rolina pptacrfuLin intcUcrtiuUVoraUna Mtfital rfjfafc ttje fana irouc7Kc.i anb !;o:nc oE our at ffftionZ" THREE DOLLARS Per ksmn, in Jldvan re. a;5 "TOL XL. ErAXEIGHrWEDNEDAir; MATT 1(5, 1849. NO. 20, THOS. J. LEMAY, Editor & IWiuktob. J N "ail tttlA nk jf m" ten I heft t mh: eh' to . ifwt,r I ht Un I F tUl !; 601, EHTf L.J-.:-'- Uui ver I liet. Ml IP uortwa T0!. 9-l. I eaa if aesa a "I ewr .nntauAj . ' j jm. hoot i fcR.I their na, ff aga sf ' te MOST-EXTEXSIVE - PSTARIISHMFNT :W fN TIIE'l'XITJiD S TATES IS AT No. 179 Hrtiiiiiiorc si-, near Lijjiii, B&1TIM0KC, MD U lie re 500 pe.nant are imfiluyeit, anil a ttotk oj lAtiattiiUM,MKi--lvut mUiauil - MF.UCIIAN I S ANU OIIIKUS visitins Balti more are in.itel lo call anil examine the ler veil ami bell atotk of SH1UT3 that hat ever been ottered, comi-ting of all aixes ami qualitiea, f"r MKX AM) IIOY3, Which for style and vnnk. rnanahip cannot be surpassed. More lhan utaal ilirli hc huen made lo render the attaortmeui cuuiiileic and dcsimSde in every rtsnt-ct. 10-lr. I.O.O.F. ODD FELLO W S' UUflALIA. N' US BALTIMORE STREET, .BALTIMORE. MD- Four A (four ofow Frederick Street, ami One Square below Sun OJice, W11KRE may be found the most extensive ' SSfcorment and latest styles nf FKIN (iKS. GIMPS, BUTTONS, CORDS. TAS SELS. fee. &e.. Also Masonic, Odd Fellows, Red Mens, Sons of Tempelance, Sans of Lib .erty, Americaa Mechanics, Beneficial and al oilier Societies' PEG ALIA ANT3 TSI1YIIWG3 are kepi on hand and made to order, KLAC8, mbetppfoVef aiyfea. " Plain Linen Drilling, Urown Drilling, 17-All outer from (he country attended to villi dispatch. JRVVKLS. Odd Fellow' and Sons of Temoerance Jewels. JyJa0JU4aenlJIaayvai band and-at ptN?entfi'mniS tTTk' kid anTlVhiie Silk Glove cos less than any other esiahlishn,.it. SNclUG MKSRKK. . Viureai Agency. Fur the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly u W.lhheld flE.1L .I.V7I PEllSOX.1L ESTATE: Till BtrTLtMEST A!D A l)H ITIli T I UB or COXMEB- Securing I'ateiitt fiir Intention in Great Bril oi'h. In land, unit the Colonic and l)c penden'ciet thertunt tefongiig, and Negotiating foY tlu Furehatt or Sale of the tame, 1 1 EKKItK.N'CE may be had on apilimliun free I .of cmrge, (provided the motive ia not that ot mere cui ) to a hit enmnriiinr npwarda ot 11,000 names in which unclaimed propert) ia Hand ing; alio an index to oict 10,000 dtertiaemenlt, which hare appeared fur the pant SO yean in va rious Dritiah Newspaper!, addressed to Heirs at Law and next of Km. Communicaiiont by lctler are requested to be port paid. UEXTHAM r API AN, 38Uroadwy, Aew.sor. liefcreneet are permitted, to ' lion (jHanm I. UitT, Judge Court ol Com- mnn I'leas. N Vnrk.. FtiLiK, Sti-aht STo. Ch- (Jatiliiio, h Co. W.T. J. TaTtcm-r, fi. It. A. KICKKTTS, Eaq. Kowiro Scnnnam, lvn , Uineinoaiti, Oliin. A. Patch it. Ei , PreJident i'atcbin Bai.k, Hul- falo. Aitim NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! ... J USX Jl K C KI VCD, At Xo. 12, Faj-clicvlllc Street n a i. i:i n. v. The subscriber lias just returned from Npw V'orli, and is now opening the largpot sionk o Goods he er brought to this maijiet. a5,ny foffflef Silttrrff. -Tfipy '''erTubuKiiVenti'reiy' for cash and will he sold at moderate advances for cah and to punctual customers on credit. The assortment consists in partol the follow trig i A large and beautiful assortment of iadi i: sv nunss noons. tittrbnehtg-tiiB npwen1 srylbs'aiitl'l'dsliionsou' thu spring. A laree assortment of Calicoes, Kiubroid. Linen Lustic, Ameiiean, Scotch, and FienchGinjhams, very cheap. Jaconet, Swiss, Mull and Dojk Muslin at re- Jnced prices, Linen Cambric Handkerchief Flench Worked Collars Scarfs, Swiss, Muslin, thread fi Lisle KiLjrinjPj uioves ol every description ulack and While Cotton Hosiery. Super Blk.