TOOS'l'M in Wttntttaat. uoral nb jt?W&weeTrtiMlite Ottr,VfVcjt aaOri)C b'on OacafftCtlon' ; ; 1 THREE DOLLARS a Year, in Advance. UALEIGII, W. C . WEDNESDAY, JUXE IA, , ' ' 4ti 7iiif4?'i fc?l fi ' ''l''5 .-?, I ' i t'i m VH , FKESX rBMfltEW YOKX 4 EVROFZ ., ,-...- i. . i mm : t fit'.v B. TirtHKB SOS , J HAVE iU9T RUCEIVED tb(r.prif trtd CumiBcr upply Uod, wlac(4 lm.$m y.irk, by 6rm,. Iron Ihl heap H'l ..lenJid ijjrinf eirguM juat iulr. Jucl ln mwkel boat lb ptinwpal bwnniferturioj Mib? meat in EnP t"J ihi owiouyj Uwy " iMuwlfully iuiw Iheir eutar whI ih public .....ilv. ta till tnd sawiiM aafintt d chro :r . ii .1.. fliiat and cbMPa-nartnial of. Go((f. Furtif and Dm emlic, iw offrrrd in ini city. T.iej n fl-urth about thnn. ihy peak f thainaalTM, and Canaot fail to command ibe adiniratMHi of pnrchaota. bo have- lh' laato anlknjwltdg, juJ. iwrraeiljr of lao beaaiy, aualny d ',,a i"!. fall and aro--n cbtrg for looking tnd if yon do no got mm, b will b no laoM of tllf wllara Their aloek it large and wall aaaortod, for Lad a. flnUemen, Children and nanana, ambraeing Iba nat a wall elha m'Mt ubtaniiat ariicle. It h unneeea ijry to enunwU bn the improvomanl of the head ia of p'imiry uaportuoro., tbeir ttration to ibeir tary auperior lot of Haii. R. TUCKER tc hOS. Raleigh, April 4, 1848 ' 14 tf The Cheapest Campaign Paper in the ' South. PRICE ONLY Q CENTS!! ! TUB l'EMA., Tbi i to be lh title of a Wrekly Canipalgn P.lier l i be i-eued fiom he REPUBLIC AN tF. FICU. Richmond commencing wi ht ?th of June oeil. and enJing witn the PieeiJen ial hwihn the lt number arobrariny the official reiuma. Thia paper arili embly, j convenient fum, facu an J ara inmli .of in'erert du'ing ibe cam paign and will t- conducted in that apiril of mid eraii n and liir - winch lieromi-a tlie ad-wata of e.iund Wing Coiiaetratie Prineiplre. Tnc VmiBiii (rtved) b deained to occupy the amepoei'iMita'a correct ebannel of Icu military and taiit eMnf rmaiinn for be people, iht w. orchi d by THE YKOMAN" of 1 HO i which it u bri"rd t-njuyed I mm general C.ri ulatmu that any other paper errr icaued from I the praaa of Virginia. i r ' j 1 he ery lowriieet which it ia propoeeJ to UUUU8, foaaiek itjiavih JiiiiaVmla aaihibher le. WwmW4 -,-Me,.t ik&fi!e.$8y ,Jiiidrr int thai , too, wtU..iuM tlMt,.lMWllAJlC!exX,lM.,,i.,l " A4"' Curna , "ffZtl cla'a of re.iJera than aay f atilic ion cmaauiiug North Carolina Herald will ba priulwl autirety ot, from be "outtiern pre. "new and beeotnul type," In Ibe nreteot muorr Tlo Im number will he laaue I on the dav of poaaioK eud lOiawhMl to ubcrilra at the low lh NATIONAL OOtVEWriON. - nd will. eoiivxy to ita rraier a I olegrapbi report of the proceeding of that body. ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. A rem t'anee of On Ool ar will aeear' Two lyopwa ot to x eoman r ii u nan, i an .oymr &. JVi paper unt milhtut tht money ha hten received,- Pu ge in all caaea mu-t be patd. or the letterk will no' be taken from office. The active co-operation of the WtuK throag1i jv),,,,, intereale ot the 8 ate, ajd all dairaula in ou' Virginia and North 'arolin w earnestly in- i formanou ralatina; thereto will ha a a conspicuous voked in . an emrt to piece - inc. icujnnn before aa large a number ol the PEOfLE aa poa - aiole. - ..(!' , i " k q'T'WiH all who receive thi proipectua he kind .eiwugh to.bwd itte 'heir , 'MilihmTTA7:new7Mr live wnigam acncuiiiv oarmj ine npm ei - eetiona. ought to have no dimeulty io we iring one hun lrrd aubcribra.;-and ,ibia in the agreeate wouU a-ell ti.a circulation to more than TH1R- TKKN THOUSAND eopiee in Virginia! I it not WWIIU lUiruiaTII a7tllirJ - Ri H OALLAHER, Richmond. Va N B. Th Weakly Retimliaan i aiill furniah el at the low rate of Una Dollar lor the campaign. Baltimore Steam Marble Works Ao. 106 Sonih Charles Street, DALTIMOKE. r A IIB proprietor ha constantly on hand B "Monument. Graveatonea. Mantel &! Tbl toie of the moot APPROVED PA I'TERNJl and of ilia FINEST MATEUlALM. -i N. I). " 