THE S T A It . IAbtrtaa tt ncialt $olum. UALEK5H. APKIL 18, IBiO. !- The Elections in Virginia will be held m Thursday the 2Gth inst-mt. . The stockholder of this Koad met at Fayette. ille OB,Si? 1 1 tit instant,; and-organ-iz.-'d. Kd ward' U Window, Esq. w w elect ed President. - Resolutions were adopted .jvuwswitw an opinion favorable to the up per route, crossing Little river at or near at or near Watson' Bridge, or by Carlh.-ige, and through the counties "of Randolph and Davidson to iu termination; but directing an immediate survey of hoih routes, und leav iiiMhi i location to the discretion of the En- (lie concurrence of the PresM dent and Directors. INTERN ,TllRUKMi:NT. ' The Internal Imivw nt Husird v. HI meet in this City to-day; and tlie Internal Im provement mating will bohtrld here to-mor- row, when books w ill be opened to reecii e subscriptions for the Cciitnd Railroad. MESCAL CON VEN TIO.X. This body met in the Capitol, in this i . i : I u.. .1... uwintment of Dr. P. J. Hilt., President; and Dr. W.: J f, M.;Kei:, Secretary. We tliatl publish' the proceedings in our next, i io.spitaIiTx) it i'tTe iNSAn:: The Commissioners to fix upon a suitable bicatiou for this institution, met in this City on Monday. We have not J cl .learned llu " Tcsull bfthcir aifflri!ir- - We have taken no part -in the controversy in which Mr. Sm:rAHhas involved him self u uh Mr. Stanly, but we cannot forbear in cxDjfMf our astonishment to find, in his "1i;Mm1ihlt3Sli5if -6f the 3rd -April ra wosl ridi eulou and " unfounded attack, .upon Mr, Dadoer, calling ltim "a Southern man v illi Northern feelings," etc. The most rabid enemy of the Whig cause would scarcely have ventured to throw out such slang as this; and Mf. S. must certainly-have felt himself in the last stage of a dilemma, when he got his own consent to use it, 3RD DISTRICT. - A meeting of the -Whig was held m U nion connty, on the 3rd instant, at which res olutions were very properly 'adopted, re- in the town of Monroe on the 8th of May, for the purpose of nominating a Whig candi date for Congress. We hope tin? people in every connty will promptly hold mv?iing an! send d 'legates to tliS ioiticrfti''Jii.' ' "' " LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. TbkaKoeiaiioii. incorporated bv an act r r n - operation in this City. A list of its offi cii will he stten, by refference to the ad- vcrtitiiMiifni in another column. We under stand that u number of policies have been issued already, and thit tho eompany o poiTs business uu.L;r very . f ivorabU aur pices. We regard it as onc.of the most val uable .institutions in the Slate. APPOINTMENT OF MARSHALL. We hud barely room lant week to an tlio appointment of Gf.orob Littlk, Esq. to the office of Marshal for the Dis- -trieU-of- North Carolina,. ,.WeB0W;ake pleasure in saviuir. in thadaocvaire of the Register, a more acccpta appointment could not have been made. Mr. Littlk'i minent business talent and high-toned in tegrity of eharactcr, rondcriiig.hiui peculiar ly qualified (ir tho float. rP The rav'tuijpi uf the Lorj "Foeo pa P .ajiaiU " pwKfripiiMii "are quite natural. " X rn ieh iltv tiilt-r tfsw M Y Hh ufjiuiuri 4 llw la K . - ..... i an irocs r,r wiat tt iK worth just notl.- i ig at au. itu people are aatiHiietl flmt old . icli is tlmne, anl ju ili continue lo do riht. It was ipwi .here by all girlies font h North Carol iiwt atMl'the- uppointment of Mr. I.UUC wiH bo warmly approved by tho i,..iuSii. at, ai:itHC..'lllOSS Ol JJlO laniLirl. - . i THE NEW YORK E LECTIO X." - The Whigs have gaincvVi great irinmph aver the Coalition of LcK-ofoco and AUoli Roniats. Tliey liaq elected the Mayor ( Woodhull) by biVf,2dd majority. They have also elected three Judge of the Srpe rior Cmm, two Judge of s.hrf Maria Court, '"d 27 out of I a Aldermen. "U Br; k'Tt anj AU tny: UkwitrTda Whsa.) :'kv;J f4ijrntsl iriitjnph. - PROSCRIPTION'. The Democrats aie-hwiwlady.JCrylnjj out sgainst President Taylor for appoint ing Whig ia plac of Democrat to office! What makes this the more rediculoua in our neighbor the Standard, is, that that paper in 1943, held and ottered tlwTfidlowing en timentsou Uiw vtry subject,' approving in the strongest terms, the course of Mr. Polk in turning out Whigs and Tylerites.