THOS. J. LEM AY, Editor ad Proprietor. "liortfc "Carolina potoetful in tattlfettnal, moral no vbBMlttt9mtjtt lano $(. $or. alrf ana tlx borne of our affection.' THREE DOLLARS a Ter, in Advance.', , '! ItALEIGlI, If. C , WEDNESDAY, MAY SI, ltS. tol. a. ' x Goods, FRESH FROM HEW YORK EUROPE R. TUCKER & SOX HAVE JUST RECEIVED ibeir Spring and summer eopply of Goods, selected in New York, by one ol the firm, from Ibe cheap and splendid fpring cargoes just introduced Into that market from Mm principal manufacturing eetabliau menlsin Europe and this country, andlhey now respectfully invite their customers and (he public generally, to call aad eiemina as fine and cheap if art the fineet end cheapest aeeortmeal of God: Foreign and Domettk, aw offered in thi city. Tney meke ao flourish about them, they speak t themselves, and CMOot fail to command the admiration of purchasers, who have, the laato tad knowledge lo judge correctly of the beauty, quality and alue of goods. " Call and see no charge for looking and if you do not get bar gaina, it wilt be no fault of the sellers Their etock ie largo and wall aeaorted, for Lad ice. Gentlemen, Children and Servants, embracing the finest aa well aa the moat substantial an idea. It U unneees airy to enumerate, but a the improvement of the head ia of primary Importance, they call apecial at tention to their very auperior lot of HeU. K. TUCKER dt bON. Raleigh, April 4, 1848 14 tf The Cheapett Campaign Paper in the South. ""' PRICE ONLY" 50 CKNTSir " THE YEOMAN, (REVIVEO.) This ia to be the title of a Weekly Campaign Paper to be issued from lha REPUBLICAN OF FICE, Richmond commencing on he 7th of Juno neat, and ending with the Presidential Election the I art number embrucin- the official relume. Tbia paper vriU embody, it a convenient font, facta and argumenta of interest during the cam paign, and will be conducted in that spirit of mod eration and fairnee which becomes the advocates f sound Whig Conservative Principles. Toe Yeoman (revived) ia designed to occupy tho eame position, aa a correct channel of Ducu meotary and Statistical information for aha people, that waa occrjt. led by 'THE YEOMAN" of 1840; which,, it is believed, enjoyed a m ire general circulation than any other paper ever wooed from the press of Virginia. Thi very '.'low rale 'imM'W W"Wpoai6 furnish tbia sheet, juatifisa the publisher ia belie, i ig that it, loo, will go into the bands of lager Waaa of readers than any publication emanating from the Mouther press. The first Bomber will be issued on tho day of the NATIONAL CONVENTION, and will convoy to its readers a Telegraphic report of tho proceeding of that body. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. A remittance of One Dollar will secure Two Copies at the Yeoman; Five D tiara. Ten Copies, Ac A, paper tent without the money hat been received. Postage in all case must be paid, or the teltora wilt not bo taken from erne. The active co-operation of tho White through out Virginia and North Carolina is earnestly in voked ia aa eflbrt to place -THE YEOMAN" before aa large a number ol the TEOFtE as poe ibkv fXj" Will all who receive thia prospectus be kind enough to hand it to their nslgbbeist A few ac tive Whigs ia racb county during the Aptil el ections, ought to have no difficulty la securing one hundred subscribers, and this ia the aggregate wouU swell the eircultuou to more than THIR TEEN THOUSAND copiesin Virginia! bit not worth the effort! Address RO. H. GALLAHER, Richmond. Va. N. B. The Weekly Republican is Mill furniah el at the low rata of One Dollar for the campaign. Baltimore Steam ltlarMo Works ft: 106 South Charles Street, BALTIMORE. THE proprietor has constantly on hand Monuments, Gravestones, Mantels & Table tops of the most APPROVED PATTERNS and of tho FINEST MATERIALS. N. B. All orders thankfully received and punc tually attended to. LEVI TAYLOR, Baltimore, March IS, 1848. . 