.. SEAVELt & Wholesale and Retail Gmert. . , w AVE ea bawd, aad ere d.itjr espeeiwg. eddi II two wakh, wheo rvecived, "ill eke ' Jaigeat atsorttteat of ttoedt m their line over fr-dBlWesrkt- and will k told, Wwimu HcralS, la tuft uslnraers,sl i reduced nriecti J HogsbesdsBKOWN SUGAR. SI Sk. pf4M Hi COFrXK ' f.1 d - - .-.??; - 4 da Old Goveraeaent Java Colt 1 10 kbit. Crashed SUGAR - f da Pulverised do ' ' do NevrOrlesat Clarified Sugar 0 agei doubl reined Loaf da " t Hoganeads MOLASSES : ' 1 Cak Sage Jloete t l I i refined N O da I da amrior SYRUP lOOBackiSU.r Grouse, Aluss d Liverpool ' SXX) lbs. BACON Mown ' keel CU r N A ILS 4 peoay ta SO penny 100 beg. old OOH MKtL 10.000 CIGARS, vsrrowhrssd 600 Ibt CHEWING TOBACCO fRsmhaal'e) betes - da , - . f da " (UogkaraV v- da Satokiag d '.' Mate4CiaaiB Groaad do Iatlbae Do Cloves do do Do Allspiea da 4a t krgt whole Allspie do da Meek Pepper 1 hotel ground do k 6 das. London Murtard . ' do Atserieaa da -'! t aaVmloa tod America, ia i Ifc sn 6 ksgt Powder alto, flea Canitlsv do SO bosss Tstfow Cslis . da Sperm vd I da Bar Soap 18 dot, Cak 4a assorted ' SO grass perfumed Malebet 84 do Table Salt SO hose Window GLtSS, assarted . 'rorteiit;iMMnpai (Meidtiekhraad) . .. PSKNCH BKANDY, Importation ol 1011 Uo. O 4 Oofoeo - .... Do. Champaga Do- " etoiCMtM , . , Old Port : t OVl Mad-rk , 'Madeira, for eookiug SMIy Msdori J -!-.. I V WINES, ' Sherry Old Jamaica Ram J ' T Hollssd Ci" ' " Ssotch W bitkey, eery eld Old ty do ly-eajtatn am hi ?; -.. Honied Porter Baldura. Shad., Mackerel tod Rock FISH . 'Rooked Beat and Tobtnet Imperial. Gunpowder,-Yaang Hyson It Wick v' Cbomtate and Cocoa fTfc " Shot, Bagging Twioe, Bed tords. left he. b Withalareeauartmeet ol STONK WAKE. j Rileb-fc. No. 18, 1U7. Ulf. .STEAM MAHBLD WOBKS, t. ia aoio, aaott araiaoaaaaaa ax., i- PHILADELPHIA' MPHIS extcnaWe eataMiahmentla erected 1 , JI j,. on sn improved plan, and by the aid ol iMeam i'ower manuiacrarca an rnaa"ti Plain sad Ornamental MARBLE WORK, in s superior style, and at the lowest pri ces. '.. - . : ' The largeet and beat aatortment of MtatLa MiiTiLt, Imported Parlor and Garden Statu mtt and PoonTiuit. Titte for floor, eke , tnay-a toon at the Warn Rooma, to which tbo MeatiM of tha pablUi it reapecifulry invitod. Marble Cotterttapplied at all time with any namher of Bni'hed Mam el and Table Tope, Ital ian Tomb and Monument cat to eizea or finiali- d alto ontMtanily on band, a hvg oaacrtmrnt . Ameneait Grtr Wtune ta the rough or finished, Marble in 0 block. Ite. JOHN BAIRD, Riitga Road, abora 8pnng Garden at. PhitailclDhia. March 87, 1140 18 tm " - sLAWPS AND OILS ONL, to Dealers In Lamps, Girandoles, Candelabra, dec dkc-, HAVING had ten years experience in the Lamp trade, I hare now ' doted out evry other article for tba pur poo of giving it my entire attention, and I feci justified in saying that declare will Bad it to their adtantaga to give ma a trial. 0a hand and constantly f ereiving, the lateci imp entente in all kindo 4 Lamp for barning fclhereel. Pine, Sperm Oil, and La d. OrJm for tha GENUINE ETHKKEAL AND INE OILS eerafully and promptly etlen.led to, at lb Idwoat market pries. Lamp Glaato and Wicktefallkind. '""; J. 8. TOUGH, " BaUlmw Street Bridgt. Ballimore.Md. ' 13-lat. Marden's Patent Platform Scales, Balance, Counter Scales, and every other kinder Weighing 'Apparatus v---ii. t ih groat variety t'f Marden's Improted ls ttfament for VVei(rbing none hat been found of a groat convenience end utility aa the Platfotm Mcsm, which ha, attonuhing degree of Mcoraey i bringing Into icnerai um, The Plalibrin Seale, invented by tha under signed, hat groat lmprotemeate upon thooa here (ojre Ib aearIte oupariorny eontiet, - tt , . let. Ia the atmpliciiy and atrength of il eoa- atroctioa. by which liability ta Injury by wear it entirely obviated. , , . , . . Snd. In the greater accuracy with . which light, heavy or medium draft caa b weighed by it. Srd. I 4a oet, which ia considerably lower than tbtt of airy other tctlei ; - Thee are all importtnl considerations ia the parchasaof a acaletand their tery citeotiv aal In this country ft refer to every firm that