i j POET??.. THEMAN WITH SIX LIVES. : nMidi et "ha jut nine lives. AVfll Lewi Cass baa m: " , Tis reareJj iliat a man survives ", " So lone in inch a fix;!" , ' Esst, noihrWM awiUi, new 1ife-4 stiewr ! Is strage for mortal here blow. Sure, lie moat be a thing divine, Or of the feline breed, '. So variously his lives incline. "So wondrously indeed; ' So" peaceful at the Court of France Beneath great Louis Phillippe's glsnee. 'Yet in ihe Senate he can show Voracity roost rare, '. Can swallow, digest Mexico, .-..Nor yet his powe's impair; . ftach wondrous faculties, ht seems TJre great Muncbssea of our dreams. In latter days he makes confession His raind forebodes a change, : f; At least he thinls, fi his impression, . " ' ' It tikes another range; ' 'Tis, statute it should afflict his eyes so To see new lights on the proviso. ,' At Cleveland there was a noise, Such very treat eonfnsion. : " He could not gratify the boys -. 7 : - With e'en one faint allusion To this great change opon liis mind, Which in bit letter we may find, , . Td be all things to all men, " Historians will qaole .". , . fn line from his prolific pen, t ""rerchih'efta'f et'Trrwer " He prudently tried a niche U fame, JLf iflgih C Jroffl. out his name, Prepare the dirge," his fate is fixed, H Hi friends may long rememher That his 6 lives, tho' shamefully mix'd, ,-. Will perish ia November; And time, that brings all things to pass, Will write1 this hero "down ah Ass." SEDGWICK ' JF c m al e 8 e mi nary ,? RALE1GH. N. C. J Rev. M J, FINCH. Principal. '.Terms per Session of five Months: "i Hoard aoJUnglisu TuitiooT"" Musieon Plane, mi Guitar, each :-' - IJsifInww,-'K to oo s oa 40 00 16t0 to 00 10 00 10 00 Piiatint tn OU Colon. ( In Oi!o . Painting in Wft Colofa, Jtu trfuiKMgs, . Fmch. IisJian and Rpaniab, each. Tbs Mil UTm of Ihii Hclool wilt comisenea oo 1h Sad of Oclooar, emuiniJ. It i imporUni that pupils ahoakl bo proaant si tbs opaoing af the Bcboot, as the can a mora eonvatiiantlv clakMd Iboagk (bey eaa anier at any tiroa. Tha in rraotios) wiB be i'tn by foot Tsacbam two Oeotlamaa and twa La liea. - Tbs uniform ht pub lie necasioaa, sooaittaof purpla Mafino during tbs Wiatar tana, and of whits Malarial duting iba tSvmnar, with plain straw bonnets trimmed witb urple ritibM. Popila are ei peeled to bring BliaaU TawaU and Napkiaa. which, with their aparel, must bs nwrtail whk tbsir toaoxs in full. No charge l made to thoas who raroai during Vaoa. lion, aad M dadootiao far abaaneo, sxcept in ca aaa of pralrartod illnaaa . Far more maul deuile, aaa Circular, which will bs sent to soy on on application to tbsPnn , f&ignrsep. f - ": ' - GENTLEMEN'S HATS. - TaU , 'XatMuat tor 1848. TTJCZEB.&301T. FoveitevQlii Street. ItalelsU. K. C. i espectfully.give notice tliat 1 they are now prepared w exhibit for the 'innpeetiun of their friends flie Fall Styhi for Oendaman's Ha'a. W are enabUd. tbU 8smo to prraent aa entirely now and unique style, ear pawing ia ality sad iniab. a7 Uat am offered in Ihie Market. ' , i Ws istura out thanks for tha liberal patronage beatowed on our sttabliahment, and bop, by aU way furniahinf thoaa who may call on' ua with a light, pleaaant and durable Uat, to merit a coo- i tumaneeaflbeeaae. 4 .. Kaloigb, Saptonbai let 1148. ; . S6- WILLIAM BRIDGES. WHOLESALE AHO RKTAIL Fmlt and Coufectloncry Store i . No. Z3 Market ttrttt, , -f i. BALTIMORE, - Keep eaaatantly on band, a general siaortment f Gaoos ia bia lias, such aa Foteign Froita, Cenfectioaary, (koOt Plain sad f'eoch ) Praemaa, 8yrua, Ac. 1 ' County Morcbanla and otlicra, who buy to aall again, are aJuiaed la call and axainine bia etock brftrs ptlfcbaaing. , 14 Im. GEO. V. Illi II U I N G C O T No, 7 South Charles Street, . f, , , - Ful doer from Baltimore at . , . . W art receiving direct from th Potteriea, for act F.LL SALES, a oapleio assnnment of . bond in oar tine of the latest ebapM end pattern. tompriting Frtnch. and Englith Chita Flown lilut, triie Granite, Printed, YtU v iow. Marbled and Common Hart which are will sell as lew aa any oje is tbi City, or 1 e bersw f , j -a -f Tbs packing Snd selection of our good! are aa 4er tha eapervuuoii of una i f our firm, to' avoid all rnmp'ruU of breaksg. and ct not galling ib at ' AiJlee pilfhssvd. , , , i ' V '','",,, We Would be plwMed When Jon visit ear City, - if rati wool J ca'land examiueaur Ueodeand prices. and SesttK you it sujU be aur 'utmost ndeavor to .Order ssnt ua will b iterated prumpt'y. at ke . wa fsoas. s si you war pr ant. .w , y. j-Stjne Wax at MauufsCun rs rshrs. ' r 91 fa Via: Ga20 sec . 