v ..irircia illC air -AHJEl4itrAXE. ' - I tiu ef lAxOS lit.. wll H t a-rt HOMseJioor, i tbe Towa Kov4kwd..oa he KI Meads? i Owner o( Lands. Wto adjoining. Si.rt mm jKMtuMy IViA. (im'i Heart A) (U.-orijt Criao 21.0 Kia-beih Aatfcoay 419 Jka Wii.Ut.4l 1UU John I J. M coaler .1 IP, W illiaia JJia.aKt 7llHvid Mue.-y .. . SOiWHtlans Sbo.es msjWUlUm fwaita jjri. Upchwrai, tio.Kell) It Cimgwaa SSiiU C. Roberta SOjA KurtntluM 7l,Cilbett Aaatdl .7 Hiram Collins lOfiSiilny Collies 3UXlaid Day lUujWilliMa Henry It ' 40tChrisiany Hurloa ItTivVas. C CmW 4 do da lj,J.ha U.II lOOjJaraes lataoro 179 W. 0 Hash tfliCeorge 8lfd.il l6SIUaias A Ilea 7Uu''nna Mail 91, lobs Webster 5. L. I t,it ta Others rWm. W. Hulk's 13.93,1 Wm. SlcUraw k Other jlsaae Cfttinul .(..met Klmnre k Others KiuibrvHurhs llein iJesse Junkius I .Aii.t Chambers - 4iMhaa. JkibWy Mrphen r. ji Vbner Pbilli da da Uof-ri i '.Vdueursk Olbeisl . 96fl Tf Jf 13.20, so 1 lot 109 ' 100 Klmore Cheeks Annua Eller Samuel St.nanl roa Kidd John Hub. fit I. IV. W Waadanr k Other. AJjl It- K k J. Cowlea 2,41 I.. Holcotttb k J. Cowlea W. W. indsor 3d tarter Vshoy - T Phillip Haltemb 4 OlUvrtj 6t I ho. PaTtcrsna l, .tvbcii (Jartua Wia M art m l,V II. II. Joba-aa I tally Arnold !7i lohn nut k Other lM'i Klitba Cbiun II. P. Ul...cm luba Kirk k whiwt ' lartiu llaker k Utbai Jobnaoa loba II. Ckaiuuui lami tjcri Wdliaia Walker rbonua llnael IUO, William J. Ckaimrl Iboia SOIItlha I'rba Hoter k L. I.inch Via VI. U Baaarr .' Martia k Ollwrra 7i Ibkii lUi.aer . J.M U tUaaer 3KtAllrd llaaily tfaawa Brmklry iHJaian l)alKtt lh.a Mmoa.la 0;Abalcai Daieaart -jwnimm cy z a Hoacn naaci ti laiaa Kavd -is tValMto Jrri( otK't'iCepbea Maakatt rXN' da d lot' ruh WkMa OoJoba While (J tame Motira 4&k4 farctaiab Marion tit. VailerMM VVhkar SO II. M. MITiaaa Kin Rdtaaail Hnwjera 10 laaut Smith footieart W. Itcoca. W m. ktHKeinant 4tliea lluotl I'ailjr Kmatf '-'joi 11 VdOi MeUraw'i llein I do d (Hiehard CrMcbfield i William ;! Ilohn ( U'iiliaoii fWillUra iiatea da dv K. Uetrra ii tf i Jba LuiTiuaa lame Mankina loar.h I'hllli,.. William Juiiwa Hnll.'T Voan-. Heir. hWilcomb llwltea i Sli'Jamh A. MoOfcar rtSll hom. Hill (fire) S.tOVlliam S'aaart Willjara Uordea Jt)' Ulrica Herting ' IOo!lM Hill .Hl).i. Hill nrinnnn II I . 300.1. sbellmi'i llein 8J5.IM N. Null lail Abraoi Whitaker . Ja tlKhaM Wl.tlaf l 5UUh -Wlahaa-- tujWdiiani Hill , -JjoKlreea Hull , IS Kraiwll llraei . mi to; VSlH 1 94 rqUrre Gvia 123 30 la I0U 1'koinii Tavlur Maatia' Klitha Collia Mia Colliai . Willinia Diinb iaanaaah forkaer ii. Uajna' llcirf. ilOnlcb Hiskat. JrtiebM.H.iriHciM J loha Johatna vf aim JUntubcrrr. KVoo-llurd LamUart do da Manuel Simiponi da do 400 Jnhn Siiaiaona 400 Jolia Uinzaaa H sjTaaaiat l. Uaill t JlKi.-.d- do JO J. Oio(man'a Heir ofOeawaa im'm (Wi Amor Jcko' Hm da da do I'lo dd" " dA'- isa'loainb Pika iolamea Kdwartl l-3Joeh llanca . loor.rria Mnora v ilium Normaa jK? Vn-f-iita liia ilaaniler Uakrlr laawa Uavil Lluua lioSerti leaas IliU 1. S. Jaaai Mialrtllaj'Ber"'""" tv miam I vtoa Wilmol William SlcaaH IrtW HlKxa -inobar'a ilrir VVdliaia ll.ll no do William Gilliam : William Wbhake I'ltomaa Aimoiona. t'bomaa J'aj Igr - ,B J,, I71"vlnr lrury McGea lir William Snodilf Uob Worth . DvtHrracel II. Y Snailvri A. GilliaiMt lulia I). Hueh Hlekt ii. 5 -J i.7i i.i'i i m 75 3.1S1 17 i,H i.si 4 1,05 I, .191 i.e 1.7 1.4 ,11 J 51 t,6 1.6 1.05 I 51 1.87! 