v.';.- ySry.H.- '.'. v,.?, '.'. r, 4 .i' ..,.' TUOS, J. LEMA.T, Editor ud Proprietor. 'UrtJ)CaroUua potofrfalimntcllfctnal, moral tnD vbifUiluftmtftlitUnb'ttwfirttt an&th,f foment out af ftttioriV.' : ;Xf IIREE DOLLARS Year; in Advance. KALEIGII, It. C . WEDNESDAY. DEC , lSlt. 1.4. i"' toi.: a. ' , - ;. Jr;..."; VOQB ''JBiwialBECBlBl Stf AHV, Is published weekly in the City of Ral eigh, at 3 00 per annum, by THOS. J. LEMAY, Editor & Proprietor. If the reading public would secure to themselves a cheap, interesting and valu able newspaper, now is the time to SEND IN TI1EIU OIlDCBS. In addition to the ordinary reading matter, newt, 4t we shall endeavor to furnish our reader with the tarlitst elec tion intelligence, profit tdings of the Legis lature, dc, which Will make the Star 3nusaj IntetesWug. The Star will be furnUhed during the session of the Legislature fo 50 cents. Enclose $3 00, post paid to " THOS. J. LEMAY. Raleigh, N. C .EW YAliL GOODS (TlfE Daor Nrth tht Pift Ojfice, at hi old L (land, ran bo found at ill time ever ready to ih Kit to hii friends and th public, general aa Miiinieol of Fashionable Good, and U now prepared to etecute ail erdera iu bi line with fidelity and dispatch. Tbia dock. wil bear roiiiparinon with an; in th but, bciny antlrely new amHill of tbia Fall'a purclia. Iected by iiiin.alf paraonaUytia lb Wijt of ft ow lone. Ho drtrnii it unocew ary 40 My any tni in regard to bi ooipteay or ba skill wbub - be poateaar in tbo entlipg or nunufacluriof depart ment; that be leaves to hi cutUxners lo decide Alt thai bo adii i trial.' If you wish garment mida in the most fashionable, or any other style ou may deaire, it it only necreeary to call and leave your maasttro,' and bo rj ledges himself yod will not be annoyed by trying on several line be fore completion, lo enable the cutter to make passable fit. His establishment bo considers not inferior to an North or South and tor cash greet barf ains can bo had. ' H is stock embraces grip. Blk. French Chths and Ciinercs.( Plain and Duo 8kin)oaH qualities sad qricosj and a splendid aaaortmenl of Fancy Cloth. this ; merket,mAwM Satin Vesfinga and a superb selection of Jory French filk and Satins for partiea, with a choice variety of Fancy Cashmere for Winter wear and a general assortment of Fancy article, . eonsistii g ofLamb'a Wool, Merino ant) Bilk TndVr8birtaad Drawer; Dreea Shirt. lM'k. and White, Kid, Mwinoand Fancy Caimers Gloveoj Half Hose, Cotton and Merino, Bl'k. and Figured Patia Cra vat; aH of which m o (Tared niwmmonly low." Gentlemen preferins; to furnish their own ma terials to be manufactured, art assured my ehargst are the aaiae as all others ia the City, and a well made garment, with a good fit, is warranted in all instances, --My usosl term of bu.aees it t 6 month credit, say Iron .October to April; after which time all accounts bear Interest. "This it mentioned, that there may be no usuaderstaad iflsy ire - ' ' ' ' w; . Membera end Straneor etaiting the City r assured they can be furnUbed with a Suit of CltHhe at the shortcut notice, ana low for cash, as at any Boost in the City. C'" 'v:. 'i."i'-',:;'';;iA' To hi numerou Irieed and patrons;' wbe have so liberally patronited him daring tbo pes'' eight yeara ba returns, hi grateful acknowledge menu, and auurre them nothing shall be left ua dene on his part to merit its continuance. . ;.: ., s Oa hand a large assortment ol, ; ' 4 , ' Uadf irinde Clothinr, ; ' f consisting of Ul'k. and ' Brown Frock and Dresa Coats, Boins Coats, Cloak,- PanU and Vla wbieb will be eold low lor raah. '. .fS ' - N. B., Orders from a dislanea will be thankful, ly received and promptly eltended to.' .' THE LONDON AND PARIS FA8HI0N8 with tht monthly reports, are regularly received mg -v "..'' -T. R.FENTBE88V.' - Wsn5ed immediately one Or two.' p,iranlices of