f , ' J 4 s !! o I f 1 TU Graefcabe g VfseUlla TilU. B30,C00BOXf56OLO EACH AND EVERY WEEK!! 1 HE ORAEFENBERG COMPANY Hereby (IT KDiM thai ibeir General Agent far the State A Norta Carolina ia Ct. V u. Jonas, Laaisbsrg, Franklin Co. N. C. Tna (tenersJ A gem ia fully prepared to ap point sub-Ageat wherever laeie ia ao branch 4 lb Company; either oa personal appliea lioo ray mail, ft-pmd. 1 ha rapid aala of these celebrated pill, and the xirardiQary ares ihey are constantly etTmlirg. reader lb ra by far. th most popular pill of iha age. An Agency will eoenentl j baery valuable. Tha Uraefenberg Fills aia inconceivably Mparior le any ever before discovered. In all Lilian complaint; to general derangement or ihesjrem; In all disorder which reaoli from bad Data of the blood, theaa pills are a sovereign remedy. la Iha class of diaeaaea called rhronic, iha Uraefenberg Pill achieve their highest tri iwph. Hera they defy all competition tv Birring within the bidden recesaea or tha vatera. the oaietlv but eurelv nurifv iha blood, root out disease, and give tone and vigor t the body. Carta are Constantly Etfceled Byiheaa Pill, in ease where over other swans had etlerly fi!ed. Tha most attendant procl nf thla eonld be given, bat a trial of one bos will convince the patient. They can be ordered and ami by mail, at trilling expense The price is 35 cents a box. Where two dot toe teortk are ordered and tht money remitted, Ms eomfiuny mkpay tkt pottage tht I'W: Kemitiances si the Company's risk. Wherev. r there is no Agency of the Company they rsa be efdeied by mail. These Pills are taking the place of all others, and no sick priori shoald be without them. ALL BIXXXOTJ3 CO DSPZ. AX1ITS Bawt-1 Complaints, (Jonsliiiaiion, Dva pepsin, Fever ani Ar, Headache, Jauntlire, Liver C implulnl, Illieuinsi Cm, all Slomaeti Complaints, Green Sickness. &c. 'y fold "al onW In these Pills. They (.urge away offensive h- moura, ariest the progress of dine aa, and at ths same Time restore Ton arid viirrTo ihTe system. In easea of general derangement of tha heal i h. ihey are SOVEREIGN. n UY ,.T Kill UHPi, The weak win become at rang; the pal and killioos complexion be restored to it perfectly fresh and healthy color; all the bad symptoms win one ny on disappear. In short, these fills are an Inconceivable advance epon ant other medicine ever before offered loth public. A TaiAU wut, (rirr 0 II, Candelabra, Girandoles. Kich China & feros, &c. DIE i'Z, BROTHER fc CO., Washington "tores. Io. 1W Wi dam Street NEW YORK (One door touth of Fulton St.) A RB MANUFACTURING and have always a by ninu, a lull assortment or artlelrs in Ibeir tine, of the following description, which they will sell si wholesale or retail, al low price for eaan. , . Sol.r Lamps -Cilt, Dronaad and Silvered, grssl vsrlsty. m...u..i:. v n. j l , Bracket do do do ( Bid s r-d da a Solar Cbaadsliera, d do 3, a and S l abia. - Camphen Baspsnding Lamps, gih and broaasd, de Hncket do d do ' Chandelier de do S, f. WBlX 9 ftftft av Oiraadoles Gilt, Silvered aal Bronaod, varioas waiievaa. .' Candelabrss do . da Oe China Vasea aad Bohemian Glass Vaa, de Hall Lanterns, a Urge assortment, plain A cot de de with Stained and Bohemia Glass lights. Lamp Wicks, Chimneys A Shides of all kinds. rapsr Bnales, a isrgs aeaerliMut of new pat (erne and styles. OILS Sperm, Whals, and LirJ, of tha best oaliry, Superior Cernpbene an! Borniag Fluid. AWrato1 19, 184T, 7 191 SEAVELt & MAD Wkoleanle and Itetnll firaraea. V AVE m kauri, aad are daily eipnting, al.lU a, a "" ", wr rsoeiien, will make Ik largest ssaorimeat of Heads m tbcle In ervr elT. r- ed rfcis saarkst; sd will a sold, Wajoi.Bet.a er KSTilL, ie sail eoatoaer. at ecdttosd piicati I Hogakesd BKOWN MJCAK M faeas prim Rio VOYftK ) de Lnairado. 