baa Vrd them J it a proof of their tupenoriiy. Tbttuoacriber also keeps constantly on hand a large assortment f Wtighta and Mrts- urts, for town and coaniry ttndardel Brtst and Scale with andwithout atsiiJs7suisole IbiWl ra Sprint; Baltncrt Tiip Scale and Reman Stee jardv Iron and Bmet Balanoe and toittblt apparatut for ry aft and kind. -. Ery Ibiaf manufactured by tba Mbecriber la warrantad tod if not found eautl t what ia ra emmanaVl, the money will be returned. Weight gradnated la th tttrdard weight ef all countrirt proved and warranted perfectly correct, , AU kind of Repaiiiog don with correcthes .' ndptomjitnea. ..t , ,j . - . . r.. ' -. i J ESSE MARDEN. kComar of South Chariot k Ktdderaton elta., i " . 'w flaJUmora, .'.4.4 ) 11 fim. fllfilTAXNl i WAUR. U ..HE tubstribar rneetf!lyf inform, Country ' i Mrcbtnt and alhera, that they wm eorisiaat. ty manafseturing, and keep an, hand, a Urgs a irtment of tUbr Baimoi wass. la their tock ill be founds Coffee Pols ,TfBPelf, Miliar Bowls, 5 Casters, , Tabic Spoons, "Lard Lamps, sTieAtn Iol, jPitchersa . ; Iteer isg,' Tea Spoons, Spittons c. tTt-fV ' W will warrant our stock eqrjsl t any In ibe atisrk. t and piiashaatMaJl find it U .lhri ..advao to eall befor purchasing el rwhrr., ' -, -' ' It tLL A BOAKDMAN. JV. 181 Xavth Third Streel, Phtlade'phi. -aaa U TATBS COLT.l!CTI!Cd AGBWT " i r. B. Palmer, Baa- Philadelphia, kaaoua J for htaMelfa high repiHaUoa a U. Afiaiee leettnf Afenl. tie boa offieo in nMaoiproa. fork, Bot4H.BtMliiaiUBio. pUeoaliaaelaaeacaat . Ibw paper bm dt dm rpompt. dillgetrt and ra.'lhfuldiohargf iha dulieo of hie agener ae alwaya gin tigbt mit tetieo, and the heat oMoeo m mm uu.iw, for tha baiaiaaaa.. . ' '' : .''" :" Being twine! that ono oacm again lor oar aa cabliabmeut ia wifT'uiant io tha abaea med cittoa wa henbt gia nauea that feeroa'.ior V. raiBMr will be h only eulh'id egeol lor IDC Ktleigl. tr a d Ft: C Gjtett to reetire egbarnptfc and ilfiismiiM.' and rant rereipte-in tbo ent of Boaton .New York, nuladeipma, Mt Ballimor ' .-.; .V . SPLENDID STOCK OP SPRING GOODS. - HAMILTON EASTER & CO., 203 Market Street, Baltimore, Md., Would intita the altantioN of Wooleaala and Ro- I..I Durehaeera to Ibeir BPLEND D (tTOCK OP SPRING GOOD, which will bo found much the largeot of any eetabluhmanl In Baltimore. CMBKACINO , Rich Silk's 4c Ladleo, Dress da, of erere atvle that ie fabHnble or deeirable. Raimbazinra and Faanilr Ifl warn- in m (lea) da -- Bhawlt. Mantillas. TlsltCSr in reel '. , Table Data ask M aMnenst Linen Sheeting and llausekeepiug Gooda of all Minds. " Domeatlc Cottons dfc ileavjr Goods for aertant oar ; T " Cloths. CasslBerS Testlngst Dril- lingo, c. rXT-peraona rial ling Baltimore trill Bnd peculiar advaniagea in dealing wilh at, at Irom tha great oitrnt and rariety of oar atoek Ibe can general ly parebaae all that id wanted in ooe plaro, and he ing a regular and anifurm price (without abete i..iit) itoadvaataga can bo taken of tboea not follr acquainted with tbo- value of Goode,. lTTAb HUatMa;rWHt ritniamTairBar! 18 3m. UWIVKIISITY- arpHR PUBLIC ANMVERHART EXAM IN 11 ATlONoflhe ftoJentaof the Uuiveraity of North Carolina, will be held at Chapel Hill, on Monday, the 33d day of May enauing, and bo continued from day today, until 1 bun day, the let day of June, beim tht firtl Thunday in June, Wtiti-n laat mentioned day la appointed Ml trie ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT of the College. The iollowing Tiualeea compote tbo Commit tee of Visitation; Hie EiceuVncy, Wiu.uk . Gain am, Gov ernor of tha Stale, and Fieaiuent Jr ecte of the Board Hon. 0ti L. 8wii,L. L. D, PretiJent of ;,7k.osl. Atho Danl.l M.Bairinr, Wiiii.m . iwiHrnrf rrHma ora,rg,A;BteaAaaroer,Ajio. Datidton, William Eaioh, Jr. Bolrjwa H. Gai ther, William II. V aehington, Jh C Williamt Solonrm Qrave. Frederick 4 Hill Jamr Iredell, George W, JtfTrevt, James Mebane, B. F. Moor. Frederick Naab. f homaa Settle, Nichols L. Will iamt, and Patrick H. Winston. All oth r Mcmbrre of the lloar.l of Traaltea, who may attend will bo considered Memhere also of this Committee. By order, CHARLEi MANLY, Sec'y. Raleigh, April 8, 1848, ' , IS, CHEAP WATCHES dfc JEWELRY ' ' ITH0LB8JLR A9U RETAIL, At At fkiladtlphia Watch and Jew try Store, ' A. 98 North Second St. ctriur tf Quarry, Gold Lv-vVatehea, folljow elled, I I ear eases. $3100 Silver do. lull jewalled IS 00 Mfvrdo rjewrtlt, It 00 SilvrrLruirwt, jevel'd, 14 00 'I 9 Quanwrt, good qual.tr, 7 00 . , J Imiiatiea, if Gold Spectaclee, f to 7 00 1 50 S 00 ri 5 00 Pibo Silver--,',.