-Oil puns J TJEiIAY. Editor Mi Proprietor. ' " JlortJ) Carolina Pobierfui hi inttlfcftusi, moral ana "bprflcal triourrr'-tbt lino lit eur ftrtt Mb tfje tome of out afrretfdnd.'. ' hrnR' COLLARS lr'ea inAdvjnM." - ' , I 11 11 I , " 1 , . I i ; ; i '' l ; 1 1 . , . ' "... ... . ; ; - R4LEIOII, If . C WEDNESDAY. JL!VE r. IS9. XeYf during and Svimmtt ifi?SJSr FROM HEW YORX 4 ElROM It. TUCK tit so ; HAVE JUST RECEIVED lbir fpring nl Y fk. I7 r.e ui lhe,6rm, lrtm ch chep nd plenilitl tpriof e'fom jt iair tluccU inla t.tl mtikel fri.n lb pmetl mnfcluriog eUblNh imoU in Euro,t whI ibi cuuutrjr ni thjr now rMfMctfully iHtiic ibmr eustoiM ntl ih publx ....rilv. to Mil Slid lamina hCoc and cb-p it ...u ihs tineit aoti chaaiMMt aaoortinati of Coi. Fureif and Dnitettie, aw jiTired in ihi city. T-.ejr mk no fluruti alwui ibrm. ib'-j prak If IbaniaalTea, and cannot fail to command ha Jmiralin of purehaMia. wbo hare lb larta and knowtxlga la jade corrcctljr of lha boauiy, quality and 'aloo of gn!. Call and afeno charg fur looking nd if yoo do not gat bar ga oa, U will be no faall of thr aelleM Thvir alack u lar( and well aaaorted, for Lad ea. Oi-nllMr.ea, Children end ernta, erohracing tbe finieet at well at the nvnt aubxlan'ial an idea. It ia unnacea ear to enumar-U bo4 the improvement of th head ia of p'imirjr importiynce. they ceil aecial at tention to their very auperior lot l Hale. ---R. TUCKER dr. bON. Raleigh, April 4, 1848 I it Tht Cheaptit Campaign Paper in South, tht PRICE ONLY 60 UKNTSl! THE VEOMAIV. (REVIVED.) Tbia ia to be the title of a Weekly Campaign P.m-r to he i-eued fiom he REPUBLICAN UK TICK, Richmond eommencing on he 7th of Jane next, and eiiJinu wit t the rieaioen'iai tiectiou tbe la-! number einbrai'in tbe official reiurne. - Tbia jiaper will embod. ir. oontenient (bin, facta and erij.imwite of in'ereet during the cam paign, end will be conducted in that apirit of mod eraiiun and tome which becomva tbe adfocatta ofaound Whig Conaereative Principlea. Tue Yeoman (revived) ia deeigned to occupy the aarae poaition, at a Correct channel of Docu. mentanr and dtaiiatical infvmaiioo for the people. that wee oceotll by "THE YEOMAN" of 1840 vtueh, it ia believed,, enjoyed a mre general circulation than any other paper ever iaaued from the pre -of''"VwgMii'w.. i.'...v''"." i-..-..--. The very low rate at which it ia prspoeeil to furniah thla aheel, juatifiee the publisher in believ ing that it. too, will go into the hande of lager -lae of readera than any publication emanating from ibe Hombern preaa. Tke firal namber will be ieaued on tbe day of tbe NATIONAL UOWEN IION, and will convey to ita rea iera a Telegraphic report of the proceeding! of that body. TERMS (F SUBSCRIPTION. A rem fane of One Dolar will aecar Te Copiee ol tbe Yeoman Five D llara. Ten t.opiee, Ac. A paptr gent vitktut tke money ha been received. rWaga in all caeee mart be paid, or the lettera will no, be teken from office. The actie co-operatian of tbe Wbiga through 4i Virvima and North Carolina ia eanteetly in Ivofced iatefrvirt3q ;prae -THE YEOMAN befere aa large a number ol the rtUfLU Mpo eible. Cj-Will all who receive thia proapeetne be kind enough to hand it to ibeir neighboial ' A Urn ae tive Whiga in rach cantf . during l he Apatl el ectinaa, ought to have no difficulty in eeeuring one hundred eubacribera, and tbia .in the aggregate wOulJ awell the circulation to more than THIR TEEN THOUSAND copiee in Virginia! Ia it not worth thi efltirl! Addroeo RO. H. GALLAHER.Hicbmond. Ve. N B. The Weekly Rertanlican ia el ill (urniah el at the low rate of One Dollar lor the campaign. Baltimore Strain ItlarMe Werk So. lOtt Sootb Charles Street. . r Baltimore. THE proprietor hs constsndy n hand . Monuments, Gravestone, Mantel ii Table tope of the m t APPROVED PATTERNS J f the FINEST MATER.ALH. . N. B. All ordere tbankfu'ly received end punc tually attended io. LEVI TAVLOK, JJalUmare. March 15. 