& WhiieSiik do of tl.e best ruali'y, Uonnets and IJIbbons, dec. dtc A well selwicd Stuck ol Uiack and Olive, SjSg.ttv.Efgpcb. Glalani-mwry w.." I'Uin Linen for Coat. (?heck do. French and English. Drap d'lKn And a laige stock of Fanry Summer Stuffs, eatings, &.r, ke. Cravat?, Pongee and Uandanni Mank'fs, Irish Linen, Rrown and Itleaclied fiioutins and Shillings,' Inrrjc s'ock. Table Linen 8 and KM Toweling, and Osna burs, and Marlborough Stripes. r k vciy large assortment of Moots nod Shoes HATS! HATS." Call and see for yourselves the Spring styles Deaver, and -Satin - Heaver, the best article, and beauties they are, Hrpad Piims, low price; Do.' Bl'k. Tcarl; and Red, Soft Mexican and California, do- Fanams, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf. Do. at reduced prices Ironi last season. Straw Matting.' i.rocciics, fjc. Groceries, Brown, Clarified, Crushed and LoafStmar, Rio, Lsrruiia, and Java CofTVe, Teas of the best ((ualities, Sperm, Adamantine nnd 'l'alhiw Candles, superior kind. LiOiHi ri, aialutVaK, Crockery, Hardware and Liullery, line taine Cutlerv. 51 pieces in a set Gasnngs, and llollowware. JJUcksmlih s Bellows. AnviU, Vices and Hammers, and almost wy aiticlft usually kepi in a Relail Store. t. n. selby; April 28, 18 1J No. 12, Fayelteville St. Raleigh, M. 18 Orand &. Square T Iano Ypvtc JSlanwV'ivctQty , NOS. 8, 0 h 11 EUTAW ST,' OPPOSITE THE EUTAW HOUSE, BALTHDE0R3J. MD. ir NABE & UAEIILE would idtMcl lV.-Xully call lho atusntioa of liie . pubjic to their superior CRAM) AND ytJUAKE 1M- AMJS, Ihe fianos Manulactureo at tnis es tablishment have for delicacy of touch, sweet' neas, clearness and brilliancy of lone, beauty and style of workmanship, been pronounced by me most eminent Trofrssors to be uusurpassed by any instrument made in this or any other conn- Professors, amattiers, country merchants, and others visiting Dalt more will find it to their rlvantage to call at our extensive etallit.hme it efore purchasing eTsewhete. 38--1 y . ::ZTHn.lAOARA- SHOWER BATH? 71X ENTIRELY NEIV ARTICLE TOR SHOWER BAT1USG, WITH COLD OR WARM WATER. (T?Tlils Uath took the I'reminin nt the Fair of the I'rnnliiiii Instl inte. Oct.. IS 18. the only liatli that ever took a premium at the I latittttct nnit also tooK me first 1'reiuiiiiii nt the Fair ol' the iIa l ) t;iiI IitsUittiv, IInUiiiiorc,-.o- veiiiocr, isis. Treasury Oflire, MAY 7, IS19. TI T 1 ing reptefenled to this Department, that J. there i in many t'oumies of the State, aonir muapprehPBfinn aa to lha levyina and follecline uio uruiTi s'einiiiy, to provide lor trie eiau lishmriit of a Slate H.if piul lot the luaane of North Carolina; lo produce uniformity on the sulject, I would fepeclfiilly call to the notice of 'the Clerks of the several County Courts and Ihe Sher iff of the several counties, th 3d Section of the supplemental Act, from which itrwill appear, thai ibfwml taTHTirr'ed t Slu An.'mijr tie'fn-' eluded in the lax list now by law required to he furnished to the PhVrilTs, and that lha bherrffa shall collrct, cacouut for, anil pay over the said tsx as they aro now required by law, as to the General M'e taxes, TLis tax being thercfure collectalde in the present veir. io those counties where the Clir.k have already huiideil out lliejr list to the Sheriff without including this tax, it is tl sir du'y under this law to il.div.-r to the Sheriff u additional or upplemental lint. C L. IIINTOX, Pub. Tress. 