Vifcirf-Lf'aaL'-iTf"B!Br':e'g' eteS" - Tot F ia. , fir.nlkyt Mr, ii'fir County. At. 8C. IMS.) Cmr.4 Friitla oftvtttt in Hit A' - J Mrtiii Tiwrjartf Zuttrprite. A -&lr. lxnii.y s Sot-eral sttontr rr-a-ron why Mich nieces is desirable. I A P. triolein oigs on this enter , I lisr ; for tlie rio;e litis f nteiprise is tt li d. fi.e nit willr dttniiiUh'rd ct.f deprmdeice on loretgrj Innds lor (ii'i.itul trillion worth of wines, i r.d tlw-y loo of dubious genuineness M.d v,ielleixi 2. Th cause of trrirance mr grsrn this'ciiterrrts, for, according to the principle of natural taste, ' as that for wrtt wines, being not like the artificial or acquired taste, (s for urdent spirits, insidious and imperative when orqnired,) lh sub stitution o( Anirican .wines tor nr dent ef iriis, will indirectly promote the en use of temperance here as in foreign wine making countries; wh'r.h are found to be tiiiiloritiily tenjprate; or the reverse of spirit coiifciiniinii C(iuut(ies. And aguin, if diktilled spirits used here ns in wine making countries, to mix wiih grape juice, and help 'make. wines, therwill bV less of the raw spirit material in the market to promote "ihe ricef Tnioxiciit?,Md this, connected with the fashion or ens .,.4omAioUo4litrfii.i)C-.4rioipz.::ijii .temperately instead of having: nc couise to ardent spirits, will greatly facilitate the tempeinnco cause-in our couutry." Not to cnttiriWrate other reasons liere for multiplying " vineyards drf ottr Tantfwe proceed id' once to the grand points of ren dering lije tuieyard cftirsesnccessfut in every attempt at this item of ag ricultural pursuit and its handsome ly remtineratinjr profits when suc cessful. And not presumptuous for the writer of tin's, to state -these points as he is believed to have the largest and most profitable vineyard in the Southern Union", and in that htate that ranks first in the wine product. Briefly Tjtated American .success in the vineyard enterprise i depends on I, The choice of the Iwt varieties ftctiltjr hi(hert' has oecn ehoosin? foreigu kinds of vines with which . to attempt success in the enterprise. This has ever been found an uphill business, and has ever issued in dis appointment. A Without eiiumera ; ling: other best American grapes, the Scupper non j is decidedly the 'bestfr all Southern latitudes in our country A " " ' ' ' ' - 3 American &liion -of .culture nlone eventually successful; that is to tiira Jaterilly, ntdAnt shorter in v length; so that tho main stein or steins (after, several,, feel Jbijjh and clear of all laterals left to ramify on trellises, or over scaffolding. The JSuropcoa plait of, .keeping vines . humble, or. shortened i. length, thwarts instead of -aids -the mature of vinos here and uniformity event 1 nates id disappointment hhdlossAi "X Wino nwking, to be successful i and profitable,, must bo connected with putting plenty of keeping; iu gredients in American wine juice. Or to have a perfectly good and safe keeping wine out of American grape juks at least a fourth at spirits (and the purer or more carefitlly rectified the better, as thus divested of any peculiar spirit taste, tlio more the grope tale predominates should '. lie added to the juice of the grape Iter that juice purified .by. bing strained through folds of flannel or f woolen cloih; or, it sugar alone ad. ded. fdoublf refined best for Scup- pcrnoug) as a pure keeping iugreA dient, three pounds per- gallon -not too much. ; . ;v And if both spirits and.nigar combined in some .jtuje something wTuivalent to the foregoing qurtuiity; a, say, a filth ol spirits and one or Xwo pounds of aiigar per gallon. Tin notion more fallacious and per nicious to success jn wine making ihan that wine fn. America, can be made fi-ood aud tafo keeping as a vineyard busines without keeping ingredients, and n plenty of thmj, tfiveti in Kurppxs ..plenty "f spirits put inU most or their wincsaestgncu iat kneniii7uanv lenstli of time; as hart wiue most famous for med i;ie has. a third of spirits (made of their towe'd wines) "Wtore ser.i a nross the(ten. -But as to Ameri: Jean vineyards ihey-yield far more -silmndautly than' Kurripenii, yet 'the juice thcreoff on all bands ackn6wj ' .eifged less saccharine, or strong than uhn European. And thapmewsof doini y. 