'rir 2 ? ..5." 3 cm A u w as V V w C3 .a' 2-5.1 M a -MUM M O. O 0 O O b O O U - The Franklin Paper Mill. iTlHE cattomere of tltia Mill are hereby inform il ad,' that aliboajfh it baa paaaed into new henda, there ia no aua.eniion of its operation Ua the contrary ita product will auon be In ereaaed, and wilt be found fully worthy of the welt established reputation of the Mill. All Of dera ahould pa sddreaaad to the Belviders Mao utacturlng Company, or to JOHN RICHARDS, Superintendent. Richmond, J una S3, 1848. RAUd purchaaed aa uual at the Mill, for cash. "?-4t. BKINKLEVVILLE VINEYAUDS, PEN ED for iitora the coming, aa in aea- soSa.of tintaga past, nd At . arA rate, el an'rahee.' sO cenu iriiliiduts and commotatton terms for families. Urapea selected (from among about 300 aarietiea and 44 seres of vineyard;) -to carry away, SOcenta per gallon. x.ntertatoment else than by grapea on aaual terms. Beat Amer. icaa (thought by gtod juUgt better than foreign) oinea in bottles or larger quantitiea, at diverse prices according to quality. Or say tha quality graduated aa to prioo by some kinds bsins; made partly. at least, with pare or recti Aed fiirite, (beat kind of foreign medicinal win or th port made with one fatrrfspiirts,) or some kind with otf su gar aa the safe keeping ingredient. Best eclec tic or vegetable medectne, wine bitter, eco, also for disposal fte me partiea on every Saturday, when most kinda of grapea ripe, or aay after middle of Au gust till middle of October. , May bs seen and tried apples and other fruit, aa well aa grapea of beat kind fir lb South, spec imen trees adjoining tha Brinkleyt i la Nurseries nd .Yineyarde. Approved modes of wina makina;. seen at any lima of vintage. Thankful for liberal patronage hitherto in bia Bible or Jeaven Sanctioned, and aay time honored natruof life, tha subscriber hopes, by proper assiduity, to be further euataioed in hie laudable enterprise. Most respectfully bia friends and th public' homble servant 8IDNEY WELLE It- ' P. 8. Editor friendly to the American grape aud wine enter prise, (and therefor to tha promo, lion of temperance in their country aa in others) to aava us from dependence on annual foreign millions worth for these article capable of general profitable culture In our own country, and par ticularly in the Southern part of our Union, will confer favor on all concerned by republishing this notice gratuitously. j. w. 83 3t, 1848 " A VfNG opened our Stock o HATS snd CAPS for tbs in. paction of our friand. we deem it onneoeeeery tosnlerinto paiuculart rpeoiing ibeaprlng Faahtoas. W't would simplf state that tha atvla will ex cel in beauty, litfhlneaa, taals, and, elegancef .L! iT" 1 1 . 1 any ming ever oueraa in mi city.. . Gentlemen ia wsnl of a Hat or Can ars res pectfully solicited to call and examine. It, I UUKEH & SUN. PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY. No, 8 Pear St, Neiar tbe . Exchange, FHtXADKLPHIA. . THE Subscriber having made great ira provemenls in his method of. casting type aud mixing of metal, and hd a thorough revision of bia matrices, the faces of which are aot eneltetl, in bsautv and rnrulsiilv af uL hi mi personal attentien' t busin, and - employing eon but the moat akilfitl workmen he ia enabled lis is eeminually adding to bis stock ail that is Dew from lb St workmen of this and other eouoiriee. and kavinf latr-ty prneured from Eor,.pe. agieat variety of NEW KACE! and OI1NA' MEM ra, aolx.t. tha atteulioa of Pnotera thereto. Spsciuieus wi;l be aeut to lh a wiabmg to or. der. "J Pressea, Jhaars, Caaea, Ink, SUnds" Ga!l s ftrass Kul. and every -ottier article neotod to fun nub a emplt Printing -Olfii-j supplied at the ahorwat noilce, .,- UEUVIAM BOOK AND JOB TYPE, Of th newest tvl and of all aisea. carefully pot p in fuunta of earreci proportion. . " "AI.EaANUEK hobb. Si, ,,. ; f,: z : fig ..v; i, , 83 SO w. U i Col ion's; AnperanelfainUy 01X0111 for sale by v ' TUCKER t)t eox. ? :. -h f - 5 Hf ei V a 2" 4 IsSI og--l uaaa Jeff E. S- " - I wf" I3 I 3 II sS:'i Ijif Mil E g 3 -3 68 5 n a tS J 3 SArl x . 