ZWbrttA M Inrvllal thereby" IflVrd, we rail' on Tier eiiTTgTuened citizens, some dio the lduiry mid liusincs of Ihe'cotiwry, end we "'f' iiie'spptOBclrmg Sifiilo of Con. to the honest and rqnl mode of assessment by Specific Dutiee. if That be 'injuaHtf nd impolicy of collecting imposts by a .ysiem like that now in foice, which impose ktghrr dutiet when liich prire abroad have abatrd ihe pre More of fo"eit'n ompeiiiion upon oiir producing inter eti, and hvcr duties when, by the depression of foreign pricee our producer are subjected to the mot ruinous rivalry , needs only to be fititly exhibited and fully understood to expose it lo the earnest reprehension of all who desire the eie.idy employment and adequate reward of our own labor. ReiolveJ, That while we maintain the policy ' and justice of a Discrtuiinniing I ar il with .iuu tutliH. Protection ol Labor, we do not mnsidsr the vitality nor the virtue of Pretec ,;nn rxhnusicd therehv. but tr'.adly welcome ,,! will cordially support all legislative mean ures calculated to lighten the burden and in rroixe the recb'iiiie'ir.e of Labor, whether bv a fi'iisonable.ljimitation of the Houia of Duly Toil, a better security of honest industry against fraud and robbery tnroug.0 an extension ana per rninn of our Lien Lawn, or by any other act calculated lo iab!ish jmiice and equalize .id intaoi! in the relation and dealing ot men, lietovltd. Thru we have resisted, and still resist, the project of Liradualion or progressive reduction of the price ol the Ptiolte Lands, be cause its natural lendeocy miiit ever prompt lo jdleot-s?, improvidence and neglect to pay on the pat of "'e holders, who will seldom pay . ten ahillingr per acre when by holding off for a lorm of vear they may ooiain tne aamo land far two shilling'; however iriTarded in its terms will inevitibly tempi to and fdriliuie the mono poly of vast tracts hy capitalists and speculators to he withheld from sale until quadrupled i .!,, by ihe labor of surrounding settlers, and finally (old at an enormous advance to the im nrover and cultivator. KeiolveJ, That in resisting the Graduation acbetne we have ne. ha been falsely chained been impelled by hostility lo the New States, much less to the Poor ot our own, but solely by the considerations above staled; and we shall gladly and heartily concur in any measure cal culated to secure to every poor man a place to live on the PublicjUomain, though unable to pay for it at Mj provided lhr act he so guarded, as not to enure- to the benefit ol the monopolist and sneculator. Resolved. That in their election ol ZACllARY WOKE as Vice-rresidcnt, we understand the I People of the United State to have decided in lavor 01 me policy ot reaoeiut rrocrea ana nn " ! pro vemiiragitrnsr and Conquest in favor of cystemtaieally de veloping their own Resource instead ol striving to absorb tltoae of neighboring Nation in fa vor of the policy which protects and cherishes isalher than that which is essentially negative artd insiiticti vely DestiiHltve and we rejoice tlMt'the indications wins tar given are sucn as .Hfe them iUat 4fc were ; deeiwr-'fld vwllhriot be disappointed IKttulced, That we rejoice that the Whigs of "JVevr Work, so long without a voice in the Son ate ef ihe Union, wtil f r the nest six year be hrartrin that illustrious body through WIL LIAM H. SEWARD, whose name Identified with ear most aiduous struggles and our most glorious triumph, is a pledge to our brethren throughout the Union that whenever Freedom, Jutie. and Hummity, shall need au advocate in that'body1- New-Yerk will not be silent. R&hedj That in HAMILTON -FlSHr-er Governor. Georgk W. Pattemson, Lieut-Go, ernor. aad their associates in our Stat Coun cil, we proudly recognize ruep whom the Peo ple heve often liieJ and ntvrr found want-iug-bal upright, capable, laithful whose prin. vrpler and tivetalike commend them to the con. 