r . Vrerus HtW address to the Teaee ' "ongress svhirh assembled not long mnce ia l'arts and of vVltku he vti I'reaiilent, has . been comrnenrkd very pncrally mas ter tiiseo of eloquence. The commendation t-ct'ins to b deserved. It is grand snd -bcmifut picture which he draws of the ex pected result of civilization in its harmoiii .innti assimilating influence upon nations. Louking back over the history of Christen tiOin for the last eighteen hundreed years xie might conclude that the progress of p-jceful tendencies had not. been very en couraging, and that the efforts of those and such at those, who assembled in the Congress in Pari were directed in the pur- - suit of; an . illusive . vision. Nevertheless the views and eonelusjojis presented in the following eitract frni Vjciok IIdoo s t dross are not without an impressive iiKer- Gentlemen, if four 'centuries ago, at -the period when war was made by one district against the other, between cities, and be .tween provinces if I say some one had 1 i2art,( to predict to Loraine, to Provence, la 1 lauphiny, to Burgundy, "A day shall come when you will no longer arm men one against the other a day shall come when it will not be said that tlie Normans are at tacking the Picardians, or the people of Lorraine are repulsing the uurgundians; ygq will still hfave many diNputes to settle, interes'a to contend for, difficulties lo re oIve:bul do you know whom you will se lent instead of armed men, instead of cavalry and infantry- of cannon, of fulnets, lances, pikes sword? You will select, iintcad of - all Uiis' destructive array, a small bo of wood which you will term a ballot box, snd from which shall issue what? An assembly an assembly in which you shall all live an assembly "."which shall be as it -wererthe eotil-ofull nt -sup-reine and popu lar council, which shall decide, judge', re solve everthing which shall make the s word fall from every hand, and excite the Jovetif justieein everyheart which shall ijf w cairnr-Hfre iernwnafetf ymirrigti there commences your duty. Lay down your arras!" Great applause. And Hiai day you wm m ae one com inea thought, common interests, a common destiny; you will embrace each other, and recognise each other as children of the wnje blood and of the same rate; ana that day you shall no longer be hostile tribes two win m pcuic, t nt win m longer merely Burgundy, Nomandy, Brittany., Provence you will be France. Bravo. You will no longer make appeals to war yuu wilf do" to fo-'inriljziiiM'fjgit&lip applause if, at the period 1 speak of, some' one had uttered these words all men of a serioua and positive character, all prudeut j and eautioua men, alt the great politicians of the period, would have cried out, "What dreamerLwhal a fantastic dream! -Mow 1 Jittls tWaretended :ropbctsefluai;te4 , with: the human heart! What ridiculous tolly! ' What absurdity!" Yet gentlemen, time hat gone on, and we find that this dream, this folly, this absurdity, has been realised! f Bravo! And I insist upon thia 1 vTEit m Trie " s7ate"6f riisrali ht Toefdis- trct?, eaid a long-faced reformer to a farm er who recently visited towp. .r 4 Pretty good," replied rhV farmer. "Every one seems disposed to mind his own business m our pnrta, and he left the re former in a quandary. New rsnnnsi tw -moi v.vvaw ,, uuufg; J li at ItKelve d nl If. IS. Fuvett- rllle St., Italelffh, Rf. C. HAIL. AUK.aN(E.11E3TS. -A LADY IN THE CASK. A Nt?w York cotrospondent of the Bal timore Sun writes: It is whispered about in our political cir cl, that the difficulty between the French Minister ad our cabinet, htt a feature in it which has teen concealed ffom the nublie eye, being no less than a breach of etiquette complained o by $ lady, and occasioning l a ' a at at a. me ni wmper ai.piayeu oy ai. Poussin, . iiie iniuiiiirence irom JCurooe cives i . . . . . pieaaure to aH oy me announcement that the bravo Kossuth has not fallen into the hands of the conquering battles of Aus'ria and Russia, But the public mind ia pained ny me seeming coafarmattoo l Ueorgey t having sold bim-elf and the cause of Han- jary to the enemy I here is a man in Grant, County, Ken tucky, who ia so miserly, that whenever he seeds