'All order thankfully received and puno- tuady attended io; ' LEVI TAYLOR, lljiumore,-March 18.1848. ' ' 1 J 3m. ; J.FBIiOWNE. MAKER AND IMPORTER OF GRAND' SEMI-GRAND AND X OCTAVE " Ta a vr n a ' a v-, a a mt aa a aa ai i i r .. , , . . ; r jaamea by the let of June, aa the Laaa Herald V ould inform hit friend that h ha removed hie! wiu mtkt M -rpwWHC,aJ ba that time. , , , - v urvrowiain ao xva ureaaway, ,A ..Lefarge .UuildingaJ i E W YORK CV1R. Brown' Harpa-ar by far th sLUgaat we have . ever aewi, aud in Hi tone there ia an extraordinary ' addition, of aweirtneaa, purity, and puarer. Th cordial approval ol the celebrated Harpiat, Bucha ahould rail him aod hie work celebrated throughout the oumUxi , Harpa repaired, 8triojrer Marie, &.. , . ,. Inmdoa aod NewYoik, eatablilMd 1810. . , , April U, 1848.; ."r, , ; lfl--3m.i ! -t' H ARISOT AM: J tTST fvaeivtd he the tuhiaribert a eeeeral Mb. ulr M KeeunMid iauun H.auwoa mud dHirtaa, :fcieli tbey Willi mil to Country Merehaataal vrry Io pricea. on Mral lerms, eontre lug of Tat,0 Chain, ;.- . i .Vvdiof lloea, .lanra Inrkv, ' , Arrviia, V'lictaedSmilii'i llammeri , 1k and Lathei tafgi eat variety ,'" ' ' , Hom, Buck and Ivory handle Knivr tc Perk, . . Pack- Kair anil Itaxortj vilh svleoraiad idevi. eet iaaikel thereon. UMgh and, lUaily. Bnena I Mid, Manrrrry. ka and i-very other aitku be. tet-Me loHia hmiiicu. isil Mniiail m.. ftlsrf haul irf tbii v ie fcvar theea- with a eall bea Ihey. pxt viaji ih City. " . T. HO'V " f V . l u. a VELUicCO. ' . i' " H lmkM Si. hnmitMiK, Important t Farmcrai vTI . ??b?"w,' "if ptuchawd Jrora AUied o;iMa. agent t -r W Uearh & R.i. GaUtng. vrni wr tneir invention tor the et ol North Carokfca. adTera to ik - Fartnera of the iatibe advantage of o Machine lor cowing, ail a.iu oi iujiu iuiiii great y upiir te 0y thiug hsrrtjf .re dtaenveiej -Aluo ni-w Plough for lb Jlli itionfcro;s( and alao meat Valuatil aim l Michur fir lit availing of ra. 'Three Ma .iuee and Plough e n be ti4 br" application an -haoWti!ive at Rs:aigH.-PertieilM captained 4n had at uw, . V W II. P. M).LLA. r ,Vh.Jn., I547,t it '4 K' ';VT ff'u'el-ti . , BOOTS A1TD ' : "VOUtD retpeeu . fully -noonce to hie frivode and the Publte. that he baa j aieed hi cipring 1 lr Jtiotmer Stock of : , '.vi Bot. Shvs. La4it and ChIllreA ' "V Slipper, ftc ' of the !itft and moat approved aiylea. and ak a eall fmm all dreirout ol percbaaing ei ther a beanHfuny. fin or durable article, aa he feel aaiiafled that he-la preoarrd with kia laige and well aolecied Stork to pleas , the taai of ete.y one, Amoop; hi aupply, arvanmo mw ! nicle. riai ho Polo Alto tiiipper, btonxa and kid; the tjongreea Caiu, a aplmdid artiele) tight whole and half Gaiter, the Hulk Slipnef, and a nnrubef ol ether etolce kind fur the L die. J " - . 4: ' A mnat eitetiaif and varied a.rtmiit of Miaar and Childre' Gaiter and Slipper. ' The Gentlemen, too, will find er variety olariitlefor ihetr wear, but M preaume they w4ll call and ace for themeelree, it la needle tbay moreioikem, - mjtNaractartat;. - -' 'I 'HE Sabacriber ha a largt and full 1 supply of Material for manufacturing, and aatioK.aleo lot of Laet of the lauat ami moat approved feehion, he ia prepared to exe cute io oral rat eijle, ny ort of ao article that h eoaor ay waottf'v-Y,.urKi,..TOf.1 ' He haa aloo, tat the trade, a largo aortment of M ATKKI l.H for manufaoiorina;. urh a nppef- lther( of ll kiml. Hvh Leathor, Thread. Laat. d'c. whirh he will oell low. Thankful for paat favor, he moat letpeetful lr aak a continuance. HENRY PORTER. April 14, 1848. U 4u PROSPECTUS or THE N0ST1I CAROLINA HERALD, 1 HE underaigned, having formed a part nership, will continue the publication oflho "KaiMMi'b Herald" aotii the et ot Juc. at which ume ibry will pabinh aa enlarg. d abart, P' . T IH are per aauem, im oeVoircv; Two Doll.ire and Ft ly Crate if but paui witiiin three month from ike dale of lb fint number re ceived; or Tbie Doliara if but paid Junng the tlhacriiiUoaj rar ' 