T net on the subject of removals and appoint Bents! ' Cento's of Democracy, defend as! Whet will become of Ihe swatoss of political hacka and tool, wjio bate been fetteoiniv an the public erib under the appointment of President Polkl What will become oi their special guar diansih Union, Enquirer, lad Standard, if .uchmena Collamer. and Clayton, and E. jng lie to be consulted! Why, Ibe head of (he office-holder! mud fall under the "bloody axe, 4ioldei the if and ilia tender nerves of their sympathetic guardian will be ahattered "all to piece.' ' Bat, before the public, Gen Turin will hare one advantage, which will' entitle hie eoorae 10 the applauaa and approbation of the De mocrary at leant' Modern Democrat profesa tojlie the true Disciple of Thomas Jcrrcasoit, and when they find Gen. Tavlob following him, tbey are bouud to give bira piaise- Well, what did Mr Jefferson dol In Ihe fuel place, in hi letter to UoU Maruee, of Iho 7th ol March, 1801, three daye after hi inauguration, be aiya, 'I have given, and will continue to give, of fice only 10 republican under existing cii eumslances." Speaking of removals, be ay, Where we shall draw the line between retain1 ing all and none, ia not yet settled, and will not ht, until C get our Adminiilratiun together, and perhaps, even then, wjrTfciy proceed a ia lent, balancing our measure Jfceurding to the impressioaa we perceive thejn to make." lu another latter to, Wm. B Giles, dated the 23rd Martlt, 1801, Mr. Jefferson aaya, 'Mudivm and Gallatin being ttill tibtcnl, ute have not yet decided on our ruletpf '.conduct at'fi flheie. That soma wight to be removed from office, and that all ought not, all mankind will agree. Hut where to draw the line, perhaps no two will agree." Here it will he seen that Mr. JeiTeraon was jsafly and bona fide ; g uiity-of' the enormoua jJe- reliction of duty charged fiercely upon Gen . TsyW(;.Uiat UediJj Wdeed, eoosiflt b t:hnt upon prominent meaaures! that he did really hs.iisla to adopt a line of policy with regard to removals, becauae Madison and Gallatin were absent! Of course, according to the opposition organs, Mr Jefferson waa nothing but a cypher!! M-wy-thT-iaideli-'- .V...,..iT.,,y.t,.., The following are the rule he had laid down in regard to removal: ... Home principlue hare been the subject of conversation, bnt not of determination .. g. I. All appointment to civil office during pleasure wade aHer the election was nude kiiowii to Mr. Adams, are considered nullities. I do not ' le Ihe'fi'etaofti apjroimed- a evercairdrdste for the office, but make other without not icing or no'ifyinrr them. Mr. Adams' beat friend bare agreed this ie right. 9. Officer who hare been guilty of Ica naal.conduol are proper subjects of re-noval 3. Good men, to whom there i ao objection but a difference of political principle, practiced on only a far a the light vf a private citizen t will . jpstifj are not ihe proper auhjeet of leinoval, except in the ease of attorneys and marshals" v Ha not General Taylor followed Jefferson to th letter thu fail and will any true Dem ocrat Q,U ""' the great apodlt.pf libenyl '" RAIL ROAD IN EXICO. Th Mexicans arc about to commence the eon. si ruction of a rail road from Vera Cms to the thy of Mexico, and from the lellerpUee t some pob.t on lb i'eciftc, heieafter to be determined. The Jf jnlteesbavj gakti 9MiyuJi. Ibis muificent acheme of Inlernal Improvement i carried out, it will I e emphatically bringing gnea out of evil, as it 1 evident her, 1st bloody conflict with the United State ha led to ibis movement f t i certainly an imports step towsrds enlighten ing. and stimulating the pent le to haSit of indue trv. sad Piomotine their advancement lit th art . . . ; it . I II 'I vMmonroMn eatrry oat her sy.tena of improvem.m., in a few Josrs she will b. found ' lagging behind vn Ihe dark, laihecile, divided and distraced Mexican KepuMic! We go for oar Central Railroad, ai d shall never he satUfVd until It stretches itself trom. Ihe mountains to Beiofort harbor! BARE-FACED ROBBERY. A tsitlemsn fell asleep a few evening so, with his speetaclr on. tVben he awoke, they were aw. .nl aft. I. LbiI aaliafiiul himself lhv mirm ' . . v. . :. ,L. . I - hartfttctd rubbery he had-ever met with- : ' : jtIir AUttoKA.-. - :: ; - Hirst I. Tool Esq., already favorably known lo Ihe publi as ao sble writer, proposes to publish a seasi-weekly paper In Wilmington lo be called the Acaeat. 