tr4 "a""" iriiirAfiLii land FC?. SALS.' OX 1 he IStavtU M -y nt . ihe town f Lr&oir, Ca'd- ir.i'Vi- i, . ... I .ill U tjubtic i i i . . - - r , - t- VlM ilit pUaiatum wticr l4f. Ling at U- 'V- - Kt:Tcreek. on the miu Yd- .iehafy0 There mtt 100 -:. . Itr.t cute B.itlou il ori ibbr val sable tract. "iwwSik lifc "iliitr-af ' Mli)iierir-HaWJ. - healji; YerinJ af .e. t wit:) "" n,,Jr "iTlhpiiri h money to l paid Ihe Crt l,.m tw.l. t v. bub lira poemn will I' litem it balance in ta reual inaulmeiit a id wa!v month, with u.leret irom. H""11 stJ reruiity will be re;ni-el. ' . ... :. I'Jtr.lir.NrB CAI.LAW Al. vi kn ?e.K. ' soda kai, Jiiu rns. "fPH E L" iJersipne.r (he only manu'ecturer of ' 1 r.'n odafel .fatu. beg b-avs to cau tion their cueiometa and the public iftinst an ar- manufacturer who 'bate Urn induced lj irn pour by (tie great favor ugr rliclc baa ml ilh. T these who are unacmsiinted with our artiei), whvonly tosey, ibata ingle irnl ceordiog la Hi direction!, (which are placed in each pek I.) tnsnifeet h superiority over any other - iEMMiUAiuicit ! Jit,?"!.', wliol.eome nJ perfot iy fre from Tin genuine article can be obtained of any of tbo wboleealr gtoern or druggiat thi tily. Boeton V rtdIl!rt&ty .! OrTeaii. Pirel:aev arj prticulriy requeued to es that our" brnd u on ejch package. f- JOHN WIGHT k CO. - Ve YnrkW.trcn 8.'-f8W: I9-I7t- SIPJIEITIC COfKT IIEPOHTS. .REDUCTIO.YOt MICE- TilF. fubscritier liing purcUaol from lU Ealate of W . Ii. 0l', E.q , doreaaed, Hie rrjltre fcjiin of Vol, A, V, oitd 8 Low, ami Vole. 4 and S, Kiify,1 of Iredell' Repoiu ol Ooaea de fitladiallto HiiDrvni C'ottrt of NiMih Carolina, iHiS, incJaflif,ri' iiirluJinf alav tbo Equiiy Caari of the present TVnu of ihe Culiil.) baa' re aluceJ tbe prio from in ItoUurt to Htt Italian yi vuduowv iid-i pieprd. t furoiah llirm to j iiamlnitie oT ihe Bar and Uookaellcra, exept Vol. f of Equity, to bo pulilithed in i few wecka, of ''( notice will be m iH. OrJore Mtt llic kolp, r f" any one or Volume, ptpoiptly ilenJ d'd 10. - And Uie tlropplwJ uu rcaaotialiie irrma with th previuua Volunwiaof Ntrtb Carolina lle . port, 4 I-a llaok gisf!ly. tiyii4 -liopiea iarowhej to tlie I'rofewiun, in eichanfe for tlioir Moa t4-UUv- FartlTill, Manh 19.1819, 13 3ip. COMMISSION -r-r- tA2U 7wi LL l"i1'"i.fe;c,:ii' and s o s ' 'ouimitun zn& Auciian Store,' i .iwfi.,f" 3italcigli,2.-C,,? , CONTINUED A8 USUAL, - ("! a . : 5 Ali .mtk iHTturrso to p. iium, at ritcu t.d r03jrri,f 4 rai rarvLiT. T - ..-WltUt PECK 4t SON. '. New 3piig G6odst fail). .. It, Tl'Clit'U (VSO.V ....... RU daily reeeivihff' llirjr (Spriiic auppliei. and ila JuatoiUiueJ. a lta 4aaotiukiiU- ol' 1 '.riilonably Ureal Uimtltj conaiattng; nf . " RoTiarrr(j ttrn tltti Kith Chm?le &k fitHpod and Mollil Mb Traauea " Plalir nl ttM llllr- do -JJerrpe D toil . I'ink Tarlatan Toil Nor J ' Fancy French Orpan(",ie Ltvrm Milk Htripcd Uinphama ' , . Black a wj f1 itcoiid , Mu r iviii Mu tUu an J-G ing , httna ' Bolid and Fcy Frenclt tJinthim Mud Colorrd ,7inen I.utra, Linen (''Ingliain Roanirfirl French Mualini . French Prim of Hew Htyler Xllk Frinev and Vo'0" .inen Fnngn Perwan Ura'd s llonnet nd Cap R,bboi!i - Bilk Cliamelron cJliawU ' Bobin 8iati4 Jackonrt Eilnn and Inaert ingn; Lce, I 'ape and Collar, Kid Ulovr-t and .f Kiry, rH UriWereiC bawn ami l.ionrii uam brie Haiikeiclii.cla, Otu "rnd Mohair Skirl, Cc. March 21, J 840. 14 SEALED Ir6rtfals -will" be' receiretl lill tlio 1 st day of April next, for buil ' dine; a Church 1 tht T'lwn of t.oaiiln.rfr, 31 by 36 feef, with t Batemenl Story and Gallery . The plain ami ipecificatinna may be aeen kt the Co.intr Court Clerk' Oillce, or on apj-licatio . to th Dui Iding Uoronutlee ' ' , N. B. MA8SRNUt;ua, ' DAVID TAOMA8, ; r Sti ? A-'W ty. . , . Bttitvliiif CjmmU're. - oaWborj;, March Jp. ' - 17 T ' KOItrlt CAIIOL1M CHAIL HO AD. .TVJOTICE is hereby jiyeu thst Books will be X SpsueJ -lur aubacrliilinn to the Capital Block r ' Of lh North Carotin Rait UoJ Compsny, In lb City of ftale'igh, on ThuraJay the 19th dky of ' ' April, 18 t'J, and will tmaluopn fo sixty days ueriicr , - m - M".' t.'Ji)SIAA O WATfcONs DU.NCAX K. McKAE, THOMAS J. LKMAY. CH AUl.Ej It, it INTO iV, WILLIAM W. I10LDE.V, tin i - v. iiii', -LiCtwtuiititnrrt , JKaleilh, nUrtl- , im. ', -, 18 id. 