3.0-. I. 9.U 3t I, Mi IX iM 1.31 2,4)J .I9 1.05 1,35 l,5l: 1.75 1 i.1 4.4" l.w I,2d 3 75 90 ... : 40 10 i I 271 V 7.4 ,0J 1.75 Henjmia Tulpr. J.J. Hajrmnro I .u a . ..!. m. cimiiuj . Sarah Kreemaa LI, W. Hrover K. Thomitaon Hay more Iiiaa Normaa U I evea lleira. uaa Jlarmaw soul 9i S50 raia I. ClliH inanj 4HJaa. Maralcr'a lletri 101 Peter Clioxnua WlUaled enert " 3l(i da da . -I'll da do da da .. t lot do dol I ilKiaiioiP. Clni;ion 75 do on I lot do dtt I Iim do do aih. da ' da IWjUolLte.l Wm. Iwitl 7iJohii llarp, iuaior loOjJ.Hara'i '3ei. Htiri JlMmilaSe-ijmecij I. W. Drawer WWvMaGra . Lore da ' . K Jackto I'hillip Jnhnaoa Hi. EaJltaKiiia I irilliaraTMcara M'illiam l)ii Ir'Uliam Ifhita Ononlilioa on Turner's erV laaknowa la lluiiiitille do j t. a. mania rjpntmile . 1.11. Kail llumwaie U Alartaret Juaii do li.u Jinkina do ' do I tia Hoalaeilla. 1,1 ft 1,08 l.4l 30- - iT I Mj l l,7J J.M 25 t.17 1,34 l,(W 3.51 1.71 61. 34: Mi 51 iM 0.4 6ltl 9M 17 l,4 17 , 19 7ft ,-re ,M l.W i,7i 3,M 1.01 2,fi3J 1.7 l..1 i,r.K I.IK MM I.S! 44. S.0H t.'J Oil t; l,34 1,51 l.4 I.I 4.' a.u 4,w 1.2 a,v. i.s: 1 '3 do - Mired IT. Martia lwis Caah fillie Uickenoa ' jieou Sberek it . si' .2n 4i I7J! 3 4 1.15 43. ! J.40 J,0t 10.209, 00 IS' 60, 3J 1.41 41. 3,00 40. 3fa 9,00j 9,00110,20 90 91 I..15 1,751.11 ! I.6K 1,51 1,56 1,56 90. 1.34 l.4o I. 90 4,0 1.31 1,41 90 41 l.SO 95 IM 1,25 3,2, 1.3' 2,10 3,0 1.5-J i!4,S 3! 2 1.15 1,2)1 6S S s 60 2 1.15 1.211 76 1.79 ia,oj 6 1.17 1.11 1.75 Hi 95 1,25 1.3 i. 1,25 95 39. 3,pg 3.53 6,90 2,51 92 t.tT 1,13 2,7i 3,15 it IUJlievfc!BWl f9trno eflk A'rtk Carolina, A IROCf.AMATIO. HWtEAS thaO'eoerat Aambljr d.id, " Johxbtos iiomJTf toe general Aaaioij u.iu, aiJr i a47 Ibeir Ita Jiotaioo. liot a eaolulon ; . Court cf fUiu and Quarter Srfiou, Jtugutl Jerm, U, Ibia. . Petition, for f le paitiUtNl Of thoMeroida: - 1 Thna,. n u . -i .. . . Bd "AeaW, b ll.i General Aeaembly I U' ,iv J !' "AWM:r"r.T.- INUiacaitpeMir.,tl.Thom.a O.Ban -meotaia tor uihi 9. ""TlrZZ ' Martha A., Willi. W Joum. and aprt da, m aTT ye.r, .ad o D.id Jut a,, uou-maidl. rftbU 8tu. ; it i. Uhereol, by Proclainalioa. a day '' onlered y ib, Covrt that publicalioa in the IUI. aaa public manKriiig to Aituigniy Bluke m,u rig'wek. no,ir,inir aaij 'Daat bleaainTa. and ol aunolicatioo for hia 0P- 'tiouad kiodnead and eaieorer o aa a Stale aud "aa a Nltlofti """" " ' """ ""T"' Now, in compliance with tha direction there in riven, I do hereby eel apariTHUUSUAY. TllE FIFTEENTH DAY NOVKMUKR N E XT, to be obaerved throughout lliia relate aa a day of geneial Thankajivia2; aud Praiae to Almighty God; and 1 do recommend tui earneatly deaira that all aecolar employmeate may be aoipeAded during the day, arid that a!l M inistera ol the Go.pel. with their eongregalioae may aasercble in their respeativr Churchee, and unite in rendering giatriude and praiae to the Creator and Governor of Ihe earth, lor the blea ainz of Peace; for exsiufUon roin the - ravage of Peaiilence; for the abundant fruila of theearib and for aH the oher manifold bountiea of hia Providence, that have crowned the year: and la implore of hint the continuance of hia Fatherly goodneae and Almighty protection ovei ua and the whole people of the United Statee; that wa may ba a people fearing the Lord and walk. iag in hia holy waye, and that peace and hap. pioeae, truth and justice, religion and piety may be established among ua for all geneia tiona .tttf. Given under my band and the Great " Male, at Ilia Executive A 5 Departmeiit in the City of Raleigh, ff.y? thia let day of Uclober A. V. 1849, and thia 7 lib year of American In dependence. JO - CHASr MANLYr-- Uy order of the Governor, LANGDON C MANLY, V)ll. MARTIN'S llnivcmul Purgative Pills' A UemeJ y for all seasons, and oafe at all -fa. times. 