PRESIDENT TAYLOirs.. v I If-AUG IMS A fc-Jar I D it E f 8t 1bi day, at 13 o'clock. General ZifHT Tayioa, Preaidrni elect of Ihe United State, delivered to the Senate, and Member or ihe lions of Represeniattvee of IheUti ted States, anA thousand of Meembled citxena, in front ot Hie Capitol, the following Ihauciial Ad umsr - - ' , Klocted by the American People o It high a) office known lo our law, I appear here to take ihe Oath prescribed bflhr Constitution; and, in compliance with a time honored cus tom, to address those who are now assembled. The Confidence and tespeci shown by my countrymen in calling mn lo be the Chief Maj ' ignite of Republic holding a high rank a in on 3 the notions of the north, have inspired mn with (Valines cf the most profound srsti'ude; but, w hen 1 tefbict that the acceptance of the Ifice which their partiality has bestowed Inv putrs the discharge of the nin.t arduous duties, nri involve" the weightiest .obligation-," 1 tuii conscious that the position I hare been called tn till, though ufn!ient to satisfy the lcf'iesi nmbitinn, i sutroundcd by fearful reapnnm'liili lies. Happily, however, in the performance uf my new duties, I ha)l not be without able cm operation. The' Legislative and. Judicial jrsniM of h-Oo!eiflent present prominent examples of distinguished civil attainments and matured experience; and it shall he my endea vor to call to my assistance in .the Executive jjepartment individual whose ulcnts integrity riiJ purity of character, will furuish ample '"tiSMfiteerfiW ftrtf1aTthftrt!md"h'jrirtfre-petfirr-mance of Hie trusts to be pnmmitted lo their charge. With pitch aid', and an honest purpose tn Ho whatever is righ I hope lo execute di'i' aentlv. iiniiaiiiully, and for the best inter nets of the country, ibe manifold! duties devoir ed upon me. In the discharge ol these duties, my guide will h llld Consliluli'n, which -1 tiri d.iy swear to "'preserve, protect, ami defend." For the interpretation of ihat instrument I shall look tn the drtcision-i of lie Judicial Trihunals estab lished by it authority, and to thu practice of (he Govern -went under the earlier Presidents, who had so latfe a share in its formation. To the example of those illustrious patriots t 'Kali always defer with roverence; end especially to his example who was, by so many titles, "the l o command Hie Army and Navy or the United States; with the advice and consent of tbe Senate, lo make .Treaties and to appoint Ambassador and other Offieerst to- give lo Congress information of the stale of the Union and recommend such measure as be shall tod?;e to beneceBiaryi and retake cimtiiirTttff laws shall be faithfully executed thee are the most important functions entrusted to the President by the Constitution! and it may bo Hteetnd that rshnll, briefly, Indicate the prin. ciples which will control me in their execu tion. 0 Chesen by tbe body of the People under the the assurance that my administration would be devoted to the welfare of lb whole country, and not to thp support of any particular section or merely local interest. I this day renew the doclsmtio I haw htof roadaand proclaim my fixed doterminatiea maintain, to the ex tent of my ability, the Government in its origi nal purity, and lo adopt as the busi of my pub lie policy those freat republican doctrines which constitute tbe tretrgth of out national ex istence. In reference to tVe ktmj and Navy, lately " employed wiltt o much distinction on active service, care shall be triken to entuie the high est condition of efficiency; and, in furtherance of thai object, Ibe mil harry and naval school- sus tained by the liberality of Congress, shall re ceive the special attention of Ibe Executive. , A American freemen, we cannot but sympa- "Thrtsln att effort eiteftd- tlielesslng of ei tiI and political liberty; but at the same time, we warned by the admonitions of His'ory and ih Volte eT etr own beloved Washington io ib slain from enlanglingjlliance witji for eign nariont.' In all dispute between conflict ing Govetments It I onr interest ""hat lea than out Holy tofemnin strictly neutral; while our geo graphical pesisiormbe genius of our , insiiiutiona end ear peef bs the advancing spirit of iviliia tioa, and, aaev all, the dictate of religion, di- " ws-thwilivation of psaeeWl-aoAfiiMidly TelatisO with all other powers. It is to b doped that no international question can now a rise which a Government, confident in its own strengkth, and resolved to protect its own just, rights, may not settle by wiae negotation; and it eminently become a Government like nur own, founded en the morality and intelligence of its citixns, and upheld by their alTeclions, to eihaust every resottef honorable diplomacy be fore appealing to amis In the conduct of nur frnign relHtinns I shall conform to these .views, as I bflieve thern essential to the best interests and the true honor of the coun try. The appointing piwer vested