--- Ilear him: .''"" "Truly tho poisoned eup it comlngWk to Whig lips! No Democrat denies that Mr.' Polk is making removals. lie is turning out Wings Pand TyTerlU-V who brought their nowers into conflict with tho freedom pf elections, aiid putting in theft placss caps WettfdifuHfcno- bound to do ibis he is doing and this he will continue to do. But he is not proscrib- imr. Ha found in oflk-e many pewoua who were either corrupt or ineompeteit, and. without nass'm? any judgment upon their opinion as freemen, ho dispensed and is dispensing with their services, and -filling ud their nlacfs with such as ho believes wilt tpprove themei fliful tnileowj-! tent public servants. A nil it this to be denounced as an offence! Is a Chief Magistrate, fleeted to uks care nf the pnblic funds, and to administer the laws rigidly and righteously, to bo condemn ed mid denounced because he asserts and exercises the liberty of choosing his own a gents, -nd of putting into practice Ihe $alu taru. rule q rulalion in offittf'' S.C.mniatt How ra?i any Democrat, in the face of this, fsy ono Word against President Tay lor's administration, should it oven bring ihe head of every democrat under tho axe? Oen Taylor Goiua North. The Albany Evening Journal, of Friday say: 'Gov. Fish has received a letter ot,Vtasluflgtou giving J j-nlgrecabk : infor:n.ttion that President Taylor wilj atttend our next State fair at Syracuse. Incendiary Dcnmenm. Tjio'-'- XomWr-'frafb; rof the Tth instant says that the mails have racently groaned under the weight of infamous in rendinry publications whjch have bei n senUuoSouih-arolmJ the North. We have not heard of any ScTng scnt in to this quarter. ' " "- - A R IhTaTIjeTh if 1 1 E R MAN N, New York April 13. 6 P. M. The Ocean.Sieam Navigation Company j steum anip Hermann lias-junt arm od . here after a passage of 10 days having left South hampton on on the evening or the 26th ul timo. She brings 120 passengers and a- valuable cargo of freight. At the time of her sailing the European markets were very little changed. Fumb had slightly, risen oil the 2 tth ulu The last quotation of Consols was 0I. The Produce market was dull, though prices -remained-unchanged. At Liverpool on fho 24th the sales of Cotton were 8500 bales, at firm prices Irt IlaVfe thfi Cotton market experienced a alight reaction inxonscquenco of the Eu rope's advices. Business in tho French manufueturing towns' was improving, and an active Spring1 tradelwas eonlidenUy unticipated. The political affairs of tlie nation .were assuming a more . exciting aspect. A change was expected in the French Minis- 11-lUt. SMI V RAILROAD ITEMS. The Pittsburgh Post states that measures arc on foot to obtain from tho Legislature of Pcnylvanfa,a . charier "to mate, a R'aiTroail 1 Ironi Pittsburgh, to Wheeling, The South Carolina Railroad is doing a most prosperous business. Tho Charles ton Mercury slates that during the month of March the revenue from ifs operations a mounted to upwards of one hundred and thirty one thousand dollars. Tho Georgia Railroad is equnlly prospe rous. The Augusta Chronicle says--"The financial year has just closed and .we are inlormed the net profits tho past year will amount to at least 9320,000, after pay itig interest on the debt and all the ex pen es of the Road. This is over 14 percent, on the capital (which his now only about 9j,223,000,) andwould be 8 per cent, on four million dollars", We