lis negro servant down into the cellar, for apples, he makes him whistle all the way down to the apple box, and back, to prevent him from eating any of the fruit. Fact. To the Farmers of Hake ! IMPROVe YOUR WORX-OUT LANDS It I 2 .I1E Subscriber bege leave respectfully to an il aoucce to the Cjtiiens of Wake that he bu purchased Ihe sic'usive right of tbe Bonnib Mctndb (or this County, and ie prepared lo sup ply them with individual right. He haa been induced lo make this investment from a favorable bplm.iii of the iiik, firmed berth bv a inrtonid rx. mitnatitn of the mtnurc and by-the kih tneomi- umt nl scterwne men! Certain it ia ihat ingedicut taaen singly, ia highly taluable aa manves, and Ibrui ie no sad reason lo doubt ilia tlTcct when combined. Trusting it may prove a t' alublaod econonMcal itctii,fce hopig ihe 1 - "v v.uiiij " i w i m luir i ii ill. TI1..7 cannot Teul too sensibly Ihe importance of convenienl and cheap manure. Ity a judicious aa. plication of this forliliier, their worn-out lanJe may be revived, wbiie th more abundant yield will richly repay all exponas and trouble. ..1 be maltnr is at least worthy Ihe attention of every agricultu rist ie ur community. IZ? In order ill it this valuable manure may be lacrd within the reicli of alt, I have determined l tmttlt 1 hi pnee f InAvidual Righ. . ' TERMS. tot the rignt to use the Bommrr Minuse on a aingle farm of 1 00 scree and upwanie, 10 on all farina containing a lose number of acres, fi. Persons desiring to use the manure An their Iowa Jots can obtain the riuht to d eo lor Ute Viry Hum price or3. Methods (accompanying the rights) (1 each , J ooae woo aesire to examine the manure are referred to Meaars. Heth Junta, P. B. Burl ainl R. Smith, who have bad heaps" put up on their plantatiane. L. B. LEMAY. THE SUBSCRl'IEK bas juat returned froea New fork, and ie now opening a large and well selected Stock of Goods in hie line. Thry were bought entirely tor Cash and will be suld at moderate advances for Caah, and lo punctual cas touiera ot a eedit i H large anil beuutiful Jittorlmeiit of LADIES GOODS- Conaisling in part of UUek Silks, Colored Cham eleon, Do. Figured and lin Cash mere French Me rino. Orleane Clothe, Plaid Lustres a treat varielv. Black Alpacas. Ginebara. Delaines, tie. French, Engliah, and Auericaa Prints a large lot. Silk and CoMoa Hosiery. Glovee, Frenoii wor'd Collars, I.acee, and Trimuinss for Ladies' Dresses. Htowa and Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, White and Red KlauoeJa. Brown and Bleached 'i'able Diapers, ,tc. Cloths, Cassiitieref, ate, Superfine Black French Cloth. Blue, tc Brown do. Tweeds, Hattinet, Keatucky Jeana. plain at strtsied. r esungs uenuemin's Black Kid and Black and White Silk Gloves. Cravats. Ponree and Bale 1 V uanna nanuklj. rista Linen, Ready Made Gver-CoaU snd Vesta. Blaukets, Ac. A large assortment of Blankets, from 60 cents apiece to f 19 a pair, Kerseys, Osnaburgs, a Urge assortment of Carpeting and Hearth Ran. a vers nrge. etoca ot uoou 0d Shoes at the lowest tales. Ilaita and Cups, Beaver and Saltin Beaver, the iatest styles, Broad Brims, low price. Black and Colored California do a great variety of Youth's Hav. and Gentlemen's Cloth Cape. CJrocerlete. rown, Clarified, Crushed and Loaf SucsrsT Rio, Laguaira, and old Java Coffee, Imperial fc Young Hysen Tea of the best qualitv, perm; Adamantine and Tallow Candles the beet. A large lot f Crockery Hardware, Cutlery, Casting, Blacksmith's Bsliowa, Anvils, Vices and Ham mere. Nails, Cc. 4C, and almost every ar. tide ueually kept in a Retail Ntore. T. H. 8ELBY, No. I. FayettevHIe St., luUeigU. I Northern MailBy Bail Road, Due daily all p.rn, ; Closes at II J . , C f I a. 1 ,., ... "" wo-uuras wage, ue uaiiy si 1 1 a. m. Closes 13 ra. Grrensborough, Four horse 8tage, due Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a. m. Closes Muii. day, Wednesday and Friday 13 m Newbern, Four b.vee Stage, due Tuesday, Thur. Jayawd Saturday a! Up. m Closes Sunday , Tuesday and Thursday at 9 p- m. Tarborough Two horse Huge, due Monday, Wed. nietiay and rridav at 10 p- m. Closes Monday n Buneraay ana ttelurslay at 8 p. in. Pi tsborough, Two hone rtaae, due Monday