11 Is .warm friend of Ge. Taylor, a true soa of North Carolina, aud with him great sttestss- CHEESE MAKING. We learn from the Richmond Times, that in Leeds Manor, Fauquier, and the coun try adjoining, there are now eighteen dairies in successful operation, some of them num bering upwards of one hundred cows. The fins pastures and delightful climate of middle and western Virginia, it is fair to presume, will render th produce of the dairy as pro fitable as in the Northern States. We hope some of our enterprising citizens in the West, will immediately follow the example of their Virginia neighbors, There is no country in the world better adapted to all the purposes of the dairy than is a por tion of the mountainous part of North Caro lina. In the Cherokee country, the natural grazing is so fine, that both cattle and horses can be kept well, winter at well as summer, with but little, if afty food, except that which nature provides for them spontaneouxly. It n just the place to raise catue, ana mate butter and cheese. We call uie attention Wt ihia fn-i ni ontnrnruiiiio' men of the North. ' who understand, and desire, with a small to lead in giving and raising a fund by indi rnvestment, in a rich and heelthy countryrto vidua! BubwriptionB77ndTnuch-conld no T" ptlhrae lhig pleasant and profitable Onrohtemplatedrnrrrplker Planlt-and iwtld only be of a temporary character, -4 Rail Roads, will open this fine country to is best and high time, to establish Dispen the markets of the world, and make il the aary upon a permanent basis; and this can most desirable, for permanent residence, of only be done by a regular annual appropri . y portion of the Union. We invite the ation from die city fund; and we .hope it " -ipriaijigto ccrue and tet. will be done without further delay,. - CHATHAM ELECTIONS. We have travelled through larre pop- toon of this county during Uiepast fortnight, nd-xegretto say thatthe county clerkshipaU ciigruaa uie wntue attention oi uie people. Messrs. STr.'bsiaii (the present clerk) and Col. Taylor (former sheriff) both Whigs, re candidates for the Co. Court Clerkship, and the excitement is more intense titan has ever been known before. Indeed, the Congressional election is scarcely mention ed. It is greatly to be regretted that such is the state of affairs, for it depends urxm Chatham whether Mir. Nash is to be elect ed or not. Whigs of Chatham, arouse-r-it is not too late yet! Do your duty, and we wm achieve an important victory. L. FRANCE AND ROME. It will be seen by the foreign news in this paper, the city of Rome has actually open ed it gates to the French army under Ou- dinot. The next mtostion is, what will the French do, now that they have put down the Triumvirate! Will ,they be able to restore the Pope, according to their avowals, with a liberal government: Will his Holi ness return to the Vatican, whilst the tri-col- ourcd flag floats above it; oi will he adhere to the policy of the Catholic powers, and sta tion himself at Bologna? The probabilities seem to be altogether uncertain. The Pope has attempted to take back or explain away all the concessions made before his flight, and probably relies more Upon Austria than rrancc. "WHAT IS RALEIGH DOING?" This question comes in from every quar ter; but wecan'taflord to answer it yet. We want a public meeting first we want all th k people io come together and consult about their honor and interests, as connected with the great enterprise of the State. All eye are turned upon us as individuals and as a community, and much is expected of an enlightened ppoplefhaving so much at sla"ke7 tt desire a niceUngr to ;asccrtain what we trill do as individual; and to call upon the Commissioner to subscribe at least 5,000 on the part of the City, as a corporation. This is the way thev da the thing in Wil mington, Petersburg, Norfolk, and other en terprising cities; and we are clear Air follow ing thetr exnmptei 1 H tf rere he any don M ns to the power of the commistiionurs in Uie premises, let them' make the subscription, conditionally, and ask for its ratification by the next Legislature. We arc sure we are right. Now let us "op ahead!" "Look tie re," Pete,"" said at no w i itg dar- key te' hi ewnpnirron, dont- rtan'- dar-otr de rail road." "Why, Joe?" "Rase, if de cars see dat niouf ub yourn, dey will tink it am de depo , and run rite in! - THE COTTON CROP. A despatch from New Orleans to the Charleston Courier, dated July 21, says: The 'arrounts from the Uotton rro wi irg regions of Mississippi aud Louisisna are of a melancholy character, in consequence of the recent heavy rains. funeral liutima er paiu ou'ktfP-nr ni Danville, on the 24th ult. ' The oration was delivered by the Rev. Samuel S. Bry ant. We learn trom the Dan vine Regis ter, that before the speaker had proceeded five minutes, the dense congregation (in the Presbyterian Church) am thrown