'fliteoo arid Support of the" troeVltearted Whig of our Slate. llcultwd. That we tender our hearty thanks to oar gallant Whig brelhren ol Vermont for point iejout to us the liuo way of dealing wilb offies hurtling coalitions, nnd will further testi fy our gratitude by following in their footsteps. We hope our readers are not tired of the proceedings of railroad meetings', especi ally such as we present in to-day's paper. It will be cen that our Internal Improve ment Association held a meeting on Mon day evening, the lbt instant, and were en tertained by able and interesting addresses from our patriotic and distinguished fellow citizensr-Ex-Govcrnors Swain and More head; -after which .the handsome sum of tMil.lOO was subscribed upon the spot. ' .Another very mmi?rois and enihusiantic meeting was held on - Wednesday night, w hen most excellent speeches, replete with sound practical seme, were delivered by Messrs. B. II. Kookrs, Stafford (of Al- lamance) Nixon, and Ex-Gov. Irf.dki.l- We are getting the steam up in this re gion, and the prospects of the Central' Rail Load are brightening. What areour friends doing in Johnston, Vrayne and CravenT We are particularly anxious to hear thai the citizens of Newbern are waking up and bestirring themselves to the extent of their ability in this good cause, of tvhont, we now, undcrsund, and feel exert ihemselves until alt the people I halt see. . Maj. IliNToM, Public Treasurer, and Ex-Gorernor Morehead, left this city on the 2nd instant, on a. visit to some of the Northern Stales, for the purpose of collect ing information in relation to the construe lion and management of Lunatic Asylums BU.VCOMBE TURX1KE COMPANY. Th above Coinnanv fav the Ahville Meaaemrert mat on the 1st inat. J. R. Oaboru was elected President, and Dr. M. L. Tfeileon, Diraetor, for ihe present year. A divideped of 7 I S per cent for the lt year ws declsred, ma king it a good aloe It fur inveatmeul. Cpt. (.ir" retta, ofB.C, own 300 hare, on blf the Stock. PRESUYTEHIAN' 8VX0D. The Synod of North Carolin meet- at Hill born on the 31st day of the present mouth. THANKSGIVING DAY. In compliance with a resolution of Ihe last ara aion ut Aaremli'y Gov. Manly, ( will, lie seen) haa issued his proclamation setting apart Thuis iluy the 15lh day of November next, aa a day of general thsnk-giving and praise to Almighty God. Au arrrival trom Corpus ChiUti, st New Orleana, hriuua a report that the Cainanrhe have held a Council of War, and concluded to com mence hostilities upon the Texas fruutier settlement. The Wellington PepuWic stal thai a vi ssel of war has been aent to den and the release of Cpt. Bourne wb ha been, treacberouaiy tie, lainej by the natives at Proceion Bay. Qen. Pared, e( President, of Mevico, i lesd WELLDOE tO VIDSOX! We learn from the Carolina )Vatchtnan thai at a ruotttm? -in hex instoHrm tlw '2nd inst., the sum of one hundred thousand dollars was subscribed to the Central Kail road, and it is expected to run up still rush er. All honor to enlightened .and patriotic. iMviuson: THE POSITION OF NEWBERN. The Newbernian of the 2nd instant, we arc glad to see, has a spirited article on the suiiject of internal improvements. It lays tt down as certain, whether the char ier of the North Carolina Kailroad, in it present hape, he accepted or not, thpt a eeutral road, connecting the East and West, ti'tll ue built. It argues somewhat against the practicability of a permanent and suf- Ceient improvement of the Neuee, tmd in favor of a eontiruiation of the Unad di rect Newbern; and. calls upon the ciii izen of that place lo arouse themselves to aelwin,iid assist in pushing, forward the nicrprise. ..''