r ... ..?'n'.a5i:fn';'--r'i thos; i. LEMAY. Editor and Proprietor. " ' Mj3orrtjCroliBa potwjrfnf. In mintctoa mora! tnii pj)p;ff al tenure f tbe fanj at onp jfht ann tjje fjome of out i( f rction.! .,,. v, THREE OlXARs Ter,rio Adranii.! BALEIGIJ, H. C . WEDNESDAY. JUNE tS, ISIS TOL . AT V. C .. . ... . ..... , ..I ........ , .... y .. t Mi la -r .ft B2)T3 A1TD SHOES. WOULD res pee t- fully ssnounce lo hia friends and he Habile, ihat be hae J a, e t received his Spring snd Summer Stock of Boot. SUees lwtllee n4 Chll4r' . -Slippers, 4t. . of ibe latent and noM approved styles, snd nkt a eell from all desirous of parebaaiag ei ther a beantilully. fine or durable article, aa ba f,.t satieflsd thai ba ia prepared with bia large tnd well selected Slock to please the laaia of f ery one. Among bia eupply,' ara aoma articlee, viat the Polo Alto Slipper, btooa and kid; tha Congress Gaiter, a splendid article; light whole and half Oaitar, Ibo Polka Slipper, and a nbef ol other choice kioda for the Le d tot .f. A fnoet extensive and varied assortment of Misses and Childrea'e Gaiters and Slipper. The Gentlemen, too. will find evert terlery ' ol artiole Tor their wear, bat as we presume they wilt eall and see for themselves. It h aeedleea toss mors to ibsia. j rasmtifAetwrtus;. f IMIE Subscriber has ; a large and full 1 aupply of Materiala for manufacturing, and bating also a lot of Lasts of (he latest sod most spproted fashions, be is prepared to exe cute in first rate stjls, any eon of an artiole that his customers may want. He baa also, for the trade, a large assortment of MATEKIIL8 for eaanafaotarmg, such as upper Leather, of all kioda. Solo Leather, Thread Lasts, de. which he will sell lew. Thankful for paet fetor, he moat teepeotfoi It esks a eoetiauaaea. 7 HENRY PORTER. April H, 1848. 16-4U pBiwTXwcnnrpEs. WILL he sold at BRUCE'S NEVV-YOKK TYPE FOUNDARY, after March, I5ih, 1848, at the following tery low piieea, for ais mniM.w-x--ilsArB:j, . bomak. . TiTia,ov eaiDce.lt eVia1b':fftei SeiallPiea,' SSI . CO 3 66 . 95 60 100 66 ,108 74 120 84 139 100 ' 150 ' 190 - ISO ,-.4 160 K c - 330 . .: Long Primer, Bstf eeie, Hte ier, Mioloa, Nonpareilf Ante, 34 37 43 48 M 79 Pearl, 108 Tha abote orioea. ia eeneeqoeace of inc roas ts facilities for manufacturing, a:s mscb reduced from former rales. A liberal dieeoeal for cash la hand as the date of the Invoice. Preeeee Chases, Cases, Wood Type, Ink, As. furnished at the lowest aiaoufeetarere rieee, either foreaehor eredit' O m SaMimea Book fos 1848 ia now ready Jor iliaUibationierriotet who wilr send far it, and eoetaina many new articles mat we hate neter before exhibited, euch aa Writing Tlooriehea, Omamente, Oinamental Fonte Ae. of which we hate aa ample stock for the proaipt oxenaiioo of orders Priaiora of Newepapere who enooae to pub lish ibie adtortieemeal throe tioea before the 1st of Juno, 1848. and send as one of the pa pers, will be psid for it in Type when they per ehaee from us, of oar owe maaafactaree, so lee led from our tpeeioteaa, fits limes the a moent of their bill. ' For ealo several food aeooad-haad Cylinder sod Platen Power Preeeee, Standing Prvseee, Head Printing Presses, etc GEORGE BRUCK b CO. , 13 Cbamber-8treet, New York, . May 10. 1848. 90-i. Fettlsale etae)l. UHIbwi-, C E Fall session of Ma. and Mas. Bca- wcix a School for young Ladies, wUi commence en Tbarsdsy toe ISib of Jely. The seesioa will close with , aa ISxaotiaaiioa the 1st week in Pecewber, .