'FOii SaVi;E .n) 1 1 1 1 Wl-lYi V f jh. Iut -.w.. ' VS M lUWi , . fcaT"li 1 m il ""'" T -- - et! .i( ln(MOtjniir.t3 , -i . y f".!, " A torn - -'i li-f's . QBfE At rrvBkiaun l if 1MVK:'.witlinni,-- ctl.. 'a;8loJM'lh best biicd in ill V' ui edSlale. .1-.' J . ' a ... rjiTiiia uumim and iwnn uu lie now litest. Ml..,ai.-i.iij..A.ij!Ltt"V. .v. . j lit tor ecrvtev.. . . ... . . . - - - - - ..iriiii l t r. m jn.iii, lit. 4. V. 'It- r', r'n ',', ?;rvr SmTAI'I'v "jr 'T! TSClT fa COl - vA t, STKrEr.. V. M:t.VAOO! aib i ttJ) LDTTKUYue ' . L J ' - u I v.- i'lsa Fv'ja 1 lltr1eiiH;i n snnnrm vtwi - , II to K ? lUUiiivurr, Mnirylawl W'eJoti- diatt Uulola. . (iRAND SCHEME! , i3S,ooo: 13,000! . i oi 7,soy I ol 3os 20. prize of g 1, 000!! 20 of 5'0 1 of 050 Wul Hi . tf6J GJoffW - - k b- . Tkk'ia I'' l)nr. A aeriaicalenl k l'ck-f nf 86 Tiekcti will be teut tor lUO-tlwi'ei in priMJOrUun GRAND CONSOUUVI'MI UJTTKRY of Mary- laad Orlawari- anJ l.eoria, Ulaat Tta. I J, 10 uc AnH ?ib. 1140. 7i 'unjlerLoitery, 18 Urn MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 837,500! 40 I'rixei oT 3.500' J Prisctof 1,500.' nrPrttei oTSSJ eicfirr' Cl of 100 dollar.. J cf 75 dollara. t36of 50 dollar ' lv.0 he tit Ticlrli 10 ilolWa. '"Miarei id pronnHion. ' A rmCirnte ol a Package ol 25 I it ktlj vill be entfor 1JU bharea in prijimlinu. $13,000 n Q A N I) rOXSOLIUATKU 10TTEHV l Ma ryland, Delaware, and (ieorjU, Claaa No "JO, for L.iJ$49, flVnwii at naltiraore, Mi, Saturday, April It, .119. 7 Number uotiery, -rwn IMIolt, SPLKNDID SOllEME. 13,000! 3 Pri7.'i ol MJ'W eaeli.' W of 500 dnllarl 147 ol l )IIri fii ol 7 6S of 40 dollin. 7:0 ka H; Mbirea in prnijiorlion. f5 of ()liltr 65 ol 1 i dollar (. Tirkni oulr A aertificali" ol i Paeanee ol ti I lekelJ ttinoe er lor f 130 Sharea In proportion. 5 nriui of 20,000 each re M MlYl AXf) SUSHL'tll ANSA LOTTERY, for fi ti.'nr(ll ol lh Uoninltthrted 4jria ut. Ma rvland. Clat No. SO lur U49, 10 le dr.wr, in . lialliiaore,, M (Lon JVedneay, I th of A pri I8W. 75 Nnmbrlr Loitery, li drawn baltol. GRAND SCHKME. H PKlZliS OF liO.003 i ol 8,000 5 oil ,750 5 of 1,3.12 " " 4!0 Pi iiea "ot " 1,000 eacbtii 20 of 500... 20 of 400 80 ol .100' ' ' i "' '- rtl-$ " '" KWol 800 6: of 75 6J al 60 ' .l of 50 (,) of 40 6J ol 30 Ire. k. . Ticket onlr I0 A eertifiMle oi a Paekare yl Si Ticlurt iil be enl fori30 tharc an prnporlun, - GUAM) CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY of Mary- -JarUrOWawawa-avfiAeorfjir 10 be drawn in Baltimore, Mil., on Saturday, April 81 1149. 7 Number. 14 drawn liallntt. ' fcUGNIFlCENT SCHEME $30,000! IBMJU I oir J00 -1 ol 3,889 - j,, riel t, jw.wjti m t'ltaeaol 1,000 each ti v. ;.H-f aw- 3W of 200 f,4"ol HiO s- tU,pf SO 64o 60 .. 18 4o;ri. &c &.C &0 TieWeU $10 aharei in-prnnortion. A Orrtilieatir ol .Packaga uf 2 Ticket will be aout lor l Share in prwpnrliou. - 1 30.O0O M inYLNnCON3t)Lll)ATF,ntX)TTF.BYnaM - fii4lorlMlqbt!inJ.VP,ike, Md. on Mjnday, April ."", I i49. ' 8 XBiiit'.er Ldtfefy; 18 drawa UHoli - - (lltANP SCHEME. $30,000 9H0.000 SW 3,907 - ivK! Pl iiof Jl.000! S5 ol O0 25 ol 30 M nt 00 ' 66 ' 100 ISiulSO H2 ol CO 13'2of 40 dollara it. tie. he Ticker f 10 Shairl i propnrlion. A CerliHaaro nt a Package of 84 Ticketa will be cut for $140 Sb.rea nt propoittiio. M A M M oTTTT.OTT V, on.isn cafitau. ' 0 10 0,000. a ri tri ol $50,0041, 4 ol' '25.000. (.HAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTIvKY Or MA. ilYLANt), f(ir"lb berotlrof the Ctnotitlted Lotleni of Maryland, ClaiaA- To bo drawn in theCitr nf Haiti more.Md , on Saturday, April 21, IHl'J. ' 75 Number Lottery li Drawn tfal ttoa. IllULl.HNT SCHE.MK 1 ni-Ue ol 1 00,000 J 100,000 iurlttsol 50,tkM) lOD.tHIO 4priei ' tmjom " (prize of 14,500 100,000 'Wprrzeaof M(t 1WI.000 40 urines of OW Ital.OOO 40 limes ol 3.UIO 2O,IH)0 40pti(esol 8,000 80,000 - -SoOpriiesef 1.50 . 474.1MK) 60 1st sad 2d drawn N os. lO00 CtrOOO COid and 4tb drawn No. 750 45,000 120 Sth He oih,nr fill at 8lh V. 500 fioWKJ If0 9ib hioth. or llth k l8th-40O 4 S Olio .I JO liihSt 13th, or 14th It lilh Jn.UCO . l.8JOpriHSof 2va) 1,164,000 26,45 J prise of 'WO 8 4U5.O0O 3.1,805 prixes smounling lo (5,408,000 Tubals. $100 Mattel, fiO Quarter, '2j Eighths. li 50. ; ' A CertiTieale o( a Packaje ol 25 Whole Ticket will be ent lor 1 ,000 Share In pmporiion. ; i l;O.O.P. . ODD FfiLLOW'S'UEflALIA. N' M BALTIMORE STRKET, u- dr brUv Frticriek fltrret, and Oat Stiuart itfrto Sad OJFce, K ina be fairnd the moet iTienia riiV.tier,tit. Ahto--Mnie. OdrJ fellows, Ked MrM.Sons bfTenipeincB Sqna of Ub. rt. , Aiwiieatt Mochanics, j Uencrkisl and al ulhef aocieilea ' -1 PEQAXiXA AUD TRXM?lTOS art kepum band and mnd lo older, ami U4NNF.KS niaJ op in tbe. latest and WoMMuwteil 'jitiei jiji,. Wi r m, JfTrAII otdefd fioio.ibs oatrr a l tended lo witb ltiWvi.