.Connect, (ays tho writer,! ntf Kart -rtOi tlie West by a continu--r"t route Ot Hail Ucad from Charlniie lo Newbertu br vav of Salisburv and Ualeigtt, and then otifii a ship channel, say from some point np .on Adams' Creek to I'eauroi-ti and ??cwWti i would be miiJe I hese are exai-llv our SJiiliinents what we have repeatedly,. in our paper and elser where, urged in bcl-tlf of Newbern a town, which is, in Tact, more deeply interested in ibis enterprise if she will avail herself of t sdvantagett, at she iHcythan any other I'l the ftlate. Hut . whnt cha pr. I" ft. if site will coutinue to shut her eves. h'lit her arm, nml ntppn nn in !irlirioii , j. fe "iijnneiiMs We call on ihe press tliere, HORN'S U. S. RAILROAD GAZETTE. We hnvfr received wventl; rttutn4rer -of tliis iiiterestiiiir niitmmo'ih weekly news paper, published in New York, by Solon Horn, Es(i. at t'i a ve:r in advaive, or tartrtWffitF-W'fliFvVfr'" it ;" ehntaths ii jilanof the Cities 'of New York and lioslOn, maps of the Hudson and Mississippi RTVers, and nearly alT the Rail RtUfds Tn" the United States, with aecurates tatemsfits of tho depots, departure of trains, rales of fare, and much other information useful to travellers, with several columns ol nmccl ancoiift matter. In this ago of improve' rn'olttT'l MrTicMoji! so' linportimt arid nse- -Ifll' frt -Itiis, 'tri1if(f)1' fail iratfti'rif' all tgh' rep utation and an extensive circulation. I-lie enterprising, i'uilor certauuv tlesurves well of the friends ofimprovement,ad wilh. we trtist, receive from them a liberal patron age. THE GREAT PACIFIC RAIL ROAD We would remind the public that a Na tiorral Railroad Convention will be held 'n't Memphis on the 23d of October next, and another at St. Louis at some tune during the fall. The Sbject nf these Conventions to bring to the notice of Congress the rival claims of those two cities as termini of ihe Pacific. Railroad, and to ur2 wn that body the early prosecution oralis great Na tioual work. Tho South, has agreaiinter es( in the question and should be a blv repre sented in both lonventions, but no delegates have vet been appointed from North Car- lina. The Governor of South Carolina has appointed delegates for that State. Khali there be noii appointed for Uus Stale? New York Kpisooapl Coiestios.-- This body adjourned on Friday evening.. Previous to the adjournment, however, the Convention warmly discussed a resolution (feted by the Rev. Dr. Sherwood, asking the House or liishops either to restore Bishop Onderdonk, or to specify when or on what terms the suspension shall cease. It was negatived. A resolution asking the Bishop to resign was lost, by 30 clergymen and 44 dioceses voting in the affirmative, and 08 clergymen and 70 dioceses in the negative. BISHOP ONDERDONK. ...The Courier & Enquirer contains the protest of several of the Clergy and Laitv ofNcw.iork, against the restoration of Bishop Onderdonk. They take the ground that he was properly suspended, is now an impenitent Bishop; and that to restore him would do great Injury to the Church. We think no too, and not only to the Episcopal Church, but to the cause of religion and mo rality every where. GEORGIA ELECTION. Returns from 74 counties of 03, in Geor gia, reduce it to a certainty h, Towns, the Democratic candidate for Governor, is elected by a majority of at least 3000 votes. The State Senate is Democratic hfcyond'all all doubt and possibly the, House. The Democrats will certainly have a majority on joint ballQk. M.TiTiXNDlCLE(rrioN. The whole Democratic - Ticket fur the Assembly elected in the City of Baltimore by 2119 majority. Confi!or!ile falling off" of votes for Con gress in the City on both sides. Richard J. Howie, Alexander Evans and John Hozinan Kerr, Whis, elected to Con gress from Maryland Wm T. Hamilton, Edward, Hammond and-Robert McLare ulso elected. Three Whigs and three Dem. oerats. Ihe Whitrs have carried the Leg islature