-. The house baa been enlsiged so aa to aecom modste aa increased number ol Pepila, but I he Bomher will eull be limited, aad the school still re tain lis character ee a "Feaatly Hchool," ia whiob the habile and maaerof ibe Popife, as well their menial ealture,, will reewte ehe attention which we pay to our owe ohil drea, t.y ', . , ,,. n Sion'a. AaToaioDa Mabtsho, has charge ef the Mesie, Drawing, Paiuing, and mcdaia Langnagee. He has been now lor twelve aranthe connected with the school, and ia that tiau hae felly proved tho eseelleoey of hie mode of iastruottoo, which ia meet thoreugb. . : TKRMSj - ' " Board aad Tnitioe oei session. $67.50 80 00 ft 90 , Mesie on Plane or Goiter. Uee ef Piaos for Piactlcer Uodora Language teacb) Latin. ' V-' io oo ft 00 Aa oar nnmber of Boarbere is limit 'o;w bat l-fiuy4 'slb'uV 1 early applieauont ; ; t', - ' ; For farther iaformaiiee addrtaa Bet. ftobert BerwelU Hillsbeieogh. N. C, Jeee 7. 1848.. . , , Baak onbe State orNonb Carollai. fo the last six menths, on the Capital Stock aribie Bank, has bees declared, and the same will be paid to the Sleek balds ra ( lees the tax of two. iy-aeeemea each ebars owned by indiUuale,) at toe Banking Houne.iathJe City, en- the first Monday in laly next, and at the Uranehea, fif eea eys tnereanaf ' PETTET, TJaabiSf. . -s laae 1V' n& vf-mi "ulmlt T Important lo Pair mora! r -HE Sobecriber having purchased from Alfred Spates, sgsntfifW Beach A R. J. t3etfing, wo paienteee. tha beneQt as their iaventiene for ehe tet W North Oeroline.ofteraMtU- raranMeeflbe "thkdaejitagen.MachiBefer sewing ad kiade af 1 mall Grain greatly superior te any thing "Mtobre dieonaeted, t Ale O new Phwgb for the eltlatioa) Of erops sad also a meat valuable ainv s Machine fHr the shelliarf of .era. These JHa. and fleueb ea be b1 bt eoplicanoa te waaaecrUiet i RaMiH. rriiculre etpUaaad is.hsedbiJa'.s..-!., bvtf. p.j:OLJ.l.au,. I atsaderd and Rrgiaur vepr. -lf. A THE ) APPROACHING CONTEST, A Spectacle for Ihe World to mdmirtl! While the Old World ie stakes ta ke ea ale npiamed, and kMcdoms wiped eat, ispiepariogfartheelecuoa ef herPoav ideal, or in other words lbs people are . about speaking ia what menner ihey will he governed, ae exemplified by the wiebea of the msjonty a great moral anJ political Iraik le agsin to be de eeleped by the oaiet ase of the ballot box, aad the world wiH mo how repaboeaa Hbert wurke eat Uo awa dssues.; Already one party has givoa te Ha supporters the asme of a statesmaa .generally keowa t will be lellowad by that ef the other great intereat when at once the contest eernmen om, a peaceful yst importaat oneeanter. 8TL YE -TER awaita with aaxirty cbo van It, sad will watch each proceeding with mere lhaa B aal uitereat Each can- receive soppert fnim him in the complexity ef the ooeetione meeted, and he hee alat prepared fat the combat, although ia a different Held, with aodiminUhed energy. In eeeordsnce with hie usual course, he presents a Hebadele ef Sohemee for JULY-brhliani in de tail, rpmaaeel lo naffnMcoaMse! A large amoaat of Prises was distributed Ja May, aad it will be followed by soother series; flf. ill- ! a flMlvwg will be sent to hit patrons d urine the veer Orders (or Tickets are re located to be forwarded early, and be Careful to address a ' . J. 9TLYESTF.R. tAVaibj9treet Mew York, JtS-35)000!Cn VlftUINIA OTA1B Mil VERY. CUss to for I US,' to be dnrva at' AlesaMria, tlV Cl on sMaraay imih m Juir, isa. 7S Au ber 1 Orsvn Bellors. - - GRAND SCHEME. 35,0001 ' $13,0001 . $10,000!! tal 1.000 1 of 300 lafS,000 v.. 1018,080 1 of 2.000 dollars. . ,. 20Pritcaof $1,000 fach 1, . 20 Prixes of $600 each! 93 of 400 dollars 40 sf 900 dollars. 250 OF 200!!! 64eflfl0 MeTM. M of 60 ' 1S ef 40 ' Ac, &e. , Tkkete 10 Dollar. - A eertifical of a Packer of 5 Tkkoia will, .JmiA Xor-$1305 baree in proportion. : ; . . ;. . JTeer Prlsoaoi IIOWm . - .. .. $80,000! - Avar VIBGltlAITATRLOTTEHY, CWs.Sl.torlUs, la ae draaa at Aleiaadrn ID C.) oa Satarday, ' of Jely 1848. 78 aaatacrs IS Draoe Belleie -. . . . MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. ; . , 4 Prixea of $20,000!! , , t, 4 Prixeeof $10,000! t i 4 Prizes of 415,000 each , v . 4. Prizes of $2,502 each , , 15 prixea of gl.000 eech 15 of 600 , . : 15 of 400 . SSefgSg dollart , . . 