1 J Sin. J. F- BROWNE, MAKER AND IMPORTER OF GRAND. SEMI-GRAND AND SIX OCTAVE DOUBLE ACTION HARPS W ould inform his friends that he has removed hie Warcresmi to 395 Broad war, (Laf.rge Buildings,) NEW YORK. mR. Browne's Harps are by far the moat ele gant we have ever seen, and in the tone there ia an eitraordinary addition of sweetness; parity, and power. The cordial approval of the celebrated Harpist, Bochsa, should mike him and bis woria celebrated throughout ths eeuntry. Mmieal Timn. Harpa repaired, 8lrinjrs, Music, Ac jmooa and New Yoik, eatabliabed istu. Apru ii, IS48. 18 8m. f HAUDWAHE. "TKTST reeeived by the subscribers a general tap. I y Bseusnend Ananu-au lUanwias and Cotlsbi, Ucaa, I'ist is and UtrLta, wbish they will sell lo Country Aterehaetsat fvry low prices, oe liberal teres,' eeoaie'.iwg l Traces, Oa Cbaina, . Weeding lion. Manure forks, , Anvils, Vises aad Smith's llaniaaen. Leeks and Latches rn great variety. Boa. Busk aad Ivory handle Knives k Porks, Pockvi Kaivet aad, Rasors. with celebrated rievk ees msrked Iherroa. Xoueh and Heady, Biitna Vitta. klonttrev. ke. aad rvery other article be. loaging to the business, and respeelfully ask the MerebaMeof Ibis viaiaily o (anror them vitb a call bca they aest visit the City. WM. T. HOWELL, k CO, K .III Market St. Paiiassiema. reb. U4I , l-t. Important to Farmers,! Hp HE Subscriber having purchased from Alfred X Spates, agent ft W. Beach 4t R.J. Gatling, the patentee, the benefit of their inventions tor the cataof HertbV'aroiina,otlersieilii rannersef lbs tMau the advantage of a Machine for aowtag all kinds of Smell Grain greatly auperior to any thing berrtofate diaeoveied. Also a aew Plwgh for the cultivation of eropei and alae a meet valuable aim. pie Machine for the ahetHog of eera. These Ma ehinea and Plough Ma be bad by application to trMsubseribor. at Jtaletga. Partieulars explained to bend bills. T WM. r. COLLUXI. ttaleigh,an. 8, 1847. Slaaddrd and Rugi'ficr cojy, ' If, B00T3 AITS henkx roiiTKU WOULD respect fully announce Id1 his friends and the Public, that ha has j a a t leeeived his Spring and Summer Stock of Boots. Sboes, Ladle aad Children's Slippers, Ac, of the. litest and most approved styles, and asks a call from all desirous ol purchasing ei ther a beautifully, fine or durable article, as he feels satisfied that he is prepared with bis large and well selected Stock to please the laste of every one, Amona; his supply, areaome new. articles, tist the Polo Alto Slipper, bronxa and kid; the Congress (Jailor, a splendid article; licht whole and half Gaiter, the Polka Slipper, and a number of other choice kinds for the La dies. A moat extensive and f (tried assortment of Misses and Children's Gsiter and Slippers. The Gentlemen, too, will find evsrv variety ol article for their wear, but as we presume they will rail and see for themselves, it is seedless to say mora to them. raaHnfactatina;. X MIE Subscriber has a large and full aupply of Materials for manufacturing. and hYving also a lot of Laats of IheataaTeud most approved faahioae, be ie prepared to exe. cute in first rate style, any son of an article that his customers may wsnt. He has slso, for the trade, a large assortment of MAI fcJtlALo lor manuiaciuring, such as uppsr Leather, of all kinds. Solo Leather, Thread, Laats, jrt. which he wfH eell low. Thankful for past favors, he most tespeclful ly asks a eooitiiuance. HENRY PORTER'. April 14, 1848. 