ST A. T ft T 1 ta .W4t I 33 'nil' (Hi ' i jffl J Hit T .4 m h iis-iff! ! .1 mr i'4 f t-t - 1t " V.Jit 1 fc5 . . TOl- 1 ' -7. ..i'.' u . L - - JiTu them 10 driving ,lhit Wiecp or wild 44 .if votbet.Upfi -According v yr a iieimhnt there a peculiar brwxl "which naturally take to t herding oT .h.o- withiiutUittle or ' no iraining This is, to ouroirifndr5wd,,g3''6il:nB'y kinds o( shepherd V does, or dga wMch rahj be easilT trained to iho busitiess, bt whic-h are widely different front ch other in their form, features and other tharaeter- IttlCS. V ' . , r. , . iuA ; 'There' 13 ,Jh large: . Sbanisn. flo?, which Is strmitfWive aid can grf pie : with a wolf or a beaf- ahd there ti the smooth, light, delicate limbed shep-i hrrd'a dog, from; and there is the rough, the rougMshagJX RfS lisK shepherd's.,, mn?y of which enme into the world uUlesi There is !sq "epug$potch jcplleyf,,, VjUpjidoij, ii'i speaking.oJ Uw breeaof 4ogV sayat . Thft KPgusn anep ug usiully.; larger- thv4he HoUhetiu ;ta iargtit otiHj less, and has been jso long accustomed co llate the taif taken ff at the rump, 4hrtrrihe tnstsneea the custom -has -Aperateit Aatorei .and. these ags are aomeumos jmjipu i- The ahepnecq's aog is not, however, usually brert ' ab Targe a he rel rle orlrover'a,i:.yet Ufficrcritly strong nod fierce. ' Their, oolor is,. hi gerieridlaflwCls'. ptiriked ears theyarextrenwljr dociI(e and' intelligent, and seem alnwst Js Oft derstnnd the lookisStf ,ibflhep)fwd. Some of Ihem are tmdoth coated ; but by fur the greater number of them are rough, and hate their hair crisped. iHe alsa olwermfrfinif thhpherd'a docs of Scotland are vilied in form cV. Khk' .anrlt v isf i them tlSlfnflv VIKVI' W V - WW " , they nrerrerortrfelesjmoottompfit. torsin sagacity anil'ecettetice'.'1 ThMr jreneral charactomttci are, ears paniauy upright, bea(, rather pointed, shagary coat, anf a'remarkable,Tiloc;itf.iof m 1- iiess of Jaikir)fWBse,floc;ka ot sheep mv be seen raninz ti wilda wkhont any bgjerfiontroXibiin the shpphwd ndj htsdojr, wtiico recejyes no commanus, and executes them, art d.-tbert Wiu for further ocdertor, rw olten acts wun great judameoi and promptitude' 'rbro the impul9e f hi-twrii sagaeMyr i which, perhapvheseJdoia' never shine more, tnarri piew reaaines'ro;ami guish the individuals of their own flocfr and their adrmtnesS In 'keeDins out intniderfc''1- In1 driTihg'" ritim ber of sheep any diance,,asve'rt'lin ed dog nevertairs io'confin the sheep to the road; lie wtrtches every avenue that lead front H. wherelTie! talte" his stand. r th reMenm if eV4rf tJ de ind treni : and piirsneSth?ttagglrs3od na them into the rauks.Vithul'dofng them any iJiry,."Aw JrbohpTier ''w at any time ' absent, ' ..ho.y rests, .satis fied, know1hfr4his.'dog wjlf not abnndon h if ch? rgVut jr'd I kf jhay ,th f99 mety i&pkwkit jh?S 8aciojj,muiial lirveup th,nist, ot, condvcu.them to. his innster, according tty th word or signal RiTeu." -:! ft . Mr. Jaroea.l Uolemart, near this chjr, baa both male, ahd fenanld dogty'of wbicJtlradtic1tari'fc .rood RkVi nesathat arajirrtLtucdnoato cara of ofsbeep. Thsytf 4hcir parents wcte imnorteit hv Ataior .Twur'?!!. 