19 It. NA I IONAL AM) PATIUOTiC. The Whijrs of Tennessee have nomina ted for re-eltciion the present excellent pect lo carry Hie Siate for hfrn vcrv hand Komely.' Upon Ii is unanimous nomination by the lug State Convention at Nashville, a fc,y days since, the Governor made u hntf address, the subslance l which an-l jrcffi iii iijc ii.isuviiiu iiiitri a. a lie iui- lou ing passage will )iow how his Excel lency thirrts and speaks oil some subjects: "He congratulated the hfgs upon their success tn ihe l'resiuenttul camiiaiin, and remarked that some questions ha I recently arisen, to one ol which he would allude the tlaveiy quesiiou, arising from th acquisition of new territories. He said itiafori a quesiloii H4taaWtic?ctrgi7e' n pledges he had in his birtli 'and edu cation something better than pledges. He wtWifi favor ol tlte institutions ef the South, but he valued the Union above every thing else. He deprecated the fanaticism that seeks to array one portion of this glorious Union against another; was oppnsad lo the proposition, made in some quarters, of; non inlerrourso wiih ihe Nmth in case of the passage of the Wilmot Proviso; said he would not give one foot of ' erminit ''on fittn- &f JJMx.r Saratoga, or Forktowiu fur, though all its hill u'cre ttuddetl with gold mid its valleys Jilleil wtfli ttavet. lie was opposed to those who would deny the SoutheriiebpteThetr rights hi the newly acquired territories, ; afid thought that, in the present threftietiing; aspect of things, a cbmpbinlse slioiiTd he'm rnr the f'niol AT ALL UAZAHDS:" for the Smith so Inner ;i he couill tie consisieiiuy Willi lha- nreservation of. the Union, Lut for the L nwn at all events. Sucli sentimanti as these linn a prompi UNIVERSITY. The Pu'nlic Anniversai) Examination of ihe Sttitti-nts of ihe Universitv of North Carolina will be held at Chapel Hill, on Monday, the 'response in the heart o the American peo 3iih day of May ensuing, and be continued f Every year of our existence as a nai I line, heimr'lhe first Thnrsdav ol last Hiei.Uoned day rfs appoiuted for ttie ANNUAL COM MliN C E M E NT of ihe C jllege. " The following Trustees compose ihe Com mill.. f His Kxcellency CHARLES MANI.V, Cover from day to day .until I Tmrsday 'ttie Tin oi Qn ,0 ,n3 gtrengtri of -that -nnttonal ",ZV- " ' " rfwltmr which cleve to the. RepublM.-, one and indivisible, it u true there are, Cle men's of alienation nt work both at tlu Norih and at the South, and there nppears to be an unusual activity in those elements ;HKi now. Fanaticism, sectional and polit. the Hoard. Hon. Datib L. Swaijc, L. L, of th College. John L. Bailey. Simmon J, Haker, 7nhii H. liryan, Jjhn-R.JT Da tltet, John M. Dick. JamesC. Dobbin, John A Gilmer, Robert II. CillUmk Calvin Graves, John D. Hawkins, Charles L. Ilinlon, All oilier me wITo may alien D., President John Kerr, Walter L. Lak. Willie P. Mangum, James T. Moiehead, Samuel F. Patterson, ThomaS RufTih. Romulus M. Saunders, James S. Smith, . Richard D. Spaighl, Lev. is Thompson, John D. I oniner, ambition with the bitter prejudices arising from interests supposed to be contrar'mnl seems m be moving for a desperate cast if it can by ny possibility bring things to the dioniiy of a crisis. Some distinguish, ed amateurs of treason havo been chasing the pflantoin for years with singular per severance, arid every "contingency has ar rived xcent the crisw. The goml people liV- horn imnlbrcd to retjard themselves n iiiintK-rablv miserable because tf the existence f Slavery at the Srt th, or be Frnm the Iloton A'lai BlUmii JUSTICE THE UliTtiUE JONES. We have recenilv examined the Reports, maue to ongTess in INiarcli last, ot the case of the barque Jmtrp, and we do - not remember ever hating read of an outrage so wanton, committed even by an evasion of payment, on llio part of any govertiinrnf, for losses following an illegal and wholly un-juaUiialiJo-aov-of (e-of H oflicr rs; ;wtHrnV genuous, mean, and utterly rontempidde, as the final reply of Iird Pahnerston to Mr. Bancroft's application for redress, The Jones saih-d from Bostony in March, 1840, for