200 prizes of 200 65 prizes of 500 , , , die.. ,.,.tM i . f iA. - - - - - - . j i aa,, y iv mi ileal a a ' a pi ipia ima r A' erilBealeots Psaksge .if tt Tlckiitl alllte scot for $130 Bbsrss h sropertlon. i 94MOUU! VIRGINIA STATU LOTTERY, Claaa SS, for 1148 ie be drewa at AUixanria, (II, C a rdy, the 15th ot J air 1848 71 numbers IS ' Drava Ballou ;': GRANDSCHEME. " $40,000! 1 ' - ' $10,000 w leri.roo - ' t ofs.ooo 1 etS $00. I ofS.SU , S of $2,000 . 3 of $100 -3 prizes of $1400 5 piizes of 1250 , 200 Prizes of &5Q0 snch lipl l0p .; . . . , 126 ol 0 . . , , Tiakets to dolltrs. - A Cert'dleale of a Passage of ef Tiakett will be sot tor gUOSaaret in arcpariioe, VIRGINIA BTATK LOTTERY. Clsss SS for I IIS. la ka draaa nl A laniiria- f II. I: 1 aa fimt order, ika SSd of aly IMS 78 a)iabars--t6 SPLENDID SCHEME. $1700 $10.00$ ,., $7,000 , $5,000, $4,000 , '-1 of 8.000 ',V'.; " 1 of 8.450 1 or2.217 '" 1 of 8.000 , " , 10 rrizesof $l,200f v" , 10 of 1,000 each.' " 10 prion of OOO 10 prises afefiOO ,ui io of 800 ' I 600 of 170 ' - ? I 8 or 180 '! 1 - 62 Of 100 ' " - ri 'AcJ-''' 'iter-- - ' f ' Tickets SI0 Shares a iHajtiartlea.' ' A CenaWteaia Package el 8S f'iefcate wiU bp seat fee t7U;-Sbart In prenartiOB. VIRGINIA Biste LOT I EKY, Class S7, for !, O be Srsea at Alasaalrn), U U as Bamrmaa, rha 99th ef Jaly 1848. Jl aa nab ere . 10 alrena Balleta. , grand scheme, ; $50,000 , 820,000 i i v 1 of 4J0OO r. r tl Of 8500 1 of 8.000 1 of i500 ,, jV, .., r , trf M.W i n . , , ., 50 Prizes of 8 1)00 each. ".. ' v -. 50 of $500 each. ''"S'.r, 111 Prizes of 8250 eaek . : - . 53 Prizes of $100 each! . t - U ef 80 dollars. 63 of TO dollars- iu ' ' 63 of 60 dollars. " "' '' 1 TleketSllO Shares In proportion. " u A CevtdleMe oi s Pstbage a 1 Tlakeu 1U aea far I30 Shares In pmportioa.,,,. ft,. ;ti Lga.ju,.! LnS ie i ii I i I iii )' Mi. 3' A TI3CIIEIi WjgfsTTRD, of goad aaaral eAaractsr.rjoalitW to' prepare etadenta for Collega,. wfi 4 LEACH.! . , l Joknotcw Coantr'Jene 6th. (848 l-3t. . . . . . r im. a . m ... lira. ' i . m v.. t .mt . , Illinois .contains. 730,000 mhabitainta and produced last year 4,006,000 buaheU, of wheat, and, 39,QOQ,opo Jboabels. of corn. . .What a country, wukh, was forty years H . W'ldfiroesal t t. niH y 'iThe Editor of tbe.L.lsremont N. HO ,-i cagie ass laieiy txtea married to lady worth $5,800,000. The lollowiag ankle will bo read with interest at this time. Wo copy it from tb Cincinnati Queen City:" Pi oasis it situ ited upon the Boolhero border of ibe Baltic, with Polsod ond Ru sia npon the raat, Aoetria 'upon 'he south, snd several of ths jermaa State on the west. If lies between . lattitnde 55 and 50 dett. N., and between 10 and 3 dear. Ion. E. Greenwich. It ' embraces an area of 206, 302 square miles, and hae a popula tion of 14,000,000. Ic goternmeDt,Prtiaaia is a military monarrhy, almost absolute. The ProvioctaJ Sutes of the Kingdom are coatoked, but their jurisdiction ie eery limited-1 They have not the pritilego. to project any Jaw jog . publie meaiure, but can merely del ibe rale apon what is -eub milted; yet their sanction u neceassry to any change in law or imposition of tax. Their protecting; power being negative, rather than poiitite. is to prevent the erea t'mn of land laws rather than the making of good ones. ;., , , The ' religion of Ihe Prnsaian monarch. Frederick William IV, is Proteeiant Etan- gelica, as well aa mat of his,, predecessor. Frederick William 111, who ascended me throne in 1797, and reigned till 1840 William 111 lound his subjects in many respects, in a truly deplorable condition He at once removed the priileres - of .the nobility, snd broke up the liereditsry. sris tociacy, and left no power but his own fo oppiess them; made the pcasaolry free holders, on liberal termsopened toe army and i(a holers and pritilegea to the people. It semed to be the Sim and detormmaonn of William lo rule fur the benefit of it subjects, . ... The