-!rt :' '! ni . . Hi., as?' aa ,il IkM CaalH j I ... t-j Odd rellnw's ud Son of 1 'cm pern n Jtuxht full aaotiinVm rWiy MY fcjhd; and at prU fe Iiliaif aa""'-ero"iimenr. - .Cwwiwon School AvUicaii. lblish mopilily paper of eight p- C". for n pnrpose pf di(Tuiino infuimation oa 'of improving the, ehancter cl cur, ('otnmon Xcliooli. I. !- J . 1 . nX aMnM( J.airn frnni p n nivnuvu wc mi vvwpinitnu (ie ptUc dorumeiiu and otrwr ourre. ef !i ! origin and firojrp ol our Common Sehool y- jeni, to compare it with that df other States here Tind itTtitrrtTpe, thnn4Hf eornvprttaeintnl of r (arnier year and uggfnnjj the mean ni over- ruining ihe detenu and diluctiltie under w iocn weatill labor. "Thi will lead us to iivoligale ihe aouicra from whieh school fund are derived, t'..e modes of their application, the prpervati"iu of order in schools", the selection of proper books Xof fL'odrjjthe recreation suitable for tlie'popits. tiie treatment neceBaary "for- dXliTTeiir' drspo"l lions, cVo. And believing that 4hSui(e which would improre its sehool iriufil first improve its tench' ers, a portion of our columns wilHn?TJenied to the ijuestiopt How are otir school to be sup. plied wth competent teachers? How i tlie 'stine'ifiivroTSa viceaof a band sectited who are wall qualified lo go fortU nd in tiie spirit cf' love, labor for the adfancement of the children who are placed under their charge! TJut'Kducalion is word of very esteue uainjt,,ajid.. jlll!OUirh tbe pji.tnary cbjecl of the publication may Irennenilv tats ur'Tiiio'tfie sehool room; we do nol intend to be always confined there. Our subject Matter is 'he hu man trririd and tbl InSuetiCes -pood and bad, with a iew of .preventing the on" a:id atrength euinrr the other which can ha brought to op erate upon it. That tins i.i lhe-ne . of the deepest moment none can deny. Il grasps thn interests not of this world only il reaches through eterniiy. YY shall nol hesitate then al occasion may demand, lo enter the family cirete, to place ourselves on the streets or min gle in Ihe busy crowd and there sot forth the rules of lileand principles ol ecrriduct wb.ich we believe will promote Ihe good or our race here ,?,rw( redound lo our evetliituijf welfare In the lite wine ITT sTo 'WHO? w,,.,,.., The publication will be commenced in Greena boro', so soon a' j u(ficien nomber of aubacri bers can be obtained to defray l4ie expeies ol printing to be printed cn fair type, at 50 cents a year; payable oo ihe" receipt of ihe first tSutii- ber. Lelleri relating to the paper may be directed (post psid) lo Nereos Mendenhall, Jamestown, Guilford county, N. C .. ISubicriptioni alo jeceited at the Patriot office. , ' The papers ofthe Slate, and .others iriendly lo the cause of Education are resi'iuesieJ To 'puur lisLsd or notice tbe above. NEHEUS MENDENHALL. 2d mo-7, 1849. IMPORTANT SALE OP Uecftmct few n.tik LansAft, IN MOUTH CAIIOMIVA. raillK Pretileirt and Directors ol the Literary Futxt of North Carolina, in purunee ol certain Resolutions, patted at tbe last session ol the General Atearutily, oner for aale, Fifty thousand acres of SWAMP LANDS. eonstilulinr part of the Literary Fond of thiSiale, slluate In II) de and Wuhinpon rouiities, and em bracing the region .lying beta eta Pamlico and Al' bemsrle Soantls. 1 hee land have been drained al great expense, under the direction ol competent Engineers, and laid eff into Beetifmi. 't'ba drainage, bas been tflected by two main Canals, lo-il: t'ango Canal, citeiid-IngTi-brn Parigo Lakeio Pungo ruer, six and I bill mile id length, with an average width al bottom of 22 leet, depth six ' lect and (all twelve feet and Alligator Canal. Irom Alligator Laks lo Ponirt;TteC,, mile'ionp, witkyati aaeraBft wjilth al bottom ol 30 feet, depth J, and tall 10 leeti togel It er with suudiy Ihliularie or lateral ditches. 