1848. . 18 3at. J. P. BitOWNB," MAKER AM) IMPORTER OF GR VND. BEMI GRANU ANDX OCTAVE , nnitni n i r -s- s k w aa&ssssa i , , , .. . , . t. W sold inform bis friends tbst lie ha removed hi - Warereemt to 395 ttraadivay, (Lafarge Buildings,) NEW YORK. ' CVIR. Br wne' Harp era by far the aiost els CU gaat ws have ever seen, and in tr.e lone . there Is ss- extraordinary .' addition of swertnese. purity, and power. .The enrdial approval . ol the celebrated Harpit, llochta, ahould m-ike him and hiswrk4 rrlrurattd throughout the couutry Mwitat Timti --V V- Harps repaired. Sirlag. Mane, &. Loo.loh and New Yo.k, establiabed 110. ? April II, 1848. ; ; MS 3m. ?JD8T teeetved y lb HMrVara e general lap ply at K.vou-al Aaaic HAaewaaa aad STt-nar Hcs. Put lhI IttrLs. tneh thej will aril te Country Mrrabaata at Very tow price, 'oe libaeal term, eonsie ing of - ( , Trseca, tio Chain. .' ! ' ; ,; t We!ing ilue. Manors orki ; Anvil, Vitesaadbmith's Hammers, ' ' Irfieks sua) ltcbes m great variety, ' ' ' Hioe, Uuok aarl I. or? hiHtdit tuiri h Forks, P.k'i Krilve aid Raaort. WKk aelebraied. devk e raariied I hereon, Rmgh end Jtradf Mnena Pitta,' Mtmttree It an every kr oiiM be. iawgmg in tbe bowneaa, and 'retpesllalrr ask the Mreebaoia ol tbi vieiiuty io favor Ihem ,witb a sail . M:a ibey aexr visit the Coy. : V --wrTv4ttVELIi,kflOr- 1 -'.'V Market i. PaiLtasunnv , . Feh, M a, ...... ...,, t-t, : v?f "if Im3rtaal to Fartneit4 ''i:t'" vpitB SobHsrihor bmg parehaaed troot' Alfred , A Spats, agesl v W beach dr. fl. J. Catling, tu Daloaleee-tn henafil aa their iasontioau Lf k ate of North Carolioe. offers lo ih Farusraof lbs aiaieineadvaniage of a Machine for sowing aM aiaos or 1 Ol Uraia greatly superior to any thing ; beertofore diaeoveied. Alao a sew Plo-gh toe the eahi'stios of crooei sod else asset oatuabW eira rW Machine f ir the ahelling of ero, Tnesa Ma and Plough eta be bad by artpliealion to lb subscriber at Raleigh. Partieurare explained Wbi U. " ; - VVM- F. COLLIAa. atileigli, Jan: 8, I84T. "' " ' w8SlSi!feip BOOTS iLlTDSZOZS. -HLiNkY J'0.l Eti , WOULD "retpecv fully announce - to hie friende and the Public (hat he hat j a a t leceived hie Spring and auiuner Stock of Beet, Sheen, Ladles and Children's Mippers, Ac., of the lateat and hinai approved atjlea, and aeka a call fmrn all desiroua ot purchavinf ei ther a lieanillutly. fine or durable eiiicle, aa lie feeta atiafied that he ia prepared with nia taiga and well aeleeied Stoek 10 plena the laeia of eve. y one, Amonn bie aupply, ereanme mbw aniclea, vnu the polo Alio Slipper, brosxe and kid lha O'ongreaa Gaiter, a eplrndid. article; light whole and half Gaiier, the Polka Slipper, and a namber ot other choice kind for he La die. ' A moat exiennive ' and varirxl aaariinent of Miaea end Children'a Galtera and Slipper. The Gonitemen, too. will find everv variety ol anicle l'or iheir wear, but aa we praanme they will call and aee for themaelvee, it ia needle toaay mora to them, , - jntnNfiractwHna;. I MI E Subscriber has a largs and full lupply of Materials Ibr majiufacUiring, and having also a lot ol L,ata ol me laieettul moat approved feebiooa. he ia prepared1 tone. ont in nrat rate eiyle, any tort of an artiele thai hit euatoniera may want. He ha alao, for the trade, a large assortment ofMATKKIALS for manufacturing, such as upper Leather, of alt kinds. Sole Leather, Thread, Laata, jna. which he will eel! low. Thankful for past favors, he most respectful ly sake a eontinuance. HENRY PORTER. April I I, 1849. 