'Mona in ' some pwts of itintoe, atw f cpmrnqnaeq nysorne (as ihe ancient A ristottelean") re jcted as wojlhlcsf:; while that of riaid ex jWriinf nts (as that of Bacon) received instead- thereon"; So mere theories In regard to vineyards and wine making worse than oseless. Experiment the only true and safe test of all theories. And since North t7arc'Jinn.. (a j pointed at by the AgrirnUurnl census of 1310) destined to be the greatest tineyard State of the I'uiou, belter toexplode mere theoiics at . once, that . tand in th way of her onward course in tli is most profitable as well as patriot ic branch of Agriculture. And any light on this important subject cheerfully submitted to fellow' Ag riculturists by their humble servant, SIDNEY WELL Kit. l'egistcr please copy. TRY IT. A f irmer who is famous for hav Ing good fr,uit, says he, raises his fruit itr the' following manner: "He takes a cutting from the best tree he ran find, puts the end of the cutting into a large pot n toe. and sets it in the earth, leaving but one or two inches of the cutting above Ihe eround. The cnttmir sooa sends out roots and crows rapidly, ma king a fine Iree, which needs no engrulting." CURING BEEF. By most ol tha nicies now in use, the beef becomes too much tmpreg uated with salt, and is not as a con- sea uence so fine -.for eating. By tne loiiowmg process mis uunciiny is prevented, aud the beef will keep till the following summer : To 8 gallons of water,add3 lbs. of brown sugar. I quart of molasses. 4 oz. of nil re, and fine salt till it "will float an egg. This is enough for 2 com mon (quarters of beef. If has been repeatedly tried and found very fine; n famous beef cater says it is the only good way. DuraVilUif of Manure. A wrl ler in the N. Y. Farmer and Me chanic states that he has noticed tlta.bottoin of coal-pits.,betweeu CO and 70 yearsafter:the"bwmine, so fertile (lint they invariably bore heavy crops of grass or grain.- I his manure, it is known, consists of burnt earth, ashes, charcoal, &c. Common ham , manure becomes nearly or wholly exhausted in a comparatively short period. ; , Kkmarks We hare repeatedly noticed similar results; and for 20 years have used and recommended the tise of charcoal and ashes -as fertilizers. A r tO WGROUNO FENCES. Mr; Kpitor:-! take, this op nortunitv to mention a nlan'of fen cing for lowground,' which I think will be found cheaper than any oth er, and 'fully as good.--.-AiaK a common panel fence of rails,' then split stakes out ot white oak or some lratinr wood, seven or eight feet long, the size of common rails Drive one on each side ot ihe lence, nt each comer, while the k round is , wet- about two or two and a half feet, bore and pin through them, over the top of the fence, and you will have a fence that will stand the freshol of the Toinbighee river, and 1 think those of any, oili er., j j. o, l. Coffloilii. Ala t JaAwary, 184S. "CREAK THE CRUST.." j Many years ago, when l liyedin 'Connecticut, a man, from ( among my acquattuiMMM ;; remoTea iroro that tai . into ermom, lie was a farmer lhat understood his. busi ness and, attended to it. Some years nftet, I made a tour into Ver mont, and the fit nH 1 made atier crossing the .river out of New Hampshire, was at his house.. He hnd got a fine farm, a good propor tion of which was iHtervsle on tho ConnccticnU There was, a field of th ree acreson the : intervale before the door, which, he said, when he came to make his