1 . , Tl Heraid ' wi I advocate Whig prtotiph a oereUiftira, ml will o conducted net only wrw a strict regard to mlt honor aod dignity, out wbh idue eourteay to opponeauiil all eootrovrratee thai mT aiiea. Particatar attautioa will be paid to lb p.e. .TbeUteet rorrtga laielligence, and ab , Mracts of the proceediga of lioOgrea and of lb ( Stale 1-cgialsture. will Ng'rea. Beaidaa-t per. ofitacolumn will be devoted to MiaerUen pat reading, of ojffl."ngtdda7"fricuttuj - ,j scienuactl rharaclar, amen ol aic& will be orfoal. In abort. eery Botl ejl h mad to ; JI Herald valuable and iuWreating. ; vt appeal principallv to the people .f Ken. I dolpb County fortopport in thie andertaking, and indulge lb hope, not uuly that oar old will ell conuuoe their aupport, hat . that a Lara number uf new will be ad led to litt ' W a alao respectfully aolictt a liberal patron, g from the adjoining Countiea, and other pi acre. and the encouragement and u port of miner generally. While we Indulge the hope of render ing the Herald worthy of the 'pport of th moat inteiltgeut and rA ed. wa can only promie what our eiperienee and untiring ffo:ia may render t Thlarged Herald. It will be remembered "" commence whh the PreaUemUl Campaign, and will embrace a period of great iiitereet ia con. aeuoenco of the unusual excitement hkely to pro vail ihroughool Eorep. .,: . ..' . J1 Club of Ave paraona, at on office, the Herald will be cant tor One. H ilar mud Fifty venu cacA aiway in advance. . CJAny Potmaalror oiber pmon, preevring Ave auhacribor. and remitting the amoont of aub. acriifion. will he eatilled to sixth copy, Iw ubeerriiere wMI be etreJul to lor want tsatr H. D. MACHEX S-1- R. H. BROWN. rVJUowayilfoTI868.WT -rr?r-- WriLL ho oold t BkUCR'd NK W.YORK vruUNDAltk . .fieri Match. 15th, 1848, at ibe folloVing very low piicc. or ti moain noteai , . . . , "" ' : BOMair. H0C0,& Plea' mi lb. 30 et. 6 ex. ' 90 ct. ' Small Pioa,v J S'd 50- Long Prituar, . 34 . - 60 Bargeoi, , . 37 . t r 66 A 100 r . 108 -, 120. Hi ler, ... 49 .,, ,74. Minion, . '. 48 . 84 Nonpareil," ' 68 " 100, ff. ' 79" " 180 Pearl, : 1 108' ! 1G0 J39 ISO 180 420 ,4.1 The abov prict, in aoneMtioneo of Inerea ed faeilttto for manebcturing. .- mack reduced from iornier raieev. , A liberal diacouat foe each in hand at the dal ofih Invoice., , , .. . , . t'reaaoe t.'hita,C, Wood Tip. Ink, &a furnuhed at th loweat manufaeturrr1 price, either for eaaker etedit' ' .' ' , ' Oar Specimen Hmk hi 1848 it now ready for diiribaiioj to Primer, who will oand for it, and eoatairra mgey new article that have never before erhibiied uch a Writing Fluorialie. Ornameni. Ornamental Font itc. of which wo have a ample dock for tbcptoaipt eteeutton of order. ' " '- ' j ,' Printer of Npper who ehooa io pob- liah tin advenieenient three lime befoi the 41 of Juno; 1818, and tend oner of th pa per, will bo paid for It in Type when they pei eliaae liow , of oat- ow aaaufactnro, ae lecied from our epectuieu. time the a mount of I heir bill. ,, ( T, , "; Porale eeveral good eVnnd.riand Cylinder tnd Ptrtten Power Prreaee, Standing Pieeeva, llaad Piiaumg Preaaea, etc - ' ' .. - a,, CKOKGIC I! RUCK kW. ,,!, f 13 Cbambci trt, new, orh. . .MJ 10, 1818. ' - ' " mml" 1 U i ij.'i-.-vt, if . ... ... . ' TpsTIM NY OP THE DOCTORS tX PAVOR i c. ' .. .- . OP ' Wtatar'o BaUaat or, Wiltt Cherrjr. n i . . EaeUt,M Sept 30, 4o , Thia rrrtinee that 1 have recommended tU oe efDr U'l.turaBalicnit,rWil4 rher ry f diaeaaee -f the Laaga, for two years peat, and many bottle te my ka.wlelr have been i oeed by my pat tea ta, all with banahcial eeeulia.