into a great panic by a startling crash, caused by lhp.giYing. way. of one of Jhe brick pillars of the edifice. A midst the fainting of ladies and general terror of all, one gentleman ac ted like a hero. The Register says, "after the excitement had partially subsided, he was observed standing in the most exposed part of the building, m the interesting sition of sustaining two pretty gills in po his arms who were jvist then recovering front VmiiiV even the fears of lieinff vmcu omnia even buried beneath the timbers of a falling house and our friend has demonstrated that "not cedamus amort"! The congregation repaired to a grove and finished the exercises. CITY DISPENSARY. We are glad to perceive that the impor tance of establishing in this City a Dispen sary, at which the poor of the town and suburbs might receive such medicines as it is well undretooJTlTey often . s need of, and medical advice, gratis, suggested br our neighbor the Mandard, appears to meet with the favorable consideration of the citizens. It is, indeed, strange that an institution so humane and benevolent, as well as just and necessary, has not long ago been established in this city. Where is there another city in the Union, in which there is not suitable provision for the sick poor, supported at the public expense? And why is it that none has been made in Ra leigh? Is it bocause we have less charity, less humanity, or less ability here , than elsewhere? ' Not at all. The sole reason is, that our worthy Physicians have hereto fore attended to this matter, and thetntelvet borne all the labor and expense. . The in crease of our population nas rendered this practice, always burdensome and unequal, now insupportable. - We hold that the entire community ought to bear a part proportioned to their ability in providing liberally this means of relief to the suffering poor among us. This can on ly be done by an appropriation from the City Trtamry of a sum amply sufficient to accomplish the object. Two hundred and fifty dollars would probably answer for the first year, and probably half that amount would suffice annually thereafter the physi cians still giving their attendance gratis.- The Ladies, alwaystorcmostin good works, have manifested a nraiseworthv readiness Wf observe thai " the President's pro- clarnation for t National Fast, has been responded to In many quarters. - Several Governors, among them that of New YorK have seconded President Taylor's recom- mewoauon, and many heads of churches, tfce.,' have ddne the same. .L Resolution were passed by the Hunker General Committee at Tammany, New York, a few evenings since. They stick to the Baltimore Platform, the lluuker State and City organisation, and very de cidedly kick Baruburneristn ,out of their Wigwam. FROST. There was froat the genuine old fash- iu d Jack froat in Yancy county oo the I till ul timo! A wliote family of seven, a thort lime aince, died ol Lhulera a few miles from Covington . MAJOR JACK DOWNING. We present to our readers to day a first rate letter from the celebrated Major Jack downing.' J he way lie pvkrs advice at Mr. Ritchie of the Union, will make the old gentleman sick af the craw heart he has not, as the Major and every body else has perceived, Irom his vulture like attacks unoit the wise, patriotic and faithful course pur sued by (Jen. Taylor, in the administra tion of the Government. PRODUCTSOF SABBATH SCHOOLS It i stilled that Lvnchbtirir established the first Sabbstlj Sehoi in Virginis, in the yearlHlO. JwoU. . -(Senators Messrs. Allen of Ohio, and Walker of Wisconsin were members of that school. The Hon. W . H.Haywood Was a teacher in the first Sabbath School established in this city a bout 30 years ago. THE 1 WO FACES. The facet of the mondern Democracy lh( on exbibite J at the' North" iiiit the whrr-tte South sre seen in til lol'pwing demrniilrstjun. w wiiica we iiiviib uie senuus SMvnuon-uT uie pio ple of North Carolina of all political parties. 'SoUTnuan Mimnuj. NoTnicaw McniBiin. At a KtateCiHivenlioii "An Uvmocratic Con of the DemocnU'of the vrnlion held at Albany Btate of Georgia, on the JWw Irk, on Maiur ty I lUi- of W utoHtli, fur .. the fotUiwintf win the nomination of can didate, for (iavcrnur, the fulwing Ttsoluiion ns aJoptcJ. "Retohed, Thst G.-n. eVsl TaiLOa. by oigani xing bis CaUine; rvA a mujoi ;:y of ntrn knrum or. of" the yiesolutinns aJoi'Uj among a number of ottirn equally fake and mallKnant "Hetlmdt That the prelvnce of anti-tlaery by the (resent Whig Adnilii'stration witr a A 'fmantile ''?"