3 "2 o. a, c o. eJ . rt3 S ? 1 - r e.a.o.e.S ! c 9 -1 co-e-a 22 -"-- si-53 VW-iisatfi.-wWv.-. ,ir.twit,i 'rli'Jiirf 'r.Si. .. Eff ft'?, r FALL SESSION OF RANDOLPH MA- iCON COLLEGIA , ; f.-i - -v. in ii'lm it THE" Fsll Session of this Institution will commence oa Wednesday, tbe 9 it of Au guai. 1844. The Preparatory School si Ridga W4y and Greyburg, N. O., will opto on tba 4ib Monday in July. FACULTY OF COLLEGE W. A. Smith, D. U., President snd "Profess or of Mental snd Moral Philosophy. David DosciN, A. M.. Piofessoruf Ancient Lsnguagea. Exriticx A. DiancH. A. M., Piofestor ot Purs and applied Mathematics Hcv. Cnas. V. Dsems, A. M., Professor of Expeiirnental Sciences. Ouver H P Coaparw, A. B., Tutor of An cient Langoans and Mathematics. PRINCIPALS OF THE PREPARATORY SCHOOLS. Widliams T Davis, Principal of tha Pte paratory School' tt College. Cnaar.cs B Stuart, A. M., Principal of the Preparatory School at Garysburg. Ifm. C. nUub A. M.. Principal of ths Pie. paratory Schonl at Rirlgewsy. 'i'he colletjiate Tor ia divided into two sea sioos. The first begin eight week after, snd the second 21 Weeks before, the Snd Wednes day in June. To such as desire to snter Col lege, it is important Ihst they bsin attendance at the opening of ths session. A short absence at that time may place a atudent under disad. vantsges which will impair his scholarship thioughout tha session. Our course of study is so arranged as to meet tbe wants of young men who desire to sequire sn extensive En glish education, without studying the Ancient Languages The benefit to he derived from the use of the Libraries and from attendance on the Litersrj Sociwties should stiPPgl v ind oee anch young men to ptosecute their studies here. In order for s student to enter upon ths En glish coarse, bs must be thoroughly acquainted with English Crammar, Geography and Arith metic Ths expenses of ihis Institution srs ss fol lows: Bosrd per aession $10; Tuition and de posits fee', per session 132,50, are f 125 for the collegiate year, exclusive of incidental expen ses, which includ the com of text books, fuel, furniture, &c, for room in College, We res pectfully advise parents that mors pocket mo ney than is necessary to supply ths reasonable wants of a student is injurious. Ths practice of eontrscting debts with tradesmen, in ths vicinity of College 'is in a high degree perni cious- A Isw ot ths state or Virginia design ed to provide a remedy for this bans of sll Cot leges is to this effect That any merchant who tbsll elte ftrediuo.A College stoden, wtfA ZawBvJttr gadriliaiu shall, upon conviction of the fact, forfeit tha debt, forfeit bis license, And be fined $500. Let parents snd guardians have dus regard to this law, and where it may be necessary to open an account with a merchant let the individual bs designated snd ths amount specified, and the evil will ceaie. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT, The primary object of the Preparatory Schools is to prepate young men for College, but the course of study I uch ss to met ths wants of ths neighborhoods in which they ars loested snd to qualify students for the ordinsry occupations of life. The School In ths vicinity of College continues under ths direction of Mr. VV. T. Davis, an able and successful Teacher, snd my own immediate supervision. Its sessions snd vacations srs ths same as those of the College proper. The cost of board, be., is a little less than a student of College I'ays. Boarding snd lodging in private families, including all necessary expenses, $10 per month. Tuition per session for Classical stu dents, $20 00 " x for English studies, ' 15 00 For the school st Uareysburg, N. C we has obtained the services of Mr. Charles B. Stuars A. M i and for the school at Ridgewsy, N. Ci, ws have engaged lbs services of Mr. W, C. Uoub, A. M- These gentlemen graduated s few yeara sines si our Institution, with a high reputation, and have been teaching with emi nent success sioos that time Ths scholastic yesr will be divided into two sessions of 5 months each. - Expenses al the Gareysburg School. Board in ihs best families par mouth. from , " ( C lo 17 00 Tuition for Greek snd Latin, per session, 17 00 ' " Heading and Spelling. 