider by Mi Cillum, of Granville, wlo tnoedjhat the, Hon , IIkth . Hia-t ale, be pjoitiHfd President of Con Trillion-waichM carried nanaimomly . The Pra i'ent being conducted to the Ctiair, byMest Gilliam and Kerr, re- larpei! itta aia.no wieigroenia id a neai dress. " Ow of Mrs Waddell, wf -Orange, fur i he- Anther organization of the Conven rma, the' following gentlerm-n were ap -pomled V tr& Pt e eidente v -vix - ' Wm. Albright, of Chatham, f N.T.Gten, of Warren, , N.L, W ill'mma. of Stsrry, H John Braekweft,. of Oaten. On motion of Mr Galea, to complete 'he organ'zatian of the Convention. Ii W. Lassrier. of Grant ille, and Ch. C Rabo wo, of Franklin, were appointed Secreta- riev. : ' ' ' ' The roll beit.g emiled, h appeared tbat th following Vottniiee weie rep relent ed by the Delegates named, to wit; UrmiTorlQea. urisf, vy. w. Tripp, W. Demill. A. Grist, Thomas D. Smaw, Henry L.IUrvey. Jirrtit Starke B. Smith. Bluden-k'. J. Jones. Jttunswick S. D. rSrerilt. CotrrllJon Kerr, Th. H. Halehell. Janea N. Fuller. Chatham!,. h.,8'td.mw. . Win, Al Wight. Joa. Byno-n, Tomer Brnnm, "J. ('. Po. IL N. Paoertf, Jamaa Taylor, A. M. Wrdtm. ThoinM Whitehead, Thomaa Larmier. J. N. CWtf. John T. Qe?. CrmtfH -Jhn UU-kwell, Ouion Scott. fV.arri Kiifna Barrinper. fimAerionrf W, 8. Mullina, Jamea BaBlia,Dr3o1ffiaNCnr7 MtKajfv JtJzteotn&tH. W. Virk. FrunkHi. II. BnMlie. V. B. Foeer, Jamee B. Siat, J. H. Davia, Richard Noble. A, MNiht. T. A. Peran, Sam'l. Patterson, Cli. U. Uhoteau, B H. IeWia, D. S. Hill. Joehoe Perry. Granvillt C, II- Wtley,hnR. Hern d.in. It. W. Laeeater, R. I J. Kingbory. P. Pf Peace, Joa-ph K. Peraon, R. B. Gil Ham, Bourbon Sniitlt, N. hi. Lawrence, i; lament WUkina, . . GuVfard- U D,Spraggina, II. V,HoL combe, C. A.Gil leapie. M'JaxW' L Long, Suinej Waller, T, P. Devereoi. 'fltrlfofA-Vkr Ray ner-''''''"" ludiR. J Wynne, J. A. Baltance, Joaeplt E. Blount, Hand Carter. yA; John Mcfoil. J. B. Reek wi-h, Arch. Sanders, W. II. McCullers, Wen., w. it. jore. w. ii. owuers, j. leacli, Henry Finch, Jos. Hare, Dr. Hack- ne' .'?-' i .- : Xmott Walter. Ds)nn.. . ; ,., y v; , , 'A'ffA-D."8.'t'rehahiw,'n' .',." Wei& 1ttm66et-rT toririf, F, C. Hill. " ; H1lonion, ft,' t. ViMllirtarThos- Oamp'ron J. W. Barr. M, C. MerndenP, P, Moore, W-F, B. Satterihw;tte;A; MeVe; 3oi - Perao.Jima Barnaul Richmond-). W, Co ineton.1 "'" 7i-nffm DrN, Jnyner,' ,' . We-Richrd Hiii, W. R Galea, J. IU i.ioiy, I. AI Oliver, A, Jonea,' Juiiiea iTeoeti, ii, Lrtmsy.4- VUej, V. J Fol lr,;jamei W. Nunh.'O, W, IIjw.hhI, u.- . naywoiKi, s. nofdaaU. Jo!mi Prim ll.lf.'W,TL Jone.r T On mntinn of Mr Joi!"E." Blount' Mr Hrdiaoii;of rAiaffmai,n. Mri Lan. c ' .. . r i ...... 8 iiKbe Caveatin, aa honorary I mr rubers. Th.Breatdent pieeented a letter fro .k. ii t ii ti i . . miiw aiin,, it fg. urjra.-v who nau oeen' re Oueateo; to represent Jtltywood and IXrrw J(e Counties, tegteUing hie unavoidable ebteace.sj ,hI'J hnu ,mc J .iii Read aa l laij oa the table. . : ; i M f .' Waddell, of Oiauge, eflei ad the fol. lowiflg If eanletiont . '!;(f ,i, i fc-'; , Itttolvtd, That at Committee, to eons'wt uf (wo irom eaelv Congreasional Diatriet, Tettreee niea in uw .Convention, be appoint, ed by the Membere.lrom the reajectie Dirits; whoaedmy it aball be to aKer Maid'tlveaenae of the convention in regard .to tlte person to Deselected as the Whig candidate Tor Governor that the Con mi i-tee-ineAfrom.ach Diatriet, ahall reflect the wiahes of a majocity of the . members of t he Covenlion Areta sueh JXairlct. ! ia 4he choice. f a Nominee. tbit.i,-t making ?tjp Kheir report, the anembete (or4 inembev; 4f .iher be but one) on the : Comaiiiwe from -each, District, abnlt be entitled to I Voices .ami that aaid Commiuee report the ireault .of their deliberationa to tho .Convention. ' -This Reeolation was debated by : Mi. iSallefikwaii.' in kppoaitien. and Mr.' Hay1 .nr ia its faVor; an4 tbe.