i ' lCBJI 07 4 COSTUCT BITWtE-l A Pl-ASTI. '. f AJiD OvlRSEER. " ArticWof Agreeowut rodd ndcn- 1 feted into ihii" day of t" I helwecn A. B. o the firt part, and 0 I), of ihe second part t" Wunesseth, thai the said A. B. agrees lo litre ih the ca- v,.' pacify of au overfeer, on the ilntatioti. A of tl said 0. D tor the sum of dollars per month, payable on the first day of January, 1650. In considera--ttou'of the atove sum, per month, the said A. B. obligates himself to give his undivided attention to l-he business f the said C. I).; to hcsiihj-r.t to the con . trol and direction of said C. I), in the management of said business, take care cfnockifererjr. kind, and keep the -r.lanmtum utensils and implements in rprfwt order, and do nil ihe duties of an industrious and attentive overseer. For the fullaud perfect performance W each and every .tijulatioti we bind ctinwlvea in the sum of Given under our hands and seals this mV day and date wbove written. Witness E. A. B. fseAL.1 r Oil. C. D. sea L.J Yours, dec. S. r.EMAMKS. Thcabove form of Bgree "Tucr.l between a tauter and overseer, is ... ... gotigiaXTfcHittaVHwtttef-'f gpnrral interest. I'iots of fluids, tlie an ijty of land in each, it crop, rota tioriTjproducis,e, should be incle lTTped,-nmcrris gnined by i?r'f-ping at. .-iccmate account of nil Jislurs?nietits, receTpte," and iho cost of crops in labor .md :tKney. ' l' .'ery.Farnicr, should have at least, cue hrr ricnltnral nnner iHKn Ids tablr: imdirWerr'8-se he- shout Ira re mom FKSIiLI!,TON Feranle 8c o d 1 ; -'. jL lea the ICtb tnVr, under the- management of tor. Scsis Ft 1'aninta, 1.idy wt unnd to mat rod in the "annua bractira of f.ilrratura aiul ficMtetm, and will eonxdpr brraalf rrapontible, ao fir aa her ir.laenc and Inatruction ia concerned, l&Mha etrat iiirt afhar ruil. . .... Ttif.gotemmant of iba School will tie parental. Tli a great oVjt will be, to incite to virtuona con dactj br in appeal to the moral asnat; anj.b)1 Aa- .jg :HMitai 4adfrBa.tf.ia)aNaW. ' Btudeala will ba charged from tha time ot en Irene. UeiJiog, Wnling, Aniutnattc Urammer, ic. . 'i'ha aim, inclading Geography Natural . and Moral Philoaophy. Aalronomr, Hot , any, HU ery, Logic, Kbelorle;, Cowpoai. tioo. dee. 1 5,00 7,00 . Board eaa ba btajnad.ifor-from fia ta aix Julian, raapectabla familiaa in tha plara. - -Any perion wUhing further information in re- n-.. ... - a Franklinton. rtauk'tnw 4Xr S0rhr IS49. -80 It,' p w a leav a u1 JRtT oulwcifber moat feapeel fully informa hia cmatomen and (ha Public eeaerallr. that for live purpoaa of reducing hia preaeiit atotlc, (whiili eanawta of many de-irable gool,) to nwka rooui fu bow till auppljr, b all at reditcad pricaa for eaah. ' ;- Ma baa alo abta'ned the aaiaicea of Mr. Robert Peach, lata of New York, aa a outer. He hsa apart about aetran yetra tit Franca, where he ftlleJ the airoa atation in Ihe moat rejHX-Mn ,Loo, r4em highly rtcoihmendej a labia abihtiea in hia profeaainB u wall aa to moral character. Calt and give hint a trial. The Kubacribjr returne btl frtuftlt irlBowifoT-meha M lh liberal pat. rauige heretofura ttceiaed. ... 30tt. New York Avrietiltarnl Warehouse . JL-B- ALI.E1T &, CO- . , .Vee. It)l4 IKi, U'afer il. riins wen Known nolle lurruihea 1'lanlcra or JL Clla M7ebanla ordeia with every kind of ac licul'ural iuiJenjol. or machinery lequiiad upon a pUn aliun, aa well aa all kmda til garden and Srld wedx, ahrul and tree, or improved alock. Alao at) aorta af .triru'tural Booka, or other worka, proenrad and forwarded to order, . Guano, I'laaler, Lima, Bone Dual, Rock Ball, aiwaya en band, - Produja receirrd on rarraignment -low--ltenrtw-1!dttoW-ih"Xm - Agricullurial, eaa af lha moot popular and widety ai.aiiumjj cirrur.U ri lr lif S"uih, t ny Agri, ' cultural paper rubiiahtd in lha United Statea. . Publiahvd la S9 page pamphlet form, nouiUly, at a i a yar. SOLON liOBINSOV. Agent and . ' Trarelling Cofr'apondent." ; RaMgb, My sia, 1819. - rBOSPECTUS. - TOR rXLARCINO AJfD IXPROrtN'O ' THE 11IDLICAL IlECOKDCn. Tha prottreamt imprormrirt of