call the attention of capitalists to the fact that the proposed North Carolina cen tral Rail Road will beoome a part of this great Una of rail road, and will be tlie con necting link between the North and South and it will undoubtedly by equally a profi table! at least as cither the South Carolina or Guorgia toad. It certainly offers strong inducements fo eapitalsuf. Wo learn from the Lynchburg papers that a large meeting of the citizens of that town was held oiv.Thursday lasl, to hear an ad' ! flress from Judge Wm. Daniel in behalf of tka Virginia and Tennessee Railroad. The Virginian sayf, the speech was ablo and in terestjiig, aud gave .entire tatisfaetion to all. At its conclusion the subscription book were opened, and upwards of 40,000 dol lar worthof stock taken. Tbir Washinfien Union asserted the oth er day, thattfiere wero but few Whig r moved from tho department at WaahingtoB durwjthe admi-tiOonof Mr. Polk. An. replyo which.'tho National Wbij pnbluh- Uat of (hi politic f tbr 4boniiBt in tk Dep-trtments. whiob ttsndj thtil VSh:g., W, Loco fpeo, 530. As our render may have forgWnfj't numbers vf tbe several, Congreawonal dis-l C.T-"i ."rr trrTy-gjcr-rLi'-M vi-. lr-t- tritu and the counties "oFwliicirthey are composeJ, we subjoin an exhibit jif tlie present trrangement : ; . . 1. Cherokee, MaconT Haywood, Tlunr combe. Henderson, Rutherford, liurke, Yaney, Cleveland, aud - CaldwelL S Row in, Davie, Surry-, Ashe, Wiliel, Catawba, and Ireuttll. 3. IJncolo, Gatton, Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, SlanlVvtrnibn, .ViTson, Montgomery Moore, and Ui h- nionu. . 4. Stokei. Jui!dfor(U Davidson Ran dolph, and Rockingham. 4. Gran vill-Orange,. PersorCasott,4 raLl.jttttlttHii i- 0. Halifax, Warren, Frankhnr Waker Johnston, Edgeeomb, and Nash. 7 BUden, Brunswickr Columbus, Du plin, New Hanover, Onslow, Sampson, Robeson and Cumber land, 9. Wayne, Carierst, Qrrenc, Pitt, Irf noir, Ujaulort, Jones, Hyde, Cra- U. . Martin, , lierlie, Hertford, Norlli ampton Gates, Chowan, Perquim ans, Pasquotaut, Caiadcn, and Currituck. THE CABINET. The "Xiilohir Intcliigeneer, referring to tlie rumors fd intent ions in the Cabinet, says there is not, and never at any moment has been, the' "sli gli test Toil nda lion for any such itafeinent. It adds that there has never exsiated in this Government, a mcrt harmonious Cabinet. The gentleman who compose it are pursoasl friends, with an entire agrccnicni ou all the great point? 0f poliiuialfaiUu - ' - - - fThe Nalional Whi" says, that it non made m a certain quarter, that the Postmaster General had established a rule in his department, that- no one eonnented with the press should receive a post office apyointmcnf A NEW EPIDEMIC A mysterious sickness prevails jn Mil htiry.attd...Sutto Medical Journal deecribs thesymptoms thus The-hati; nt is . ied a itl. a erere rnld and thivering, and in (a few moments bc coihcs iuMiwiblc. Afier this the patient complains of his head and back, There hat been one ease of death in lest than 12 hours; others have lived twenty four of thir ty six. hours, and ono raso continued two weeks. In Suttr n a man 40 or 50 years of age, one nf tlie -overseers of the poor, was taken as he was ou the point of going to meeting and died on Monday. There have Iccmwenty -death-4n- the two to Wiia ophis malauay; ' " , A'merchant of Boston was seized upon 'Change, on Monday with precisely similar symptoms, and was carried to his home in- At a Meeting of the Board of Commis. sioners for this City, on Saturday evening last Messrs. A. B. Slith, Lewis W. Peck, and A. F. Hughes were appointed Auction, eers for the present year; ami McssrV. C. 7V. D. Ilute.bings, William V. Upchuroh, and William White were appointed Asses torrof C iry-propettys' Stnte $erip. The Public Treasurer ofJWfh Carolina is prepared to isuo State scrip, the Act