16-4t. PROSPECTUS or THE . NORTH CAROLINA HERALD, T MIE undersigned, having formed a part neTehtp, will continue the publication t:rJUiiaVI..JIaeiiK at which time tuey will puuhih en enlargrd abeet, equal io the ''Kaleigb kegiater". io aiie, under the tii le of the tiorth Cartlina Herald,, The North Carolina Herald will be printed entirely en new end beautilul 'ype, in the neateet manner poniole, and lurniahad le eubacribera et the low price af Two Dollars pet annum, in advance; Two Dollar and Filly Cent if pot paid within three nionlhe from ihe date of the find number ib eeived; or Three Dollar if not paid during the rahscriiition year- ' The Herald wi 1 advocate Whig principles as heretofore, and wilt beeonducted nol only with a atrkt regard to iroth honor and dignity, but with due coorteay to opponent in all cootruvereiee thai may arise. , Particular attention will be paid to tbe Mtaiae interacts ol the 8ala, ajd all duirable io formation relating thereto will have a concpicuoas puKft "Tbe i lateat" rorrfginlenrgnr3e7-anra6 Iracta of the proeeedinga of Cmgrees and of tbe State Legieiaioret will lie gien. Besides, por tion of it column will be devoted to Miecellan i ooe reading, of a Moral. Religioue, Agricultural, and Hciemificl character, much ol which will be original. " in short, every effort will be made to render tbe Herald valuable and interesting. ' Wo eppeel principally to the people of Ran dolph Coenty for support is tbia undertaking, and indulge the hope, But only that our old cuatomera will all continue their support, but that a largo number nf new eubacr here will be adiled to eur list We alao respectfully solicit a liberal patron age from the adjoining Conntiee, and other plaoet, sod the encouragement sad support of- miner generally. While we indulge the hope of render ing the Herald worthy of the support of tbe moat intelligent end red ed, we can only promise what our etparleoce and untiring efforts may render! . The enlarged Herald, it will be remembered. will commence with 1 Ihe Presidential Campaign. and will embrace e period of greet interest in toe. eeqoeoos of be unusual excitement likely to pre i vail throughout Jvureps. . (jTo Club of uva person, at one office, the Herald will be sent or One D -bar and Fifty Vent each always id advance. (fJAny PoaimaatetjOT other person, procuring five subeenrere, ond remitting tbe amonnt or sub scription, will b entitled to s sixia copy, New aubaeribers wMI be e.reml to lorwsrd their names by tbe lstof June. at Ihs itsB Hsrald ... .i .., lim.. will make its srnearance al ou' that time. H. D. MACHETf H. H. BROWN. tkebonmgk, May 1,1858. - - PIMTIMO TYPES - , . WILL be aold at BUUCE'S MB W.YORK TYPK FOUNDAUV, after March, 15ih, 1848, at ihe following very Jow piices, for Six month noted ' SOMSK. TlTtB.&e. Pica, : per lb. 30 eta. 69 et. SB l DID, & 90 els. SS 100 108 .- , 120 v ISO IflO 820 Small Pica. SS 60- : 6 ,74 rbo 120 Lone; Primer, Burge.ois, - Hie ier, . Minion, . ; . Nonpsreit, . Affate, " 3 37 4i 43- 58 73 Pearl, 109 160 ' The above prices, is eoneennenee of inc-reaM ed f iotlilies (ormsneraeturtng. are maebteeoeod from former ratee. A liberal discount fol cash in band st the date of ihe Invoice, , , Presaoa Cbaaea. Catea, Wood Type. Ink, lie. furnished at the , lowest manufacturers' price, either for cash or ciedit Oar Specimen Book for 1848 la now 'ready for distribution to Printer, who Will send for it,' and sesTaiii snaey pew irtjclee IhaPwe have never before exhibited, sneb as Writing flooriahea. Urnamesi. Oiaameotal Fonte tit. of which we have as ample atock for the pi ooipi exe.u,iionot ornera, , , ;-? v v ' Printer of Newspaper wlio choosl to pub lish this advertisement three 'limed before the 1st of Juno, .1848, and send as one t( fhe pa pen, will se peid for It is Type when they aar- eitaoe (roan aa, of set ows snanafaciaros, oe ieeied frooa our tpeeimsaa. its tiaaes the saonOt oft he4r bill. T . ?B e.; y , For sale several g pod aeconddtanrj Xvtindsr nd Plaies I'ower pree.',SuMidlii PrsaeeS, Hand Printing Presaea, Ac '" , ' ' " J ;t "CEOttOB BRUcreVro9' -FI ! tm rv.