16 4b PROSPECTUS or THK NORTH CAROLINA HERALD. r"MMIE undersigned, having formed a part - 1 ncrahip. will continue lha publication of ths "Kandulpn Herald" until the 1st of June, a which time they viU MibUka.,n!galef equal 10 the ' Raleigh Itrgtater" in awe, under the title of the North Carolina Herald. The North Carolina Herald will ba printed entirely on new and beautiful type, in the neatest msnner possiele, and furnisbsd lo subscribers at the low price of Two Dollars per annum, in advance; Two Dollars and Fitly CenU if nut paid within three months from Ike daw of the Brat number re ceived; or Tbiee Dollars if nut paid during the subscription year. Tlie Herald will advocate Whig principles as heretofore, and will be conducted not only with e strict regard to truth . honor and dignity, but with due courtesy to opponents in all controversies thai may arias. Particular attention wilt be paid to the Mtsiae interests of the State, ajd all desirable in form ali on relating thereto will have, a conspicuous plare. The latest Foreign Intelligence, and ab (tracts of the proceedings of Congress and of the State Legislature, will be fven. Besides, a por lion of its columns will be devoted to Miser liana ooa reading, of a Moral, Religious, Agricultural, snd KcisntiCctl character, much of which will be original. In abort, every effort will be mads to rsodec the Herald valuable and interesting. We appeal principally to the people of Ran dolph County for support ia thia undertaking, aad indulge the hope, not only that our old customers will all continue their support, but that a large Bomber uf new subscribers will be adited to our list. We also respectfully solicit a liberal petron ag from lh adjoining Counties, snd other places, and the encouragement and support of miners generally. While we indulge the hope of render ing the Herald worthy of the support of the most intelligent and reined, we can only promise -What our ei parlance and untiring efforts may render I'. The enlarged Herald, K will be remembered, will eommenee with the Presidential Campaign, and will embrace a period of great interest in con. sequence of the unusual excitement likely lo pre vail throughout Europe. OCTe Clubs of five persons, at one office, the Herald will be sent for One Dollar and Fifty Cmtt each always ia advance. OtyAny Postmaster, or other person, procuring five subscribers, and remitting the amount of sub scription, will be entitled to s sixth copy. New subecritwre will be careful to forward their names by the 1st of J One, as the aeiaaesa Herald will make its appearance at oat thai time. U. D. MACHEN R. H. BROWN. Mkeboreugk, May 1, 1868. PUIVTTBJO TYPES ILL be sold at BRUCE'S NK W.YORK TYPE FOUNDARY, after Mareh, 15th, 1848, at the following very low pi ices, tor sixjmontns- notes ftOMatt. TlTl, Ac. Pies, per lb. 30 eta. S3 eta. SS.tDCD,& 90 eta. 95 100 108 130 13H i.w 180 230 Small Pies, 3!4 34 37 43 48 S3 79 56 60 86 74 K4 100 ISO 160 Long Primer, Ourgeoia, Hieier, Minion, ., Nonpareil, Agate, Pearl, 108 The above prices, in consequence of increas ed faciliriee for manufacturing, a;a mach rsdneed from former rates. A liberal diaeoanl for eaah in band at lha data of the Invoice. Presses Chases, Cases, Wood Type, Ink, to. furnished at the. loweat oisoufaeuireTs' prkses, eiihbt for csah or ciedit Our Specimen Book for 18481s now ready for distribatioo to Printers, wbd will send for H ana ooeiaine maev new articles that e have never before axkihiil anrh Wntine Flourishes, Ornaments. Oiaamental Fonts etc. of which we have ao ample slock for the pioaipt esecunon oi ornere. Printers of Newspapers who choose lo pub lisb Hits advertiaemeot three times Ufots the 1st of June, 1848, and send aa ene of ths pa pen, will be paid for it in Type when they pui- eiiaae irora as, oi oar owa manufactures, as- lected from our specimena, ova limes the monnt of their bill. For aata several good second-hand Cylinder and PUien Power Presses, Standing Praesi Hand PiUiing Preesee, tie CEOKOB DRUCK at CO. 13 Cbsinbet-Sirset, New York. Miy 10, 1848. r fO-Ji. ROBB, WINEBRENER & Co. (latb aiacaiiT TiiLeaa.) Beg leave to raeommend their ctueceasora, JOHN KELLY fc Co. fOt Chetsaat