so as to secure the election of a United Stales Senator. We shall publish in our next the sketch of the Me s;ep-h,Ofi. H. W. Miller. Esa. lelivered before lftS Internal Imiirovetnenl Association, which appeared in the Time last week. We know it will be nerusod Willi interest nnd profit by nil ol ottr readers. The Common Hall on Monchtv, appoint ed Mcssrrt G W. Boiling, V. E Rives and R. K, Meailf, :; Delegates to. riprcscat .this Town in the ureal Memphis Rail Road Convention. V'e trust a these Gentlemen will Ii nd it convenient to attend. Pel. Int. RESIGNATION OF MR CALHOUN. - Tire Uiiil.idelphia North A hieiiea n siates liat a private-letter was receivetl in Phila- on ruimlay, irom.a revpoiisiole source -up SHtlMrrs B4r.E OFLISD FOn TAXES. A litl of t.WTS 10 ttm aolil lie tnrt Houav, i the Towsol Kntklord, nn the- MH-n.wr, istv, tM-nif the ltl fl.r, lor ikr i sxr anil UuatS el Advertiauit; rot in en'n I M"fl(tv in fullowina ,-la Wl o a'tj-'ininj. 9 Owner ol Undi. 3 lu.' KeUcbivnTrr,lieiras- ' i Othei'a. .Virtirmim li.rv liclX. ftowiii'a lleiri tieorxe Creinn AaijKliaahHh Anthopv USTJohn W,b.,vk HWJolin li M obiief " lliWilli-m llimnici 7Cjt)Ti, !. 5(1 William Sl.o n 115 William Swalm fZH. Upchurch SifiKell, h Cl,ng,nmn MI). t:. Hoherta 5 Farriiigton 71 (iilbrit A ii toll 75 Hiram Cul juit KWSiilnV t,ilii,,t " 902 l).,kl Ut HKi William Monev Jr oi:htillny llurton ISMVm. C. Creaorl r do ,to 151 Inl.n Hull HHi iamea lairore Wm. L Kail. '.'"JGeorfro Sieilman I OS I'lionna Allen ;i i H.) l9lm Marlrr 01, latin Wrbilr 30Klmore ('lirtks I 'Hbram Kllcr 109 nimisl Si'vanl JOU Aaron KmIJ lOO.William J. Ohapptl 50llelha I'ran VI. . Usuier ii-'jtttUu HuBtwr 5.' ' H,.d ll,lr "'HW Itailifrt 5t' Mnuleni ILm-nport jlV'Hiini Key Wm. W. Mutleve Wm. MeCraw hi O brrs ItMa Coni-ail 'mea F.lnmre Jt Ollitri KHnLirnugia Ittira lnw Jn.k ris titeMfit Chtmbets lan A,l,lc Strphen r.vKS Vtrncr Plnllii s tlo do Url-cri V.'ilbnBrn Ic Other' I "tin K ihrrlt W. W Windanr K Oil.rr, II- Kii k J. I el . L, Mo cumb k J. t-'ot v. Vt . v N'ancjp Vnl or . . I'hillm HaLumb fc t)it,- I'ho. I'jtiertim .tobrrr l.'araim Wm Maiiin II- li. Johnten la ly ArnolJ '!!ilt Jtmi k fill..,. I'.litha China II. I . c:iu,m,. Ji'lm Kl k Xt oil.iH- I Martin l:,krr kc Olho.s jl.rtjr John ion IJuhn II. C'hprnsn jiamra Lrwia ;wnii,m Walker Thomai lln.rl tt HUf-r k L. I .inch V'-hr MarUnj OtM- ; Vi, L. liM4tner j.lca It, inkle. Il' Krfmonila IS4S S,7Jj in 1.57 U.M3,i S3 S.1J 8,4i 3Sj ft. . i ,y- art ' s i 51 75 3.S5 46. 51 -I.SsM IU.7 CO i.rc l,C I li I 51 I.5W 35 1: 3.S 1,05 I IN1; i. 5 1 S.4 1 -.U I fik J..'S I.Ki 1,05 I 51 l,v- l,M (hum . ... iionert rum s '.latse tteeil 8"", William .lervis O''.lteplien Mai.kins do .lo ) t4 With White frTuYn WKite " K Nnira Moore . fr'.il.miali Ma; ion '5f'1 VikI. run hiuker 5" II. M I'.utr.uan l'"1 Kdiiionil Savyrra ' 50 Unit i Smith 'M;ewv-V. Ifeec - --liiHT- fHv l'Hi'Wm. CirJifllham Stephen llnoil ",rniiT imntr MeCraw' Heir . lo ilu wlmrrl Crilehfirld rWiliiam,-, John K W liiuma i William (mti f;t to 1 ;K. Ieaern it. tJleroanta ,1. W hiuker. Jolin l.nflman Iamea Mankint Ui. ph I'hillipi . i imam ju llV - iVtoet Corkfrnam N iliinn No'rman " 'tie irahua barJbjtfie. :.. .. .. :. .1. I . .. . : u. . i 1 - "'"-,.-., nuict ...i jusi rr.K'iiru uiuiiriiv niiiiiMiiit iiij; air. .UI- hiin's purpose to resijfii his seat in the .Sen ate of the L' nileil States a', aa C; ly h$Li STATEMENT EY BEHALF OF M. roi;S8IN. The New York Courier of Saturday in nnouncinir the presence of M. l'oussin, a waiting the orders of his tJovernment, says: "In the matter which has piven rise to the rapture we understand that he claims to have simply followed the instructions of Ins (.ovcniineiilj while he frankly acknowl crimes that his entire want of familiarity with diplomatic forms, and a lack of proper at tention to the language and tone of his cor respondence, have occasioned the errors in to which he has and so much to hut cjiagrin and mortification, unfortunately been be tnypdV He- diw'laiiBjbowever.