-qtiastioo oiv us --h1ioa was deraOed ia the amrmativei Mr. Ray net ogVred a Reolwtio. whicli riac nwnii&Vd- an I amea JeJ,!i on moiioa of Mr. Ali I'M1, tirae adopted; as folloaaar Rtiolot l, That a Committee of twealf it o, eotiaiafof bfOwo niembera from em h r.ieeiorai.viautct M toe mate. le appoint--rd b. ,the Chair. rkoe doty it hll be le preprrf lieaelaiieMaeKpa'essive otslie aease . f ibe ,&i'neniiou, iu . refeceaee -to rhbe jfifitioi; t iautft slow pending and the morn Hit r9ih orgauiiatioaj sf the - W kig part . lit tbaajri. a .nn'sn l-ti v mt, TlMS4jjlijving ioviutitT was received fefr .rn'Uie Exeel'raet k Govaranrri t ',.; GovertMv Ciraliim preaeftU.kie r(apcla . the Whig Convention, and bejMtJial jts siiKfltbe rJ ' ttX ' aiwl a) fl, vfl I f a vor ' Him5 wiiktlieir CoinpSn; Vila evening at 8 ' o-S'l-ick. '" -iif-vi I "(iton t, aa . i .a r - l ajes-lsy, Feb aidTiSiS." WLi-b iaii'auiu j afeoted by acclj J J I I. I.. "I 3 - ) J. . Z : inB'ioi . . r On mntiM nPnl. f jn.' ih finnveor two took a recesa unul 4 clock I M ArTERKOj SssaioN. "The Congreaionaf Dijtrtctt being called over by the Secretary, the following Com. niitteea, to form a Nominating Committee, i were reported, naunvlyj Il UmriC Not reprtaenteu. 2d Di.uict, N. L. V iiliame. .JW.ptaUicL -IL Baxfinger, J. W. Cov ineton. 4 lit Diatricl-H. W. Holcombe, Noah Jovner. ' . 5t DtatricfJwlm Km, Hugh Wad- dell. Ctk niatrict. John Mcleod, D. 8. Hill 7ih Diatnct. W. 8. Mullina, A. J. Jonea. 8th DtaUict F. B. 8atlerthwaite,Gnion Scott. 9tn Diatr'iew- S. B. Smith, Samuel Cal Veil- On motion of Mr ttayner, the above Commitlee had leave to retire, ami ait duriop the eeaaion of ihe Convention. Tlte Chatr apnoioted the following Com mit're, from the Electoral Diatricta la pre pre Ieiutuma, Ate. under the Reaolulion adopted una raorntns. viz; In DiMrict. - K. Rvner, S. B. Smith, 2d Diatrici Alfred Move, DavtJ Car ter. 3d Diatricta-W. L. Long, II. V. Mil ler. r 4th District- Jnlio . . McLeod, Jolm Black well. 5ih DiMtrict. J. W. Covinaton, Thoa. Lot ins Gth Di.tricL W. Albrifht. W. . Mullina. 7th District. H. Waddell. John Kerr . .Bill DialricU JS.L. Williama, Noah Jovner. . Oth District.- Rufue Barringer. 10th and II ill Dialiicla Not repreaen ted. Mr. Ransom of Warren, introduced Uenolulioi), which being ammded, on mo tion of Mr Banka. of Cumberland, wa read aa follow: Jittolotd, That the Nominee Jr Gov- ernnor n not required to Canvaaa H e Stxte, unlesi the candidate ofthe Demo cratic paity ahall commence cenvaaaing, or be reuuired to do eo. The Reaolulion was support d by Meaars Ransom Iredell and Hanka. Mr. Wyne, ofllyde, moved thai aaid Reaoltiltotr be taid-o tt4aUleiiwJWtt:SFf carried. Tlie Chair presented a letter from R.S. Burney, appointed a delegate to thia Con i ,on(:on frora Brunkwick County who was rreentded from att'ndini; wntcb waa preenMed from attending; read and laid on the table. ; Mr Kerr, from the Nominating Commit tee, Reported that they had made aorae pro ereaa. and asked leave to lit aifaio, which waa granted. v,.;f ;.-..-it t I f ! Mil waa decided in the negative by Teller- ynft NoeefO.. ,, . f Qn motion of Mr Galea, the Convention adjourned until to-moirow morning, at 10 AVabKaiB4T7Fs, 23o. The Convention, was called to order .) 