14 de Old Gatemment Jave Cole 10 kbit. Uraahed SUGAR d Pulvariacd do - do Mew Oi leaaa ClariBad Sogar 10 package! doable reflnnl Loaf d , Hotsbesds MOL.jbK3 t Cask 8rr lloase do V tdadNa d I de superior SYRUP 10U Saeks S L.la.Gr4Uid. Alam sad Ueret Xlbr.ACV lewa -w ai(, vu i miui peony ie ou aeaeur 100 bags old COR H MK A L , I0.O0U URARS. vsrhms brands IbaCHKWIMG 10UACC0 (Rambtafs) bas d - do (Uaahora'aJ do .' Cokwg 'do MU of Ciemaea Greaad de la lb-eo ' 1m . Onve . d d 4o ' Allapioa '. do l keg vbol Allaoioe . de da Black Pepper 9 boats ground do "4 doa UaWoa Mattsrd 4 4e Aaaerieaa do do Lsadoe and American, la I lb etna keg Poeder also, floe Caaitler do .Hi boss Tallow CsadWs H do Sperm . -a) do Har Soap lldna.Cake do etsoHad l groee 0rf.irMd Mslehes tk do l abia Halt 4W botes W mdow 8. assorted J fcna rjMmpasn f Heidawh brand) rncvit nuJUV. twDortalioa al laotf -D. e d Ogna vre. Mampasn Il Seigaeli M Port ... ; HU Msdii .Medeirt, (ss eaekiug 1 "srictty MSiiera 'Malaga sal Vheray V .. . ' Old Jamaica Raet : J IMIswl It a - " , Seoteh Wblaker, very old M4 ,- .'', l limasm. . de '' Biatihrd Porter Maiuioa, (Had, Msekrrel snd Resk FISH Sfced Bsrl and I'MJrwa , :' , atmparU, GeepweVr, Yaaeg Hrsusi h lll eChoselsts S toH , . , ; rTfct fhX, Ssr,at OaA snrJa. rlrss fce. an j VI sb e laavre aitsin al BWrjVK tVVKa." t9M,o. 41, itv. SPLENDID PREMIUM PLATES. roa th , Snbaetibcra t th ! Vtmg- j azine- Sent by mail to sny part of ths Coiled Slates, Fnt e Ptage. Tna CoLmaiAN Maoasine, for 1848, edited by Jons luasjr and Robekt A. Wirr. A repoeitory of the choicest American literature, entirely original, and of the moat rostly original embellish ment. The Columbian Magazine enter upon a new yoar wiih proa peels increasing! bright snd p.-omising. It has attained a pioad posi tion is the public estimation. The pies uni veraally, and with a generous kindness which he Proprietor gratefully acknowledges, has oorns lesumoay to in auperioiiiy of tta liters lure snd the profusion and elegance of it em bellishments; while its immense snd constantly incieasing circulation, sbowa that the press has but uttered the general sentiment, and st fords soch sgreeahle evijence that it hss mel the expectsti"n of all, that it seems it the Pub. liaher almost uaneeeasary lo speak of tht fu ure. It eannol be necessary to say much of the conduct of the literary department of the- Col anibian. The gentlemen who have eo long and eatieftclorily discharged that duty, con tinue their efficient services, snd the Publisher is hsppy to announce that he ha made arrange ments with several of the moat distinguished writer in thia country, hoe regular contrib utions will enrich the Magazine; while, aa heretofore, the merit of an atttcle, qrtite as mtch as the fame of it wrltei, will be the pastpnit to iu pages, Klevsted sentiment and pure morality will dietinviiish all the lilratuie. 'ol the Columbian Msi(tine. Ihe paper on which lite Colombian will hereafter be printed, i manufacioied express ly for the purpose, by on of the largest and most highly esteemed makers in the Union, and th typography wil.be of proportionate oea'nees una elegance. -' The Publisher reapertfully' solicit from-arjv ! ihors, artists, suhsctibers an J agenta, a cumin, oanee nf the confidence hittiprto so rerierousl Iwjided.jhAaoaringu-taD.rai liberality with winch he intends lo emduct lhat dVpsrtment of the work, he hat piepsred, at a Is'g 001 lay, a magnficent full length Por. trail of Warhington,, price two dollars, in stip ple and luezKjiim, which will be presented, gratia, free fiottage, lo very yeSily subscri ber lo ihe Columbian Magazine, who will send 10 the publisher )P in advance, postage pstl. it is an engraving 0I such superior merit, snd the suhjKCt is of such profound and abid ing Interest, thai he cannil dooht that ihe gift wi'l hlyhly gratify the receiver, and largely swell the liat of hi aubactibAra. He annexes also, the following unusually liberal terms of punncation, it tiemg understood that tha sub. I rMesare' 'wemfar timf rtSWm!Mfatt-1ii-1l Waahingtoa. Por 3, two eopiea of th Magatine, and lh Entraving with each. 47"The great National Picture of ihe De claration ol Independence, last published. l: 1 ... . . . 