10 00 ' othertlnglish branches, 13 50 Expenses ut the Ridge way School. Board, per month, at the Academy Hall., f 9 00 in private families, . 8 00 Tuition Lstin snd Greek, per seaaion, 15 00 Spelling and Reading. " 10 00 Higher branches of English, U SO These Schools srs in eligible locations, in Intelligent snd moral communities. Gareys burg is in Norihumpion, N. C., directly at the junction of th Portsmouth snd Wilmington Kail Road. Ridgewsy is in Warren, N. C , at Ridgewsy Depot, on the. Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road. I shall givs the necesaary attention to thsse schools, and expect, in company with on of the officers of ths College, to attend lbs armoal examinations grade all the students, and ad mit qualified applicants to the different ' classes in College, without fnrlher examination, , I'sisoos sending to ihs Preparatory Depart- in llio vicinity of College, unless sonis special j arrsngeneiit is made with tbe aunsenher. VV. A. SMITH. UOBH, WINKURENER & Co. (lavs auscaasr T4iLos.) Beg leave to recnimend their Soceewors, . JOHN KKLLY & Co. , 09 ChelsiitU Mre-et. Pnllndelphla. Ts their friends and K patrons. They are jut m receipt or me t Oknlems. and s rboirs Snd ae leet assortment of JtfJiLtJ and SUMMER WKST Of tfGLAi,i,dFJiEACa -;CtnsCnsslincrw nnd VcsUnks. . , fOf tbe lslt importations , . Perons visiting PUIl.AOELPHlA." are res pectfolly invited to call snd examin ibeir exten sile Blocks Orders Trans any section if the Union presaptty attended!,' . - : v,--f --r .,.,..' - , . 18 ak Gen. Cast it an Abolitionist. TLa Graerenbe g , Vegeuble rills. ni30,(K)()noxFa sold each and EYURY WEEK!! THE GRAEFBNBERQ COMPANY. Hereby give notice Ihst ibeir General Agent f r lbs State of North Csrblina is Cl.' st. Josrs, Louisborg, Kranktin Co. N. C. Ths General Agent is fully prepsred td sp potnl Sub-Afeols wherever Ihete ia no bisnrb of Iks CoiBpanv: either on personal spplies lion Of hy mill, put-patU- I ho raptq sais oi these celebrated pill, snd the extraordinary cures they sre constantly rffectirg.rendei tlim by far,' the most popular pill of thesge. An Agency will consequently be very valuable. Tks Graefeoberg Pills ate inconceivably aupeiiorio any ever before discovered. In sll bilioas complaint la general derangement of hsays'em; in all disorders which result liom a bad state of lbs blood, these pills sre a sovereign remedy. lo the clasa of diseases cslled chronic, tlis Grsefenberg Pills achieve their highest tri umphs. Here they defy all competition Kniering within the hidden recessss of the system. Ihey quietly but surely purify ths blood, root out disease, snd give ions snd vigor tr, the body. Cures are Constantly Effected By these Pills, in cases where every other mean hsd utterly fstled. I he most sbundsnt procl of this could be given, but a trial of one box will convince lbs patient. Tbey can bs ordered and sent by mail, at trifling expense The price is 25 eenls s box. Wkere two dot lar$ worth are ordered and the money remitted, the company -mill pay the pottage en the Pillt. Remittances st the Company's risk. Wherev er there is no Agency of the Company they rsn be ordered by mail. These Pills are taking the plaee of all others, and no sick peri on should be without them. ALL BILXIOUS COMPLAINTS Ilowel Complaints, Constipation, Djs pepsia, Fever and Ague, Headache, Jaundice, Liver C implaints, lllieuma tisni, all Stomach Complaints, Green Sickness, &c. Set., yield at once to these Pills. They purge away offensive hu mours, ariest the progress of disease, snd st the same lima restore tone and vigor to the system. In eases ef ceneral derangement of