- LiVYNOifctiio Ei u-r- pritutpta 'J the ilmtt Proviee, &c.', has given just caqje of alarm to th friend of 8outhets rights, which should ex cite in the breast of ry true-hearted son of th South feelings of the deepest indignation sod the moat determined op position,'' Tivs wnCiaivT,ifrc.' are fictions which all fa r minded mea't must prroMve, and- attTrue Democrat condemn slid oppose." TOR THE STAR. ' Mr. Lemay i Upon deep reflection and some experience is a practical business man, as I profess to be, I am perfectly satisfied, that the great Central Rail Road from (Jolds boro' to Charlotte, chartered by the last Legislature upon Ihelmost liberal and equit able terms, can never he built unices a dif ferent plan is pursued in obtaining subscript lions, Crow that now. in cerajjorit . Instead of sending nut individuals and committees alone to solicit subscriptions in the towns and counties through hich or near 'which the road is expected to pass, permit me to suggest a much more efficient plan, which in my humble judgment, has only to be effectually tried, to prove eminently I-would then recommend the immediate formation of Internal Improvement associa tions, in each county and town through which the Rail Road is expected to paws. Let every owner of projerty and business man on the tine (or ofTthe line if they wish) who may in the least degree be benefited by the Road become members of the asso ciations. Ijct gentlemen 'of practical busi ness talents be appointed to address each meeting, and furnish such statistics and oth er infortnaijoik as can.notiail. to elicit ihq vince the most incredulous, that with proper liberality, energy nnd teal, on the partjof those most deeply interested, "that the Kbatl can and will be built. Suffer it never to be said, that such a , stupendous enterprise, as this, running through the heart of the State, for 200 miles East and West, abounding with oceans of wealth, shall ever faU for lack of liberality and zeal, when such important consequen ces are at stake. Now it ihe aunpiciout moment: If we fail now to secure this charter and make the Road, North Caro lina is done,' and doomed forever. Dut hope for better things from the high minded and noble sons of the honest good old North State. . Surely every owner of property in town and country must see, that along the line of the Road, to the breadth of from 10 to 20 miles his landed estate- must increase in value from 25 to 50 per cent, and town lots, probably, from 50 to 100 per cent. , Every business man then, say, Farmers, Merchants, Mechanic and others, will, in the event of the eompleuon of the Road, find a new and healthy impulse given Jo trade, and business will increase from SO to 100 percent The towns, villages and country, will increase vastly in populations and in a very tew years wun so many iacii itie. in trad,, the od 441.1 assume a new and important aspect in the yes of the world. I could go on indefin itely if time and limits permitted, to enumer ate, the many sndmosr"incaTcuia1le vaatr CaJ&9 lioati would produce, both to the East and West, as well as to the heart and middle section of the State; but I forbear, and will conclude, by supjrenting the propriety of a meeting of the citizens of Kaleigh and coun ty of Wake, or rather the meeting ef every ; man Interested to the extent of. 5, to take t place at the Court House, on Thursday the fith August, for the purpose of fonnuig an internal improvement Association; and at thesanjo rime, would heartily recommend the formation of similar associations of the friend of the good cause, in all the counties and towns, along the line of the Road. - .. - ... .-': B. Frm the Suit tat Jmelliftmctr. W had lotf Main ol nuroW triced MtihrOtvm- j ing to long ilut w were quite relresbed oo Saiur nay oy tne receipt or a letter Seal ing hit well anown mpeneriplina. Our rrsders, we are sun will be equally glad to hrar trom ilia worlhy Major agaia, al haiiKh h Mill date from tint rrgKMi,: the terror t politician,. .Suit Kii-rr. His letter will be found below, and we tia onlv t hope that if mir neigh bor ol the Vnim ihould be diluted 10 take eseep tioii tn the Ireeilora ot persoaal address, the honest advice and good inlentious ot ilia MsjVrmny plead his excuse. A VOICB FROVtSALT "RIVER. Hnf Sait Hivsa, July IS, 1SA9 . Dtsr Mr llLhic 1 can't kerp rniin wrlthig tn you no longer. I must say we are gelling most out ol patience np here in this Halt river territory; and sre beginning tn Irel a gn at- deal diiappninird 0 think Glneral Tsylor it holding on to tha Prtwdrn cy so long. I was in boprs alter yon eonclnded lo stay down there la Wathtngtori nd rlht the bstllc out, that you Would a routed him out by this lime, snd gin our psrty shance to tone bark sgsin Not that I've got any thing