1 ms picisie, wnicn wss painted oy Col. Trnmbul for the Rotunda al Washington, and originally engraved no copper by A. 11. Durfnd, hss been re-engraved on steel, and ta ihs result of two years' labor. It enntsins portraits ol a I he signer, and ahnald be ihe Republican Em blent in lh horn of every American ciiisen. The site of ibeengiaving ia 91 by 31 inch it 1 printed oa the bt plsie paper, 38 by 39 nchea. Price, S3. livery person who will send ta the Publisher ef lh Columbian ft, post paid, shall receive a eopy of this Knoraviag and a copy of the Msg axine foe one year .rAe Eagratittr fret 'pott mjt. Tor $5, the Magaxloe, Engraving of Washington, and Deeletation of Independence. JOHN. S.TAYLOR, Publuher 131 Nassa meet, New York. r the great remedy fr cons v n pjt low. And Ih best medicine known lo nan for Asthma of every etage, Liver Comnlalnis, urrnnenitis, innuenia. vougba, oolda. Bleed ing of tb Lung, Shortness of Breath, pains and weakness in th aid, breast, Ao , , trnd all other diseases of the PULMONARY ORGANS. A very Important disease over w hich this 'Balaam" exerts a very powerful influence, i msi or a DISEASED LIVER. In this complaint it ha undoubtedly moved more eflicscious than any remedy hitherto am. Blovea and in nnmerms iMiinru mk. t.j . . " r- uen's nuu enaureq long ana sever Bulletin? from Ihs disease, wiihont Teeeivirur the tea.t benefit ft em variooe remedies, and when MKH. CUR Y hat been reaor'ed lo in vain, lh una nf this tSalssm ha restored the LI VCR to a heal thy action, and in many instancs stTrctsd - PJ3RMANKNT CURE3. after every known remedy had failed to pro due this desired efffcl. . Besides its astonishing efficacy In the dis- , ., , . ... wmmn boot mennonea, we also nnd II a very eflecmsl remedy In ASTMMA. coinulaint in whieh il has been extensively aeed'with deci de stccess, trvea In ease of years (landing. Il nol only emanates from a regnlar phyei cian, bul bs aleo been well . tested in all the complaints for which it is -recommended. It is nol my intention, therefore, either to cloak it ia mystery, or ia any way deceive the publie by overrating it virtues; on lh contrary, I shall simply ndeavor to cive a brief statement of ita usefulness, and (iatiei myself that itorpristng enisacy win enaoie ms ie lurntsk uch proofs of its virtues, a will satisfy th most tnxredul lous, that Consumption may and "CAN BE CURED," if ihi ruedtcin b resottid to in time. THE 8ACUEDI MOtNTAIXS, Bv T. J. IIEADLEY. '1 .vol. pp. 204, beantifully printed. ... Mr. Jlesdley's rrrmtstinn as an author, baa been W'de'y ditTuted by his kNeperon snd bis Mar- shsVsnd Wsai.iiigton and hi Generals" 1 be 8cred M.nini s'floemen)s itself kt the 1 . .. . . oesetiiui oraprrj wnnu its eut&or bee Ik row rwand scrifitarsJ localities bs well a by the force ful and elegsnf diction in wTiirh rhe scene are described seene in which the reader fcels a very r Mural inierest from - thrir eonneeiin with Ihs Bible history, and I which Mr Jiaediey kaa im paned additions! rharms by th rich and .variod imaiery w th which he baa invested them- Pnsons whoe residenee I remte fro as arge ciires.snd who hst not ready arcs lav bovk it-ire. may bederv ot pwching' a work of ihsawUof -'i-h awed Mowelsias." and to eucbtbe Public offers a SrsiMaU'hy m.il. frr of postage, rtrve eeoie the- vseerpt off I. , , sunn a. i a i imh, fuUUher, tSI Nssssu suert. New Tork. I. 1 '' il, i i . . ' ?V "''tren. m.iy nakg sooer old cart STEAM MABBM WOBSS, i a aA. aaova aeaiaeaaaaaa rr., ; PHILADELPHIA r HIS extensive eatabliahment ia ererted . oa an improved plan, and by the aid of Steam Power manufactures all kinds of Plain and Oruamentil MARBLE WORK, in a anperior style, and at the" loweat pri ees The largest and best assortment of Missis Mi stsls, Imported Parlor and Garden Stitci ar, Viks and FoeaTtiaa. Tiaia for floors. Ac , msjre seen at ih Ware Rooms, to which the slteuiion ef the public U rwoscifully inviteJ. "srble Cotters sapplied st all tiroes with toy aomber of finished Msnlehi and Table Tope, Ital ian Tombs and Monuments cot lo size or finiah rd slao eansUnlly hand, a larg aonmrnlo.' American Grsv ftone ia lb rosgh or fiowhed, Mirbl in lh block, Ac. JOHN BAIRD, Riilg Road abovs Spring Garden st. Philadelphia, March 37, 1843 13 (m LAMPSAUD OILS ONLY- To Dealer) la Lamps, Glraasiwles, Candelabras, At. dkc. HAVING had ten years experience in the Lamp trade, I have now closed out every other ert'cl for th purpoee of giving it my entire attention, and I (eel juattlied in ssyina thai dealsrs will find it to their sd'tniags to givs ms a tris. On hand snd rons'sntly r ereivine. lbs latest imps emeril in sll kinds u( Lsmps for burning Ethereal. Pine, Rperm Oils, end Ls'd. Or.lcrs for th GENUINE EfllKHEAL AND PINE OllA carefully snd promptly attended to. al