Street. PblladelpUla, a theii friends and late patrons. They are jua in receipt of the Fashions, and a choice and se lect aasortment of SPRING and SUMMER tVKST OF ENGLANDtoAFREJfCH . Cloths, Caksl users aad TcsUag-s, f Of the latest importations. Persons visiting PHILADELPHIA, are rea- pectrully invited to call and examine their ev.tea- sive Stock. Orders from any section rf the Union promptly attended lo 18 Om. - STIRRING EVENTS. Kingdom Upturned, and Rtpublict ' laoi'tnea. Arrival after arrival from Europe teems with the narration of events, each of themeefvea of suf ficient imporiance and of startling interest lo form volumes, and be a page in the, history of the world fr all lima to come. The outbreak ol the French revolution, the first svieecsaful eftort made by lib erty agaiaai tyranny, overthrew at one fell blow eppretaH a and catching toe impulse a it swept along with the brrew, nauon after nation baaa riaeq in iheU anight and demanded concessions from tberr sovereigns, which in most instances af tee having been witbbtld have at last been un willingly granted. Onward and yet onward ba been "the march of '-errl end TeUvjtewa liberty-'-an J a brighter day la dawning oa tbe world to Ilium anaie the yet darkened and. buighted countries ol iCasterii Europe. America feat in political lib erty, yet greater in the support she rrceivea from her own people, views with an attitude of calmness and aereaity the vast changes which the e'd World ia new subject to. VYLVOTEK, however, hsa again immwrtaKted hiinnelf. The month of April has doacd with a diminution of over Out g Hurler of o Million of Dollars, the grand ft-st of the mouih being" Uie disposal uf the half of Sixty Tlionsaad Dollars in tU GRAND SCHEMIS June is now presented to our eorroapondenu with iis.aual array of CAP ITALS, sparkling by their brilliancy. Orders are requee'ed to ba forwardrd early, and Ie be careful to address I.J. SYLVESTER, .r-, . ,. . 41 VallStreet, New. York. id33,000!tll I VIBUIM.k bTAir LOI IERY. Cl-.s 83, f'rqfi:4"W'o'-drW pa sainrnsy in ara or june, isis. j Hum bert IJ Drswn Ballots. GUANO SCI1 KM E. 33)001 910,01)0! 1 ol S.U00 I of A.ot , I of $ 400 1 ol 500 I of 4,000 1 of I.StX) 10 of 1.000 each! 10 of 500aeh 10 of 250 dollars 17 of 200 dollars. 400 OF 130!!! 120 of 100 120 of 50 120 of 30 dbe, ke. &c. Tiakets 10 dellars. A Certineete of a Paaksga of 91 Ticaats "will be seat for gltUb Larva ia prcporiaiu. $45,282 60! VIRGINIA 9TATKLO t'l KRY, ClaS3,for 1141; le be drawn at Aleiaodria (IX C.) eu kaiureay, 10U of Juuc tUI. 75 aamsers 13 Draws Uallots. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. $45,282 60! 5 Trizes of $9,000! 5 Prizes of $5,000 each 10 Prizes of $1,500 each 10 prize of g 1,200 each 20fGOO ' 30pf300 ISO Prizes of (200 each ! !' esotitw 6.iofa (3 0140 126 nf Tickets 10 Dollars. A certificate of a Package of 5 Tickets will be sent for 9130 Shares in proportion. 33,000 DELAWARE .STATE LOTTERY, Class 5, for 1318. To be drawn at Wilminglon, (Del.) on Wednesday the 14lh June, 1848. 78 Numbers 14 Drawn Ballots- GRAND SCHEME. ,$35,000!! $13,000 $10,000 1 or 5.000 1 of 3,500 1 of 3.000 1 of 2,089 I of 2,000 dollars. 80 Prizes of $1,000 each ! 80 of 600 SO af too ,' 40 of $300 each. 856 of $ 64 of f 100 04 of 60 64 of CO Tiakets $10 Shares In iropertion. A ertiflesteela faekaceof S6 a'isketa ill ba eat for J130--Shares Ie prnpartion. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY. Class SS (or I I4S. to be drawn at Akssadria, UCw Sat erday, the I7U- of Jane 1148. 6& nambara 11 Drawn Ballota. SPLENDID SCHEME. $30.f00t $18,000! 1 ol 8.000 1 of 0,000 . 1 of 4.000. 