purchase, toad on it a .very sunned growth of corn. To use his own words "it was but little-, bigger than .pennyroyal." Ho asked ihe owner h reason of the corn making such a tniserablo ; - ... tannearanre. lie Saia no ow nm i : i . . . j ktiow. Uut,wjaw jny inena, kuew." Ho finally bought the farm, and the next reason undertook to renovate that field solely by plough ing. lie ploughed every opportu nity through the scuspn, taking, carc to plonali only when the dew .HARDWAHB. ; Jt'ST trecttcd by ihr alct ibert (earral nip pljral Knu mn4 Antairta IUw m4 Ccn.Kar.ira, fit um4 ttirii. UmH Ihvy vill cll laCoantnr MrrchMttal ry luw pricci. m liberal tarmi, win iug of . f race. Ul uniin. WacU( llw,-Manara Isrkt, ; , . ' AbViU. Vimaa4Saitb'a Hmari. IMl and ltchei tn gteal artrir. Bom, Hutk add Wnry Kandl Kmri k Fork. Poki Kaiw aad Haaort. with lcbraad 1 ra markoi iherana. Hough and Heady, Itneua Vuia, Mudtrey ha. and ery ethrr arlicla be. loneinn. to the butinrta, aat rcipecifally ask b Mercliaiuaal Uih ficmiiy 10 farur lhw ilkaall arbca tbV arz( tiiii ilr Cttr., WM T, HOWEUkCO. No. ill Market St. PaiLAMiraiA- ' FiK. ISIS SSI. ltlAOaiETIC TELEGU4PU. f ES-KS. HALEY Ic CO.. baiina eompleled : V I the an-mioa of the Macaeiw 1 rlrrrapt), iiia Bui km, and eannetrtrdj the are iroaa iIm City nf W athif.gtMi, lar Houin a IbarlaMoa, via FatelUlle. CaffliUa. and Celombia, eabwribert ra ran-cillr reqqrMed to bay ever la Mr. it Suits, the Atrat at Ihie Suiiaa, th balana of ihctr (ubtcriaiion noner. iihout lurtber notice, ahvn Ibry aiH rteit a ecmlUat i t thrir Stock. I'ac liu will toon be completed to- Mobile, aad tbroueb to Ittv urlraot. THE PKOPitlETORS. Feb. 14 ISM,. , r 5r. nill'AXIA WAUE s iHE aubacribera reapectfalty inform Country Li MerehanU ami otbera, (bat '.hey are eonaiaoL ty Dianufuclurini, and keep on band, a large aortaient of th beat Oritaoia ware, io Ibeir atock will be found: Coffee Pols. Crcaoi Vt; Pitchers. Iseer tluirs. ' Tea Spoons, Kpltiens, Tea Pots, Sugar Uowls, Casters, Table Spoons, &.ar L.U4HPS, W will wairanl our clock equal to any 'in the market, and purcbtaera will ind it to their advaa laga to call brfurr purchaaing el vwhrre. HALL & BOAKDMAN. No. 10 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. ... .. 7-3.n, I 50 S 00 I 75 t 00 1 00 CHEAP WATCHES JEWELRY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At ih Tkiladelpkia Watch and Jewelry Stare, JV. 08 North Second St. corner Quarry, Gold Lever Walebca, fultjev. el led, ISeareacea, $38,00 Silver do. full jewelled It OA Silver do 7 jewella, 16 00 Silver Lpine, jearel'd, It 00 Quart icra, good quality, 7 00 Iml.ntkm, 5 10 Gold Spectacle! 7 00 Fine Silver " oo Gold llraceleia, Ladies f.old Pencil , Silver Tea Spnonc, art. Gold Peat; arilh Prnt and Silver (foldei , Isold I mgcr Kingi 37) cent! in su Waleh naM, bed quality plain lt aeali; Pat- 11 AO gyndi rranito) bawhat tbey araolror. Un and aome (old aad Silver Lever aad Le pine, till loaer than the abav nricec -1 ' O. COXRAD. Jeweller d Manofaclurer ot Silver Ware, Welch Maker and Importer at Wauhe Cnni'cntly oa hand, a large a, tortment of all ar ticlec mually kept in aiiailar cilblibmenH, ol good quality ad l:ahionabl wyle. ' J-I3t. XnAKEX p,by FinlayM Fayden, twelve mile JL B. E. from Carthage, on tho 27th nit., a dark Bay Hm, with a email ctar in tha fore head, and a nip oil the none, low io Hn tbaat five foe high, and eppoeei to be over twelve year old. Valued at fit dollar. , WILLIAM DpWD, Ranger. . Fabrnary. Srdri848. " 6 Stpd Important Co Farmers! THE Babaetiber having ptirchaced Irotn Alfred Spate, agent ft W, Beach & H. i. Oatling, th natentr. th benefit of their invention for th Slate of North Carolina, Acre to th Farmer of the Mate the advantaf of a Machine for aowtog all kind of mall Grain greatly aaperior to any thing heretofore dixeoveied, Alao a new rio-gh lor