4Mtd tfotilallaix hftis ia irv vitihlftarnmrt mnjnrfw) irt I sheen husbandir. Soiither'n Cul. LIVE A PPLH fTREr$i POSTS TlieIssacTiuseftsPlpiiglimaiusiijr gesii ftiat apptairepbej rJxiitedvfcoin ten feet apart on. ijiua wjere' it de sired to construct a brmanent ienco,t- laihs i eovrse) oCiey oir twejv yea;r they wouiibalarza aooukIi to. be .mortised for the purrMtse of rccejrWg-oedw'Of cnestnut f. rfWiWhich.vU -jshought, would, last raoreahs'i fifty veitrs, , in the meantime, thes rmjtjfcnce nosts?J pies, and thus bncotns profitable in 'di-1 vers wayf.l.U., tn'",! .fl Azrkulturati rKfaori V- the United -r. Stated unl France. Ak write in We" EnIish'AflcT? tnrall zpiie maes tr mteresTn compari son 'of the products of the' Uuftcd 8tats compared wirhthos of lfran,c4.,''he. population of the United. 'States is set downraH Henty millions and' that-'df, France at , thirty-five. tniliious. The proportion ofthe' gnctlHuraT;' popula tion Jit A fiief ica is given ai cpejMjn comine'rcial" and 'manufacturing 17.1. The writcp observes ihnt 'the agricultUBal ;pmductl'U of lira rlJuited IS MIArnvin. A il'1 .f.wriiiMHa.!) vainest 'w?-,!?lJt .ff ,l T' -MrV.f J"tl Hi. 1 311 374- 33,131,430 H MdMuhw, - 4,aaa.68 s.iM7c'tof the notion vf coin? into a ccar&fttnnM Pimm.hi f i -M 1 ' I-JillB3 1 i4.940.7Jl lie also contrasts the grain crops ol the two countries, tiiowing the contnara tire amoants produced el each kiud, in hectolitre at follows:. r Wheat, ,,f ' 4O.O,000 ' e9.OOO.OC6 Brly i ' 500.00a-t, 000,000 Aye 6,000,00a I7.000.vo0 otv . 44ooo.ooft. 480oe.eoo ImlUn Corn, , ,,., laOOOOO 7.000.00(1 BuekwhMlv , MOO 0 j if- 000.000 ... 'The United States" Csaya the writer) "produce nnuaMr7'iW'tt0Jis of wool, (MX) tons ol hops, oJOU tons oi. becswar; 10i)00,lKKJ ions of hay 95,000 tons of hemp and Hax; I0U0UU tonsef lobaccn, 4U.U00 lonaof- rke, 395,000 tons of cot ton, 60,000 lbs. of cocoons of silk-worms, 77,OOa tons of susrar, an4,000 hecieli- ties of wine. :The produce of the wfrn yard,' or cow-house, 1 estimated at JC7,0K),U0O ($39,UUU,UUU;; lorests, 720,000." The total Amount cnlturj(il'.prodube( amoun,fs ywfy to-ihe enormous sum of 138,730,160 ster ling, or $693,550,b).Tho ni&nitO& tures &ihe Uuked Stales, thwutrhytl in their 4n fa ncyi are rapidly incrtashig, and the writer puts down the amount Tpttal embarked in manufactories et various Kinds. ;av, xsm,ioi,n-..,ion- Slderedin all resjxscts, therefore, 4Mon- ciudes 'Amoftca mafB classed Jicit taral and commercial country ln-nhfe world S c . r t - ' " j r .1. ' I L?trr .SAVIXif lil.llV rTi SKKI 1 1 . ... . w a 1 UIM'l'WIIUVl vr wsiv A A - 1 V M I ,wd rn.niA .,.n.i.nrt txt Vtngtlover;Ved, ajnd i ta MoiMnrwip " ar enarninav neui ira WNnm .'. at a?-.. d nnMham) 1iutrifr 4rtr tHta mining r 1 r ' . . . . . .u. i . ' , -ut Mplan is,"whe.i iti, 'fully ritol caillloiKl'cg 1110 iviiuvioi uivmyu iui J . . w . , - , i ... -. 2i .., ilm sasoeiwiOi atitorffiin,mtterCthv take a common gmin c;lle and JdwttJW'S?? TOW?" ?VrV,i the firsTfingerk'. close lojhe scy thea aJ MorJ Jl8 en jtfrWftJnbofAa can beat the point, and then lakaJW? V?n..