-in the most explicit and emphatic manner, oil thought, of oflering insult or intentional dis respect" to the Government of the United States, or to any member of its Executi ve Ho exrrrpsses, also, ihe fttlleirt coufid,ence that tre aenlitaents of the Iem:h tioverti m'ent, and especially of the French perpjf towards the United Suites are of the most friendly character; and deems it impossi ble that any serious or protracted rupture should fake place between the two coun- We regret to learn from Washington that the Hon. Reverpy Johxson, V. . Attor ney (Jeneral is cOniined to his house bv severe attack of pleurisy. M ON I M EN T L M A R U I.E. Gov. Manly some weeks since prosposcj j to receive a block ol native marble Irom some one of the several quarries in the State, and havp jt dressed a nil a Slate donation lo "the National ,Monu.-. "Hiriri5! TVffiliirfgtiVn 'now' in 'course of erec tion. A tender was consequently made bv ireutleuien ol fiincidtr rmmty, ofrithprl w hile or cohtred. niHrble for that purpose; I ana a block ol wlute lias been accepted by .i. .. 1 , i i . j. ' ure governor as we team ny a letter Irom him published in the Eoncoln Courier. Greens. Put. 0Ui SLT'ERIOUR COURT is still in session, and we understantl tltat a Urge -ara euniuiniion of Tiuslneriins beeiT diipose'I of, On I ucsdaj-, Major .William !' Gollins. was arraigned, for Manslaughter in the ac. etdenlal hoinieulc of )avid Keinhanlt... Our readers will recollect the details of this un- rorJiXnateijcin day of (he adjournment of Ihe last General Assembly; 1 tut. prosecution was conduct". ed by the Attorney- General Hon. W. Haywood appearing for the Defendant. The Jury after having retired a fewrnomentr only, returned an unanimous verdict of ac quittal. F. A' I.umsden, EsdT, oitla of the editors of the N. O. ricayunehas fieen nominated by ihe Whigs ns a candidate for the lower house of the Legislature in the fourth dis trict, New Orleans. HuflVa l 5 Jacob A. iMeiar e-l'linma Hill t r ire) Wjlll.m Se.,-t "HTmr"nfii!- ii William Gonlrn -' Hjr ien llerrinK - OMeaae Hill Hill " -.Vllbaaj While ki;s. ShVlton's I Kin !.. V V.. II I Mrm Whilak Jt-iw Ifiibei is Iriae Hill IV S. Jants rK,tTTne" IWitli.m !rw Wilmol (William Stewart 7ene Hm Shober'a Heir William 11 all .-. .do do Willi... fn: " ')lllU llll Ik pr I "' '"iiiiltlH TKft1tr!r WM(atifr"Tvi,W '1ilaker' 150 Miifrh Callahan " William Hi l... Hnll 75 Francis Hornets Thomas Tavlur " . Maatia In" P.tnha CnlliM "i!p,n Collins ' Mj William linb ' ", 5'Hnali Korkner 7C Le i"' liai oa'a lloira. .... -yA... GillUpin (to. JUL ... SOjUaU, Uiskes, ItSiltichM.Hiil'a Heir ' 19 lohn Johmnn 10"tttin t-imehefrf . 75( Wootlord Lambert . 25, do ida lamnel Simmon ':aB.;:,:-.:..Jo:-"- 'iuoljohn Simmon -4nojiolin Itineman Tlioma II. Hails -on) ilo fin t I. Binirman's Heir 50jt;eminia ttwiu 300rmor Jackaon'allein ' rio lie SOO do do 511 do d '1Jnltbai,H''rik--'-'B lame Rdwards llntrph Hane ItWiKrvin Mnora 550 a-ranei, . ClinKman' laa. Marater'a Hehs 9l'feter Clin;m l't':L'ntiteU owners 0. Hill Tliomaa Simmnna Thonua Tt lor lo do I. T.jlnr Drniy McGeS OlUer William Snoddv Job Worth A. Driherane K. T Sander loUft IK Hugh Hick I). Ilavi fleniamin Tutor. iJ. J. Hnymnre IWm. ;8arah Freeman fill Harmore ,!aa Norman I ' vea Heirs ilaaa Norman 1 1. W. Ilrnxer W. W.MaCraw l Lor lialeigh, October 1st, 1849. The Internal Improvement Association for the County of Wake, met this eveninir at the Court llousr', at ihtJ usual hour a- grec.ibly to adjournment. 