1 of 8.074- 20 Prizes of $1,000 20 prizes of 500 20 prizes of 300 99 prizes of 200 6ft prizes of 100 S3 of 80 65 or 60 etc. &s. Cc. " - TSekela $10 Shares in propertioa. A Certrllcate oa Package el 88,1'icketa will be seat for $11 shares m reperiioa. . $50,000 . VIROINIA STATE LOTTEUY, aaa 87, for tail to be drawn at Aleiaedrie, U. C J on Sat. rday tbe t4th at Jeae U4S T8 numbers U Drsea Ballots " - GRANDSCHEME. $50,000! $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 1 of 4,000. 1 of $.200 40 ' 40 Prizes of $1,000 each. ' 40 of 600 each! 200 Prizes of $200 each ' 75 Prize of $100 each! 65 of 80 dollars. 6S of 6 dollars- 64 of 40 dollars. Tlkts $10 SKaresta pmrorte, A Ceriiaaateof a Packets of S l ieketl will ba I erst for 8130 Shares la nriipoilion. Wanteet Isamedsately J: 100 BALES COT TON, for wtich the high est cash price will be paid. - R. TUCKER & SON. Saleigh, Mey S4 O w. Cotton's Snperflne Family U'tXUUH tor aaie ty : TUCKER SON. CANFIELD. nnOTHEII. CO., So- 237 Baltimore St. S. E. corner of Charlti, Baltimore, Md. a M PORTERS and dealers in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, silver Snd plated ware. Cutlery ..Guns, Pistols Lamps, Bohemian laaa wsrj Military and fancy goods generally, offer at wholeaale S com plete assortment of goods in tht ir line. One of the firm visiting Europe every eeaeoa and peasese ing every facility for obtaining gooda by a direct importation and from tho principal manufacturers, affords them every advantage. We would cal' tl,e attention ef Merchants and dealers, visiiing Bailimore, to eur stork. Prices and tar me made eererawedetiug. Always en hand. Watchmaker's Toole snd materials, Den titta' files, Dagne(rentvpe pistes and eaves. CANFIELD, BROTHER & CO. Corner of Baltinwra k Charles Streets. .. . , H 3m. XQBE Two Literary sodet'es of Randolph Ma. Jk con Cot leva aril I be ytblioty nddtaa.d -by 1- Hen Htaav A Wis s, at vs., on tbe ttrtjuns neat, which ia the day immediately proceeding ita annual commence tueitt. : T, L.HARr.RtiVE. Cor. Sec. of F. X. Society. April 14. 16; Office sf Llterory Board. ? Aran, SS, lb4H. ' $ T a meeting of the Board bald th's dy, it was Heoohtd, 1 bat lha sum of Tliiiy TIihu- sand Dollar, ($30,000) in part of tbe nett in eume of the Fund for the support of Common S'UooU, during the current year, bt now disttii uted among the several Couuliea of the State, Ui proportion to their Federal Popnlatioa. WILL. A.OKAHAM. Prest. e- effete Literary Board. . WlIOLESaLI AUD MCtAIL SADDLE II AKDTUC7NK. MAKCR, As. 142 Market St. hetiveen 4M (J 5th Sit., PlIlLADELPaU, , wLw forms Dealers and oih era, that be anaanractnres and keeps eort stan tly en hand an oxUneive aaanrtmml of wad dles, BrtddhM, Ruaset and Enamelled Leather 8addk Dags, Cellars, Whips, dtc Also, s largo atoefe af Sole leather. Ruaeet, Black and fancy Colored Solid Riveted Trunks. Valirsaw&e, together, with from 300 Id 600 sunny, Broeaela and Damask Carpet Bsge, J,sHrs Base, SatcheHs, &e r an of Whkb tie offrre at the loweat prices, and solicits an eismio aiion of his gooda, being confident that every ar ticle still give satisfsctien both is pries snd qual ity. 4 7t A TEACHER WANTED JTtHE Trueteee of u Tarboro' Male Academy 4A wish to employ a competent person to take charge of ihia School, who can come wc'J reeem- mended aa to habits and qualifications to teach tbe vanooa branches of an Academical education. Tarboro' ia cooeidered a healthy location, lha so ciety ia good, snd a well conducted School will he liberally patronised Applicant vull a-Jdreee, I post paid 1 Trusters or ths Taiboto Male Arademy. J08IAH LAWRENCE, JAME8 WEDDELL, HENRV T.CLARK. JAMES M. REUMtiNM, . ' ' HOBERI C. AlWIN, KOBEKT NORPLEE T. KOBKHT K. URIDt.EHS, WILLIAM O. THOMAS, , JNO. 8 fiAKCY, . . 