10 o'rlork purant to adjournment. Mr .Waddell, of Oronne, from the nom. mating Committee, asked leave to report, w Lien being ranted, , . ; , ,, oir tvauueu anneuncen to the uonven- lion, that the Committee had unanimously Agreed to report to the. convention, the name o UHAKLES MANLY, of Raleigh, aa the WhigCandidate for Governor., ., , ' The question oo agreeing to the renori of li Committee waa carried unanimous Mr Kerr then moved tbait a Committee oflhiee be appointed, by the President, to wsit on Wf jManl. oud inform him of his nomination,,' , t. . , . , , . ' The Chair appointed Messrs'. Lonir. Sat. ierth waite,' snd Stedman. Mr Lone-, from ine romnvilee.euhsequenUy reported, that they, ihad performed the duty assumed mem, ana last Air Jlanly was prescut ia person, iq speak, tor.himself. T : t i ' On invitation. Mr Manly waa then con. ducted into the Hall, and waa received wjUt loud applause. .. , . ,?. Io an eloquent and beaniifid address, full of the deepest confidence, and of .the most cheering sentiments, be responded .to, and accepted bis nomination.: , : , : v " Having , concluded, oa motion of Mr, Rsyner, Mr Manlr was (invited to, occupy a seat in. this convention,, as an . . honorary membein,,(!; A ,,. r,.;. , i.,.,,., , t!f,: ,. Mr Ravner, (rom Ihe Comraheo of 23, appointed to prepare Resoluiiensi &c re ported the following Preamble aud Keaola-j fions;, ,;.tH sii! ,, ,,,,n .,, WiiERKAS. As the Representitivee of the Whigs f the State, ia the Conveatioa as- aembled; fortlie purpose of deliberating oa the, beat, means nf, promoting the pablic d, we deem it due In the caaae of truth. and ihe sueeet of or principles, that wa should btiitfy set forth the groniids of our aciiiNi iio4he comanf political eonteal, i ' ,. 4. Therrfort Rtstlvtd, That onr' eon aiction ofthe truth," and our devotion to the eause ef the great dmservaiire princi ples or the mug party, are Hot Only un changed ami unt Hpnired. but " the -present a'arminir eondiiin of the Country growing ant of the misrule ef the party' in power. Lwlrtlsl fulfilling our pretlioions serves to eoovinca ua at ill more of nw neeessliy of atswerrlng perrevereine ia the support aaa maiRtenanre or those principle. 1 ki UtiotoeJ, ''Hia't we Jim'iI '.'upon ipon . the Jre of the: present' Administration, in . tlxrir wnrfare Upon American luJustiy; in! uicir ifinv" iM"aeii)eiu ei ine j)uuuci s ... ..... mM ...... W T ? wwmii, i-irir vBjieiui eipenuiiuree mill verting tte puUIio ttad fund from its sigl.U ance and ineouiahccraeut la the violation ' . rti ( . -- t . ... . - of?wwl order: their Droctttutlon of Dublic office io the atauisliion of partisan aunnort. as uutnj incoaniei with, tue iOnsuntuon, d -structive of public moral, at variance with the spirit of our free institution, snd tending ultimately t'o the overthrow of civil liber- If. . I 3. Resolved, That while oar opinions remain uachanged in regard to theae old lasues, on wpica we have for years, com batted the party in power, yt we consider the perueua eomliuoa of the country, growing out of an unnecessary and un coaatitutional war -begun in a epirit of selfish ambition, and persisted in with a view to party triumph a presenting a new iaaue, which, for the time being, over a-iadowa and traascenda, in importance, all the old queationa, wibi h have heretofore divided partiea, momentous snd important aa ttioee queationa are. 4. Retoleed; That we consider the ordering of the march ofthe tmyof the United Slates, by the President, James K. Polk in the face of the pledge which had been given by the Ainericon Congress, in the terms of Texas annexation that the boundary betwixt Texas and Mexico should be settled by peaceful negotiation, aa an unauthorized agression Hon the rights of a neighboring nation and as un becoming thit magnairoity and sense of justice, which should have marked tlte course of a great and powerful Govern, mem towards a weak aud distracted one, 5. Rttohed, That even if this country had bad eoflieient grounds for war againl Mex4c,yetv as the Conatiiutioft expreealy reserea to Congress alone, the power to make war, we view the conduct of the Pretident James K. Polk, in bringing about and esusing to "exist a state of war," by ordering Gen. Taylor to invade the territory in dispute, between the United "Stater shd'MexicO, as a'Tmahifest- flittTpv1 lion of the authority of Con t rets and as a palpable violation of the Constitution of his country. 