-VJW WJWWllJPMte linen rloth .liiHi it tit tn twi l.VW ipa with watr.tlit.0ntaiM h0 rgBja. iwwrrt togrtherr t)r mil ratt tdrw lilj illf,vipcj Ul jBUfL" v at, ji,yu w lBtJj Wtra Milt lk ftnna M.r-k-k7 iT tiAil u .you vishivv r 7 Zu ontit VprVdcan: and iinv hand thau ati mj grass an alsoui clswaeed. After ins cut wi will let it lav neol two weeks to ac&n; ititry westbMi i weftaeisbned, ybb will gad.erit in snlVfMftW aMtK8hl with a common hand rake 4rt4 morninfi-, when the dew Is on, otheraisel the-after nart of the day.'bY mayemafnl fOfsometime itt dry weatheryou: wlingiion:uie oojpci 01 m.s, nowewris tf.on, i,w..r it ttti h.r .inrk.v.t . if I more especially toobtam the sedunenU mm wirfk. tiio.k-UL-m MWn tn .rnIdf'niudyywajiiaTiSsd Thl' "waierf !C3 by niet jri lengtKtand breads hou'd eTer i0 "j.1!"'?" Pr? and ibout 10 feet high, I then takrtorr".??t tffa'w, aud lay it with topends out;.", ip.0J,J,",I05t jTI"c,r.11 nrnvrt JioIC its UkMcrfh atamr amllsn1aiiutt boild on end bsHen in td Close the stadk -every load a course 91- straw, and soa eraduall v-wtth straw and need, till erericrKiiy Dima iierpenaicuinr, men It'S-PP wt!f! I1 V"P4 poe4a1jiy'thfCEi rawCteat..fown the itraw with your rake, and von will hare a complete slack thit1 will stand rhe storm till yott haVe tirrln to thrash it yU tBf thraah St oh oOmmon'epike truichhiivbr harder by fiaviMrs'cood shake! to it, bw I generaHy ihrash Iteffl wuhr the flafl m tne winfw-BhaK oir thtraww4th hifnd fiirtcftiihd fatf&rf! clean with hand raW lh6 bene'r.-lt'iit ryifced Mwiet Uifl ftlenh onthecftni. rrroti spiWthichin J ! Cleaned t bigrias 18 bushels' btjepef dayltli aifi bKises in the aho.rjtdrtys ot winter. I will HOW COncllldebv tellitllF VOU 8 pojut;tha clover seed Utrtpptr.". as it w ternied by us, to whicfe ymr corespooH qot refers, ns. JDttfnefsfisrxd like a oombnd dragged', by a orssJl ' We haver several ku apnMltid bit sled kiiids iO .ouotyi-tdepebditlg ort deVangemehY6rth4'drV ed rutirlarsJlnd oOhsifSoaln'rfid )hi orgsrl I deperlding wlils heyara'. n6tt li,iad')y, ry particulnr manulacturef.' but generally by Z farmers themselves; according v to tiieir own pian ooi irr my opinion, they are not calcnlated or large farmers or for getting seed Tof thnrket at . these low price s; ; for they . Are' too labprr-, t$WeW larg" barooor jlbrdrying ilejrore you emu store it.awsy ethefwise U will beat aii4mnsf, and iiyure tJue. seed, and can n'ot lJbe.iryiislielkarMd, ibfefof I witt spbnMtjns bar to, your consider ation, as also the resub of the triah of my nsigbbor Dieulomevyrarv see Dpnd I went aomvrJules and borrow ed s stover stripper, with the intention, if H inswered tb pdrposs, to get one m'dl iu company. Mtf D.8trlDPed four acres and sent foV rire tof.'e it work Wdiinted meriiachiiiief andtooiplhe 'dhair, when He banded me the sera rir Mi scrji pe'eff Hie elb vet headai an4 told mt iH'Y mi move ou.