tn enltilioa of erop and alao a mt valuable aim- pie Machine forth ihellmg of orn, i nrae Ma chine and Plough em be had by application to the aubacfiher at Raleigh, rarliculara eipiained in hand bill. WM. F. 0OLLLN8- Raleigh, Jan. 3, 1847. Standard and Reg later copy. If. NOTICE- Q II AVE thi day aold th content of my Store, in tb :iiy of Raleigh aititaled on H argot rtreet, to J. R. Crtar. I hereby requeat all pt on, who'ara injelrfed to me, to com forwaid immediatelv, and cloaa their accounta, eilDar by cask or note, aa no longoc indulgencecai be given. My accounta, in caao PI any a licence, win m left wiihJoax B. Htlcv. whom I hae authorised Id make Bcttlemant, givo roreipt. dee. Raleigh, Marth t. " -e:.r'w1 THE BU8OTESS COSITIBTUED rHESubcriber would reapectfullv in J Ibrm the citizens of. Raleigh aad the public generally, that be will continue buaineae t the old 'niL whera tber may b IbnDd a gen eral aaaortmeot of Groceries with a email lot of Dry Oooas. all of which be will endeavor to eel! a cheap aa any ether peraon in thi City. A be doe not deogn to do a credit Niwneaa, pe will aell pnncijalry for eaah. at a email advance a tha Pcteraburg tod Maw York coal r J. R UTLET. March 1,1 8t 8. , . k... .ai iileir tnn u it i found tn! wa .n Ar - immcdiatdv Bficr ft kj) lHP.VHli J vaaw -- - 7"-"i . ' , - pial tho Bswof Ik win n well rain, , lie went oyer it a number ot ni tlimiiiWi tbWJ-qiiarttliy Wlrildj tinjes.ui the season, nnJ sowed it 'Vt'iits and ugnr (Btnn'g tlic purest with wheat in the -tall; and; when sti!)siances in natur where rectified' I came to harvest aud thresh, it, or r fihasMrtiitaleiu! cntigen- h had 154 bunels,averaging5l4 .uwHier, witH sframcd or. pnritd tlie'acre.Ciiltiyntor.:;. ht ulhoiuogewtwhefllthfil Uv vSkirvikoV Nursery, three ' v?-" Or rucdicbie. A M' ir1' 6T miU:' --'Hr W. it -u'vear eirx'tieliCQ onr Will contains MX) acres ol ground entire. !!orivin- o the sceptical we are right, ly davotc.! td the growth of ever Ai philosophy fine fpiin .theories tem trees and shriibs. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Johnaton County. ' Court of Tito oMii (umrttr ,St$non joveibtr Item, ion. ,x Jadirilaurbmeat, levied Thorns C Clifton I 'on Peraonal Propenj vt. V and Jacob Barnes and Loula P. Baoldin. Wille Holt, Kxt. Num. ' J moned Gfnilieee. J In thin Case, it anpenioff to tha aatiafietioa of tha Court that th defendant, Louis V. Baul din, ha abaeonded pr 0 conceal aimMll, that lbs ordinary prooei l Ur cannot be aei veu on him It ta therefore ordered that publica tion be mad in ihe Ilalelh &tar.for t weeks notifiimr said Uelendant to appear at ins nex. Term of our aid Court to be held for ihe Cotal ty of Johnaton. at the Court tiowM ia bimitb. field, on the 4th M.wdy of Fahroary neat, and hen and there la plead sad replevy iohtwle udtnent will be herad as part. Wimea. Thoota Baglej, Cleik of our id Court, at olEca the 19th dy of December. 1817. THOMAS BAGLB V, I'l'k. Ptica dr. 15 651. -, JAMES B- BllO WN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLEK AMDTUUm MAKE II, iVa. 14a orr St. Mwee 4.M U UK Sti PHILADELPHIA, rnESPECTFULLY m. ilSt form Deader and oth er, that he mannlacture and kaepeeonatantty on hand an extenaiva aaanrtment of Sad die. Briddlea, Kuaaet and Enamelled Leather Baddl Bag. Callara, Whip, eVcY A lo. a large itock f Sol Leather, Ruaaet, Black and Fancy colored Solid Riveted Trunk. Vatke. &. together with from 300 to 600 saxony, Bruwet and Darhaak Carpet Baga, Ladiee Baa, Satchella, Ac ; all of which he offer at the lowet price, and eolicita an examin ation of hi good, being confident that every ar ticle will give (atUfaction both in pric and qual ity. " 4 7- urae ' FOR TAX UHE OX Til IS AMEA ' . Will be aold. on tha 6th day ot Mar:h, 1848, at the Coorl Hove door; la ihe County of Paaqn-4 lanl, lb traoto of land luted by lb Mluwtnc pet ooa or a a much sf.tba aaid land aa will pay tha lax due on th aaaie for tha following vearaj. 