trappings and- expenses of cour were greatly reduced. Economy was , introduced in evert department tlirot bout his Kingdom. His lawa were not numerous, but were well and pn Actu ally administered, snd designed o devclnpe the powers of the individual, and collec- iw me resources oi ne, iate. i jk- : The most ifmarlisblo motsmeol.. of W illiam TIT, wse in fator of National E(lu cation a system of Education which wee tended more than that of any other country, (o awaken Into life, and call Into activity the lajr-nt elements of mind of ids' hich snd low, rich snd poor, of an cntiie nation. or nia raris, ine auojecia oi mat govern m'enl, ate befel educated ' and better pre pared for a republican form of government, than any nation npon the face of the globe. Prussia's system of eommon school educa tion, standi out In bold relief, aa her mon omenf and her pride at model. ;well wor thy lobe Ad lowed by oof own Republic- There must be great changesin ttiis govern- mcht. .'Vftlbpi morejriim ;Piusia,tTian j any other kingdom in Kurope.. T lie menial, mbrst, and religions train in c of this people, bss been such as to quslify: them to act intelligently, prudently, urmty. ; The people are demnding more librrtt. and ther will have it. ' The King at Berlin,' the 1 capital of Prussia, has been forced o tm'ake great coDceeiohs to' grant S general an nesty to political oflendeis, shd to take "'aaj one nf his ministers, the notorious ' Cam phauren, whose liberal policy of action s depufy, had rendv'rcd him eiceedinsly un popnfar. with the government.'' 'Prussia can,' ougbty sod will be a republic. :-a young men.; em.. : J : -.1 . i j -.. sue luaa im iiic.aicu, iu auiun (Jniiuivni .k.. , .:,i.. ft.. IKiw aeaso w y mhm warn ess v . aa fiwaarsva fmw generals net statesmen, and that ihey must k. l.m ! Am ..... ..ia ,ka.fa nh.JI sw S a jpFn Bate vaha) aiwynu t"u oeavse wsa r 1 aical strength is impaired by age and their' ruiellcctaal faculties become bluotsd by thai saaieht nf aaara . Tjtt tie lank In ika hittory of the past,, and from Ahe long list of heroes and sisteamen. eeleet some whe,C00UrJrt Atit inl'Wi seo tendered have selected themselves, and are shall find thst they were young men when, they, per formed those acis. which have won t for Ihem .an in perishable meed of fame, sad placed their names on the pgs ef htsloty. Alexander, tna eonquree of the then hole civilized nrtH. $He riraw at isl. ' fiTVnt mwtA Asie, died at S.1, ; Bonaparte wsf erownedi tor of Franco when be wss 83 years I Esaperor of Franco ofaie. PiiL the youngest brother, wae bout zq years or. aget-when, in wnieinis parliament he boldly advocated the cause of the American colonies, snd but 22 when made Chancellor of. the Exchequer. ' Ed mend Burke, at the see. of 25, wss first 'fjaaf&S tngton wss. but 29 when he, covered the re treat .q( th( British troops at Braddock's deleat, and was sppmoted to the command ia chief of all thst irginis forces.'. , Alex snder Hamilton, at Id, was 0 Lieut Coj. a a a a a arert e onei ana.Tviu .,.. yvssDtngwrv at za a member oTi Cnnirresa at S3 Seerelarv nf the I ressury. Thomas;, Jefferson , wui' about 32 when when he, Urafied tr ever memorable Declaration, of Independence. At the age of 8t) yesri. Sir tssse .tfewtoir a a . a - a a ' . ' ' an oiscupiedbAAWthemecJaLchs . i rt.t X i i .: c OllOge woiirgc, .ngisnu, un,("g, vj nm scientifio diseoveie rendered pis nsme immortal. , , Ws might continue i (he. list lo a grefe length, ..but enough haa , been said already, ,to shovO, that the idea that young men sre not espsble of" performing greet and ennobling actions, or of uking a High position in ths councils of s nation, chimerical anj tlsi.naiy.t,J'lo4, what has been said, njsy. well serve to encourage the young to set up, a! h)h;istamlard, and" to press towlsjt with ardor, 8ufT ring npth log to rdiei oursge them from soaring on ward antj