of the late IegUIature directing him to bor row money to the amount of $200,000. MUTUAL INURTnCE COMPANY Mr John C, Patridge has been unani mously elected by the Directors as Sec retary to the North Carolina Mutual Insu rance Company, in plaeo of Mr James F. Jordan, resigned. Mr Jor Ian has accepted the appointment of Secretary to the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. " Proscription;-" It is amusing, and sometimes disgusting, to hear the Democracy complaining of pro scription by the present Administration. For more than twenty year they have enjoyed every office worth having under the Government, tnd they now have brought themselves to belieTe they-htrrea fen sim ple right to all the offices, aud are disposed to treat a A trespasstr any Whg who may get in . office, , ft is high time that these ! ;enlry who patriotically desire a life ong term in the service of their country should be taught the doctrine of rotation in office" is not altogether theory; and if we are not mistaken, they will Icatn the lesson before six months have gone by. W urge no promiscuous or ruthless proscription, nor do we believe that any such will be prac tised dy General Taylor Administration, But we have a right to believe that with a Whig jCdmininlrttion ws shall not witness the spectacle of a Democrat in the posses sion of every office worth $100 a year. We claim for our party a tharo of that which ihe Demoeraey have heretofore monopolize M'. Tliertr aw enough' DNfffidtratar in office who bare acted unworthily to make room for a leasouable number of competent and honett Whigs, and wc have reason to believe that ii! due tin r snili room will be made. Then brawling politician (men who even denied i Gen Taylor military rapacity) rosy befftito pact pp. -for lhejr-will cer tainly Taivrx. . , '. Pi-Tra-'tfao IvTctLiocfritt. . OR- TIIT T8. I.NTKRN IL lMPRoVKMIiNT.1 aJEIOTat:Iaifiirnii!tnumlH give f aktfrof me jHiii lion, wnicn wmiiu oeanoniett oy ine nro- doaed North Carolina Rail Road, in eon junction with ihe navigable streams of the state. W there attempted to ahow that no other plan would secure so safe and easy communication between larger portion of! our eiutens, or be of more praetiejil utility .to the State at large. Wi Jt a central lo- 4elityr iif a position l eommaiid h laeper share orthft trade of the richest parte of the State, having a tendency to concentrate Ira. ding interests of out Slide, in aome of our seaport towns, and "mui luakhig" us,to a great extent, a commercial pwloit offeri eV'ery mdHeement to the enlightened anrfpa triotteTOK'TOdherWxw State, to embark In an enterprise which w ill add much to their sources of income, an4 wilt eventually prove profitable in vestment of capital. Wc propose in this number, to point out the reasons uhich in duce us to believe that this will be a projit afble nndcrtnkmg t those who' am disposed to embark in it. To do so, it may In ne-ecijwy-Ui-advejt to.jluj.-'fiMjiraphU-al -hmo. tion of the State, her climate, produciioin;, minerals, sources of revenue to capital, Lt. Ac. &?. j bounties in the extreme eastern, sec tion, of the State produce corn and wheat luxuriantly, so much so thai they may lie called the Egypt of the" State. Large for ests ofpitie occupy this portion of the State, and give to commerce the. great staples of tiie KihIp, tar, pitdi and turpentine shd to gether with Itinilwr, derived from th:?' ey-jin-ss and juniper swamps, pivc employ luent to the larsrest portion of the active cap ital aim labor ol this section. 