1844, 11S and 1848, and aU lawful charge., if dm paid ocloro. The ifenbe. g . Vegetable l'ill's. NOTICE. 3TOHE undrraienad having, at the . February JJk Term, 1848, of Johncton County Court of Pica and Quarter Beeelona, qualified aa Admma irator of lb eata' of the late THOMAS TOL. LER, dee'J. of aaid Coonty, will offer fur aale. at Iba, lata retidenc of aaid decaaaed, on Tnaaday, tha t let day of March next, and from' day to Cay -ntil lhaaameia disposed f, tb Mowing prop erty, via, Haran. Mule, Cattle, Hog a, Uacoo, Corn, Fotdr, two yoke of Oien. one Cart, one, Pedlar Wagon, Houarhold and Kitchen furniture, and many other article ' oauat'y on a farm, and too tedkme to aieniion, upon a credit of ait monih. AIo. at the eh a of the aab? the Negroea belonging t aaid a'" will he let to hire until tha &rt day of Janwarv next Tin of hire mad known on tho day of tire, ' -r FURTHER KOTIUE. AU peraon having claim ginat "the ealat of aaid Thitma Taller doe'd. are herat y nntifled to piecrnt them, properly authenticated, wi'hin-tba- tinto preasitbrd by. Law, or Una nouca will b plead j bar nf iheir -ecovery. . . All pron i xlcWd to iJ ealate, wilt pW make immediate paymeu. . ' ' ' ; . A NATHAH WILLIAMS, Adm r. jrj30.000 BOXKS SOLD EACH AND EVERY WEEK!! THE GRAEFENBEKG COMPANY Hereby jive notice that their Genera) Agent for Ihe Stat ol North Carolina iiCb Wm. Josca, Louisburg, Franklin Co, N. C. Tha General Agent is fully prepared to ap point aub-Agent wherever there ia no blanch of the ComDaov: either on peraonal applica lion or by mail, pott-paid. The rapid aala of thesa celebrated iilU, and the extraordinary cure they are constantly effecting, render th m by far, the moil popular pill of the age. An Agency will consequently be very valuable. The Uraefenberg Pills are inconceivably unerior to any aver before discovered. In fl Wl WM;pTaJi 4ergeihew: tut ihe yiemtir all disorder which reaultfrom a bad sfata of th blood, theaa pillt ar a (overeign remedy. In the data of diseases called chronic, the Graefenberg Pill achieve their highest tri umph. Here they defy all competition Entering within the hidden recease of tha system, they quietly but surely purify th blood, root out disease, and give tone and vigor to the body. Cures are Constantly Effected . By these Pilla, in eases where every other means had utterly failed. The most abundant procl of this could be given, lut a trial of one box will convince the patient. They ean be ordered and sent by mail, at trifling expense Hi price is S3 cents a bo: Uwt worth art ordered and the money remitted. th company , wilt pay th pottage on the lyt: Kemittancea at tha Uomaaoy a riss. rt nerev- er there i ao Agency of tha Company thy can he ordered by mail. These Pilla are Ukinjr the place ofall others, and no sick pert on should be without them. Bowel Complainis, Con8ti)atioa, Dys tiensia, Fever and Ague, Headache, jaundice, Liver Complaints, Rheuma tism, all Stomach Complaints, Ureeo Sickness, &c. ifce., yield at once to these Pills. They porge away offensive hu mours, ariest tha progress of disetae, and at the same time restore tone and vigor to tha system. In cases of general derangement of tba health, they are suvkkeiu.