( siowjypiu leu j(nli taoon raised me W-niy sealand il tbokjftll my power to clean, and. made thf sweat roil in. streams, fir my neigh bjnywas dafermfned tojntke me go pn round for trialbut that round put rne nershinr lor any more stripping 6f clover seed:1 ' ' ' " ;".J J t ' ! irood lahdfpr, like most ,vegeUUt pre JnliAH ! lU.I m.m U.t I mm. I WkA ! aiid from Kci . laiid .the iuaititv.f UllvLIUMS lit ilillvQft Ml f straw produced, is almost iflCMdihleJ! 11 f. ;,.;; . .11 in'. v ran , i TrafitM- nno$iiim aHttid iloratm Falkner w ys,thal the tares of a dead hor. which is dttert susereo ro nmritte meair wito in noxious einu-i via, has been fiappilV emhlpyed 'in' de- tompnsinjr tons of peat earth, and translbrmihz it into tlia most enriching manure. t..., ...... Now. where peat is riot' to b had, enrthoCanyMid nys Joe substituted, la its. stead, with tbfl beatfftfeu. ,- ' IRRIGATION, m - IrriZBtiou ls 4mci - practiaed . by- the CUino-andiEj(jptiaHSromi th re- moteat.antquHyt. 1 MTntne where raina seldom alh and the ground' be- comes dry and parched, 1mgiufon,''1of immetwe valire; ! It' fconsfstf irf 'taking water from lake, sewers, "roniilutf streams iff resetvoir$,iJand csttsing 'Jt'lo flow ovet flie lahdi W.ihsani .'al small tcahals or burrows, Pre per . mw afcordmg J9 .tpJmon tnd JohnstOtv al mosi pxciuwvejtvy 10 niauw : tanas tt.j I I I I . .A . I lis hAUiUar.aE.lt4XSaJ;lAn Afv - II -A .1 I m nrhArk sum Bulla a Ninnoniiir a bb- 11 y iucig itwiwimt vm manunne When the watirused holds Stterstthy f ntsid-whfle n itt" HefcTsJ" aof .ieaa a arlailiU TaffArtf maMit4 Arf tha Mlrf iAb? MartrtWAHd wwits iwwtr wi ty ow ate .baorbed;u'd. in this waynr ben ffieiail-arop8 --sf ; TT0BTJ2 ' and tender pintssnoniaDerngrati fnnw 5' ' lt may 00 repeated evW t wo-w ?T? CIWWS' rWln "gr rfriWf- Xa W JWWI mjlr apiirrw 1 b . v Bn'w m b wa id which n welF drulhecT HfieathJ' so fo atrow1 thi'MferJ fo "wh'etr'ata the sub'oif. and not stand tooJonc on. the styface. Iad,6jr, lapdi, pje ' fawtfiqGf wideredia.lb9.winltafi thegrss. rr)gnoo,init practiced to much extent in- tb United States r and ti e temoteoe&s of many farms from streams," as well a the expense-ttend li,: l xrlA-. ipg riie ork!ri(tidtir wiU preventituni4:ngri8b seres in sis 'divided into teds .KfiMuuimHuiireit 1 yvxnM ir ..... . TroTssor 1V.5Parker::oU'th JUt, York College, of (Physicians mi. Bur ,-.7 sMMiMcaAwra,,igh poeiiion. amt dry.naUirs, ofp.J,hf ped a mjuiba wis tronbtedjwit arrune palpitation ef jtho-.liear. sT' states jhat na physical ains of orgariis disease of the heart could be detected) .BHdiencewe'inayboncfnde.Bays Prbf. CHvHh mneh certaintf, that all the cardiif d dlstorbance hi purely functronsl, nti ine irro use oi iodhcco. ica ana roues .H;x..lV l..i.!"iV.l. r un.:i ai'U imuiiiciuoin wiiiii irvi.. , ll liai then are toe indications .ol treatment Shall we gtva physic ui such a. cwr) Will physic cure. bad babils?,, Not bit of U. . Let the patient simply throw s m a X . nuvrp piaTO, wTKjicsonj ici, ana isk regular exercise in the open ah, dc hell soon be well; io word, remove -the cartses tf derangement flrxd the "effWo wilt eeoie; .... f. 