in the Preti lent imposes delioate and Mieroiudutic. So far as it is possible to be informed, i shall make hon esty, capacity, and fidelity indispensable pre. -retruifites-to the bestowal of office, and tbe ab sence of either of these qualities shall be deem ed sufficient eause for retrieval- - , , It shall be in y. study to rerommned audi con ' stitutional measures to Congress as may be flaeesaary and proper to secure tnconngement and prelection to the great interest of Agrieu! tire, Commerco, and Manqfacltires; to improve our rivers and harbors; to .provide for the pee ly extingaiahnient of the public debt; to en force a triet aeeonniabilitj on the part of all officers of the Government, and the utmost eco nomy in all pnblio expenditure. But it is for 'the wisdom of Congreso itself, In which all leg-i-dtive powers are rested by dm Coustitotita lion to reguUt-these and oilierfnittrs of policy I sliall took with confidence to the enlightened patriotism of that body to adopt turb neat, uret of coniliation as may barmoniz conflicting interest , and tend to perpetual tliil Union which should be the paramount object of our It'ipe amrafToctinns. In any action calculated to promote an object so near the hrt of every as wb truly love hi country, I will sealou Iv nniui with the coordinate brsnche of the 4S Vf rnmeiii. - - ; . , lo conclusion, i congratulate you, my fellow itien. upon the high slate of prosperity to which the c KHlnets of Divine P.ovidence has oaducted our cominen country Lit a invoke continuance of the same ptoteclingeare which a ltd a from small beginning lo the eminence we this day occupy, nd let aeek todoert that aonttflua&ee by ptudence and ftiinfldri;oil ailernptM lo assuage tbe bittei nets which too of. .tea usrlc unxvoidable difleteeeee of opinion; by the pronuilgstion. and pra'ico'nf jut and lb ' Vral priacples; nJ ly ao enlarged pnuiotiam, wbih sbalt scknnwlodga no limit but those four own widespread Itepalio. . ' : ' " iaWISTEBFl F-MOSEY- Tyeriv'a of i lb Bank of Cape V r farter A. r4uk- to B. Hnnyat dited" eptember", lg5, r in oircu'atinn. Atn fum' onjtbe Bnk "bf North. C(uiii. I.ook uill. Tbe ThilsJlpli!a Ioaufer states tb FaM pvsloes-of -the CTOpssud" Tnsnufcttlrt' of Xtiw Uiip ter snd Middle State in 1843, sa f-dl.iwi: 'Jrope. -. ..a- fia,mw,oo . MeaWff. -m.O00.i3ed fa the SoBtbera and 4.'eterai Ku.ta the segre gate wre a folteWsi Crepe, - $33C,000,000 Manubctore, - 91,100,000 In the Eastern and Middle But, the xeer of t . .. . ..AnA . -. y reods over rrops amounted lo (3C,700'O0O while io Ibe South rn and Wester, the croi exceeded the manufacinies lo the enormouv amount ot two hundred and sixty four millions nine hundred thou sand dollars." . .. , We. eongrstahie the enantrj, that Mr. WiTllsm Ballard Pretton, of Virginia, ka eonsenled to be fecrrtsry of I lie Nsrjr, and ilixl Mr. Iteverdy Johninn, bf Maivtand, it lobe ibe Attorney IJeoer al. Tn ynun; Hretlon the nation look with the highest hopts a future (tmiliiets, and the lram hae nevrr )H ditappintid ulil'e t-r,clnlmn. The pmiilertev of the Navy lfpi t mrnl will kfliifil hlra a vide fii ld tnl tin- srrie nt hit encrcT aiwt hit strand julj;roriit Mr. J. Iinami, lire ixmr i eoiiiinrn.imte nut iti, with the e1nl ol ll-e 1'iiinn.liut f all eointiie (rovernrd bv law, I at lurrei il l tu the aeal ot Wirt the eountry iil re oirt lo know. Ilia appniiitnirtit will in...ire a nn. fiile.nce in tlie ailniinistiaiinn, which his biilliii.t l (kl Miprrlenre U iulljr and justly ctinble of iui paitinj. Mut. H'liig. r'ttlmale nfa plank rrqiil from Uke Miibiean Went tn river, per mile, alu-re lliry ute HeuilOik timber a 9 p(-r M. ' ' -- P.ilimate fori mile, , Sills 4 by i inchei - eni, 1 4, Si 10 Plunk fi. long, 3 iu- chti lliivk, liS.r.'O - - i,ntr- ffi I jyirj; and Cmilmir mad ftrr ml. "t mile liiici"(t. Hi idging k eonnngeiwin, Kiijcircei injf Snp'rinlenilence, (u.t f0 .1t I Oil UNI " KXI l.aiei anil liate lloiucl ly Tutal, OYSTER WAU. 'We lefirrt from a gentleman just arrived from the Kastcrn Shore of Virginia that a e;i, os collision look plaee, a few day" nincey'in the neigh horhond of llnunmonqtown, between the citizens of Ihat section and a numhe'r nf de predatorii from Phila'delphia; The facts, as we learn them, are these; A fleet cf some twenty boat from Philadelphia recently enter, ed ihat quarter of tbe Bav and commenced ta king oysters lrom the Virginia bank with known laws of the State, which prohibit that mode of taking oysters, under a penalty of 250 am' iu open defiance of her local authorities. The people whe rights were bn invaded d lerminetl finally lo take the matter in iheir own hands, and to drijre Ihematauiler frnrn their shores or atil ilie autfiorrities in arresting them. Aecordingly, fivo small boa's were manned and armed with two pieces of cannon; thus prepar, ed the Virginians came upon the Philadelphia fleet, and an engigement ensued, in which one oyster Bian