-m. itv rin:nt use. The weak will become strong; the pale and billioua eomplexioo be restored o a peifectly fresh and healthy colon all the bad symptoms will one by one disappear In short, thesa Pills sr'a an inconceivable advance upon any other medicine ever before offeied to tha public. A Tkial wul SAncrv ass os r-i, . . .!.... .. .,. Candelabra, Girandoles, Rich Chinn & Bohoniian Glass Vases, Hull. Laii tems, &c. DIE TZ, BROTHER tk CO., Washington Htores, No. 189 Wil'iam direct. ISKW lOlta. ( untawwn oj euuon ARB MANUrACTURING and have alwaya OS HAND, a full assortment of articles in their line, of lha following description, which they will aril at wholesale of retail, at low prices fur ch. ... , Solar Lamps Gilt, Uronxed and Silvered, tn gret variety. Suspenulog Solar Lamp, girt and bronxed. ' , Brat-ket do So - ' da Sid " do do , do ' Solar Chandelier, ' do do 3, 3, 4 and 6 light. . - , j Camphena Suspending Lamp, gilt and bronxed. .do Bracket do do do Chandelier do "do 1, 3 4 and 6 light. ' . Girandoles GiU, 8iJvred and Bronxed, varum palter ne. . " Candelabra da do do China Vaae and BnhemlaO Glass Vses., do .- Hall Lantern a, a iirge aaaoetmaut, plain A- cut. do , do Wit) Stained and Bohemian Glaaa Lamp Wicks, Chimneya dc Shade of all kind. Paper 8halea, a Jarg aacorluienl of new pat- imiu ml atvlec ml.eWtuerm. Whale, and Ltrd. of tha beat 7 Superior Camphena and Burning Fluid.. -"kvmber , 1841 ;T..Wi.; District Ifo, ,. ' Willi im lldtcbio. Dec'd Eltj Palmer of David Kaaton, Vfc'd. 8iaaa Palmer wf , tlenrv W.Hkinoer . District No. S. Jeaa Carter, Dce'd. John Wilaon, DccM. District No. St. Tho. Avery. Dec'd. Henry Braiha J oar ph. Commander, Dee'dl Ndhaniel A Paper, (ut H illey Kaper'a Heir Joseph Symon of Abtur bbanhaM of Diairict No.- 4. Joaejih Love' heir at law District o. A. Edward Briggs, for Man-' sard s Heir at Law. Will. Cooper Robert Davis -Alley Davis Hsir" Joics Jennings Ttillowell Hcotr, Dee Will. G. Barges Georg R. Davis Arthur Davis'stwure at Uw Isssc Jennings 1 Lot belonging to the heirs at Law Uaakaton District No. . Hardy Forehand . -Polly Forehand Wm awyt of Camden -John Stanly, Dec'd. Redding Sawyer. Dec'd, Joshua Stokelry's Heirs David Cartn right's Heirs Joshua Cook, Dac'd Levy Griflirr of Cliany Cnflin of Priacilla Jones Kenry Jenneys laaae ForVs , Diatrict No 7, Joaepb Cox Allen Haskett Hsnnabsld Overton of Simeon Overton Of El'xaneth Bundy, Dec'd John Cslboon Joaiah W. Uslfo Setb While George NswUn of Norfolk .Vs.. hi heirs at law The Caraaek Tract, and given in by Edward H Hubbard JOSHUA A POOL. Sheriff of Patquotank County, A. C. Price adv. $17 30 33 months THE SACRED l,tOlJ.T,AIS ((. Bv T. J. IIEaDLEY, ;J','. 1 vol. pp.SU4, beautifM!. pAnSl,o 1 y Mr. Hejdky'. rrputatiim as a. a.ibor,.b., wl- na'C sun v a.lU l bs Sacred Mouiitai 1944 1845 1846 ft SI $1 3ft 1 18 SB S 1 ? " 14 - A . 1 SO 1 5 1 65 6a 1 35 4 33 i 1 58 3 07 1 39 1 39 1 42 3 86 3 96 1 27 1 37 1 OA i 09 96 17 19 1 65 l 98 I 57 1 37 55 130 - .. 3 90 - - -3 OS' 1 35 1 13 87 3 16 3 88 1 89 3 11 3 49 3 12 31 36 19 -95 81 ' 2 901 4 65 8 SJ 3 14 I 35 1 14 0 60 9 75 7 36 1 08, OS II - 31 16 S3 15 4 31 3 43 1 11 ,94 93 92 1 14 93 95 1 13 1 80 1 36 3 73 5 02 ,....... ...1.25 .M-aarw, 8 'i6 11 6? 7 93 31 60 28 80 33 70 "Petition for Settle Joveni , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Hertford County. . Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions November Term, 1847. James W. Hill and wile") and Others V . utor (f laaao Carter dec'd and otbera. It appearing to tha Court by the affidavit of James W. Hill, that tha defendant. Drswry Carter. Isaas Carter. Jam CarUr, Isaac Sharp, Jacob Sharp, and Caroline Sharp, ar not residents of this 8lale,-. it i Iherefot ordered by Ihe Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh 8iar for six weeks, notifying them of Ihe filing of this Pe tition, and lhat they be and appear at the next term of said Court, to be held for the Coonty of Hertford at lha Court House in Win ton, on tba Four'h Monday of February next; then and there to plead, nver or demur to the uid petition; oth erwise Hi a ma will be tsken as con leaned and heard ex parla as to them. Witness, l,wis M. Uowper, cient ot in saio Court, at Winton th Fourth Monday of Novem ber, A. D. 1847. ;.. L. M. COWPEB, Cl'k. . 