lundry of our coieinporaiw aaa tneraaaen uia detire, and iy Strrnjrthened tha deternilnation of tha editor, to impiAU both lha appearenca tnd lh - value of lha Jteoorder, al Ilia eounmencament of the nuinj yaar. Todstlila, hawater, eonaiJer bt eipaaaa will hire to ba ineurrea in procuring new m&teiinls, and la fecurin ailJiiioml aid in both tha adiiorial aud pnblicalton dpparlmenla. Tj jusiifj him in miking ihee arrangement, it ' will be necessary that tha lit ba incrcaod by Soma three h four hundred new subie ribein. To tha UaptiiK of lh Stale, it i thought to ba naadleaa lo apeak of the piinclples by which lae. necorrui win oe gorerneu, or the great hscts l which it will ba darotcd; further thin o aay, Ihat it wi:ib, at it aver baa been, frari, but. ws truat, a eandid and couiltou i adroca'c. the diitlnuiahing d"clrine and agea of ih Bapliat denomination. It will al as support all such mauie a are found to promote teligion, monljiy, benavolence.eduea- -- foi barnwri and lov among our Ubuiche. The obof dinate Jrpiiimenta af literature nawa, ariculiura, &o. 4c will not ba negleeiad. It ia . tleaigned to make the Kecoid'f ia ereiy ra;eel, n tjTtcrestirrg-TaJuabirand cheap lamllr new, f ; r. . ,; -"; ' ' "r - -v r. aiiaca awl moke S ahaigsfw-so itrii-S. . , J .V Jt brethiea of tha Preaa, with whnra wa eg. rkanfr in ibis Bute, will oblige tS by' pH? inr ti,e a.e or iWMvOa i.J-M Itj Oor CorrevpmiAeiri' uteti'too it rrtplMj Ut .i tUm loll.... Of HKMXlANT BISM-AY OJ'.SCBEME W AUOJ9r.lM. . , , - . . Orders t to vt'lrrased (a ' . S. LCO??JS01T .&. CO. - . . waij. i t,. r. 33.000 MiRTLANJCOX oUOAIED LOTTF.RY. ik fcenrii of lintqurhsnea Canal, St. Class Jo. SS, lor SM9, lo dn wa a Raliiroore, Msrylaad, a IVckcklat Aijr Itt .mS. 75 Numb. Lo., try, IS driWUlii OUAM)SCHKME. Sas,oo! ,oooi 11,000! t of t9s 1 o( J ,oco J af 0,000 dollar. 9) of (2,1(50 earlr ! 80 0r 750 50 IW SO of 400! SO Prises of 00 eaeh.' SOU Frsei ul . fUO each .-. of 100 64 of 10 ' 14 ol .12 ollu It A , are : ftta k CliWatiftrai in nrotwiilinn. X"rri ilieale ol a Prke; ol Si Tickeli ill ku aeol for JIlW Sbirri m prbpamion 3it.(MT0 CRaND COXSOCJIATF.I LOTTERY OF MA RYLAND. It lha b-nri.t i.f llie Coinolirf.'ert Urficrici 61 Mrjlnrl, Clin No. J, for IMS, In be drwa in the Ciiy ol llaltimore, M'l., on 8tinlj, Aug. 4, IM9. 75 Xuiuucrt H Unmm lllloa. . GRAND SCHfiilE. S30.0W) 21) Piiiei nt 5,000 31 l'rei ol 1.U00 each tf) of 5. SO of 406 2j ..r25H tl9 ot 00 63 ol 7i tl ti ul i iMoiWjeJJajfc., -i -KiT': k. k. I nininnli 40 thillara. A eenif.raie oi a Packe of 25 TiekrU will be aenl for ISiharca In rrruuftrtiun. - -$.0,000 GHAKfl iHNOI.H)A KH LOTTERY of Maiy lan.1, IKtaware and Urorgia, Ctata No. Sh, bir M be drawn m Bahrmrtre, Mit.'ron'Satanhy,' Aui It. K19. 78 Numlwrt. Ifi rlrawn ballott. tiPLllNTHI) SGUlvMi:. 50,000, - 920.000 S 10,000 1 ol S,96i 1 ol 3,000 26 ol 100 SO of 301 ' - 20 of .t5M ,U OK HJO 2ofl00 " i ol 5li k tin f 2 of 75 14 xl 10 tit Tickeli nn'r ilSMiirci in.uuoDOflioft, ipntV l 1 Pack age of 20 T Wk-CU lit e irul Ibr' lTfll aft'ire'f W'trrrnrTltiir""'"'"'? 4 1'rltcs of lao.ooOa nre 100,000. . m M AHVLVNB COMSUIJUA I ED l-OTTERY (or the benefit of Suanuehannah Canal, he. (Jlail 37 (or Hilo brdnan M llallimore, (Md.) on Wr.lnrailar. Aug 15. 149. 75 Numberi li drawn bailor . SPLENDID SCHEME S prlzra of S 000 5 Ol I 750 4 of I.3S " SO Pi ilei at 1.000 eaeb 40 of t00 d.tllare . BO of 00 4r 80 of SHOdollara 1(0 ofS50 rlnllai 100 of HI rf.illara C3 of 75 dullari. 01 of CO rlollara. 63 of fO d .Mart 63 of 40 dollar. f J of JO dollar 1. &e Lc &e Tirkela f 10 8barr in proportion. A aa.tifiealeol a Package af 8J l icketa will be aeft (or $130 Share In proportion. H30.000! "fa,raw.'-i''a",'v -r .. Z4t4t)v- d' at -Baltiiorer-M4.T-ltmT. itay, Aug. W, Ukff.JaXaiuber Louery.lSOrawa """macnificen? scheme. $30,000 2A.G0I j,00w 1 015,000 1 of 8.000 1 Piiie of 2870 IS prize, of 1,000!! 