7. " "Trustees April 87, 1848. I9-6L 10,000,000! Ten Million of Dollar t!l BRILLIANT PRIZES, tO BK DISTtlBrjTED ' Throughout tht V. Statu and the Canadat, - BY TUB ALWAYS FOR TUNA TEAND MOST, SUCCESSFUL PRIZE SCLLCRS ' Mf THE 'WORLD,. -.' WM. BAILBY Sc COr9 United Statei Lottery Ageney, No. 2 CALVERT STREET. (Opposite Barn u ms C it y Hotel) DALTlNOBS BID,' Behold Iht Splendid Schtwi ' roa - MAY. 1848! ' And for LUCK, be sere and always address vow orders to WM; BAILEY at CO, where t key will meet wits prompt aad aarrlul alienlion, aad the Managers' Uflicial Drawing torwarded lo all eorrav pendenis erdcrieg 1'kkrts rom ns. AN Prises sold onf ulaaa h, the Uoftad States, tathMi in Vol vt w at, UAit-ex at cti. All Postsre neid by WM. BAILEY kCO. All kiads of SMieurraat money beuglit at the beat rates. Cetleslions made awd meainilv attended to, . ibe lAin r-ati acniiwt run M At are tc beat ever offered before la Ibe United Ftalea, aad ao doebt many ot ibe lanre Cani'ala will be sold, awd we bape, by tbe ALWAYS LVCKX OF- FILE OF - i , ,. ,; - Wio. YotMvs & Co , Uo. t CALVERT STREET 6 OF $15,000! Marvin fid Consolidated Lollcry CLASS 2, for 1848. To be Drawn in the City of Baltimore, Md. Saturday, May 13th 1848. 79 Number Lottery and 12 drawn Ballots Tickets 010 Shares in Proportion. For only $10, Ive vacates for a forleae for lifer this is a beautiful schema, aad well worthy of at eotaaa. Uailry k Co. will sell tbe eertiflrate of a rneksge rfliskets that Snat f8W, for M ww..le Ikkals $140 S sanera 833 00 J6 halves 870 1 8J eihiM . 17 50 30,000 DOLLARS! Maryland Consolidated Lottery. CLASS Ai. 25. To be drtwn in the City of BaliimpreId., Wednesday, May 17. . . 72 Number Lottery 12 drawn ballots. Tickets $10 Shnres itt Proportion. A Brat rate asheme lor Patkarss 11 ballots out of 7 great mrloeemesita in this Lottery to par. abate by tbe Package. We aril 84 whole Iks (or 1130 I 84 aaarter Iks ' 8.11 SO 84 naif . do 6S I 84 a-l.ths de . 16 8J 60,000 DOLLARS! 40,000 lorlartl .' Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 2. To be drawn in the City of Baltimore, Md on Saturday, Alay 20, .1848. . 78 Number Lottery snd 13 Drawn i Ballots. rickets $20 ahares id Proportion. We moaiuKed ibis salterns lo our aa.lomsrs. One word aa regards purs ha ting tickets t Packages ia the moat ineatsihil way In puraaaari eicry Paak. age sold by WM. BAILEY It CO sustains ail ths numbers is the Lottery, and oas. twgla ckaga aan draw the euurmnus amount ol 103,000 dollars! WM DAILY wilt aril Paskatef m the- above scheme that eost S08 dollars, os ecrtlfioate, at tbe (ollewiag rateai 86 wlule tks. 8S0 I S6 anaHer Iks. ' 70 86 bait do. t Vi I .ih do. 95 Maryland Consolidated Lottery, ClassNojJJS. Po be Jra'wn Tn the City of BaftTmore, Md., Monday, May 22. 75 Number Lottery -1 1 Drawn Ballots. 1 irkeu to shares m proportion. A word to the wise is aurSsicat we say lork lo it here las seheese that baa aa iqual. I'aakaga, is the wsy lo pursbase. A aeitifisaie ot tvwy number m the Lottery baa be had from BAILEY It Co aa fallows - 86 whole Iks. - ISO I 86 e,oarterS 8000 86bales OolSocigbts 11,00 50,000 DOLLARS! MrryUod Consolidated Lottery, Class 20, ,, . To bs drawn in the City of Baltimore, Md eunestisy, iay 2 1 a iv.uw , iv vutin iu uiuifvuivil. Glorious sahemc I jusl look here! One charter tor SO. 0U dollars, aad 100 ehaam for 11,000 lor oniy iu. veniaenca an paassgeaiar S wkete lkr- $130 I tt qoartrrs 'iS nail do 1 6S I S eajMhs Fr Msy.27th. 1848. fM.VO ANOTHER BEAUTY! 40,000 DOLLARS , 68 Numbers snd 14 Drawn Ballots. Tickets only $15 Shares in Proportion Una oi ibe aest Lotteries for the moejib, and fct the aapiuL 40,U0O, or any ot Ibe brilliant Prisaa, be sure aad addre AtAlLY k CO., whe will eat! MiacrtiBaate 8boleike. . 