'I'he most siinerlftial x)lwrver I : A-t.WTi?AwirTi ihw wiiv gi.vw auva 01 uiaeaae la ooarrvx a, and that by the timely uking of a Pargative, the yatoi ia fln realored to ita uaual heallb. By auch aaoarae, tUe Uvea of bundreja are saved, who would otherwise have fallen victims to dieeaae.- Tbeae Pilla remove all irritating: matter in the bow ale, and excite the biliary functions to a beatlhy ac oa'.. The presa U leeuuog with tie recommends. ticma of furgative filla, gotten up by men who kcow naming ai tne euecui of medicine 00 tha human y ete.ro, and hence are endangering Xjba lives ef thouaanda, who are daily naiag ikeat. In aiiVring, (hereforev4bese Pill; .we tbiuk we are doing a public benefit, aalhey are tbe prescription of a reg ular phyaician, who has need them in bis practice for ten or fifteen years, and with great success. .. Prepared and aold by MAKTIN e WHtTE--LEJf, at tbeir" Wholeaale Drug Store, 48 South Calvert atrett, Ualtiiaore, and for sals by P.F.PE8CUD- - ItaleighN'C, 1,60) l,6o 1,601 1,60 10,02 Ur76ll,a0 5,I0 4,40( 3,15 3 o 3 1 CO 3.31 (PrleeAJv. Ud.) II. G. HAMPTON, Sheriff, I. M. OKKM. - WM. 8. HOPKINS. OUII fe, HOPKINS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND WIIOLKSALK BEiKliq IN Cloth CaMliuercs, VchIInks nudj tailors' riii&iMixass 130 Market St. N. W. Cr. of Charles, BALTIMORE. A L, a B O H i S 4VO ft T M K H T ,0 P IP.AUV-M AIIB rirrillti el 8u.ie.iur sualar, Q.XE PRICK OSJ4 r. ,Clutt,lrom op HaifS-jiotraoee, toula end of lle a,e,uCuailet atteet 39 ly. liiVtft LIME Just received, a IresliTot ol 'i'lioinastowB Lime. "" Z:. ' . ..... .. . .. H. Tt'CKEIl Si SON. Raleigh, OoL 10, 1819. , JVOTICR. , T SIJAI.L cfar for sale, in the Town of Ash 1 boio,' oa the first Monday ol November Urt, tha tullowing '1'rscta of Land, or ao much lharruf as shall be aufilclent Id eallsftr Iba Tax, a due (barton, fur iha years 181? & 49, to elli.wilh al Laos', yi. ,I5 Aerea, tt llta water of Uliatie, adjniiiinr Alexander Gray . au4 It, W. Jobnaton, beloe-rtni to tha Eitaia ol .S4inul Parka, dMj'd. The l'axea dua there ua t ua., AUo three 3D Aera iota on Heap l.vrr, adjoining Siepbea M. Carter and olliera, kn .a aa Ua Dookout land Taxea due $1 08. Al . 'til 1 pi.. r.n haria.adiuiulai AI.4 Uk.- li4 a l Ufmpsey IJrowri, claiot'd by John ; A) iKirn, Taxt-a daa 7 1 eenia. A lo 5 Acres, MtiM-atott Urraii, antttintug ua tu aietrai tuuu.U I J ma. Alan. I ra Aerea oa Tibba lluu, ailiotning Samuel Suirt amount due 19 ci'. ... ANDREWS, Sh'tr. , is, k ttfuibar, I5ih, 1849. ,: ' - ,40 I m. - (Plica adf. U 00.) Shnwla, UlanketS, Ac. I EMBROIDERED AND! PLAIN MOLE 'j COLORED CASSIMERE SHAWLS, Dlack Marino and Casaimere Figured and Plain ' do. Heavy Woolen, Rob Roy, and Plaid blanket do. Large flatd Cashmere and Double Kott Wool M do, Red UlaUutaot various six, Blue Green, and Checkered Blankets, 8emai tilauketa by iba piece or doxen. r or aaie by II- l UCkr.I, ft SUN Jtalrigli, Octobers, 1849. 33. O' IlnlsnuelCapa Capaiatiel Unlet F EVERY DESCRIPTION, fcTYLE AND PRICE. CAN UK FOUND BY CALLING AT TUCKER'S. e$gnot the liMzen Hat. . Raleigh, October 8, 1818 38- . JJLAIDLINSEYS, MARLBORO Stsipis, . OREGON PLAIDS, Diaper, Tickings and Toweiling s, -Tweed, Satinet, Keuturky ieana. Pilot CI01I1, Ovi r Coatinna, Kerseys. VVashinflon Plains, and Pennsylvania Stripes, Uongh and Ready Caaaimeres, d e., Ju.t received and for sale by R. TUCKER etSON. Ratrlgh, October 5r4P43 ; 38- LOAF, CRUSH KD AND BR OWN I V. OAKS. : : Uld Uuvrrnmenl, Java, Laguyra and Rio ColTi, Sperm, Adarnanlinc, aud UwU it Ssn's 1'allow - CaaAliceM-g---".. :.-: a. . -.v v- "-tfj-.--..4. ...