good moral cnareeiar.:-i . S: i: Standard aqd Register 6 timet each. , T 10,000 :. . i piisru rnuiT TIIBBS. I Vlf . The ndert1j4 "have ready-foe aalct-aLthtir r h vomoiogicav liarden : :v ad NUKSEB1ES, a large aolieetioa of the iatM kind l . . ' r Applet Feh. Pear, Flam, Cherry, " Apricot, Weetnrlue, - f Order ehoeld ba dtroeiee to i. at T. LieDUT, Cm Creek, CiMlbeie) eoeetjr. V, V. ; ' - V Catalogs saav be abuiiwd at the North Carnli e Bookiere. : f T. UNDLBTj Xevemher, 19. IMS. r- 4H V I ke KegiMar, Standard, Fayettevillo Obaar vr Kandolpb Herald. GreeotWrO " Patriot and Hillsbors' Ueeenler ilt please kaaert three time ad tend u their aeeoaata. ..- , J. It T. L, ' i -Hats and Caps. riKE Subscribcre would call ' die atten tion .fbnverf to their Fait -Stock of HATS and CAPS.wbleh wiit ot the following, , Bast Uwmr aad Mole Skin lhioneMe 'Hata t ... .Nalre and Castor Brink Broad Hrimmrd do " " taen'a aad Boja' Otack tad Pearl Sporting do' ' 1 . do . do :r w bite aad uiaea i arvpice as " . do ale Few! sod black Wool do- t . . 40 .v. dox. Gent,, Y oath's and Children'! sapa. Men, Opera For Cap, a beautiful arlielc. ' ' Gent aad Bwa PoiUiaal Ceps. aosaclbinf; aew. 8iik Velvtl, Brown md Blaek Plash, Silk. Gla. , ' Pals' AltoMonairl aad Ladie- Silk Vetet BeV . u Prisci ranting from 10 eesd to 10 Dallarst ' ; rsA ', " v. M. TUCKER i "OH. Ralrijl,, September ti, I til.' , X 39-tt "pnlJIECIIEESB tsbnlree. yael r-served aad fur tola by - R-TULKBUhSOt. -A. iJiirEKSIT- s , . rre nnal lHe:iinjr of TrueUeevof rwa M in Umreranjr wtllb Jield.H (ha g eeii ive Oi&se w Mou.lay. the I ! IWeemher mii wst bl i..a v-- 4tl!rv:sj?'v.i.r'- WOULD epeially ibvmo the I red lo tusaiae their New and Esteaaive Sloek ot Fall and W later Dry Good, soaaisiiag ia part ef Ue toi lowing t . . - - . 1 , v For lb Iadie-a. . Sanerior bl'k Freech Uotnknaae, , ' Nasaria Bla and Portia Uathssere Meriae, Solid sad Paaey Caahmarea ef all solora .ad prieea, . i' Plaid Alpacas, super, ailk vara blstk do. Gala Plaid. ' - - , ' -Black and Faiwy plaid raw Silks. Satin striped Cathmerct, Visiles ot the latrat at le. Heavy black lila Fringe, lor Trimming Vtailes, Solid and Fanay Silk Frtare aad Bllosf Lisle aatd 1'brcad La, tbeap, ' Blaek, krova sad toad aolured embroidered Cashmere Sbavl, , ', FWl8rdaMBhevla, ; ' AteMnder WbHe and eotorrd Kid Gloeea, . . Parse IsiU. oa Spool, tliaded aad plain. Parse aad Big Trimming, Hilt aad 8ilvcr lieed. Wurwed- Plaid lor Mltset aad Chlldrea't drcase- . .. - '. '" ; " For Oentleytea. Fine blsck, blue, greea sad brewa Cloths. Black Doe Skin and fanry Frcach CaMimerea, rawer ana aaaeut velvet vrtimr. II lack, white) aad eolered Kid Gloves, qsnlity,' ." ... . r Silk,' larabt-wool and Merino Shirt best aad Pant. ' -L .Faey aad Bliek Silk and 8rtn rrvt, - Revolving and self adjusting Nrck 1'ie, ' Aad roaay ether dulrable ertielrs. , K- 1 UWCEK It SOV. Raleigh, Sept 2. ' " .19 -if. New Pull and- Winter Goods. THE aobicriber it aow receiving and opening a apleadM ii-oclmni of BEAUTIFUL aad CHEAP GOODS FOH THE SEASONt to which he waald respeetlully oeJI the attention ol parebas era. - .. ,: . , ; The LADIES at particularly mvded to examine hit large aad sell oMorted stock e ' . . . Fine Di-mb CmI. EaglUh aad Preach Merino, . . . - Suiter Jenav Lmd Cethmerc. ,4teioavid'v'tikla)r Sia Juriaed .Motuiiaa. UaldorMia rimilv ' V-".' v '"''"'' , -"-De Lainet, - ' " - . Blaek and Colored Satin Striped Alpaca, French, E-fliab aad Asaerieaa Calicaea. Gieap aad iVntges, Glove,, Black aad Colored Kid, Silk, Worried and Cotton Hose, Ice. he. Itr :' - Gentlemen's Wrnr, Blaek and Uroea FraaehClew. - - Doetkia Caisimere, .y; ,ci Saiia and Velvet Vertings, : ; u.. Satmetla, . w ' ' I, .. u . t Army and Pilot Cloiht, , v ' Klrsrya, IJk an ,(.. ." ".' He haa alan, alwajtoo band a ttrgs and eatt tivaatocket "WJ-frViv . i ' - BOOTS AD SIIOEfl, t Ladies Bool sad Walking Shorv - - Coarsa lleot aad Shoe fur genllrmen, : , - FIolcBklnan4 Bearer HatsV Beaver, Fur and Silk Plnth Cap. . i together vMn an anortment or ramny GnOOEaiE3. Aim CUT and PHE8SED GLASS, IRON. SAILS. t. . and a variety of other-ertielei ia hi line, which ill be told shtapf coeA or on a eredN lo pear lea(nwe.' .