ths health, they sre SUVKKEIUIN. BY T II KIR USE, . The weak will become strong; ths pale snd billious complexion be restored to a perfectly fresh snd healthy color; all the bad symptoms will one by one disappear In short, these Pills sre sn inconceivable ad vanes upon any other medicine ever before otleted lo ths public A I rial wiii, satisfy aitr on or thi. Vcvi Siting an$ Summer Goods, FRESU TROM NEW YORK EUROPE, R. TUCKER SOW AVE JUST RECEIVED their Spring and eamrher aupplr -of Goods, selectediio -New York, by one ot the firm, from the cheap and splendid spring cargo just introduced into thai market from the principal manufacturing establish ments in Europe and this country and tbey now respectfully invite their customer and the public generally, to call and examine a fine and cheap if nat the finest and cheapest aasortmeat of GoJ$, Foreign and Dtmutie, ever offered in thi city. Tney raak no flourish about them, they speak fo' themaelvea, and cannot fail to command the Sd miration of purchasers, who hsvs th tests and knowledge to judse correctly of ths beauty, quality and value of god. Call and see no chsrgefor looking and if you do not get bar. gains, it will be no fault of the sellers Their stock ia large and well assorted, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Children snd Servants, embracing the finest ss well as tbe moat substantial srticlea. It is unnreea aary to enumerate, bat as the improvement of the head ia af primary importance, tbey call apeeial at tention to their very euperior lot of Hate. R. TUCKER & bOK. Raleigh, April 4, 1848 U tf HOTCHKISS, FENNER & CO. Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer chants; No. 81 Watei St., New Yoili, AVfi constantly on hand a general sisort ment of GROCERIES, consisting in part ss follows: SUGARS, of all kinds. COFFEE, Rio and otbei styles. TEAS. Imperial, Gunpowder, Tong Hyson and Black Tess, in whale, half, and quarter Chests TOO AC CO, from the best Virginia fsctories, of various brands. SEGARS Regalia, . Principle, and other choice brands. Also, medium quality in f resl variety. mportedlW INKS and LIQUORS of every description in csaks of sll sixes. Also Domes tic Liquors nf all kinds. lo calling your attention to the above sdver tisement Weean confidently offer the assurance that any orders entrusted lo us will be filled to your entire satisfaction, al Ihe loweat prices the msrksl will afford. Whea you visit cm city we moat respectfully solicit yon lo call snd ex amine our stock. ,-''-... New York, June 16, 1848- 85 6m, 8oL DIE US' C I, A J M 8. WM. THOMSON, 8. E. Comer of Baltimore and South Streets, DALTIMORE, MIX, Haa secured the sstvires of so Attorney resi dent st Wsabington, of some forty years intimste acquaintance wtto tbe Uiffetent Department, and ia now prepared to procure ths settlement of ths clsims of soldiet who enlisted during the Mexi can war. Hi charges fur prosecuting a claim be for the Deparpnenla at Washington aud getting mrStettwW Pension, will bs $6 and for pay, mileage, cloth ing. Arc. ten per cent, nn Ihs amount recovered. if $50 or overt and if under that sum $5. Ho ssary to enable a party lo piepara and forward n In ainaiKlaa aa navsrtar Ia assaa wan skJ H ,1 to bim a claim for prosecution, ir requested by letter post paid and directed to bim at the S, E Corner of Baltimore and South streets, Baltimore, Md. VV. T. ivould refer to Editor of newspapers generally throughout the United fctatre and to thoaa ot Baltimore and Philadelphia in psrlico Isr, Si Jt , AOENTS WANTED afflO CANVASS FOR SOME NEW AND U POPULAR WORKS, in every COUNTY throughout th United Stales. To Agent', the most liberal encouragement ia offered -with t small capital of (25 10 1 1 10. A cbsnc ia offered, where by an agent can make from $10 Jift per week, For further particular, address (poet paid.) -. i. - Wst. A. LEAHY, N."158 North ECflXD Street, Pbilideli bi. I-. 