tho Western Coast of Africa, with a large ami valuable assorted cargo, suited to that trade; and after touching atdiircrcnt places oil the coast, and exchanging a con siderable portion of her outward cargo for African productions, she went, in the further prosecution of her voyage, to St Helena, where she arrived on the 24 th of Aurust, entered at the custom house, and deposited her papers with the American Consul, in all ''''"ffsfomplyjng with jhe lavsfi1 WffriJrraanamTITie Unite;d Slates. At St Helena, she landed a part cf her original eargo, and the master and supercargo were engaged about three weeks in etlecting sales ami exchanges thereof. 1' rom Hits port she Wed oSTiT to Alrica. for the purpose of disposing of merchandise taken in at St Helena, and, coilevling what remained of previous sales o;t the coasl, and thence to the United States. But, just before she was ready, one Littlehules a Lieutenant in the English Navymaster of one of the English cruisers formerly stationed on the African-coast, for the os- 4Mibl - purpose o( preventing the sla ve trade, took it into his head tlml something could he made out of the Jones. He ac cordingly commenced operations, by de manding of the master, ns he met him in the street, hi manilcst; and was referred. of course to the eustom house were it Was lodged when tie vessel was entered.' He nxt sent his mate on board the liar pie with an armed force', and demanded the ship's papers, for which lie was referred to the American "Consul in 'whose lawful custody they were till the vessel had clear? i.-- hesc referenc Js "lled rcfusaht to seized the Vessel, upon the pretence mat she had no papers! no aational character! nd Uicreforc it .waa feaaonaWe to mlcr that she was engaged in the slave trade! i ! H he had been an honest man he Avouiu Ji?ije entered M$ cdmntainl a; bhee In the Court of St Helena, but that would not answer. his purpose, for he knew that ho could not show a plausible pretext for the sciinrc and that he would have beca defeated with costs; he therelore manned the barque, and sent her off to Sierra Leone for trial, withhold- ding her destination, and refusing to ptrniil tho muster or simercargo to- to fir ricr: In the four day itttorsjeniaKvbetwcen llio aeia- urcand departure, every ellort was mane kv iho mnier nnn sunercarrro. aided bv the Consul, to ascertain the ground of complaint, and the intention of Litdehales. To a re spectful letter from the master, making these inquiries, no answer waa voufhsaieu; a let ter from the Consul was returned unopened! Application to the Collector and to the Governor produced no interference, and so Muster Liltluliales had it all in his own , paritesJiatnicJped -UtemeelveMo costs and whatnot, about an einhtli nartofihn origin al value was left in Court, subject to the onier oi the owners. TiIi us, that there never was a more gross aud wanton outrage pcrpctiated by any ciritfzed nation upon the property and riglus of another, without the slightest pre text to jnstfy if; rind there rertnitily never was a caie w hich demanded of an horora- lJftgoveUHcM4ior fHrompt and- a mpfd Tftr-4 urcsn. Now.loi us sec how the claim fur redress has been met by bur liberal and magnani mous friends across the water, This case was first prpwiitd to "the British (.overn mentby Mr. Stevenson, in April, 1841, without producing any reply. . Second, by Mr, Everett; in May, 1843, who gave its whole history in a most clear ami unan swerable manner, but was met by cavils nnd evasions. And third, by Mr. Bancroft, in December 1847, which rlicitrd a refusal from Lord Palmerston, on the ground that any objection to the jurisdiction of the court ITiiit anlppcat might hare been taken from that Court, and that, inafiriueh as neither was done, it