- Lt two eaavit wh ra it was ibcight oonnrovi d oen eumptioa bad taken place, the Wild Cborrj Seet da car j" . j a fc i . E. BOTDE.V. Phyaiciaa at ruee Comet. ' Dr. Bradford JCnapp ofCrwvo Poial.N. Y..i a letter dated August td. JM5, seyw ln I Be enuraa of my prattic ia this viciniiy I haveleaW la noma rood dec re the rood uaalNa oi rTi- tar'i Jtobmm HUd tacrry ia Pulmonary Com plaiou and I now wish to procure a aopply, of th medkine.' - . Dr. A.H. Maeoalr, nfTaiboro. North Crolta. rile a ande date of fab. 14, 1847 that be has waDr Wi,tarB Balaam of Wild Cbawry in hie pociioa i be last eighteen ntaotha, aad eoo-idara it the best preveraiioa of the kind he ever saw and know of none ao deatrvjng the public patronage. Dr. Wa, a. Shaw, of Waahiigton, N p.. writes, under d.le May 1, 1840. a fctoww ' 1 have beard of many cw of decided b- ne" fioial elTaert dem Ita ave. eepeaUHy la sthm and chroouj ooogh of spaewodis charMrt I have aeed th Wild Cherry a great dent iw pranks, aod with aurked ood reaalts la tboao caaaa of t'-at narvuua mubilitv. mlA lrritabillV. IO which pttbi cat na'lent are euhieei Th oomblaatlun of these principle in W ietar' Balaam of Wild Cherry kt fng atmaie andajoVrieaje. 1 ": Medical man are ju-tly ditruatful -af Pa cut Medteia ia geaeral, bat eandor moat diaciimin aia between oatnieeiina humbuaa and no rum andihoM roiedictrteawhtah'h and in many well alteMed caa-i euraltvt. Dr. H iffman. Huniinrdon. Pa . eared a child of Arhma with IV after he oVctara.1- ho could do ao more with hie akedicine, and the r hi M must die. l)r P-wleiah. of rtaater ie S. Y,' y he cared Liver Complaint of f ur year etanding, that would i ot yield to the ual remediea. AbraHam Kkillman M D f Uoundbronk, v. J , aay it i lb heat med rind f tWamptlon, in tverf ttuge, ihst hs has eer known miftn r fW oo hundreds nf caaea bl rofirn, that would eot.viwe all ol i e great virtue- Editnre. lawyers, clergym- a. and almnet y at laat found out tbat W iaiar'a rlalani of Wild hetrv i whM 'i i reeommei ded l be." i ha verv ht rm-dirine to be l"0nd. It core or r liev' all aAVuona of the l.ungs when nothing elaewill. " ' ROBB, VINF-BREN RR & Co. , (Lara Msacaaar tattasi.l Beg ie to rec mmend their iaccesors, 1 JOHN KELLY tk Co. o rheteuat treet. Pbtluelelplila f e taetr frtettd and Me toatreae, 1 bey ar hM mrseeiaafsboFaalllOwe andarbaireadae. leer eortroent t SfJllYO and fiUMMEK fTKST OF ESOLAKlt and F MEATCM . f Clothe. CaMlmera ana feeling. . fOf th leteat rmMrtt'one.J Perwna visiting PHILADELPHIA. r re oect'nl1 Invited to eall end nemine 'heir evten ive fttek. Order from any aectieo f th Union promptly aUamded to.' ,-' ', dflrlB Two Liiorsry aocistss of Rndl4 Ma iX eoa Colleco will be publiclv kWdree-ed by Hon. Haas A Wis,af V-oa th 13th June next, whirh ie the day immediately proceeding jtt annual commencement. T.L. HA IM. IVE, Cer. ge. e F. L. AWrty. April 14. ' ' - office of Literary Board. ? . . .' ' ' Ariir8. 1648. J T a meeting of the Board held th! day. it w ftetobed. That th aum of Tbi-y ThaH eand Dollar. ($30 000) ia pert of the nett m come of the Fond for the eupport of Common School, during ti current year, U now ditltit. Bled among the eeveral Cmintiea of th State, ia orvoortioa to their Pederel Population.- " f WILL; A.QHAHAM. i t PmLex aficio, Llierary Board. ,i' - '. ... ,. yt-i. "f JAMES E. BROWN WHOLESALE AMD RBTAJI, . SADDLE II A!DTItUK BfAKEB. A. 143 Market St. between 4 th U llh St$ ; ,:. i,.,, PHILADELPHIA, rtiESPECTFULLY io n form Dea'er and oik ra, tbat he mannlacturea ad keeps eoneUblly an band aa extensive asnrtm-nl of Had ' dice. Briddlea, Rooet and Enamelled Leal her addle Bag, Csllara, Whip, Ae Alee., a largo etnet M .Mote Lniber.Ruaaet, Black and Faeey colored Solid Riveted Trunka. VaHcee. Ac-lofether wih from 300 to BOO aaxoriy. Hrsaerle and DluWsk t arrwt B'ra. Ladie dm, oatcnella. Ac j all of whirh h onrv at i ad lowest pneea, aod aotictu on1 exaaiia- atioe ef hi gooda, being eon blent that every ar ticle oill give aatifactia. both ie phce aad qoal- 4--7t. jrpHETruaieeeof tle 1'arboro' Male Academy 4A wish to employ a competent person to lake charge ef this School, wh ra com wl re era ami ded a to habits and aaliflcation to teach th venoo Draarbesof aa Academical oduoatloa. ' Tarboro' to coaaiderrd a haaltbv tecatira. ibe so. elety la good, and a wsll conducted Hchoel will b liberally patroniaed. , ., - , ... , AppTicanta willaddreea, poet paid) Truttsea ef lh tsiboro' Male Aiademy. v ' J JOSIH LAWRENCE, k .'