1 he President called the mectinif to order. n.ifl nftor flip rii-nro'i'il'mira nf flu. l-iut niinti.m f ...... . . , w. b . .... t .l..g were read, tt being understood that Ex- Governors Graham, Morehead and Swain were in the. city, and would, if invited, prob ably favor the meeting with their presence. on motion a Committee was appointed to wait on these gentlemen and request them to attend and addn ss ihe meeting. 8oon after, the Committee returned accompanied by- these- gertlemrnTf-and oh beitig introduc ed to the meeting by the President, Governor Morehead being first called otit, proceeded to address the large and waiting audience, on the subject of the Central Hail Road scheme, in a speech of great eloquence and power, in which he fully deinousUatcd the practica bility of the great , work. Governor Swain likewise, in a speech of nsurpassed ability and power, convinced, it is believed, 'every one present that this Road ought and must be built; and thot its construction is essential to tho best interest of North Carolina - The follow ing gentlemen responded the call, and came forward and subscribed for stock in the road, viz: Gov Molt Ell t: AD, Gov. Sw'Alx, . SI V 21 't. 611. I Iai 131 I In I lot do da de do do do dn do Francis P. Clingman no do dn rio do da do do Unlisted Win l.ewii 7"! lohn Harp junior 160 J , llara't Sen. Heira 3, Miliaria Scagravcs do do T. II. Rails 11 -Ises voir' '' Phillip Johaaert K. MrKinn William Meorf filliam IHt'h Millivm Mhiie iDnnnlriaftn nn Turner's erli ui.fcnowa la tluntstilla do. T. S. Martin Muni.. III. 1 1. I). Kellv Ihuiltville I m . . a . Y i"i art j,neJ do t.4'Ji 1.51 8 !I3jJ i.rsi 91 t.OS I :." l 0o 1.751 4 Vi ,1 t4 4.V 4S. S'J . I.5 6. 1.35 451 3.0f 9,0 .3' 1.5' 3,ooi r 1 05 1 .331 S 75 2,02 36 ii 7U l.' 2 09 - 17 1,41! 1,41 Jeaa Jinkina'- dn dn In HunJ,.m dn Hired If. Martin lwia Cash ffillie Uirkeraok Laeob Share JLJJ 17 t I'M UlOe4 l.ftx 15 34 I 1-1 .t4 sstt 1, 51 6s 34 l,5 1.61 (IK 36 51 6 4 1,51 - 6K 3 ss 86 r 6M I 31 1,4.' U H i7 "it id 1.361 76 76 I 36 I 02 1.02 2.72 l "SO 13 3,3 ,621,62 6H 3 1 31 4 1.8 1.4. 3 s 'U '42. ! 3,V,I 3,0t 10,24 I.5S 15 34 1.41 9,00 1,58 Dol I. Si 41. '40. 3,00) 3. 'SI. 3,00 9,0li 91 1.34 l,7:jM24j 4,40) 9,0tl0,80 9"; 95 I, S3 51 2,53 4.0S 1 .li 1.41 i 6-' s,sr I 6S 1,56 90 4: I,. 30. I 1,56 1 ,8.1 l.S 5,52 SM I 1.34 CO 1.3 1,56 I.M 1.2J 5,00 05 51 3 52 2,td Kii 1 79! l.60( .H 2 51 92 .6' 1. 8.1 1,25 2,75 nAnnwn, In rttrvl'e, Mr. Nosh JotJan to Mia f . rait iaeiiiM iah.AIMr; Kidrt Mi ttiefi tff Mia Pu-an M7, dtujhter if Mr. I bomaaH . Mssary. ' '. .l: :. . Ill I'umbrrUnil cnunlj, Mr. James Mitrbell, of Fajre'leville, to Mia Mrv W., ilaughtcf of Alci. Me blister, j. lo Lexinman. Riv Brni. Dell nnd Mi' Vary. JaU'-li'er of Rev. Jee Rankin. In Richmi Uj couutv , Mr. John McXair lo Mi u. o iklarin. lu Kichmonil counlv, Mr. R. BalJvtia lo MM Week. In Union county, Joniah WincheVer1, to Mix M ry, damhter nf Col. John sV""""'"- In Linon eouuty, Galvin Ciooder, taqM to Mis aiiiaij. Wi.'.V.T,l,lffJl,iU14Wa DIED, fn FveHevlle of ConaUmption, Mr. Cyllon. J. 3,i In (Jumlx-rland munty CbrUtian McLennan. ajjed 23 yrara. Of rnnaumptinn, In SnrlnifieM, Vermont, on th ftih int. , l,i I, Towrr, ajfed 39 . - In H ilininglun, on the I81I1 ubilno, Mr. Willism WrioJaril. In IllaJrrt countv. of eonatilnnlinn. Mis Sally Andre, aged shout 17 r, daugiilcrcf the lale Col. SainHel Atidre, In Hi!latiornuihi Maj. John Taylor;, in the 72J year of hi te. The tlcerd wa Wr more than forty jeara Clerk ol the County Court nf Orsnge. ill the otn ult. tt Uniontoarn, retry counlv. Alabama. Mr. ileatja . V iihernon. aeedTiSS ?rnr. y. nmeit a)ii of Itef . Drl VV illir rap.ion cf Hill borough. ' l,6n 14,371 2,02, 9,64 iu,02 9,76'l 1.10 1 7 I 15 1.2" CS 3 3 a a. S 3i 3 . Si CO 6 21 21 .10', ,H i.tiMJ I,4 4 3, : 21 3.15 3 3 3 60 8 :t,0l August Term, 1849. (Price Adv. 40.) H. G. HAMPTON. Sheriff. J. M. tlllEM- WM. 8. HOPKINS. OltEtt U IIOIKIS. MCCHANTTAJn.ORS