. . .--2- . -. ---' -H -.- - - ; - -.- ,. . -. . -f. . . , .. . - . - - ,. - . ' -- " ' , , )TiiiMiii 1 1 i wi ii i " in ' i -----T--I- . j --... i. ; - - ,f-:- , . "j:1. - . .- ' irOSt4XY,'WitorJ Proprietor, r :i ,.jR0rtJ CtroH.8 pjtBfllf r- 'XT ft iimb "''iT ' : r 1 ii ! t mil iii" ii iii i : ' ' - t--r4. r r-. -i c - IT , or rni - i PA8S1JD UY THE ENERAlABr triiii tKMiaai wic cot in.iMi,Wt'"' BY AUTHORITY. Militia in tli Wherkai the cuiiity of Clcvplniul hnin H atthfi tfmt a regiment which is tiot nuiubemd ntrd wheriw-4h-etett of territory nf said Riiwtit is SoCrat, tliaf il ls iiicou- vMiierit fr ilia men in some portions ol Kie sains to pcrtorm ' into two Rciriineuts : Therefor", - . - Spc. I . He H enacted hy the General Jlnemlily of the Stuff of Xorth Catvtinn;and it U hereby enacted ty the uvthoHty of the same, ThitsuU rogiaicnt be, mid Uic samis herhy divi ned into two' distinct rrsmiPiits; and ihnt the Hueirow-divh ding the two battalions of said regimont !-linli be the divi ding line between the two regimetus hereby cfeniedi ec. lie it farther emtcteit,' Tht when itl Rigimf mis thus divUJ.iUlwQi.rfginiJf,-th:JTf. regirneiit sholl be known and numbered the olio-hundred and irst (101 J and the tipper one shall be L known 'juid p. VnA'?!'B5Jue-Pffi hiindrclTni (TOfff riSgTn S.c. 3. Me it further, enacted, 1 hji ihe rlticcr now nowing . - - J . .1. it I..IJ .1...:. A.:.n,i.(!.u.o v-ompany, ' 10 ne locnrea ai men pmce in me cny 01 unimgi;. ms amr, i ni uiejusucei pi me court ol pteai and quarter all Hie t.i)u).'s et Ur eompsny in fh,iiUffal ctwen'th an ghHf be dBsigrrated -by a majority nf-th rrnnpany-pfesnt j .yyion of tlwconnty of H4ifa, fnajtrky Wmg-pfrtseftfj ' peneral -ttmpens t 1 1 aniP Ptufxnt WrWlWHfPtf f at any r -gular .meeting; and by that name, fhejr and their Miall have full power and authority t arxi coii?fy to th proprMot mar allow ilielM TrtMdeVatidf ' ihil, VY m hh iii.iiio town i rt.iax, on wniau ine . cet twn .caiatinR ttev mv.JWng-.ciiMt ta successors halt and inav have succession during the roit- tinnaneeof thwart; and shall.be capable sufrig and bo- oW court house is no sitnilet-Ui such nmn'i nnO--itpnn Imii fr.lliif trmihl.! ing sm-u, pleading and being impleaded, answerms and ne. sucn term, n they may doom most pediwit, ond to apply ; Sec. J. AuU be it further rVrfrThnTtt-Wr1ir "'-"-u iiu'u, uciviiuiii . .-.wiug uciyiiu, ..' r,w Hr'' !!.rtJl?j.!ji. npf, ; t p.uu nisucn pnnrrU(is and At IwrJi times M ttifty pe ct.. r'W tii.ua of Janunry, loV.t - - - - -trmmed -by any getwrarmet'ritiqr of ihe ttorkhnldeTSr a 't maimer el actions, imttv eoropJn'nls, matters and cansej whatsoever; and hut they and their, successors may , Lav? a common seal, and may ulifjr wid change ihe snn rot pUwiaure: And also, thut ihey mid ilieir snccessos, by the naina bf " The North Carolina Mutual Life Insiiraneo Company shall be in law cnpable of purhasinsr, holding and convry- 6 tion. 4m-m-fBenAef of 4ke-irt4rrpftWmf wtd 4,t lf ft j yfmety are jtrcirpcOTTeTr.