is too laic now -for the owners to object to the letral nroccedines which were hud in the case. That ia to.aiy this 1 Trtraw in isi iUsh uniform captured an Amer A great and important improvement is made in thistibower Bath overall others, by throwing the water iuiiifdiately on the body wiibout waiting the he ld, unless at ll will or pleasure bf the l ather, but a greater point is Ruined by being en Med to bathe wiih warm water, wLich no olher Shower Uath is adapted to and most important of -aHrtheDatU ean be muJicated without injury to he hair. , Mny perpon cannot taae a cold bsth tncir eiso is met in thi", they can regulate Ihe tern, perature of the water lo suit their wih and eoni mence lu'binl at av seam of the year without anv unol'a-ant reuh. Ladies ean hove the ad- mton, John u. I ooiner. 1 cause or the horrors, present and prospec nembers of the Hoard of rru.tew i , conlained in ihat l,ox 0f PakdoRA, tl.e nd, will be considered members ; ' ; . ,, . ,f,.i ,rt wimp,, "ommiitee Wilinot Proviso, j It is painful to witness also of lliis Couiuiiltee Uy order, CIT RLESL. rtMYOXr SceretmTt lain itdieign, may io,.', iL7"Ciiy papers. the inisctv of these disappointed champi- na WiM"n-s-prophcts of ruin, who, like so mv.v Cassandaus, except tnaiCAS- 186t. ...m. waa a vounir worn airf g -about in arronv- because they ate neither believed CO.1l.1IOX SCHOOLS i,r h'lowcd to realia- their ow prediuhons. OFFICE f tlu.B0.1Itn of LITEKATVKE. with a happy indifference to these efToits THE Presidettt and Directors of the Lit- of siiators the great mass of the people al crary l'imd have ordered to bo distrib-' tend o their own business, with a "e"''"? uled the sun of forty thousand dollars, in pari ; 0f security in ihe institutions established ,,( the netl annual income of the said Fund for. K tl.e founders of the Republic, ami with ihe support of Common Schools, among Ihe j g j.itprji feeling' ol devotion to the Union several counties for the year 1819. j ,)0 sranit nalionulity it bss created, A Statement, showing the qaoia to which , like the strength of a giant, ia qui each Coumy ..j .i.tttled .ccrdtngto ,,. fderal ,' of its own v.t,go or bathing without wetung u head or j , if hl. Once aroused by an apprehension T . ,. sr. aimol. snd comoleU, and 1 the puhlio Treasurer on due application. . Uf dangef , .Lfl.. who had provoked It would --ra- ... I .. - . ! i-..rt ... hanrf lliia QTtli I L-l.t.. .4rkt, in llPU'frre. t out of order. The Il'hcante ..ur. "- -."- frooauij uu ...... v- jjui. simcT way. At Sierra Leone the Jones and her cartro were 1 ibclled and ExjHtRTB -trial was . had before the Admiralty Court of the Colony. There was no appearance for the defence, Tor the agents of the owners had bcenleft at St Helena, without knowing where the vessel had been carried. Of course Mr. Litllehales put in only auch evidence aa would best suit his own case, nnd yet, even under all these disadvantages, the Courtdis- misscd the libel with the remark thathc'NF.v- n aaw a TASK SO FRKE FimitUWltHt" but at the same time condemned the own ers in costs, oiUlie ground that the master had not shown a "propeif defereiice to the constituted authorities" he had dared to refer this jackanapes, Littlchales, to the Custom House and the Consul lor ins pa ieanshin in a British nort. nnrsiiinir nlaw lid trade, turned out the' master anil super cargo, carried her to another and distant colony, procured an ex parte trial, without notice to, or the know ledge of the owners without the possibility of their having notice or knowledge; the court ostensibly rcstnr- ed the vessel aud cargo, but placed them, in iacr, DcynnD uia reacu oi tup owners, by condemning tlictn to pay ciis6 and to find bonds to abide tlic result of an appeal ;nil for