6. Jltiolved, That this unnecessary, expensive, and unconstitutional war, ought to, be terminated as soon as possible, con sistently with the honor of the country; that too many of our sons have already fallen; that too much of our treaaure haa already been wasted; that miliiona of acres of conquered territory cannot compensate us for the loss of the one, snd the expendi ture ofthe other and that in negotiating Peace, we owe it to our position among the nations of the earth, not to force harsh and oppressive terms upon a conuc red and ' prostraietf Cie" " , ."" " '. 7. lieiolved. That we would prefer that the negotiations for Peace should be conducted nh a view to the establish ment of an cQuitahle boundary line be tween us and Mexico and the a;quisiiion of a safe snd convenient harbor on the f acihe but that we are entirely opposed to forcibly wresting from Mexico, by eonqueet any portion 0 ner territory, , ., ,. . 8, , ffaaofaiif That Ja Uwal Mflfiwmci win a view to eonqueat, jet we cannot withhold the meed of our admiration and approval ol the conduct of those Officers and men of our Army and Navy, who nava a t gallantly sustained the American Fl gj and who have exhibited In the ei- aem negree, the irtue or loyafty-indjobe-dienee to supeiior authority: whilst prose cu ling a war upon a system and for purposes wmcn many oi mem, io thett jutlfmeni, Condemn. " s -j 9. Heioleed, That we view the eouae ofthe Administration, in thtir warfare npon Generals Taylor and Scott as evinced a PiriV j!l?uy and in gtatitade, ineonsia tenti with all the Wgh Impulses of justice snd honor; that we wif as far as In us lies, suits m those gallant commanders against the assault of malignity and oppres sion; and will cherih their names as identified with American prowess and go- 10. Retolced. That the noaition taken by our Senators in Congress, ' the Hon, Wkille P. Mangom and ihe ' Hon, George E..Bailger, in reference Io the further pros ecution of the 1 Mexican War' meets our entire annmkaliitn anl thai A.it his late able and unanswerable" 8peech. in J he Senate on that subject. . ; 1 ,:' Ii: -Reolotd, ' That our present rGo. eriior the Hon, William A Graham, ia en. .-.a.. . . . ... . . -----i uueu to our titgn eommenaation and our thanks, for ihe very ab'a impartial and eat' isfactory manner in which he has dischar ged the duties of hi office; and and that on retiring "from the Executive Chair, Jie wil carry with him the esteem and appro bation of us nil ,. .,; ;. , f)ti; , T 12. '. Resolved, That the time ; is ' ar rived when the Whigs of the Union should put forth very effert; that we think noon their success greatly depends jh aecuriiy of eur righu, and the prrpetulty of our In stitutions: that, at .thia time, above alt others, compioniisejtad harmony should iiiwii wnnciii,,.in union-. M .tn first great pre-reqaistte to success, and that therefore we approve the. National Whig Convention to bp holdea "ia , Philadelphia. on the 7th of June next; tbat are will abide the nomination of said Coavenuon for Uie offices of President and Vicrfre.ident end 1 supporting ita nominees; and 4hat w deem it advisable thai the Whig of North Caro lina should be fepieaeated.ia said Conven tion, -...j ....-. .