-tty rbrtlSmc nnd miTT1,'ett p rty and concerns of the said corporation shall be managed! m Museum Society t)fSalem, in the connty ,.f lfM by tbirtren directors, all of whom shall b ciU2ens of ihis Fory,i;" i(nd by that name, shall have succession ,,d n wi fflimoisstftusia JDfgiweat . : i i : .1 . '" t.si i .i. ii . l 3. . in the new resimentsin which they rnav reside Sec. 4v He tr further tmetd, -That dw Brigiulter. General of . tlie Urigrvd" itLVVich .said jeginjents .. are, wial l uiid .. he. is hereby authoriiod and required, to cause an election io to field in said regimeMttobU the vacancies which nwy be inadu by the division of said regiment into, two rcgiiueuts. See. fi. Be H further enacted, Tbal ihi act hall be in luife frimi and after its ratillctttion. " i A Ratified 2DlU day of j:iuuary, 1819 j AN ACT to lncofporat the Providcuce Duud, of Meekloti- bura County. S no. , Be ti marletl ly the Generul Anembly f the &attJ of A orth Caroluva, itntt U u hereby tnucled by mt atunoruyoj ' "ihe game, Tlwt the offic Uattd; in Meckrr'tibnrg trortrriy; be, and tire sameare4tereby .iiworpoMted and niado a. body corporate jind by ltie name and style the Provideucq Jland; and' by that namd and srvle. shalf haV sdceessiofi ortd be able and capable In law to Mia and be sued plead and . be impleaded, jn anji court in this State; and Shan have power to make by-laws, rutci ttbd Tegftlaiions; for ltiefgOTernmontof sard companyi not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State; . and all fiue8VjnalUca . An& n nee of such by-lnws! shall bo recoverod in the same man ner thut militia fines arerecovpred in this 8late, aud apnrp piate t') iho tise and benefit jpf said jompa!iyrK - - Sc'ef'i. Me b further tnatttd, That the aforesaid band be. snd they a ro hereby attached to the sixty eighth regiment and eleventh brigade of North t'nrofiit militia, and shall have 11 . i i . i i : . I. ... . J to musicia.isf themilitiii: Prorld, 'haffbsoUcers .pnd privates in said bond shall not excfcd twenty five; in imm- ber. - -' " , ' , See. 3- Bt it further enacted, Tbat this act shall be -111 -force from aii J after us ratification. ' ,, -r- 3: -: pUtitied 1 6th-day of Januaryv181?,J . J1.;;,. .J, ........ ;:sv;;y-;j::7Zrrryrn-.- : t - t AN ACT to prevent the sale of Spirihioiis I liquors wuliiu a certain distance of rlo'al College...;. , See. 1. lie it enacted by Iht General .vf mty of the Sfdr o o rt h Carolina, and it ii hereby tnactcit by them(thrity of the name, That all iersdi'istirfiefeby' pri'bibittd front1 selhuV 'pi ri; nous liquors, wiiliiu tjirpc ruihs "of ''lnrul Collr-e, to any rK isoimr persons whatsoever,, on pain of Icrfeliiug ten doll.irfc for each and every violation of this act; which pcti-, i.- ii il.'i. . . t-.f J "i- - - i. aiiy sihui ne icco"erHOie, ny wHrrnm, ociore any jusricp or the peace having jurisdiction, by Jijy person suing for the snine, to iliuije.ji rjoraLCollfge!. aiid applied as -Sw 4ru- l's ihereofniiry direct. , ' 1 Katifid ICib r!ay of Janttary, 1810. