MriMI'rilS CnXTEXTrON. The III' limoiid Daily Times, t'ocoiiclud trpihc Kt-port of the Memphis Convention, .mates the M4flg rents rks, which will give our readers a gooj idea of the result vel' the deliberations of that body: MIt will be perceived that there wcte three prominent parties, with opposing views, in the Convention. The first may be calletl the Memphis party proper, r.oui m iiHiinr the support of those delegate who:-e Slated were suppot-ed to be most directly interested in the great railroad's commencing at .Memphis. The second party were those who opposed any indi cation of the route, anil desired a concur rence substantially in the St. Louis Con vention. The third party were the dele gates from Louisiana, who used every exer tion to obtain a rtconimx'nilalum of the project of a railroad across the isthmus of Tehuantcpec; as preliminary to the Pacific railroad. The New Orleans Pic ayune expresses great satisfaction with thj resolutions that were adopted, relying t'lal Tehuantepec is that shortest, speedi est and best isthmus route which the Con vention recommends in genctal terms." EMIGRANTS GOING BACK. The packet ships Columbus and West Point sailed Irom New York this week, with one hundred sleere passengers each, carrying back to Ireland discourag ing accounts of the.r success in tfnYnouo try. ' 1 j TREVTY U ITU HONDURAS. The New York Kx press says that Mr. Stuier, our Charge to Central America, has negotiated with Honduras, a treaty .simitar 10 that negotiated with Nicaragua. Mr. Livingston, our Consul at Nicaragua, s the bsarer dr despair it home. He arrived on Sunday in the Empire. City, anil left on Monday for Washington, Finishing' Liars As they should be. In Turkey,, whenever a. storekeeper is convicted of telling a lie, his house is pain ted black, to remain so far one mouth, 'f tlierj were such a law in force in this coun try what sombre and gloomy appearance oni'Jof our cities would presf nt. PRESENT PRICES. Wo learn that at the ex'ensive sale of the property of 13. Dunn, dee'd, in Nash county, this week, one negro wheel wright sold for and another "for ' 81005 No. I field hands Jold from $700 to $800. Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Stock brought from $10 50 to 12 per share for 8100 paid in. Tarb. Press. NORTH CAROLINA COAL. The "Wilmington Commeicial" says, A specimen of Coal, from the Plantation of Mr. Haughton in Chatham County, was exhibited at the '"-meeting of the Stockhold ers, yesterday afternoon. It is of a very " isfipcrior-q-nality,- partak ing-both - of - the anthracite and bituminous, and abounds in the valley of the Deep River for 12 miles, in various distances from the River. Louis Napoleon seems to liave dicovered " the hiisfaki ''"wliTcK'flie 'rrehrli'TJovcriuneu'i made in directing the movement upon Rome. If the telegraphic accounts may be relied on the dissolution of his Cabinet took place because of the unwillingness of the Ministers to sustain the President's alter ed views on the Roman question as express ed in his let'er to Col. Ney. That letter; it 'will :b-oiferiremLcrcilii''Blf' nounced liberal sentiments and purposes, and declared that the intervention of France .jet the affairs of the Roman Republic had in view a restoration of the Pope upon the hasli ' of a 'Uonsutu tib'rial Government. It further alleges that the intervention of Tra'ice was necessary in order to prevent the ascendancy of Austria, Spain and Na ples, which would have resulted in a restor ation characterized by all the accompani ments of despotism. Ilia difli cull to judge.of the matter at pre sent, and at tins distance from the scene. A great meeting asssenitled at Worces ter, (Mass J on Tuesday", to welcome the return of Elihu Jiurrit 1'ioiu.hw late visit Jo F.urojie. Tim SouthkrvMaii. KiMWB. A new railroad i projected at the South, from Mo bile to Charleston, which, if constructed, would allow again of 35 hours over the present mail rouie. St- Louis, Nov. 6. HORRIBLE CRIME DOUBLE MUR DERTHE PEilPETKATOR TO BE BURNED ALIVE. A revolting case of rape and rifirdur took plaeo the other day, near Palmyra. A negro belonging lo Mr. Glasscock,, committed violence on Miss Bright, an interesting little girl, 14 years of :igc, and then murdered her. For fear of leingMleetet.,-lie-moister turned "tfwnd and killed her brother, aged II years. The wretch has been arrested, and will be burned alive on Friday. Young Barnnin, who r shot in St. ' esi by- the French brothers Moirtcsquietr much better, and hopes ars cnieiiain l of his recovery. The Piis, (Ohio,; Ciiiieo has the fol. Hving Hi'os -The traders have been backward U finrring ujuju the lios trace tliis fall, but '-wptmf that thf' mtc wy tww lie re garded a fettVd hi sviiat 'tir formers consi dered r xi-rxdingly low rates, We heard of sales mi Monday last, ul 31. "5 prr 100 !1,i,!.grf4ini JouivnLiiubiMd.jL.i.M-.! and a low as $l,."Oc-ith. luMaili-jn." Indiana, die poik season ha coiiiiiienceiT, and the opening' pricw v( jiuijs ha (ruled m $'2 oO for lo's arsiiig In Covington Ken; in ky, ths pries is tl 0,). ,i t, Louis the price on the 8th iiis.i. AN ELOQUENT FACT. The Cincinnati Gazette, in an article contrasting the conduct ot a Democratic ad ministration with that of the Whigs, states the remarkable fact, that during the nine year bet weens 1830 and 1815, when the bemocrata governed Ohio, the State debt was increased from $935,08 1 to