3-- - - - 3 6a For the Jleiotery of Dormant and Jai' , properly Withheld " : ncAi. &. prnow ax estatb THE tETi LEMENT AND AKBMRAVION OF COMMEKCIAU TRAOI.NO other Drbia; Securing Patents fer lnmtitnt in Gnat Jhit' . aiOf Ireland, end the VvMinut and lttpendti tie thereunto belonging;, aud Negotiating fur the Purchate r Sa'e of the Same, I'll principal object in lbs eelsblishrnent of thi Agency ia to art at real in lbs most iifclorv sr.J rconomifal m inner posibls, tho numerous claims fer property which citizens of the United State really have, or imagine they possess in Eng'and i4 f laewbere. : Tba tttotHt ot deaigning and unscrupulous men bave been actively engaged in ibflueiu ing a belief on the subject in ms4iy quarter, with a i w to petty peculstioaj and evidences of lbs fact bave been so fiequeutly brought lo light as to fender it urgently necessary that an ofiic; be estsblishtd having for it object the sa isfactioa of those who hav been deljded.and to eatablish Ihe claim of aucb ss sre he rightful heir ro doubtful proper tv, or thai which ia improperly withheld. A i tide "in the leading journals in the principal citica of the Union are f.rquently appearing, head, ed "Townley Kstste," ' A Great Fortune for aome body," ''Meetings ol tbe Houghlou' at Wot cra ter, Chase Meetiega," Ac. Jtc, the authors of which are generally lawyers seeking practice, or adventurers, whoaeonly object ia tufeed upon pub lie credulity, by producing an excitement which may realize for themselves immediate g iins, and who are generally speaking, without the slightest koowledge of tbe sulyecta Ihey pat forth. The evidences of this brins a fact are every where apparent, aa in no one aingl instance have Iheir ill founded expectations been res iteJjand it is with s view to the correction of this evil ihst the subscriber haa effected the most extensive arrange menu to astiafy the inquiring, as well as the cu riosity of (bote, who, influenced by family co-n neciion or otherwise, wish to pursue the; investi gation of matter often involving results of the moat atupendous magnitude. Aa regurds real estate in England, the bulk nf tl ia subjKrt to the lawa of Entail anil Primogeni ture, and ever since the revolution in 168H, the principal eatalca have been' aubjected lo Ihe chan ges which alwaya enatie on revolution, confusion, and change of dynasty; and although there have been apeeial laws j a, red for particular purpose, all thoas which have reference to this subject, and which were -passed aubecquen V llteretu, - at lill available in rase of legitimate right. It ia not, however, intended in this advertisement, lo rrfW antecedently to ths American revolution of 1776, al which period, a great number of persona enti tled in various waya to properly, abandoned the aame by joining the revolutionary party. This set. in itself, waa sufficient to lead to confiscation where il was directly held by such individual; but when loose abandoning the aame were neat in succession to the then posse tutors, th case became altered, and alienation from home and family were made the barriers lo rigbtul inheritance. Another fruitful source of investigation ia found in Ihe Unclaimed Dividend Book of the Bank of England, and this, furnishing aa it does, each Engliah name that haa ever existed aa s holder of funded property, ia Ihe main reliance of tbe un principled traders in public credulity Tbe mode of investment are exceedingly nu merous in all parts of fcurope, but in .England par; ic ularty as, ud tb subscriber 4s prepared to how the faeihuea a hicn he possesses, for an in veatigatinn m any of the meane above alluded to. Besides all iheae, there ia property , positively be queathed, and which, in consequence of the ab sence of Ihe partiea lo whom demised, becomes involved ki and subject to th ISw of th Court of Chancery. In all cases, even, of supposed family conneiien, tn most positive and aatiafactory tnlormation can be afforded aa to tbs facts connected with the membera of families, no matter how remote tbe date, or seemingly difficult tbe investigation; and where tbe eass ha already been underlain n by any of ths numeroua persons who pr.lend tn s knowledge of this business, snd who hav alto gether failed in obtains, or omitted lo afford Ihs inf irmslion sought by ihs victims of their spa ciousness and delusion, th