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That all person-v ho shall at any time hereafter insuro in, or with the said eorpo ralfoutshal, whilcthey continue so insnred, be deemod and 1 In. -r.. r .1 " ... . ' -; . i ' ' , !.vKfvvs yiF.cwipoBy as may pn arprmmjr;.i. . vr.;ti . ; r- r eetve the snm pn m9iilj peviouitoiico of the ammtr r AN i ACT to Incorporate ' Voting Men's .M'tImri attJ ;,inw ' ,iakJ0lm paynwnis being, givfn irv mum: oi 'y, in me mwn 01 oaiemj iir Uiv cmmiy Ol rorsyrliv (""-ii m m ucif uruirr mvar tmvwy gr tinae.reaior persoi-a., loriuense ox saru corjwa See. t. Be it enacted bv the General Jncmbti ol ,h w,,. O I ' . - t . . nwigus Miait.ian m pay me proportions reotrfd' , State, to be cbo'en annnallvbt and fromamong tfre mpln ber s. and shall hold their oflicc for one year, and nntil otli rs are chosun; ami that a meeting nf:. the mcmVrs of the ctrpomtion shall be held annually for the purpose of elect ing a Board oTIHiectors, at such time and place in tho city of Raleigh as tho corporation iu its by-laws shall appoin; of u hicb election pn blio not ice shaH be given in at least on of the public newspapers printed iu said city, at least thirty days preceding stietP election ; and such election .shall be made by ballot and a plu'raliiy of the "oles of Ihe members present, allowing to each member one vote for every one oi norm Liirottna, ana tr is ncrcuy tntmm im ht mtihoriiu nF"" "t"'' woiorinuT mio anmeia nawrnseo, ilierresoi t ihetame, Thai A. A. Keinke, A L. Van Vleelr, diaries EH.,Jn.?'f0r, 0r1ujorityofhrsrnjn nlauetionw a Kloge.JamesS Liibark-, Lewis Mine, . K. Shufir J; tf. j convey toUie purcliaet U"j share or.iihaifs cf-ilie snlsri . 3"leismi, Samuel iKights and thetr ssociatos:b and W?'?:0 g!ipg least injentlrs notice t)fho some uewspapecrol, tho lowa aforrsitd W'orfierwiirffVs lliey may direclY nri afifriretaioirg the,- iunliduei togoti i i with tht interest thereoa! and tluinres.of isle aim tofd.n coranioii scat, sne and be sued, pleil anq. bo; mipied:--40iw?y Jt'icea fnerr hf, sMU euiua. add pay tliestit quire, by purchase, gift or otherwise, to mem and thiifcincJHi'IStiif ces.ors, t(rt84renr ud pfirsQnal for the irsfof the said -JJo-i uoi pucc.Mtclulj,nw,rdeml-d dircctmJ ,tn,Lt advon eiely; and khull make nil sticli hy lawn.,- rulesand nnrnhitioh ld a WM'-iMfc- lt(cre..i4i4-ieMwt8l;rtflfnibr - otuee -wr-'ne-spaee or tw momnsj men awo i - - - ; - - ; . u , y - . i..,,..,,, ili.case. t1 fining dtVecto sbnUr Vircauacs, nnul the MX mM m tuisrV - ,- -T- . - w nty ol Ukingham. ' ? Be it further enacted, H hal WIjh11 and may Be it enncted by the GMrJ Anmhly'fihe Slate $nid directors shall die, refuse to serve, or neglect to act in their said -offiee- for--h fiaee of tw njontlis, then and tn f every sm sucb, v : Sec 3, be lawful forth said cormtralioii i'Ui jiiaatliicirjdiyo. lives, and to mko all and every Tnsuraiwe appcrtaiiirngijto or conhected with lllajit'ks of 4,jrJia('i,errikiil'i:'Ju"ip, as well of the found In health,, as the infirm or invalid. . r -T w jiiSrBat "tlliat it; sliatt be launafor any married womm by herself and in her'bwn name, or in the name ot any tmra person, wnu nis assent, as uer irirsie, tocansciiHnstnel-for4retole usrm life of l.er Inn- bandrr.auy definite pejuod,.or for 4ho ttma f.ku. natural liTe; and hi case of her snrvjving ber liubatid, the same or netCaraouht