--. KUFUS . PAGE. KaleigsHM. . J MS,. ' 41 f. Regieter aad Suadard copy. ' . ' v i. , , , ; We already know (remarks the National Intelligencer) that the. Free1; States have given ninety seven and the Slave. ; State sixty six electoral vote for Tavtoii and Fillmors being a' majority of the electo ral votea in both sections of, the , coun try. - Tbia exhibit in a atrong light -the confidence which th People repose in the intetrrity andwiadom of Gen Tartom. II will take his place at the head of the Govern meat nol a 'the successful candidate pf any section of the country but a the choice of Hie people.; And we may . loon to nt election a ensuring to the country perma nent national harmony and proaperiy;-tA ; ' h:i : SALT RIVER.' ' . , ( For the tnlotmation of all who are about to take thi voysge, we eoppy the ' follow- inir from the XM e warK. Aa veruoer; ' I't r A rentleman at Washington Hair the other evening teturned from th Salt River Tentory, where, he has been wr some tweenty old years -with, the exception' of a brief viait ef thirty daya in 1841, ; fire aft unfavorable report of the country, Th climate u said to be bleak, and coloYth ptotluce ia an eerid. soliae taste, and the river is much obatructea witn - anag o. sawyers. . j nere are no eanaia or ran roaaa and in the ? absence 6f say ptovisioa for t he improvement of Rivera and '.Har bor or Internal ImprovemenU of any sort, h thoerht ' that emigrant hare i poor chanee of ever rehirning,Tbey go, hbw ever, well pro vistoned for a long ojoern." tF"CapU Hekut IIarmaI wis kil is place on Sadutday while firing e K ' 1 1 " - r lied in cannon the- Whit victoiiea in New York- and Pennsylavnisv He was iff tb act of ram mint down a eartridr when the gun went off. Capb II. waa a native of New Jeney, ana nau.oeen sani'ig tor aeverav yoaro out of Ibis port, lately and at the time of bit death a Master of the Schr.Caldirell.H He poseed in large degree the nob! trait ol character for which the men of hi professional distinguished.; Hie funeral took place on Sunday, from the 'Baptist Church, and waa attended by 'a large eon. tiumWltine,''"VK,'f i .-' Cant. Geoi Brown tva "severely, injured by? the aceideht" He. loaf pan of his right thumb, and was badly burnt in the neck and m f-acei i, h jnrjfom Malt: wig. fflHIIiffeSilB. STATE AGRlClTLTUttALSOCIBTY When will the mem ben of the Legis lature meet and establish a State AgricoU lurral ; Society t Will, not Pridty, night next bo a jooU time? . Every one mutt be convinced that auch an inatiiution cannot fail to hare the most beneficial influence o poo the prosperity of the common weahh. NEW YORK. ThePhiladelphia Republic gives reported and official returns from the whole Bute of New York, allowing the foil wing totals; .Taylor Cast. Van Buren , 189.672 104,684 , 119,105 f Majority for Taylor orer CM 84,088; I Cats and Van Uuren orer Taylor 34,117. All the Assembly districts in New York have been definitively heard from, and there suit is that out of the 128 members compo, sing-the House the Whigs hare elected 107 Democrats proper, 5 the Free Sailers 1 6, The Senate stands 24 Whigs, 2 Democrats, and 6 Free Soil member. Whig majority on joint ballot 104. . In thjr-121 at district. Waldron Hunker, is elected lo f Congress. Smith Whig! loses hi election by a small vote. In the 27th district. W. T. Jscksoh Whig, is elected to Congrese. - " THE GRAND RESULT. The re turn- and other information which we publish to day, spcear to teule tho quetitm to Uie-d.iuwiul Sute.. The cu-. tire list stand as fo!tw;- Tiri.oa . Miabu:tt)( ' Vermont, J - CeaneetMur, " - New Hampahh-o Hhwle letand, -v Neo York, ,, v Kew Jerty, fcf Penajjlvama, ' : .Uelawaiy-i . Mar land,..:. Ohio, v ' ; ' ' 'Kentucky, '-.