.1 JAMES WEUIIELL, ,t HENRT T.CLARK, A, , -t JAMES M. REDMtIN ROBERT IT. AIT8TI.X. ' ' T BOBEliT NORFLEET. iiai jn" Dnnao PD iiDiri.'TFDSi ' ; WILLIAM G. THOMAS, ' ' JNO. DANCT, w- ' M-'A Troste,.: April 37. I848.V ?,',.slM A TC ICIIKIt vVANTKDa ef seed moral character, qoalillcd to prepare etodenta tor Cllgo.T. ' J. T, LEACH. ' - JA8.TOlLf-0?f. a MaetoB Ceantr, Jena "tb, 1848 tt-tt. INDIAN PROVERBS ; k- ? Freea the Ohjebwa. ; 1 , "rJ'- 1 If ymi are a good hunter, 'in lor, ami a medicine man, wheR yn 'die; yon wi I hare no' difficulty ia grtiing to die faf e cat iniheapim lmd".- . 1 y '" Li s ton to tb word of year parent, never be ttti a tent then tht ureal Spirit win give yon a meg; lire." Water pu by any :ni1gnt peraon withuul giving somcihing to eat. Owh raU-yah-tak-mek-ke-gab-ahah-wane-tritg me, apirit , thai aeea ; yea . wul ,li you ge an orphan in want help him for veu wi be rewarded : by hi - uieoda litre r thanked by Dua parento ia the lend of epiriiev., f , , 'i'&X--'.f..,-, e If ydu own a gooti hunting dog, give it to be firat poor matt who really' needs When yen a deer, or hear never appiopriaie it to yoonelf alone, it ot era are in wntj never withhold from them wha th Great' 8pu it iia blessed yon with." .. . W ben yon eat , share with the poor children wh are near yu for when yve are old . thy wUl admtuialer to vour wants." Never ote imprnper medicine to the injury of aneiher teat you yourself receive the same treument. ... , 7 "When oppoe nnity oners, call the grd together and-provide fr themveni an prnperl) eowked, and give them a nearly, welcnme; thep ibe gml (bat have favored then will be your," i -. Tar Jtwtr Steamboat Company." We are gratified to anttoutice the for mation of a Company under the above title ctitiiptaed eulirelj of eittiepa . t iMlgecontbe. . The requisiie amount of Hick,, haa keen g'reedy . siiUeribed the to kboliler hv'M a meoiing and ties pale ed an agent nonh in purr hee the boat. We hope in announce bet arrival in out a ateis in a lew weeks. - . Tarboro Press. ; IMPORTiiW t PRO; ECT In the ,Sulher LUt.-ary Afeengtr of the present montli, ia a letter fiota Ltevt Maury id. ibs linn , T Uuder Kn g, : in nawrr t one dilred by the latter m the former. be subject ol these Jetton ,, m oi an ietpoi ant tltararter, and. indicate th great spirit of iatprovement which per vmies toe preceni age. , i i-e projert - in contempla ion i ar Hite to China by , Rail Road and s'esni Btiais; The iibina - ol the s'esrners. is, Monterey, in California), and Lhanghaia in Chin. The passage between these place will be made in tie Jay, including , day'e stoppage at F. lalanda for coaling. A rail road frm Ha 0Ah Jfld CbarletoB, to Memphis, -if. Tenneasee hs been already ia partly eonip tied. From - Msmphie i tlenteier, tlie distaneeby an air line is I 00 Biles .,;! .i -;.:,..,.: e. Were this Rail Road completed io Mon terey, and the line of atesmera established from that place to Changhai, the product tone And ikh merchandize of China and Japan might be placed in lh lap of the great valley of the V isaissippi within ihir, tydays. The intelligence brought ' by each arrival aould be telegraphed to New York and Boston, thence by- etesmere in thirteen dy to England, and in a few hours serosa the cltannel, and immediate ly communicated by magnetite wires to all part of the continent ; and thus, by tht route, - intelligenee - mieht be conveyed from China, through the United Htatee to the people of St, feterabuig and Moscow, and perbaps at no diatant- day to - Uon lantinnpJe also wihia forty-five tfsys. Lieut. M ury asvs:. Mil you look to the long and much talked ef eanai acme the I.thmusof Uarien to Panama, you will find that a pcrson.fntm Memphis to China by tbat route, on making Capo 8t vLoca the touihsrn point ol the Peninsula el Cali fornia, be na neater to Changhai, in point of dietancethan he