iT tfie fnsuranco becomirig due and pnyallo 'to her, to and for her own ttse, free from tho claims of tiro rep resentatives of her husband or any o his creditors. . Sec. 5., J3 U further enacted, That the husband inav insure his own life, forthe sole use ond benefit of his "wifv or children, and in case of the death of tho husband, tfio a inount ihus insured shall be paid over to the ife, or t-hil-dren, or ilreif guardian if under age, for her or their own nspjfree husband, or any of hfs creditors. : .. Sec. 6. Beit furihetentttted,- That the-directoro for iUiiwn tewsl r a tnajwiiy tf thfflt, -shalf 4tayo Tf wertn make arid prescribe such by-laws, rules and regulations ns to them shall appear needful and proper for the management as are nect,sitry f(r the grod goveirnmunt of Bind Soriety, not incoiisiUetit with the ciHi(nution and lafc-s of y Stnl or ortl,e IJiiiled Stifles. , ; ; : r . j t r See. i tie it further enacted. That their enpiial Ktquk Mll uol exewd Jii thoiisa id.do'Ja.r!V4: L Se. 3. Be it further enacted. That this art ' shall ; ruk effect a iid be ill force front und niter its passu., ' ' ' of A orA Carolina, aud it t hereby enacted by tht authority of ilte same. That the comnaliv incornoniieil tW iho'fJ.iimi AmnaUy ol theStato of Viraiuia, bv an Jtct hritled "An 9l4o.iuwporat iheSmuUatitfei vwiomtpany,,, pa.rst:d 0,1 the 21lh dy ol March, 1848, be',-and they are ucreny tujjy ouuiortAicj nnu empowered terpen and tmprrjve he.Mairightioii;of Siniths' rivej, .rotn th line of tha StaW Of Virginia lo .wheTeTtle saidiferfniTiriprTnto Dan rlrer. be ing a distance of at iut li ve miles, bd Tfcr tfiat frpoailo and disnosition.of tho stock, propofty, estate and .i i i r 1 1 . iffrtts of. appertain the said coroora' ion. and lor all sncti matteis as lr) the busincss'lhercofc and i slinlj "navB'poa'eVlpappotn'rsucli'i officers, clerks and agents, for carrying on the business pi the corporation, as they may select, with such allowances as to, them shall appear just and siif isfactory ; Trorided, that such by lawsrules and regulations stialt nbt to repilgnanf to m eoiffsvittttitfir dt 1 if r iljlaf JIIiK; ;tatft;;-- '.,,'t ?" i '-'"'T '"r v;r-u. r ... k iSec; 1"M "? furihef,enachii -uTIiat no policy shall be insured, by lliis .cprpowUoa. tuiiiL nRpJcfttwB..liJUbfi made for tnsu ranee for fifty thousand dollars at laasti , See. 8.! JJr it further enurltd, Tlial that litis act dial I Contfntie in force for fifty year. ;j- , ; See, 1. lie U further enaclad, That lhis?act shall take (ect immadiately after its riuiurtuion.- ',.,.' 1 " ' f Ratified 27th day ol January, 1849 - ' . . . AN-ACT-ta empower tlte Jtwtfces of ihe - Peace of New Hanover County to sell the Poor House in' said Couity. Sec. 1 . Be 1 enacted. by the General ,1cmbly of the Stale ofXorlh Carolina, unit it is hercbu enacted by the authority of tin sa me. That the court of picas end quarter sessions of I New Hanover county be, and they aro hereby authorized ry i . . - . . .