(,' ... , ..; w t 1. RtsolveJ. That John KL Morehead of Guilford, and ; John Kerr, of CasweK be appointed as Delegate , to represent the Whus of the Slat at large in the. Naimmi al Whig Convenrion. and that, the Whin of the respective v Congreaaionai districts ire hereby , advised to hold Piatrkt Cos veationa with a view la ihe selection of one Delegate to represent jba Whigs tj said District in Coaventiwi, and to tba forming' wg jvieciorai nettet ter ue state, ' iV ? RetUvtd, (That our : W hie breth- L" ren. Uvrougbuit theSute, be ami . tlwy jara' beieby spelled In by every eonsideralioa that addietsc , itself to the heart f tho Patriot to arouse thfroeK r.d make ft ttill more tuomai and determined effort in uetia ol our punciplea and our cause; keep constantly in view the fart, that on the next General Assrmbly will devolve he election of a Senator in Congress for aix years, to complete a more thorough ayatem of Whig organization in the seve- rat Counties; and that we do hereby pledge mirselvea to each, other, and call on the Whigs ofthe Slate to ratify the same, that we will nee oar most vigorous efforts to secure a Whig victory io both August and November next. T4te Resolutions were read, and unani mously adopted. Mr Ray ner introduced the following Resolution. Jitnolctd, That our admiration and at tachment for the treat American Statesmsn Henry Clay are unabated; and that we will ever cherish the most profound gratitude for the eminent and distinguished services he has rendered his country. Which wss unanimously adopted. Mr Kerr introdnced the following Reso lution: Feiolved, That we have the highest confidence in the honesty, integrity snd patriotism of Oenral Zuchary Taylor and that we feel profound gratitude to him for the service rendered to his country. Which was also nnantmonsely adopted M r Kerr nom mated the following gentle men to compose the central Committee, namely; W. R. Galea, Alfred Jones G, W, Haywood, Richard limes, 1. J. Lemy, I Johnll Bryati, H; " W. Htrsted, and; H; W. Miller Mr Rayner moved to amend the nomina tion by add tug one f . nm esch Congressional district, and that five should be a quorum for the transaction of business, which was accepted by Mr Kerr, and the motion and nominaiidhs' werr'addpied by the Conven-' lion. Mr Btnks, of Fsyettevrlle, announ ced that he had just received n Telegraphic despatch from Fayetteville announcing that the intelligence of Mr Manly's nomiuation had been received with great pleasure by the eitizena of that place. On motion of Mr. Kingsbury, E- B. Dudley and Robt, B Gilliam weie appointed alternate Delegates to the Baliimoie Con. vention. The Convention was then addressed by Messrs. Sslterthwaite, of Pilt, Wynne, of Hyde, and McLeod of Johnston. Mr. SaitTthwahe moved that a Commit, tee of three be apoomted by the Chair. to prepare me proceeding i mis conven lion for publication in the Whig papers of ihe state. . The Convention then took a recess, uatil half past 3, P. M. , JJflernoon Session The President appointed the following member of the Central Committee, one from each Congressional District in pursu , ", w. mj. iinnuuv. nay oerE. Stanly and E. J. Hale. ' r lln.li W..IMUII r T ia:.iJ' vr " L :- The President also appointed the folio log Committee on the re visa! and nublica. tion of the Proceeding of this Convention nsmeiy: Messis Kayner, Gales and G. W. Hy wood:- ' - ' Messrs Banks and Mullina of Fayette- :li . . . lr . . ..... . ..... . no mr rverr, mr miner ana Mr, Waddell then addressed the Convention. "' r The following Resolution .was offered ay Air K..rr. and laid upon the table to wn - , , ,' .; - ' Rttolvt&i Thsf the hanke of (htt-Cen-vention are due and re hereby tendered to the Hon. Richard HinrsVlhe Pretsidmit oruus body, and to the Vice Presidents and C? . - . . . V : . . ur-ci ctorira, ior tne saiiaiactory manner with which they base diachareed the Huiin. i meir stations. On mation of Mr Ravner. the Conven lion then took a recess until half naat 1 o clock, tbia evening A ' " Night Session. After -a number of Speecha from various memoers, the Kessolution or thaaks, tu, .uiHin uu irum iua woie ana unani ainnl adAnixt. " " I The -President made a short adiTress, after which the Convention adjourned whh out Jayj ..