Wjs kitted arid a mast or one of their schooners cut away by i'cannon shot. The fleet was. then driven into lb mouth nfa creek where the Virginians succeeded . in taking ninety of the party prisonem, whom they eon. veyed to Urummondtawn, tn Accomae county, where they were lodged inj iil. By some in (ormaty in the origrni"WBTrant the legal pro ceedtngs were quashed, but ibe migislrales had issued a new process, and strenuous effort were making to bring the sggresors to jnstire. In the conise of the skirmish one of the Virgin ian was shot, the ball entering near the month and coming at the side of the head, carrying a way one of his ears. Out-informant state that great excitement prevailed throughout the neighborhood of Drummondtown. Thil is but one of many shameful outrages that have been perpetrated in the water of the Chesapeake bay, and it is time that some steps should be taken to prevent their reaarrenen. Unless a stop can be put to the vicious practice of dredging tbe -eyer bnk the Bay, the most vain ililn in the Union, they will be rendered worthless in iho cume of a few year. The organization f a marine - yoiiee- with a small steamer to cruise in the Uay, would not only prevent the detruclion of the oyster fish' eriea, but would Ub prevent the occurence of such scenes a the one we have jura recorded. - Bab.. Amcr. " AN -KUlAL HTKAMKR. . . A .Mc. itolijoho, iir N.. York, has inrealed an aerial steamer, which tbu Sun describes as follows: The model i comer wa eleven feel and a half long, and twenty five inches in diameter, with a saloon three feet by four inches. It is composed of two part llie upper portion is the 'fluat' or 'balloon,' limit in the form of a cigar underneath this iatlte saloon or 'boat,' for con veying passengers, fuel; the steam engine,' be, Between Ihe float and saloons are two large propellers, something in ih form of Ihe wheel of a windmill. The two propeller are so eon. s'rucled so ss lo act upon the air in ih same manner Ihat a or w propeller set upon the wa ter. The air propeller, like ibe water-propyl ler, i driven by a steam engine. The weight of the jErial Steamer is supported in the at mosphere by ihe bnrvant power ol hydrogen gas, with which Hi float i inflated. On be ing inflated anil sVt in motion, Ihe little steam er flew tapully rmmd the hall in every direc tion,, as steered by the rudder. Tbe late ot speed wai fifiy fel in fitt seconds. V,EATK, Yesterday, Mr. Kuqie made an X.l:m ti..n with Itlrrtnn tn the li(H.u!t between Mr Camrron and himself on the la't uij;til at ilie satiin I' Con. grei. Ho ' S.ld. llisl in a moment of exailrnivi t, Mr. Cameion mule nse of what h.- tlu a con ceited t he offensive taaipiae towanl, lii.a. aun he passed over to lbl cci.llcnan. Mi" Cameron's nprn. band came I rnl.itkiH witb bii person, ami he reiorned lb mnTement, that it mita not he thought be tilmtlv sriuirsrnl in the indigui j lie wished to have difficulty wiih nc man. U the rourM nf ihirlv mmnt'es after the nttiinnice. a renriTi. 'i tioa took place, and thry were as (ooil IdcikI, t rer. lie complained that Hi neaspaper hail magnified Ih flir bejend the proponiun ol l b Srlect Committee, ortlcred to be app-iinlcd yestecly, eonsis of Menrt llti.imi, rirli-h Ma.' on, Webiler, end fVarre, and ll'ey will ii, quire inlq the t lrtiti . (;,B. Shields loinMi lion of bis srat in 4o fenat. The vai Inns Mandin wiHe tJt- iL d to continue until lite eiol i.l present Kcccntice see.' urn, WM kl,llMlll '11. (ku..-t- ll.. swn, were eppomteil I l,c ente thm lisnsadcd Muuesi vHlt stoae uoo s. . ' . " JVu. Wl,i. Tb admirable j idinenl niaplayed by. the Piesi. leal in Ihe seleclln nf bis aabnioi attyii st ihe I heme of amiversat i p!ie..bii(ui antnng rieiirta sad opponents (Swelling and so) nri-iog isy eur city, l b adininislisiioii p r,s lar sa die ihtelliifpnrehaa gairM.undi'ido u choir C wktmot stm", and even the nppnsrtinn wpers sr be., traje l hito invnliinta y upplaas InoWd, so far as w have beets able o gather, Ihe pHbli voir pi-d-nunars Ik srl i m lie, incvety iie, tb Very best that would haie been Made, anil we aanwot rctrainfmm heartily Iradiug our wa leMimmiy ia Umrof ibis judgment . , . A'uf H hig. Tbem'a cor seal iiwals. ton Sts. Pkhmoad, Macb S i, S P. M. Tlititf,. Western Rail Road Bill has been roiidrred in th Hone of Delegate and lb 'original bill ba 'ed .Ayr 7 IT Noes 51. ; TALK ABOUT THE E-ULftOAD. . During; the pissinf conrt"wwekw have beard more talk about tl Hailroad tben w have In aril hi "t -aVflvS h on tsJelve-motifTi, Trom bur observation of iii SrSS of public sentiment, w . may say that most of these whose opportunites hv enabled them to form intellirent es'imsle of the valo of jtKticb eurtnteraal imprnmetits, and the neeexili for tbem which exit in or Wt, come out prompt. l 1. -1 tl.. I T .1- !