-.. l... Ilia V. ' ROBB, WINEBREN F.R & Ca Beg Isevo to ao-mmend iheir Boecfuota, '' JOHN KELLY & Co. 09 Clretsnat latreet. Philadelphia, 1 s Ibeii triesda and late patrvoa I bey are lo4 in receipt of the Fashions and a choice aid e len aa-orimenl of SfKKYG and SUM.UJiiC ff EST OF ESGLAS) and FRE.YCB Cloths. Caaoiisiers and Trstlags. fO( the leteal impxrtationii. FeMoos visiting PHILADELPHIA, are re nect'ul'v invited to call and examine thei evton ie ftiock. Orders from any section if the Union promptly attended to . ' " 18 6m. 11 IHE Two Literary aociet ea of Ramlolph ' Ma con College will be publicly eaureeu iy Hon Hksar A Wns,ifVa, enibe; IJlh June nxt. which ia the day immediately proceeding ita annual commencement. i: - 1 T. L. HARRR VE. .. Cor. Sec. f F. L, Society. .... "an April 14. v 10. Office of Literary Banrd. Aeaii, 28, 184H. J , X T a meeting of ihe Board hild in dy, it waa JfUk tteeolvtd, That the ram of Tbiy Thu aand Dollars. (U:000) in part of the nett- in come of ihe Fund for the aupport of Commee -rhoola. during tde current year, he now dvWih eared vrnmtfrtne. eeeet-Cutia -of the . Aiai, ia. proportion to their rederai ropuiatinn. WILL. A. GRAHAM. Preat. ti officio Literary Board ; 19 3w JAMES E. BROWN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLE.! ADTUUK MAKEIt, N. 143 .Uorf Si. between Atk (f 6tk St., FBI LA DEL FH1JI, SBlEoPEUTr lii.I. IS1 WW forma Dea'ere and oib era, that be manntsoturea end keep constantly on hand an ' extensive aasortm- nt of Had- die. Briddlea, Ruseet and - Emmefled- Leainae .Saddle ,,flags,r;tJaUa)rs,-,Wbips Also. large hv si oie Isther. Ruaset, Black and Fancy colored Solid Riveted Trunk. Valires, tat. together with from 300 lo 600 SaiAoy. .Bruee1a and Damask .Carpet Bigs, Ladies Baa a, Saichelle, eke all of which he, oflere et the lowest prices, and solicits an examiu. aiion of hi gooda, being confident that every or tide will give sstialaetion both is price and quel. By. v;-, rV; 7 -. .?. A TFACHER WANTED- jTtjHE Truateea of the Tatboro' Male Academy IX wiah to employ a competent person lo take cherge of thie School, who can come we: I recom mended a to habila and qualification to leach the varioua brancbeaof an Academical education, Tarboro' i conidered e healthy location, lbs eo eieljp ia good, and a well couductcd School Will he 1 iioersuy parroniseu A pplicanta will adJrees, (postpaid) Trustees e lbs Tarboro' Male Academy. . " JOSIAH LAWRENCE, JAMES WEDDELL, . HENRY T.CLARK, JAMES M.REDMONfy ROBERT U. AII8TIN, ROBEKT N0RFLEET, ROBERT R. BRIDGERH, WILLIAM G.TII0MA8, JNO. S DAfi'CY, Traatees. April S7, 1848. 19-61. From the Uncle Sam. THE WAY WE NATURALIZED A FRENCHMAN. . A YARN FORTH E SEASON, 1' . BY NEDBUNI INE, : I al way travel ; by ' ho - Norwich and Worcester line when I pascfrmrj Gotham to Boston, my ieon therefor beino; very easily anmmed.up in tlie fart that,' thougli a last line it ie'a aaf tine; though its officer are decidedly fast, they are gentlemen, and moreover I never went through on that lino that 1 didn't hare boods luony adren ture. . f -.i i-'.- . ""'-' The last lime I came on' from ' Boston, we reached Allyn's Point quite osrt 'and found ttie Woiceior' Cantiin Williawia all ready for a atari, and moreover 'when we got below we found burning hot anp per also ready. It) a s lew moments we started; the stipper bell (how musical ev er!) w as.ru n(f, and with a "general rasli" we were awept along to a aeaf some where nearly amidships of -the long ta ble, ' . V While diving into a amokins' stew ef Worcester oyaiera a eiy "email rolce" ctote to my ear exclaimed: ."' ' " f Sare eefil sal not bo too mooch tro bale, wil you give lo me ai.me of so leet slireke" gat ec on gal plat." 1' looked around and aaw that my neighbor waa a little Frenchman. -Glancing; at ihe plate to which be pointed, I re plied; " i "Those are not chickens, air, they are woodcock!'' . -' - - "Zen I vill have some of ss wood coke, tare, ,tf yoa tese1M" rv - - I handed him the plate, from which he took earerai of ihe bmla, and that he wss plessed with them I could not doubt. At the first mouthful bis' eyes spsrkled. snd heexrtaimed, maghifiqutl- tuperbeT Amused with his msnner. 