50 of 500 ISO n( W. A5 of tLO 65 of M 130'ol (O 4AJoli mm' " 1 IW Hft'- "-- Ticketa $10 Share! in proportion A Cerlincaie ol a Package of Ticketa will be enl for 130 Sham in proportion. Kalbing eeniure Nmhing flare! lilt AM) CAPITALS ao.wio tw.ooo! tOO of (I.OlHtcarh (RAND COXSOLIDAI EDLOTTT.RY nl Mary Unrl for tha brnrfit of Ihe Conaolidatrd Loiter. ict ol Maryland Clata St to ba ilraw). in Haiti. wore, MiU, on Saturday, Aug. 85 149 71 . Number I Jtiirry, 14 drawn latlrte. IIHIL1.I VN T SIJIIK.MK. I prixa ol f A 5 (XXI I priaonl UO.000 I prica of 12 CKK) t prixa of S 6tO rrTloO prhie ot . I,MK) f.5,noo 80.000 H.000 1 0 loo.ooo 51.000 C4OD0 iooo . 18 500 7120 807 4l 512 400 lar) SOU bT I6dt prixea of " 40 I 1 h l rr Srd at 4lh drawn V-iii l a It Alh or 7ib tt lt.lt do. 100 r 1rrlr ortOiai wttrlj 8rt2'i W S.1S5 priareof 4t 25,6iO pritciof ' SO 3l,5ii prisea aaaounting to 1,080,400 II. TUCK I K A SON AVE thi day received by Adam dt LVa Ex- prea. anaitter aupuly of Printed Organdi Lawn, fieenntl Moorning Ginghams, Black Silk Tiu, , Ladle!1 Colored Kid G'oe. Gai tUmen'a do. do. , Plaid and Fancy Bonnet Ribbons i t do. Uraaa Skirl; :ed made, at 75 eenta aacn, Lyanea Braida, Lara, Buttons, Thread Bobbin Edging Blue Frentb Cleth, " Marlboro Plaidj,. Furniture Print, be; Itc. Alao a few Seta of Gothic and Laml.rana t.i Trays, a very handanme article, fialeigb.M T. 1849 19. 'J. THE MOST. EXTENSIVE ' SAtt FiStftbWsAwwent IN THE UNITED STATES IS Xo. 1)9 BnltiniAr st near Light, ; . BALTlMOnE, AID, llawWfriwil art mphyni, mmt n itnk tf ' ' " l dote thine ulwin on h,md. 1 v a imrmi, iwiHnnif oi ail aise ait.l qualiltaa. tor EV AND UUYS, whwn lor at)l ad work. ,VnuiP 0 aarpaiKd, Mora than niaal . . T" .mVi t"d' " aaaiortaieat :7 KOTICI3. - HOSE indebted to this establishment ill please make immediate payment, as it i deairedjthal all old accounts should bo aeitled by Ilia rJ of lbs fotlowstng munth. lAonncts, AiovAneVa. JC8T received from New York, anothar freah and elegant ripply rf faahiuuabla Bunivta and Artificial Flower, ait: Fine While Linen Braid, Wire, Swaw and Hair, Rough dr. Ready and Pedal Straw, Leghorn and Elegant Artificial Ftnwrra. T. A.MITCHELL, lial.igb, 10lh Jul. 1819. . UANOOLPJI MACON COLLEGE. FlHE FhH 8esion of thia Institution will M ojienon Wiidiicoc'ay 8lh August next. W are now aupplied with a lull and efficient Fac Ulty, and the public may frel annum! that thorough inatruction- writ b imparted. Stork'trta gre eir.- nwtly WqUritTiT Bite preieni at tLe opening of trie ncaaioa. WILLIAM A. SMITH, Trei't. Ooydtnn, Va., Jljr 2J, IS49. 18 3t. To Vnrmfcts anA lUvuevi. 'A' NTHONY cV-EMERSON'S PAT ENT DOUR LE-A OT I N ft ROTA RY CHTRX. pccaliarlv adapted to U'ufiu Cli- mataa aa it producea butter a easily from aweel i.iiik a from "cream. In bringing thi -rtTeetcsjl and aimple Churn i.ilo ue. the proprietor, fcl ittj.corrCornre in it capli;htif.ftol. lHata.e to pronounce ft the bei cburn ever oflewsd to Ihe pwSfiiT' ' TTila 'L'Kurn "ia "on ciEiXitibn at the A-gen-c. NO. 2. JOHN STREET, aaeond itiry, corrurof Broadway, New York city. And in ordr to co.itrince the increduloua and aatiafy tba curioua, at TWELVE O'CLOCK BAitT;"";-" - A ErTTJRMNa WILL BE MADE. Tha public are invi'ed to call and eiarnine t)i maeitine, and ace i In utility leirted. It combines the following valuable qual'iiea : lat. It produce butter in let lime than any oth er Churn, miking it and gathering it from weet milk in from three to eight minute, and from ere im in much le time. StL- It pftduce frwr butter from the mt aaW'niilt'M WtmVban'ine 'SrWnarf' meth od, aa it doc it work in .a more thorough and cienlific manner. 3d. It i thaheapeat and moat convenient Churn r 4neiacJ. .ioaolidng- the Uuo ttltiloaophicai principlea of bnlter intaking. 