- . . . . , Sec. 1. He It enacted by the General Awembly bf die ?lal?t and empowered lo sell the poor llOflsO Uj saw contity and f Murtil Carolina, und'a i hereby enae'e.l by the lutborily ofithe land .ittaciied thereto; ftfed laappoint a commissioner to AN ACT for t'le farther protection of Wake Forest Cob leg. the S'tme, That no liceoso to retail spirituous liquors at the i:e or within three miles of said collie shall be grunted, and if granted, thj same slialf be void. Sec. 2. Be ii furtlur enacted, Tht no permm shall set tip oj keep any billiard. Ub'e, or other puh'ic table C(instruclud or reeled for pltinj i gmnet' pf thance, by wUaiever unniH catlcd, a'li t!94!ersoAiwshall exhibit any ihenliirab1 alight of itaiiil, or cq.'eria;rMuform ior wire dancing, or noiurat or auificial clurosUies at the college afore iM. or withi j three tin las thereof,, without the permission on Orpersons off-nding hereinio'r'Avho slmll-sell,- give or iv ujn rtuiMns oi saiu couege, any inioxicating li quor at-fv.'-Mhjo.flireetd; t sa d college., without thi; -)e ial "pertnrsh.oiit.i.ii VriiSoof the Facility, ol sard col-1 "g,i fcliallforfert'' anil jia'ltiie hiiji ol i fie hnuittd ,fiqiUrf to lw; rivVi4j(i any cnifrt'of rerrd having' co'iiiza'nce of the sa'uj.ii one .-half bi tho use of the. iidW.ner n'nd ilteoth rf hj t,a'tl,S'iC1 fJron or er tflieiKJi ir fier irv lalPalsf besHHtjr'o? ''irnsemfano''n(1, upon' con victip.i ,W ihi toil rdyr' Supet Wr?pur( f; Wake rJcoTnty, iifHi o nnearii& uiscretnm or tire court, ., m .J : 'Bt it "further ekacleThaf this set shall be iii foretl irow hiidlter fW ralthcattoiX,1 , I " '- v t ta jweorpnrale aHlHfc TLffo Ittsuranco Com pany in the State f North trolins oee KoyHj aiue II. Wr llustef; William U. M Wm W.i Holdeii, WiWiat.0,'iok',' Winiam (l.ones, rbe'' 'ti Jordan. make 8(e ol the same, and under Ins direction ami super viion, (o receive-the purchase money uud make til lo to said property to the purchaser iheieof. ' Ratified 27i,h day of January, 184ft i AN ACT to authorize tlje Cbtinry Court of Jlecklenburg to pny-oveiccrlaiq fimds to the County Court of Union. Sec :.TV Be it tnqMdby The: of Monk Carolina, and ii ii hereby' enacted (y the authority of I the Burnti That the justices ol the ourtol picas and quarter aro sion, hi writ iog, of the. V.ufiy, tli retf; and any per-' sessions fyi the county of Mecklenburji be, and J hey pershs off -nding hjireinior'Avho slmll" sell,- give or, hereby onthdrized and empowered to prdtir and -direct c. . Uet it enacted hy tHeneril' Aaseaily n'f Urn Slate oi y'TJi4'itill3l1aiVrr'lVy'W4 Millerr Perrin Bu hereby nnthdrized and empowered to ordiir and direct that all the funds levied mid colluded from the citizens of Union BO'iriiy, formerly belonging to die couiuy,?o( Mecklenburg, forthe pdrpoolrectin ucoiirtliiouaelrt tho town bfClior 5lottt; ba paid over to' tho county trustee pf UuionCflUnty, o such qtUer person as may.be, aut')rizeajp receive me., pur lie money duo t, )u coiiytjr, of Union, afio deducting all cotinty clAlrtis oritsiaiiding apamst lJuBt said MecMcuUgrjr cduitytat jho kfie id'eoiinfy' 6'C Uuiori was erected.4 -.Srtc &4 Jit it further enueted, That the jnCHce? of the court of plans and quarter sessions, fojp JMecWeu burg county, 6rf a'majorlty fer thenv beaiid