1 entered ' in to conversation with the gentleman, find- . . a I i ,Jt a.' ing mm nothing totn inereio, ana - Den-re the supper wss orer we weie exceedingly intimste. ' ''n"' The rrsder wilf besr in mind that ' this happened jitet before' the! .news of f ths French Kevolutton csma wet?-Aiier tipper was over my Inend ' Wished to Dt lo. lbs foiward dsck- wheie wo were joiiied is a few mon.sota by Gould, Mud toe. and two or thito mors . of the tine, Our conversation soon turned .upon politics, in which, my French friend join. Ah, Mesieura!'' fsid he, Mtie is one cr gran' reptiLlique nowf vat shall it be whin ii have more devil, up iiselfi' , Us undoubtedly meant devslopet but no msiter In word will do . Yee," wer-plied, 'and ilia rapidly evil uppin r ii self, thouaands of ne v fit- tens arrive on our ahrea every day and our convenient and ' pleasant manner of naturalising them; add daily strength to the on sweeping ' wane of democrs eyl"- - . 'Aaufaletxt" said our friend, rat is We explained lo him the necessity of foreigner being naturalised before they tould rote. -' ' ' 'Ah, ah! I onnerstand se nittaraleetB!" cried he, I link I shall liks heem ver mooch. Ow mooch monnar- he bring!" "Coat, yon inesn!'' :' OuL Mesaieur! Ii sea all io samel Ow mooch hs eoatf Why, sir, in ordinary cases it Iwould cost ten dollars, but we'll put you through lee-wWhingtt- hi.i.i.,...ha.wii.. "Ah, Messieurs. I rer mooch oblige! You ver polrie. Ven shall se eeremonie occur sat shall make me one hotnms de re- pub iquet . -.: ' "immediately, if oti like.'" we replied gi'ing ihe wink to our party. '.en 1 shall it like!" continsed the Frenchman. . ' . " Well, ibe first point is to ascertain' vour democratic points: how much canvass can you carry without capsizing"' - H no onreraiand sail" 'I'll explain. Do you know what s ei cues isii ist" : "A shin cock lain. Ah. out yes tare ver mooch 1 know heem! ' f How fnar.y r can you drinkt . sink sres or four!" - c " I hreevr four! that will never do. - It will take lim to naturilixe youl"' ' . Zen, ssret' Cet impossible! ' My 'omult vii holil no inoie zan two pint,. 1 Jiave meusure heem. Ten shin eock.-tail ees more as two quart!" ViNot if they're weak onert but we'll try tu put you through on fx'f . ' Vel, aare, 1 vil try to lake sen, Tor I ver mooch desire to be one hum me de republiQue" Make, 'em stroug, wo whispered to ihe barkeeper Plesse to uke down1 sn sccount, said ws to Monro, who ver seriously look nul his memorandi sod penciL t . t -i .., The CibI was prepared snd duly enterer ed by the Frenchman. j , Lest folk! use ver strong! he ejacu- lated, .while his eyes wsiered. but he held ot his band for the eecond. ; It Waa given him, ' - . "Ah ha! sat is betisre! he cried,- the first ba ing lomn what deadened bis lasts lo the s'rsngth of ths see ond, I bus it continued till ia quick succesion he drank six strong eock tails. They hid not yot bad Urns to operate snd after whip in if his lips snd eyes, for both wsre watery lie askeu, v , Vat shall bs go rest of la eeremo nie!'! . , ... v r : -., - We replied by sending a hand after an American flag, and directing another to bring up a settee from below, with lour lighted candles. ; : . ; By the urns lbe flag was brought, the Frenchman began to "feel his oats," and as his sya fell upon it he seised it -and kissing he bright folds, cried out: . ' f "Vis la republique ds Amcrique! rive IS tiuitcocit iailal : - ; - .oe oust now organ to turn around wiov tm., . . . , . mm wiiu pciiEariveu syaopuNos - oi istigue tn bis legs for they beat MiJer lbs weight of ihe j br ck' in ' his ' bat," The . seties arrived very oppenunely, snd the flag being spread ont upon - ii, we lifted the saodidate and laid :MA out at full . length