- O , Gold Rrseelelt. Udiet Geld Penellt, Wilver Tea Spoons, art, t Gll Pent, wilh Prneil and Silver Holdei, Gold Pmger Kings 37 J eentt In $80 ' Watch (ilataea, beat quality plain 194 ecart i go Pat- ant It). Laaot BS. athai articles ta proportion All goods warranted I b what they are sold (or. On and tome Gold end Silver Levert and Le- pines, till lower thaa tha above prieet. Wt,, s; O.CONRAD, Jeweller and Manahaturor ol Silver War, Waieh Makrr aad Importer ol Watehct Co at ant I y ea hand. large aaaortment of all ar tielea ally kept m timilsr atiablithmenia, of good quality and rsahioaabl tlylec. 5 - I3t. HAT & 13ALJJ, HAVING) opened our Slock of HATS and CAPS for th in. - ..! . r . r : . . . - f speouon or Dr irinnas, wa- geem ii ftL unnetesaary to enter into pai ticulart smvj respecting th spring FaUiiona. VV would simply atat that ih stylo will ex eel in bsauly liuhtneas, taste, and legance, any thing vr oBerad in thia eity. 7Z Gentlamrn in want of a Hat or Cap are rea peeifuily aolicited lo eall and examine. R. TUCKER A SON " . 14. REMOVAL. ' ' LABOkUTOST Or THOMMONIA!! BOTANIC E'PH'M LAKRABEB.No. SO Sooth Cal ert ttreet, Baltimore, hat removed hit Laboratory to hit new building No. 84, and M oil sand we largest ana mmi th United States, prepared under hie special ear at his Laboratory being th first erected in the United States lor th special purnote or preparing TH0MSON1 AN BOTANIC MED- ICINE3. AH or me pulverised ana compoun ded articles Sre pot up in' tjuarier ane half pound package, and Itratty labelled, with di rection eoitabl lot reuillng, and opn hotter term than the same arliel can he had for in th C S. Every article in hi tin is war rsnled genuine ib publiectn rely upon this. JA liberal disenunt mad to country mer chant, who sr earivRularly reeoasred id call and examine guajity, fcc. hrfor reiaslrigy (XX'he varion 3 reatiaea, emnraeiog tite most reputed aether, Spun th Thomaoniao " or Boirinio System of Medicine may alto be had al hit etlablishnieoi,ty ths auantity or single copy. . ;- ' lo-I ! AGENTS V WANTI3D-' f0. CANVASS FOR SOME NEW .J. i AND POPULAR . WORKSv in er errCOLNTX ihroagltotit th UniteJ UIs- Ta Agent, the m el liboral eeooaraamrajt ia ofe bradn-rwrrh smatteapiial af from, f 8$ la f 100 k eh a i oflVnd, wbevwby an A gem can ' rnakw from (1 14 la (IA par week . , j. -v (0Paw furl nor particu'ara, Atroa . (post paid ) f - . WM A. I.EARYr No. 1 S8 .North SeoMd fitrrot, rtiHsoelrhr. 184a. TM Graefeque g Vegetable) Villi K330,OOOBOXKS SOLD EACH AND THE GRAEFENBERO company Hereby git notice that ihnr Geneial Agent f r the Staif of North Carolina ia Cl. V m. Job, Lourthutg, Frankli Ce. N. C. . 'J'be General Agent i fully prepared to ap point aub-Agote wherever taeie i ao bianch of the Cemoanv: either on personal pplic iton or by mail, pttt-pmid. Tha rapid tale of the celebrated pill, and tha extraordinary enrim they are eonttantly effwtirg, Tender thin by far, tbo most popular pill of Hi ago. An Agency will onnianlly bry valasbl. Th Graefrnberg Pill inconceivably tuperior to any ever before diteoveied. Jn all bUioue eotnplaintt in general derangeoicnt of the syatemi m all ditordera wblch result iioro a bad aiate of the blood, thete pill are a aovereigD rtniedy. " ' I th clatt of dlaeaae called chronic, th Graefenberg Pill achieve their highest tri amph. Her they - defy all ern pout ion Kniering withio the hidden receives of th ayatem. they quietly but torely purify th blood, root oat disease, and gire lone and vigor to th body. Cures are Constantly Effected By these Pills, in case whei avrry other mean had utterly failed. The moat abundant piocl of this coo Id be riven, but a trial of one boa will convince Ibe patient. They can be ordered end cent by