4 6wpd. . abate" aod "Waatiuatnri and hi ' S oimmcnds raalf 1,." .t ' beautiful drapery wnich Its anlh. v 1... n.. ' rerbund acripir loeaWtiea, aa well as hy Ihe fcrce- w mnm rgaw vt ,n m wtiicO tne arenee are deseril! foenea i' u bicbtb reader fcU a vary a atoral interest from lh-ir coiineciinn with Tha Bible biocry.and lo which Mr. Headley has im parted additl-Hial rharms by the rich and imagery with which be bat inveated tbeut. Prtwna whose rreiJence is remote from 'arg cities, and tvho have nt ready a -cere to book--4rea. miy bedeairon. of prenaaing a work o' rt merit of -The Sacred Mountain,' and to such the Publisher offi-fs to transmit by, boo of postage, Aree copies oa tha receipt ! SI. , JOH S S. TA VLOR. W,.W, 51 Nsiu atieet, New York.. SYLVBSTER'STROxTrnnY ASuJe stronger-than the li.nks of tftt ' ' oubJreastiry. " There i stream of Iwondla- denth .l.tih ..t .urrent, which is constantly fl iwing and fluwlnc irradiate th soil, whence aurinrs th ennrea- r joy and hipcinea. AU eek to i.nbib its waters. and few fail stier sulC.-ienl siip'ieittons to rcceiv adequate benefit, ra invigorated in health, in spirits, and in purse. The fudi of lb supply , and the poriiy ofjl current, Invites every one t partake ofiu invigoratihg wateral" "1 He stream i 8. I. SYLVESTER, whence all derive the various d vantages which cannot be too highly extolled. Tm twenty yar he ha puraocd the same wilhont devhuion distributing yearly Rlttlian Of Dol lars thrwoghout the vari . htitea. Sureaa Kan marksd hiseoue. and when Bankareruaa die. a-Hint. and the Uoviernmeiit is in want of funds, he never fait to diabiirae whatever is sought at his hands. Tba LOTTERY under his guidance has attained a certainty wh'ch is onexampled. Th year his commenced most suspiciously, the amount dieaeminated i larger than ever bef,,re. The 8C HEMES for March are of surpassing brilliancy a large amount o. PRIZES will I distributed. Advanturer. attentimi t specially diterted to th -CAPITALS and 8MALI.EU PRIZES. Corres pondent ere requested to forward their orders ear- - -ly. thst they may meat with due attention. Be careful lo addresa S.J. SYLVESTER, 41 V'.llStrect New York. 20 Prizes of &5,000 ARR $100,000! NEW JERSEY STATU LOTTEUY, Cliss IS, lor IMS lo be drawn at Jersey City, VS. i 1 on Wedneadav.t the lit ol Mar. IS48. 78 number UDraw M.llnti. SPLENDID SCHEME. 30,728! 20 PrizBS of 95. 000 sth! 40 Prizes oft 1.000 each ''-m'thtt of tsoo eseh t 66 ot tflOirOffee-" "l 66 '"of'gij JjfolKrs r: 69 of 40 dollars - 132 of 30 dollsra Sic. tie. &c. Tickets 10 Dollar. A cenificate of a Package of 25 Tickets will , be sent for 3140 Shares io proportion. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Cls 19, for IS4S to be drawn st Alexandria (D- C ) on Kami-day, 4th of Mar. 1848. 78 somber--14 Drawn Bal lots. .... GRAND SCHEME. Kebrniry 39, 1848. 10 3t 'MABYi tliJ-Tmi lpp in o Mr4void's It ttern "lis. r, I only iesl ' Irxikod to See if tlir're ws w v ihini snoot love in' It, 'as I saw it w a tvonau's lianlvrriiinf.' .fX7 Mr. Clay presided at lbs Annosi Meetina f the American Colonixalioo So t'mx in the llus ot Representatives on ihe night of lha 18th, oil. A -iy Isw audience was in attendance; aud Mr." Clay addressed tbeta, ia his utaal elnqnent. and foreibls style. ' Ht gars the Socirty notice thathe never expected to preside oter U I giin. .trgut. BOOT & SHOE VLLXllT&o Each individual would do well to loot out for himtrlf, teot h ehoutd loote thi opportunity of obtaining a bargain, which he might regret.' ' T H B aobaenbers i. fcsva vhovcil to lhat , vory coromodiou Store,, bppm're.the Market, and next ji,! "-J door to Mr. Haedia, . L'onketionary, where tbey bava always oa band a good assort. Ment at -in i finest BOOTS and SHOKS lor Gentlemen, Rooinioa's Ladies' Walking Shoes, Ingetber wild asaiiulsct ring stock ol all kinds.' They hold themselves in readiness to fill alt orde m their line, at the short est aotie. warranting eatnfaetory fit ia all caaes. Tbey btl ihankiol lor the liberal share of patron., aae eiteaded lo them, hoping lhat they may merit and roeeiv aa increase of ih same. c AU.t!i at.u. Jan. 4, lliS. , Lj " lia S33 " "Petition forth , Sal of Land.", STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA' Hertford County, " t ' " Cpurt of Pleat and Quarttr' Sessions tfovemoer jerm, iB7.