upward" jhji', the path "ef fae or in tlie pursuit! ef literature snd science 0U Papers T ' 5 " . " .HORRIBLE DEVELOPMENTS The Into of Miss Sarah Furber, the fae lory girl of Manchester, N. H. has been ascertainnd. : Ii appears that a he wae a vic tim of ed action. She afterwards was ender treatment by the father of her sedu cer, Dr VcN abb, and died in consequence. rhe body waa then placed in w box while warm, brought to this city, by, the Doctor; himself, and sold to a'physiciao with assu rance that all, waa right, .. When the body wsa taken to a dissection room, it was ascer tained by the Surgeon, . from the appear ance of the body that trw re was loul play in the matter and he ordered Dr. MeNabb to lake tt away immedi-tety The Doctor then went to the Porter of the Hospital and offered him .five dollars to dispose of the body, and suggested the expediency of do ing, iby catting lo pieces and throwing it Into the vault. To this he pretended . eon sent, but embalmed the body and informed the Police Dr MeNabb. bia son, sad - e portriat painter named . lugalla, bars - be a arrested ae implicated in the affair, The body was packet! in a box too , and a half feet square, and waaaoldTor $7. . The Por ter has now in his possession tna 95, bill paid lo hirn by Dr., . MeNabb. Boston I rat. of Saturday.' i .r,i . , , .fff..-i- - i,iT'i,"a ift"eTa.TaaaaT-"air----'" : The. New. York . Globe (Barnburner; We teli our renders that it m ae. impost. ble lo elect the Baltimore nominees ss M (s to row a boat up the Niagara Falls with a crowbar They .cannot -be - elex ted . - If every Democratic paper ia thia Mate shontd give the nomination a hearty support, the result wolud not be changed. .. Lewis Cass will want from fifty tooae hundred lima. sand totes i.f carrying the.. Electoral ticket of New York. I he man who thinks oth erwise knows little pf the; -extent . of 'the popular indiguation respecting the outrage committed oo the New York Democrney. A revolution ia pajtie i au- hnnd.The honeatof all parties wiUcomo togeiher and tne democracy, of (lie Union will become purified,, , The New York eveniog Pott thus sn oouiices irhat i- the determination of the Seetion of the party called the , ,Bainbsrn - : n'.vtr- ' . yn oaturgay we snnounced, in a - post ecripttnat tne delegates .of iew Yirk democracy lisd .agreed upon .ea'linor convention of ths democrat of die State to, be held out the, (.22d , of June, for the purpose of nominating, candidates Hi.4 President and Vice President of .the United Statea. , T e step appears io have giveO general eati.faction to tliej democratic party" WthHit sonie such mes-uie,, the great oouy oi uemocrats in,. Viie slate would have been' yirtuatljr .Jsanded-br ths Preaidemial campaign. I hey ; wouij be a party, witliou) orgsniaatj..a without a candidate, without a common ibjci ia the election.' This cannot be ,u Hired,; (ha democrats of New York, 4 portion of a powerful party, who bate contended with so much courage, so much .eonsianny, and such sdmitsbla nuiua, of eff rt againstthe sinister influences , which pre veil in the Baltimore Contention , are not about . to lay down their arms because their rights were denied tbera at that contention... They, are not about te surrender their fracbise af electoral they do ' . . f He most important nu, Hiaai, w aiauu aiuui irom me COpnrlUOOJ antf ., responsible s i"J i' ' s t fflIce w. federl i.f wmenl. as if they had no longer any concern in . the oorstum - . . p00 h?3 b,L b'"0'1, ! b! freemen of New York hste ioet none of then interest in the struggle, none of thei r zeal, none ol their determination en .the mure imcnac, uieir zeai warmer, , tneif determination more, inflexible, . by the wrong and indignity which baa been offered Ihem, ' ? : Vvvr f'-fci , ... They will lake that part tn the apposch- ng eiectun to wnicn, their character en- tiiL. .1. :n l .1 j.j ... th'f iU 7D,'i die New Yrk, demo m.u w how f or"' ih'T "ill u.h iu,iii vy win iiare.iucir. ,canciaaie; ill "'" hriee heard and their strength foestioa ten in ine ueciasion of a . great wuicn is now colore ine people. ' t. II 0 Gi EN.'