mail, t trifling expenae Th pric it 85 tenia a boi. Where two dot tart worth are ordered and the money remitted, the company wilt pay the poetaft n the I'ille Remittances al th Company ritk. Where, r there i no Agency of the Company they pan b ordered by mail. The Pills are taking; th place of all othr, aad no aick prioa f hould be without them. ALL BXLLXOVS COMPLAINTS ltowei Complaints, Constipation, Dys pepsin, Fever and Ague, lleadaene, Jaundice, Liver C m plain t,R!ieu ma lbr,aJ13iomach,,Com Sickness, 6oc. tfce., yield at once to these Pilla. .They purg away offentiv ha moura, artett th progreea of dise.iae, and at the aatino lima reu tore ton and vigor to th system. In case of general derangement of th health, the; are SOVEREIGN. ii v tii hi it irsrc. Th weak will become strong; th pal and billiooa complexion be restored to a perfectly fresh and healthy eolor; alt the bad aympiome will one by one disappear. In ahon, these Pill are an Inconceivable advance upon any other medicine ever before offered to th public. A Taut, win eATitrr A)r owe o run. - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ia Joknitan bounty, - " Court of Pleat and Quarter Seitioni February Term, 1848. Bennett Tel.inron it othera lp,ulUn Gaston Rainet, A other. 5 L,nJ In thit case, it appearing to the .satisfaction of th Court that Edwin Rainea, John Rsii s and Matthew Rams, three of the Defendant, are non residenU of this 8tale : Tl I therefore ordered by Ih Court that publication be made in the Raleigh Mar, for six weeks, nolilying taid aon msideote la appear at ine H'ai ivtiu ui ji rani uun, iv o notdeo lor tn uoumy 01 jonnaton, at in uourt Houae in rmilbneld, 00 th 4th Monday af May next, the , and the. to abew . Cause, if 'an, thej have, whv the or a, er of the Petionert ahonld not b granted; otherwiir Judgment .will b takn pre conrsiiao at In tiirnoii-residenti Witness, Th'mat Bagley, Clerk of our aid Court at office Ibe 3rd day of April, 1848. THOMAS BAGLEY, Cl'k. Prist adv. 85 83 13-w, NOTICE. O! N the 14th instant, was taken or sto len out of my stable, in Orange county, Flat River, one SORritX. MARE, about eHtht )eart old, bat a large alar hi her forehead, one bind fort white, very ta backed, about 4 leer. S or 10 tnchtt bitch, rides well, hat a lolly ear riaae, and well gsiied. Any person that may fcnw ay thing or tier, will oblige mt by giving me Inlorroaiioa hereof, aad shall h rcasoaably aompenaaled for b same. JA8. WALKF.A. Mareb 80, 1S48 18 8tp Great Clotliin? Establishment. PHILADELPHIA WARDROBE. No- 103 Chestnut Street, between Third and Fonrtl, North Side. PHI LADE LP 1U A. TO SOUTH EH N AJVD WESTERS . MERCHANTS. Many gear experience in kumneee baa satisfied mo that pufing in newpaper without havtog any assortment lo back it t all humbug. . 1 there for hava eume to tbe determination ol having too Phllndelphln Wardrobe well atocked whh all kinds ot Clothing, and al Such price aa will pUse all. In proof of what I aay, i in vite look in the Wardrobe' whore ea alwaa b teen a bandaoma .and extensive an assortment of Gentlemen s Clothing aa can be found in tbla city. Remember th Philadelphia Ward, rob. Perry H. ltlcNellle, No loSCheslaut 8f Philadelphia. NT. B. A large stock of piece goods on hand Garment mads to order at the shortest notice. , . . . . 3m. GREAT NATIONAL WOKK. A nistory of the Itevoliitioa and BY CHARLES J. PETERSON An elegant volume wilh 18 fin Steel plates, and neaily 200 beautiful Wood Enrrratiog. Thia is a splendid hook. At valuable addi tion to the Historic Literature of our country; We are much mietakeo if it doe not tak lank with lb work of Irving and PreacoU. . - .i-.;: FronkferiHemld. . It sorpasses any aimilar work yet offered to the American public." AW Gazette . 'It may be properly considered a popular ised Military II tttory of the Revolntion, ex tremely w ell and judicious written.1 w,....,,......,,.. ,, rri-'-JraW. .tmjrraw -" . ""The preteal work on the lievolution snd lis Hero, is superior, beta in exient and design to any . that hat heietofor come under our no tice ray. . , . . , X well connected History of that eventful period, Ledger'. " ,, ' Decidedly the beat popalar History ofthe War of th Revolmton and ita Heroes that hat yet hero given toih tauutry.' tofirfoe ' E' I wwr Pest- ! f !. ,17-AGENTS W ANTED to Cenewtt fir the eoet elegant Iftrk in every Cetmif mod Town in the United State, lo whom Ih moat liberal mducementa will be offered. 