the .wet market prices. Lsmp Glass ss snd Wicks of sU kind. - J. 8. TOUGH. Baltimore Street Bridge. Dalimors. Md. 13-lm. .Unrden'a Pateat I'latroraa Scales, llilaacea. Counter Scales, ana every other Jiiad of M'eiglilair Appurriins 0r-ftgees .variety i-f Msrdn's Improved lj stromenls for Weiirhing none have' been f uml of so sreai convenience snd utility s the its t.loni-hing dgts-of accuracy is oringina into general uae. Ths Platform Seile, invented by the under signed, baa great improvements upon thoss here lofure in use. Iu superiority eonaista, It. In Ihe aimplicity and strength of its con struction by which liabtl ly to injury by wesr ia entitely obviated. 2nd. In the greater accuracy with wh'ch light, hesvy or medium drafts can le weihed by it, 3rd. In i's coat, which is considerably lower ban that of any other scale. These are all importmt considerations in ths purchase of s scalei and Ibeir very extenaivs sale in this country (l refer to every firm that has used litem J is a proof ol their aupertonty. T,h -subscribe sUa keeps -eooal sriv-i ,bsnd torM "lni'0t Pi c lea. Weight, .ml Hess- 1 nraWL. fair lowiv html counlrv tindariiait UraM and country Copper Scales for Apothecaries snd confectioners; Scsles with Sod without etanVe. auttsbl for Gro cersSpring Balances Tiip Scales snd Roman Btss'ysrds Iran snd Brass Halances and suitable sppsrstus for every site snd kind. Every thins; manufactured by the sobseribsr is wsrrsnted snd if not found equal to whst is re commended, lbs money will be retnrnt d. Weights graduated lo Ihe slsrdsrd weinht nf sll tonntries proved and wsrrsnted perfectly correct. All Linda of Repairing done with correctness and promptness. , JESSE MARDEN. Comsr of 8oalh Chsrles k lUMereton Hta , Baltimore. 1 1 6m. U TATB8 COLLECTING AGENT. V. B. Palmer, Esq- Philadelphia, has eatab sh ed for himself a high reputation as U. States Col- reeling Agent He hss office In Philsdelphis, N. j York, Boston, and Baltimore, in each of which places be acta as agent f,u this psper and by hia rpompt, diligsnl snd faithful diechargs of the duties of his sirency has alwaya given Ihe highest satis- action, and the best evidence of bis qusliflcsttuns for ths buisiness. Ileinc nninced that on rach ssent for our es- isblishmentia suffirienl in the above named cities we hereby give notice that hereafter V. B, Palmer will be ths only authorized agent lor the " Raleigh Star and N C-GaMtte" to receive suhscriptiuns snd sil'ertiaementa, snd grsnt receipts -in the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, sol Baltimore. CONJUGAL AFFECTION. "Are yon not afraid that your wife will get n arrieil again, whan you die?" ' 'I hope she may, a there will then be one man in the world who will know how lo pity me."" Every May be has a may not be. Never wado in unknown waters. - NOTICE. N the 14th instant, was taken er sto len out of my stable, in Oranec eountv. PUwBver. one SORHK.L, MAKB. about elelil teart hl. has a larta star m her fitrebesd. on hied frt white, trry ssy bseked, abont 4 leel I sr 10 mens niRn, rules well, has s loliy can lags, mI well gtked. Any iiersow that raav know ant thma id Iter, will dblig rae by giving me Wormatio ihereul, snd (hall bs rraioualljr seinpensaled lor lbs ant. JA3. WAIJCFR. Marsh 0, 1141 IS" p "TIMES OP 1818," A CAMPAIGN PAPER For ths Whig Speaker and Convaiter, aia sea rax esoets or vtaeiaia A tss soctb. We propose lo issue, from iha ofBce of Ihe Richmond Times, lrom the 13th of March next tn iha close of the Presidential election, a Wcrxtr Oanraion Parxa. lo oe called. THE TIMES OF 1848: lh object of which wilt he. lo furnish mfea tit documentary and ttalitlical injoramtirn, bear ing apon tha questions in issue between the two greet opposing partlts. Tiri publication will not he a mera weekly editioa of our tegnlar paper, according to the plan generally adopted; hot will ermtain matter prepartd rrptttti, tor It. with careful relVrenr. Lto accuracy and auihentici'y of citation, and uesigneo to oisperialiy valaable U itie Wait Srcaxra. and Caavassxs, by placing exterv. aively in the band ofth Paoni ih FACTS thai captain the pirneiples and policy of Ihe Whig party Foi thia parpose, th Titse or 1848" will be chiefly occupied with Kx. tcts Mom Pcauc Uocunxar