-'v: .- - 1'enneieeo, . MieJtigva, erth Caroline, 1 . Pouth Carolina, Georgis, .1 i s 4 - ' r? - M . a t ' J? t ' - 10 as. Maine, Indiana", Mas!'.iJHurivV1?n."ii,S;'-.'Srii!( . Wleaoi Florida, lllmoia, Virginia', , Mowacippi, - lova, ,i v.-., : Alabama "' t j u ? - g "aw -V4-Teaa Arkantaa The whole number of electoral rotes is 200. Necessary lo a choice 115. , General Taylor has 163., which electa him, and he has lerenteen rotei to jtjnre. . v Of the 50 State of the. Union GW-Tay has received tl.a roica of fiften'and i Gen. Cass of fifteen. Of the rionslireholding Slates, Gen Taylsr hai ihe voles of aoren and Gen. Cass eight and of theslavehold ing Sutes Gen Taylor haa ,the vote ol eight and Qen Cast o aeren.f. ,, f . - t MI8SISSIPP. ' The'vote in the several district so far as heard from stands as follows: vv- ' Tayter.1 Can. C.3SI 5,327 y B.875 -3,575 " 1st 5.311 5,208 - 301 " 2d Sd 4tb Total 81,871 ' 22,3 We have reporter returns from all' but seven counties, and suppose thai Cata' total majority in the State will be eomewhere between C00 and S00.VKksburg W hig, m We publish lo dy (says the Montgeme Flag of Tueaday.) the official vute of tltia State -The' democratic majority ; i 793 vote, ' In 1841. he majority was It, 145; .T.:,.'j, rV ,IKUI1A,- i ' The Richmond Enquirer, make the ma jority tor Caaa in 137 eountie 1,5169, leav ing Braxton county atiU to hear from, which gave Cl.ty a majority of 30, (The Time makes it but a few votea Icm. - .-i .f h, r t f" GEORGIA OficioLVrU'S. Full return from Georgia ham been re ceived,' and the vote by Congressional dis trict U a follows: Taylor, 43,150, Cass, 40,089; Taylor' majority, 3,061. Taylor has carried all tho Congressional districu except the fifth and aixth. ; ' A?? MAINE OfHctal. The official return, a given , in the Anguata Ageishow bluralily forCaM 4J59 ovor Taylor- Van. Jlufen' vote i 15,124 The majority 'againat juaa in we fttrtc u 765.. ' vj,'tt u,ni'' '- ir -y Ma8AHC8TT LroifL ATPE. -Vv t The pecial buitiness for which the ses sion waa called, wa completed on Friday, by the choice of tlie Whljulectoraof Pre ident and Vice President. ; ' r x fx "' The whole number of vote in ioint bal lot was 299. 'The Whig electors W each .nol .L.' nJjl f.m AtXmt' I. M.I lyo, uio aeiiiucravii;, vt .wan umgi, 05; the Van Bure ,37, and there wa one acatterihg.- :;. : THE: ADMINISTRATION AND GENj : scoTr.v:;;: - The Wahinfftoii rorrepondent tf the Bait' Patriot nvi that mutual explan&tio n,i hav uken blace between tn . Govern mentand Genl RcoU, and that h ill nt- um h M qoartera tud potion ; i f, ,.n, v.v. ,-tioos.?:,,'av;i . The Aihrille M essenger of the I0'b intt, Tf, "Hogs are mow going .through our town daily Tor the Southu large, fine and fatfbut we fear that owners will eufler in the pocket moat distressingly. '.; Thrr can hardly begin at more than three dollars a bundreu. ' , . -t , .... '-i ,j HON. MILLARD FlLLMORE.We learn from the New Yor Commercial Ad vertiser that the Vice President elect of the United States was waited upon at the Irving ir ' i : l v 'tart.:- iiourc on t unuiy evening uv mo 11 nig general' committee, and ; Uieir chairman, Hon. Philip Hone addressed him in some congratulatory remarks, Mr. Hcne allu ded to Mr Fillmore's birth place, the State of New York; to the fact that for Vice President he was New, York's first choice, and expressed the confidence of his fellow-' citizens that in the distinguished position he was called upon to fill, he would, seek only thecouiTtry'a welfare; that he would protect and promote the art of peace and consult the good of the " people. " : , Mr Fillmore replied very happily, ' ac knowledging the - compliment .. aud mod esty attributing the success of ihe Whig nomination to the name of General Taylor' of whom he said:- ' ' r j In that man aiid his simplicity, energy arid atraiifht-forwardnest, I hare the ttighest confidence.' 