they are Iierefcy intliorizcd oijd cmpoKeiieio levy and collect count Ux i tho man ner already prcaoribed blawfor layingand clecsincoun ty taxes, 3or ItM'pufrQ rwylrjj 0yc(lio fund aforcsittci, if lboamcsiould pecomo tieccsoary, fsjtet f- -r:9w .'9 He U further enqttedThn the jiljeris ofUoion county, iihlfl aiMeckthhurir p4; Qsatdcqiuity-shall bo cfeditedith tnia futid iri thecctectlnri of all Uxen (oi ! Union couhtt'tinljl the same shall bo jntaustcd,.' In rcbr coos' in: ted and ("eclaf. ed i.u .t lJy poliuc mid eorjorale, in Inct and in name, bv rtie iwiiit! of I'Hit: North Cnrolint Mutual Ule Insurauce i qj yiiy.-Un,i'iai 1 .vt i s.. - . . . . i ... . ......... ..jm... If. : . , L .t and ai.m.'.lK'ii nJJjlZJlu. .fitnuuAA M- W UP ot Halifax on bich tfct Jd: Court ' r- " ' 'wi,. i t : ; House is situated. 8m. 1. Be it tnatttd bit tht General .Itttinbla of the State eff ct tho contemplated objorf. -: .JSec, ,fe it further enacted, That -the said company shall hsve full power to pui chase, hold, prssess and myoy'not ex ceuditi two acres of land along the lilie of the- said improte ment, lor the frection tlien on of a loll house and ' other ne cessa ry buildings far the wo of the said company; aiid wlieti ihe improyemeutj of the navigation Uif tho mid river shaH 1'iye bocri etteded as oute mplsted by this act,: it shall ?bo fuwjful fortho$aid:,cownm.yiaasft ceive tsoch tolls qn he produco passing through tho said navigauonas runy I e deemed jusl; and j-easonablaV i frovil flrtf, 4yat infl sata tolls may t any lime -hereafter be altered and regulated by ihe Geuerar Assembly of this1 State, but not so as to redtue the profits of -the company below tx per .? n Itm .tl f.Ml.Mm , Tl,l .L-IL wilfully do -uy injury or dauirgeto thoVorksorolher prop erty held by the laid company in this Stale, the person so offeudinff sliall bo suryjeel to indictment ' in the Superior courtot ,RH:kinghnm countyr and, ' irn L'coiivic4km, shah exceeding five hundred dollars, tior for a longer time than twelve liiouthH, imd 'shall also le liable ill air action of tiW pass.for jieamount of injury sustained.' u i -otni See. U -.iW Hi it farther enacted, T1i?J.(le sjfid Toi prove rneut sliitll not be commenced within fir years, and finfbh ed witliio leu years from the pussago of ihis ikI, ihe same iluillle null and void j , ; , ,e. : h - M '1 '.'. Sac. 5. This icl shall. continue in fcrco foi 90 years ai.J no longer, unless forfeited ay provided for hi this urclion. (lUdrfiwl iinh d.y of Jununry,! 181. ' - ' lawful for every nronrtolor la transfer bis bnr.kl cm s'litrrijs of .sitJcV by dotHlt'erecu4KdiiW w'w f mpreWitttif andieglslefcd, nler,, proof of ihe;cecMWwt,'dift &mr pany'l books, ind nof ptUicr ur t VAfi'rtTr Sei"".