'frtrtw Titiwty tvtcf timil fie. Mobile llerold says thai the dis- ease wli M destroying i t)ie.)in fon eftf of tbe Carollnns,, has juade -its m pearancsiM UaldwiH cov?Ala: Jt hibita sme singular phenomena; 'tOc csskally H proceeds in' atraight linefftromd hAtviod4i2VIM, destroy if not only the loll grown frees but the small shoots just springing' tip. Then afain jt goea into-'circles,' le'av' ing trWs lrtlhe;iiitermediaei8paces sdund and vigorous. The trees die just ns . thongb 4by had been girdled;- the leaves-wither and fall cC aud it irttnk soon..Tiloitatlecny.") Dur informant does not attribute the cause of this (mm .k.. I .. Art I mosrerieonfc ' F ' ' ' 1' l ii til ' ,. POISOXOUS , CLAMS, i " Ve have seen accouotf lately lof peo- pia-navina josi.iejr urea in vnriotis place; along, our.. cwsis, anyasN.ilTT S. Amnkao, fma eating clams. It appeart to us that there is not sufficient dala-to fotmd fsoaabla conclusions reirnrdinir tba dams bHn? the direct caOeofrh!ee deaths. Some accounts, pfahx'ahd famished, are required. (me'accouni ayi that these pois6nous clams hhv all been fotind to hve a1 slualj blac leecb within thorn.' ir(hIa'thiie,)lArj gTtes tfiat , the.clajnswefs .a J jnortav , nARDE;i.NG HIDES . i The f oJUiwing ateofd process i for bardening Jiides exUaoird Iron Exarrri- net Paev's Report, wjlt ba tomd to'bf not a little. 4nteitirHrV "Tlw liidei' hardaned .-and rendered transnnrenfas I th first olace5 ther'aie suhm!tf3 1 mu uic Bweniinif uperauou or me iinung Tor lemovifie the tifrThylr!hiei Vubtvitted to tha aciioa o( nowerlul as- !rititfnl. such 'unlno'rie cid. alum . , . , -, j , ot tttU& jii tarterdissald 4n watert- a high temperature. "jOnriiiif ihe operr Etion of clearirrj the) hide sf oil. the y re rubbctpt Jrictiail tfappliedti a any fconvenientVay, whereby jheT lilde be- :omes thicjeauea; nnct niter this, process s finished they are tirrsed In. warh water nd driedrAftefbeMie dried HwV are iihmjtted to tb actioa of- bolin Imk seed, orbf dfyjdg 2)iXeta''-1 ea-trt tnti not oir umii o.yeiiow jippears' W W rtrfac prlt'i1 hldeM trhett lheyrtrwithdratrn. "irms.'des Ired to lmptfcblof-To hnAtelal as .ji : i. u..ri -.!.!. . ' ;:t.'. .I'll ttmtnnz ii iBimnnirou oi jiorjoise Buey,, iTidofte while mlhe oil ba(h. and wlien rJ9lpa-ir9raiP"sWMJ.4 ,MHBmto pressure In pioiilda of tUdqf,mtiOH;f F arions, articles, as anite uanaies, or'tlie rUctv wbeo it coroeshot from tjw oiT bath'js very soft and plinbltUol wlicp allowed lxppl,iulectmes liard snd susceptiblf isfSrhigb poltshi 1 f . WODEI POTATO GARDEN , I The following account of a wdei poiaitigfirdflB, described by thiiondoti Gardner's ChronicU'witl be (TAind to bi Very intewtnie, aminmmictfve, ah(T uLrtodmiM; benrtetitlvel'readbvall gei wh Prussia: Ts tme ot me iW6rtTrsinfi' in mat interesiinz wuuii r . i.' -k r.T. r - ; Bctnrir ditqej. J(t bas been estaMsbrJ J ngsinst the dilUculties pf.tbef AimesyUc Peter.lVHecrawbossraox jtkiiiaeaiis oa-this oceasiati atimi 'one een about It h the'commmi drto pctilwrid tfrtpintf treei.! Wia'tmpfe sioti is Jhat the catisa Is enlirely an at- rrrw juoaei roiaio unroem ai poii"; ..... ...i !"