.;T A Y LO B "SN iLir BUN Before Gen. Trvlor waa' nominated. rmrmmmA ik. .nmimi.. -XI .-.-'.ill i received the nomirretjoQ. Whereupon the Evening rest (Locofocpl discoarssd ss fol- lowst ; tit-iu . s,.-..,,''. . ' We'noVlook aponTtne Presideatisl question ad virtually aetded; General Tay lor will be la the Presidential chair en the of Marth if be is alive. He Will sween f00lh t Cape May to Key West. '.,u V"" w me kio Mramie, - t if I,0I i g her voice fr-f Tsylor . as ur1 oom Csrolins. Jfpt. one of the S a! sal anal k jb, oikuL . . L, . . . ( ' f i iow-wf excluding elsvei fcuJtet dl'Mf Cass oq tistery waa written.' will. in aU probability, give the author of tba letter a tote for the Presiilencr. .'. Io the North his prospects are scareelv last saiie .... ..... i fWtory.., ,r,f;,, o,M ... fun, 1 lie precipitate annexation of Texas nndef he first revolutions adopted by Qon. gress setting saids, altogether , hs 'mild, safe snd wise sUerpatite proposed by Mr, Bontnn, and leit to Mr. folk's discretion brought n the war w'ub Mexico; the war with Mexieo brougHt Gen; Tsylor .before, the public noijce, gave liim hie popularity and armed him with s rength 'io. , overturn the" dininistrstlon." 'udu., -"The Posa subsequently 'sscertsinfd that the announcement of ftie nomination of Gen Taylor was premature, sad if added lo its remarks theset ' The foregoing paregraphs were written oo receiving from the telegraph officejhere, a despatch to the efleet that Gen Taylor waa elected, It now appears thai the re port wae not true. W do hot, however, correct what haju been ; written. Tsylor will be nominated by tlie Convention before its members separate, . and , our remsikt will hae the proper application.' ' , , The New York Globe (another Locofo eo joornsf) says that Cass will sot get more than three 8tatee, ' Here is hst it , soya We believe, howerer.'thai if Gen. Tay lor is nominated at Philadelphia, be will be elected President, tio matter what play be the action of the Barnburners of , this State. - "As Gen, Tsylor now stsnds before the people of both parties,' his election would be. preferable lo that of Csss , ' His elec- lion would annmnate llonkerism ' in mis State;' snd thioughout the Union, ""We hsvi long been hoping , for the atrital of the Uwe when a rerolution'in parlies woald Uke'plaee.3,tli '": ''- - .If our Obiect is merelt to rfefest Cass; that is .slresdy aeeomplisried the moment Taylor' Is ' nominated s.Pbilsdelphis -There are not three States In the ' Union, if the rontest is Utween Tsylor and Case, wbieb-Casi rsn earrj. , . ! "K: r -.. BUDENSBURU DUEU ; We learn from 'be Ellieotta' Mills Free Preaa, that a boeiiUo meeting took.- place at Bladensbarg Md..lasl Thursday, be. twoea two midahipsaes) t tbS' navy, ' Mr. dale, of Woiceater county, Md ana Mb Dallas of Pennsylvania. . Tbe latter wse wounded at tha. first . fire. , and fell Asm famines snd loss. of Mood -die fornrea s eaping unhurt It is .intimated uLat ,tbe diffieulty originated with reipca of fair young iauy oi annapmis.- . t .,; "t. v .., i ,. , . i hi.,' " ;-' , QtnScolXIUiActcjiwiiti of im'Juvtla The JKchmnnd; Republican ssysvv .. , We learn that the depuution ef gentle tnen " from thiecity," appoinied"' fiw'the purpose of waiting on Oen 8eott in person snd inviting him td visit Richmond, Bate performed that duty;1 They proceeded 44 Frederick, Md where they found 4ki General, and addresssed him through the Chairman. Wm.TI.'Macfarlnd.' ' "Gen S. responded in appropriatd lerme', accepting the tntitatiod, and agreed to tiait Uirhmond irt an early' day after t!id adjiuranient of ihe CJoort or lo-juiry.