- arf; $t'r fleet hcrit&aCitftdff PHit-"ia:j'sS"jrcci'Otd- cdrtipany ihafl not complete Iho iiarrg'aiion'of said iiye'y lio admji ihc.siifq imssoeJbpats drawing fightotv4ucii es water Jbpugli id, Jia pmth&iufcu,' tthMjc4fu AN AL-T-to improve the navigation ol the Cafualia t!ir- er, trom tlio iHimt where ihe 'Kail Ilond from fohmibia to Charlottn criisses said river, up to the Ihrckj I'ord near ed, hp, to the Rocky For on, said, riyer, tviflUn tlio,f-jo foresaid,' ihi'ti thejr shall Wetiiri'Ied lb all "the priViteget pwi immunities horein granted l-tween Uie twpoips lost mfn tionod ; lifid as lo all UiaL' nrSrttoht ' ot. tha'xiW'ahifre'. iW Other company tdcflTf.t ijatd iajrigMjn; wcf.ft, n)f 39tPt, ft Jurthff, f WCted That w mm hereui ;i nwufpu$l hH,)lw fotualjijauHklVMi o intpro0 'fat, navlgatioti ds .herein proviuvdtJieu,,,!! 'id tc,utiqiHMy.a have pow ahd jilhoiUy.to, ipcrwwi, -'(tfiojy, capual-rVif V amount .as .ninjr ho nccoiisory,,ui)3ersuci, rirlcs and regnr-h' fioiis as ihey may prescribe ; proyid;dihp.Jt ail mceasa jrj.di not eceei . IPvafifie l one nunurea tnousaiid dollaiA w m " . Hon. Sec. 1. He it enacted by the G'Hcral Assembly of tht State of . A'trfA Vuroli Ha, WdTt" Wfiefitih euticte' b'y'thi authority of the same, "That it shall be lawful lo opn braki of subsctipiion at ftloriranton', tmder the numagenwiif id" 1 saacsT. Avery and R. U. Penron; at Inoir, Caldwtll conn tyi under Joseph Newbmd arid Johu A. finllew; at f ,lucoIn torr, under John . Hoke mid William 'Slado ; ' at 4 lleatties Ford, under lac lowe timl .Toh'n llWheetT; "nt Mount Mourn, tmder Rnfus Ilcld nud Roberi J. MelXiwdi; anJ at such oilier places as a mtijority of ihe atiove horned prreoniriiM end couiiuueopen nslong n utey ntry'eem ri raryf jbr recrrivme sirbscripfions h amount "of One lndred ihoii sand dlwh, (or said urrdoil.ikiiig,'1r Parrs' of fiftjrdoltara tllebw -'!' "':' if -("tiiU -l'l '-l. 'V Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. Thai , the tfitll j-d.nntisigruJri nmy, ot such time las' Iley'lll1ihk prrtper,' Cdll'n Vnw'll Og- of tho a ockholiJers, at such olace as ihcy shall designate : before tvltm the subscription books sfr'alt br! hud; anif Jf One half of the oaid iro of tid ' fill nred MiOimiihd dfl larVor mnn cIimIL ha Ipii tlhhcr-liluwl 1t.t-,rt,WI iUoH1 h.'iJt ' I proceed tSMtbkt 1 presKlctit', te&iktfoiffityi.Md three JlY-T .SxVU')' rectrtri f nnd tlJs:aid stockholdethfifrheTT'ind from tho rim orsh1d iheerln, ft;evhofr4hrtorf i cdropa'n jr,bjr ihoname'or. th! Catawb.i NaVigatiohlCojii' parly4 arid ninf sueaiWl 16 snedf aV s'litlf.'.1 u,x Stn v And it U'furtht onicff.'l.Thai Vhtfresldenfsfia drer and iheit tirarvr. er a tnmoiw bledj'shall have powef itffd'authdi-jt to,agreiwith an per, tori or persoriVon' beholf of fdmptjny, to t)neMaiid 1m' prove5 he'havigat.aH of the Ctlnyfy Irrim thr poinf de signated as f&r Up the;1 rivr.as deetned pradticablrt,' bpfin jch trrh as they1 Shalt think fit iarid out of ihesaid cipi. fat rwiothbr nioneys Of the company fiay for mhking.ahd jr.' pairing nil work necessary1 for, said 'tl)oii'jl('ia appoint all such otherofllcew.'rnh and sirrvQUfs a they shall think reqiifclte' Mod mo to tlx Iheir wages, souleJ ohd pay Their accouiif?,'nd 'St'thcileaiirVriJlo remove aVlf or any "f them,' and aptioiiit others in their place: and also to AN ACT ytui-i l. ?r?;irf,.!aun ( vm vi'i) io e.1 ,'nii6 .tCllAPTER'CXCVl, 0! J'tHO trt vp vd ,li.nli to i 5,ii i-iif-.irti..i- or to piTvciit the felling of tiniWNfii tlie ATamalire ! RiW, itV thocomilrsof