'PilcaPnly $3. , A4drt.es (poat.patd) WM. A. LEARY, a - " Nv 155 North 8X0N D St. - -'r.'-"" PHILADELPHIA.' " ' . J-3m. BaSBBBSatBBBBBVM A Constellation ofthe moit v iJOTTERIES etnt EVER DRAWN IN AMERICA! LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Xo. 2 CALVERT STREET, (Opposite Barns ra'a City Hotel) Baltimore Md. . CjO 3 NORTH CALVERT-STREET it lb atn tetattiehe4 - Lottt Ornca is Tint Untrao Ktbtb., and ia well known all over Christendom as be ing the meet auccassful office foi telling Pri se! There having: been sold at ihie office a very large majority of all th high capitals form 1100,000 down, and w hop by Ih ataittanee of umc Fortune, careful, atlict, and prompt auention to all buinf oaltera pertaining to tha office, to fat excel oar PRKDEC KSS0RS, bating bad unexampled tucoes ia iluig Pri xet since we took thaeffic, w aay to aeh and very one that wish to try their luck, to pleat addrett your older to Wm. Battef & Co., No. CALVERT STREET. where they will be thankfully received and promptly attended to, aud the official drawing forwarded immediately trier ibereault. 20 Prixea of S000.DOLLARS.EACH Consolidated Lottery ol Maryland , CLASS No. 29. 71 Number Lottery 13 drawn ballots To be drawn in the City of Baltimore, Md., Wednesday, June 14, 1848 SPLENDID SCHEME! Capitals 40,000 DOLLARS! 80 of f .000 DOLLAUS! 4e. &c. Tickets $12 Shares in Pnportion. A Ceriitiesteof 96 whale lickcta f 170 I SO quarters 4 30 M.lal! 30,000 DOLLARS! Grand Consolidated Lottery of Md.f ClaasNo.7. 72 Number Lottery and 12 drawn Ballots. To be Drawn in the City of Baltimore, Md. Saturday, June 17th 1848. SPLENDID SCHEME! Capitals S0.000 dollars. 18,000 dollars. 4zc. Sic. dec. Tickets $ 10 Shares in Proportion. ' Certiaeats of S4 whole Iks foe I30 I 4 ousrter the SH.tO 84 half da 6J 84 eiahth do lOSft 3 frizea ol . 25,000 DOLL 4 RS.' Consolidated Lottery of Maryland 75 Numbers and 12 Ballots. Tobs drawn in the City of Baltimore, Md, Wednesday, Ii 1848. SPLENDID SCHEME! 8S.000 llollart K i..., SS.OOOOollart li t75,6O0t 8S.0OO Itoilart f 3 . &. Ac. . &.c. Ticheu 10, I rm,l&mtm ml oj .4, 1S0 I 4J tjtiarter , i 3 Ball 0. 6 'MJhtht lt,J5 1 60,000 DOLL A KSI , . u, "".Xai CLASS No. 8, for 1848. 1 To be drawn in the City of Baltimore, 3Id., on Sattrrdsrv. June 24. 1848 SPf.PNfim snHP.URl 80 Draw Hallols out ol cash Package of 84 Tick's. Cspitalt ' eXI.tVO dollars! 83,000 dollara.' 18.000 dollara! &C. Ac. etc. TickeU $20 Shares in Proportion. Ccrttwoala or H whole Ike. 810 I tt ejaarter "ike. 86 ball do. 105 eightb do. 31 10 Prises of 10,000 DOLLARS! .. Consolidated Lottery of Mrryland, -Class No. 00, for 1848. 75 Number Lottery and 12 Drawn Ballots, To be drawn in the City of Baltimore, Md., Monday, June 26, 184c. .SPLENDID SCHEME! 10 Prises of 10,000 ImlWt Ac. &c. Ac. CertiReate of S5 whole )kt filSOlStaasrter 88,50 8J ball do uiuetghtha 1.15 30,000 DOLLARS! Maryland Consolidated Lottery, Class No. SI, , 6 Nnmbers snd 13 Ballot To be drawn in the City of Baltimore, Md. Wednesday, Jane 28, 1848. SPLENDID SCHEME! . It Draw Ballots out f 8S 1'iskets. Capital 10.000 dollar. . ' S.OOOdnllar. Ac. Ac. Ac. ' Tickets $10 Share in Proportion. Certificate of 88 whole tkt. $100 1 88 quarter Iks. tSflO 88 hall do. SO ) i eights do. ; g JO WM. BAILET k CO ders addressed to ws- pay ail posts g or We asah all Prisea told ia any port of th Vai led States. We pay the highert pries for alt kinds of aa earrent money. Bill ot Eiahanee, Oralis. Car- liHsslet ol OconaUea.lha.. and SELL MORE PHI NOT1CE1 . SMALL FRY LOTTEklKS draw every Mob. day, Wdwesday and Baiardsy. Capitals 4,000, f 3000, fS.000 and $1,000. Tiekete $1 tharei i pro port ion. Certifiaatet varying treat $11 to 10 Shares m pronnrttoB. i BK1LLI AN f LOTTERIES DRAWING DAL LY Capittli raagiag trom $4000 to $100,00) Tiekett varying- tram $1 lo KSO, tw ba