and ujirsuiy at i p. . Uloses Saturday t Tuesday at 9 p. m. Roxboroueh One horse mail. Due Friday at Sn Closrs Frjdsy at 1 p. ra. Holly Spring. Horse Mail, Due Monday at 4 p.m oioaea i nurxiay al p. m. genera snoulr De in the OHics nftaeai m nntus betore the time of closing. WII.UAM WHITE. F. M. Raleigh, September SOtb, 1849 A I" i Cs-and Lodife .pf North Carolina. '-TRUE OKcers, Members and Representatives are hereby informed that the Annual Com munication of this Masosic Boar will be holden in this City on the evening of Monday the third of December neit, at 7 ocloek, for the isnsac lion of such business as may be submitted far its consideration. Lodges which have been working1 under Disnen. aauons win not tan to apply or Uhartrs, if tbey wian to secure a permanent existence. . A, full representation is earnestly desired. WILUAM THO?. BAI.V, . . Grand Secretary, ltateign, Uct 10, 1849. 41 6t MARTIN'S Universal antitRTIliTs Remedy lor all seasons, and safe at all times. Tlic moat suoerficiul observer ,u" one great cause of diaeaaa is Cos rin siss, and thai ty the timely taking of a Purgative, tbe system ia ften restored lo ila usual health. By Mich a curao, the live of hundreds a-e taved. wb. would otherwise have fallen viclitua to disease. These Pills remove all irritating matter in the bowr eli.saml eicite lue biliary funcUons to healthy ac lion- The press is teeming with the recommends. one oi r urgauve rills, gotten op by men who kt ow nothing of Ihe effects of medicinti on the human system, snd benea era endangering the lives ef Ihou-ands, who are daily p.jng them. In offering therefore, these Pillsj we think we are doinir a public lieotfit as they are tbe prescription of a reg. ular physician, who baa used them in his practice for ten or fifteen years, and wjih great success. Prepared and edd by MARTIN & WHITE LEY, at their; Wholesale Drugstore, 48 Souih Calvert Street, Baltimore, and lor sale by P. V. PESCUIV KaleigbN C, .31. Kos, Crnnd A Sa YvitvrUmnocr li KBTAwax "!: ft- IS'ABC & OAEIILE wotS-!-' ' r""'T "-""on or the DuKi;. o M.cu bu lienor UKAMI Ar i AN OS, The PUmMZ:."--- lahlishment have for di'llcarr nfJ.J. ""' "-t , - 7"'"nip, ne. n prnnooiieed bv lh mo. em.nenl Prnfr.sors to be m,,,' any instruments made in this , ft, oiher eooZ' Professors, amstuers, eonntry merehanla -j other. ,iei,iB Balltmore will findTt tl before purchasing elvwheie hnietia GENTLEMEN'S II A 1 8. Siting SVyc, 1840. - gjjleal its following certificate from 0ange bounty i T.S -"T BOMMEE MANURK! Tbe umkraigned have examined a pile of nan ure put up ay Mr. Uawlee, en the farm of Captain iobn Berry, leva tartee at of Hillaborougb, cm lepvea. with aome lop earth from the woods inter ml tad, and Baa kaesi. erected about two weeks. This iseartainly good strong manure now. Any person will rasdily be satisfied of this fact bv the exceed 4 doners.' ' J. W. NOK WOOD. JOHN KtKKLAND, JOHN BEHRY, May , 1849. HENRY WHITTED, JAMES M. PALMXK, WM. CAIN.ir. so sublime t prophecy would have been pro nounced madman for"lvtng; dared- to pry in to the deaigna of the Deity. Bra o!l Well ikea rou at this moment ta'v andl aay it with yen we who are assembled ' ''?ene a,"uiu4 - e1Tei'nd """J "P'"11 aai t Fe.iL. i tfu 10 h,t n exaaing the ep. The tnanuie ..w. j ""n " " ih I we aay again is good. And now for tbe cost. to Austria, tO 8pailt, to Italy, tOtKussia W The pile when fully fit for use we judge will say to thera,'a day Will. come . When mm I yield some 30 or 40 four horse loads, and Capt " V00T Hands tlso thsr anna iuev have jrraa. 1 "mr7 mtorms us that the eost in rearing will aot ped shall fall. A day will come when war shall appear as impossible, and will be as impossible, between Paris and London, between St.' Peteraburgh and Berlin.be tween Vienna and Turin, as it now is be tween Rouen and Amiens, between Boston juti '' Philadelphia. Applause. A day will corns when yon, France you Knasia --yu, Italyyou, . England you, Ger- Titony- all of you, nations of the continent, rli 11, without losing your distinctive qualities anJ your glorinurs individuality, bo blend f 4 iff a superior unity, and shall consti iuw , "KJopMiaflteraiiy.J4sj 1 a,i - Normandy, Brittany, Burgundy, limine, Alsace, have been blended into France, A cay will conic . when the only battle field shall be the market open to .commerce, and the mind opening to new ideas. A day will come wfieh butlets and thella shall be KNAUE & GAF.HLE, Oraud and feq stare Plana Forte 4V. -.4 uumuubiurcrs, No. 8, 0 & 1 1 Ei taw Street, BALTIMOKE, Md. f I'lIK rtsnae made at I hi, ettahliilimeat are not I aurpktied bj aajv in Ihe eounliy tor beauty l si) Ie, dclicary of touch, and povrer and quality of tone. CW Wholesale dealers furnivlbftd on ye most favorable terms 38- ly. V NOTICE. TMIOSE indebted to tins establishment I M. IL BJ2EBE& CO., HAT. TER8. 158 BRODWAY. NJSVV YORK, and 138 Chesnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, would Wpeclfully invite the attention of puwiic auu c . mum w uie wet. wiai.. tuey are now selling ibeir Spring tftyle of jGenilemen'a nats to customers from every section of Ihe cun try. and the eitraortlinary celebrity which their Hats have obiaired. they think, warrants them in saying that tbey are positively unequalled for su periority of style excellence of material, workman ship, and durability, by any others on the conli nent or perhaps iq the world. The fact, that we are constantly supplying the most Fashionahla Hattira. throughout tbe United SUtes, with Hate of our manufacture, and the .uiuveraal aummiuma bestowed upon them by the public press wherever rthcy are known, would eeein lo justify us in pla cing their meriu in. corupicuoui manner before the public throughout the length anil hteadlh of the laud. Qur manufaclurin facilttiee are now so eiten aive end complete, that we are eaablad te supply orders to an unlimited extent, and we fullv hm. Jievs that tit Trade would find tbeir advantage in purcha ing of us eictusively fficir "Tina Utu. as ihey would thereby secure a uniformity in their quatitv and appearance which tr.-.uld not fail to iw crease their sales very considerably. The variona quality of our Moleskin Hala at Wholesale, range in price from $30 lo $bt per dox.j and our Beaver and Nutria Hals bear about Ihe same price. An extensive assortment of Gent's Youths and ehil drens caps, of Cloth and Velvet, with ehildrene Beaver and Castor; Chapeanx and Cssquetts, of Pur. own manataoture and of Uu) iateat imports, lions from Paris, aasist in completing tbe Variety of our stock. Also, Mummer Hats, of Panama, Straw and Leghorn; for Cents and Youth, with in Wits' and childieti'e Straw Goods in the greatest variety. DrUera for Good of any deacripfmn ra our line win ne put tip wim the utmost deipa'ch, at mod eiate prices, and on accommodating terms. . VVM. H. BEEBE CO., ilaUera, at Jo Broadway, ft. X ., and 138 Cbe.trmt St. i niladelphia. N. B. Gentlemen residing at a distance, and wiauingror a J tnt Hat f our retail quality are resneeUully iwtormod thai by remitting us tbe price, fa, by mall, accompanied lv a measure of tne length and width of their HaU, taken in inch as ana trscttons, on the instil ef tbe erswa and ne irest the brim, (which will give both tbe ait and abapa of their beads,) they can have one for warned to their address, warranted tn fit. March SO, 1849, WM. 11. B.& Co. will please make immediate payment, renlaeed bv voles hv thaun veraaf. aufrriKT. oestrea that all eld accounts should be of nations by -the wewerable arbitration f Ml,,ed bJ ,be ,nd of ,ht fo,,ownaT """"h- aVAl aa&wWMMH fiAtneiSa take l I A la -aaJstaVf I kna-. Europe wliat the Parliament is to Emrland. J lilcaeiUTAg 1'OVi tet. what the Diet is to Germany: what theLcf-1 milK senior aartneLofour firm fiuat reiamd islative Assembly is to France. Applauae.j X from Kutope) having eaade arrsttgerrrents ivi isigo aiiu rrguinr voiiaignmeiiva oi ine very best quality of Bleaching Powder or Chlonde of Lime, wo shall now be able to supply dealeis and consnmais IhTouahout the Untied States on tha most favourable teems 1 We shall only aell the best article, aa each lot will ba analysed by aftactieal Chemist before belnir sbippea.to us. CYKUS W. FIELD L Co. VXhotessle Comwi.sion Paper Warehouse anS iwpoilers and dealera in every description of Paper Maker's Materials. No. II ClirT Mreet, : . ! . AliW YORK. 4 6.u Mr V. B. V.