relsriv. to th Wjt and OTnsa Fcatic Qpsstions, Rxusbli Statistic connected with the NanoHaL Ki-h-sncks TautASLa Settee) delivered in Con ores, and anch other matter sa, will msk it a fjscrvt Cnwrmi-M or Wbio AiovMcrrs. In a publieaiion of this kind, it w ill not be appropriate is five an latee nroboiiinei nf d. irmai or anrr on gin i matter bat w expeel to eear for it, from la pens of able W hig ...... . -r 1 irfi'rrr, valuable contribution of the cliaraetri W .he ..f Pao-oa, - , hicb wa, .wl roraMy received in the canvass of 1814. We have determiaed to andertake ihia en terprise, spoa consultation with a nambe c-f ftrominent end distinguished Whigs, who be. ie that it will do important service to the Wnro ciuit is ViaorxiA o th South in the great approaching contest. la order thai we enay sscape loss, it will be necessary that tb TiMca or 1818" should havs a large cir culation, and ihi may bo essily secured by the etettioaa of prominent W higs ia the different counties. The terms will be aa low ae it ia practicable to maks them, via. Obi D0U.4B for a singls copy Payment will be required in advance. Ordeia enclosing the subirrtplioa pi tea from individuals, or club, at a dutince, will be promptly attended to. CARRINGTON & DAVIS, Ediltri Rkkmtnd Timet. TAXI SI TAXES! TAXES! THE Undersigned having been duly appoint ed Adniniairaior of James Kdward. Esq., deeesned, late Sheriff of Wake County, and the. Sureties of Ihe said Sheriff having appoint. el him their Agent and Attorney, he ia now clothed with authority according to law, to collect theTsxee remaining uncollected hit the year 1846. This it therefore to give notice 10 all-concerned that they must account for and pay tha aaid Taxes, or it w ill bs the duly of ihe undersigned lo collect them by law, with costs. The Collectors of the late SheiifT ate also notified lo make return of their accounts, Ac, without delay for the year 1848, aad for pievi -ou year. 1 he Estate of the late Jamee KJ wards ia indtbied, end there can be no indul gence oiven; so ihut ill whtdo not oav their Taxes wiihoot delsy Vill have no right to cotrfptain should their property ba seized with out runner notice, The unrlersii'ned ran al wars be found at his Office, iu the Court House, in the City of Ral eigh. This the 13th day of March. 1948. R. P. PINCH. 12 Iw. SPRING GOODS. HAMILTON F. ASTER ft .CO. 203 Market Street, Baltimore, Md,, Would invite Ihe attention of Wholeaate and Re tail purchssers to iheir HPLEND D STOCK OP SPRING GOODS, whicb will I found much the largest of any establishment in Baltimore. EMBRACING Rich Silks Ae Ladies, Dress doosts. of every style that is fashionable or desirable . Bombaziaes and Family ITlou ru in T uooas Shawls, Mantillas, Tisltes, Ae- in great variety. Table Damaskst -Linensi LI Ben skioetiavs and lloasekerpiair Ooods of all Kinds. Dosaestlc Cottons V Heavy Goods far servant's use Cloths. Casslnters lings, dkc. Vesting; Dril- (Xj'Persona visiting Bsltiraore will find peculiar advantages in dealing with aa, as from the greet extent and variety of our stock ihey can general ly purchase all that is wanted in one plsce. and having a regular and uniform price (without abale b enl) noadtaotage tan be tsken of ibose not fully scqustnted with the value of Goods, iTT'Ao bjiwjiihhivu ui uuuui euu a Micas aoticiKra, IS 3m. ItkLCItill&GASroNHAILItOAD O remove the apprehension of the I public, and the patrons of the Raleigh nw the fetors iffel- .oe f t, Road, notice is given, Ibst as lh Slats authorities hat made srrsngements to reps'r the 1st low, Ihe Road ia enabled to transport in regular ruder and in good time, all Ihe Produce. Merchandize, Trsv el, Ae that may bs offered. THOMAS MILLER, Pres'l. Office Rsleigh at Gaston Rait Road, March It, 1848. J :x 4t. AGENTS WASTED- T CANVASS FOR SOME NEW ANDPOPULAU WORKS, in ev ery COUNTY throughout the United States. To Agents, the mnst liberal rncourageraei.t is of fered with a small capital ef from $25 lo flOO. A ch nee ia offered, whereby an Agent can wake from f 1 0 lo $25 per week rX7For further psrlicu'srs, adJree (post psid ) H-M. A. LEARY, No. 158 North 8econd Street, Phi'adelphia. 