..-i. n, not iar,irom e,iDeroeiu m jvnfiv curioai s oesi alated y,iamlyi rscolUtkiKas Tiifkj and willbe. 'ftwind Id IhiriHHiiVVbeA d wsAfithef4l,?4Mid ibif W grandfather; Ibe sameBartn tOWghrWth Pnftxd its rvelTafiHgti1hwa-jsrincienc.)r thaffrst.! rHitatoe8Mothe.atrict 'fHTIl8 esperimentmay be'iohtttl-1 ISoliruren, in 1731, from Naitfevlft Franco.. Tliei . ttardwr "Is abdhtf two una- Dnrara n m-omao: srarei waia. yiihV-a1sir WufcV'some ;or tha'l'bordiviil Vt '.L.'Vt '.jlr-'ii :.77.Tri' I ns laua nns noi aeon aminea nuine V i"""s r t I f f" a rebder that precaution here uptrfluH8, Oreal care ja taken b Luriiiuenvar thev gTndpd, pulyerjzinx it a;nuich,asJ possiDie An?neroan( wiiaj vrgeta pie crops tsalao observaxlt Whe manure chiedy;ompiaiedf thoiisaefose, W4R mixed with cley.kand gypsum iofl 4 the ammonia, 4s Junea orgK Treqiiently durinr-tba wiuier.afld when it is spread 4 upon the,, laod.i js mixed 3 withuiV limp : wtiicn t smiiv oiaetisrasres tncm- mwiaWiiU ihiscompos'ashe ofj Wood, bomudayUO other stlbstrtCet flr.Hlatfld to loosen i the ttALUnkY 'hit I - - - B dissolved fwsulphnrttfccfdtrijf-lvBtl Fresh stable-dung, ancl bone dost Mva. been' fodna b'Wrexperncs of thi gurdeners'- riot to bo' good rnahure for poratots.- ,a cpmpostwey iurped ove,, thorouzhjy dWVd and mixed, ensures 'souudVaodfallute tiolT'of the sed fa" also verv ewanliaL Not onl y.ahmdl thy foil :be cWged, Jmi t care snou la, oe telcen tocnoow only the a . t 1 a L a a - . neaiiniPsilTOQisn4vrucri,navBi Been weu . " t I it :t. . f wintered, , end- if, posaiber.irrown in select fori should be made me autumn and th seed. ptatoes kept n moderate sized deal. boxes, in . dry: cellar- mongsti,t'V; poiotocs. Joiahiagnrden there, are some with very short bawl au Uintar planted hr rows' t 1-3 feet fromj eaph other: h ion g-hanlmed kinds re in rows 2 J-2 fear awinder. The avtM age produce of the neighbothood is ivnicn runs iu uie ugnnjoi.a squprq, heirWmieiA -'todW eilcSed,4d InlAf 1r.,nln 'riArlh'Inff iHhV .,f otflhe rood lr to sqiarejref,fwlic $ more uinnen, Jfywj 4aetfeH&n1af re. .yal tt)etro jjie jrardcit averages pns not oeeu. ; sc,qrji(tBPi.a.s jne , wm fcrlptn are iveryuiuuerotislmd tvety Various in, yiRkU.-Kfarly 600 ktodsof nptQe from ajlparusl the wrW hare beeoUiad in this as rnttrey fo 'thf ueigbiliood r-4S;Sdnl tothfewwhti know in value, even at great disWtic. laJ baspfceaeon'Jof l)844,f tftlietie're was alot ai failure' id tharpnfdf, M yellow; MaTtn'. Jhs ,r jwh. te I (from Seed: a white potato, from. Inter: mcdfrs,k pepYral, Xiinca, e(r0n fftij a red poiata from California;. dark id if01"., .t'qrw Allegro, jua .viara, wmiui America: ine i wraa. ninc.sairi.Ji.urrua from ukahivsvvw 'Zealand, said tc4 n improved hi New Zeabind Iron the vAracaehabf Iwb; a wluia pqtsto front KovaiiScoiia.'aadll lohg' whit fmrnt inad-B (pnriiniiyj aamn rea,T lu. Knwhi pariim1aHrrenewrVig'' tl ar.k 'rrom AffieVica'ri seed." ' lVrifhd Porto' A1ego1ieiBweer71tfphW Viaeo a&d'nuenos ATresrheC 'TfMiiiilled oof as thf