noncompliance .with. lite cwiditions -of which they could know nothing till it was too late sacrifice vessel and cargo. The British fjoverunicnt rcicognwe Littlehalcs as their ofliccr, assumes the responsibility of his piratical nroeeedinirs -and now. when called upon for redress, very grave ly tell us that, a the owners did not ner-. torm an impossibility, by appearing in their Alrican court to defend tlitir riirlits. ihe judgment nt .;rl jhqt it. ii, .,! i.r ,n i , w iii, .i'i.i facts, was not acted anon by Congress for want uf time-; but we trust that owr govern-1 inent will take up tlie matter tit earnest, and not permit Lord' Palmerson to ;:ahteld Jhim sell uuder aucw inean and llimsy pretexts as he has been driven to. A similar act orarr2resion on the part of an American . .... - i- : .t Olliccr II sucn a tiling run uc miuguiDu w'ould dfaw down upon v the wrath of the BritUh government and lhjjryJitUIUills natifitu u we weTc" fo rclusc, evert lor a year, Instead of nine years, the most ample silts faction. and most iustly too. lt remains to .l).C. ma, w hctlicr. . pu r mcrchanta a re .to -be plundered and ruined by British naval olhccrs and Colonial Judges and bo compelled to submit to such foul wrongs, on the misera ble plea that they may appear before hnse judges to defend their properly, and if they fail so to do, they must lose it. BOLD STUOKE FOR A HUSBAND. A rather singular case of forgery lias just occurred in Now Orleans. A young French' VirL" who had recently arri- A DISCOVERY for PREVENTING FIRES. Corrtttpondtnre of the notion Jttlat. Af a rerMit metling of ttie Royal Witu tion, lield aUml a" week since, an iniDor- tant paper waa read, which is rnakinir anmn talk among the acienlitic men here, fcnd is of great ina-rest to tle world at large - If is no ! iiiun a otscovery, Dy means of which carhouic acid gaa is allied to Jlie cjiiii.- gnrshrnelirBf Urea wiiti corimlete wiccess. iii " its operation instantaneous, am) with this im meiise advanlatrr, with none of the liinrv to fiirniiiire, buildings, Ac. inseparable Irom in use oj water lor a similar porno, . The paper to which I reler wus i.l the meeting last Fjjday, by Rev. I. Barlow nnu w as an accmint ol nn mvcntiorr of a Mr. PhHips, callrd'-lmips's Firc annihila.tor." IK'l'er mis since been published in the . annals ol the aocietv at lomrih. I ;n you an abstruet of its purport in a few In large fires, flame is the nrea'pst nrmnt ol tlestniction; it occasions a violent dminrhi mg ami noxious giises. l'or iu existence a constant supply of pure air ia necessary, as well as a constant hurli teinwr.niire To prevent the latter, watrr is sufficient. The "fire anihilalor" suhiliu s i1:imi l,v r.. not liable to (ret out of order. The uVheanbej vJMJr. "'"J "" adjusted to suit tiny lieigliih, from a small child lo d"J 1 J, . v , v las person. When the door ia closed, heistfJtAtfi5 C H AKl.hb M AM-. Y, future are hid and Ihe uuuide appearance ia tbu j Governor of Ihe State an of a neat iiiece ol furniture They hare reeiwd Ihe approbation of several medical gentlemen others sre rctut alcd la call oV examine tliern. MauuUcture. by tlis Patentee. ' , KPHUAIM LARRADEE, vtmmt1t iru't;arrt'reet;-;"B.Wrttor D TIII.0 Read What Armstrong says: . . I'o not oaut. ya who wau'J. luiaiili sretue.. - i he djily fresh atilulmn tbat shall clear . The aluice of the skin enough to keep The body sacred from, indecent sll. Htill to he pure, even jif it did oot conduce . (As much a it ilocaVo health, vcy greatly worth. Tour daily paina:-li this xIotbs lha rich Ph want ol this is poverty's worst foe. -'.IVitV thps extUBaliairvtiekiasga aliBS , ... A decrrt-gncn without it, youth an3 charms Are liartscme." ' - . 