-. r .1 . If, boblly and ardently in favor of the Central Road. - Many await farther light ami information on the subject, to enable hrm to form sstisfse tery opinioi,- with t evident leaning, however, to the liberal side,; A few are opposed to the scheme abot.l enough in bomber ami t'lent to give test to the popular deuasien. and elicit all the argument on both sides. Go it friendt, ml fellow citizen talk, argue, invest 'gv a gitale, that's the way to arir at the right thing at nL Indifl'ererco towsnls the new projert is cbieflv felt on Ih no'lirrn bonier of Guilfoiil and llironph Rockin-bam and dlokea, on the sup pokottioute t.f the UanvilU and Charlotte R-ml I his is but natura'. and what was to be expect ed. Bitt our frttow chirenr, w trut, will yet come in and give strength to the public sentiment in the newly chart- ri d achrmc, when they duly conaiil.-r the hio'Sfity al.icli exiated to relieve the Ma'e. if pnssih'e from its emlwrruaemcnta in the'ltaleih and (J.non Knad, and til propriety and patii.iti-m of meetini' our Hastern fellow- citizens, talf wL in ibfir jMlncc-t Atidlteng' tlirmnff and makinreay the homlc whiclt bate ever held tug ttier Ilie K.ast and the -West one ci'mmcnwe.alth- Tlie West will be more likely lo secure justice lrom the East on other subjects, and on salikfoctnry llr, when a more frequent intercourse shall be etabli-hel belween the ex ffemes, and tbrir reprctrve people iliallkriow each o tier lietti r. The meeting here on Tuesday w atlendel by . a conrt-boose lull of deeply interested tiateners to the anerch of Mr. Gilmer. W : trust that good seed was sown in good gruund. Greens. Pah THIS IS TUB WAY TO IX) IT. We have uwlotiUeri authority lor saying that If under Ilie cliarter ot Ihe North Caroliim Kail Uuail an arrai.grmeiH can lie nude by a hivti Milsribr4 lot anlu-k will ti ftlil in uiii-kfiiit lli.-ir MilM-rmtlmiS in I tie muiner suacested in the pewsiiaiH rs, ihe ' whole amount necessary In i xernie the woik in liowaii f i-i mih s will be laken by Iter cilizei.s rewU'ur t know-ol two een lemcn that have ile. elai-ed tbey will take nine miles nf It, and two nib ci s and have hcjid olj one who have deter mined on l-kiii one or Iw.i m l e:nh and sevt ral we silrtiii apjicii' to be I: mid- but her wfirki. men are spirited at.d bold. n'ttlrb.mui. Wc have not jet seen the Chutrr of rl.e lioad in its correct form, as it passed till two llousci; but in lime lor pur .! !. Of cuurse, however, ootliirg is said in it about wmkinj out suleriplion( but tbat w II ntakL-no dinViriur. When the alack. shall I'ne 1 1 tn laki n, ll.e r quired amount paid in it will lie for tbe Stale and the Stockholders combii.ed tn say in a hat mod-; and upon is list terms the woi k sh dl be done; and we. caa bav no doubt, t herelnre , ihat substitutions may, to a considerable extent, be woiked rut and fut her more, lliat in all eonisi-t 10 be lelj the 8to.kbiililrrs will be as tbey ought 'to bty 'rclerred; Say; for instance, an in.litVfiil adiccribrw f .iOOO, ' and li.kcs a cntia't for that amount, lie does f . 1100 wi.rtb of work receives fi.OOO in cash, and throwing in $1,000 woi lb of labor, be gi ts au evidence ot interest in the Rosd to the amount ol (.1a.O; Tbeie it is, in plain EiujIWI.j and this is Ihe way, mainly, m which the Itnad is lo be conalrueted. A similar plan, we believe) wss adopted iu. Georgia, and with tl best results. It is of the 6i st hnporisnee lo the peeple of 'Raleigh and ol Wake county, that 'tbey should a rouse Ibemsehe fully on this subject, and get reety to t tweir ahocrlilert to the wheel." All wc ask of ihem i, logo tnhe figures, snd let self Inter est, if nothing etse decide. Hut Iieyood this, what has . ii t the Slate dune tor this eomrout.ity It Ilace4 the srat of g vcrnuienl among ns. snd in do ing so ex.rnded uraily a million of dollars in CUr midst As the res ill ol this, tbcie Is alsodis! uratd here not Irss than JW.000 per annum; and rceintly we luvc bad I. c ited among us '"lb Luiut'i Asylum aud tbe Sthool fur the DC4 and Dumb- 1 ll tb nnihing? ' Does it not bind as, evtn in com moograiii wdr, to lb peApU of Jic East and Wnt now so nobly strng;iiig tn unite their interests and their deitin'et, snd in doing so, to ben fit as, as e!l as the Slate generally -to make an effort to forward snd consummate the work? XV m hope eur fellow-e'litens of bit parlies will ponder upou lliese tilings bring Ihe proposed measure lo the ttst of utility ami aelf.interc, .