12-Snv. CAWFIELD. BROTIlEIf, Ar CO., Ao. V Baltimore St S. E. corner of Chmrltt, - Baltimore, Mj. Q M PORTER snd dealers in Watches! Clocks, Jewelry, silver and plated ware. Cutlery ,.Guns riaioia i.stnps. uunrmiau lass ware,- Itlllitsry and fancy gools generally, offer at wholessle com " plete assortment ( goods in Ihi ir line. One f me Drra visiting Lurope every season snd poa.ess ing every fsri!iiy for obtaining goods by a dire, t iraportatiau and from tho prinoipalmsruifacturcrs, sffords them every sdvsntsge. We would cat' the attention of Merchant, .n.'l Jea'ers, tiai'ing Dsltimore, to oor stock. Prices and term made aorommodsting. Always on nsia. M alenmaker s t ools and materials, Den tiats' Hies, D.igt errotrpe plates sr d esaes. CANFIEI.D. BROTHER St CO. Corner of ttalliinore sr. Lbarles Slreels. . Hint MASONIC 'line m km he its f the Graad Eodee ii. of North Carolina are respectfully re quested to meet at Iha Grand Lodgo Hall, in this City, on the I4tb of April next, together with the members of th ubordinst Lodges, to comply wUh sn tflvitstinn given In Grand Msaler. ha he Airhitect of ihe Deaf end Dumb A avium.' i this City, to aaaiid in laying the Corner 8 ton. nr ssid structure. Fratrrna'lv. WM F. COLLINS, O. M Raleigh XJjrcu 10, 1848. ' ij. HARD WARE. CST received by ike subasribers a general rap. n'y ot KaeuNand Avtaaicaa llnuw... ...i al Cctlsbt.Gcrs. I'lrr xs bshI Hvrtse, which they will aU to Country M vrsbaals st Very loo brires, oa l.beral terms, eemais lag ef . - , Trsees, Ox Chsins, Weeding I Iocs, Manure forks, Anvils, Vitet sad Smith's llammerv , . l-nrka and Latetiet is gtesi variety, : llnsw, Back sad Itery ravdlc KmtrS k Pm-as, Pnckei Kaives aad Katori. with setebrsled de.i- es maiked thereon, Kottgh and Readg. Barna Tiota, Monterey bta. and ' every oikrr ankle be, longing to ths bvaineas, and rrt.ecirully aik Ihe Merchants of this vieiniry favor theaa with a aal I ben they aest visit ihe City. y l . HO VEIX,kCO. X IM Market 8t. PamaaLearv F.h. m ' -. t-d. At tfe Philadelphia Welch and Vneery irere, A. 96 North Second St, . csraep sr vuarvif. O.UI . . ... ,, TJ vavaapiuirje. elled. IS ssr esaes. (38 00 Silreedo. full je.elled l Sdveed. fr-vll . I 00 s.lru.p.M,s J...IVI. 00 Quar socdquaU,, t M n.iiun, (U Gold Spectacles, do 7 CO r so 3 IK I 7S 00 I 00 Pine Silver Gold Braeele'e. Idiei Gold Peacffa, Silver Tea Spoons, a, r, GjIiI Peas, with IVa4 and Silver Holdri, l.olil ringer Kings 37 J ! to m Welch (ilsaera, beat nunlriy plain I2 eenta; Pat ent li ad 85, other sniclea ia proportion. AH gooda warranted to b Ihm ihey are eold for. On and some Hold snd Sitter Levers sud Le pioea till luwsr than Ih abuts nrieee O. COWBAD. Jeweller and Manulaelurer ol Silter Ware, W.ieh Makrr sad Importer ol Waiehra Ctnatanily on hand, s large aoortnient ,4 t ar. tklei otnilly kept in similar eatabliahment, ol good qsality and fcehionabl fylea. I -l.lt. iiT TaS sTk vau k. A llHE subscribers respsctfully inform Country iS Merchiuta and others, tbsl hry are constsot. ly manufacturina;. and keep on hanJ, a Urgs surtment of ths best Oritauis ware. In their stock will bs found: scoffer Pots. Cie.tm Pots, Pitchers. Heer flairs. Tea Swseoas, Tea Pols, Sugar Bowls, Castors. Table Spoons, feara auaanpSf dkc Ac. Spiftoas, W will warrant our a'nek rquul to any 'jn the msrket, snd purchseers will find it to their advan tage to call befre purchasing elt whrre. HALL&BOARDMAX. No. 10 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. 7-3in, sVevi ftclng and Summeif FRiisifFad3tXE'VY0kk j) europe. It. TICKER a SON HAVE JU8T RECEIVED tbeir Sprinar snd ill Snmmer supply of Goodv selected in New York, by one ol the firm, from the chesp and splendid ipring esrgoes just introduced into tl.nl market froai the principal manufacturing eatshlub- men's in Europe and this country; and they now respectfully invite their customers and the public generally, to call and sxsruins ssfiua and cheap if not the finest and cheapest assortment of Good; Foreign and Domettie, ever offered (n ibia city. Tncy make no fljuri.h shout them, they eprsk fo' themselves, and cannot fail lo command Ihe admiration of purchaaere, who have th laate and knowledge! jude correctly of the beauty, quality snd slus of goods. Csll snd scno Ubarfur, -jM&p'gnA. ,if ypu.dOurvot ssl br, gams, it will lie no lauit oi the sellers I neir stock ss