- OIJ Errgliib nj AmcrlclO Chreae; to Boxea, Heavy Uumlre and Ounny Cotton Bagging, lisle Itope and Bagging Twiiia. , Jaa leorivcdand for aale by . ; r. It. TUCKER 4 SON. lUUigh' ?ept. S:b. 1849. defendants to appear at the next teria f thia Coyt be bU far b tloonty of lofaneta, at tha court boue in Smilbfield, on tbe 4th Monday in November next, and plead; auawer or demur, of tfce petitioo will be taken pro cjtirfesao and beard accordingly. . Wit Mas, Taaaus Baolbv, Clerk of oar aaid Court, at office tbe4tb Monday in August. 1849. THOMAS BAOLEY, Cl'k, 8mitbneld, Oct. 81b, 1849. (Price adv. j& 6. 41 6w. JOHN B TOTJGH. Manufacturer of the' uenuine Ether ial Oilund all kind vf jAimps for burning the same. 4Uq, l'inc OH and J.awijfs. IfW rery liberal encouragement receiv JL ed during the last season from Souili- ern and Wealera MerrlunU, aad dealers in gu ral, has induevdbira to iatroiluee styles of Kilierial Lamua, entirely origiual, and altngetber auperior IB lormer patterna, and at reduced p ieca. He bclievta that for originality, oovelty, and aaalneis of style, his atoak ol rherial Lamps ii not aurpaiaed in this souiilry. He will Mill act Cn lb.- priaaiple thai it tfii$ intertit to atuily the interest ot bia auatouwra. I'he quality of bia Kilierial is not surpassed in the Jailed Slates. JQHJI" 8. TOUGH. Ko 117 Uallimure Street. Kext to the eoruer ot Light lialtioiarc, Md. 35-St, Grand A Square N08, 8, 9 fc 11 EUTAW T, OPPOSITE THE EUTAW HOUSE, KNABE &i UAEHLE would respect fully call the attention of the public to their superior GRAND AND SQUARE PI ANOS, Tbe Pianoa Manufactured at thjsas tabliahrnent have for delicacy of touch, sweet' noes, clearness and brilliancy of tone, beauty and sty la of worHmantihip, been pronounced by the mosi eminent Professors la be uusurpaeaed by' any instruments made in ibis or any other coun try Professors, arrratoert, country merchants, and othera visiting Baltimore will find it to their advantage to call at our extensive eatabliahment before purchasing elsewhere. 38 ly. MARTIN ii Will TELEY'S -- 3ATIONAL.TONIC, a cibtaik ceaa rsa FEVER AND AGUE. In oar Summer and Fall months manv aeeliaaa ot our aouatry aria prostrated by- rt.is diieaae. It Baa DHB Mr uirlUtllM .l..lw ,nfinrf m... y " " iw Hiii. wii 1 avi lie , iiif; i dy to stop this truly dreadful ssouree, and Ihiak by nmiini cuuiinunii wa aava aneotcd tma gi cat dissideratum. Bead the Mlowinr eertifieatei PuwaATTax FacToar, aear Italtimore, Anrilfilh. 1S4S. Mmr. Martin k fFhileUw ' (ieuilemeu It ia with aiasere tjleaaurel am able 10 give my .evidence ia lavee ol your valuable "JVo cwfwt. y Wc." Having been troubled lor nearly (our years wilh tlia Ague aud Fever, 1 uied alawat everytning 1 heard of, but Bathing Vemed te give wmm yrmt u,Hicill rwlrEI, anill B HTW IBOUtlie SgO, I purcliaacd from one of your sgeatt (Meeerr Jos. Shaae at Co.,) a b.4tla ot wr We, and alter giv. Hg Uiiairtriat," i am to my great satisfaetioB aer taialy eured, aad have ao hesitation ia recomraend inr It to all Dcraona afllieled aiih A ana aad aa ihe ba remedy known. ' JUSKf H ULATrELTEl Prepared sod aold bv Mania ac WhU.u Aa South Cairert jtrctt, bahimore; and lor aale by ,-wv.wT-i--vTOi!.-Ma3afj,--'i-ltaleigh, N. C 31- MAUTINU SYBUP OF WILD CHERRY. Wild Cbetrv and Sarwnaiilla. ahwh r. ih baaia or this prt-paralion, have been long known and selebrated in Coaaumplion and Sorotule, Coughs, Colds, Spilling of Blood, Asthma, Ita. 