mstler is the more resuily undertaken, b-cause of Ihe greater satisfac tion in aiding where Ihs pn fences of others hav obtained so much unmerited confidence. In ths settlement of Commercial Trading and other Debts, tbe necessary legsl snd mercsn tile aenmea will bs brought lo besr, sn experi ence of half a century in thia particular branch, ia the best evidence that can be affmled of the ability that wilj be bestowed on matters coming under thia head. Inventors sud others requiring Pstsnt Righta secured iu any oral part of Europe, can have tbe same effected at a very trifling charge over and above the usual fees required in any given country. Every information respecting tbe probable expen se, and the mndut operandi will at all timea be cheerfully afforded i and tbe facilities, psrticnlarle in Kngland, for disposing of ihe right, die , srs of ths moat extensive character. Introductions are also offered lo men of wealth and h'gh respecta bility. Whatever belonga to thia department ia ample. The attention, therefore, of the public in general ia particularly solicited lo this branch of ths A teener. Communications by letter anj requested to be post paid. BEIv a H Km rAIIIAN, 39 Water Street, New York Rrfertnee are p'r milled tt Hon. Charles P. Daly, Judge Cturt of Common Pleat. iew-rr. -j Chaa. Cartlidge d- Co., . W. & t. T. -J'apseott. ". G. R. A. Rieketts, Esq:, Edward Schroder, Esq , Cineiinati, Ohio, A. Patchin, Esq., 1'rctidcnt Patclun Bank, Buffalo 38 3m. Important to Fnrmers! THE Subscriber having purchased Irora Alfred 8patea, agent for VV. Beach dt R.J. Catling, Ihs patentee, tba benefit ef their in ventiona for tbe 8iate of North Carolina, offers loth' Farmeraof tbe State the advanfag of a Machine for sowing sll kinds of Small Grsln greatly superior ts sny thing heretotore duwoveied. Also s new rloxgh for tbe culti'Stion of crops; and also a moat valuable sim ple Machine for tbe shelling of corn. These. Ma thesulwcriber st Kateigb. farticulara explained in hand bills, WW. F. COLLINS- Raleigh. Jan. 3. 1847, I Baltimore . Seam marble Works No. 106 Sonth Charles Street, , BALTIMOKE. . THE proprietor haa constantly on hand . Monuments, Gravestones, Mantels it Tsbls lope of th moat APPROVED PATTERNS and of the FINEST MATERIAL. Pi. B." All orders tbsnkfulfy reieived and cone- tually attended to. ' LEVI TAV LOR, ; Baltimore, March IS, 1848. 13 3m. Wanted Immediately ; 10O BALES COT TON, for whiolitlte high est cash "price will be paitl. R. TUCKER & SON. Raleigh, May t4 Jai rn sT . w i."1 m-saittussaa. fw J rulveraity of PrnrtylwajMi . ..-V. MEDICAL DEPARsMLNT, SCSSIOX .OF 1818-40. fillHE .Medical Leetarea will ewrn.. U Monday, th 16th day of Ihslober. aud ll j1 livered uculr thefulloaing air.ngemei l. Theory and Practice of Medicine, kv V.v. . r-- ' t Anatomy. , -j . .1M1, Hoasia.n jl Materia Meda and Pharmacy, rheiiiisiry, Surgery, Obslelriea and Ihe Jijcks 1J. RostaM rj . Di'easea wf Women - and Children Hrsa L. Hodbi. U iy-- Institutes of Mdi- . I dite, SsacSL JtCKSnir, M. ) . Clinical lnstructiou at ihe t-ennsylvania li pital, by George B. Wood, M ),. m icine, and George W. Norris, M. D., aav gery, twice a-week. Demonstrative Instruction in iled cina aadRsr. gery. twice a-week. by the Profettort iffa .Med'cnl Faculty, assisted by W, VV. (Jit. hard, M. D , and Henry H. Smith. M D. Preliminary Loci tire will be delivered daily from the 2d to the 14 lb of Oclober, inclusive. The rooms fo, Practical Anatomv will be HVom October lt lo the rnd of March ei,uln I l. . Tt . . . ' A mount of Fees for Lectures in the University, slatiieu'a'ing Fee paid one only J, Hospital F.-e, Praciiral Anatomy, Graduating Fee. llOi t 10 10 The tfommenccnient will take place srv . April. W. E HORNER, M, IJW , Deun af the Medical Facthi. 