- ' ; William P. Brlttain, Adm'r. of Mo Man ley . , ,' . ' i . Noah Manley and Otbera, heir at Law or .More Mtnley, dce'd. Ia this Csae, it appearing to lha Court," that lh oVfendahoi Joaiah Manley aad Winney Manley, .MiaidMtofaoma o'hef Water it is ordered, that poblicatio) bo made in the Raleigh Star for six weeks- noumna uw saiu swan "J Winner Msnlev to Da and . appear at. tne next Term of said Court, to be held for lb county of Hertford, at the Court House in Winton, on the Fourth Monday of February next! 'hen nd there nU.J aanarer or dmur to the aaid Petition t h arwia. lha aama will be taken aa coo Erased aud harl mi narM aa tn them. . . Witner. Iwi M. Cowper. clerk of iba aaid Court, at Winion, tb Touih Monday of Novem ber, A. D. 1847. " I., U.COWFEK, W .v.. . ' - "'' tSwpd. i. ' "' ' . L'I- t. A single statement fiks the following ought l a aumcient inducement to any one aaftennf witB disetwd lung to make a trial of Wiatar, ? Bal sam, and test it virtue h their own rase. Fi.nav.wes. Onedia Ce- K' Y.. Msy; IS4. Si. 8. W. Fovrit,-Osaa Siav I take pleasare a Mailnw im asav exoeviene in . tlr' are of Wiatsr's Balaam of Wild Cherry. , 110,000!, 1 of 3,500 , 1 of 8.089 80 of 1,000. . (GOO each 40 of 300 - ... 35,f00! 13,000 1 ol 5,000 1 of 3,000 1 of 9,000 rjo Prizes of 20 of 400 . 256 Prizes of 1200, each!! 4ofl00 0 of 80 &e. Tickets $10 Share 1 pro port inn. A Certificate ol a Paekareof 8ft Tickets will be seel for $130 Shares lo preportion. VIRGINIA LOTTERY, Class 10, for 1848 la be drawn at Alexaudris ID C.) o Sslnrdsy, lllh'of Mar, 1848. 74 nambsra 12 Drawn Ballot. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 2 prizes nf 30,000, 2 prizes of $12,000! 2 Ot 7.000 2 of SfHA) . , 9fS,S8S l-l " 10 ol 1,500 20 of 600 dollars. - -30 Prizes ol $300 Each!!! . 140 Prizes of $200 each! 3 ol 100 , Si ol so 126 of 30 ' &c, &c. ' &c. Tickets IO dollar. l ' ,sri - A Certificate of Package of 8S Tick! will ha (at for-1130 Shares ia .proportion. VIRUIN1A BTATR LOTTERY. CT II, for 1848. to b itrawa at AleianHria, (II, C ) ea saiarday th I lib, of Marsh, 1848. 66 Nam hers 13 Drawn Ballots. GRAND SCHEME. - 30,000! of 5,000 dollars t of 2,080 1 of 2,748 75 10 of $1000 10,000 of 3,500 dollars. I of 2,000 , 1 of 2,500 15 of $400 25ofS200 each 30 01150 : 1 10 of 100 ' . 106 6150 . Ticket $10 Shares la proportion. A Certificata of a Package of 89 t icket will bo sent for $100 Share ia prcporlioa. ' Y1RC1NIA State LOTTERY, Clsss 15, for 1148' kw itrswa at Alataadraa, u. li. am oaiaroay, , tba Siiaof Mar. IU. fS oasabera IS drawn ballot. SPLENDID SCHEME. . . ' 58;832 53! " ' $23,529 41 ill 764 70 "T "'' ofSOOO' t ft 4.010 ' S ef 0300 S of ,61, 68 dollar. 100 of $1,000 , 1 75 Prizes of 500 each ! I . 65, ol SUO 130 of 100 .V 130 of co , .:. , &r. . &c. tic. . , Tickets $15 Share in proportion. A Certificate of, a Packsea of 20, Tickets will be ent for $200 Shares m , , proportion... . f. . . , .. .. t NEW Jr-.H'EY STATE LOTTEttY, CI Sfl. for . 484S4 to be dtsw at Jersey Cy, I V , Warinesdav, the gstli ot Mar. IMS, Ti mhers ia Drawa Ballot.'' ' - i- ' - t GRANDSCHEME. - -A -iw. 40,0001 ' - $20,000 t $10,000 v' 14 6.000 .ltd 5.O0O i - I a'Aom ... - lots 845 , 20 Prizes of $ 1,000 each ; : . 20 Prizes of $500 each,A 20 of 400 esch. s; t, - , 103 cf200 each! ,- 62 of 100 each .. . . . fi. 62 f 75 eartl , ocf-m ' e. -, i 0-0 i 'TiekesilOShawlnprTrtirHl. ' . - .... . ..M-i.k.,.KIN O. A Crti9iiwf c rgw wu iRHin seal fcr $ t Share la pxrpoilion. L?.t