1 lies Canals are navigable lor llatteaui, and emptying in to rh navigable water of Pamlico Sound, ihoir ruouth are accessible to aea-goin, vessels. ' A large portion of tbia Lend abounds in Juniper, Cypre and other vnhuble Timber, lor whieh the Inrvat of eastern K)rlh Carolip U riintHieuUbcd. The residue coo ti tit ol Prairie, covered withilie Caae and Bamboo, and in the eMin.alion of Ihe Engineer who surveyed' it, the whole ol 11 it txtreinely ler-lile- To firam Farmtri, and 10 the grttei of Stave, Heading and Shingle, this laud ufters peculiar in ' ducninanl. To Immircnti in the Ports of the United State, accustomed to a eouutry similar, in many rri-clH, this liod nflcrsa soti believed to be at Lnile aa any in the North-western (slates, wild eaty acceas lo the Sea, and vitulo ihree !) nail ol New York. The Juniper water ts pleaunt, and the hands engaged ilu- ins, Ihe last two Simmers, in get'.i.g Shingles, hate erj ijed excellent health. ; Time hii4 placet The Sale will mke plav:e in the Town ol Wth ir.gtnn, in lleaulorl County, by Public Auction, com niencing on Monday, the 21 at day ol May next, and will be superiuteiukd by the members of the Boa.-d in person. ; . Terms: The Ijind will be tohl in Seetinni of sbont ICO Acre, accoi ding to tbe Map and Plate ol Ihe Kit gineer. A ti edil will be given of one, lo. tlut-e and four years; to be paid in ecpinl instalment, with interest irom the day ol aale. Bond and appnoted lecurity will be required, and the title wilhheld until the purchate money ahwll be paid hi full. Certiorates or purchase will be given and thu litlne, when made, will be warranted. Turnpike lloud. At the same time and place, Ihe board will re ceiva Proposals lor completing the Turnpike Uoad Irom Pungn Ijiketn the Town ol Hi) mow h- Given under my hand, at the Esecutive Offlce, in theCily of Kaleigb, tint t'.ih day ol March, A. D., 1849. - J CHAS. MANLY, iovemir of North Carolina, and ex officio Pres'l Lit'j Board. . sly order: L Chkvx Mixr.-T, , beoreiary lo Board .-' The Standard. Star, Time, Newtvrrniun, Nonh State Whig, F.denioa Sentinel, Norfolk Her ald, National Intelligencer, Washington Union, I to. lon All, Neai York Weekly txpreaa.and IVitnayL laoian, will publish lbs, above till the day of sale, and lorward each one' paper containing Iho Adver tisement 1 a tin Qtiatm vfX IveJLilcraUesir , and alHt Ihelr bill. 7 AT tlie Anneal Meeting- of tbe Pirecton of ilia Nonh Uaroluia Mutual Insurance Cooiiwuiy, held on tbe 8d Jaaauar;, 18411, Use luJIowiiig reao Utioo a adopted. ," . " J . ii, JiiX i 'bal aaaeaamewt of Tee per cwal he lea J on all lb premiuni titi-.e ful Mtdttvg 00 the d Jamuu-y ll49t .- Notice ii hereby g.wew that the above wttettanettt kt rcqoircil t be pan! ai the efiio ol the N. C M. I. Co, ia Katvitb oa r kwtorsthe tnt day of May seal .f --.. alAS. F JOKDAN, . --. ; ' ' ' .. . See. P. 8. All Mlerl aidi-ewed lo lb Seerentry oa bunrvetl of the 4rSpsay muLb pott-paHl or they will not be 1 taken Iron Ihe PostiASce, I0 3t t- - .:1; t- GOLD! . . ?. ... '; tVe are gratified tat tram. (y tji L'meolnte Courier; thai Capt. O. W. CaldweH has been so ortunate a lo enlher 'trp at one fisndfol,, f btn a -n !?. rr,BMj,f S po Jr4 of'Jvirirt.olrlf prenmnuj; r,4lw, y. . Hl..fcfBOKft t H SlRKtX, . .Bev. DEXNET T. BLAKE, i'riuopuU Wj. U. UOLB. A. M . i AaH Mrs. I.. M. FETF.KSiLIE.S A"1eH" Mr. KARi; UV PETEItSlI.IC.'rr, .Ifti.ff. 1 jnaiiiuaQn W be, to-toed in . sea rtof live City, end fumUhcM with every w- .. - - . part mod. Jtion lor-a linil'rd nunitirr of pupils, vull 1' . opened on t'jf Irl day pf January tiexl Eoard. with tuition in the Eugliah ) - s.Im .Ulassical Ikimrjiiieni. per ; ro eo aeaaion of fivy moritha, j Music cn the Piano or Guimr, ' 20 00 and Pain'ine in Walei Colon, 10 00 - Painting in Oil Colore, 15 TO French. 1 . .10 00 Tuition in Preparatory IVparlnien', 15 00 As til deaign of this. iititutioit ia to furnish M a'tiiafteit nombrr nf pTrrriir a- -thoTtHftfh- atj-w.-tpnaive courae of inairucion in the Chitairs. arur rieulum of four year has been aJoi'teil, ejili yer bring divided iulo two Sw'ciona of live month i j follow.- - CUL'IISE. OF lNSTHl'C.Tld.N. FIKST YEAR. " I 2. Eoglith, French m Laim. "" ls'lsxaiox 3. Modern Geotjrspfiy and Hiatsry ' 4. Davie' Arithmetic. f. Andrew a Latin Header. I 6. Composition, Parker's F.xercirea 7. Anthnieii.