agin fiineral Taylori and I don't ssy but what lit ' a ctever sort ol a msn enough, snd foul well in Mexieni and I annVknow but what he and Ihe lolkl round him isarring on the Covei nmeut all smooth snd rexutar- Hut all that's not bin to the pint. The ahole nub ol lite srguwrnt is, llic'ie gut our places, and wa waul 'em. Thit Salt ntr country is a tiresome place lo stay Hi." And we've keen wailing here ndw a num brref momtiv; trAjitn'K yB would Uptetvhe whflep pie-cart of Ihe Administration and give us all s fair chance to pick up the fi art. Hut we've been disap pointed. I dont le SI you are any nearer tell ine -Mineral Tay tar l ol -olliu than you was three months ago. W e ve iil a number ol meetings up here about il, and talked the matter over and some of our fi-iendt are quite put out with you about it, and fling out abml your Ifing old, snd lort your punk, and don't fight w'th Ihe arS vu used lo I took your psn strong, snd told 'em lwsino si eh s thinri it you u older ihan too. used lo be, you was tuff as a pitrh-nott er, and had s much girt in voa as ever, and i pnlv wanted rousin to make you neb.' lise t l.ieer. The; finally agreed iff' would Atiiiis. ta..vau andi.slir.jnJi ..MD.,SUt -..ltt. msta nn eonie down "tiiioii "the "A'dmiiiisinitioa hot and heavy as though ) nu meant tn do. snmethirg, lhey'4 b natirnt- a litUe'butger. But if not, they'd kirk the 'Union"oier and take up another ergon tar the paitj, I atkrd 'em how they thought they Could better theraerlves by that, aud where they thought they eoulil find n organ lo be compared lo th'! Union f " "Why, say Wilt Jones, saytlrr; we'll take the Salt River llei sl.l.'' ' 4 Htrt,"saj t. jouknow the Jfalt Rlvev Herald earn hnld a samlls to lh (Jmrntlur -wipevtsailiiy, -"I dont care lor that." an)S he, "Uie Herald isa amaHer uaneri it can tell two lies lo the Union's one week in an I week nut, and put a sling in the tail of very owe ol "em . " ..VVelt I aim sgabig tnhreg. ssra 1, "shout the Union's talents for haathin fibs, but there's on thin you" ougtft I rt remembi'f-'vht' Tlrftttfit.mtthl tfrt W wave wni-erm, whilst the lnien'e Jibe are ahmaye veUttoed t sad you know, according to lb old ssyio, which a coniKlercd worh th most." I iltiuk-1 rather gut shtad or lill m In ariument hrrr, tr he couhlut antwrr ma word. And now my dear .Mr. Kiehte, ton see whst sort ol mckle we are in. snd I bone vow will spunk un nd put your best foot lorward; go at th Admimsiratioa in ameat, lake hold ot Vm like a catamount, snd giv 'cm kh slswiiijr that they'll ba glad In elsar out in a hurry, and let our pany some iri Vnd have the rights sgsin that hsv belonged to us this twenty years Now, I Hout want in Hnd fault sior omplaint yoaJtuowit sum my ttatar. But f -must sav 1 thiiik you bav been quit too- Isms a Ion to rtwaarttir roar rrimtt l"he le4 , iiinusi gB si tiinersl 1 a; lor ia real srneat. He the bead ol the Admiiiitlrsllon, ana you Xnow n we saw sul tn head on the ritier's dead. Hut vou mutt eivc hard' r blows thsa any you have ased yet. I doul deny but hat ynn have used some insidersble smart words towards himi i ooai oenv ui wnat yaa'vr sailed htmWultnd a-heat'- nd a iooij' and "a mere cypher," and "s nisgraee I th eouo ry,. asjl "an' iinlweil-!. Ignorant tyrant," and " whilrned sepulchre'" and a man who "ia disgracing himeelf." sad "a fraction ot a man," and eighth part efthwCahHt,t' sad-' fly wtton a coach srliet I." and buwher," and "a Nero," and Molorh," and "a C) clops," snd sich like, But all this donl amount to nothia. It's only, jest mudgin man ht Ilie ribs with your elbow, when you ought lo op tat aud knock him bead ner heels, If you really mean to do anv thin, rt wont do to stand mine in words in this soft kind of way. You mast put the. blow on Willi sledge-hammer. Inil.ra en sailing him a dolt, vow ahouL'i aM h(tri I aateral born loot. In. should swear riant up sua noa,liut is, u too vr do twrarV'hat ther isnt a partiul of tb Inir or hide nl man shout bun- Talk up In tbtt kind ol way, and our parly would begin lo take courage, and (eel as il ther wsi snm hone tor "era vet. ' There's ana thine that's vary iaauoitaut, and I yea feel eery anxiuus about h and Ibst ia, ihat we should get Cineral I sylor out somehow or other tn the WiIokH nrovis. It's a siiaraeasMl litgraec, aau a erim wore lhaa hish trewsam, that k keen his mouth shet IhM aoojeat, 1 hup yna dl b sble lo eaniriv come way or other la get it out of bun but I know hit difficult matter. Cousin ' Nsbby ' ased to have wsy nt getting (caret ww of iolks i ba ik an aaieeo. abiml their lovera and s on, I believe tiie ased In do it by Mealing into tha eeeia sTilv where