-will be pleased ie send the Ink. Instead of the order, to lbs eats of Mcllwaiae A uiowuley, Petersburg, Vs. A day will came when ' a cannon shall be eihibilcd in public muaeums just as an in strument of tortus is row, fjanghter and ap plause, and people ahall be awtooislied how such a thing could have been.. A day will corns when those two uaaieBse sjoup-- tlte United States of America snd the Unt " tej States of Europe shall be seen placed ,' in the presence of each twher extending the hand of fellowship across the ocean, ex changing their produce, their commerce, - aheir indus ry, rfheir - srls. their genius, " clearing the earth, peopling tits deserts, me 'Ttnrjting crcatiott ' under the eyes of the Creator,'and)uniting'for the good of all thcae ii.iru irrwiaiiuiej ; mnu innmie powers tne V wteriit nf men, and the power ot Gad. lppianas. SWUITS. IHIRTS st whefseie, Iran 9 te $24 per dozes. B ,UKL AH, OF Slit CLIFFORD. COLL R. U.m f 1 to f dox.n Vm :":."' . l-.c-Kij.i,1rt4..1..as e.j n , V iii ne nrenensitv ot tne WMhmvton rmitn i ' "v iiauaitiiuvre aiciwccn ugnr r, t preiionaity of the Washmirtqn t: siek quarrels with the adinbiairaiimi is so rt that it actually complains that Mr. '"('tilfbrf has been recalled front Mexico, and Jji Whiff appointed in his stead. ' We had l!Iuved that it; w'at 'eaitcediHl ioii all sides . t'int oar Miiiisters should enUrrtainJthe same jHiliUcal views . with t the. Government m !, an J we cannot eorlesiva that a man t6 'aessitjg propet self respect would hold t t 'li t't SB appointment under in 'administra-. to; which he is opppoacd. But va- j.rt ime the Deiuoeratic appetite for oflic til :.be jtirl"J, let i:e-jt what it inHy.- . j nuel Calvert. MEN'S and BO Yet SHIR IS, Cotton (i Linen, on band and eonstantly miking, all sues plain cv isacy. , fHamemlieT Ihe name and -Nr4fV tAL'llWtlttB STREET, 1 ' Koartfc dool bek,w Lighl. Ta V . BUTTON. '; . -u ; is-iy. NOTICE. THE Subscriber is authorised and ia desirous to sella VALUABLE TRACK OP-LAND, lying in lha upper end ol Halifax county, N. O., in ihs neighboihood of Brinkleyville, and, it is believed in as healthy pat t of who country aa any, containing eight hundred and nmety-iix acres oy a recent survey, adjoining the Linda or Ine lata Will. W. Thome, Joseph John William, and of tlia Subscriber. Tbeie is a dwelling uousr, wim oiner necessary House-, wbteb would ba ffoed with veit little renair.eeeeiall the dwelling House, which is very large and roomy. - There have been better erooa made on tne tana tna last tew years ihaa any in tbe neighborhood, and there is a never failing spring of excellent water, as eonrenientas arv peiaon would desire . Tbe immovewK-nle. with nsrT of tne L.ann would be sold It lha whole tract should not b desired. I deem it nnneeessarv losav ans thing further with regard o the quality aflhe L.ana, as I presneaano person would purchase without 6rrt viewin-f lbeiprewiiae. Ihavaonlv te say that a great bargain will he given ta any persosi aesirous oi purcliav irg. Any persnn wishing lo purchase ean find me within one mile nfit. It also lies In a very reapeclable neiuhborhood. WILLIAM BKINKLEV. tsej.l. 18th, 1813. . 38 3rav 'f' '.' SEED VIICAT. - ww mustis m r. ikuhian WHKVr mav 'a. a..i u.. ... . . i. liw Sitar (. -H hU, Sep:, ii. !Sl av ft a buaticl. b an earlv auoliauiuM ilw lar Offise. MEUtpiiWTS'HOTEI Fourth street, tKtwo4n Arch and itiaruet, Philadelphia. arnHE PlfOPHIETORSHIP AND MAN- VX AubMhN T or this well knoan hnte-l (whkh ia rneatetl in lha very centra )f business. siaTiog inisoay paaaeu into tne Bands of tha sub enbera, they beg leave lo stale thM it is their pur. pnsste render it worthy of the lilwral patronage with which il bas been heretofore austaiue) and hope, by unrem't'ing aitention is deserve tha netrone of their friends who may vi.it 1he city on busMcaw or pleaiara, Ckl. McKlBBIN, formerly of tbe Exchange Hotel Pittshurf, Bed Blankets and Shectincs, lion: and Sbeelinaa. iust receivnl at - th. 8'" or T. A- MITCHELL. Jtaleigh, October 18, 1849. 