- THE ORPHENiFAMTv The Muscogee Democrat cautions - the Press and '.public againat patronizinrthe Oroheans.' on the eround thst ther attempt- ed to leate volurabus without paying weir . ' . r .... . I . . ISUlM. The printers or Macon were happi ly exempt from thia annoyance in , part ,at least; but they were swindled by the. ssme parties in a diflerent way. I hey did , ot patronize diem at all; but carried with them batch' of Programmes printed ia Ten neeeee, in which it waa gravely announced that oertaio ef their songs were repeated by special request, fitrolling minttrela, re becoming tery Bumeroua, and we think that every community 'Should refuse to smroar. age ihem unless- they possess superior me rit or unless they leave a, portion' of their earnings whereto they go. That the Or pheana are genuine Yankees, no' one ean doubt; and they ought at least to be taeght to patronize and pay the printers wherever they gov wM4UoiiJovrn4l,x .XJJOD.ADVICE.. The -Ekhmood Whig of Thursdsy SatSI .j.'jv m " a.T . . 'netting en Elections As the Pesidev tial ' canvass l ie about to commoner, we tske this opportunity : lossy a. few -words againat fbia detestible Jpraclice, We be. liete thst it' eontrihated in no email 1 de gree lo the deplorable result of ; the test election. Let us vsr A oey friends against it ia this, while it ie yet. time.,; Nothing lentls more direetly toderooralise the pub lic, and produce frsoda which fender - the right of euffrage, so dear lo freemen .and Sooeceaaary to the existence of a republic. a mere nullity, an idle form, without lj useful pvrpose attached to,itHi.f t!4J.tl '1171... I..-. .! Gen. Csss to say to the v iia inf. lim uuwuici fi ''Hon. George Rsthboo, a lesdintf btrrnef of' out State, hating'' in .the- late Contention si tyiea, announced Gen. Cats utterly unworthy of support, UrtJ. C. publishes part or s letter written te blar In September, '48, br Mr, R.' which: expres sed the highest esteem 'and regard.'- ' Mf Rsthboo explains that when the said fe1 tee wae written. Geo. 17. was openly note ry from territory which we might acquire Irons Mexico, and that ihe letter pebliehed by Genj CV was Impelled by a knowedge ol thst fact. He Nlusirstest N.-'Y." Tri in Benedict Arnold wae at one time a brate eoldien he wss betieted to be a true pafirioL He rose to the rank of the 'General ia ihd army of the Colonies?' foeght bratrly ; In Ihe, derenee pf the ngbts ol the .American people was seteemed, worthy snd hohasl. Phe American people became attached to him', praised him,'' flattered hirn, yet ' when he went onboard the Vulture, and deeeited to the British Army, snd accepted office onder the Wtitish Vtowa, he-Was dtsta oy. et ery honest mso , of.. jH, parfie,,f So far. as IJtnow.Jie eter.pubriahed'tsrts of letters writt lo .hint '. before, hit denertion to prove the inconsistency of his frienoc while he aoneared an honest roan, because (bey condemned him when.ho bad demon etrsted that he was po longer' honeJt mf ' ... i"""-"-' ,iM?f. .r. airatJi,. fThmt m Gentleman may Jo md ,"; he a,il -i.Wimuni'ltat go.ww- V- He may carry brace of pert ridrts; bot not a leg ef mutloo.'' lit may be 'seen " In the omnibae bos at the opera, bol nvt ' on the box on an omnibus. He may be -teen isj a stall inside the theatre but not at a stall outside one.' He may dual another per sons jaekei but must not brash hit 'own,- He may till a man in - a duel, -but' te . mtisn'l eat peas with his knifes He mat thrash coal heater, but' he : musn't asfc twice for aoup. . He may pay his1 deMe efhorier, but Jie need not ' trouble' himSelf about' his rsdesmen'e bills-' ' lie' msr' dries a stagecoach, but h musnt fake "or carry -eofypera.' He. may ride $' horse' as" 0 jockey bat hb mustn't etert himself jaf the least to get Die living. He mustneter target what ever he owes to himself - s A gentle man, but he need hot mind what he ewee as a f entlemaiv-to r hie lailor.;. He ; may do anything or any body In fact ' with io the mg-of a- gentleman go Ihrtngn, me msoitent - ootot a coutt, or turn billiard worker, but he must never on anr scount. carry a browa-feapef -parcePer appoarB the street ' without 4 a pair of ' gloeea. i- ? ru!