Upon it wrappiug all but his fees in tbs ttr Spangled ilanntr. Four etout men of the deck pssiengers. Irishmen, -who sre slwsya alive lor luu were picked out now and each of them directed to lake a candle in one hand and a cornet of t be-as t- tes in tbe other . : .. The rest of us fell into ranks behindhand lbe procession marcbsd aolemnly around the deck of ths bost . headed by two of ths party whistling ths- luns of i Yankes Lfooulyt -ii ;'-r.i-rn '".! ', .' $ The liquor had now fairly ."got dp steam hi the r icnr.hmsn'sT head, and - he wss deligbtsiL .He shouted ids Marellaisf his eyes flashed with plesaursand svet and auos bis shout, "Vire la lepuNiqne! Vive la shut cock tail!" would ring, through row-wean . . r--.'i t , j. ! ; , .1.. u . w Al last, however be . became, ouiet the deiirum passed away and sn apparent stupor follotred. i-Unl- - Ws.setllism down gently on the forward deck, toimed id a' cirpls around bim; two caudlea wars placed at bit, feet snd two .at his bead. . lbe wbiailsrs sloped - Yankee Doodle and commenced s desth roaich. V e.sll beeaioe suddenly solemn. A verse from "Old bundred'Z ws proposed, Jinei out,eodaung-;1,,:t.t U yii.a 1 beo for a moment all was atill, when the lips ot iho-qaieeeoot Freaebessn were seen to opt n snd' hit "suit? I mall voice" I sink I shall bare four mor irr gliin coca lail-.fene.es s nomlMtre! Vrve 1 rspublique! Vive la shin cocktail!" 1 need not add that ws al once holed him in. He was aturalixed. " " One of the Irishmen aid If the Jolin- nv Cropoau Waol a dimnerat, then ths crater couldn't make liim ao',' ' ANECU0 Tfi Of JCIIANCEUjOR KENT. - - - - Ths late Chancellor Kent was one , of theae men -whoso innste -dignity enabled bim to wks in good part fanui aritiesw-the lesuli td Ignorance and sceident. Ho was exceedingly fond ef'roartail music,- and hearing tlie drums of a recruiting party who had taken s atation at the comer ol the aireet. boating a point of war, went out to bear it oVsrer, 1 iscssibly hs waa whiat ling ths burthen of the tune, when ihe man of war thus accosted him ' ' MYou aie f -nd of such musio, Iheih tny fins hellowl" i ' r ' i "VeryK was ths reply.. . t r-s Well,-then? said 8ergeanlKite, why not join u! Good quartera itowl ' pay- large bounty; besides, our Captain is s glorious follow. Why' won't you now? You esa't dd better." " . . -i Weil," aaid the Ohsncellor, "I lisve jjfeyjtweybiifaw "Willi is itr- sked the sergeant ' Wby jat ; uow-1 -hoppeo to hsvs s better Usde." .V, m. , - j What trade is iif" said ths inqaisitor. "I bis Cbaocelloi of tlie State of New, York." : .-, - : j WhewT" interjected the sergeant 'Strike apt qoiek tiins forward, mack!' Off tramped ths man, without looking be hind lorn; leaving ths Ohaneellor to en joy m issgn al Uis saveniors. - . ' - Home journal. :, i ... .:.. On littening to evii repori. The long er 1 live,, the mora I feel tbe importance of adhering lo the rule I had . laid down myaelflu Wlaoalo suWaSitulrsl!7' t('sr-1iS'-trnWwtIio jrejinlicoof others. 8 lo.blievs nilhing oi tbe kind Until I am absolutely forced to ik . 3 Ner lo drink into the spirit of one who circulates so evil report. 4. Always to rr ode rate aa far as lean. lh onkindoess which ia expressed lowsrds. others. 5. Alwsys to believe thai, if. the other side went besrd a very different account would be given of the nailer. . v ?-.y...j ' Grief murmurs, Anger roars,(Im patience freu. but Happinesa, liks a calm river flows on in quiet run-light, without a rip pie or a fall lo mark the rushing on of Tims towards Eternity. . , rirsatd that g Yinkeevrnostmnss . i . . .i .. 1. 1 r. ' set up a one nurse tnrsaning ui at: in no, jior the convenience of parents snd ' guardians Having unruly 1 children.' , fid will fick an urchin like b'lasea for fourpence. Small licking one for two cents on I r wand "the most entire satisfaction -"wsrranted. , " THE GEOGRAPHICAL CHARAC " XER-OF MEXICO. 