bad al hU Asa la avery warlely, sitker by the paafcsg, tingls tiakct, or by sortlAieaie. WM. BAILEY it Co. '.. No, 8 CALVKRT STREET, " BAtmaoaa, Md. ' MASONIC ELEBBATIOIV. npiIE Holly : Spring1;' Lodge, No. 115, I Waks county, will celebrate the Birth Da of 81. John lb Baptist, at Hotly' fpring, oh lb S4th June instant, at which Uraw tha Corner mono of Ibeir Hall will blid with Maoonie emootea.aBd an aJdras will b delivered by lb itev. Patbick w, Oowim: after which tba rrs- trrnltv witleaitakaof a tt.rna tahsiMtWUd for lfcd suraalnsli t.,hi', . Th brethr) of Hirer Ledg lUbigK Wstmhersl of tb surrounding Lodgea. and tb Masonic Fra froity generally rr ioviled t attend and units ia ths reremeiiie anal psrttciDai ia the refresh ment,. .. . (.'.", ,', By erdr ofthe' LoOr -.''- , r i A, K. CI.EMlNTl. I June 6, 1848. . ' svsav-wa ewatv awpt. This oerliCs ihst 1 have iscommeaJed tU u of Or Ulsturs ltalsana of Wild Cher- ff for diaeaas l in A.angs, ior two y.rara paw, and many bottle to my knivwlclea has been tMad by my palieata, all with beneficisl reaulta. L. two ea, wh. re il was thought confirmed con aumpteuo had lake place, the Wild Gharry eilscv ada eat. . . . , .: ... . - E. BOYDEN. fhvsicisn at Exter Comet. Dr. Bradford Kntpp of Crown rolat,.-t. x. B It-liar dated Au-ual Sd. 1845. aavss ' IB li eours ot my praotic is thia vicinity I have tasted in torn rood devre th arood aua.ife of rfie- tar't BaUam nUild Cherry in Pulmonary Com plaint, aad I now wish to j-rKure aupply of th medicine." , . Dr. A.H. Maenair, of Taiboro, North Carolina, writes us under data of Feb. 14, 1847 that b haa us.d Dr Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry in his practice the laat eighu-en month, and eontidora it tb best praparauoo uf the kind he ever taw, an knowa of none ao deserving the public pstrensgs. Dr. Wm. A. Shaw, of Washington, N write, under date of May 1, 1846. aa follows: "l have heard of many caaea of decided bene ficial effect fiont It use, especially in Astbrns and chronic cough of epaatnodic character I have sd th Wild Cherry gnat deal in practice and with marked good result in those casta of great nervout mobility, and irritability, to which phthis ical patients are subject. The combicstinn of lb principle in Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry it ing nuwt tni judicitue. Medical men r justly dwtruetful of Pa'ent Madicioea in general, but candor must discrimin ant between outrageous 1 -humbugs and nostrum tad those medicinet which hava proved eatulary and in many well attested cases curmiive." Dr. IJotTmtn, Hurttingdon, Pa , cured child of Aathma with it, after b declared be could do mora wilh hi medicine, and th child must die. Dr. Freleigh, of Ssugertie, N. Yv ssys he cared Liver Complaint of four years standing, that would oot yield to tha usual remedies. Abraham Hkillman, M D., of Boundbrook, 5. J-, aays it is th best medicine for Consumption, in every etage, that he haa ever known. W might refer you to hundred of eases, bad we room, jthai;. would convince all of it great virtue Editors, lawyers, clergymen, and almoat every clsss have at last found out that Wistsr's Balsam of WHd Cboiry i what "it is recommended to ho," the very best medicine to be found. It cure or relieve all affections of tb Lung when nothing alas wilL ROBB, WINEBRENER& Co. (LATI taCT TAILOBI.) Bog leave to recommend their Successors, JOHN KELLY & Co. 1 09 Chetsnat Street. Philadelphia, Te tbeit friends and ltd palrona. They are juat ih receipt of tbe Fashions, and a choice and a. lect . assortment of SPRLYG and SUMMER WEST OF ENGLAXD and FRENCH r ClotbsvCuasltners and Vestiacs. . f fjf ; fn' latest tmnnrtori..w.J,,,. Persons visiting PHILADELPHIA, ar r pectfullv invited to eall and examine their exten sive Stock. Orders from any section ff tha Union promptly attended to. 18 om ITTiHE Two Literary tocietiea of Randolph Ma JL coa College will he publicly addressed by Hon. Hibbt A. Wiss,afVs, on ike 13th June next, which i the day immediately prseeading its annual commencement. T. I.. HARGRDYE, Cor. Sec. tf F. L. Society. April 14. 