'I bis remedy increases ratlier ibae impairs the eptietite.and pro motes in a remarkable degree "the futKtimu aaw. trilitn." I bis is act sopriting, Iicb we asunder that its peculiar properties are to route the morbid action of the obttrbent vntett, sod Ihe nervous and muacular system, while at Ihe same time it dimin- labes the nation of the blood vestals. It is surpris-1,. . . m wn . uuuvnui vneci inn remeny win ire HMeatly produaeevea i the moat aggravated and advauaad stages of Scrolulous and Chrunie Pulmon ary Diseases. It seems to pervade the whole atruelure af ihe CuasT, and aollen Uiote rsncrere ruoarcaAir matte formed m the Loags, aad bring ing them dowa to ihe same state of eeuoa with the rest of the system, by wbieh health it promoted and tutiained 111 so dinars trom most othev reme dies la being remarkably pleasant, and ia not hav ing aay of llioae bcaliuc, stupdying or dngosling nrouerties, which are fouudio mow ether nmuaia. lions ol iba WILD CliEllKV and S A US A P ARIL LA. ' . . Kad tbe fnlowing Irom s highly retpeetable gen iienun m sncnauaoan eouiny, "Niv Mimr, May 9ih. 1149. Dr, Martin 1br Sir- Foe fifteen or twenty yean I have baea mueh troubled with a aioleul cntk and difneulty of breailiine. I bad tried m.av lhin(B, but all with no benefit, nil I met with ) our Cmfufii Sfrupof H'iU Charg( ai Meawrs,-A. Heakel k So't siure. At the inttanea nl your Iriend, Mr. Nash 1' llenkel, I Wat imluu-il to lake a bottle ol Ihe Sjrup, aad finding so much relief t continued o use it, and now think eulircl) relieved. - ""' 1 PBitirKrre, SeV." .tTPreparedand snldb MAUI IN k Willi R. LeY.-N 41-Seuth t Ml turret, llaliimnn, aad lor sale ay P. r. I'KSCUII- ' lUleigh N. C. SI. TIIOITIA SPRIOfA, Nortlt-east corner of JNorth and Bal , limore Streets, " Vt STUBS, aXTBABCB OS 0BTM STBXST. UALTl.tlOHE, Maaafaeturer ef Masonic, Odd Fellowa, bncawp. meat. Bad Men, United Brothers, Anteriesa Me ehanies. Bona ol Temperance, Sons of Liberty, ' Ueehabites and all other Soeieliet' IIEOALIA, Banner, FIur ei((nal, Ac, Ac. Mm. Sathea, Hobes, Costumes, Jewels, aad all other Botpmetrt, made tw a saperor snd worknian. I.xa maenar, at prieet wnicn eaaaot fait to bleaaa tnoae wlw may favor him with their orders. N. B..M Orders frtm the Citi r CtUMlrw at- tended a with punctuality and ditpattk. Kxrraxacsi: 1. Meari., P. G. P. , A. E. Warner " R. Marley. J. A. Thompsoa, P. G, M. K. P. Ilottlen, w o N. T. Dusbaae, bi. VI - B. T. Ximmeraua, 1). G. ML ' U: O. Teahabarr,. U. See. - 34 If. "A liUtU 2MoYfc UriY11 GHAND CAPITALS. 900.OOO' S of 20,000. tfi of 10,000! 1.000 100 of 1.0 GRAND CONSOLIHATKO LOTTERV el Mary land for the benefit of Ihe Consolidated Lutier. iea ol Maryland Class 47, to be drava in Balti more, Md., oa Saturday, Oat 87, 1149, T Number Lottery, 13 drawn ballon. BKILUASJT SCHEMli. 1 prize of S60,000 I prize el 20,000 1 prixaof UO.WIO 4 prise ol o,000. C prise ol 10,000 12 prize of 5.000 rrriOO prfxca ol 1.000 irlti4 of 320100 - . 65 let and 2d drawn not. "900 63 3 aad 4th drawa aoa. 100 IJO Jib k 6ih ar7lbkWb dO 75 I JO 9th k 10th or 11th k 12th SO 4,6(0 40 27,040 prixes ef 20 S tl ITA lilt 4 N E Jl fe XTS , K aiwiith; eirt 20. 1 849. I no,not to .001 20,00( 20,000 10.000 60.000 100,000 52,00520 13,000 6,500 9.750 6,iO0 117,200 540, I0 32,31)0 amounting to $1,150,35520 Tiekete, $30 Haltea, $10 Quarters, gS Eighths SO. A Certificate ef a Package ef 86 Whole Tiskets will be sent for JJ0 Shares ia Proportioa - STATE CF NORTH CAROLINA. Watadoa Countt. Court of Pleas and tyuarttfStt$iona, August Term, A. I). 