-. l)vie'-I -6tf Uh. U UHiMtiSt, - r - ItulluidV.. I 9. I. anil Header, Andrew a. 10. Il itanv, Mr. Lincoln'" SECOND YEAR- C 1 1. Khelorlr, Newman'. j 12. Algebra, DavioV firat Lcaaoris. lalSraaiSA 13. Physiology, Coma'OrkV - J 14. Cawsr, with Latin Ex. Andrew's. 1.16. Greek Grammur, Bullion''. T 16. Natural Philosophy, Olmatrad's. j 17. Algebra, Davio's Bourdon. 2J asaaio IS. Mental bukner, rphaiu', ( 19. Virgil. Anthoii'a. i 20. !reek Reader, do flUKD YER. fSl.Clu-miatry, . Drsprr'a j 22. A Igebra complrW d, D.'s Oounlon , ; 00 1-1...I i. ..t... 1 s .ii....'.. vicero a aeieci vjruuoii uo 25. Moral Science, Waylsnd'a. pifi. Elementa of Criticiatn, Kame's. j 27. Geometry, , Dvie'a Lrgendre. 2d axsiox 2 (tstniUu .completed. j ?9. Pallutl, .Anlhon'a. 130. Greek Testament. FOURTH YEAR. '31. Whatelry' Logic. , 32. Geometry completed. Istssaswwi 38. Elements cf Crilitwm completed. 34. Horace, Anthon'a. - - JSb, Homer, do r"30. Mensuration 4 Trigonometry, j 37. Bjllet's Anslngy,. . I a8."Astronoiny, Olinstcsd's. 2d ssiok gQ HonM pJ. I 40. Homer. . da i.41. Cicero i Oratore, or De Ofliciie. : Tbv Claical course wiJI. pwlwle'eewal. of 1 he firrgoing Engliah studies." Huch "o'f'thetn'.lidwcv. er. will be rela' led as s re moat useful for prsclical purpose ; for mental discipline Ihe Claaaica being regarded equal lo tlie exact sciences, and In lemale Edueelion, prejrable. Suilahla eaaratu for illustrnting (he principles of experimental science, together with msps, rh'srta snd glebes, will be provided, at the wsnls of Ibe instilion may require. By TBTCTrirg-e lhaleeeuraT4t.XBAy bejeeo. what amount of previous training 1 requuule to enter either of the four classes, snd as so small sn amount is required to ei ter the first elaw, no pupil will be pei milled lo enter the course without first standing s ft approved easmrnsrlon on Orihogrsphy Reading, Writing) AritKmeU and Jingliau Gram, mar. For such as may be found deficient in these primary siudiev a PREPARATORY DEPAK'I". MEMT. will be provided, in which thes branches. logether with the efemeh'ts of Cooirsjiriy, Hlswry- snd Physical Bcience, will be csrefally and correct ly taught, st per scasion. . A record of Ihe general !eportuient of each pu pit and of her progrewi and improvement in atudv, will lie made at tlieend of each week, a.lJ furward ed lo. bcr .Parerij , ot Guardiun, at the end of tbe month. ' f .-, The Principal, who has been long snd familiar ly known to tbe citizens of Italeigh, snd exten sively known in the Eastern psrt of the Stale, does not deem it neresnary -lo inske-eujM further ststemenla, than, that the Institution will beunder his conduct and auperviai.nij lliat he ha hrenVsre fjlto rngsge the sasistance of iraWiets, who, in ttieir neveral dcparlntenls, are of arLnowledged abilities snd long1 experience) snd so far lo interel Ihem in la geneisl managcmeiit, as to secure their undi vided attention. 1-wntv .mm Uiliea ran Ian accommodated vilh board in the inatitotion. Every attention will 1 paid lo their comfort and ,0 firmlion of cor rect moral habita. Board may slao be obtained .in gome of Ihe moat reeprctable faqnlie in th City. Ksleigh, Nov, 1848. 14 if YiTsttVptMlYA igMWJ. For the Uecoveiy ol Ikirmnul snd Improperly W.hheld liE.lL JV'D SOXAL ESTATE; thi aiTTi.,tr.T xko laKusiiiox or row m ra il sl, Taimso, ami oTHr.n iiibts; Securing J'uUnU fur Invetttiaiu in Great Brit aittj Ireland anil the t'utouiei and Ui fendeuclet belonging, and K'gnciating for Me Vurthiut er Salt of tlu tame. 1 EKKHKNCE may be hail on applicativn fret ( 0 iVuirjre, (provlileil Ilie motive is not mar ol mere to a li comprising upwards ol 15,000 names in which unclaimed proeiiy is slaml ing 1 aaao sn index 10 over 10,000 advertisements, which bare appeared lor the paal 50 year in va rious British Newspapers, addressed j 10 Heirs si I aw and neat of Km. , Communication by letter are requested to be poal paid. BENTHAM FA PI 4 N, ' 38 Broadway, Nee-York. Jtefertnce are permitted Hon P.. Dalt, Judge Court pi Com mon Pleas, N . Yi rk. ' vv ' FatstXns, Stiast 81 Co. Cats- Cabtiliuoi, k Cu. W. T. Ic Ji--Ttw.t, . - .; C. R. A. Rlt'KETTS, F.arj. F.nWaRD Sr.iaoaaa, Esq , Cineinnalti, Ohio. , A. PxTtatsr, Eat) , Prcsideut Patcbin Bank, Hul fslv. - 47 flra Grand Kqustre .?ef.;iiOfc8f 0..atH.EyTAW; MTm OPPOSITE THE EUTAW HOUSE, ST-IUCOREr VX. ; KNAUE t GAEHLE would rtspet. fully call tHa attention of tlie puLIic lo their uperior GRAND AND f QUAKE PI ANOS. Th pianot Mapafactutad at this