3'i-ly. Raleigh, April ii, 1843. R resident ex-olficio of said Board, 1341. MErVtTt-riT8'II0TUI, FottHh Wrtetpr; ttel weeri A wh' i ntl " Market, ltttl:ilelpltin. rplll PROPRIKrORSHIP AND MAN ii AUGMENT, si flii, eU.- known hotel,: (which i located in the very centre af buine,) hav'ng tins day pasd into lb hands ofthesub rriben, ihey beg leave lo atale tbat it ia their por poseto render it worthy of th libral patronsge with which it 'has Teen heretofor sustained tod hope, by unremitting aAU6tioo to deserve tUa paUonag of their frieod who may it U erty on businea or pleasure, k C. k J. McKIRBIX.- , of lLe EicLsnre Iluiel I'yaMirg, f TUltlvlSH EDUCATION. , The Turkish Clovernment is interesting itself in having men thwoughly educated in j every branch of agriculture, for the purpose oi inuuctng among tnesuojecis m mat uu- farming. In all the Turkish hrmsea you will see one side on which the blinds are always elose)..,.-riieae,are.ihe..a.partriientjc. r-of the women, who live entirely separate from the male portions of the family. At the age of twelve, boys are removtal from the aociety of their mothers and sisters. The accouut&.fom Texas state that the vcd. w'ttJt.hcrjnotUct awd-aiater from Par is, was reported to have a large amount of gold oii-depoaite with a city banker. She was fair and of course h-id many admirers, among them a verdant young merchant, whom she married,-it the day following the marriage, the happy bride groom depos ited with a banker a note for $10,000, sigrv Jed. by oneof the .wcddiiesWiiiejrtJiatuaiu the city. This note, which he had received from his young and beautiful bride, he de sired lo have collected, and a draft fur the amount remitted te hiin at New York, for which destination the happy couple took pcrs, Instead of humbly offering to bring t,)ar departure ' the same evening. the Custom house and Consul to him. i The note was not discovered to be forgery the decision was not satisiactory to uiis naval hero, and ho entered an appeal, not that he intended to prosecute it, hut be eaute ho knew it Would be an effectual bar to recovery by the owners; for if they should hear of her whereabouts and send for her. how could thev give bonds to abide the' result in a higher Court? And this last malicious move had the desired euect.' . Pendir.g-thcsc operations, the supercargo had fofihd hia way to Liberia, where he fell in with an American cruiser and requested her commander w "look-into Sierra Leene and send home the Jones, or any valual lea heionfr'mrr to her. which the author tea might "gi veipr?,i,Mr?' HmcY aecOTdidgly ,'" applied lo the acting Covernor (or this purpose, and waa Jold that the property, could not be surrendered withiut paying costs and civixo boxds to abiue the re- iat-tr or tub appeal. Ul coarse nc couiu not give bonds, nor could the owners have done it had they becTT present; for where could they find sureties which would have venting effectually the suimlv of its viii.1 element, pure air, and supplying instead one. uetkirtictive to its existence, carbonic gnu and steam thus renderinir the of flame impossible, These are generated by this appnrUts, which is perfectly portable for one amnio for a private.. house- ui.rh - only twenty fi ve pounds. It is so contrived . that bf simply touching a spring this aclive agency can be aroused in throe seconds of time. For the protection of larser buildings such, as churches, lactones, Aen a larger ap paratus in proportion will be required, in a'- convenient position. The potency of this invention was exhibited in several different ways m Ute lecture room. - Models of houses, ships, Ac. were set on fire," aiid wheu fully ignited (lie flame was extinguish-, ed as soon as the uiinihilalorjvaa tirougliU- iu u-ur upun n . ' I he great ad vantajoXjliuMiilam propn ration or brought to bear upon the fire and the complete freedom jfroin any injury to furniture inseparable from the employment olwatcr. 