was the day he em barked at Memphis, noiwintanding that to reach Cape hu Lnc-a he would have travelled up-aids of 4 000 mileef and if he should go by he way of the 8sndwieh Islands te would to rssch. China, have to perform journey of g 000 miles Irre iter than would bo required of him on thie neiTTMne' WTOXZKI Ultmifc ele ei. Monterey. i -. v The Rail road must M a wotk or time: but the line of steamers may be ' quickie tarted - Lieok M.' -Sue ct nht a mail he eaiablwhed to run in connexion with them fmm Monterey to the most eonveni. nent point in the States, '' , ,s V,"(,,M 1 here is one Taet stated by LientMaory, which surprised es hot a' littlewhich ia that New Orteana Is 00mteg nearer, in the diieetion of travel Io China, than Pans. Ouf limits will not permit its to ' enter more fully into, the details of this interest ing subject, nor to give b sattsfaeiory statement of all the fac's and reaennine brought forth meuppert of ihhl projecl, by inintgniy aienteo ana aaeTui officer. But from what we have Said wetrut our read er witl appreciate the Importance of the enterprise end join with us in hoping that ear H tlmtnrton Mr ' Manthteter . KaU Iload will be leedy and waiting to panic! pate In the work to be performed In trana porting travellers and communicating the Intelligence connected with this mammoth ecteme. '"''"" .-- - 3Tm the oriltiatt gfwpm loha Qdiuey Adam,' delivered a lev day since J Evraid Everett the following W r m given written by m.. a. m tw lailier m ibe 10th year of hie are 1 he reader will aaa i. it ka -. kfii.-.L. a . 7 V T ol atddv formed Vest iih.laurla kia close adherence to which in ef er life eon- ,-, . trtbiited, without much to hi eminence a acbutar and a eta emaa: , ; BaAivTBsa. Jane 1,1777. ucab oik I love to reeeive it iters very well; much better tnen.l loteie wnte them. I make bat a poor figure ot ttrnmaiihtn My bed is. much too fickle My ihouchu are runnier after bird's eggs, plsy and i iflra, till I get veied wkfc myself . Mamma has a wouhleeome task to keep mo tudytng. I own 1 am ashamed of myself I have ju-t entered the thitd volume of llo tin's Hietory, but have deeirncd to have got half through it by UiiS ume. I am determined thie week to be more 'diligent. Mr. Thal ler is abstnt at Court. A have set rays f sfstint ibis week toread'theHhird volume half out., li l caa out keep my reeatait m, I may again give a better account uf royetC I isb, sir, you would give me to . wmtng some ina'nictinna with regard to the, o-e .f lime. and advise me how to porpor Ion my siudieeanu play, and I wul keep them by me and endeavor to Mow ihem. With the preaenlijrterminauon of grow ing better, n, dear ir, your aon. , ' P. 8. Pia: If you will be en good as to favor me with a blink book I will Iran scribe the mt rem-irkable pa-ageg 1 meet wiui in my reading, which will serve to OS them upon my mind. . ; Such was 1 1 beginning of a Me, the rkiee of which isdrsriibed in 'he fo'low- ing interesting paragraph, which' wa find like ic in vr r.wtii el"gn in o moer, imd, while walking with a Iriend it Bsion. Mr Adams feu a par. alv iierhock. lie at otire bhI it was lite ahoek of death, v In hia journal he made the enuyt rf'Froin his d-tv I dat- my de-v ceae. conaidct myself for erv use ful puroote to mvself and to me fellow- eittxen, .oe d,aX'? U ia jottrft'ri w hteb he had kept for mre thsn fiitv yeirs, ship pea on tnl dy. f our months afterwards he re umed ii under the lira l of ?.! bu mons Memoir." The evening previous to the final ehock he receivet in the Uell of Repreeenutivf, he had read to . htm rnikhop, W ilberfiiree aornion oo time. i oat was toe last night no passed . umlrr ii own root. . ' A southern paper thus amusingly takes off lirigndier Ueneral ' Pi low I he - man that madd Mr Polk, la he declaies. President, He was dressed in s full suit of regi mentals with the braes buttons and gilt lace pertaining to s full brigadier. sua wore lL3S!OT:wrn "st-arter-the moat approved atyle of - mi nut