AM) WIIOLKSALB MKALKR9 N Cloths. finoNiinere), Vesdiiirs mid TAILORS' TRliMISGS, 230 Market St. N. W. Cor. of Chttrlcy, BALTIMOBS ('HAS. I.. HlNTO.V, Doc't J. O. Watso, Wm. Bovtss, D. Hawkins, i 10,000 10,000 10,000 To.oorj 10,000 10,000 Ollter gentlernen also time ftrvriirl nnd sulwcrilx;d lo ..thu amouut of ,100 more, thus making at this meeting, the respectable amount off 61, 100. CIIAS. h. IIINTONria'i ii. I). Surrii. Ar'y. A smoke consuming stove has bepn. in vented hy" James Coles.'Esq of Cincinnati. The invention is based upon the nrincinle that the continual introduction of cold nir coming in contact with the heated smoke, produces combtistton. A I, A It O H ASSORT MK NT Of RKAUY-M ADB I lTIIIn nl Supe.ior qualitv. OXE PRICE OS LY. C!nthrnn(Di np atalrt Entrance, outh end of the siuie, en Charlra atreet 39 1 Jr. Just received, a fresh lot ol 'i'homastowh Lime. ft. TUCKER t SON, Haleigh, Oct, 10, 1810. , f, JVOTICK. ISH ALL offer for sale, in tb Town of Ash born,' on Ihe first Monday vl November nexr, the lollowmg I rscts of Land. rr o much Ihsrscf ss shall be sullicient lo sstisfjr lbs Tad es due (hereon, for the year 1847 4. 48, to grfher with all cost, vi 16(1 Aerea, on the waters of t'lmtie, adjoining Alexander Cray and L). V. Johnston, belori(ini 'lo iW lfistStS ' sf Sainoel Parks, dee'di 'i'h i'aies due there' on $1 OS. Also three 30 AerS lot -on Ueep Hiver, adjoining Stephen M. Carter and others, known ta Ihe Upokout land i Tales doe (1 09, Also, 30 Aciet on Charts, adjoining Alii Ron. bins and )mpejr Hrown, claimed by John O r y h orn, Ta e s d or 74 f ?nt I , A ! "9 6 A cres,.,, Milfsesl on L'harle, adjoining Ilavid' Merrell; amount dne 11 eta. Also, 18 Aerss oi Tibh Run, ailjoinin; Sananel ftnurl) smotmt due 19 . ' II. ANDREWS, Sh'fT. 8cplember, I5tb, 1SI9. 40 1 m r (PiicsilvyJ3 00.) Min wl. ItlankciS, Ac. TJ M ft R 0 1 1) K It KII AINU! PLAIN MOLE Vi CULORBPfJASSIMKRrJ SHAWLS, lilnck Merino and Csaainters figured and'Plain Heavy Woolen, Rob Roy, and Plaid Dlankel Aa, Lure Plaid Cashmere and Double Knit Wool. en do .... T)h1 lllankels of various H' BlufGrsen, and Chrckeretl Ulankels, Servant Ulankels by the piceo or doxen. Forsaleby R- T1JCKER St SON. Rllgh, O&uhett, ISiO. - 3S. If al nnal Co paCnps n nl Hats ! OF KVKRjLi- DKSCRH'tlrtV. STVLR AN 0 PHICK, CAN liK FOUND BY CALLINCl AT TUCKKR H. : Sign nf the Ur.iT.en Hat. Raleigh; October 5, 1819 ,iq PLAID L1NSKYS. MARLIiORO StiI OREGON PLAIDS, n Diapers, Tickings and Towelling, 'I weeds. Sitlreiiv Kentucky .Jesss . Pilol Cloih, Orr Coating. Kerseys. Washington Plains, vmil PtnHsylvriis Stripes,, lloiigh and Ready Casslmeres, f e.,ff e Jl received end or sale hy ii . V . K.TUCKER &5dV. ;-.JVn,.0loWLSJ.49:, Jar. NOKTH CAROLINA RAIL ROADi tJpon eonroltalion with CltutSn Interested in this idiportant Work.1l la deemed JriMble to pot pone the eontrripttel Convention heretofore rl ertiJ lo take pfaee at OrwnaUf' oB the JBtlt instant. Notice l therefore hneky given, that aid Convention will be held at Crfenabotougli on Tlitir-Mlny ih 9tli November next. 1.. M. MOREHEAD, Cb'm. E. Com. Editor in tlie Plate eie re jucstej to insert, Uy His Exfcllettf y, Clinrles Irrttnlr, Govtmor if the Stale cf North Carolina. A PROCLAMATIOX. VUHKKKAS the General Assembly did, at TV their last Staslun, adopt a Resolution in tltos vt otdsi " 'Rctrerl, by the Cenefal Aembly pf llie Statrifnrh1talmViliat-the UvHtor of 'ihe Smi for the tine being, be diieeted to art "apart a day in every year; and o give notice 'thireot, by Proclamation, a a dJ of aolemn 'and public tbliikiig'tvinj to Almighty Ood, for "prut btesaings, aliii of supplication for his con 'tiriued kindness end rate oyer ue at a State and as a Natlont" "Nfewt .iiomtllence With the 'direction lnfu Fn gWen, A da .hereby set apart'l'linRSTJAA . N K XT, 10 be