-i-r:..i , ' ' RICHARD MINES, aVi ' R. VV. LAsarrca. ) ' C, C. iUaortAif S'"etanea. CONGRESSIONAL. ' Washington, Feb. . "" "''-' u.'s. senate.'-' Mr Baldwin submiued a rvaolntion de daring tbatconuibuliona levwd andcolieel ed in Mexico ought to be applied to v the liquidation of claims of American eitiiena against the goveroraeulof Mexico, accord lug, to ex'iaiing treaties. ,., . . i be reaolulion was ordered to be print ed. .. . ..v. i . ..; ,; ... r r. . f The Senate tlien proreededto the censiJ eraiiuo of Uie The Ten, Regiment Mil .., Air Ureen, being entiileu to tiie . Door dressed the Senate at length; lie con. addressed the Senate at demped the policy , of the adnunisiration in regard to the war. The Senate ihen adjourned over to Men ! HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr Haralson from' the commitiVe 'on Military Aflairs reported a joint resolution providing for Volunteers in the service ' of ihiW. States.'-;v "' ;? '.,"""' . The resolutioft giving rise to debate wss laid oyer under the rule.. , Mr King, from the committee on Naval Attain reportea a bin making a PHI makine a nrant e J..i.i; l-.i-' A. r. .7 T ' rhe rererence ofthe bill gave rue to some debate. f ; . ,, : ? "i- , The bill was however, read twice and rrf rreJ to the committee on Public I u' I '. -v WaaaisoTO Tab-"tl. ,. SENATE. ! " 'A message from the Il,.ese of represent lives waa received informing the Se late that the House had. passed a bitt for the re. lief of the beira of John Paul Jonea with amendments. The Senate proceeded to the considera tion of the amendments to to the billi and an incidental discussion sprang up io which several Senators participated. Mr John Davis moved to refer thn whole suhject to the committee on Chums, which motion waa agreed to Mr Benton announced ths sudden illness of the Hon. J. Q. Adams when. On motion the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr Chase submitted a joint resolution of thanks to General Twiggs and other Genrrala who have distinguished them- aelvin Mexico, and moved a suspension of the rules to enable the House to consider the resolution at once. The rulea were suspended by yeas 110, nays 51. i no prcTiuua ijucmon was cbiicu son the call sustained by yeas 03, nays 85. At this stage of the proceedings, and at precisely twenty minutes after 1 o'clock the Hon. John Q. Adams was taken with paralysis. The members crowded around his seal and sll business waa suspended. Dr Fries carried Mr Adama nut of the House in his arms, his appearance waa pale ami deatn like . . Thaf House instantly adjourned. W ashingion, Feb. 22 SENATE. In the Senate, at soon as the Jonrnal had been read, Mr. Davis, of Maseachu setts, ststed that in consequence of the crit ical condition in which Mr. Adams was still tying under the roof of the Capitol, the House of Representatives had merely met and adjourned. He moved therefore that the Senate aow adjourn, and no voice being heard in the negative. The Senate adjourned, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Journal having been partially read, Mr. Kauflinan, J. E. Holmes and others rose simultaneously to address the chair, when The Speaker aaid that the subject to which gentlemen were .rising, ought to be officially announced by tlte chair, and he proceeded to state