(lo say nothing ol their Slate pud",) "! the determine wisely for themselves and posterity. This is, pcrbsps, "the last opportunity we shall have lar years, for im prntiogtHir eonditinn The sands in the hourglass are fast ehbuig awMjsnd if this neevsinn be allowed It p iss HHHnpeoied, a 'long faiewill" fo prospei iiy and enterprise hi lids emuiniinily. Stamford MR- VVBBSTBtt AND MR. CALHOUN. Dobated the question in ih Senate, on Saturday, whether llieConsliatiilion extend to Ibe territo rial or not The Senator from Massachusetts contended thai il does is . t until it extension is declared hy law, while Mr. Calli. un Insisted that the Constitu'ion, by it own inherent vir tue, is ovci ibe leniioiie from Ih beginning. Mr. Webster illustrated his'-argument by a reference to tbe judiciary, which, under .the Constitution, is upon the basis of ths tenuis of good behavior. Hut in the territories, where court of judicature are established by law of Congress, the judjfosaie removable by ih Pre' bieni, at will. If th Constitution were over tbe territor ies surb a b-nnie of ihe judicial oflire would he unconstitutional' Thi il ustrations which Mr. Cslhoun adoplf lo make bis proposition distinct are of a negative , kind II Ihe Constitution be not over the terri torie tben none i f lis regulations are binding, ami il would be lawful to establish lilies no bility (hero Hut, Mr Calhoun inquires, esn we stahlish titles of ni hility in tTalifornia! Hoal. soa-ks,by what amiiorny doe I'ongres leg- islate rnneeri il'ir jTi It rillaura h what in thoiity except that whicir the Constitution 4 aiveki , Undoubtedly, it Is ftom the Constitution thnl Congress get its power to legislate respecting ihe territories; and it I equally clear Ihat the Conaiiiution represent a sovereignty wbicb is over tbe territories as thoroughly a it is over Ihe State. Hut power is one thing and Ihe appli cation of it, through organized mediums,- is an other thing, There must be Instrumentalities by arid through "Which pew 'weWmVi'rqSrtirtvV; Congress i to provide these in reference to the territories; and Into the organism thn created th vital energy of tb Constitution flows, giving il action and efficiency. Tbe moment a Territo ry become slat tl ceafat to need the inlerpo aillon of Coagres a a medium between it and the Constitmiea, . lis ew tte organisation the) succeeds. , BalL.tmtr- ; rerToa nn advancid lilt! In N.w York, since lb anivul uf ibe Earep. . any ene sul.iect fur msny f --ivS!f&&&Mtr& S1 LibtrtoM etneiate solum. R.M.tiKJII, MARCH 14. 1819. C?A great many articles unavoidably excluded tbi week. . !" T II T IX E ri C A tl I N E T 'Enfi?Mt3"tnp the Senate. ' ' Secretary of State, Jhn M. Clayton, of Dela ware. - '"".'. Socrelary of the Treasury, William MerrJith, of I Penney Ivsnia. Hecnisry itf War, O. XV. Ciawr.ird, of Ueorgia. Het-rrtary of the Navy, William U. Pretton, of VitjjiriH Weei-etarv fer ths Horn Department, Tb'mss Cwiua of Oliio. -.', . . -.,.iOT J'owtmJ-ter Genera', Jacob Collemer, of Ytr monl. , A tl jrnry General, Reverdy Johnson, of Mary Ian!. JOHN M. CI.WTOM wac U. 8. Senator fnmr IMawere, b -ever boen n- unwavetinf republican, devoid ps'iiot, and ilanlsat the bead of American atatesmen. A better selection could not have been made for the Sla'e Department. VVM. A. MfCREDITH, of Pennsylvania, whose residence in in Philadelphi i, Is a lawyer of eminent ability, of high mnf it character, a ' sound thnuirh moderate Whig. He ia S3 yar of age, io the full vigor of his faculties, . and cornea into office fVrh from tlie people untrammelled by par linn alliances. He is ibe tight aort of a man fot the Treasury Department- GEOI.GB W. CRAWFORD, Ex-Governor of Georgia, lias long been known for his sterling io-legriiy,-firmness, good prarlicnl senae snd anient 44sstaMtttritd-l. fwcaiUM Department. WILLIAM B.PRESTON, of Virginia, is a distinguished Lawyer, grarid'son of the imnior tal Henry, and an iuhen'or of hi Iwilliant gentus, IOOe-TifttrfOTtlnTinirchtVaTr1S epirlt, nitTfrtflIs lo lb department th rare qualities of mind and heart which eminerjtly qualify him Q preside over Ibe Department of our gajlant TV'avv. , THOMAS EWING, of Ohio', with bis clear bead, extensive informal! n, enlarged and liberal princides, U highly qualified fur ths Horn Do partmont, whicb will embrace lb diversified in titrecta of so many millions of freemen, JACOI--COf,fjAMER;?r.Vi of Truy, WaaAKlb'',MTM vieatwa .-a4il war i f 1 8 18. and afterward .became - a lawier.- He waa member of Congress from Vermont for f years, when be resigned. He possess th right sort of talents, energy snd industry for th Past Office Department. . REVbliDY JOHNSON, of Maryland. United State Senalor snJ s lawyer, with- not only liigb lational reputation, but a name that is known and honored by the civilised world, will fill tlib Department of Attorney General with peculiar grace'and dignity. ..... : '- This is truly one of th ablest, purest, and best CabineH-wiib which any PrcMiuVnt . was ever sur rounded; and sffords another evidence, ss has been justly remarked, of th practical sagacity 6T Tne President, wbo has mailt ibe selection. PRESIDENT TAYLOR S INAUGURAL. We hive he jdc ure of preseming to our rtail. era, in to-day's 8ts, the Inaugursl V .r of President Ts bw, delivered, on tbe Atb instaol, InTie'ptwnce bT twenty" tnoun3 people, il meet our highest expectations, and will, we dnubl not, be read witb tbe greatest plrasure snd satis faction by every true republican in th country. I( is truly characteristic of il distinguished eulbor speak the pur language of wisdom snd knowl edge, and i stamped with tbos unmiatakabl mark of honesty and grea'iiosssimplicity and plaione, eomluaed with b evity, strength and beauty. It also lay down sound political princi ples breathing throughout th pur republican ism which gave vitality and strength to onr free institutions in tha primitive days of tbe (republic giving assurance to the country that their confi dence in Gen. TiTLoa.b not been misplaced, snd Ihat their hopes in the wisdom, purity, rr. publieanism and success of bis administration will all be realired Thote of us wbo stood by him in lbs ds'kest hours all all bav causa of exult, tiun and rejoic'ng. 