Thev wsi ssteriiTsnd holding s lookinr glassover their laces, ann wnnprringrp -araano may would answer sny qucetinn ahks4 'em, Now, il vou eouldealchjtiineral Taylor aUcep somewhere, or it you siuld'gel one of the i-rsms ol the while house to eateh him asleep sometime, snd hold a looking class over his face, and whistn-r to him and ask kim belher he is fr r agin the W drool pruviso proha- bl tb secret would tn. out, snn cur psrty would Be ale. It make not pin's different which side he cornea out ont w tea fight him s wall one way as tother. Th onlv thing is to get him out. V ar rrsdv lo head bim on both tacks II h comes out or Ihe proriao, wecan run him down with Gincral Caaai and if he eomes.out atrin the proviao, aa ten rut him dowa with Col. lieotom Uut if he douteom out at all. I'asa afraid we sau'l run bim dowa with m.holr. Now, do try and do your best to get him set lb m aviso, lor you se Boar m.prnani it is. Hi 1 remain lour pstirnt but rather hungry friend, - MAJOR JACK .DOWNING.. i ii otju a"ot m e Of tha Tsmpersne Uelebrslion in th Cjty of BJ. eigb for August It lb, 1849. ,. . Th Son of Temperance will asMmbht in their Hall at 'clock. A. M. and march It) procession lo th M. E. Church, in th following order, visi v-,.;."- - Muic ' Section of UsJets. Officers and Member of Phosoix Division. Officer aud Mraibet of Ooneord Divbdon. OrTica: and Mamher of Visiting Divisions. Officer and Member of. th Grand Division. Th Ksvsrsned Chaplain. Readers od Ontor of th Day. ' Arrivsd at tli Cbarch. th Proeeaaion will Uler TiS, ,. . Vn.M. .i T.moern Addres.an the, Delivery of several Tamperane Addreos,snd the prntlio nf Banner to Concord Uivisinn en behalf of tha Young Lsdia o.'th Ksleigh Fe- niala Ulaaairal luatitul XT Anlntbimil aieeling will ht heM . atth HsN. on th rtvenihg pfevWu;1 at' wtilch tilling Bretiir) r invited ! b preeenr. ED. TARBROUOH.Jr. Chief Afarthat. (Xj-What has bscom af oaf excellent old friend the Newberti0? It baa been a "cowa's " slat w hsv tiivd copy ' MARKETS. . . ' . v . fayeldvillr, Jug 28.. Bscoe,7 Ragging, 15 a 20, Cotton 8 S Coin, 60 a 85; Flour a a 6t;iUrd 64 a 71. - .. Ifilmihgleu, July f jT Turpentine, yellow dipping, S SO, act? vug in, OO aS 86; hard, I 10 y - . aeen, hart a, a 8J; aide, and shoulder, T a t; Crn, 60 a 65; Flour, 4 75 5 60. KewSern, July tS. J nrptnUne, aJvanetng, old dip 2 10 a J 20 oew utp, 1 OO a 60 hard I OS for 2801b. C'sva f2a barrel. Petereturg.Juwt7, TV. I .i . .1 i -W a uuacxo, s.ug, z a aj; i-st, a) s; prim manuiacturing a is. wotlon, acUv at 8 cts. Flour 6g a &. Corn 65 cents. ,. Kew Yerk, July VI. Tio chsng in th stock market 6 at 1 18, new loan 117. I lour depressed. Corn fair, ST a 60. Cotton vary firm, and advanced J cent. - The cholera ia increasing fearfully. . I.a4 34 hiiurs 305 esses and SO deaths much lrm and pprchension that the worst has net yet come. 1'hiladelpkia. Julj 27. Slock, Flour snd grain market all quiel. Choler deereasiua! Last 34 hour. 84 eM. only 8 death. ,. 1 h new from St. Louis 'Is rheerine . ' The Cholera is fat diswp earing, as it ia also io Cin cinnati! . Hun. Henry Clav arrived at the latter pluc on the SGth. on hj way i th 8iTphur springs. II luuks very fvsble. Aito OrJean; Julif S7. Dualness improving, and health good" T - : uikoj In this city, on th Sttti insl.. in th 55th yesr. of her age, Miss .Margaret P 'JWell,yaughter of the late Samuel Treilwell of Kdonlou hi her character, the grnt'e attributes other set were so nicely blended with th aeek grace of Chriatiani: ty, that bar fiionJs could desiro no uther reroid of her excellence, or aoeiety pronounce a high eoJugy upon her memory, than a simple re. itl of her "living ctionsJ","God'y ei- be wirrt tw. "tn Wilmington, on 8un1ay morning lost, Mr. Wm Sbsw, U-Uggisi,gd 34. At-Wiitrriefr Nr fifterwriflffoirtnfaittl painful atmrsir m Tfi wyrfi bTXftiT,"Tirr: BiriRW Skinirr, in I ho 5 1 si year of her see, relict' of Joseph II. tikinncr. Esq., of Chowan Cuunly. At hsresrdoncei one mile west of chulatioins, in Murshail County, Mis., on the 6th ultimo Mrs. . A. Phillips, in the 63dyer of her age. At Ashland, Granville County, North Urdin an Wadiiswl.tl-aSaday oT May las' in the 19th yer ( Ur ge,, ili," iurjr F. MtUMU 'm3'i( William P- Mith, Esq , f Wsrrsn count, Slid dsiigb'et of Cot, Affihthtld . Haudsrson- ... Of Clioler on the 4tU ultiiiio, at Louisille, Kentucky, r. Did Georg Outisw, eldeat rou of l)r. Joaeph B. Outlaw, of Frnklio County, and Grandson of lha Hon. David Stone, dre'd, former Uorernor of thl 5ttc, aged W year ; 4.i-.iiiS." ....!UiULJ"iiJ HlWiii i DR. MARTIN'S tTniversul Pnr;atirc Pilla ARt'tnedy for all seasons, and safe at al' times. The most superficial observer" ia awar thai n gretl aus of disease i Costivs aase, and that ty th timely tsking of a Purgative, the system is vfton restored io il usual health. Uy such a course, the live of hundred tr ssvrd, wh.i would bthefWlse? bav fallea vuim--tHswa.