1 hits can nev er be expected to aiUI any Hung directly to the income of the proposed road, by wav of freiuht, xince lunilier would not lier rid roiitt trnnsportatioii, even if it were more convenient than water, Which is not ihe ease, and it will never affect the intr-re.M.j. of eai inuucncc which tne various orauencs oi trade hai e upon each otlier. Yet a large revenue may be exjieeted from the other pro duets of thU section of die Statr, wbieh are not within a convenient distance of "any. of the navigable streams, and can make the convenience of Jransportaiion thus afforded thera the reason for entering more1 fullv and innrA jit Ifiniii t'riYi- till., ffin iTinii. Lfi?if.lina m hie h- will pwv itubld whran t pretenleil from being so, by rdistaiiee from market, a too large supply or : inonl -sUgnalion in trade. , Men are not apt to produce more than thoy enn dispose of to advantage, their very inability to profit by their mwinms; -driving t hem iirtO"ome- thing else, more certain and more lucrative. The land in this section of the Slate is level and therefore giving additional inducements to larger portions of territory to transport their produce to the proposed road for the purpose of sending to market ' 1-arther back, in that part of the Slate, to which alack water navigation doe not and cannot extend near tlie capital of the State, and south and north of it, are raised corn, ! wheat, cotton, tobacco, in abundance; all of which very Tcadilr bear transportation, and yield a profit to the producer. It is by no means, a valid objection, here, to ay that tlie binds )ii this part of our State, are not so .jyfl"iQ?Y, .fb.wwjbn!lit,itt other State anil countries, yield Largo re tunistp the toil of tlie husbandman, and con sequently give employment to those in tho carrying trade. At well might Georgia have said, our central road shall netor be built, because it will run through tbc pine, barrens, and thus' have no prospect of being sustained; and yet she found those very poor wxito nine lands amone- the most fertile in all her Is-wliiBtJto rfttirilflb find oth- er modes of profitable culture, which will cause them to render a fair equivalent to cap ital and labor, and make central North Car olina to blossom tike tlie rose, and be what she ought, by her position and gifts of tia ture, to be, the centre of refinement, of tal ent and wealth of the State. Jet not the incredulous smile at this assertion, for no one will deny the great probability, nay, the almost absolute certainty, that the increase in demand, through all this region, for the products of the soil, and tlie readiness with w hich every thing that is marketable, mav be carried off to the place of demand, will seriously influence the farmers and planters who live on these poor hill of sand, to a liandon the destructive mode of culture they now employ, and turn their attention to im proving lands, which a good Providence has richly blessed with great and speedy trecu pcrativc. powers, u Lime and plaster maybe readily supplied to the farmer at a low rate and the road will see that it is to it interest, to make thn freight on such articles merely nominal, so as ultimately to secure a larger share of agricultural products for transpor tation. r I-ook si the last census, and even it imperfect detail will satisfy any one that much more in tlie way of freight would be carried over this part of the road than many ere accustomed to admit. Ask a farmer why he mis1 such a small quantity of dif ferent kind of grain, ami why ho does not make more for market, and be will readily reply, . the rout of wagoning will exceed tbevalue of l product, and tliu bi. Jftbor will be spent in, vain. Givehiina hope of! getting a fair price for what lie make with out abstracting all the profit by way of freight, and he will not hesitate to go" into farming more extensively and scientifically. Look at the country through which the great West-' cc 'eiftfrMoTMai sji ihrtf'jpi fine-farms, and verdant landscapes, mingled with tli richest hues of nahir and arU anil; think what ha mad It so. Was it tttl E den, made by God, for tho1 hnrdj, indu.C Providence paint