'ROME WAS NOT BUlLT IN A DAY. Our friend of tb North Carolina Democrat must eterciae some little patienc. Tb Laws of tb lasi session of lhLegialtnre are being printed a expeditiously ss prscllcaLI. and will b completed in due lime. TV never were "printed faater," n r aa faalj but the Legielature, knowipg it to be work that requires lime bav, by bw, (which will be found in the Tteviaed 8t ifuteay lowej ninety day from tb lime of adjournment,' fur lis cieculior. Wi intend to publiaa Uie central rati roa-l act in our mut. Will the Democrat be ao g J a to publish th shove, or the subetaar of it Y FIVE GHEEN HOUSE PRUlT''. . W were preeenled, on Monday last; by W. D H si wood j Esq, with a fine orange and two or three very large lemons, tb latter of which were taken from Ire in hi green bouse, which baa born during th last year between three and four hundred, Th lemons excel . in ait and beauty, and tb orsngs ia flavor, most of th West ludil rour cen present uencieuae, nous irsir a son bonneor lar m ire riotr plus profond sslucr. ': Es-PresblcMt I'slx. arrived at Wilmington on die Tib fcaalsnt smirtst lb roar f sann and the line- log bell. II was sodrcssca by Mr. Ym. Hill oa brhall of tlie ailitras, aad resposidcd ia sn imprcr. siv sad', toeline atancer. . II was eceaapanlrd jkh th, Wtkcr. M nr I reaiiy aad Iht.iel CrabamKM , late Regiilrr of tb'- TwasdeiV . ' , Til E C RZEXliORfT TffEETJSCr r8Tt W WWTfsrerh W tft.PUdUljttttCfluigAJtf' the OreenaboroiiaKi mee'tng In fijltTTwas a large an J sViritcd ltet ing; was addrentrd witb great ability by Joax A. Gitats, Esq. ad lb following reaoluUoo were Joptetlt . " ' , -' 'v , .w' .- ;. . ,, ,, . Whereas, X"rth Tamliwa is blessed by aalaa with mild kail ceaial alaraatet with bmtadless taia- rrat revourees and produolive soil, capable af sonlsiaiHg a aiease poiMilaiioa sad taroHhing an abundance of, msrkelabl J articles h -eh oujj.t to bring in rich retttias la be cultitslorsr t Aad whereaa, A Isrse portion ol tbe iaterier ol our State, stretchina merw ilorn two buadrv WiiKs east ana West, has no natural nur .improved aitincial Outlet I e market llierfart Htt!vil, TkM -w appierw the gca. erst sy rem of sdcpird tiy rli last Lagiilatarei and ihat epnirulilv S prove il.e great Centiei lUilioad avbeaae, and hail its adntiiina as the harbinger ol proiei by lo tb Old North State. Henlrvd, As the opinion of ibis meeting, that shoaUl lb route rl lh Central Itailnuut pass throurb the roun'y of Gndlord, otif tllt- na will lake, ia money rr in work, a liberal shot of the s'.ock reqnfrcil ol mil.wduala, ssjiat least tufltcicnl lo f nde Ihe Ri ad t'leoah the county. Jeltml, As like opinion af the meeting, ihat onr sitiseas genet ally. led lively ii.lneit ia the proposed Road, mid ihould it ael pu lliren;h this eniintywill acvertheless eoutribote to its con ilme'ian lo audi extent ss their ptxui.iaiy measa will jn-.tifr. . j.,;;. Vn7ifif,"Tbit the Ctiairmao appoint ten IM-, egales to the Railroad Convention lo be held in Salisbury, the Uth dv ol June aeit. and that an id detrgvies be n quested lo sieerlain ; hi the mean time what the eil.Seni of litis enunty will . pn bably do towards the eoaurncliop nf ihe Id ad, that tbev may report tlie a me lo said 'Convent inn. ' Unsttmt Ttt-rr tit "vh nT The vtrmr''r!nn-T Uses promised by a Turnpike from Greensboro to tbe Virginia linu, by way of Ml. Airy, we heartily recommend the proposed Turnpike Ic the favor and co-operation ol nur h How cit zens of (iuillortl, Stokrs, Slurry, snd other eonntles inleresKtl. Tb Chairman appointed th following gentle men delegate to Palisbury, vii J-hn M. More- beat, Jsmes tloan, Dr. John A. Fnulkej Jona than W. Field, Freilerirk Kentress, William Wat son, Joseph Gibson, John M. Dick, I esse Bcnbow snd Jamra A ftswart: HON J. M. 11ARRINGER. We bar se n no confirmation of lb rumor thai the Hon. D. M. RiaiaiB has been appointed Ambastalor lo a foreign court. XV hope, how ever it will turn ont to b tru. II is both ea. veraiil popularity would render hi appointment acceptable lo all parlies. Talented, hones, pa'ii otic, mtiderale, firm and conttis'enl, h served ihe Stale honorably and usefully ia the Legislature for many yews, nd"Wrtt and: afary-haa hbeenJ represented by hi in in the national Leginlature. His influence contributed largely in securing the nomination snd election of Generaf. Tayor- to tbe Presidency; and the people generally woulJ be gratified to seethe sphere of bis po'iiicsl"lahore extended under the administration of that incor ruptible patriot and old larhiond republican. uFirt STATES KNATOR. Tbe GoVei hor'of Murylaiid lias appoiiiied flenji Oiia C. Howard Stealer, lo ' the place of tbe J Ion Keverdy Jolu.sin, snd he bss accepted Ibe appoint mint . lion. Mr. Hx5iai, late Sensior from Indiana. his kera appointed by the President, by snd with the content of th Senate, envoy eatrsordioary ami Minister Plenh,MMratiary lo Prussia. HER STCEl'EL AND MADAME LAVARNY. 