1 hare nerer.had ihe lionor uf taking him by the ha 'id orof meeting ttira face to facc.'but I have studied well his chR weilfor-fria character ptmn and .- opciv to be read by every body and not one that delude and puzzles the' observer. ; I have no doubt that under his administration yoa will realize' all the high and patriotic ezpec tation (hit you entertain, and that the coun try will receive an impetus and i direction, ua der his honemnands thai will go not only to mane u nourian, put to wane us insiuuuuii endure. 1 look, to him with confidence for a restoration of sound republican principles aiid for an adininietration of honest, met and with him I, am pure we shall have th p-overnmenlof Uie popular voicenot thfc expression of the arbitary will of one mam awrpfrfrtlCTfr liareliitf f the admtnistratton- of .acliary 1 nylor. J Cheers ) . ... . ; i -, ' : r : vGeatlemeii I titan yoTfeart.ny7Tor die kinunes wuti wuicn you , nave weicomcu me, and I wish you all happiness and pros perity, v (Prolonged cheering.) j, ,; ; - i - The company then- shook. . hand , wilt) Mr Fillmore, and numerous introductions took place. . lien John A. Collier, one . of the electors for. the State at large,being pre' cent was called 'upon and brieily addressed the, company,. Mr Fillmore remained some Ufflt in familiar . conversation witn lus friends. He ia looking remarkably well. Gen. Taylor . Sketched toy Jndt ,.t.... ,.i.. orr.'';4U't?'''-::'-'!.5 " In the Sd volume of Judge Story' Co mentarle 6n the Constitution of the united Statra, after tlmrrtugh analyi ef Uie or ganization of the Executive Depailment, and lha duties anil power of Ihe Prelident, the lenrned author conclude with the fol lowing words in which he ha unconscious, ly sketched tt mart known a Zachary Tay lOK : ':':- - '--.;S-"-.tW. rat.' i ' :rhni $ closed the tgamintttoif of the tiffhis.nuwers.'and duties pf the Exeeuiivp DenrnenU - Unlet' mV r iudement ha heen unduly hlaased; I 'think it will be Inv possible to- hold from this natt ol tne uon stition a tributo-nf profound reaped, if not of th liveliest sMlmiraMon.'-'' -All that rms i!eirable in order to etatify flie hope, be cure the reverence, and luttairt the ' dignity of th nation j that it should .alwsy be occupied by man of elevated . talent, of ripe' virtue, of incerrupiibl Integrity and of ..'.1 .j' . : .. -l.-ll r I.!.' tiieu pairintrsnK wna wno suau iwrget iu w tn'erests, and remember that he repre- tenli nol a party but the whole nation j on whose lain may tie resteu w)tn posterity, not upon the flse eulogic of favorite, but unon ilia solid merit of bavins' - Dreserred Aeglsry'-nnd; enhtuced -aatei-i freeperilys-ef the country." yisr , m i'j? i a:f.,.-, .n'. -.. ii .i i i.i.t 'M' "ft' MR. CALHOUN AND 8.' CAROLINA: Th Savannah' Republictn tnrai Bp- the whole btiilotophv of Somh Carotin politic in the follow wf'welf turned erl.icismi "it will be aeon oy reicrence to our iei rraphia head, that Mr. Calhoun took anntfy lorday.BhoniS o'clock, P. M , wberrupon 129 metnbett of the ,Sth Carolina Legislature sacried.;', , -v - . ...... l , . Had Uie nine votes" of South Carolina been cast by Jh people of lhat State, it is by no mean certain tbat they would have been east for Gen. C-- The electiori of Orr nd Holme, avowed Taylor men, to Congreas, and the narrow eacape of Nr. Sim from defeat, were indication of a vary atrong popular feeling in favor of Gen. ,Tay- ... V ' 'u '-. -I i. ' I'ii,'- rt; 4 ' : IIYPEUCOLEJ ..aL-- Talk about yer dsrned fan linesiaid aYankr to a Cockney, who waa ao impru dent at U the natural Way of hi Country, men .to eommenca bragging ; on English tailroadi, while the couple were progressing at the rate of . fot ty .mile an hour on the Birmingham, railwtyi1 Whv mister, this ere rad is purty considerable for Englahd, a a," . ai .'a w a but it won t ao lor .vi er i icy. ve noe a- traddle of telegraf ihere when "we're in a burm but when we ainl w take lha rail road. Now thein 'Mad tint Iowi a 1 tell voofwl..