that landscape) in the wiM wood of nature wilh all thr varied hnt front rnous ana tirtuous pioneers 01 pi igious ami exert upon mm? various nnnenn ni inaui o uw ,i'"- : - - civH Iiberty,to receive as the reward of their try, In our honlw, the new kind, of Interest' J many tod.nd tmvalionsI-DiJ the haiidof 4tiH i?reau,llie additional liiiuulu it. tt lit TJr,,l.'" ,b . tTT-l YXTZ m a' 1 "' .t . JVAs that jiUkf We also lntrndtow.irest fit hat The earlirt't hislwiaii wpl inform, u that kitxn,ttnl to e.immatl, as us'tbeKwU rnekyt suidyl eb;ined her sjiore, anhjr,,f , bein-jjble W crropficaqees, that of ail ommtrteH, none had a liursTter, sour-. fuy.: vjj. : 0rier roa3.f hi thia "line. Tin er soil, than that which was found in h r,u'.J,f, y fmiifij otic, tiilflwuM isseM trnitory oll'lUe ocean. Hnnprdk4 W,iIm M ima'hating uiteront to Qiejy Nonh PtrolU she ha a climate unequalled by any- ui tlMVj,ai. wwt!ver diflfiw;! v it piav be 4unijH!itr' SooiJicrn 5bU- for " it net tniyT '" , have a faint picture of whatNattoM Fi:m done ; fotAIassaehutte.. liiL She has built rb-iuV, opened fanaU, htiprovsf 2.ns to the aitbjet, ' - V 'T ed her rivrrs, made all tier small .stream .-- ft will be poreetvcil tnat we iare entire. -navigable, taken the lead in all the iniprovi v omitrl all mention of an imjiortant ar meim of the age-, and exeeUe-l in all lw a oW prwhieed" m abumuHtee- it otir borders, auoniaiiti iiignuy a eominonurann. .tay,auj cxununvcly imported to other countries. not North ('arotina b the same? AU ! but it will bo said, tin: i so roon, sun has xoiTTiiran.iTr, sue has not thf-capitai.; and can it brvpecied tliat her meaus will II . !,l I I I t - I rejwiinye.ery s-iimc aui'njjagTjnerirpm these eniliarrai'.siiienw which we kiimv luvvo So long httitjf. over her.' t'an she increase ii vahr of reqj anil personal estate, can her tnmV t ith her neighbors be enlarged, or bef MuiHieiTyjU tM folding her arms, in a stain of qui-t ease, and saying, wr. ahi: a hlorioi i oj state, we are hailed amongst our sisters, as a pattern of honesty and moral w orth, tiid looked up toby tlio peoplo if the I rnion, as a mhil of unpretending merit f Will this serve us in ourd iV of neeessitv W ill thi increase, our capitalf Will tldi give us ait opportu nity 01 enlarging ihe demand for labor and "ho product of the soil! Far from it it wiH sink ns deeper into tlw .1'lgypiiiiii bon-1 Uage of poverty unu ruul luaii we liavc al ready gone, aiid iniikP'tH a bVcword and tl reproach, in the - rcpuMie, an evsniplc of sliaineful vicglectaml -ihu r disvegarJ of our own iuteresin, a uionuinrnt of inactivity, a statue of indolence, to rcjnind oilier jo.f jhff rock on which we split. North Carolina has the lone and sinew, the nersr vcrauce and the eiifrwy, ilio ivtur.d eanahiliiie.s; and all that is now wani'iii'Ms l!ie h.uld of art to emvCTan'd asiisr V 1iatXtTnirigira-rit.ttrM her. Fanners of central C-fmilinn what say yoii fo thif Your brethren of tbe West are up and doing, they arc eager, to join VotHii this work and wi Ui'be knit in vou bv bands of iron, which will draw ebmcr and strengthen the cords of aff. c'.ion, w hich now unite yon t .ig'-thcr. Hut we hare vaiidi?rM -irSxii th.- tmint we Jiad iu view. "Rant into tntiu-o tuurs, it hid fores'-on th : ilay w!i -a "Ocrc.uiitr)-l mil wilb weattlij And prop'rlj ihum it to ilir twain, Plos'tJ stiil unwro ieJ in guaiJrU tit' w hen our ImiWs should be filled w ith th-ms1 of iii-iny nations, . when . our riv ers sliould bs crowded with signs of busy and prospering trade, and every community should giyc those evidence of thrift and prosjieriiy, tvhioh b;pea!t an indiisirious ami energetie people, .We hope wc will be pardoned the digression, ai we straved into pheasant fields. ' We v ill uoiv return to our original plan. ------ - t Retiring farther back into the Slate above