es. tabllshmenl have for delicaefof touch, sweet' Mies, elearneaa and brilliancy of tone, beaaiy and ty la of workmanship, been pronounced by the tnosl eOrtnenl frolessors la b usrpa4 hy any instrument mad u ibis oi anj oiliet covtv , Professors, amalu'ers, country merchanlc, and orbarf tlsiline llaltirtore; will find It . thri advaaa(re to call at nur ilens(veitabrlsrlmMit before JiHtehaafnjf elsewlieie, '31 Ir. WIS. ri4TI.,i -?ttfDt at at for WW t V, v. v v TUtS CUWI'OL'JS'I) "one ui I ihe beat leiuedn.a rvf oflVrrd the public in ran.f'Aa,'' vibelLer s riting Irn'm Col.h, or the U ram- A, crlbal ilrriillul malady, t'otiK.on. Few rrmeibra, in the r ttmn it Ut I u tieiorc II ptttilitv b'X' rac-Brtsni au waiii uit . a at ir, it-..r J I tjircleil ao .ny eorra. I he prnpt.ieiora se e-iy V. .. hH It, have In-m W,lil7Rr.Hlir4 totT JT!?! larn it t (rood ellVta. 'I be llitliO ol li.r Pionat- t 4.l Episcopal Cbioeh of Maitland, (ilc Itit.l -llet'd VV. li. WhiltMighsm ) t.n a'utlim i w ' tay he has iiwed ir in lua osir .ru ii h). dt-ri.:. il -bewefiij ntwt nur .MnIicul-Uir-iaLi du...til. ...t.u.Mi IJ." ..i commend il n one o! tl e lievi remeilh . in ( unmptionj llmncliitit. tihmn, r?:c , vthiel, rliey haee i ever niet ili.- TL;- iiillewHg i l ini l"Bl,:? i iet pee lahle Physician nil. Kent 1 daiitl, ,w horn ue ! made ciUainleil vilh tit piepmatnin: '"'- ' Eeot'l-laa't, fltl.) Jn , rvi7. 1 Dr. Martin lh-nr Si-: Siiiee niy i-!,. Ii. n.e. I l,,hed 'Mil StllTI IK .WILD 1flU(ll : i in te trrc!iet: pne in liirrTirtihir. ir cutw -hlf- if lone Handine, (about 21 tears. ) a nenl fcor ni! patient ol aftiae. IKriliteate h.s i.tiee i i i.h L. n efitte'd ly ay Medicine vi IikIi tlie l-Ai- i him! for the latt )ear or tvv o afi. Ins !ievii eiM,.iyd 'en titely. tntlie house. I do not knn tht she ha. hail a itood iiiM retl lor a ton,; tiuie bn t'liee sle commenced takine; mur Meilicine, ( od st:e : bed and th-ep r; 1 ai night. I-1 bmk the Itjetli- i u , . t . i I cine will n.aae a pel (ect cure nf hr, and she ii neler.niucd lo ei-e it a lair trial. H.r husband, Mr. Klmdrrirk Karicks n, is a mercbiil I. ere, ami aats st you will send him some of n, be wilt t as your aeeut. a nitre, - M wtiRij- H;A rKHrtf r 41. - 4 Virr'S emt per bottle. Around taeh ImjIiI there is a short treatise on Diaeatct ol the MAHTIN It VVHITELEVS NATIONAL, TtilSlC. , x cm ri conx vou rt: vr. it axu . a uk. to our Sumirter eritt Fall month luenr arrrhir. ol our country are protl rated by tin difeaar U t hat been our particular atudy lo find out some rem edy to stop this truly dreadful scourge, end think by this scientific compound,, we have etfecied this great ditvlderalum. Itetd the following te. Iilicstr. PowcxTTSir Fit'Tonr, near llallimore, April 6th, 1848 i .Mettri. Martin Zi II liitehy. "Uentremeii It 1 tf ith sincere plhusure Ism" able to give my evidence in lavor ol lour valuable "ya- MavtoBiiaien tosuliled. , lor nearly I Inue years with the Ague and rarer, 1 tried 'nTmd'slT ever) thing I heard ol, but nothing tee.uieri to give any pefmaneni reliel, until few month ngn, f pmchaaed from one ol your j,enle (Mettrt. Jo. Shalie ft Co. ) a bottle ol your Touic aiu a trr giv ing It a fair 'trial, ! am 16 111 y great sxlisl.Vtiim cer-" tainly cured, and bare no he tvtion ill recommend. ing it lo all persons kHxted with Ague and Fever, a the best remedy known. JOSEPH CLATFKLTEIt. Tin: pills. " In oftrrmg these- Pil Is teethe- 4ebtte, w know there cannot be a belter, or a more aate, ear) or agreeable Purgative. They speedily remove all irritating matters retained In the bowel, or when the habitual alvine tl uncharge are- Xu tardy w in ufficient for health, by their specitia virtues they restore the secretions 10 s healthy ac'ion; and the blood, to it natuinl purity, ltchd lhe following ertifnt..v.T.r.-.