1 In the speech of the,' Hon. Troman Smith, we pla ed before onr reader a most valuable collection of facts' concerning the character of the soil of Northern Mexico Toese facts, gathered from "documents of the mot authentic character, di-monslrnted the important t ttih that - it U' perfectly idle' to talk 'of obtaining indemnity for the sinenses of the war in Mexican terriiry that territory lieing in iteelf si most otterlv worthless as s nossession. ' ' The following tetter ot one ot t.te - Vir ginia volunteers,! who "marched with "a ' . . ... .. . . . e .. Iiortiot) or tnr regiment irom tno camp at Btiena Vista to 1'arras, is puoiislteti in 'the Charlestown VsJ Free Press. 1 1 furnish.. el interesting eonnrmstion tu ins geneisi I ur.LlllfllUIl w -........ ...iidii s,Rta.s whichMs embrdied in -Mr. l-mith. Speech: whilst it aecnonl of one of the esaes, which set off the immense deserts of lliat' country is peculiarly grsphk - -- p.aaas: Mexico, March I7i 1849. " tn my lest letier I gave yoo a sketch of our match to tbia place and' promised id another to send yon i deserlptiod of Part and the neighborhood rooffd iu ' ' And in the outset 1 'mosi' -express my fears that what I ahall writs- you' will ba"regarded aa tiver wrnghr, as many eommunirattons sent from this eotintry to the States are nothing leas than a tin ue of falsehoods,-penried rather for the purpose of filling up the column of a newspaper, than of impsring correct information in regard to the manners and easterns of- the Mexican nation, snd tbe appearance and reteorce of the country, v Tbo you have L read descriptions or many portion of Mex ico, California,' New Mexico; 4W' which are entirely fabulous.1 'The. two 8tts I hsvs "nsmed, together f with other bars ben represented to ths peiple of lbe Uni ted Btstesrse-berraMrenvsljftrti much so-' at the richest' portions of our own eounry f snd -1' dooot not, many of the prosperous farmers of ihe- Valley of Virginia, -1 Pennsylranis, '1 &04 bve been led- to believe tbst there own garden spots were 4 barren in comparison a jib Tbe truth of the mater is tbier one may travel for dsys together snd nothing bat a bsrea wast of ink It chapparel. here Snd there interspersed with-the' Palmetto or Csbbage tree, appear to the eve, nothing vs the towering mnuntuns which obstruct the eight en every sttle, relieve the tiion lat,'afier days of weary liav'el, i neant(ritl spotfs leached " mors b autiful from tbe ptrtnre roo have lud berbfe your' rgsze so t-nif." Ilere a neaf town'i lb!t ilrrbst obscured by" ihe ihiekness of tlw f ifiagi All the fruits of ihe tropical climes at ound in rictijirofusion tbe eomffiinglea perfunis of the Orange, itie Grsie, ti e Pomegranate the Roia t'BKiitts, UieFig &r, enrich the atmoepht re and each pussj. g I r.-eae waits i s pleasing se ts sionnd, ' 1 he p'see is vocsl with the, rich snd wild chorus of the feathfred songsters ol the fi rest. who leem to'etpreas in tongs ofjiy'that'ihers is one sinut in which to pour for h their -swet melodies, and find sustenance lor their iinfeaiherrd yngi. A lonely"' r?e6rtia makea her apperaftC v, 1 ihe- pure bloiid vf old Utite coursing in hef teina,'1 lief 'vwl optuouS form outrSmeled by the art tif .' Hie milliner her raven tiessra foiling grateful y over Iter ' shoulders' whose 'tMonoruoiia would rivsfthe Venus'de Medici, he Ml and lustrous ds.