t kt sHurcesTViJt praised the range (af fii i f "41', 1 .QfiUtfao pUatai tbaonwierTaiie poaacsarsiha pow ot JosomUioV, prott- calWdand perhaps if arl-ptanti tfipyktqo consist of solitary fnxnvnrtl- als. Other p'ants are cornnnsed of com1 lunit ieaAHe UiA4 hrlnrlheVnhsbUits the stus eiidsjffjf-oT sVore room.aiid iahrie8,Tli nttr snbnW JiH Ht'ihi iMnmolive irgans-ihe.tioney bees, of UistenanpooC tbe, bod jiolilici .ajid. i yp$ cxcrrf to dJC(Uierup.ptA 4b lirs our div,crsiokXDteVsouieiiy. w,bc 44s,if ei.tbflWhs exaipljJ lint iUeesas . wbekdiinBt rwmll ifnoa iht jiulkcs ol (baear4lkthffy4sT otutr Mpatsthtf)it aonmiaiA''la4fan( cfSMspoiiisouiiiofiomtweatn-7: rte, the tendency of plant.-to IncTIiief ihwi atems and turn W tmbei''strrnic of4bJwesttrwt5 .tri I t i i . -wn: W If Pi'V.WLWqtt.bqrriaejid ,Wlui sex iQci:spn7)iifveoii(4s i .iri0 amoi yeKpumpkuioVvesel&BAterdilfd uf. uwjireiinunicj mi urc s njMnsmiofey aqviae sou i-sprenr. r4tswlllftikef Wape'Trorn nri; lull tbamsnnw yen iarebt dftfft ligbtf tirHo iWhsniobhw. it, t-Kigrvetno-nnyVWft pbcrfofrJlrrAhi risirtgi l4ltlafrHu Ri ITfeuC" uiVtU-iable .directioa.ssurDed by Jha hatitor?rrnfiirV.f. d.WhirinTfenrV tiirKi WB4iPf i PB'P..!. J tojsliirted bVro wlenirth wwe and-, UvUl4uiths.ic4irse otlhwrigt To1p(.k,,"ty9V' se. Jl4il fostl4" iirarimniij vnu HID ,11111(1) UC2IIIB IOI fiittr -. . -V u, n yuMitij cj;uyii4nj,ori SCJvrysrUft-lsj m -a, i . W4 a.. s.v i ,..,HfFM.MHlfti fVVJWil wwmvapiTptnfv i tin Wound rand iviuarl iir aaotDi Jrec4ufl. if will.iitiirrir to lTl swnrfasslf Isttwa OMlistn 4ha aUempt;i ysU sllskilfMny iised. Vilidi Withal HMliir,irlwo if hese' grows ,mt eactoiWr, rTisTetm! npyprdato (ha licht. and tb root down iitfa lb -aoilU JMef , ;,4Siw4'dsys .lh atdagtun and agaid ihi. w.s'rpperved,l j rrTti""w -w FwBa, iuwim naa been,comnitav' 'Ine beaDs ;are trieB44ren oot ot tli esrtllaWdlf waf jtiTniiw'wincii niey can mwne, cq lOuaif tliemwjft atterThe dirtAioft'oflli sftfll inffTfif wilt if in;' fourtd,. eajh 1 'a y,l,",c' l""icu. "iv Riuuey tera JiinivoinKe inna am more rrtan jr. beirojfltr Wibdr.6f fhOtsjCpartK- aef imes w4f rfiTftW, he cdh1)tiy gord tC 'TOlf tiiy commeqce4 gefc dar, or insBiirwW6;h"ls ii.imv.0 cwirs.wuu'xiue:piumiBOoiirnn'stfm. iiTfreerflonara'whffh' . . set vrt7evl.,,y JV"lnUoh,ihd jfte pne in lnrlfortto; Wnd por anc.the 'bfher d? descwidlbtv (Wwlu-J tiiSwUitrn Cultivator.- ! lavmed a perfrct piral... ,Hm, althmiehL. t ..tu. to utpa- - JheT hatbral tondency, of thltjfoqUl,.isJii tirai Tayldr WM4Mecr-r tha Yrttwi- d0wnwrdsifh9ilbeoea,b na.anyflamD substance, bs.WccefrtriOoOBl bdvo,ihrootSTaill ascerHi 40-. Mac-H it. ie iA tree growinsr from an o1dwalb ton ottft ofa rodl-. soorrasit hnssx-T" hauiei(l.44iHswroandinsp voif, "tarRl k - . - ' - ... . . icun aown io me iana oeneam: anat Stepbensj- ia liiis' search -a rfcon rdiits : ki .i . t.. r j i. maenifkien trees' of t (treat heijhrarid Hte,;tfpnri h topmif aome'ftrtlie "hifeh vnJls of the deserted edifices or a lost racV, which having enrfterta " dovyn trftrrrfi son on'each idd formed hv this mekhii 1 tfm'supporfaiid being thus,' s it were, strapped together with living - -( . .i pariiiia Abodwise .d J feci .MwfcT.Niyas; itt tbe ItfersO M) ohtat othfeat.