-waa enmin. Oora,.Phildetphy; to York, when I to fllr iin' eloie by me, Who on airth twn thi big garden witn -won palms around Itr . , ..., l dont see no white pal in, es he. ," dont see no thin', else' tes mighty tall fence it is loo.', . -.i-.? -t ' -The feller buret out a laffiii.? Why, you aarneu aea ne , them'a the ee grapme post.' Ana, aure enough, 'Utfee the engine feller stopped, 1 saw ihein prwta a hundred yard apart, and wa had. ibeen goin' ao alnred Cut they looked - for all the woria iiua wniie paun. -, , At thi niomrni the bell rans at a station signal, before the Cockney had full re covered from Jonathan last d'e. ( . , ; . What's that bell ringin' fur?" inquired the latter of hi English friend. ; . areapproachtngu ..' Well, them kind of bell b'xin doe fur thee er lo car, but w can't usa 'cm jn 'Meriky' , . j MAh, why nol. -; Travel trio fnat fact tat saund. alt lo tmaah W would . be , mack ihrouelt a village before the noise of the clappor was in the neighborhood, - . . v 1 . ' You d'n I say . exclaimed Hie astonish ed Cockney.-. i -V- -i . VI,' act liy-thunder .Why " I va on Ihe - Nw.Yurk. Cart, when litem are (team - whistle waa rat tried, May be you've heard of the terrible accident? Nof...Yell, ir, we wete going it. ftrong. Harrycanea were nowhar all nttur seem, ad abakiu to piuoea-wben several wilet off aomething was teed on 1 he trark. Thu wotjiijrwaiaei40oe.Aia vanew.acreajn. awfully; but it waa no manner of uae, jorsf ter tumbliiiT over a apno of smart horse and p big tlurket wagoa, I wit just riaing from pond when along cam ill whistler' holler, mixed up with , some big curse I mind to have heard the engin-mao rip. out wheb, be first aw the. .wagon. , But ,the poor fvllc w wa dead when hit voice arriy d, Fuel -got he documentt," ' ?? f. ExtraorJiary,"s:Iextlaimd lha horror truck Cockeoy, vaud do you uti wbiaile isles your lout, no; .Uonereu atonned 'em. right ou", and now w act on tlie phi losophic, principle that , light travel an . t d'pehiMfof'thWeneM -fiwwf tell 'em we're enmin by buitin'out 4 fighi that does atonih Uniniat creation md I recko'n rather asionished the pltnetarv y tern at lirst. When, u wat nrtt li led at night, the (wtteraon the road eomrnenced crowing,, and the chicken all irot .dowu from roost, thinking it wa day ligat." - 'r . :The ear iaddenly a'opped, when Jona ; than,., having arrived . at tha point-of Lie debarkation, looked : arnun I at the; bewil dered Cockney,' nodded hi head, and wi h a little carpet bag under one arm and on. umbrella, under the other, took hi leave. v r, . V ;V, ,-','-'..''. 1 .. ' ' .' i, , " , ti Hydrophobia ,ettrtd by Chloroform U appear! by lha letter from Jh phyaician who attended lha recent eaa of hyd ro pho bia at Cmden, N. J., that a ,cur of , this fearful d tsetse h been effected , through the agncy,of chloroform, 7 rhe-INewark Dailr Advertiser atatea that a full and ad thentie report of ihe ease is b . madoi -' by Dr efaeUeB pf Philadelpbiaj.Si; ,; ; "Vrom 'uVt Columbia South CarntUft, Nov. '31. In the colonial and leritlalive fenordebf thi State ar to be foand inany ora-and valuable hittoricaf documents,1 In the re. eent nrranirement -of the clerk. office many xf litest thing have beea brought to light.