41 fflANUFACTlKIKO (tbr a number of yeara Foreman . m the Raleigh and Gasfon Rail Road Blacksmith Bbon fully announces to le citizens of Ruleigh md the ujoundwf Coui.ue, xhul beii prepared to mMnuisiciurv LOCKS of all descripliow- uuns j ttstoh Carriage Springs, Mil Work, Bruss Castings I AND, IN SHORT, ANYTHING IN : AW . - BX. A 0K8MITH CTqif XC Hf. IS ALSO PREPARED TO fcXKCI TK BELL 1 ANGING. AT THE SHORTEST NOTlfiR. Also, has an hand , an extensive assortmsnt r i.ovsa wi an Kinoa at prices Irom tU cents to 20 doilaw, Etlgateols, an atsortment ot Axes, Drew. ing; knives, Hatchets, Hammers, Piles of various descnptious, and number of articles in bis line too tedious to mention. All orders faitbhilly executed at the lowest prices, and new work entrusted to his care will be warranted. Ordera from a distance will be at tended 19 and executed at the shortest notice. Ilis bitanliihment will be found at the Raleiirh Kcllrba'i! Tlrnnt. ---:-: -:--...v,-.;.;;a;vf..::. Repairing in his line performed with neatness and despatch. Also, a general assortment of uuna and fistola constantly on hand. J08EPHW0LTE8rN0. Raleigh, March, 1849. uif STATE CF NORTH CAROLINA. Watauoa Countt. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, A. J). 1849. Louisa Lewis, MAKTIN & WIllfELEY'S JVATHKVAL TOXIC, A Ckiraia ccai ran ) FXVER AKDJIQUE la our Summer and Fall ol our countrv are trnatrirf h. n.i. .1.. ,. phss been our oanicuUr tluil to find out some iem. y o aiop mis traiy Sreaillul asouriie, and think bv rti n seieulifie eorhnoUBd h ir..,.i .1.1. . dusidei-atum. Head the f.llowine eertificaiHi foWHATTiir KaCToar, w,r Baltimore, A..rllAil. 1.11 Meiwt. Martin tc ilhiteley (.enllcmen-lt is will, aiuu-ra nleaam I mm .1.1. lo give mv evidenee in ! inr nl W rasas wa. !...!. 1 a A . Iionuf 7nc." Having been trouble.l lor nearly four years with tbe Ague aud t .vee, l-teied alaott -v. j. c. i oi. Dm noihliif. aeemert to give me any permanent reliel, until a le months ago, I porthaaed Irom one el your ag.nl. (Msiars- Joa. Shane ex Co.,) a buttle ot tour ifsmc, anil alter giv ing it a fair trial, I am to mf great. MtMrerhrn ier lainlv eured.andhaveno heaiiation in recommend ing it to all persons afflicted with Ague and fever as the best remedy known. ' JOSEPH GtAtFfcLTFa - rrenared and sntd hv M. i, ..... aouth Calvert street, baltimore; and Inr sale it P.F. pcs;cij. Haleigh, N. C TASTI' AND IIG A iTS Sv,. HURT at band from New York a,.d Phdadri' VJ ' hia,embr.c,ng eve,, v,,je1y , "J hu, for ,h. FALL anJ VIA-hx ffiJ w MAMTIN'S" - " SYUIIP (VP tvil n niiL-nnv The Wild Cheirv and 8araana,ill .ki. .. " basis of this prrosralion. have Ihmh Inn. I celebrated m Coiisnm.iion snd Serolula, Roughs Cold., Spilling ol Blood, A.lhma, ks. Tbn remedy wereases ralber thanampairs Ihe apnclite. and pro mote! in a remarkable tlcuree "Me Junclumt tr,un." This is not snpri.ing, ,eo we consider thai its peculiar properties are lo runan ih mn-i.i.i action of lheaJ,6ei veiieh, and tne aervoo. and muKuiar ayaiemk while at the same time it dimui- ahes the ettonf he trlorot t-sveta:- ta fr.. tut- tag hat . a wonderful effect this reratxV will lieH T"""7 IMVUHOC CVen n H.S mOar l.SrLV.I.H mm., I advauael at.g. ol Scrolulout ai..l Chronio t'ulmon aryUisesiea. It, seems lo pervade the wlmU sliueture of Ihe Iiut. and anli. ik.. tuUrrularmaua iornted in Jbe Luagt. and brings ... ......... . iu, ia: m action wuh the test ol Ihe syitem. hr which Itealih .. r. m.A ..a i.iained. It a so riilfers Irom inOal fifh... mmtn lies in seine remarkably i eaaam. ami i.. , t... mg any ot inose healing, .tui.itvmj. or dixtnstina prnpsrties, whieti are found in moit other prenara" lions otiaewil.u C HtiiKY and SAKSAPARIL- Head tt.efolowing Irom a big lily reapectaUa gen Rich embroidered, and Satin Striped Dclains. Dam and Satin Striped Merino. k wr.t-rrm sscis" p"'.6' ChmeI;onr "J Tartvn plaid.; f Jar Lhtluren.) Rich Chameleon Itiohiir Lullrea Vnh. and Mode eolord AlparJss, Mode rforU P.,. ,,, MoMBi Superior Bl'k, Pl.id, .d chanfjsbl. 'Aps. -'er'y""-- Splendid American and British Prin'e Jenny Lind Calicoes, andLondon Ch'inla. faf new detigns.) 1 Fine Plaid .nd F.mbroi,lCTed Oingham.. upwro. de Rhfna;-hnfcT.anie.ble mii, f,!Tnd Ue.ntm Mu'lin"' Bi"P Lawn Heautifulchm. Pearl, and Leghorn Boosts, Kich Bonnet, lp. Neck and Belt Ribands. Bilk lnn.u tr..l . mm. , . h y v eivei i rimnnngs, (tf tlesaan i Shensniloah eounly, Va :S!MittT, Mar eth, U49. Wi jnarnn uear on- ror filieen or twmlr ... . c vwi. nit ii .