-iii fctTi .-fitr O. Delta. ' n ii i all i la U CSf It is only, through, woe this we ar tauabt in reflect, aad we gather the beaey of worldly wisdom ootjrom uowerx.-bui thorns.. tSaV-The ' hope -Of,' happines'is a. . bridge wo"ve$ 00 of sunbeams' and ' Ihe -colors or the rahibdw,1 which 'carries" us oYerthefriKhtfBf tbrtntof.de.lhr " - rjj&?: JfcJi8d!anxiajtf i A weaiern paper, leader the head af A 8crew' Looavj,' ;adtertisee Ephrsim' A Screwy a horss-thlaf, as bating broken . ja'd. fv. . ', . .titai ''" ' : . ; " ' !'' i''1 ' v'4 . .Tb wife of Paredea eske $I0.Oj0O from the American authorities, foe, the,,jlamage loneto the property of beibusbM.w.h'i? ' occupied by our forces:, IvwliiZ: "If rieh, it is essy to hide our wealth- but if poor it U 'tidt qufce sokss'to t!oncealtt poverty. " We shall And U less diffieolt To bide a thousand-faineant than one bole Ia otlf ooaL'r ? .ia)03 u t'i to '',"'' t.f,WouIdyosibe!iet it buntl" exd aimed S pate faced young lady of the vupperen ' 'would yon .believe nJ-4Jacle I Soromosv tells me that the yoang-ladies otil AVest actually bpekk to the'lber 4radeemeti and ' stote-k ropers! They most bo ,J badly irf ' want of society, mosn't thetrv; "Humplil yss, inlemipted Uncle Solomon: nThey re as-adly off for society., rny dear, as , your father was whenhr pnlUd.'.radaftea and aspsragua for A liviag.-aod yotjf . wioth ar sold Ihemia the old Fly Market .ba. ha! . society btimph!'V Mias ' Polly I Dolly' Adelinolalntodl.iri .11 ., i w I MT.'"'! .". J i ! . ..-..L M .V .-CJ"" ,t h j CASS A FEDERALIST, c; .. The Zanesville (O.l Courier tare thst General Cass etodieo ; law !ln MarieUa, Ohio, end whilst there. is 1803 1 dttivered a 4ib July Oratioo replete with high-toned Fstlersl sentiments. , Jodeed, so ultra waa iia character, that even old CoU Nye. a hot Federalist said he. .thought , it a tittle foe tpicy., i Sosse time afterwards, be obtained a Federal office, ibat of MarshaU. and he gets; over priachipg Federslisau t Tlo Courier challengee . contradiction to. this atatement.tif. n,,i:it "vtitWXJtff """T . A Federalist , ia youth a Radical ; la old sge, .nd a Demogogus andehiiffld alt Ibe Whilst f wM..pn) M'tat-i.- -riftf "f daVisjihentop leouis Raijwf fe. Tbo Coorrier and Enquirer's Islegraphin dee patch from London, ol Msy 1 SOth 1 the. . dsywhew the Acadia - aailed fof Bowoaj ceniaini the followiag important iieawsf intelligence: 'i! :. v J. m .$t.; 1. 1 .ti v parris, ftidsy Evehlnt,' Mar 2L ,;, In f.vrta ..MA. fli; I"T -.V ',itirMi W t 'v.iwnti' Ii nt Majority for banishment, 603 IS' f.r.l .I 'NapUe Msf IS. Letters state that the Chamber' hjd "dissolved, -arid thst the city had been declared la a state of eeije Liberty to devastate and pillage had been ebhcAdded loathe Toopsi ! The national gtfsrd bed behated with Oik greatest hero' ism; it submitted to deslrnftion but did not yields i Thai French Adtaifsl is said lo hate demanded 600 000 franc si aa 'in. demnity for losses suslsined by French sub jects. " ''V' "7T";;y rV . ';. c A Daowitwo Masj.' wnrj c.tcni VW a Stajtw." Married at Buffalo on the 17tlf 0lf,,'J. Ai Drowning Mary A Straw.. ,'!!. i af - S -" i 4 - A IrattieVexWrtmir; his ioh' WesrTf' ri: fng. related 'e etery of jw)4liov' early one Wrii'ir fbtind'd lare'jirir of money Well leplied the tomh,' 'bur the person who lost it TdN stlisr' ' ' i . I 't. I '.I r j. .1.. T 1. ...i-.:... . .rl mem ui luuis riiiniiiie nnu ins miiiiit w 4h SpologlSlS Of I L....X.. r .. - j' i '.ti i. i- following: : -Tr. z.r vi wfrwy Hxtrn.i M fVW,f " ' " !s-.-n.il Mir " -f .-"-i i"IIV:'jwthw:j.

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