-; Thi joltowm;loqnent petiiion from a' Catawba'warior, whose ddiceridnnt tilt live in th chief of that duniniahed tribe willbe regarded even at llii dar a i remaruapie prouueuonr- .'r' 4V ', To th Council or SorTN Carolixa: " The memmortal or Peter Hatn war rlor of the Catawba. Nation, in th War of Imlenendence. " Sv-J A SM1 am n of the fingering sorrivor - of ah almoat extinguished race. Our graves ill soon b our only habitation- I em One of th few talka which remain in tha fieldJwAere'the item peat ef the HeVcld..' lion passed. I , lougnt agamsi thai unl it h for your- aake. The Briuah have diaappeared and Jon are- free) yet from me have th British took nothing, nor have I gained " any thing by their defeat. I puT uedth deer for ubitence--tlie clot are dieappearinf and I rnit trtsrv. 'Cod n daitied me. for the furtet, and my f ambi- lioo ' t 4he thade.'flf But' ihe ' atrength of my arm delay and my feet fail me In the ehaae.; 1 he band s wrhlel' fought Tor your liberties i open foe VAur relief. In mf youth J bled inbstile tltat'you miglrt be independerrt-iflrl not t .ny ! heart In my'old ge bleed Tor the want of your cbmoMoratiocit3.!t-4M-T ! i ' Tbia application waa justly ronaile red by ihd Igilaturi and an annuity of 60 it'M f,ranid'io ibe "Warrkr.'M-'' "i i -t i . - " . . .'. . ". " Gen. TATtoa,' wa believe - kv the firsi Major General, in actual eammUsintt.'who ha beea ,dimie4 from th . rtee by the people. :" la thi instance a term of ordinary reproach becomes a ntgh com pi i- ment, " , ' - Albany Atgrrt. CJ'Wt regret to learn that a few dart ainceWilia J. Wearer, of (hi eountr w run ever, on the Wilminporr rail. road, and killed instintaneouely, ,U was lyiait on the track at night, it waa auppored izv atat of intoxication and waa not ; aeen br. th Engineer 'Jotil lt.waa too late it prevent th uiarter, v-- i Juroort) run. rrrr'-i a-''!'-? JCt'"'?:T1' '.'.fc i.'iW Anotukk SotTHtaa .forai(ZKT.-We) have received front Charleston an official document, containing a report tf the pro-. eeedinga of a meeting held ia panoam. ; a call made, by the Democraue . Taylor party" of thaVeity which 'ia eaid tot have heee ''largo and respectable?. Aecomnanyinjf th rept.rt is a Cireolar of the .Conirait- ' le of? Crrepontlenc, appoiptod et th mceiintr and designed for erneral distribution -thronrhoui the.. 8otrtlim Slate. f Thev-ubjct natter of ihe? paper ia tlir; prosper Uve-aeiion- of tha ! fre Slabs on the "free" airi er Wil. mot pioviao' - otiestioBj The rneeting. though - professedly on of , $ a styled Uamocratte Taylor party," yet other wiesw claim to he on ol Hi people em'jraeinff " vvnirs and Uemocratar. la the word. of. - the circular, fur the o1jacti they propose, w "they waive fend. set aso'da aa onworthy o" consideration and inconsistent with tht'eri- -sis, : all party cotnbinaiiona. They, leel that they weie a people before they wrre : partywere 8ouihron Ittng before ihey - ucram .d.vhlea mlo t Uija aoT oral. -?!?,' ,.;. jutwi '',yf - .u'i-s.. ygv-- Wefltavo read itiete naner tritfi it- tvnti in which tha f ubject demands ant) with torn katiafaciion deuved from the.dispa- aionaie and general ixpreesioa in wliicit " ' the sentiments of the mreiinor are couch - " d. But, although there ia a calmness rath r unusual from thi quarter on thi panic ultt ubiect ttpon tlieeurfaceihere I plain-' ly a high state of . feeling?. beneath, nil. i niaaieKHaafioaiejI Btwth Carolina tint t moving in this sua t ter and though According to th circular, ' " 'tney ask not to lead tnay claim not to ui. , late; will eheorfuUv yield -to.' the uijanee of other State, ar willinx to seres Jit lAe rdn4i will go to the rear, the centre or tha wing'' 4till South tJarrolin lik. cou:u the nrivileite onlr. of beinr brea-nt where responsibility most ' attacht.'f' aud where danger is .motlimmice'ni'' thaiM eeaerally an I'k fun. th . Hsr i Itnguaga. which haa