11 SO I 83 quarter Iks. S7.30 S8balt do. 71 j SS eighth do. 1I.7J ' ;" 8o,iood i'dollabs!' ZZZ Mary laud Consolidsted Lottery, Class 27, ' ' To be drawn ia ths City of Baltimore, Mat. Wednesday, May SI. , 78 Number Lottery snd 14 Drswn Ballots'. Ticksts $10 Shares ia Proportion. , Here is a beauty, Veing 364 tbreeianiber tiek I sin ths Lottery I We will sell on certificate . . . . a.A am . mA mi XB note i as. I'" I " qasncre aa," 90 halt do Mlsfleightha 16.1 fXy ALl OnPSMS ADORBMKD TO VM. BAILEY k CO. meet with prompt and careful attention, '" . WM. BAILEY CO. cash all Prixee auld by other venders. . - BAILEY V CO. pay ell Priies in Gold. BAILEY U CO. make a Lottiry at every man's door, by defraying all expenses to and from their office that is. Baity dt Co. nay all poe' age. rjl bs luckiest lottery f irm in tus countrvis WM. UAILC Y at Uo. Me. 8 CALVKUT STHEKT, . , t Bsltiiiobb, Md. aawaWa-aWaWaWaaainaaja Ths New Yurk " Spirit of the Times gets out some of the richest yarn and jokes otitis Times, iters is one or them; 7?a7i.Thrie lived net five ' hundred years ago a'rum'un' who was, in Southern pa.tapce, what Is termed s Uniiler ens of your food easy men, wno takes his 'nip pers, (wiihsn sir, arid loved the J spirits' not for themselves but their effect. Us was s jolly tippler, though lis 'scorned the action' of s toper; and when the liquor was in him his broevolent, kind .heart would sparkle In bis smiling face. But though our jolly son of Radius wsi ' fond of his glasi, it was of ths social order, lie was none of your 'contingent remainders of bloated mortality that srerh to act upon tho ides that they were predestined ' to , bs animated 'swill lube.' : His friends however grew alarmed" lest It mifrht become coaftmed in his habit of smiling,' thst lie might erC long become an inveterate soaker. Every appeal was made to him to relorm, snd urgent sihor lations to sobriety. Firn tly he should tint and thirdly and lastly, how could lief To all their earnest endeavors old 'milerwas perfectly indifferent.. It wss' determined. .therefore, ss a' dernier resort to get up a esse or delirium, tremens on him, lor the purpose of frightening him from till pro priety Ills said that when a person is in ons of these fits ons of ths first things seen by ths distempered ' imagination is ratg. Accordingly 'a trap vu set, or rath er two, one for a rst sod tits other for old smiller .. . t.v " "h "" ". , A bouncer who m tail liks s nle wss caoghi in one and we shall bear bow ths other worked. . . i ,-. . . loe friends met ths eandidato . In . a room rat proof. ,- A little of what smilers' can 'ins milk of homan kindness' was trrdersd up snd tha old fellow 'took to it' ss natural as art iofand la arms' to its ma ternal. While amiler wss potatioe, ths rat was lei loose, snd shot across ths' room immediately in fiontof him He started of course as any one would, drank or sober' with poker in Lsnd in hot pursuit tu slay the inimder. 'Uallo,here felloWa" shouted he, fters's a rat. Quick; quick. Ned there he poets' ss tbe poorfiig-uieoed lliinj Hatted away again fiom behind a place of concealment' wnli old 'srailer' in full chase ifier him dealing sundry random blows every wberej sireptinq directly on ths rst, -vt" 'iv,. 'nt Ths friends oj tourte had not $ren any rtt. It was only the hotrid fsnlssy deliri sm. "Poor fellow.'; says ons. ! tiever thoaght he would ever eome to 'tins-'- This is loo awful,' cried another for hesv" alts Ned go ret a doctor. " .j.,'. . . J Overcome bv the awful' sDectacle the friends started to rush out incontiuendy, l ease their feclinrs. ; ,. . But eld 'amiler' begin tsmeU the, rst threw down the poker snd quietly returned, lo his seat as if nothing hsditrcurrcd.. ' "Hold fins fellows" said he to the de , parting ones, 4,dont go; 1 hauUteennorat, AWFDL'AND BLOODY TRAGEDY A wiostfawfal trairedy occurred si Edge- 1 comb, Maine on Thursday night last; A man by the name of Pink bam,." about 45 ysarrof age;irjrcxiipaitttrT ter with h sharp- sxs completely decapitated hit wife and four children; ths oldest W bout T2 yrBtt banging lo the bodies only by a smalt por lion of the neck, and then cut his own throat mrrtt effectually with a rasor. The Bath Tribune triers the followiur particuius of the sad affair: ' - !