886 Cfiettnut Street, alone Thirteenth, tppmite the U. 8- Mint, Philadelphia. Augtitt 1st, 1848. , I-1SW. U. S'ales Exchange at lottery Ageats, ' Ao. s CALVERT STREET, " (Opposite narnum's IlotelJ BiLTiifoai, Md, T his old establiiberi Ileus of SO teara itaMtaia) now in all its glory. JAiV'EsM. KGB MIT,; - . LATE ' '"v"' THE SENIOR I'ARTNEROF?"" Imory A-('o , I atill at Ihe ottt stand. No. S Calvert Strtei 1 he isti.e rules ettubliihed hy me yesrs ago, hi carrying: on inr uuimeii at in OIO anfl loetan house, No 9 Calvert street, is still strictly hereu to that is, punctuality and secrecy ia all business Irsnsseticus, WM, BAILKY at CO. advertise ao Prises bat vhst llief sell. 1 A KG EST TR1ZES EVER SOLD In this Country have been sold from ihe old staai, Jn. 8 Worth (Jalvert street. II we had Ihe space to give all the Frxes arid me mi, er it wuhiii ssioaisn ine rounir) : Prizes sold within the last few weeks! 9 Nos 19 33 67, 40000, vkola ticket J 6 18 49, ajMjpn, pscksge ol qnsrters. I 93 03 Tt, invATI, pssksge or halves, ni S i'i 6A, aj.000. quarter tkket. . ' 1 la adrliiion to the above we have sold set lew I ,thn H ,JawrfwiWla1a me small rry we sen on aa average at least I tiroes a month. This is luek that can be bait at a other office but Wm. Hsiley at Co'a, 9 Calvert a. To Hie Public at Lartre. JAMES M. fcGBEKT, late aeuwr partser at K.VIUKYkCO. 'To him (James M. Egbert,) th country Svk S lasting lavor, he being the 6rt ol Daaae FortsM'l agents 10 advertise lo pay postsge on all Idler, and the Iral to pay priaea without estra diieeaal. 1'hi old cMsbluhed boaie is eondtieled in a una. ner now wortli tlie attention of all. We asms William UsilytcCo. to our friends at Isrge for strwt attentioa to all business In their lie.' Clipper. Look Before You Leap! WM. BAlt.KV at CO. nffVr greater indueeaMai and sell tickets on more reasonable terms last any venders in the country poss'ihly caa sell. D largeil assortment ot piixe tirkets always oa baa. W E SAY LOOK HKRE! " ' To beilrawo, September 80ih, one of ihentsll kind of schemes. We can (rive pur eneiomer i this Lottery chanr atver before equalled. To Our Cuttomera. We sre thankful lor Ihe numeroua fsvort rveviv. ed ihe last mon;h, and hope by a stritt aileatioais business to claim a share of the patronage ss freely besloaed en the old house. No. 9 Calvarl Blrtst. JAMK9 M. EliltERT, lt 8, nior I'arlaer of EMORY k Co. Now WM. BAILKY fc Ce. P. 8. I he tame hod vrftir.g will aonviwea sit IhM old No. 8 ia conducted In Ihe aame manner as waa year ago, and by th seoior partner of Ernaiy k C. ; Tha Great Poltr Star! Look lo it! . 1,220,000 dolls. To be distributed in the following msgniCsrsl Lottery. One tiranri Prise ! 60,000, 20,000, 15,000 10,000, 40 of 8.509 dolls, making in S.SOO dollar Prises the tain of 100,000 DOLLARS 40 of 8,000 dolls, making in 3,000 dollar Prists, t0, 000 dolls. 40 ol 1.50O dolls making tn 1,500 dollar Prist 10.000 . This ia one of ihe best scheme! ever offend Si the public snd w hope all our customer will tots a chime, f lerw is the scheme m toll i - ; 60.000 DOLLARS. , Grand Consolidated Lotterr, For the Benefit ,if the CoBtoiidated lotteries of Marvlaad Clau No. 22. To be diawn in the City of Baltimore, i on Satur Jay, Sept. 30th, 1848. 78 Nnmher Lottery and 13 Drawn Ballott SPLENDID SCHEME. . vps H t Prize ol 1 60,01X1 is S 60.000 1 I I t 40 40 40 m.ooo 85,000 liono JO.O0O 4,lttt S.fttlO' 8. W0 1,500 15,000 0,OtO . J g 250 ' too,ot ' .j ao.ooo ;V r eo.ooo .;. 160 StXI tO.lW Tickets $20 Shares it Proportion. aocse at the larae nrizesi a. naekava i I the larae prisesi a psckats sevrtaio an numbers In the Lolierr. Uia onlv al sas sgasw your gttlng the upital is lo hav lb waniher tin lUtCLllUtB JIuJmlJkmi. 4MIUIt I . . . .. . . n . dollar. Packaae caa bs had from Bailey sty at the followmg rates ' - ' ' '" " 86 whole tUkeia. - . 880 I 9 Barters, P 86 halvea, ' ' 140 j 86 eiRhla,...? t For atrial attention tn onto-a address . - - WMr BAILEY at CH ' ? ' . , x - .U.- S. Lottery Agents,' a Ne. 9 CALVERT STRBEf . ' . ... Oahisserr, M, . To the members srtts uoiiSE of conyitioNf-i (jaAMUKL J. FINCH, the Piineipsl teo fc Keener lo ihs House of Comaaoaa, I asairi s Candid ate for re-election. HsvingheietoforsJ served faithfully In ihst capacity, he trnstSM trill not new be rejected. ' Septemher 9. 1848. . . f-Sw-tl- . REMEMBER THAT; ' Mr. Polk gtnctionttl "the Wiltnot prorrts.

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