1'has celebrated performers , have given several concerts tier during lb isst week. I taelr new instrument of wood snd straw, culled th Xjlo Cordron, discourse fine monk, th lady hat lb voic of lb Nightingale, and tne eonnoisrurs hera. so far as we hsv heard,' bav been dellghbtd witb the performance. BOUT HERN L1TKRARV MESSENGER. W bav received the March number of this valuable magsxine. Il i improving in it appesr. anca, and richly merit an xtenatv ZZZSZ. - : COUNCIL OF STATE.- - bera ol th Council assembtsd iu th Capitol, in pur suance of Ihe call of Governor Manly, via. A- E. Rrwia, Thbs. Allicm, Cbarlts L. Payne, Joha Winston,JosbtisTaylo, snd were organied by th appointment of Col. Tayloe ss PiOsnleiA, snd L. Cbeves Manly ss Secretary. Tb lollo'ing noaslnstioni were tbcrcapoa submit ted by the Goveraor, vi: - - Fr Uvmrd f Intmiial ImjwovtmeMtt. Fx'K t - lists., ol Uianswick Cwuntyi Cains GaAVsa, ol Caswell. Jireeirt tf tit Iltei-ar Fund. ItieniB Minis, of, GsnRSS I.ITTtt do, Wslbo N Enwaaas, ol Wsrren. These nominations were unsnimnuily confu m ed, sad lb Canned liiercnpoa adjouraed wilbout day,: - : GOLD! W art gratifird la learn, (says th Ineolnton Courier that Capt. G. W. Caldwell has been so fortunate ss to gather up at one handful, fern a mine in Union county, VO pounds of virgin gold, producing H.400, ' ' WESTF.RN TURNPIKK. We are informed that His. Excellency Governor Mailt lias appointed Andrew H. Bbuford, of Lincoln; Joseph J Erwin, of Burke, and George V. Hayes, of Cbxruke county, eommiaaiomr under th act of lb last General Assembly for surveying and locating lit great Western Turn, pike Road frem (Salisbury, through Aaheville, lo Ih Georgia line, ... ' ' It la with bf lines of no ordinarv trt. that we have to insmWiW lb rieettnaiittn by Mr Albotl Lawrence of ihe A'eerelarysbtu of lh Navy. He as oik il he biili'esl lights' ot th ewunlr) There is 00 Un Iu Ihe fctveranewt, whfch be Would Hot iiha-a. W era sore, that lb aatM-si will share with MS our icftrel, bru il ihall wriwe to kaow, ha' ks councils are to be deprived of the sei visas ot so distinguishes: a etalcaraaa. , JVut. V sug THE HOMK DEPARTMENT It apiiears tliat the Una, Jobs) Oars,wko was mentioned for the appointment of Sverelaiy with Horn liaitineiit, is intligible, ss no member of th Kcaata an be appoiatod whose time did note" pir on tb atb instant. Th constitution provides that nn aenslor or represeu'ativ shall, during the lime for which he was eleeteL bo sppmleif lo any sivil offictt unikr the autborily of 'dm'; ttnitrd Stages' whicb sliall bav been aimed, or tb emolumeais w be real shall have btcn tncreamrd,, dring sarh time CI I Y TAX LIST.'' " v ... NOTICF. i berrby gitea, that I shall ettead at lb l ait Hoaac on dy, th 3tb day of March liibn IA VIwk. A. M.tla'rin.t P M jl take the Cay Ts Lid for the can eat )csr,asre- "l 'tTTrnttX irATWD, lntendnt.' Mtdi 9, 19 ? It St cn-NffMl'TlCof Cttl nu'-. , Butifc4biim c wr In-' b!s v not npon tlMptipl- , V th nk tbe laU is in b people, amlfthnl if Hie fep!a wcx.ld keep Ibe skins of themselves and their rb'dtrn ttrooetlv washecl, and abstain from gluttony, runsnty, ami iirHrpi iu, , gn rmiran or iw, ciMi.nniplion, would be no m,ore known than is now, in gnl aociety,- the disescer fut ..whirji ' f cratcbuir slid ' f"'l"i"i wr sow pro ctpa n mi Hire, - However, consnmntton prevails as mattrra sr. and picks off Ihe best and prett rr of us. in ear prime. I tdis state of thieesw ajmaf ilotl.elw-ri. wreeiVpetc out a d patch outline ib f lifei Witb Joiimev. vol irs. snd meilicii -ear Of all the medicines we know of. Dr- Wiitar's 'l3alu.m of, W ild Chert.' i a hat ' should Ural tremji- mend. W e have m our nflice (ivVbf prrajf of ' it rf!eary, who b'.t for itswmjld l.av-been ba-r-; tie-aih lb ami long ago. The iMrenmr of :hrt meil. it i we, us. H tatar. waa a man tf cu.nee ol ho. manity. and undoubtedly prepared lb rnie v in ha best from, and the i.ubfo may ly iippn Mr. owl for ih f-enmne artrQieCotf, Xjrfjr CJi.vnorttbf Jaiu 18.. 1847. ' None genuine, unietia signed I, BCfTrt on tl wrapper. 