16. Ottlce of Literary Board, A tail, Z8. J 88. X T meeting of th Board held tha dsy, M was OfA Reeolved, That the turn of Thirty Thou sand Dollara, ($30,000) in part of the nett in com of the Find for the eupport of Common School, during tha current year, be now distrib uled among tb several Counties of th State, in proportion to their Federal Population. , WILL. A. GRAHAM. Pratt, ea nficio Literary Board. 1 3w. JAMES E- BROWN WHOLESALB AND RETAH, ' SaDDLEK ANBTBVNE IHAIaJER) Aa. Hi Mm tut St. Mwetu 4th U 6M Ste PHILADELPHIA, TOESPECTFULLY in imA form Dealers and oth- ers, that h manntacture and keep constantly en hand an xtenaiv assortment of 8ad dles Briddtet, Russet and 1 Enamelled Leather Saddle Bag, Cellars, Whips, Ac, Also, a large atock af Sol Leather, Russet Blsck and Fancy Colored Solid Riveted Trunks, Velieca, lie. together with from 800 to 600 taxeny,- Bruaael and Damask Carpet Ds. Ladiea Baga, Satcbelle, Ac , all of which he AVr at th lowest prices, and solicit an examin ation of hie goods, being confident that tyery ar tici will give aatiafactian both in price arid qual ity. . f 471. A TEACHER TOVAHTEI)- ITpHB True) ess ef Ih Trbor', Mala Academy iA wish to employ a competent person ta tak charge of thi 8chool, who eaa com Ws'l rsoem. mended as te habits and qualification te teach th vanoo branenet of an Academical education. Tarboro' it eonaidered a healthy Iocs lion, the so ciety it good, and a wall conducted School will h liberally patronised. Applicants will address, (postpaid) Trustee f I JO8I AH LAWRENCE. 1 JAMES WEDDELL, HENRY T. CLARK. JAMES M. REDMOND, ROBERT U. AUSTIN, ROBERT NORFLEET, ROBERT R. BRIDGERS, WILLIAM G.THOMAS, JNO. 8 DANCY, Trustees. April tT, 1848. 18-81. CANFIELD. BROTHER, dfc CO.; Jh- ttt BaOimir 81, S. B. rimer ef Ckarta, 'Baliimere, Md. ." " 1 0MPORTER9 and dealer la Watches,' Clocks, Jewelry, silver and plated ware. Cutlery ..Gubs, Pistol Lamp. Bohemian flats war,- Military and faacy goad gvmemily, offer at wholesale , eom plet aatortment . of good in thrit ;lin. On of th firm visiting, Eorop overy tea son and noeset. ing every facility for obtaining goods by a direct importation and from the principal manofactarera, afford them every advantage.-: , jj , W would call the attention of Merchanta and dea'era, visiting Baitimor, to out' atock. Price and iimim inad v-ommodt4ing ; Alwtyt ori head, Vt atehmaker' Toola and materislt, D. liata IUm, lpivpe fmm and ease. r fl CANFIELD, BROTHER fc CO. Crnr of Baitimor k Charles Siraeta, , 11 Sat i ... liniVlll . ' ' " ' ' km ravJVifEW YOlir i, EVltott . IL TUCKER dfc SOW .wa yr'j selected ia n York, by on l to firm, front th ,h " splendid spring cargo just introduced lata market from principal maaufacturiag atahltsb menu ia Europe -ind ihis country aad Umj lm rCTaHUJuT'1" "c,r uiunrs ana the pabbr generally, to call and examine at fine and ehtta. 1 iiik ius iimvm ,uu cugauvst " aasjoruneat a uoeat, r urcifit una vementc, tear ottered ia thi . n . . . 1 city. Tuey make do Oourrah about them, ton apeak fo' thtmaelvee, and cannot fail to comoi&i tha admiration of purchassrs, wh have thi taa. and knowieageie June eorrteuy or tb quality and alu of foods. Call, and chtrge for looking and if yoa do not get hw. gams, it will be ao fault of the tellers Their atari ie large and wall assorted, for Ladit. Gentles), Children and servants, embracing tbe finest i wsll aa the most substantial snide. It it uontea. esry to enumerate, but sa th improvement of the head ia of primary importune, they eall special pv tention to their very superior lot of Hals. R. TUCKER A bON. Raleigh, April 4, 1848 14 tf ' Tin Cheapest Campaign Paper inUi South. PRICE ONLY ofXCENTS!! . TIIB afEO.TIAN, f (REVIVED.) Thit it to ba tha title of Weekly Ctmptin Paper lo be issued from the REPUBLICAN Of. FICE, Richmond commencing en. iho 7th of last next, and ending with tb Presidential Electi- 10 lass number embrann lb official mum. ; -Thia paper will embody, is, a convenient ba, facta and arumot of interest daring the paign, tnd will be conducted in that spirit of bmi. eration and fairnos which become tb advsesaii of sound Whig Lrtinservativ Principle. . ; ane 1 eomsn reviveu; it designed to Meant the ssrae potitiori, as cortierf clnnl menury and Statistical information for th neaok that wac occn.. d by ""THE "TEOMAN g 1 840,- which, it is believed, enjoyed a m we gsneul circulation rhan any other pipsr ever iastud fro th press of Virginia. I ha vary low rata al which it ia proDossd It forni.h thit theet, Justifies the publisher in belitv. ing thtt i, too, will go into the hand of a I agar '' oi reauer wan sny puoiieaiion emsnau from the Mouth sen press. -The first number wilt be issuad on tbe dsy vw.. u., . V,- HIS Will convey to ita reader a Telegraphic report of th u nil (1111. 