maninf "Retponaibility and danger? .If talked, about by one of the tbvereign ofiliiUoioi , or by.aome of it paople.v:'-:And to I tbia yit ihf parircipaiioo of att4hatboulA, ing Biaie- anu aucoraingiyv -propose a ' geoeral'ffoti vent ion thereof, bulla -wadded to no particular cheai; U 1 ; ,1vutaO(ne,xcnpilonabIe passjrti or - equivocal import sunilar lo th abova th prraoibie aiid retoluiiona adopla-by the -meeting have a tbeeominari tone; and their : arneatnea ia notltft to be doubted. BUC . we feet in the reading (if iheie paper that .there id : 'di position to c aggravtt! tha ' character of the ittsua and tn magnify, lha evil anticipated from tha rcauU .winch i assumed that su' ban even would impoae apbn ihe maateratb rt--ceiiy' of sltuming faabiu of their alavca or of engaging in " a itruggle. combining, In tuelf, tb borrora tad auocitiea of a rordet , eontett, tad , tervil wt" this, looking to th prenleneo of freO inatiiution ihroughout California ; and New Mexico. Ia other respect the quettion ia presented io tbo uongcH light which imagination car depict tnd upon, . tli (irongth thereof , ihe Sooth is called Xo ihocoiergertcy . .! t& mJlalt. Sun' 4 M , ' j, , M- , ,- fni I, .ii i ,&i'..'ifra "f, Cornmnnlentiona wltft hi Pacltta :T line of i bieamera from - Jaw York t , Chagree, t connect, by an , overland Irtntmlf terost ihe iathmus, with ancther Una from fa ntma.io San Fraocisee. and tha mouth of ..-the Colnmbia, i to ga Into operation .doting the -aev.1 month.' 'Th iteamer California ten New York omf tlma (( to lake her place In the -Pseina line; and by (tha time ah will bare tsaehtd Panama by th way of Cap Ham, On other eteamer from Nw York. It ieoted . to beat Chafes. The vessel leaving N Yartl will touch lai Cbarletton, ciavannta and II 'vana,,'s-.. ".'",. : - , : ' , :- ''.V v Tb steamer aa this line wilt carry the malt, tnd will of eourtrb in t vie ol th Gsvern aiwit. Th eotarnunlwiion ,ho to btbUah.' d with thai Pacifie coast cannot but have a -aW tided affoet upon the growth and bulos of; our ettlmflt in California and Oreiran.. . - i.. . . 1 ne neat yaar will probawy witness a urfe smifratioa lo hclh tectiona cf oar territory b- yoni the Rocky Mountains. Tli main tide of -th it moving popultiion Will toll over tht prrieo ef lha Woe,, and -traversing eoaaHes aerra of. rrrtile land eecupied.lt will poor Usell ibrough 'he gorge' of tha moonina and (pretd ' alonn . th conat and lh vallett eommunieftlnr wliti il Th toar of the ocesn would teem to have e prophetic aoand la the ear of each adventurou pilgrims and to apeak of a mightier futu: bat any f Inland birth. 'M."- --'-t-f. ' How long a period it to elapedbefor OrCgett ' and California will apply for admission Into lha Uaioo, aa State of tha atepublie, we itm- ' ant venture to predict lest the shortest Uuo which ordinary probabilities mi. hi auggaat would ptova lo be too long. . A territorial (fo. eminent I already created for Orevon. U ' dduhtedly a "'aimlUr provision would have been , mad for California, also. If a qnattonof t-wtioa - al ttelternent on ibis tide or the Koeky MouavA lain had' ot interveatd But that eunttioa and ell ether autttion th tt woald intarfero with tha atalely provreaa of thla cor imp. rial Repnblio will have to give way, tuceasab, and aettl aa they betidan. - Our couroa l( oa . ward.. Ove'leaptng a vaat Intermediate pee have already seiW the Pacifie.' and ihall . toon, hold two Ocean Iributatr) t euf fouu mete, and ubjeol to oar flag. - - ' ' j - KCEP CLEAN GARDENS,! Ir:1a Tafher ,iflo to.Tjrooil fof peopW to alow 7ecd!i'td erow no toward th fdoM ftf hov8oastri, and psrticti'ar'r pipu wnene enriycropa hive been gttri etwjli Thi ii decidedly hnd tcnt,omfa Weed arn iiiiisightlv.raiei tliey hauit lha fcrouod of bit it. . , - - -," '.... -.?.:', "'. ' . . erosrov- - - - - - w