-- Thee Pills remove all irritating matter in lh bow els, and sttile the biliary functions to a healthy action- " Th pros hv teeming with thr rscornmrmla, lominlftir m iiwi oi medicine onih liu.liuiri systrm, uu neoe. Br. ...Osngering the live of inousanas, was ar uauy using tliem. la ollrnng, ihrrofore, these Pill; we think w ere doing public benefit sslbey ire lb prescription of reg ular physician, who ha used them in his prac ic for Un or fifteen yrsrs, and with great iierrss. Prepsrrd and aold ty "M ARTIN cV WHITE LEY, at their WhoWIe Drug Store, 43 HouHt Calvert strett, Baltimore, and for a I by P. V. PESCL'D- -s.i--- MWsWWW 31. MARTIN & Will TELEY'S NATIONAL TO.MC, FEVER ANA AGUE. In our Sutluoer,SJMl.j!tmnrt1hi ibibi arationa 6T our country sre prortratsd by this disease, It has been our ,isrtlciulur study lofind out sonic terns, dy lo stop this truly dresdful soure, and think by this ssientifis compound we have Healed this great dissidcratum Head ibe fallowing cenidcue1 . PuwasrrsB FacToar, near llaltunnr, - r April 6th, I kit. Meevre. Martin Ic H'hiteieu tianilemcB-lt is with sinaer pleasure I ra sbl lo give my evidence in lavor ol your valuable "v"o tienal Tonie. "Having beea troubled lor nearly four yr with thw Ague ed Fever---1 tried almost everything I heard vt, bul nothing seemed to giv en sny permanent relief, until a lew month a ago, I pejrrhaeeri Irons em cf year sg-nls (Massrsv Jna bhane at. Co.,) s b'Mtl ot )our Teaic, n4 aiier giv toe tt a rate ll't: 1 sia to mr great satisfsslion aer. 'in,l a.r"U-V! h-Tt h.sittilL lnrCPfnmetdr I Ing It to all persons sniteted wnb Ague and tevcr, a the best-remedy kaown, -- , ,, ' ' dOSKPH GtATFELTElf Hrepsred and sold by Mirtln k. Whiteley 48 South Calvert street, listliinoiri and for sale by p. f. peseta , ' U.le.gli, N. C- . SI. T.U. MAItllNt , It SVRUP OF WILD CHERRY. The Wild Chetry and 8srapf Ills, which arwth basis of Ibis preparation, bav been long known snd eelebraled in Cua sumption and Serefula, Coughs, Colds Spi'ting ot Uloed, Atlhma, k. Thit rrmrdy increaa-a rsrher then impsirs th appetite. snd ure motrs in remarkable degree ' the functiene ef nu truien." 1 his is not (uprising, when we eoesider thai its peculiar properties are to route the morbid clloa oi'lh abterbeni veeeele, snd Ihe nervous snd musrolar system, while at the same time H dimtn" ithes tha aetiati oi th bleed vessel. It Is surpris ing what a wonderful erTest this remedy will fre quently prodna even in th most aggravated and advanced atages of Sorofulous and Chronic I'utmon. ary Disease. It seem to pervade lha whole structure sjf lb CWT, snd sails) those cenertte tubercular maeeet formed in Ihe Lungs, and bring ing them down to lha same slate of action with ihe rest of ihe svitem, try which health Is promoted snd soitsined. Il a sa diflore Iters most ether rem, die I being remarkably pleasant, aud meet bav. big any tt those healing, Mnpifying or jftiguaiing prooeriies, which are found in moat other peepsia. lions of lha WILD CHEURY sd 8AUSAPARIL LA. " ' v ' ' i ' - - - v Reed th fnlewing irom highly respectable gen tlemsa ia 8nendoah enaniy, Vs. Nw Msaarr, Msy th, tl4t. ' ai It; Mai tin Ur 8irJ Foe fifteen or twenty years I have keen much ironbled with violenl ceugk nd diffisuliy ofbreeihiog. I had lrid mny ihinaa, bni all with no benefit, till I met wiib year CempeunJ Syrup Chetry, ai.Af jserav A,T ttenke It Bon'a store. AI le , iannf m jfnr friend, lr. Noah J Henkel, I was mdneed to rake tXMts ol Jhs tV, d Jloding sa much rhf I nnimasd su us it, and bow Ibiuh I km entirely relieved. 1 " rtr.oaraJ and aold bv MARTIN-k- WHITE. i and I I EV. No 48- 8tub Calvert slm.1, Bslilmyre, t i.l. .4 . -H. F. PF.SCUD' p. F. PF.scui)' I""" ' BalehjhS.C t. a saw vwtesra wit sbditioss swb iirraovaiissTd r PROSPECTUS FOR 1849. T K elNY e s i i r iiVli aneet - ; HOSPITAL IICPORTEtt ' : EDHED J3YL.M LAWSO.Y.M. J , Piofc.r of M,Wli, Mrdiw anJ Th . :fa.ho,o'jri- "-W Professor of Tl eor, .,. r,tfUc, College of Qljto. , rrBLisatB a " -nOBIN SON 4 j ONE8l CIXCINA'ATI, 0. Journal wilt commence with tb. J.nu.ry numhw for 1849, and lbs pnb.'i.bera h.v mmtoSZ plh in iolof,i,,.,y. ,-d chrapuFM U yond the reach of compiition ,j fuV. , any original sciantine periodical to Itier nwn. In addition to ih.vee,. divi.ion. of lb L.n S "add"'0" ' ",noBB"d U BM bMtermin- A PHARMACEUTICAL DEPARTMENT, which wUI .mhrMisua il, for Bw r,p,r.