( uii uir wiin .n.iuirf ctugn ana aimcany ot breathmr. i had tried m iningi, ant all wnn no oriirnt, till 1 met with voui- Compound Syrubif II M Chetrv. n MHI, A u ii " -! . oun a aiorc. ai ine Inaiane nl nu friend,- Mr. Nosh J- Henkcl, I -was mdweeei to take a ooitie oi me syrun, snd nulling so mueh rlf emiinHts ita Hi t, : " tbrah- ntirelj "I'liitieKsree, Se'nr.'" (TrPrenared and so d MAKTIN it U'HITK. LEV. No 4-'outli Ci vtrlslreet. Italiimorrj aaul tor sale by j 1 r. rESCUI)- Kaleigh ri. C, David Lewis. James Lewio, Jonathan l-ewi, Anianam Lewis, i.oulsi Lewis, Uaniol Lewis, John Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Andrew J. Lewis, Emeline Lewie, Columbu Lewis Richsrd Lewis, heir at Law of Daniel Lewis', deceased. TTT nppearingto the satisfaction ef the Court a. that James Lewis, John Lewis. Richard Lewis and' Abraham" Lewis', "are hbl inhabitants of the State of North Carolina : it is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Raleigh mar lor tne apaee oi an weens, that the said Defendants be and appear at the neat Court of Pleas and Quarter sessions tn be held for tba County of Watauga, at the Court House in Uoon, on Ihe 3rd Monday or November neat, to shew eanse, if any they mav have, why tha prayer ot tne petition shall not ba created, aad the Dower allotted accordingly. Witness, A. W. Psjilt, Cleik of oar said Court, at office, the 3rd Monday fe AogueuA. D. 1819, and in tbe eaveuty third yearxf Arotr ican Independence. '( r A. W. PENLV, Pit.. Pries adv. fS.CO. , 37-$. 'v,HF SECOND CKANIt CAPITAL PhlZE of Kos. :t Suanuenanna Canal, ClaisK, Mas Sold Yetterday September IS, At vac Ghkat Pain Aokncc or COLA1N it CO., N. W. corner of Baltimere and Calve, t st.-, Museum lluildiug, Hsllimnr. Uri. ALL PHTy.ES sold at this Atenev. above 11.000. are always duly announced upon Ihe bottom ol the Manager's uni.iai lirawing. 15.000 IMM..I.AHS1 Thia ia the largest price sold in Batlimar the month of Seiilember. AND COLVIN kCa SOI fllT' reenrds "eho ""' ,hcm " ,,,e ""nagere' official Or)ert for tickets in the Consolidated Lotteriea if Mar, land, alwars receive prnmnt allcniion. Please address COLVlV It CO., Baliirnore, Md. 3 38w. ewery- RnM,Ml BJ,i."' ""' Trimmings. Robbin Edgings. Silk and Worated Breida, IIlPaasafla.l a w. A IT. LI !. n ... . . . .,, w..eacnea option Shirtings, Red and White Flannels. Wolleir Shirts and Drawer, --' PWdand Ombre Shaded Lmsrys. . E nbrohlered Cassimere, and Rich Ca-hmere and Woollen Shawls, Ft a Cloths anJ CAsaiMiais, Overcoating and Kentucky Jeans. Bilk- sntf Tnghttrn- lfmhreHve. - , . t T. A. MITCHELL." Raleigh, Ocf 18. 1819, ""41 Shoes, Sllppprs and C alters. " JJUST received and now opening," ' first rate ass irtment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Shoes of aim Ml every description from Phitarlel(.hia. " n , , t , T. A. MITCHELL Kaleigh, October 16. 1649. 41 r Hala and Capr J( I'RE SH Supply of MoIejkuvBeevevMeg. iCiJk ican and Cahfoinia Hals together with Men ' and Boy's, Fur and Cloth Capa, daily ex reeled; . - : r . . . .. . -p. A. MITCHELL. Ualeigb, October II, 184,9 41- mEN'S. R0V8 as CHILDREN'S HAT CAPS. To-day Received bv Nov. 6, 1849. R. TUCKER & 80S. HTWHI TE BLACK OTTER. SOFT BRA W VER.TAMPfCOA MEXICAN HAT). . A new supply just to hand . , K. TUCKER it 8QN. Nov. 6, 1849. f ADIE'rt WALKING SHOES at O II ( L, iU DllEN'8 RED GAITEHS a handwuneu. tide. Nov. Juat opened et 6, 1849. TUCKER'-. 1 Land Levies No. 3 ii 4. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Watauoa Cockiy. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,- August Term, A. D. 1849 Jotaan Coancill e. . tliram Rrece, IT sppeai:ng fo ihe aatisfaetion'nf the Court, upon lha affidavit of tha plaintiff, that the Difcndant ia not an inhabitant of the State of North C arolina :.,lt if tberefoire otrkred, that publication be made in the Raleigh Star,- for tne space or aix weeks, that ne be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to he held for the Coomy of Watauga at the Court Houeei in Boon", en the 3rd Monday hi November next, to shew cause, if any he may have, why 'ihe land levied on in those cases shall pot be enniltmned aiid anld Id satisfy the plain tjft's debts, and eoals of those soils. ' Witness. A; W. Penly, Clerk of our said Court, at office lha 3rd Monday in Aagusl. A. II. 1ft 19. and in lha aeventy-lbird year of Amer ican lnlepiiJisce. A. W. PE.NLYCI'k. pTiesadv. f9.0. 