1849. -Louisa Lewis, 'VIE SKCUVD GHANO CAPITAL PklZK of X f 15,1X11 DULLAH8 Vos. St 52 62, Huiqiienanaa Canal, Claas 44, Wat lhl Yetterduu fUplrmlur 1U. Arm Gbkat Paiaa Aokac t or, N. COl.VIN k Cl W. eoraor of Baltimore and Calvett sts, . .Museum iiuiioiug, ' Bsltimorw, Md. ' ALL PKI7.KS sold at this Ageney, abave 1.000, are always duly announced upoa Ihe kvttoia ol the Slaua'ger'a Oflicial Drawiar;. ." - - Ii,00l M)U,ARS I f - - Thia ia the largrat prise sold m Baltimore during tbe moaih af SeplembtH. ,A KM tm.VtN tt CO. SOLO HI 1 nil ire ilailt selUag Ikcav aaUia tnaaagcra' oflleial records show. t Or wart lor tickets in the CwUdsted Lotteries ( Maryland, always receive prompt attention. I'leete addicts COLYlMkCa, ' - " : Baltimt rej Md. . ... SS-32W, David Lewis, James Lewie, Jonathan Lewis, Abiahain Lewis, Louisa Lrtwis, Daniel Lewis, Jot.n Lowin, Elixsbulli Lewis, Andrew J. Lewis, Eineline Lewie, Columbus Lewis, Richard Lewis, heirs at Law of Daniel Lewis, deceased. ' Ti "' 1 . IT appearing to tha sailsfaction of the Court that James Lewis, John Lewis, Richard Lewia and Abraham Lewis, are not inhabitants of the State of North Carolina ; it ia therefore ordered that publication ba made in tha Raleigh Star for tha spare of six weeks, that tha said Defendants; be and appear at tha next Coorl of Pleaa and Quarter Seesione lo bo held for iha County of Watauga, at the Court House in Boon, on he 3rd Monday of .November next, to ahew cause, if any they anay have, why the prayer of Ihe petition shall not be granted, and tha Dower allotted accordingly. W'iinesa, A. W. Pmty. Cleik of onr laid Court, at office, Ihe 3rd Monday in August, A. D. 1819, and in Iba seven's; third year of Amer ican lndepeudetice. ' A. NY, PEN'LY, Cl'lw Prlea adv. tJ,60. 316. Dr, 3ostriA 3. V. Twcktir. (kFFBH8 hia Vrof t.ional services lo ihe ' eiti I aeot ofKaleithSHil vicinitv. He mavalwavs be luund at the resilience of Kuu.a Tucker, Kan. ' May , 1419. J if. Northern Mail By Rail Hoed, Due, daily at j p-m. Closoa at 1 1 1 a. m. i- Soutbera To-hora Blsge. duea daily at 1 l.o. m. Cloaca 12 m. Greeiiabiirough, Four horse Plage, Jiid Monday, Wclnenda and Saturday al 6 a, in. . Closes un- day. Wednelsy snd .Friday IS m- newlawn Four horw Hugo, duo l ueaaay, I hur day and Saturday et 11 p. iu. Cluae tunday, Tuesday and Thuradn'v at 9. a- m. - Tarborough Two horse Msgc, due Monday, Wed. n wday and Frwav at 10 p- m. Cloaca Muuday Wednesday aniL Salurdas at 9 a. m. Pi taborougb, Twobraa ftage, due Monday and Th.irediy.-Br 7 p. in. Closes Sulurdsy aud Tuesday at 9 p. m. RoxborougU One horse mail. Due Friday at Up.m Cloaea Friday at I p- in. Holly Spring -Horse Moil, Due Monday at 4 p.m Cljaea Thursday at 9 p. m. Letter should he in llio Ulrica fifteen minutes before the time ol closing. WILLIAM WHITE, P. M Raleigh, September 20lh, 1B49 Grnnst -Lodere of Norlli Carolina. JTI1HE Officers. Members and Keprrsenialires u are Hereby inlormed mat Ihe Annual Uom inunicaiion of this Maaoxic Boar will be holden in this City on tbeeveaing of Monday the third or December next, at 7 o clock, for the ti ansae tion of such business ss may be subwiUed for its consideration. Lodges which hare been working under Dtapen aations will not Coil lo apply for Charters, if they w iso. to secure a permanent existence. - A full represenlalioii is earnesllv desired. WILLIAM TIIOS. BAIN, Grand Secretary. Raleigh, Oct. IS, )849. 41 t,. Bed niunkeit and Sltcctinga, iarga eiupniy of Blankata, of ery descip tiou, and Sbeelines. iust received at the 8f"f of T. A- MITCHELL. Raleigh, October 16, 1849. 