(ioBti notice, of articles receotlv i,.irl...r Lr..'v7 ' to .du.b3r.tion. .f arBg,M1(J 'ot"Z ,r,necled with M.t.ri. Medic. .ndPh.rm.ry. . is belmved lh.t thi. n.warr.,enM will ma leriaUy advance tu. valu of th Uneet - pain Clan, residing out of th. .,g,r eili, , UMtm ''IJv'yi""? ' twom.ahriiLflwtt ,ih.rBsu- (I salsa m ml e. mvwt 1 . . -,,'". ' ",u" nv felt the want of a P?!r?-",,,,eci"Jrld mi rd.partm.uu in lire r aim. manv new form, nt ...iVi-. Tot the purpose br intiodurin. .hils SI ' psrlment the publisher hav. f. und it neetyury lo tBlarge tint XsmssLM. mitut- 3reutr.tno Paeoa Alenthlr. or .Ight .hundred end .iv.ty.four p.gM .onu.lly. hi- g sn uldition of .bout un. hundred page, over it. former aiie ------ - - - WITHOUT INCREASING THE PRICE 'f " ""t"ti.aT as herrlof-r. will embrsce tlimcl Leetore. Hospital Repoila,C6m mnn cslions from Member of the Faculty of IB Micat Clla uf. Oiii. and frem Pfaystciins in anwS'ttRVo(i1 Il is prrsuirml that with th vs uabJ malorisl ' whirh can be derived from the Commercial Ho pit!, the "Medico-Chhurglc.l -6ciety,w and th. Pli.thologic.1 Society," ef Cincinnati, together with paer which the EdStors hop to abUinfrom uthsr jourts. theWEjjrtK.'s LANCET will -ronvey : to th prufreswiMt a larg amount ef iolsr eating sndnaefat iriforinatiuu. " - - - ..lb vsluuble.serir of ftSf.. CLINICAL. LEU ruupa BT PROFESSOR HARUISON, which hav beret ofuro heeo fvorbly racsived. will be r.onliiiuid TEH MS I THREE DOLLARS per AnnUmi Two t;ope toon. Address for FI VE DOLLARS. Any fwrtWwniv wiH efcuid FWsr Dew 8utcrt. ' herwwill b entitled lo a Smb. Copy grail. Nawararkaa inserting thi proepectue wili- cur cupy of tb work. - . TIIE CASH SYSTEM will hereafter be trictly adhered to. o obecrip tion will b received unless accompanied by the pric. of subseriptiui.nd the Journal will not be continued to a subscriber for a longer period than h has paid for. -- C AIleBuiuiumcstlpn draignd for. jneertlen, or Ivtters relating t lh pnfteuanal prt of th Journal, must b addressed la tha "Editor ef th "5 iff" Priinvat.sjUii. P tdd.riJ. U lh Puhiuher, ,. Cincinnati, O. 500,(K)0 U0XE3 SOLD ANNUALLY TilHZX ARE THW.8AFE8T AND BEST il MeJicine that can b taken for all die hav ing their origin in ih etomacli and Baw.ls, th Liver, Heart, Spleen and Kidneys, or arising from tmpurilie of lha Blood and Fluid f lit Body. ; THEY EFFECTUALLY CARRY OFF BY PURGATION all onwbolaeorn suUisnces Ukesi into th 8tomch, whjlher in 'ing r drinking, end which through nature' operation reader th Blood and Fluid cf tha body impure which ia. however, enunter acted by tit peculiar combine tion I ih Pill. ' - THE EPICURE On IMMODERATE DUINK ER, and all who Indulg freely or to xeeea in ating or jlrlnkbaVA!OndlnJ.hcrill.- fhsv mosl eflsolusl, yet ssfest, quickest and beet, In af. forrltn relief and preventing bsd eon sequences. TH 6 TRAVELLER, AB WELL A ALL FAMILIES, will find the Pill t all time vsluae b!e, and shou'd always hav tlismit band. Thsy ar adspted to most disw. common to Men, Women snd Children, requiring no rwjfraint in liviug or occupation, nor fesr of exprxur l all weather. Fortg Pille in hex for J6 Cenf. rrjPrincip! Depot, Dr. LEID S DISPENSA RY. No. 114 North Fourth Street above Re, Philadelphia. Bold by WILLIAMS , HAY WOOD It CO. Raleigh 8, J. Hinsdsl Fsyslt- villej W. N. Lippilt, Wilmington; Disoeway U Csrmer. NnWn; and most rspetbl Druggist inroogiioui in uniieu dwiow. . "..7.-:". si iy From the N. York Journal of Comment: , SINGULAR PROPHECY. Mr Editor: Lorenzo Dow, of eccentric? memory, was in possession of a' German work on the Propheftes, which he valued highly und , frequently made quotations from. Among other remarkable saying of the author were these: , "I would not be a king, in 1848." ' I would jtol.be a grave digger, 1849 a a . Y , nr AfAt " "fwould not soldier, in 1850 -'"'.. ul. .:.t :. ictti u sL ywC. - '.J.Jl, wie "t'f .?.T,1;,l."W"s"l aWalil toiti.ij u I. . ;L,.I. I WOUIU DC EllllOlf III SOWS -f The woik alluded to waa written abonl 200 years ago. It certainly 'possesses art j Interest for the curibu. How frail thw tenure by which kings held their crown, IhaSiBLlAVhtl would Uika i the office of"": : irrave dipger in 1840, unless he were solely mercenary! - How more than pre- . iumahle It it'thrf militarf UrMt- f thtf waw ffnrUi will eottfribote ultitd8 in l50,to i. ;..-,.-.. L-'.,. fiit . wuln snJnuiet gravel And we tnY hoot, at least, In 1851, for th fair ' harbin- - . I:, which promist peac on esruf, ana frood will to men, . as v ' L.H. Y. j j 4 i t i - I Y t if r. ti it ' i H - i m - i i 5 I .11

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