4ih. New milk, alter being rhurned, ia sweet and auttabla for family uaa. tb. Inted of feeding the calf with milk direct f'om the cow churned iweet milk will anawer every parpoae. By thia meana the butter ia all prrfit Wa ofler it upon the following term If the fwMinfMft vww wtutUk-;' "" "WS JiaiSi" COJ-'rtl; hmmA aaul fc eale, aii u'lfi-r'nt eisra, S3. $4. ti, 16,19, and J 1 2. eana- ble of churning ai'one time 1J, 31 " 6l, 10, 16, and 20 galloin of milk or cream. Alao, churn of any an mad lo order. irlueir country righte to manufacture and eellinthe Slatra ot North and Houth Carolina, Georgia and Florida, for ale at about the rale ol one hundred dollars for each 10,000 inhabitant. TeimaCuh-- "A discount of 25 percent, allow ed to the trade. ember, will ba prompiiy 'at ended to. ' . T. DOUGLAHi, Agent, No. 3 John street, corner of Broadway, N. Y. 8 5t. (Price lv. f5. ' Send the ebbm to care of IMcIlwained; Brownly.relcrburg,Va. Ep. Stb. PJSINTINtt TYPES A' RE now (old at BRUCES' NEW-YORK TYPE FOL'NURY. at ihe foil owinar verv low pric, far approved aii month' note. lUma i. Title. Ac. Mailed. Ac. Pica, per lb. 30 ct 52 ct UO tu. Small Pica S3 60 3 Irf)iig Primer S4 60 loo Bourgeois D7 66 108 Brevier 42 74 120 Minion 48 84 132 Nonpareil ' 64 140 ISO Affiui 72 ISO l&a Poarl tOjL. lfitt 880-. Diamond 160 150 300 A liberal diacounl fur cash in hand at Ihe date of lh Invoir. W be now on our (helves, readv for taU in various aixrd font. 00,000 lb, Roman and Italic type. 40,000 lb. Fancy tyfe. 4,000 lb. (Script and Kuoaing-band. A 000 lb. Ornaments. 1 9,000 ft. Type metal Rule. 15.000 ft. Brae Rule. Pienae, Chases, Cases, Wood Type, Ink, Ac furnished at Ihe lowest manufacturer' price-; ei iher for cscb or credit. Our Specimen Book 1 freely given to all Print ing Oflicrs. i'lin'era of Newspapers who rhnose to rubliab thi adveniaement, including thi note, three lime before llielt of October, 1849, and send us oue ol tha paper, will be paid for it in T) pe when they purcliaaafr.ua u, of our own niar.ufacturea, wlecied (rum our specimen, live times the amount of their hill. OCT-For sale, several, good second-hand Cylinders ana riaien rower I'reaaea, bunding l're.ac, H.J Prio4ing Presses, fee f.EORGE BRfJCE tt CO. 13 Chamber-3treel, New-York, LAND FOR SALE is ear ttie,g. r IIIL. buboenber ofTers -L-jfcT- Billf) lliar-4kabf. 1 V.tr -, Ai "I :v 4-s- .r v. tract of land, four mile South Weal hom Raleigh. It contains fit hundred acres, 300 ef which arc cleared, and a considerable ttortioii of it fresh. Th. r.i l. Wwod-Und, well timbertil, ;f njf. WAXt w Vtittt4aiMiafct1Wt -ifihchii"" ...,;..,- Ihrouch the traot, with excellent irinr-. tU,i iU ai W -lb-aeh-rrel land is tt-r.b tn,. ground : It ha an excellent orchard at );.. fruit trees and ia in tbc beat summer range for cattle in tha county. I will give' a bargain in the above land, aa I intend to rrmov to the gold mines in tUndolnli. " cnns.v KTLL. Bilcigh, J iTj- 9, 1849. , .,. C83t. rw. aav.;vHiii.i:it'i2s',a:-.SA,5 llllOIIl II y,"!- i5:- JyK tu 9"SSSs!. - . A'Z.,r.WXx;?"-- WITH C0U Ott WAiJI WATER. COTIij Unlb took Hie Preiiiinu. at I lie Fair ol' sla l'raukiiu liisti iui. o.i tsiH. the only Baili tliuicver lowk it premium atllie luMitute; and alio took t lie Arse I'rciuiuiM nt the i-"ulr ol' tlii? Jla rylniid lnktituii', laltiiuoiet-Ko-veinber, 1S1M. A grertand important improvement is made in tl,( Shower Bath overall oihera. by throwing the water immediately on Ibe body without wetting ike held, unless at lh will or pl.isure of the l-alher; but a greater point i gained by boing en abled to bath wilh warm water, wLich 110 other Shower Bath iadapled to and inot mKrtant of II, theBatb can b medicated without injury to b hair. . Many persons cannot take s cold bath their case is met in this, as they can trgulate the tem perature of Ibo water to auil their wish arid com mence bathing at any aeasou of the year without any unplaai.t result. Ladies eitn have Hie ad vautige of belting withoait weuing lite head or covering lite aame -. - , The arrangem'ints are simple and romph-te,"iiid nut liable to get nut of nnler. The Ba'h can be adjusted to suit any heiahlh. from a small child lo the luMmt neraon. When the door is closed, the fixturea are hid and the outside appearance is tha of a neat Die of furniture. They have received the approbation of aeveral medical gentlemen othera are requested to call atd examine them- -j ,w ---""Manulaiturei by the Patentee. EJHRAJM LARRADEE. 