-rUhaoani dooa iA 4jf 1 iV, but tMhs stttt tnneal of hhr? a j Piaitts loitHf'rV'tfailt rbrrrifVrl tltawBTdahtftfafift'Vtannf fniaTeil irwiK upper "siinovv vi iiivit ip,nrs towards rfTT)Fc3hira'y! - sedulbhstt avoid i? i icreepiriS pliuf ver,rnf kes, ny4uw. uliUI It comes in contact jriULiome nib 3H?tVrmiwf VicircsAi otwlue;iatg wiucu. ji precuices o spiral aisecuo ai;oubd ibe,c4joci boldrb ii e&fersw? f Jl'htyfUWberry plane :wlt thrusttir 'ruuprrs rouipletcly acrasapWrdwalfe' ptv toa badionsoil on tin .MJpposite MSt? Wherti itiwlllforihafirsi,iirhe)1ait kn toot tni'Mes1ad 'ora- oVA ravinel: irf frovrnrnM"ftl W Wa) sldePJo iidjetheirt,,, me. pofiiov fi,iiMive.IuisrjjviBcsT. JA'stsuteDt, tjiode writer narrates diAl ajtrifvig tbaoJli!Ctinf palm tasetrn wajs oijOj Oi rut bed. withi bonks ties f tbia jxtfeikj y.o ethwf rood v idemfyde' aiiiiiBdiVaUochirrg!! wrlr'frjrBrtbbr o.KWopsuppsri wncn-rrowmg- m ilsoativisioimt. Theertd ofrhe fronds freP hb! II. A rtaBe4tbe'&dpt dtfistficolAiji, f iWlV wriotoasir cumsnnce,!,, iinslfiicejl, i aat 4 avan of l-ncsiids dot foph ftouf ttie si ruprtJllVaf r5(rW?fotte' i4s)4WStg.Sl o roots at some distMC ahoYe tbd tcHT lhsntlnir.Brdrf "wniflfiaic 3 s r I tihtorVeVkiUctf bv ajchittct Jnro a. j' .a-ii.M j ;f aTO'IES-r t IWeaio) iF-.ahwaofmnnrrAei5u 0fihs soil in turnieul - V1i Sfrbfi-wM. whth-vomrijiind. jruUata.j aific 6"McelyeJhe seed. wmi Prraaraliott auA ManUr flk tILL. pfashel with t the stftl nbf 01110 ta,sprrieabsmibcMK) WaWtel', ,K tlHW W TpiiyConCUr n'l!n "XfOOBI aaatt. s - ji uri i ai-ai a w aapsai btnster. ffuano. sail and. such AeBtrnmaffiV. PUin.MnmoB) JKOMMiantterslrti nrhkaaU. lhatev uid thdirforCBier r t m v .r'i ntuin aooum gecnclr tn tiw Bar? liw4yi4bfctiro6r?ofhyd rclTasf temUssJo4i'4aits jrufchtoT the lar nqrviTci icvt 'ill iiitriiurrii. t . k . . nrAM l i.iMi 1. ! Mm Wrm' poah'c'rwn bnd"tbl T"Ws havefeero fobrrd1 whftri'riivs'Ha?: io; 4Miri4wts oeyir ereirty TTvrr,tnvT- iniBoa.auiniiciD, incp narrow iiieni . lUyiighiiyVmldir1nrWf6u(lTfi a? jr Be1dcuttQrerf9a8 hir as. W KrB'llMthe'ibirtth(l intafejpO bldufritiYf niiUerbAc in lh nail "nt rrnrpntrtA fMili.r.'iiML kuid.whicWsworth knowing. latt- ha has kriiM4 4ytarMt oSiicial diitlM fc Win ,oiap1.4o tdr rforega-ihratillcitieif wpuiaaaw anortau me W accept Y0flrr til" I . . . . ' - aiiwsiivitaiionf.srtveu a to havs met, oft . -w,7 -"" . p"jw,cmsM rtbs greiifcmporiua otmir ' liiounlrv" ) 4t arAtti . (2 ream W.. C.1A mii I WUk rthmln.. V. . . fitiN JDanxorrstUs Elaewrlheoih Dri-"'." triet. a, ,itravrrrtjif.i:iw iV ? The AlisByJavrslMrBf rri- est bpilsqn ,BpR priaeipl that wb W Sf4siiauftainlng Cms at SeuiVCVfrsi ! -aident, arbes lis says lis prays lor ihrabo litioa of lsvtry t ytry wkrrs. .. i "5 !- ..... j.'Jt , . ' ,"- :. "..j mm,, .a.4" ' : jBaaMMMB4aMWf?Tr' mi.'iiiii ii "hi' iwi 'iw ...iini i n u- i, -Hi.'ii.)fi4..i'Hf " i.

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