- " Ths fsiher snd two sons wer6 is a bed in tins room, ' snd ths ' mother and two daughters in ths same situation in another ruom. The houso standing smns dinancw from other dwellings r ths swful deed ; was not discovered until some timo on Fridays when ths mother of tho man, having oc casion u visit ths house, foond ths inmstes in tht ' horrible siluaUott described, not A But the msngfed victim's of a fathers mad-' neae, ths fatal aie, the msrki. Of blood' upon ths floor, the father's threat and open': raior, ditcolsed an awful iaief whits' a ps pet, fouqd on the premises in ths joint hand-writing of the parents, revealed a eondition of mind which shows how fear ful f appalling are the fruiu of religious error. " " f r: v-: v-t .:..,!.? It sppears that Mr. and Mrs. Pinkbam' had been violims of ths Miller delusion; but ths full force of its cruihing influence) upon their spirits seems not lo have been suspected by o titers. The pap?r to whichf we have referred, sq exact copy of which w'ss seen by our informant, conMinsd a tatement in the handwriting of Mrs. P..foLV lowed by another by bar bunsbsnd, setting' . forth that they had become tired of life that there was nothing , id ! prospect for than worth living for, and that the bad mulu. ally agreed upon the destruction of them selves sod chit Iren, requesting tltst ' their bodies might be deposited in a stone tomb. The' wife when found was In her bed, partially undressed, the eyes as 'open ss' though swaks st ths moment of dccapiU- ' tion. The children were also hV bed,; probably sleeping, danger. uncouscious ofany , A Reminiteenct of Newport A pisssatu coriespoiidenl of the Providence Journal sums up sums of the reasons why ths littls town of Newport is tnleresting ti persons of thought snd laste, ss follows: '" ' Here Alston's genius for Art, snd Dsns' for Poetry ' were first swskened, Ileto Malbone and Stuart were born; and here their powers were first developed." Ileto Symbert, who Is said to have painted the first picture of more than a siiigls figure ever produced Jo this country for ' while practised his art. And lo be silent aboot others, hero no ths poet Brooks draws his inspiration." and weaves his 'rhyme. Iti yonder rorkyjec'eur Bertly is said to have composed his 'Minute Phylosophef,' weavi ing his weo of melapuysicai abstractuas, snd dreaming of the virtues of " tar. Water. Not fat 'distent is lha house which he built and occupied two years, once described ad ah elegant Mansion; now a picturesque old fashioned farm house and Often by yonder bench Channing TifUd his voice in praise smitlst' the tempest, ' and poured out' his thauks-givinL' and contrite eoufessioos. There in reverential "syropsthy- with the mighty power around him he. first became, conscious , of power wiibin. Thers Strug. gling thoughts 'snd emotioni broke forth ss if. moved to utterance by nathre's aid quencoT of winds and waves. There began a hsppiness surpassing all worldly honors, alt wrtnne, tha happiness of eom in union wiib the works of good. 1 I " r ' - "' ' '' - -. '' - - - rj;- The Duke of Wellington and Ireland. , vThe Dublin Herald, tha most active lead er or an' I repeal, says ibatHt is rumored.; ia certain circles in Iondon, that the Duke of Wellington has said thst -the' time has now arrived for giving a eatutUutiom to Ireland. Ths opinion of ths Duks ia fa vor of this act of justice, would have great influence on lbs movements of thacrowa. The IrisI Mail, Packet. Cork Constitution, Kilkenny Moderator and Drogheda . Con. ervative, which hsvs hitherto opposed Re peal, have' now declared ia favor of a local parliament, with limited powers, v fr CSTThs question j. Where does a 6tm go when It , goes ou", 9 about to broagbtbeforsa downeutilebftrtogsosiety

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