large sad svoU-aeanrlmli.faf.Ladaw GiBUee.es), Children and scrtsnta, rrahracing lbs finest ss well ss ths most substantial articles. It is unneces sary to enumerate but aa the improvement of the head is of p'imary importance, they call special at tention to their very superior lot of Hats. R. TUCKER A fcON. Raleigh, April 4, 188 14 tf . . .848 O AVI G opened oor Slock of 11 HATS and CAPS for ihe in. epection of our fronds, wa deemr! nnneceary is enter inin pellicular respecting lbs spring Fashions. W would simply stat lhat iha stylo will ex eel in beauty, lightness, taste, and elegance, any thing ever offered in this city. Gentlemen in want of a Hat or Cap are res peotfally solicited to rail and examine. R.TUUKKR&SON. 14. REMOVAL. LABOBATOV Or TUOMPBONIAM BOTANIC MEDICINES. PH'M LARRABEK, No. 20 South Cal vert street, Baltimore, ha removed his laboratory to hi new building No. SI, and haa alwaya on hand the largest and most com plete assortment of pure Botanic remedies ia Ihe United Sister, prepared under bis special care al his Laboratory being th first erected in the United States for the special purpose of preparing THOMSONI AN BOTANIC MKD ICINICS. All of iha pulverized and compoun ded articles ar put up in quarter ana ball pound pseksges, and neatly labelled, with di rer tlone suitable lot retailing, and opon -better lerrns than the same article eaa b had for in th U.S. Kvry article in bio lino ia war. ranted genuine the public eaa rely upon this. XT A libeisl discount made to country mer chant, who are partiealarty requested lo call and examine quality, Aa. before purchasing. OTthe anoua t reatise; embracing Ihe most reputed authors; opon Ih Thomaonlan or Botanic System of Medicine, may also be had at his establishment, by Iha quantity or single 1 copy. iTIn SPailTG- & SJlLCEPt. FASHIONS. CtOW receiving, al the Suba-ribtr's Clothing Ware-House, on Fayettetille St , a lew doors Smith of Ihs Mutual Insursncs and Telegraph umce, a sorsaioa im or uootia, ,ir DRESS AN II FROCK COATe': Roperfins Black, Brown, Blue, , Green and Olive CMha, Urap d' Eta and Queen's Cloth, Oaperfine Black and light French Casaimers hesvy llrap d' EUs and Dr(l in s Luster, Silk tad Suttin VESTI.G,- wl-h e general supply of BEADY MADE CLOTHING, Dress and onder 8hi ta. Drawers. dtc,falin I'ravsls and Ties, Silk and Sloa'in io- Gloves, 8uspeader, Bosoms, Col srs, &e. . ' J. J. BIGGS, BaletRh, AprU . ,848' H-5t ' WHOLCSAJLK AKD EGTAIL SADDLEIl ANDTBrj.lK HAUEO, tf. Ui Market St. helween Alk U Uh Sit., ; , PHILADELPHIA, rMESPECTFULl.Y in-J-i firm Dea'er and eib. ers, that be tnannlarture aad keeps constaMly on hand aa - e ilcrtait sssnrtm- tit of Sad ' dies, Briddles, 1 Busret snd Ensraelled Leather Saddle r Bags, Cellars, Whvps, drsv, Also. htrg stock. f Vole Iaihef.llassel, Black and Fancy Colored Solid Riveted Trunks, Tslires, ke. together wi'b from! 300 t BOO gaiony.' Bro.asls and Damask Cart Bga, Ladies Bsge, Sstcbella, de; all of whUb he enVra at l bo lowest prices, aad solicits aa exMiin s' um f his goods, being confident thst try sr-. litis will gi 'aati-fai Ilea bvtb ia price and sjoaW i-71. MAGKETIff TB fa. m Biiju. . . GIIAF1I-, ' ibis Sl.iHm. ..d --" legr.,.lsJ . ..ki, ' 7 " sen wrss is ' si w lie Auiil 1 1. , 7: ; raysit.ville, Can..!,., aad -I. 'r n.Mli eew-jja a t. T ' .hi " SSm r' 11 ,h,,r snb.vr.nL. n!onev! ..J V. -J 1 .hra thr, .,11 resriv. i eendWai. il LT TM l wall be ".W ih-ooi-bto K. n.i... ' sat THE PBOPrflBTORS. Fib. 14 t4s. Mv, mu, I.!.rlan! to Farmers: . -"""- nsemg parchssed lrom AWmj A 8p.tes. ..,, f w. Be.cb A R. J. Grth? Ih patentees.ibe ban.Ai .1..:.: . , 8 - - - n-rmiuorrs lor tha 'st of North Caroline, offiirs 10 ih . If., TlnV!?:d'r'' Mif -win, kind, of Vrn.ll Grsin g.,t, Mperi, , berHf.,r. dtscoveied. Al.o new Plo-h forO. cul.,..tion of cropsi d o smoa, wfoVJi r "-"'""' Biwiiins; ov nrn. These Mi chines and Plouirh Co be had bv siDltesiln u thssuhacriber St. Rsleigh. Periiculars esnl,Mj n'H, Jan. 3, IBS7. Standard and Register copy. -If. STATE OF NOKTII CAROLINA, - Johnston County, t ourt of i'leat and Quarter Set t ion t. februory Term, 1848. Bennett Y.I r(. Tetiiion todividi Gaston Raines, St others. 