24 8outh Calvert Street, Baltimore. B ATITINfp Reiil Whal Artftstronj siya: Do not ontii.ye wlto wou'd h.esl'h secure. The daily frrsh ablution that shall clear The aluire of the skin; enough to keep The body sacred from indecent soil. Still to be pure, even if it tUd not conduce, ( A moch as it does)io healtOr, vcy greslly worth, Y"ur daily pain: 'tis ihi adorn' ihe lich, Thawant of this ia poverty' worst foe. With litis external virtue, a ?e maintains . s;aenlTrfwMdnt'n0tS sfrd- criirrm -- ATetnatfrSmife.' " " --?-ty. H Wit. iff AIC I'l.'J. iof 'E!u aiurror TUI3 COMPOUND ii'one o( Ihe best lemediri ever offered ihe public in coriffht, vi hell.er a riling trom-tMf?, or the if fspvpinj emrg h, cc.tbal rlrlll malady, Cvutumfilum, . l-'a.w r(di, in tlie short liine it has been before Ihe publie, have rftcd to many 4H-c. The proprietor ara avwy day rc.eiving order lor it at a distance, and in this ejty, in which the bave been highly gr.ii6ed lo learn ils good erTcali. The Btihap ol lite Protest ant Eilscopsl (;hurch of Maryland, (the Itijjhl Ucv'd W. It. Whitiingham.) has authorised us to ay be banned it is bt! own perioa with decided bettellt. and oue llediaat l.lfbdt do not act-pie lo reeOTTi mnnrt rt' !' one o I Ke beal r(l jJtrU Cpo-, sumption, Uronobilii, Aiihma, fci , ' rttW bare ever md ith The following itlioin sijiighry respectable Physician on Kant Island, wbttnt we made aeeuaintrd wrrtilhe prepataiSnr Keul Island, ( Md) IsSa BrT847. Dr. Martin Desr Sin bince my r?W.n home I prescribed jour SYKCI' OF WILD CHERRY in leveral csieii one In particular, a case of Jlillima ol long Handing, (about 21 yean, ) a neighbor and patient ot mine. Her disease Im never been ben efitted by aay Medicine w4iich tha ha taken and for the last year or two she has been confined en tirely to the house. 1 do not know tjist she has bad a good night's reit lor a long time, but aince she enmmensed Isking your Medicine, fand ahe wed and areep well all rtihf. t IhinV Ai)iSij aine will make a perfect cure or bar, and ahe i delerinmed ro give " it a laif" If iat." "Her ' tnnbandj Mr. Rhoderkk Kariekaon, is a merchant here, and lays it jroa will tend him some of il, be will act Si your ageut. Tours, 8AMLI-L HARPER, M.D. Vice 75 eeHtl per bottle. Around each bottle there it a short treatise on Oiteawi of the Chest. MARTIN k'wiUTELEV'g NATIONAL TONIC. acfrtaix cobs ma wm-Afn-vKi fn our Summer .and Fall month! many aeettona of our country are proal rated by thia disesse II has been our particular atudy to find out some rem edy to atop Utn truly dreadful acounre, and think by thia scientific compound, we hsve effected ibis great dissideraturo. Read lite loll owing eeittficcte T' ..,! 1 vwa-Trss rACTvai, near uaiitmore, Mettrt. Martin & It hiteleu. - (. ntlemen Il ia with iiuerei.Ienire I am able to give my evidence in lav or ol your valuable "J"a Honat erne." Having been troubled lor nearlv 1 :.... . r. . .. . - ..jurjian wnn ine Ague isti rcver, irlea almost cverj tiling 1 nesru 01, oui noniing temee 10 give any permanent renei, until a lew montlie ago, I purchased from one oi your agenia ( Vletiri. Jot Shane he Co., ) a bottle ol your Tunic and alter giv. ing it a lair trial, I am to my great satiilaction cer tainly cured, and hsve no hesitation in recommend ing it to all persons afflicted with Ague and Fever, aslbe beat remedy known. JOSEPH GLATFELTER. AURTIXS USIVEPMLPVRXLa-- TTrZ-FJlZE In offering these Pilta lo Ihe Public, we know Ihere aar.not be a belter, or a more sale, easy or ag.nc.le Purgative Thry speedily remoeaTI irritating matters retained in the bowels, or when the habitual alvitte discharges are loo lardy or in luffi.ient for health, by their specif. s virtues they restore the sesretioniJo a healthy aeiion and the blood, to in natural purity-. 