Dai-icti.'' jf"! : Sec. 1 . - lie t inert ted hy tho 3 General Assm Uf ofU State of North Carolina, and if i hereby tnadled by It authority of the same, Thatflf ofi prsoif or pen5otiriflJ ler the first day of March nextj shall fell limVr in JlWcJigo n"loi me Aiinattco r ver, in the county of Orange,-ho ihey so ollenditig shall be guilty of a rnisdemennoraud nja be Indicted for ltie same in fhocounlv or superior court 7 said county; and, on. cou'viclipnfhaUire fitiod,! HiaJtM nf , thronrt a. sn fri5 "."f crfy.weOTtusiihi,nctr ,; ,i,. t'T- v uioil ,-iiUtitiU ;.!-i!ll iVVH.tU -V C:it 44r.iL- i,.-'i'X)i'rl-',t' HV f',0 WdliAU Li l-3VyU$tlCl N ACXto pr,?Jai, tQliWPMih" $WWgr(t 41 tnacieitly ihGpi.JthriiitfSia l"f-"ms of. the company, jino for and receiver tho, bUaos by an acttou onyricotMtof.coro uiys previous, notice : imd the said ourclmser Lsholi bfiiidiepuo rliiaia,me ndca and ft'gulnlion irt-em.-- ueu. 10 ttio sumo pronis aid,.pi:ivf geaf ns if, the mlp ot vej'ance had been made by lite prigtnal: proprietor.- ' ; :,i r1frv?iirtffittt1itnherr"ai locks, am) every work, aud Jhiuj appertming,kVtHe. ad j art, thereof, sha,li belaud' aro jierolrrtudtjijtnd4iilopv. etbi s, t Uc'ir heirs aiid assigns forcver,a lenuit in. fflrmnwt, ' in proportion tx twir, respociivfi;harci3t:f4nri bu il 1 .warrj )iouse and. aartf QMien bMsiness ( mm pa(r tion l-oth itp and down said river; for which transpoftajioi tlM jnid,cmi.pa8y59!all rectuij a, iftdf AwaUai4l to bii.JicteaflcrJ&ie.d by jUw . OottcyaiAaw-ritM-w. , T. r ; j Sto. 7. uf HJt urfher enacted,,, XUrt ompsnr shall wave nq pqwet to co(idouujOr;iippipria-fiirar' to the 'ittVF (lie proprieupirs,4hcfeptr any Jaiidf lyiuhoiit Ilia channel pf said ri v or bu t U"11 tie pc-tiwUad o pnf q hast and lo hdlisucqunniitica aBniy, l Js to tn up tlie aamc... , . ,.cti,t,,f ; -tmnr im'uArt.', 9Hi o See. 8 . Be tt further tnaetedi Thai it almll ml mav. La of jVoe.11 fyrolfiiat and U slcrcb enacted by the phoT Itff of. I tie ram'i . l (jatiiowpfta bPC' andfloartr sloiis brtftlio( f-ouiities ofLbeaotij nnd .Cubenarid'fcaVlh secouu ierriii 01 (paru r.ouriSn wnicn auaji pappen alter me.m day 'of-Jiinnary, 1849f" (sove'n justices heiwg present ;u aii tojirtarespfctivH respcciivfly the proper hands; o ;h?a.orpd Jlr, vj,, gable Bijg Ilockfisf creekT n.lheaaid j,cpitjilieafrm j( mnuih to whorf jt passes iho Cptewnn Road, in Cumbcrlsru epiinly j(,aud lh jniriea ofaatd cpurJ sbnH fJei?na'o " poirtamaof saidfiom, wjiic breach pyerseoi; is,o,laki rharo -; o( and upln -ay"cLio rpunl, jvor'ra,'' appointed lljall flleai Mit alligtaujuher obat ructions rim of -the cbanV ricl bf. said 5rcjim, or:jho, portion., jrllyitird Jq b"m, ?q a,U x render,';!- aauie ua vigallo .for iho free passage ftlla' i"ga Sec. 2. Beit further enactei; ThaMho jpreweers appoint,' ed under the provisions of tljis sft thnll have Ihe on-ief tr I ef yorth Carolina, and it i henhy enaited by tht authority .establish rules, of Proreedinjs and ..generally, to transact - ' -' ' '" --' " .. -.-- . j . - . . . . .,. , .- , . ... : -; ; ..'v : " : .- 1 , 7 n : ..X

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