mul is. tie was accompanied by bis aid, two scr eam end bad alnx? the irauwite number of pra'oeiof eon rsers, either twr'a charge et a en eat. he Gene al ffraiified tlie citisen f New Orleafia with bia horeuiaiihio irequeniiy during his stay, t bvery morn ing bis aervaois led oat two ol bis chargers ..... n - elegantly caparisoned siid walked them np an I down the streeb in front of tite Bit Charleet and opon inquiry as to 'whnee kofsee they were, al way condescended io nwer, - I hey are Brigadier Uenc- ral Pillow's sir Biigsdier Usneral Pillow ia g wine to take a ride ir. ' 1 The morning alter his arrival be. accompanied by bis aid. mounted his horse it is sid without any other accident except twio tripping him- sell up whh bis spurs, and gallantly irotte-i op Su Charie; around ie to Maeasios sfoet, where he.haited before the Picsyens office The publisher in hot baats. rush ed ti the door, wheio after leeeiving a mil iury sslate from the Biigsdier, the follow ing racy aod unique dialogue look nlice: ' What is the price, arnd the Brigadier, of twelve nambera ol the ncsyuue ; par annuml . . a.:- - - r-if.'vi-.t n , Twenty dollars. said the pablieherv That ie pretty rail, however sen, six embers to Mrs. Brigadier General Pillow al Columbia, Tonne, and six to Mr. Brisadier : Oeneral Pillow whereever ha may be on service as he expect to be on acMve duty soon. And by the " way yoa can announce io year paper to morrow that Mi,' -".It Tr 'r, ? 1 fJ413icsiih.snd Te" At pc eent. staying at the St. Charie. - ! , eiern lb New Or'ean Picayan. OLD ZACll AGAIN CAPTURED! - i '-' LIFE ON THR COAST. : 5'!! -f Iberville. Msv. 5. IS48. vTbegood people of Iberville have been in an excitement Ut soms days crel'ediby aa e pectet vieu irom ueneru t ay lor, he having ' promieed . to eall on some of his eonterou friends in that parish ., and pa take of their distinguished hospitality. Quietly and unheralded, accompanied be D. I). Avert, E-q. "' be presented himself yetterdv ' at noon, (foesday,) at the residerre of J,'N. Drown Esq. where he partook ef sumptuous dinner, and then firoeeded to lh htmse of a warm perannal riend. Col R. Stewart, where ha etub liched himself for ihe day. The General was in remarkable line spirits, and sine bs hs thrown aside the miliUrv dreaa and come out in a new suit of black, it aeems ss if he hsd turned bsck the wheels ol lime od stricken the marks of ten' yesrt from his capacious brow We can form seme slight idee j ailsniivel te lyinj hi face how li looked when li hteJop by the eicitement of ba.tte; but yesterday, a h wended hU war along w'itu the bro .d bo-, some of the Miiinpi on ene til i i fialda of nana aa I ha ttil.o. IhA.i.lit !, ,. l. . . ' " iu-v . me eriaenre oi score gave a rar m .re pFo- ... ....." . .L . vih Mwrewi v u K ri, uiin even Ma- el n or arms and the crash ' or glorinu war' could . la fncl Gen ' Tylor'e heart revels ia the "quiel pursuits of sgricdl lrsl lif! itie pa ing strange bow entirely be puts off his armour when "off dat;" Ie thi respect be hss no prototype except in the great man he resembles, in eo many other pni . u. Washington, the . Father of his Country. , . -, ... . It hiiened that on the eerr evenine. of the arrival ef General Taylot at Col Stew art'a, the beautiful residence of. Mr Simon Li Blanc was lighted ao anCI it seenvd to be one blaxe of light, and within its tre eineu were heard the sound of revelry, The patrtarfh'a youngest dsnghier had a to;hotir before stood t the briilal altar ami hunilrilof iclstirei sad admiring fiientl ereg4tlyand joyously celebrating ths event, I he rumor went through the rrnwd ; that Gen. Taylor had : arrived iu the aeighhoilHtod llie beautiful bride, the troupe of bride's maids, the wboM eircleof uiina 's fairest daughters that graced 'be festive scene, lisped t honor. u name while the gentle nvea mere boite oniiy gave vent to their feelinge of admira- intnH-lo few mesAaoutlie ladtos Xanned a plan to capture the old hero." Tlwy fsh eonDtlent