tlie falls of most of our streams, we arrive al a soil different in quality and kind of pro duct! from any wc have licAiro . seen, with a substratum capable of sustaining, and im proving the richest coat of soil that' can be superimposed; it yields to no country and , no Suta in ibA productions, or fn tho inexhaustible supply which may be drawn (ts-.a it. leaving the sands and pine forest, it gradually and pleas antly rises into an undjlating and moderate ly hilly region, affording every variety of scenery to plea.'ie the ve, anJ vrv biducc' ment to exertton wbicli the hanj of iiiiTustfy can require. It, further on, rises higher, by deffrees. until it expands into lite lolly sum f tersperseifat'hort irifervalsV with tho nob basins of rivers, only w aiting for the hand of art to rescue them. Irom their ceaseless and tiresome flow of w aters, to the useful pur pose of life. Hero you will find the soil teeming wilh all kinds cf vegetables, fruits and grains in unrivalled abundance which are now of as much value as. "pearld Mst before swine.' ' No Stale fail boast of finer lands for wheat than may be found here, with water pmvrr sufficient to supply mills enough lo manufacture to any extent dcsiri ed. Here too may be found other produc tions of the soil in all the luxutiaiice. and abuiulauce of the South aud WestTobacco, Cotton, Indian Com, in addition to 'the great staple Wheat, all constitute a list of productions uneqi'allcci by any other coun try of ike same extent.' Do Aiese things speak any thing ia favor of tho plan under consideration? Can Any inference be made from these thing in regard to die success and maintenance of the roadf Look at the last census and tec if we err In bur asser tions, and think for yonrsolf and determine whether we have spoken correctly;-- Con sider tlie increase, m activity, energy, do maod and supply .which wili be a necessary consequence of the construction of this road, and decide for yourself whether jherc iV & probability of it being profitable, so far as these products rait make it so, ai an invest ment, to the stockholders, or as a eonven- ience to Ac State, Wc feor not tlie renift of your candid and cartful invcsiigmion. as cure as oay iouows nirnr, ana tigui ins. ; Esl darkness, sq sure wilj Investigatimi sat. fy any ono of the mik' of our uV ductK.ii9," and of the Mcetty tf .aomplihinR tha work. We bay not meaOoaed many things which will undoubtedly produe a large, perhaps thx tmoctt part f th in- come of the road, because we wished "to ' pSiritoutlni nmabirf. mee A J n - increase, anu DCTnuuiyttogmargft y.l.CT.nai-J!piWonjCTif. AT "ruts WtSTatig tofi; have upon Ae farmer. the ne aoi sinew gJftX5 " of the land, wi far a hisowa production vntjT w; lt9 tt tb Pbo-nlt 1tTnuf eonocrncd. WeexpetJt,ineubsennentnutn,' .-,1-. iu, e.wbm'cJ-tl. Si Ur' Maw- bcV. to notice briefly ih Influence it will give to tabor, ami the extent m wlitch it will. ir.e;easr eaiiul ir, ir. a.'aor th - prob - -S""t" f -iMl.".tintj.iiw4. .all. the 4liini - Ib iitorti iiMporiaii') so'cht " I ill u.. ill I. im iiui i m kri ii ue ii'i or liowevrr feebly"" aJUfc- yinctuity of nurnosn will. stlcL-h aeoonliHt to n.-i in We 4id so, bceausc! ir supposail that nic; toul4 mncr bo tnmsportcu in any quantity over the road, as the point at which' it is nnslueed is far below th heed of slack wn . sequent!) h would liavo no oilier fTcct up?