1 hia. apparatus may be always at hand ready for use, is easily act in ac trim t always sure to-e ome into tsvTO', tkj " casions no injury to the house or funiitiire, and no injury need be apprehended from its use. This is all the account of this important : . discovery yet made public. There aecma to lie no reason to doubr the ftltvaln f rtaimcrl for the discovery, which cannot fail " to prove one of the moot beneficial applica tions ofcaicntific knowledge that this ago has brought lortn. REMARKABLE L.ONGEVITY We learn that there is a rosebush llotir ishingat the beautiful fesidencertif Ar Mu'- ray Mellvanc, Esq., on the Neshaminy creek near Bristol, Pa., that ia Well known to be more than one huudred years old. In the year 1742 there was a kitchen built, which encroached on the corner of the garden, and . the masons laid the cornerstone with great ' care, saying it waa "a pity to destroy so fine a bush." Since then it has never failed to produce a profusion of roses, shedding jtrZ. round "t&aJniaalwd Sometimes it has climbed for yeara over the second story windows, and then declined by degrees to the ordinary height. - Tlie fifth -gcurratin of the family is now regaled with " iu sweets. Not far from this remarkable hush, is a buttouwood tree of the same age, now measuring about 33 feet in circumfer- . encc. until several days after they had sailed for the North. The credulous husband with his artful spouse are now enjoying their honey moon trip at the North, but the news of the aflVtr which must come, when lite mooey.does not, will sorely interrupt their matrimonial bliss. f Milan mmnX. sri harplCS, to. the to tions on the inhabitants in variiW parts of j mount of 870,000 The result was that the .ui;,..,,,- - - vessel annarco were aci iiiec'i a in ;nn-i un A WORLD ON FIRE. Lieut. Maury-SuperiHtendent of the Na lional Observatory, Washington, says, in a n,l,li.aa? "It may be that there is nowr, at tins ve ry time in the firmament above, a world on fire. " Argua, - to well known- star iit" the southern hemisphere, has suddenly uiazesi forth, and from a star of the second or third magnUude, now glare with the brilliancy of the first." Witt, S. Blocnt has - been appointed Postmaster irj Washir.g'.or!, N,.Cr..t,kr,ll.. From lha Warraatoa tleportir. . EFFECTS OFTHELATB FREEZE-- a ON TWO ARTICLES OF AGRI CULTURE." . . Mr. Verell : Worthy of observation perhaps, that amidst the destruction of veg eUtion by the late severe frost, the Jemsa- lem artichokes (up at the time) received no injury. This is one circumstance mere in favor of their culture, & their abundant yield, and perfect accommodation for (ceding hogrs all ' winter with no trouble but turning them in upon them, are giving them increased favor . , with those farmers who have given them a fair trial. That enterprising farmer, Mr. . Kearny, near Shocco, is one who cultivates I learn, these artichokes pretty extensive ly and piizcs them highly as swine feed.- Another article not generally injured by the T late frosts is the grapel -About four years ago a frost like the late severe one, desttoy ed the foliage In rry vineyard, among other . things; but the vines sprung out-agaia and -2. -produced abuhdanUy. notwUhstanding, aud , tiie grapo alhliist the ohy in the region lor then, as the present year perhaps, in the iTn.inl States. Why not this another cir - cums'ance to inauce fa'rmcrsto turn llieir attention to vines or for the sat) of never "t . failing in most excellent fruit, ell s I jsaening foreign dependence lor wines. - Most respectfully, ; t ' 1 S.WELI.ER. v If o man " reap whatsoever lit tweth, rwm.'t a lot of brcccliei iU tie tailor havei - ?