that they eould do - what Santa, Anna and twenty thoogand picked Iroopa entild not. Miss, Miaa , and Mi atlire lovely young, ladies, were atone, organised into a powerful army, supported by several gentlemen. It V was agreed . that' the laddiev should gelimo lH Pritcbsrd's carriage, the gentlemen In to A 8 Roberson'a, it being owned by the 'grand marthall." and that the corpa should proceed quietly . up to Gen. t aylors encampment (Col biewart a houce) and carry it by a coup tje main, t he , anair v ; wu entirety , aueessr fttl; tne light artillery of the hnuso unper- wa ratHinj yety Jjardat the time and boldty anirring Ihe ealiy port tec- ri d old Zsck in fifteen second. A1-. the . titcs he was firmly seated ia a lstgo red backed arm chair. Col Siewait aupportin; him on the rixht, his accompliaiied lady -on the left, lite General on the firat at- , lack attempted to tcanaiovre, but It wis lot, I failure; ibe duch was'oit the wrong . Me anil ihe first general discharge of a . little nmre grape of bright eyea set him a . fluttering and with a few random shots be surrendsd at discietion long before th heavy artillery in the resr wss brought, in to srtion. Old Zwk, however displayed eonaiderable presence of mind even , umlor the novel pneiiion'of a defeat a'ld cspitula tetl lliat Ae should ride "to "the- weddiug riiiz: the carriage with hi cap fteetots, ami be treated nterwiae with all the eonaiderai'mrt of hononble warfare, I am eorry la add -tn this connection, tlisl one of the yonng la-'iea fired several shots at general) Taylors heart after he had "given ep," but fortun ately the aim missed and killal two young gentlemen. " -: ; ' W a. a ' ' , a '.at m aa O 1 " lien Taylor wis instantly hurried oil lor fear of a reae, as there were lirgs forre of the enemy hor1ng about, alt anxioue to get him into their poiiestion; " He ' ee-. ted in a most resigned msnntr througliotii and aa far as we eoul J judge, showed little of La Vega s spirit, st being raiBr pleased with his ' place of prieoner.' 0 i arriving at Mr Le BUne's lie waa conduct ed with due ceremony ' into the crowded rooms. 4 boxx nf exfit men! followed; snd when the old General was seen, the waving of fair hsnd and loud shouts ' tif mm Lt General Taylor, welcome Gen. Tavlor followed: a 'bridal favor wis ic- mediately pinned en hia right shoulder ami another Imprinted upon hia lips, ant 1 he berime the observed ol sll observee.1 8ucli ' an overwhelming and heaufclt inception J we never before wiineed. The Ueaitd was litlerrelly eruhed under favorr;' . he however maintained hia petition, i would be irapmible for us Io detoii all the inlereiiing .incidents of the occaiion and rst- haps it oould not be proper for os to notice that the little grandson of Mr Simon Le Blanco, who rejoices in the tct tnbr name of Zachary Taylor wa placed ia the old eK3Krt TStoOTring that it was bo a GeneTrp?V,fte :.-V bound to ays. This incident so interestinr ia it self snd a hundred others . lestifrinr the deep hold General Taylor hss upon the DstTisol the people of Loauiana, wo wiH not write but abruptly snd ear letter, wbierr sul faintly, record the events of the fint dae nf General Taylors visit to Iberville. , Un Wednesday morning tlaiieral Taylor pursued his Jouroey down the coat calling al the reaideneet of Dr Pritchard. A. 6. Rnhertion. CdwaTd Moore. John llsnn:.. Jr. and R.C(lamp,Eq. AtMr Hagan'e he(wss saluted with some remarkably fine moiie At Mr Cimp i he crowed lb rtver, end wascoadocled tothe reiidenes of C.' ' Adams. Esq. at which place was asssmbled a number of friends. The uncertainly.. of General, Taylor's movswente-, mad , intpueiuio ior arte lira Ol oi visit ur no given nut and consequently very many were debarred fiom paying bun their TH- . Cects. All who shook the old horn by lh snd did it with a cordiality that earn from the heart, and all endsavored to no foremost to paying bim attention. It ' lainty was a curious thin? to Gen. Tijlor ansng ths iJeh fliafare";