that the venerable mem. ber I rom Massachusetts waa still lying in Ibe SpeakerajCbambe, and in the.cpinkw of hia medical at'.endan' vu rapidly pass ing away. On motion of Mr. Burt, the House ad journed- POSTSCRIPT Frva o'cloce P.M. Mr. Adams is still living- Washington, Feb. 3. SENATE. A Message from th Pre-ident waa re. ceived, communicating a treaty withMex- a ivsuiutinn 1 tii:j-. r.. j iimwm iwr iniormaiion as ' to whether active operations on the n.rt r i .. i .. r the army in Mexico have been ann.n.i..i by armistice, and if ao ihrough wboe ageney and by whit authority. '. . MA,!"9 kJLubmiiiedjrfiol-lion instucling the committee on the Judicia- ry to inqaire whether Act P reqaire amendment seas marAia.ii. .2 . , - mmt.j iu Jtwu- uh persons holding correspondence with tne enemy m time of war ' . Mr Alien like wiee submitted a resole- tioa to remove the injuncti.m or secrecy at present resting upon all previous Execa- me easiness transacted by ' the"8ehafeV -.i. , rewinu me win rule and requir- iva; an Dunnes ot an Eiecnt ve rh.r. acier to be transacted here after in open aern. - f-- ; On motion of Mr SeyJer the 5?,nt went Into Executive Session, an.l .t. liberated with closed door (till theadjout n- try The Hen. John Quiner Adama In atill breathing at th hour of making up th deapatch S P. M' ' p Wasbtnotok, Feb .24. ' - sena-i e: :, :;.; .,;' Mr I).iuglss reported a bill . to Vs'ab. ih the territory of Nebrssks: slao a . oUtion e.llinj upon 'the Post Matter Cm- I t ; a . ' L .""rmaiMn in regard to (heestab- uament oi post roateS wttbia said terito- rr '' ' " '-' - Mr Allen called un the resolution anh. mitted by himself yesterday Tallin the - President;; Tor Information , as to wnetner active o arm in M.xica t.v. he.- .u.M'n.t..t TZ aiwiiiwu mo u aa i s asm a a lew srmutice, and if so, through whose agency .. -. i . , I ana oj wuai auiuoniy. , n f i 4 i Mr. Sevier moved to lay ihe, resole tion on the the table, which motion was lost, jeee 1 1, nsy sr . The resolution was tbeo paiiedyeas 41, nays 9. 1 J;', : .Mr Allen called ap hie resolution ("sub mitted yesterday instructing, the commit tee on the Judiciary to inquire .whether Act y'J requires smrnumeot so as , snore effectually to puni4i persons holding;, car respondents with the enemy , in time of war. ' And the resolution was adopted. , ,Th Senste then took up th revolution submitted on IhetSd int.1hy Me. R.I.I.U. rt.M.S -ri discussion ensurd, in which several, cena- lora nartic mated .Mr Fooje moved to lay th resoluUon on the table J which motion wa agreed tu yeas 35, nays 11. t ; ,-,?! ; A messsge wss received from the Heur of Representatives a noun sing tin death of the Hon. John Q. Adama. Mr, Davis, of Massachasetts; responded to the annuaci it ion ofthe Hoa-e, and. aa his motion the usual resolaltnns of mourn. itf"&e., were unaninualy aJopted I k. C...I. -J t ( 1 l.e Hall of thf Heuse cl Representatives wa erodrdVth;"m,.,n;-. vrj , . -. . -""iiiLii fn riiir baurto wltne rt,e,oiemn and .BeclinV cweniei lociatolt,a 4h deatk the ,7 .J!'n ,S",ner AdB'- T' Speak, r catleil Ihe IUom U J t i g , M alter an sppropriafe prajer, by the , Chsp. lain to th House the Re Mr Slicer, tha Speaker announced Ik death of ijr. Adams, snd paid a moat eloquent tribute to his memory. . , .ia Mr Hudson.of Massachosetts. then rose snd after pssaihg an eulogy on the deeeas- l gave a biographical akelcb of hia public life, th poti'Mio he .had.' occupied die. Ile iabmiited revocation or Ac.; and moved that- when iha 'lf..