37 fw. ( STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Johnston Cotjntv. Cour t . of Pleas . and Quarter Sessions Jlugust 7erm, J. D. 1849. AshIaV Saanalaapai m vaV " M reiiiion tor sale Thomaa O. Hantea- u r , ?" Partition of IN this case, it appearing that Thomaa O. Hun. ter and wife Martha A., Willi, W. Jonee, and David lonee. are n to-reaidents of tht. Ri.i it i. B . l m-r 1 oruerrQUT mo uoun mar publication in Ihe Ral. eigh Star be ma le fur aix weeka, notifying eaid defenoanU to appear at the next term rf this Court, to be held for the County of Johfaton, at tbe court house in Smithfield, en the 4th Monday in November next, and plead, answer or demur or Ihe petition will be taken pro confeaso and heard accordingly. witness. Tnovrss Baatxv. Clerk of our m.iA i.oan, at omce tteatn Monday in Augual, 1849. THOMAS BAliLEV, Cl'k. Smithfield, Oct. 8ih, 1849. (Prica adv. $5 6. 41 6w. TIIOIVAS SPRIGG, Nortli-east rorner of lVorlb and Bal iirnore Streets, . CP mils, taTaArrci e-r anarn rraarr. . ... BALTIJIilllE, Maaelaelerer el Mssoni, Oilil Fellows, Knsamp. meot, Red Men, United Brothers, Ameriesn Me ehaniaa. Sons of lVmwranee, Sons of Liberty, Rearbabiles and all oilier Soewlie' . . t O ALI A??' 'f"'"" 'r'' nnnners, Fltairs, l(rnals, Ac, Ar. .voe. Sathea, Kobes, Costumes. Jewels, and all ikea Equipment a, made ia a sapariwr and wsrkmsa like manMr. at Drieee which eaanot r.il -I.... those who may bvnr hisa with the'r wrdera.; . ii . . fit Order, Jnm the Cilf er ClUMtr, at te'ld ! ,tl, puucluali.f and ditbatck, Ksrraxwcas: . , J. Meari, P. O. P. A. K. Warner " H. Martev. J. A . Thnaanaoa. P. R. U I K. P-Holden. V. T Itaabaac. Ci. M- AND 200 SACKS LIVERPOOL GROUND ALUM SALT, Just in store and for sale by B, TUCKER & SON. Nov. 6, 1849. N OTHER SUPPLY MOLESKIN HATS .W of November Style to day Received by R. TUCKER It SON. Raleigh, Oct, SI, 1849. 43 GK.ITLE.tlE'S HATS. -Fall Style" For 1810. K. TUCKER It SON have just received Iheir Fall Supply nl Paih ionable Heaver and- Suuee Moleakia HAT'S In Ihe production of the article jest mentioned the most faultless anndelsof European stvle have been sonaultcd, end by uniting some of their most prominent features with Amerieae habit and Uste tbe present Fashion hue been formed; and its appropriate., to the other portions of the tientlemen's Fall tnd Wiajier Costume eaanot fail to reeomead it lo the fashionable eommuaiiy. Our customers aud the nublis are resDeallallr inviteJ to call and x amine for themselves 'r' Ii. TUCKEt k SOW. 311. M. CREM. WM. S. HOPKIXS. OREHI & HOPKINS' 2VXEBCHANTTAZI.0RS AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Cloths. CBsslmrres, Vesiings and TAILORS' TRIiiMIXQS. 30 Market Sf. N. W. Cor. of Charles, BALTIMORE. A I. A HQ tt A SSORT M K NT OF tEADY-MADK CLOTHINU ol Superior ajualky. ONE PRICE ONLY. - Cloth'ronaa. au alalra Lalranar, MUlb rn4 oftVs .ot.OH Cha, lea aueet jmrnmmtrnM BA CHANCE TO MAKE UO.ET. CHOICE lot of Superfine Frejcb and Eng. SiA lish Cloths. t'alineres and Vsslinas. is aoa being npeneJ at BICJOS' W ELL-KNUVVN CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, on rayelteville trvet where hie friend and tha eemrouuiiy aea . erally. are particularly invited to call It. P. Kiramermaa, D. G. M. - There is a gteas vartetv of new stvle (hi eon, which, with a general eODidv f aeods in lbs furnishing deparment, may I a found on lbs. ajoet arcomsaodating teima, et tha above place, lbs proprietor, oi hie foreman. Mr. reach, atay st all lime be fi.and at home. rlv Head iriadc riot hlngjnsi Arrl Raleigb,Oct. IC, 11,49. 4J re ti a tc (J. b. Y c;i a Ik tir N ev th ev. th; tin Fl So pf lit wl rcj bv the thi flVl er wc RRI nai ...gy, no ai; Nc for rap tur ynt im bnr It'll tret (TV l;,y $4 It. Sw. f . ... v

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