1 nivrvrnK , proceeding! or mat body. TERMS ( iF SUBSCRIPTION. . A rentitttne of One Dollar will aeeur T Copies ol th Yeoman Five D, Uara, Ten Copiei Ac. As paper tent withiut the money hat hem rmi PitaM m ail esssa ansat t paid w f the letter -will not taken from aflJc. r Tha actha ea-opratia of (he Whig through out Virginia aad North Carolina it earnestly i. voksd in an esfort to plan THB YEOMAK' befer at larg number of tb PEOPLE apa aibi. ..,...',,'., CCT-Will who receive this prospectus be kisi enough lo hand il to their nsighbots! A few tt live Whiga in each wanty during th April ). actions, ought I hava no difficulty in securing est bnsxlrad ubtcribeta, and Ihis in tire egirets would twetl tha etreulation lo mora than THIt TEEN THOUSAND copies in Virginia! It it ad worth the effort! Addrett RO. H. GALLAHER, Hiehmond. Vs. N B. The Weekly Republican it otill furntaV 1 at the low rat of On Dollar for th eeraptiga. Baltiosora Stemn -marble-Work ' Mo. lOa aimmlh Chorion ntretot- jr BALTIMORE. - HTHE proprietor has constantly on hand! Jg Monuments, Gravestones, Mantels a Tabl lops of th moot APPROVE D PATTEOJ aad of th FINEST MATERIALS. -f ' ' N. B. A II order thankfully received an d na tually attended to. LEVI TAYLOR,. . Baltimore. March 15, 1848. . 18 Sr. J. F- BROWNE, MAKER AND IMPORTER OF ORAND SEMI-GRAND AND SIX OCTAVE f DOUBLE ACTION HARPS W cold inform hi friend that h ha removed ah Warerooms to 293 Broadway, (Laftrge Boildtngt.) NEW YORK. CYIR. Browna'a Harps ar by far the stewolr. &L1 gaol w have ver seen, and in th to there ia an extraordinary addition of tveeeuieasi purity, and power. : The cordial approval of th celebrated Harpist, Bochsa, should tasks him tr4 bia worka eelebratod throughout th country.-- Miuicat Tim'. Harps repaired, String-, Moatc, Ac ' " ' A$ London and New Yeik. ettabhahed 1810. ' April II, 1848. - 18 Sat,: HAUDWAIli:. JUST received by the sabttrieertageawral taa. ' ply of Erausn and AataiCAt HaaawAat aad ;rrt.aai-. tJcat. Pirr n tnd UtrLta, watta tsey tow pritta, , s will tell toCoaatry Merehastasl Vary oa liberal terms, Bowsiatiag of . I racet, ux unalnt. Weeding Hoea, Manors lorkt, , Anvils, Vitet and Smith's Hammer. ' f": Leeks and Latehes in great variety, - 1 Bnae, Book aad Ivory haadl Kmvrs k Ftrt r Octal Karves and Kasors, wiw aeieeratee " whea tbev next visit the Citv. - X .til Market Si, Pwiuasattn' Feb. 1848 I-4U Canehalairna Triumphant!! rfR. T0WN8END, th calehraled mifss. UJ turrr of -Tevmetmd' Sareaperilla admitted publicty that this Califemtam I Plant "FAR BETTER THAN SARoAPARlLLA." and is Ih ucsArsT a airr xMiciaS iw tub wobib," Pamphleu eoaMining inlereeung information a te it remark sb Is monortie la th euro of Fever and Ague, Pulmonary Complaint, fs-satsj thm tTeaaant sTasnitlBfltnlilaa HnliTisi nan tl Kal JgataainnBl tTvsawr WaWWBtjsafn I UsaJJsj I atSJiaj sttTtarfrsa SBaVnjr ajrw . - al th agenetea, or will b IbrwariUd t peetpeU aaplicationt, per mail. ; , , ' FREDERICK A. GAY. -r- Primrlrtor of -Gay Cetehalagna,"' ' DEPOT, 86 Broadway, NE W YOBC -r V :. ,,. 14-K. 1, .1, ii..,. , . m Wanted Imaietllalely, " " j lOO BALlfS .COT-? TON, for wbieb the bigh- w . est' cath prieo wm oe- R. TUCKER f SON; at ft Raleigh, May 84 S CJ W.'COtlOSB Snoerllney Fantity set marked thereon, Jtfffh and Ready,' M f ieta, Mtnterey, It, and every ether artitlsM loaging to the business, aad rvapeslfully ssk. r Merektala of Ihis vietnilv favor Ibcsa vMb tan WW uaiute FLOCB for Jby 1. TUCKER 0.

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