41 """'"'"WATrrACTa7mNG-'-"-- A 0 W dt IS w sy W i (for a number of yess Fotcman in tlie Raleigh andGaslon Rail Road Blacksmith 8hon) rettecl. fully xnAJwnMo ine surounuing uouulies, that ho is prepared tn msnutactura LOCKS of all descriptions Guns Pistols Carriage Springs Mill IVorlc, Brass Castings, AND, IN SHORT, ANYTHING IN : maid?fi . AND ' BI. A O XC S BIXTHriW O IE S . II Jl ALSO PHr.PAuED TO EXKCVTI BELL HANGING, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. .Also, haanhand an extensive assortment of Locks of all kinds at . pricea from 10 ents lo 20 dollars; Edgetools, so assortment ot Axes, Draw, ing knives, Hatchets Hammers, Files of various descfiptioua, and a number of sxticlcs in his Una too tedious to mention. ... All jordeta faithtully executed at Uie lowest pricea, and new work sntrusted to his care will be warranted. ' Orders from s .distance will be at tended to and axecuted at Ihe shortest noticed His Establishment will, be found al tha Raleigh Railroad Depot. Repairing in his line performed with neatness and despatch. Also, a general assortment ot Guns anil Pistols constantly an hand. . . , . JOSEPH .WOLTEtlJNG. . Raleigh, March, 1849. 14 If ltooc Out for "Bargaina V BV EXPRESS, ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MEXICAN AND CALIFORNIA HATS OF ALL COLORS. JU8T at hand from New York, a complete aa. aortnnt of MK.VtCAN and CALIFORNIA HATS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Also a superior lot of I.FSHOILV, PANAMA, BEAVER U MOLESKIN HATS of Ihe latest fashions. , 8plendid Blue, TJIk and Invisible Green, CWu, Drapde'Ele and Alpacca Ciatingt, Super French Caaaimersand Drillings, Bilk and Mersailles tiling i, Bilk and Linen Pocket Handkfs, Beautiful Silk and Linen Bareges, Silk Tiaeuoe and Vrttntdents, Extra Rich French Mualins and Lawns, Linen Lualrea, a Elegant small figured Cslieoes, Splendid llernani Silk aud Barege 8hawls and Scarfs, Super Swiaa and Jackonet Mualins, Bishop Lawns and Scaccarilla CamLk, Iriah Liiiin and Long Lawn, Hirh Fringea of every abade. Silk, Thread and Caml.k Handkfe, Ladle's Fine Slippers, Uailera and i'Aars, Silk Umbrallas and Praolls. T. A MITCHELL. Rsleigb, 4th July, 1819. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Vataica County. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, A. D. 1849 JoiJsn Councill I Land Levies No. 3 & 4. vt. Hiram Recce. T sppearng to the satisfaqtionnf the Court, upon the afhdavit of the plaintiff, that the D fend ant ia not an inhabitant of tba Slate of North Carolina : It ia therefore ordered, that publication bo made in the Raleigh Star, lor the apaea of six weeks, thai ho be and appear al tbe hex! Court of 1'lraf end Quarter Soasiona, to be held for the County of VVataurra, at the Coorl House) in Boon, on the 3rd Monday in November next, to ahew cause, if any he may have, why the land levied on in those eaaes shall not be condemned and soldi salisfjt the flaio' liO'a debts', aud eoata of those luitiv J .?" - Wilneas. A. W. Penly, Clerk of our said Court, at otfice the 3rd Monday in August, A. I). 1819, and lathe seventy -third year of Amer ican Independance. A. V. PENLY.TCI'k, Price adv. fi,60, 1 37 fl. Foiirih street. beiuV. JsVZl . f which ia Irw.ls.l ks bavin, .hi. J": "7..c"- busies Crib.r.,,h.yhiW-- poaettMsrodatit worthy of the H!r. ' fr which i, ha. b.. ZSSSSl bv unramltlino ... . . "1'u aB DC i -i-1 ,i 1 1 Hlr..a Ullii 1 3a ... 'r":.7'Lpiir. the pubho .nd ,t lyaji '7" imir-epriot tt,u Uly , Hata lo cuatomer from evere tajsj,. ty.and the extraordinary MlZ waT HaU bav. obtainod, Ihey hin"T"' kie,'? aying that tbey ar. piwJy thee perionty 4jle, excelleraH, of IT ship, and durability . by J? nem or pcrna, the mo,jr Ti,, e, of our mannfmre, and ,be ' H, beatowid upon them by , . they bio known, would i the public tbroualioui tba L.TT ""Her ki and areoih. e laud. " - areadd, Our mamifacturing facilitj,, . . ' l e and complete, that we ,r- . "w "en, drra to an unlimitl V rWarf ro .... f ua exclu.i.i .. dam, aive or J era to heve that the III puri-l; as they qualit wouMth "V."""' 