observed lliroogiioul llii Slate aa a day of general Thanksgiving end Pfalkt to Almichl Cod; and I do recommend end irarnevrlT-neTrre-thirf -l It"' trru U f BrnraTmYnTa may 1 suspended during tne day, attd that all Ministers ol the Gospel, with their conttrejation may assemble in their reapeslivr Cborchei, and unite in rendering gratitude .and. praise to the Creator and Governor of the vert b, for the hles eimj tt Peace; for eieiiipilnn rrom the ravage J PeiiiteMsi md-f rt"rHero Providence, ihat haveerownrd the yeer: anl. implore of him the continuance cf hit Fatherly yood lie and Almighty protection . rivet ut and the Wfhede-people t -the United Siaie that we nuy be a people fearing the Lord and walk, ing in his holy way, and that peace and hap piness, troth and Justice) tellglari and piety may be established among at fx ait geoeia-' tione ' mt. ' ttlvenbhiler tnf hand and the Great yJJItia ; eiUrjn-auMvt ineciecuuve aa IVnsttmeiit In the Wt tX Raleigh, 4c"i'$ bis lit day of October A. D. 1849, 'iififa and Uii lth j(sr r American In- depeedence, . .", .' CIIAS. MANLY. Ui itd e i of ill JtaoiewiM, ttszszz.-:x.-zzz. lancdox c manLv, . STATU -OfV-rfOKTU-CAROLWAv Johnsfon County August Term, The eubscrlberl hvin taken letters of ad' minitiratinn, with ihe will annexed, according to law, en the estate of Oyttaan Uryanr dee'd, hereby give general notice to all ered'toit of taid eatate lo preaeal their claims, duly sulhen yd., .wiibln, thft tim purpose, rjlhrtwiae Ibia notice will be plead ju bar of recoveiy. Debtor 10 Ihe eaid (wtele will lo make iromedlaie payment and tave cost. A. L. SMITH, A. SANDERSj Adm'rt Sept. 4, 1819. 40 3l AnJOuncd oj I'i vcniion Is worth at I'odiiii oleiirc. T IS ALMOST INCALCUI.AIJLE ANtf incredible whsl driibunt ol snO'erincr mieht be orevented by i little linioly precaution. If moaf peraone, when at first begin lo feel newell, and sre aware ol existing tymriomebr disease 6f sickness, would take al onoe, half a doaen of Dr. LEIDY SSARSAPARILLA BLOOD PlLLS and repeat after a day or too, should the eyrftp mms orit ecllrely eiibside,WflAT- AN A MOUNT OF SOrPERiNO UOfiLIJ B 8AVEDJ.IIOVV MANY WEEKS 0$ A BED OF SICKNESS PREVENTED, MOW MANY ANXIODS MOMENTS SPARED AND HOW MUC'.ij TOIL, TROUBLE AND ATTENTION '.)F FAMILIES AND FRIENDS RENDERED UNNECESSARY, Think, rea'jer, el the foregoing; rerlecu'on will teach y-n it trrjib. I'here 1s nothing 10 very slamung in Tn oat disease or ickn. it ie the delay in checkinj its prdgnat thai , ofA.niee make Terovery impoailile. ' W H ETHER AT HOMEOR ABROAD, Ott WHILE TRAVELING, always have about on a hot of Da LEIDY'S 8AUSAPARILLA HLOOD PlLLSf lby arealwavt food, alall times, under alleiroomttsnce, lor yoong and old, male and female-,- requiring no restraint In living or occupation, or fear of exposure, in all Weathw. Forty Pith in a Bx jfuf 28 Cent; JVincjpaJJpo1,T)rTi4:fPY'8 DtSPENS,. ' .RYNcrlU Nerth Psurth Ktreet above "Re, Pbiladelpbie. BM by WILLIAMS , 1IAY. WOOD k CO, Raleigh, 8. J. Hinadat, Ftyetlt. villef W. N. Llppltt, W'ilminjlon, Diowy (J Carmer, Newbernj and most respectable Druggists throughout the United State. ' 81 ly TUB MOST EXTENSIVE IN IINITEP STATES IS AT " , No.' I tf) nnltimorft Sl.y near LlifTtt, D ALT I MO BE, MD. - lf'Ar$ft ptrtms err unfit ffit,ml a stick f 1000 rirert im clutivt n hand ' m GRUUANTS ANU tH Hf.KS viaitint RallU 1 I mnre areinviietl lo all suit eaamine the I ara and kal ataWk efSrllUTS 4tw Ua er rrn -nrTen-d, (nnsisim? nf all siaes and ontlttle, fnr HUM AND IIOV8, whiah for))! awl vork. manahlri cannot he Mriaiaril. More tft ' uiaal rlTorts have hi )ite to render the essaorttnrat bmiilete and deiiraUe M e"ii rP"-' T. W. BETTON. ' - lo-ty. . I , , 1 , ... .. ' . - - . - - - . - "l,Waajaaag ieajiiaiesa; sifa imi itava)waBiia sieifca 1 waaruaswii tmimit!iiMmmd j b m". vj " T