3 ' nJl in tlts case, it scaring lo the srisf.clisar lLa aToa.. aB..av E I s- V u.i ma, E.UWIH names, John Ki:n )a Mstthew Baina. three of the Defendants, srs m residents of thia Hiate : hia therefore ordered t, the Court that publication be made in th Ralei,, f tar, for aix eeka, notifing said non reaidentaw appear at ihe next Term of o.,r said Court, lo b) holdtn for the County of Johnston, at the' CasM House l.i tmithfield, on the 4ii Monday of Hat next, the i and there to shew Cause, if any iber have, why th prayer of the Petioners ahould m he grauteJi olberwta; Jodgment will he tsken fn confeaao as to aaid noji-rsedenta. Witness, Thomss Bagley, Cleik of oor ss ansa MK mce me .im nay at Ap,! THOMAS BAGLEY CITr. . Price sdv. fi 6S " 15-gmr, Tht Cheapest Campaign Paper in tht ooult. PRICE ONLY 53 CENTS'! TIIK YE09IA2V, (REYIVEC.) Thin is lo he Ih lit'e of a Weekly Campaign Paper to he i-eued from ihe REPUBI.!f!A!M t, FICB, Kichmond commencing on ihe Tth of June next, and ending with ths Pieaideutial Elreiint the fast number embracing lbs cflicial num.. IscU sol srgomeuu of interest during the raav boo win oe conaucted in that spim of , erslion and fairnea which heroines the advocates oi aounu w nig vonseivatise Fiinciples. The Yeoman (irvived) is deaiciMiJ in tne ssme position, as a Correct channel at n.. knentary and Statist c1 jnf, rmaiion for th peopls. mai was occoprd by "THE YEOMAN1 si i oo, wuicn it is nelietrd, enjoyed m ire general "a any otoer psper ever issued froai ths press of Virginia. ., 1 he very low rata st which it fumi.h tbie sheet, justiArs ihe publiaber in believ, ing that it, loo, will go into the hands of a lager clsas ef reader than nv ouhlica ion . from lbs Pouilism pree,- 7 i t. first number will be ieuel nn lh. J ihe NATIONAL CO.WENTTON. and . convey to Ita reauers a Telegraphic report pf tb riv.iiinK, u, wet oooy. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. A refinance of One Drd Copies oi the Yeomen.- Five D llara. Ten eopiea, dir. Ai paper ten f without the maneu Aa. Am received Pi-age in all CsIbTsbb nillatt ths letuie will not U taken fron office. ' Ihe sclite co-operstiau of iha U'hi..ihrnn.K. owl Virginia and North (-'srolina is esmestly in voked in an effort to nle 'THE VPnMA" before as large a number el the PEOPLE as pas sible. . fry-Will ll who receive this enougn to nana it to their netghboia! A few sc. liv Whig in tach county during the Ami eW action, ought lo have no difficulty in securing on hun.lrrd subscriliers, snd this in th sggregst would swell the circulation to more than THIR TEEN THOUSAND copies in Virginia! I. h not Worth Ihi effort! Add rets RO. H. GALLAHER. ItichmonJ. Ve, N- B. The Weetl. Rernhliran ia still furnish, a; al tho low rale of On Dollar for the campaign Baltimore Steam Klarole Works Ao. 106 Sontti Charlea fireet, " BALTI.MOltlv. THE proprietor has constalv on kaml iMaiiunteotj, Orareslonck. 4 Table lops of the most APPHOVBD PA . . HSa snd eflhFINET MATERULU, N. B, Alt orders ibsnkfutly retetved sad pane lually attended to, LEVI TAV LOB. BalUmore, March 15, 1848. It Sm. J. P-BUOWlE, j MAKER AKD IM4ORTF.R OF GRAND. , 8EMI-GRAND AND SIX OCTAVE . , DOUBLE ACTION II A UP i W eold Inform his friends that he haa removed kit H'arcrooma lo 895 Broadway, t (Iifsrga BuilJings.) NE W YORK. - mR. Browne's Harps are by far lie most 'i gantwe have etcr seen, and in tl.e too there ia an extraordinary addition of sweflntss, purify, nd power. The eordiat approval of lbs celebrated lisrpirt, Bochva, shoold make him ana bis works relrbrdled thsoughoat the country Miioicnt Tim't.J . ..., .;? Harps'Wpairef, SlrW. Mawni'Ae.: t-.,-'. 'i London and r'ew York, established If 10 . : April II, 1848. 18 Sm, . TF1HE Two Lilersry aocict es of Randolph Ms Coltcge will be publicly addresMed' by H con College will Hon llrsBV A Wiss,nf Va on lh 1 3th Jane next, which ie tb day Immediately proceeding ita annual commenccaienl. T.I.. BARGRtlVE." ' Cor. See. of F L. Societf. u April 14. r ' . ' M." POLL EVJfa, OR THISTLE"' ' ? ,LANE , '!':' This is A roijhleome and ofier " dangerom disenfB.. A Iumr of salseraluf fnseried info ih pp ol ihe poll two or ihree timeB, will, however, eflecl a cerlntri cure. It occas'ons (iifTe paio to ihe' ani mal, and Voay tie applied snccesr. fully by any tvno who nndcrtands the'disear. ! - ; . : - : ta