'Wi, Fum u rea ,hc .ales very CouMZ?" (uuhty of our Molti Hal. .t wT1,1 quulily in price aud i extenai drena Beaver and our own man of our Molein 11,,,''" sri from Sail . l. V ." "boleaal. . iva uuriMi.1 -e ama nrw tiooafrom P,ri, .t in 1 UiV i2 -fourslock. AZZyLt and I.rghoin; for Gent, .mi v n1 dch,ld,enV8u.Vou Straw i (aula varielv. 15G n..i. , M't Hallera. ai PhiladelphU. "' "8 Che,,BU, r.-.,'" " our retail .7.1 atr.i . and fraciona. n ,h, i,,.,,,''"" H h n).tru ii.. t.-i , . . - ' aitj crawA i I ahana of .1.!!:. l 5 .W.''a'Te both tb. rd-dVT.srS.r?0JH"y have on. Marchr-ilS.c. nei and war ST ATM nw ru'iu, . to law, on thoestate-Df B ytbar BrVsT d brreb, general aoticairaS said eatate to preseal their el.im dolt . ticateil. wiikin ik. .i . . . H" Mine umiiaq Dy law lor 1 jorpoae, olh.rwia, thia notice will be plead ba, of recovery. Debtors to the said eat.u . ... ui.a. imrneaiate payment and save cos -A I aa . J iaf , aini n Sep, 4, t840a SB NOTICE. Ti-Im"??.1 itt,ho' H ind is dein tO II A VAI.ir ARI V 1I a rxn a . . IVintTia thflnnnrr.i r.i1l.Li t in the neighborhood of Brinkleyville intLl believed in aa health. n. -r.i r?f . '"tl HIS CwVDlJT HI containing eight hund.ed and nlei,-.ix id f lu' iVV Th0,B. JoMPh iobn Willi, and of the Subscriber.- Thete-lf4wel .twuae, wim other necessary Houses, wl would be i good -i,h very little repair, aspeci me Dwelling House, which ia lata. rOOinV. Thnra k... t. ... ' . . j . - .nu wmier crops maai the land the last lew years thai any ia neighborhood, and It,., i. - c:i. - . iiotvi lunula sil of excellent water, as convenient ea aay pii would dMitai Tu : , 1 . i" imptovrmenta, wua par the Land, would be aold if the whole tract sbo not be airH l . ,. , "ii uniieresnary n say i thing further wiih regard to the qnaiiy sf . t"""1"" no person would poreni WilllOUtlfirst (iewinir'lk. i . t . . - - b ' J (..,. i.e.- . . u-, lb Sly lhal a greai Bargain will be given to I neran.i Hoi ...... .r , . T ' . . -v""""' iufcnaiir.g. Any per wishing lo purchase can finf me within mile of it. u i.. . .. neighborhood. WILLIAM BKINKLKY aept. 18th, 1819. . 383 It. Tflrifri jl- tsnmr AitR dailv reeeivini. n, 1-11 w . 1- . t ba and Fat.e Dry Goods, and ...i.i .JLLf.ii- ..1 tention to their rich snd varied assortment of Uies- Uiess tiaoas, caoiittinr in Dart of . f'h ...c .1 1 . f2.tl lt.... ,1 Lupin's best Merinos, Clicrry, tireen, Crimson, Scarlet aad Marost bilk stripe Clarendons, Kmbnadered Cashmeres, Breeade Chameleon, Solid and laney Cathmeres. Black tiroa de Khiiie, , Plsin and Fancy Silks - - Silk velvet trimmings of all colore, I .silica1 snd GtntlcKcii'i French Kid Clews, Belt and Bonnet llibttons of sil styles aad eel II lack and changeable Frebcb Yitilea, Wrought Lace Capes, French work Collars, Lisle and Thread Edgings, Mualia Kdgings awl luseiiings, . . Thread Bobbin. Victoria Cord, ks. ka. September 21. 1149. J KNABE k QAEIILE, Cruud aud Square Plana Fart vMftiwitactur er s, No. ctT0fc 11 Eutaw Street, BALTIMORE, Md. ' rwiHF. Pianos made at this establishment .are I earpasied by sny in the smtairy for beaal style, delicacy of touch, and pewcr aad aaaiit tVliolcsale ,teri furruahed oa - iutMSt ruvorable terms. - - SS-lf NOTICE. THOSE indebted to this establishll will please make immediate paym aa it ia desired thai all old accounta aboals settled by the end of the following month.

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