- on Hits scheme, than t.'iat reefprocru bearing which all brandtr of commerco and trailv Cxereiso tpwan) oaeli others f ' , Norhavo wo poken of tliiv immense niuitaticaouitCR of thjjty tlioHtf nf any part of the nonuurot, and wili have no uniinportaut aharo ia raising this. Mad to a work of putJia utility and lasting d.y.Wtnge..tto; ..yLtJtX.Md ' ' , may be said In regard to it mat we forbear .fo.rrtiop.rewnt7;u ' . DALETlt. ca pTTg. W. CALD W ELLT llic above n.iiiicd gentleman It aunnun red' in the Jcffcrsouiait as an llJefitiieHt Candidate for (!ongret,"'"r. " : j..' bbl ..jut MAUUIED, . , la tliit City, on Tuesday , ryoklnj J.0iU lusimt, by the Ksv. ut. alafuu, Dr, Charles 1U Johnson tit Miss I'ranoe L, diMghtet "of OorrJaraet ffedell;-----"- la tViUy cauntv.TrniiKki-,en the lirl uU.. TliM4t-itrtK -thf ime 1 of- litef3riVfifv-" Irum t rfikliu county, W . U. .i v NORTH rjkKoilV.i';w Mlvta lfc 1 n4ur nncB Ou. "IN DISTRESS WB SrCUOIl, A COMPANY wWi the aboye lidc, har. been Cbanertd at'thn fatt session of lli i ejWtiur nf lhi rtm ttij tlx rvistuii. . miulred in siil C'tmrtrr ( vix. Aiuh()ijon fot lu, - stiuaca. wi wi.uuaiiaaMca.iwy.mi.pitt t' bs lern pfsmx.J ly Ihe sppoinf uicrit or us r.jliuwini, riivert taJ t tuni I'uli. fit, "' " " ' ' ' ,'' ' UH. VH& E. JOI1N30X Pnwitsit'-" 1 wii.i.iam u luytviHHi, Vicjwki.i J.VMBs F. JOIIUA.X Mrrr art s , Of WILLIAM II 'MelCBe-.MeiNed GlMblMf IIKNBV W. MILL Kit. AtMmrjrf'j 1 lr. CII VS.E. JditXrtOV lu,,,-,,.,. ui ... ... ........... ... i. rich it.wvvoorv .- j ClUliulliUtUlU J."- HEntHI AX. Osneril As.ii. V r 'i'liU Uixnpany , b rccJ ibf m lifcai-rtt ebsrwr 'that btirvcr liern juntctl" I say IW. nsnv of a liullir chr-trr. Im tnf 3m In lb t - IliOTl '' V "-""".':-t. .wt--ic;'i:-tj-...-:- Tli ia tteetiiMi of iV ..Vt f tiifJiwtiop' ij ibt itis bntal nny latur bis (ut tlm tM ut tiJ benrlti H bt wife or rbiUt . . ud, in cms of Ute death f tb umtutnl, thmo. tliui kS!eiibrl thull b i.l arrr W lb wit nt ettil-lrtti, or lb' ir gatrdun, if under ttff, lar kv w Ul'lr UM.rre from at) tht ellm of ths r t- , rs.cfiia' ir .of h , tiqibaml or nj pf. fiiK - Itar f "tW provision ttd nnmmcirt The DoiiJ bv also uVtermlftrl in luiara U lire of sUvc, n4 (bit being alnrswt lltf tb wealth of tb poopl of ihli tatr, a Urg busiatw. U resinbl)r anticipate J. ' ' ' Any Informatinn rrcpecthif 1b flnelptel tt ih Ctwipsnt wi'l ! furiiibtl by ibt BetmtrJ uy 4tttit. vim-uJZL'm -JZ .m-J JAMESr. JOKDAN. Sttrttarg. itivigh. April ,t,i8t :;,":.;,-: ItC l AJU Dr. tl-KKl t AQhlCVLTURAL UXD HOHTlCVl.Tl' Jf,1T. iMFt.KMRXT (J.I)itV GJtJSX rtht.n .iso flow tut serd, ltlAUKtST stTnuBr. 1014 PHILADGLPUU. FFRR fof aU ai. attnsis s-iwIoimiI t FAHVf snl OAHUEN rMM.EVHiV rJ9EKBi, ttmsfeling in part vt tb frllvwiiif, ,. -' . " f ' ' Pfr ti Mars ritenteo 4Y' :1 ' X drsoghlself sbsrpraiag. rigU "tnd left band, autwoil an W. Tft3-afirJ hill, W II BfiL ANU SWiNO If PLOIK3U8. with points an-i gTr-yru-l' swonf and thoOugk t r TSSTss j parioed and bardMtd, ibar, 100 sew ot tsndba been ptengbed whk a tingle tel. , . , " . Tb plosfbs sr eaMimetrl eTtnt b smm. tislvsod tb highest finis mad tm mm of draagU l rjnans0ai, Ik fseili'y with wMek their point and sbsrrs ar lomeJ sad tbsrpNwd, . I'i rtdieaiioB nf wscd and iba thoroagb cttttttatitMa of lb iwtL tbtf Unl . ttnrivaUd In tb nrtit They ar warranted to give pfcifcrt HtUfution t fair trial r lby sas be tttureed, sad tb none refund d. '" ; '; . . i..,,.., t . T tbcM Plmjs wr aarardtJ twmtv rnsta raiMivMs it trial match dating b ptt jir, p'ovUi inconttttsbly ibif grat aaiperiastiv ce Hbir nanwroas eompttitof. V Iinpravtd Cultlvstnra, wiia )cl itetbt lisrrowa, WfjolviDS Kor' RskM; Agrkatittrst PatMrf ud esutJroiwi Corn.Mill.t (agat Mitlij d Pli'. ttr; Corn IMantars, ChctM I'rswK-i, 04 Vukrs Ilovey's Bplrd Hty. 8'rsw, 4 t"ilk I'tn. ter.'Cora HbcHsni Craru'. rttal F a JUi:, snJ th approved pnr (Spain AtnVMpberio Jlswel thni eonstruc. ! . ' .. r , . . lei iit w q tntnAfr m wmnt im . er en b r0KeJ kbV froov k lt.l; Chm i tiwrfw iHit in i. V JXT V"1 h'thfe Spades.'" bar .. manur, f.. Scjib, uowliesbfisr (jFinsn.t )bmVJ -, v ' " ' 1 " ACBinni.TUWAt. HOBTIRUtTCR J1. tml rikv 0l td -Ttn Puiti lion, Qm, t ,aTi:s airt rttn ( ... ... l-ff mtrnajHfs tiiiii gsi r w - "'"v w -j r. K .'K3fI.-.,i!krj-W tvvt.h 1