1-tad the following eertiffieale Urexa HirvTi!e Cam, Caroline Co., Md., Oct 17, 1S46. Dr GewfeTMar Sir. Having been made rn,uainiol with Ihe composition ol jour valuable Pill, by yourself, torn two or three yer go, I hate used them Ireely in my private pracli. e wHk entire suceesi.and shall eontinur 10 du so as long at I may practice medicine) and I now take greal pleasure in recommending such a Pill sr .burs to lite publiaaa aaala and efficient purgative In all ea se! where a purgative is necessary. Yourl with reaneet, Signed JOHN F. ROW, M. T). (TPrepard and aotrt by M.4RTIS tt WHITE LET. al their WhlkiLS Diue- Store. N.. i. oottin tatvril iireel. tfU. . lao for ole by PESCUD Si J JHNSON, Ual HUNTER h HARRIS. Ifendefanh Denot. J. C. CtlOPRR. Oafm-d. Granville ennnivt sod G 48-11. Grand A Sntiare Yift.no Yortc JSlwnwi'actot, NOS. S, V & U BTTAW ST, -iOPPOaTE-THBUAWTl0TJSE, r NABE & GAE1ILE would respeet- JL-k iiiiir can the attention of the nublir 10 their auperior GRAND AND fCUABF. Plr . AN Q&Xte-JPttMa Mwafitctnred at this as. taiiii.Drnent have for delicacy of touch, sweet' neas, clearness and brillianajot'ionebestitj and ! oT Wriflinanliip,"been pronounced b lha most eminent Frofesiors to ba uuiurpassed by nyinatiuinenis Disda in thia or ant other conn. t,r Professors, amstoers, eoonfry ms-rehsnts. and others viailine Ollt'more will' f.nd it n ik.l. idvaniage to call at not irleniif esinbliabment befue fmrrhaiiiig eUtw'heie. 38 Iv. 1 a iiif'i.ifinf i' Vril dW77ff G X 'S II A I S. I - Cuvino CaMa. 4 RA.O a. K 1 II . WJ k -m & L Jg. r . T O : WM. H.BEEBE&C0..1IAT. TEBS, 166 BR0DWAY, NEW YORK, and 138 Cbeanul Street, PHILADELPHIA, would retpeclfully invite lha attention of ihe public and Ike Ttade lo tliefte' that they are now arllina their Spring Style of Gentlemen's Hal 10 cunomera from every section of the coun try, and the extraordinary calettrity whirn their Hat have obtaired, they think, warrants them ill saying that theyire positively unequalled for su periority of a'yle, excellence of material, workman ship, aad durability, by any oihera on Ihe conti nent or perhaps in the world., .The fool, that we ara constantly supplying the most Fashionable Haltir, throughout the United States, with Hats of our manufacture, and the universal encomiums bestowed upon them by tlie publie pres wherever they are known, would seem to justify a in pla cing their mrrits in a ronspieunu msniter before Ihe public throughout Ihe length end breadth of the laud. Our manufirturing facilitie ate now so ejten sive and c-n plete, that we are enabled lo supply nrdrr to an unlimited extent, and we fully be lieve that Ike Trade would find their advantage in purclia ing of ui eic'usively their Fine Hate, a they would thereby secure a uniformity in their quality and appearance wi.ich could not fall to in crease Iheir aale very considerably. The veriona quality of our Molrslin Hals at Wholesale, range in price from f 30 tq f 64. per dot..; and our Beaver and Nutria lists bear about the aama price. An exteniive assortment of Gent'at Youths and ehil Jrf ns raiu)f C4oi h -aol VJat,. ,wi4h chiUraoa Hea'er and Castor; Cliapeaux and Canquells, ol our own manufacture anil of the latest iutyorta. lions from Put is (asist in completing the variety ofouratock. Alo, Summrr Hata. of Panama, fitraw"snd Lrghoinj mr Geitta arid Youth Willi in fante' and childten'a Straw Good in the greatest variety. Orders for Goods of any description in our line will he put up wiihlhe utmost despatch, at mod rata price, and on accommodating terms. WM. 11. BELBE dr CO., Hatters, at 156 Broadway, N. Y., and 138 Chestnut SI., Philadelphia. . -J RGiim wfdbngJof, oiL'irt?L. aire respectfully informed that by remitlittg us the price, 5, by mail, accompanied by a measure of lha length and width of their Hate, taken in inch es and fraction, on the inside of the crown and nearest the brim, (which will give both Ihe z nd shape of their beads.) they ran have one for warded to their addrcia, warranted to fit March J, iM9. WM7 IL B. eV Co. - NCW aOl)J)3,l NEW GOODS! JUT RECEIVED, At No. 1 tf, Firf ttcv I lie Street KALE1UII, IV. C. The subscriber has just returned from New York, and is now opening the large. I stock 0 Goods he ever .brought .tof thia - maiket at any former