-k eye peering fortb betrvath her reboss; each glance speaking" more love than mere language could find w.rdc t , utter her every movement sytplHike; wears t srried back ill fmacinatttin to liie bekvtiea of Paradise and see before' ua Eden arid in this eeleatial being we ea-i yimaglnehs beantiful occupant, inheriting as she ds iw s;st s dcfee harrnes wbuts4t to the Mother of mankinJ, the fairest ' af Iver sex. -i here are pucbspots ws Ve-xiea bnl like angel' visits fww und far between osies in the dee.t. Such a Spot Psrra with Hs rich vinysids, its fruits, its dowers its trmpiil streams, its plazas prom enade! and last, not ISal it loely wo men, W , '. ,.. l !. U 5Mll ' Parrss is sitaated in ths Northern part of tbe fcUate of Coshuils, and near me lines of the State of Dsrsngtr sad Chtboshna and not very far distant from acrec j Its rmmediataf neighborhood is very fertile, sod produces fins crop i f ''Wheat, BwrUy snd Cero, but tbeetrief ptoduot la tb wmo pressed from ths rsps of ths rnasy' viae y aWawKicbeoser laiv TlMi ftetphifl are not trained on frames, but "allowed so grow as Tisiure dirscts'tbeaW the ealtlvs; wrs pay isg das atUniioii' to - Uimmiog ibera alter ins crop is gsthersd. tdsthe lop of the bill st lbs foot ol whwb ths to wa abuilt is alargsartifieial ban's waHed up snd eemested and coveririg a apace of about? a ounh of kn acre, mads for the purpose-of a feeder 'io numerooslittls : canals 'wh eb conduct the aster to the vineyards oaths bill sids hod - in' the bottoms, where-art smaller trenches tn whb b tlie watsr raas snd moistens iho roots of lbs .vineev saj sides the gardens, fruit treeev Ao. - The little ranlterve lo aa,wahlnji(tlsees for the womatt, hundreds of wfaoni Btsy . all times bs seen engaged ia -t,rtet 'eceup- tion. i I be targe basin st the topol Uu hill serve as the ! finl balhing plee 4 have ever seen and ouemen' make good use of,ir, sd well ss the Mexican jpepabttioiu male and female. tHor-.-a-i:fv3 1- WhH 'specie oftVace inrak yoa enelota the gardens and smalls vineyards of lha town! 1 No other thao beaotils ly trained hedges of Iihts Cstillit they.. are kepi well rriined, snd being now in fuU t)iwm, it is the mr snohanungacene 1 has wi. noised. In oar morn ng walks- slier re veille we pssi these hedges for miles, tb? ir fragrant hh their rich perfume, and our ears delighted with the " lOeitri t-eonga of birds of every hue and every 1 variety : vf autvrl .. V wi'!ri! . ' ; On lbs border of the own is the Alemsds Of the publi. grove which is great resort for' the j0ple Hei may be seen id "The mnraing and evening gentlemen snd Mies enjoying the 'cool ? and -refreshing; sbssM furiiifliieij by it magnificent tree, engaged perhaps in some affair of the heart, a pair of iovera laying down plans' of ftftiire h.p-1 pine, 10 prove dothiiig more tbait casilee in the air, 'v -u ' "I h.rt Tlii grove is laid out in' long ivenoet klong Wb.Ch jsland ornamental tree of great gr 'wtfi Snd beauty, their lop" meet in and benr sn eiosely ioterwmed ss trt form a perfect sylvan arert unpenetrable by fay of the-tun. In the intervals' between trees are hedges of flowers alone which kre neat sei lor the viitor. ' The avetnte serve Ss delightfuf drives, 'snd the equW agea or the eiiisens, some or them veryt ne are daily seen rolling over the pebbled'' waya, their lair occupant engaged in gayt and tprtgmly conversation. iters, too, wa have our company drills - every morsing the - sccuracy and Cellerity J of our move' menu striking the numerous behotders vth admiration and wonder. ' Od ; Svery - Sabi bath day are heidheio the eock fights ofine VtexiVine in which tbe most respeetab! raenol the lowo ngstfe, bettini lares sumst of money. " A cruel a i ihis tpon in the Slates, here ji ismore so, from ths nstursrs. the weapons wiihl which they are heeled. t Ther ire ealled slashes and area miaiaturav representation of a seylhr-Thsre4av rsrevi- iy a ngnt mat noes not rsssK hi toe hiiii ik' one" or both cocks, v a "The greatest plessurs I know," (ays-. Charles Iramb,' "is ts do a good action be steatth.'and W hare frand it out by. acci-ji flatt? 8 Ml -5-'l . 1 (. ' "- - 11 ' -' I "A 7oeog phyaidad asking pereusiloti of a lady t to- kis her, she . replied :-Ne ir 1 .never: like to have a tirtter bXi lliruwt ra my facets ,'ti e,1 w-.e '.'5 "1. Sjtt ... ' f 'T beauty is that whioh i fuir without i ilrem iJe dl:monolnyM a. i .