- adjourned it shoald adjourn to Satterdav II . ili r.n- i . ' j.,, iiwnn lunaweii in an eioqurnt tribute to the memory of the ' deceaa-e-. Mr Vinton then rose, rreatly aflet.! and pss-ed an euloglum on the character of ir Adam. Mr McDowell paid a beautiful to the m.niory ofthe dereaaed. tribute On motion, the usual mourning; rest!, lions were then adopted, and the House sdjoumcd over to Saturday. ' THE STAR. FOB PRESIDENT 0? THE UNITED STATES. GEX. 5EACIIAIIY ATI.6n, T THE CODNTRIf's CHOICE. . , .' "DEAT7rOFliONrjTQr It is our melancholy duty to announce that the Hon. John Q. Abavs died in Washington on Wednesday evening1, the 23rd Feb., at a quarter past 7 o'clock. He passed off quietly without a struggle; in the 81st year of his age. GLORIOUS NEWS. -The highly important and gratifying in telligence, that a treaty of peace, signed br Mr T,i.i ....1 xr.: r : cib, uau oeen receiveu at v asningum; 1 confirmed. It was transmitted to the U. S. Senate on the 22nd February; and it is aid was accompanied by the written ap proval of the President and Secretary of State. The National Intelligencer eaye the substance of the Treaty is understood to be as follows: . j , t ; ; i First. Peace between the United State and Mexico, and an Armistice between tary Commanders ofthe two countries -'"". - r iitnr mill ki f uspene. - ' - - .. . r :--. . r Secondlr. Me Til! airTAAa Cm f T'x Ul"1 J"Ht octween the U- ?,ted Mexico .hall hereafter & the Sea p the middle of the Kil Grande to the boundary of New kfjfo. ,nd thence line which (with some di? 6wwJn) is to run west (or nearly weeri to the Pacific nw,. .i r,l. . . ' . I , M UU1U POUII aOUUI 'n port of San Diego. - I atrdly. IB consideration of this law ceM' of Territory the United State are to Pay to Mexico the sura of Fifteen Mil. ,,on8 ot Dollarej and to satisfy ,n the lunt' f e"" '?ens bf the United States a 8a"IB " v.overnment of Alexieo. t Tl. Tfi. s- .i -j . . 7 . J . w cuniain ras ny provisions of detail; but does not, as wr hear, include any provision. aa h reporieu, ior the maintenance nf iu;t:. force by the United Statea for a certain time in Mexico. - .-- , " rv ! .;-; t r 1 he Editor of thia paper is necessa-, " rily absent from his post this week. . , ;, , ty Read, th admirabla lattov nrii.. tils 'K W. C. Rives in another part of this paper CaThe poetry on our first page will not u w ainuae me reaaer. ,- , ... ' ' FIRE! ' v ''""" The large brick ahop attached to die rail road Depot In thia city, was destroyed by lire about 11 o'clock on Friday night lastTT Sever J Engines and other valuable ma chinery, among which was tho splendid new engine just purchased at a coet of aa,aa aaa .1 wero .V?7. mia; o w prooaoiy nu teas man niicen or twenty. thousand dollars.''' It ia' not known haw The most promot 'and a the fire occurred. energetic mcaeure were adopted to prevent any material interference wrih the opera " tiona of the road. " An engine Vas ordered t by Telegraphic despatch; and the cars in a . few days, are ferpected to run as regulatly ' as ever. - " . ' - i - ". - - ' WHIG STATE CONVENTION. The proceedings ' of this body will be found in another part of to-day Star. " It will be seen that Charles Manly," EaqL',' of this City, waa selected a the Whig can-' i:,t.i. c. rs ixr- i , : :i m. . - - J T ' -r "" ' rr! .Pr ' tt! ..k ', . with aaatfeeted emKarrawment, Mr. Fm. 1 tomo at your bidding, not wits ibe vain dais la ;f auk dupla, nor in the fecsia h aa of saving .sny wing that wH msmrteihiiestlbw m4 ,in, ""bly but saeniiy ia mare i a few ft" ZZa'T -,-)""' .fh. poJitioo. to wbieb the . patUliiy of lb Conveniloa) aaaiened saa. br I am fully aware, aa.sinecnaa.Te beat with woteas thvaaiba3 Nwih Carolina campais. lbs Flag man af th vVWr Mriy. .require a seat, aa In'tepUit aedX Hiikv. which, m View ef ft Vanrd aoj uuUn- i profeaa do skill in ib strategy of campalca Liberia et natalt solum. .

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