1 t or sale m Kalr-lgh, whnlesala ntr retail, by WILUAMd. HAYWOOD It CO. . and hyj)elvrs ia Medicioa genet,!!) m North and Tbe American brings news lo g4ih. Feb. , Tbe Frtaeb naiioaal Assembly ksd berajtiisolved, sad Louis Napoleoa was increasing ia popularity, . The Crand Duk ( Tuscany bad Atd to Saa Ste. fano. Tbe Pofie had Ik en formally drpoaed, and a Ri- public established' at" ttr,a. : - -k-M,;' . There bad been immease safe ol cotton, an a advance in price. -" ' Tlier wassgiaat demand tor American stocks. AT the Annual Meeting nf the Director of lb North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company, held na the id Junuaty, 1H4D, ibe lotlow tnr rcso- Jiaa, flrlrjlol.- --yrmM-.l Ha.aaewnsii-t-W'-fieijewwir-a levir.l on all lb" iircmium no es out standing on Ilia id January 149. . - -i .-J . .. t , . .i . .i i - . . . - IVOiar. I uxtkmj n.wa iiHamv wwf aiw aimevis ia p. nnirrd tn be lixnl SI the office nl tfta N. C- M. I. Cn. la lUlelth Oa or belbrc the fir day of May mm J AS. F JORDAN, u; er V S. All letters addressed I tb Serve arv oa buiinrss of the tlnrnpaav noiss ke past pant. Of lhry Will an a usn front tha rb-eu - r--HaleiRh, Feb. . 119, . iO.SU . IMPORTANT SAL.E OF Vectmit ftYUu lianAsa IN NUltTH CAROL IN A V1E Presiiewt sad Directors ol tb literary - Kohif-ot Norrti trolma, hi parMaaa at sartauv ft e so tot ions, psaaevt at tbe lasVsesswa ot taat (ars4 - ' ',VS?mldv;''On'ettTii Fifty thoiuaxii acres f- SWAMP LANDS aoastiletmg b part of lb Literary Fund of th Blair, situate la Hyde ami Washington roantiee, nd em bracing tha rtgioa lying beiweca Pamlico aad Al hemart baamla, ..-' . .. 1 hes aaods have be a draiaed at great eipcase, Uoibrr Use dirvieoteompeieM tuigmeeri, and tatssl tff into Section- Tb drainag ha bejea tleetcd by two aaaks Canals, to-wit1- Pangn Canal, eatend. inc Irons fungn Iwsk to Pungo ntrry six aad half miles in! lengih, with aa averse width at bottom of ti fart, -i4b ai brM aa sail twelve ft snd Alliga'or Canal I lrom Alligator lke to Pang river, miles long, witb so avefg width st bottom l ) feet. oVpib f, aad tail 10 tect tontb er whh sunihy srdralarivs w lateral ddebr T bea Canals at aavigabte lor lint ream, aad miting at the aavirabl waters f Famlat Sownd, tbca- mouths arearecasibla I ara-goiaa evaacla. A large poetioa of this lad abounds ia Jusiper, Cyprs snd other valatbhi TImbwe-, for which, tha forest of Kastcrn Nona. Carolina isi Hltngoishil, Th residue aoasisls of pnirie, covered wiihdieCaae and Uambon, and la tbe eatmAiion of the Engineer who surveyed M,' lb wbwhi ol it Is cxinrmely lr rVtSralhnsa Heading snd bhingres, till land tier peaaliar la duaavaeat.' - t. ' '" T Immkrrant In (be Pens of lli Uajted Slates, sscostomed lo a eoantry arniibw ia many reapaata, Ibis band overs Sod believed to a as Cnib, as any ks th North-Weslrrw Stales, aids cssy aaaes to the Sea, sad wiibia three days sail al New York. Th Jualper water ia pleasant, and the hands miraged du ring ih last two Summers, gt'''eS Shtngles, base enjoyed exaellrat health, ' Time and plarot ! The Sal will take plaea iu the Tow) ol Waih Ingloa, rn Besutort County, by Publn Awalbia,ansa. tensing on Monday; Ih at si day ot May next, aad wdl be suporrotendiU by lb mcBibet of tbs Board in pcrsoa. - . TctWM ''"" Tba Lead will be sold m Secrioas of sboal ICO Acre, seeordirg lo ihe Maps and Plate of th Ea giarer. A redit will be give ot One, two, thews and foar VraVs; la be paid la ee,uai hmalaacnta, with h:teret froes ihtday t tal." T. Uornl and approved sestiiSy will be required, and the litl whhbeld until tb purchase wmuey shall be paid ks full. Certificates of purabas will b gism snd tbe till, whtn auulc, will b aarrsnlta TurnpIHe IKond. . i At the same lim and plaee, th Hoard will re cede Piopotals lor oompbtitg tli 1 umpik Road from PimgolJikoto lb Ti wa of Plymouth- Given under my band, at the Executive Offlae, la ih City el llaletgh, this tih day el Maiab, A.I), 1S49. -r, -- CHAS. MANLY, Goverooe ef North Carolm, - ''. ' , t . and ex effioio PrasX Ut'j Board. . By erileri -: , " -' . . . . , -, , : Cnavaa Mitrlvi "'".' i.V -Sittretary to Board. .''. 'i Th StaadardJ . Star, Times, Nwftrri,.' Norib State Whig, Edentoa Sentinel, Norfolk lis r ald, N Jtmnal lolelligraeer. Wasbiagton UaWva, Baa too A'lss, Nr Voi b Weekly Kxftrtae.aod Pennsy U vaniaa, will publish tba abov till th day of sale, and lorward each on paper Oonlaining tb Adver. . tiaemrnt, la the Office of tbe LMcrary Botrd.aud Le tbeir kill. - , ' ; U ,..- AVI LLI A MS, HAYWOOD &.., j t7"fep constant; I USLLY on hand a lartrs l awd WK.M.RIft.lcPTIcn w aaaasf waWaMW ) 4V atoclt of DRUGS.MEDiriXES, IjrestnOT. Pcrfutuery, Spleen.' ftliMm J- Picturt Otast and DruggiiU 'ii-j- . -'i' GlastH'urt, . ;. .' . Aran, WINES and BRANDIES, of tba btt quality, Far medicinal purpose, and . SUPCBZOR SrOABS, T01JACC0, " ' c. e., eu"' . which Tbey offer lor aat ap-otr ttif inosl seeoiw modallng lermf,' - TV ; f . " i Kalei;b, Oct., 1819, -Iw.-t, tH?-4, 1 .-! -aPV-'JI wwi

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