Spring. They were bought entirely lor cash and will be sold at moderate advances for osah snd to punctual customers oil credit.. The assorunenl conaisis in pail ot the follow, ing; A large and beautiful assortment of LADIf.Sv DUES.. GOODS, Embracing the newett styles and Fasbioosout this Spring. A large assortment of Calicoes, Etnbroid. Linen Lustre, Ameiican, Scotch, and FienchaGinghams, very Jaconet. Swla- s.u h 1. . wauanu at re duced prices, Linen Cambric Handkcrcitief-i Ftench Worked Collars, , Scarfs, Swiss, Muslin, thread & Lisle Edging., Gloyns f every desoription Black and White Cotton Hosiery, Super Blk. White Silk do. of the beat quality, uonnei auu ruDuons, &c. vc. . !L2!2,ISS. sc0, ' A well selected Stock of Ulael( and ..Oliye; "'Kr6wn,"Trencfi'''Cl(rtli'arteri cAeo. Doeskin Gassimere, Fancy Do., Figured and Plain Linen Drilling, Brown Drilling, flam JLinen lor Uoais, Uheck do. French . and English Drap d'tEe Arid a large stock of Fancy Summer Stuffs, Vesti n rra. ..X-.. ... . GentlBmen's IJI'k Kid and White Silk Gloves Cravats, Pongee and Bandanna Hank'fs, Irish Linen, Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, Isrge s'ock. ' Table Linen 8 and 10-4: Towelinir. and Osna. burgs, and Marlborough Stripes. -A vety large assortment of Boots and Shoes at tlie lowest rales. II ATS! HATS. Call ami are for yourselves the Spiing slyles rrerrverparrd--Sartn-lipitirirrTtie bert tffiicTe7 ana tieaut'es they are, Uroad Hums, low price li- 111. 1. r.. .. 1 .1 . c s. ' lu. ut h. 1 eari , anu tieu. 0011 niexic.in and Cilifiar4i4,vmr Leghot and Palm I beat. Uo. at reduced Duces irom laslseasnn. Straw Matting. Groceries, fjc. Groceries. Brown. ' Clarified. Crashed and Loaf Sugar, It in, Laguirs, and Java Coffee, Teas of the best qualities. Sperm. Adamantine and TsllowCsndlss, auperior kind. Crockery. Hardtrnte,- Act Crockery, Hardwaie and Cutlery, fine table Cutlery, 61 piece in a set Castings, and Holtowware, Blacksmith's Bellows, Anvil., Vices and Hammer, and almost every article usually Kepi in a Kelail More. T, II. SELBY, ""N No. 13, Fsyetieville St. . 1 i Raleigh, N. C Apr T.I -SHLBrJ 18 ML' ICC II 4WTS HOTEL, Fonrili street, betneen Arch and market, Pliiladelplila. JTpTIB PROPRIETORSHIP AND MAN. 4A AGKAIENT 0i this wel known hotel, (which la located in the very -centre of busiuoss.) Iisvinir this da r,.l inin ih h.n.l. r.l.. ...W- cribers, they beg leave to elate thm it ia their pur-if poeio render it worthy of the liberal patronage with 1 wnicn 11 baa been heretofore sustained and bnpe, by unremittinfr attention to deserve the oatronaire of their frieud who may visit the city on business or pleasure. C. h J. McKlBBIN. Formerly of tbc Exchange Hotel Pittsburg, J". MORem. w. b iiopitins Jons BI.OUETII A CO. and wholesale r dealers in CLOTHS "C A ssf MERES, VE811NGM snd Tailora Trimmings, No. 2.0 Market Street. (N. W coiner d Charles BALTIMORE.' a taana isaottTMrjiT or ' READY MADE CLOTHING, of Mipviftt qui!" ty Wne rrtetj cul-..Ca lIALTFA(bTLilI.cj IrV.. ....k.. . uHir. , . jm 1 wrmfia in tha p.t . andGasl.tn Bail Ruad Black.miil. K. "AK,, ranrorrmai in tl, 1 fully announcea to the cilircna of Rlii! the snrotindinsr (.oumies. tl..t l- 04 W H C I, prepared la manufacture LOCKS of all descriptions Guns 6j ristohCurriave Springs, Mill Work . liruss Castings. AND. IN SHORT. ANYTHING IV AND BI. A CIT RIVTITH VTO n tr UK U A LSO Pay PARED TO RXlctlTe UliLL HANGING AT, THE SHORTEST N0TICF AM baron hand an extenaive eason.. Lock of all kinds at pricea fmm 10 cenu tow dollar; Eilgetool. an assortment ol Axea.D ing knives, Hatcheti. Hammer., File, de:riptiou, snd a number of articlei U .w, too tedious to mention. All ornVrs faithhilly executed at the Inwae price, and new work entrusted to hi care will 1! warranted. Ordera from a distance will be at udl?.-".a Mcrtdst the ahonert nniiceZ Hia Establishment will be found al the Bi.i4 Railroad Depot. IU,e,l : Repairing. in bra . Km performed with aee.. and despatch. Alao. a general assortment d ljun and Pistol constantly nrt hand. JOSEPH WOLTEitlVO mleiglH. March, 48-W. "jflf ! liooli- Out fvt KargaUa !u BY EXP BE S. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MEXICAN AND CALIFORNIA HATS OF ALL COLORS, JUST st hand from New York, a complete sortiMcni of MJjJCIOAN and UALlFDBaiU HATS FOlt VfTiv -AN b BOYS. A!, I sttpflpr lot oPJ, EG H OILY. BAWi'us fashion. t ' Splendid Blue, Blk and Invisible Green Oolk Drapde'Eie and Alpacca Coating; Super French Caasimer and Drilling!, " Silk and Meraaillo Vtttingt, 1, Silk snd Linen Pocket H.jve. Bcinriruf 8ilk and I.ihen Bateges, ' v Silk Tissues and Greenedenet, Extra Rich French Muilips and lawni, " : Linen Lustre, ry Elegant msll figured Calisoei, Splendid llexnani bilk aud Barege Sluwl soi Scarfs, Super Swiss snd Jackonet Mualin. " Biahop Itvrns snd Sesccarilla Cambk, Idh Llhln aud Long JA, : A S,, men rringesot every hde, -- ili Thread hd CambkT HanSitf. ,v szrr, 'ram ypjKptts ; j Ladis a Fine Slipper, Gaiter and Shtet, Silk Umbrella aud Parasol!. : T. A. MITCHELL. Raleighi 4th Jutyy-tf 19. . EIGHT IMP0I.T.A.1TT ; To House I'aiiilera, Honsekcepen and othcra. YftluaVile Discovery in JiUVa l-nvpiinv. -rJ-mtt u,Hjt tr.-T haa diaeevered Simple pioceaa of prepariiu and miiing common white lead paint and all del icatc color, by which their liability to change and lo their color and iuatra iu the shade or dart k ctimiHeirry ooyiaioo.- It i a well known faot ih. r,.;... u lor, and other ahut-np rooma, in pae.ages snd . hind doora and shutters almost invariably ---it s dirty, smoky, yellow hue, soon after being an. p'ie,wbn excluded from the direct ray e( light. Every good painter muat desire to remedy this srrowredged vi." This bdln.y K6w" easily nl cheaply do, and be enabled to perform good work that will be uaeful and satisfactory to his customers, and thereby tecur him inrre..l mi..n k. embracing Ih prraent opportunity to avail bixoteB of this denrable improvement in bi art v yxt Pie call at Ihi office to examine CertificitciL fcnd'1tH may be obtained. . 0? Housekeeper, ihip and steamboat awner abould of coarae aee ihat their painting i hsresfur done ceording ta thi unclungcable. and aoperiot method, and thus avoid tha anaovane. ineonvm. ience.-onhealihinens and expense of Ireournt r. painting. 2781. Or. 3ostyt J. . Tucker. ' '-US Im I rot ational sr. .;- m il ciii. sent ofltalelgh and vicinltv. He may always ba found at Ihereiidcnce of Ru'ffi'o Tucker, Estj.' - SOD sai. rniTrs. rpiIE Under.i,rned A-gg!'atf Soda cial -iCralus. be lesra toestr- I uon lueir customers snd Ilia public jaint so ar ticle made in imitatioo of the genuine, by several manufacturers, who bave been induced lo this course by Ihe great favor our srticle baa met with. To those who are unacquainted wilb our articli w have only Jo My, that a single trial according to tha direction, (which are placed in each psek ige,) will manifest its superiority over any ether kin. of al Bralu in market, and wa warrant it wholeiome and perfectly fr, from impuriti. : The genuine article can ba ohtainul of an of lbs wholetale grocers or druggist in Ihi city, Boton Providence, Phi'.delr.hi. Baltimore, and New Orleans. Purchasers ara particularly requested 10 aee that our brand is on each parkaaw. JOHN WIGHT 8 CO. Now York, March 20, 1849. 13 ITU ... dsy another cat of beautiful Moleskin lats. K. TUCKER 4; BON. May 28. . " AFRESH LOTOFTHOMASTOWN LIMB, Just received by R. TUCKER 4 BON. - May 38. OLEAC.HED Brown Shilling, 8beting nd Dril's, Candle Wick. Plaid Snd Fancy Cottoned M of all style and pricea. f or ssie By . K. TLUUElf BOly. May 28. . .!: ', -r -'7$ KAtiSt KAU.I IIAGSt riHE Subscriber will give the highest -&.i-tieh'Tl'T(r at the Raleigh P per t .h"".v -t--.rB-i, MiU. immediate applies-, tiooa are requested. w.-JAME8-l)r OVarTSWi . Raleigh, July 2, 1849. M , . , 28 at, t I" OST a pair of Silver SPECTACLES, J for which the finder will be libeftlljr: rewarded, by leaving them at the Slsr Office. ' Kind spc. ehc eoa-fort the tcavy-het i V A" ... - -r r -s

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