-. . . Lrr.R Huwtikh Ciikkk, Caroline Co., Md , 0117,486, 5- 7)r Gnrft T JWmin; Sir. Having been n.mla acriiaintod with the coni posit ion ol your vahiab'e Pill, by yourself, some two er three yeai ago, I have used Ihem Irecly in my private praciice a iili entire success, nnd shall continue 10 do so as long a I may practice medicine) and I now take great pleasnre 10 recommending such a Pill ar jours to the public a a aale and efficient purgative in all ca. te where - mrrtve ivueccuary. : Your with restieel, 5igned) JOHX F. BOW, M. D. ffTPrepared and old by MJRTJS he II II IT F. LEY, ljheir VVmslkuiji Drug Store, No. 48 South Calvert treer. Also for sole by PESCUD ic JJUNSO!". Bal elgh- ' ' ' ' " ' ' HUNTER k HARRIS, Henderson Depot. , J. C. COOPER, Oxford. Granville eounivi did J. It- CALLU.Vf, -Milton, CajwelltJe. , N t5. ' t 42-lu THE NIAGARA SHOWER BATHi .JA ENTIRELY NEW ARTICLE TOR SIIOIFER JJJTIILXG, ' "WITH W'0 Viltlt WiTEKr COThi nafh look (lie Prctiiitim nt Ilie I'nir of the. I'rnuliliii lnsii lufi?, Oct., IN IN, Ilie only liatli Hint ever took a preuiitiiii ntihe liisitliitv; niicl uIko look llif first Preiiiiuiu nt I In; I'nir of iho Ma ryiand IiiKlitiitc, JtsUtluioiis-No' ventber, lfejiM. A great and important improvement ia made in thisHbower Bath overall others, liv throwing the water iinmodialely on tbe body without, welting the head, uulcae at the will or pleasure ol the : l alhcr; but a 6reater joint ia gained by bring en- ahled to bathe with warm water, wlith no other Shower Bath ia adapted to and moat important of all, the Bath can be medicated without injury to he hair. Many peraona rinnnt take a cold batb their case i mot in llii, a ibey ran regulaie Ihe Icoi pemture of the waler toaiiii (heir ts ibh and cnm inenre haihihg at any acaann of ihe year without eny uiipl'aiit result. I.sdirsesn have the ad vantage of bathing without welting th head or coveting, the aanie Tbe aTangcrainta are dire pie and complete, and not liable to get out of order. The Ha lt can be adjuatcd 10 auil any brighth, from a email child lo Ihe tallest person. When the door ia closed, the fjtture.a are hid and Ibe oiittid appearance is (lis of a nfat'piffO of furniture. ' -. They have receivrd Ihe 'approliation nf aevoral medical gentlemuuotlicrs are rctjuesled 1 0 "cell arid examine them. Manufacture, hy ibe Patentee. . EPHRAIM LAHRABEE. 24 South Calvert Street, Baltimore B ATHIXG Herd What XTma'rong snya: Do not omit, ye who wou'd heshh secure. The daily fresh ablution, that ahall clear Tbe sluice of the. skin; enough to keep The body sacrad from indecent soli. Still lo be pure, even if it did not conduce " (As much a it doe)to health, very greatly worth, Y mar daily pains: 'jfa iliis jdnrns the rich, Tb want of llii is poverty' wwraX foe.-'"' With fliis sxternsl virtue, go maintain A decent gree without il, youiU and cbarma Ar loalhaome." j. s J. S. TOUGH, ' ifanurclnier b"1 Healer in Hie oejebrated VatfetAa Oil anil Jbaros,, AUoPINEand CAMPHINK OIL. wilh a com. plete assortment of LAMPS : for burning the same. "':'" "';" it'''"- ''"' "' ' ,' rryiAVINa Uken Ihe lrfe and convenient Uli store.No ., 187 BALTIMORE 8T.,(Balli itHvr,) extending Uirough lo Ligh street, nesrly Opposil Ihe Fountain Hotel, he U now prepared tuaopply DIer in the bove line, on ihe best term, both a to quality and price. He repec fully taka a trial from publdsT dealers, bettevrnf it will be t their interext; ;' f .5 v . v .' i 4.- T. iaaale sRanl (nrtbe celebrated SAFE TY REGULATING GENERATOR, a new and yahlsble invention by which Elherial Oil i rend. ered perfectly liaxmlet. and the ligin ol me Ke,ie faiing rmp a tontiOtabfe as the cotumon gavr ' ' - :- . : -1 - S-f t, l.nie J ittiM it ;r :.t. Co. - X. W,TOKK )l.,itRKT S: ltBt.rS fcTHKtta, I'l'.vVi'imttY?, t fOVI.P infuriai M ar;t 4it and Mr.( Bti V- Tilt"", tly; have Cited up th flums uver their JtuiLrliifind J7'ri- htpari. lj i r t f t.aftli S.M la nw I iu,ia it T ,j,.u i, t itLts adapted to li e trudW 'J'Irtr ht-eral L. Msrnwen upon iiiiem, in mi rlepartinrr,, .! Mitri! lis!lfia UMlucni ilirrn to rnlir, tl,. ii WjtrrtiOute, ' In ena'ilc litem lo mecf their m, juxitgv'I -JU'le.' "ne ol the tiirtnt'i whe has hat lotifT eivoertence til ruine!, v i:i (ic ejv'rMeiitr,lil I'UMlirM, v i t uevoir HIS Wriolf lime to pttrcliaainfj goods: soil luiy- may ret. ii.piiu tiniliiiff :i larjfe aloclr of vvLulev . r i niotf .leiit ihle of Eunptnu and .tmrricnn lilaliuficturt fi.iii mtntrtf run frttrwe, , -.V-iJa ' l"h nmiii- will .!- i juriei' c th ;,j ul' il sr. !, .'.', ;.(. in ' o' ' '' : , -- 7-- - . :v y-ci. . . VmWvw.tiVtt inui vvvd5 -fli:iiiulii'lM'y,!Yo. VO 'aivi I Mi eel H I 'l l Mi'iK i;. AM. fl"An, r"s v- "I'S DiiU. Jr. leepa on UnA ii ui ner.1 aoriiiieui ol f'luiln and ronlrr I 7 'u " ni. . i 7 i C iim. rru'ira.Malem (iid te, I troi . rnsrv, ,.,., , " 1 ,. , """e. Uncer. Llronce, L- timn eyiupa. Conlmla, Vu,, rcsrvrj ines Pirkle. :ulnipa. Pieervi-a. Cigar's SC. Ail kinila of Candies inairifaclurVil u'ud wairsnu ed 10 k -ep in any climate. All ordr from llm coun'ry mttmlr 1. fa with dtlfpH' Mr, arrH-lTrnocr- nt(f r frw - a-a' (fyr oth-r eatablishmeiit ill the i-i'y, or ilie L'mieJ Sitatia. 7 3m. ilHE subscribere.iiidst sapei'UTuily iitl irm Com il. try Merchants and oihers, ili;it ilier are couf slsnrty irlannfirc- tiring, aitd ticVt"oii Taoj" a -lam asmirimenl of ;!ie best Uiilaiiniu ware- "in thrii stock will bar round.- COFFEE POTS, CREAM POTS. PITCH EH!. BEKlt MLrG'. TEA sPtiONM, ePiTTOONS. TE A POTS, SL'GAR 110 W CAKTEttM. ' TABLE MPOON!; LAKD LAMPS, dec, iVc. We wiil wairant our stock equal t i nty in tin fflMkcUSM .JfU robMs-ra will find it to their advant e iu V.A11 tieiuiv tivtreiiaaini; i-iewnrrvFas-.,-. - HALL ir liOARDMAN, Ka. LOT Noriji THeHD-st., Philaclebphii, 7 20w. .i.i.-.arttia,, i.t. .i.v - t .ivm-'i .. .., v. ........ . . ...... J M.OIiEM Wt. HOPKJ.N's JOHX Sf OKEM A CO. ME .' ( II .9 V T T A 1 LOP .V.. (ml . wholesale dealer in CLOTHS. C4.SSL MERErt, V ESIINGH and Tailors Tsimmingv ' No SiO Market Streelt ( M . -W rorttrr of Uhwvlri, BALTIMORE. '. """' " A tiRSK tiiORTW)r!T''or P.EADY M Wtj CLOrillNO.ofMipcrior rjusHly Uj one i-rie3 wnijr ...I) .... 42 ly FOITSPRING, IB49. R. TUCKER & SON I Al OUI.D reipealfully give notice, thai Ihet sr T V now prearert lo linbish their ininieiout ps- uuua ami inenin wan ine api-ine stvie lor GEXTL1Q1EXS ' JUTS'. In announcing this st le, we limnlv Jay,. is aomnhiitg. eutmclv ncc. gotten up wnti an eye lo eomlnrt, rability and last-, and aannot be aw paateil in ihet three kiIhis. so ia. nortanl m the manufacture of Ihe hit. .. We retura our lhaukt J'or ihe ljbi-rl pjilroiugt herelofore betlowed oa our etiablithmciit, and bev 10 srurnt a continuance 01 tae same. M. TUCKER &t SOY. Register snd. Slsndard copy. 9 THE MUST KXTESS1YR SHIRT ESWBLISHMENT I .N THE U.MTEL STATES IS AT No. a?9 Bstifimor iienr ltglil, I3ALTI1YI0KV, JID II hew 5ki iKi iani ure tmjl; un,l u ttaeb tj llaaj rxcn tAfrrt. rWut jflt' I UiCU.VN IS AND o i hKUS tiiMing flsiii. .T I more air invlied to call and exnmirie ihe Isr getl and best stock of SH I UTS thai Init ever bees otleied, eontittiiij ill all sizes and ijualiliet, lar MEN AND BOYS,'' which lor sryle and work manship rannnt be HHrpsssed. Mxa-e lhau uissl vft'nnhsve hi.en malic lo tender Ibe' evstorlmrat complete and di tira de in every rrapeat. T. W. BETTON. 10 Iv. UVaeMOVejUi. OWELI. I liltOl'IIK.KS iitve removed No 207 Baltimoie trecl. 4 door eat l II their Irrmer dare,, where the will be Brat pieaaevl u wail an auavowitra, and can filfcr al low prices a very exlensive assortment of Paper Hangings, Borders, Fin Hoard Prints Borders, Curlain Pnpers, (Sc., ; all nfiheir own maiiutartnie and impatlalios. With inereaied Ucililiet fur doing business alKt S determination lo Increase our Retail a Well Wholesale 1'rade we Will keep on band vy vt riety and sl)lr. and from ihe I iwesl lo the bikbt price. A call is solicited. A liberal discount raaat In dealei a. 2o7 ituluraore atreel - 10 ! CXIAHLSS BLAHS; N. 192 DVLTlalOltK rrHKJjT, ; DALTLMOUE, MI)., - mrtlOLESALK and ICeln' 1 1 D -alert in Gold and var Watchea, Fia and Cna- O m- J.aratre, AV ATCH 'Wl OObS and MATER1AU da, got ap with eart w prices, Wlierp id Jewels sei Its U'ntchrt (jej Waiehel and Jewelry of all kmi! er(s repaired- a .. maaitanl tn Fnrmerri THELttihciibr hajlritj purehad tro A frt.i Sin a let. airenl for W. Beach Ac B. i Gatlinrr, lb pale-ntre, h baneia of jheir' eniionafor ihe Stale of North ..Carolina, off" lo the Farrruus of the Stale the advantage of Machine for sewing- all Winds of Small bi' greatly superior to njr ibtng heretofore disco ered. Also rf new Plouoh tor lh coltivatiop erops; and also a most taloabl aimpla Macbt tw shellingaf eotsu : Tlea aeW Plooirh can b had by aoplioaiioa to the stir mI.o. .t R.Isioh. ParlirnlarB BlulalBed W handbill. , WM, V. COLLINS. ltdluigh. o. 3. 184t. -lfL NOTICB,l-ir A T K A C HIE K WAN TED - aT " ' -. j v . - a w - -- . To Ul charge of Johnstoa Aoadecny. of t1 V 'vl laacw v -' ' for College, JF,"T. T.KACH, r ' A. Mi LEACH. ' ' JAS.TOMLINSON.TlV " vv WM I'UfiNER, I t-.nJOiN MoCtAIN, J Snilbfield, fab. 20, U4P. . "' ''"-r) rS&4 foWehtieiil o I C r 1 v a f l k I ft .1 b