the enor mous sum of $20,108,515! and that the credit was at a very low ebb. From March, 1845, to Jan., 1840, four .years, the Whigs governed tire State. During this time the State debt has be decreased 1, 699,642! and the credit of the State completely restored. nr.? truly splendid lot oj Jewelry. See the advertisement, and call at the Store of Messrs Palmer & Ramsay, The .llhtnxvm has a long anfuineiilatire paper to show that the reports as to the safe ty of Sir John Franklin and Sir James Ross are unsupported by sufficient evidence. QC7The Plank Road is progressing steadily. About a mils of it is completed, and in use. VVe learn from gentleman who baa seen a number of Plank Roads, that line one ia by far the liati isoniest, evenest, anJ beat constructed one he hae e'er teen. The wagrona which hare driven over it, we understand, arc delightf d with it. There is same delay just now in the reception of timber) but s supply ia expected very on. J'rth Cgnilinig'l.,, Va., Nov. 12. Col. T. S. llaymond (Whiz) has been elected to Congress in litis district, which is a Whig gain. TH E C Oil NC ROPS O NROA N O K E . We hear very unpleasant news about the destruction of Corn on Roanoke by the late fresheuv The particulars we have not been made acquainted with; but Wo have heard enough to enable us to say that the destruc tion has not been inconsiderable. One formed, lost aboutbur hunt' red barrels of torn. Jf'eltfcn Herald. Gripes are said to decrease in lavor and richness, the farther they are removed from the ground. This has been the result ot the experience of the French and Ger man wine growers. The meeting last Saturday on the sub ject of Common Schools was an interest. in"1 one. The Teachers present; who formed-majority , of Jthe meeting, were remarkably stead) , intelligent young men, (and one young lady of superior qualifica tions in iter vocation,,! who cherish a prop er sense of. the responsibility ajnJ dignity of their piofession. We looked upon them and thought they weie the sort of men to regenerate the State. Sixty like them, with any thing like constant employ ment, in every county, would work such a moral and intellectual improvement on the rising; generation that North Carolina would hwrdly know herself! These young; men are the Sons tfTRe Pwp7Jf;tt is there fore with peculiar propriety that they lake the initiative in a hearty effort to improve the People's Schools. ' We say to them, and to all in the S'ate who hay popular education at taarli g on and prosper) It will nc ver do to aban don the present system of Common Schools. With all its difficulties, we could not get a better in fifty years. Tbe old associa tions which existed before the enactment of the present Sidionl laws sre broken up, and cannot be again recurred to. We should jregd--k.'-4rtt"'!-Tefapsc'ii'Tfte:tit'efeit system is defective in many particulars; hut il nffurd a sure foundation to build up on; we must cure its defects ns fast as time and progressive improvement will allow, and a few years will show the ful filment of the rational hopes of the moat sanguine Greensboro' Pal. Xov 3. We were gratified to learn a few days since tint a company of intelligent English men had arrived in town, and were looking out for a localion. We arc gratified be cause it affords evidence that the advantages of our county are not entirely unknown a broadand we are confident that as those ad vantages become more generally known, thousands of the wealthy, enterprising and intelligent will floek tthi beautiful 4Uoatui tain country, wnerc, 11 any wnero on earth J perfect health may be enjoyed, and all the comforts of life obtained by a reason able outlay of industry and enterprise. Let the Rail Koad be completed to Green ville S. C, and thus bring a good market within sixty miles of us and an inducement will be held out to farmers such, as those of this section have never before enjoyed. Industry will then be richly rewarded produce of every kind meeting with a ready and fair sale Several families of industrious and inge nious Germans have htely settled here. Buncombe News. REVENUE TAX ON INTEREST. We learn that the tax imposed by the last Generaf As-iemhly of this State of "three rrnts upon, every dollar of interest upon all sums of money" &c, is likely to prove un expectedly large in some of the counties. In Edgecombe, we learn that tho amount at interest subject to the law, exceeds eight hundred, thousand dollars. In Pitt, the promissory' bonds of a single individual, Thomas llannahan, Esq., exceed two hun dred thousand dollars, and the whole amount in the county will fall little short of that in Edirrcnmbe. if auv. " 1 hesc amounts afeal exclusive;' 'of Batik Stocks, " and bfihe debw of individuals subject to the tax. Aurora. lliiw lit raise grpsisimd ytiiir daughteri tu a iiisiiionablo ' boarding schoot If kept at home they will be ducks or little stupids. To raise corn wear tight boots. The way the cockneys prefix the aspi rate to words beginning with a vowel, is not ahvavs fii much Minis. As for example, ihry Vail California nhe new H Eldorado;" Opinions of eminent tnen on Ike Pacific Hail Road Scheme. Letters from many distinguished men of the Union to the bte St; Louis Pacific Rail Road Convention have been publish ed. They are of interest, as indicsiing a general eoncarre uco of opinion among ihi-se eii'inent citizens on the nece-siiy and procticabi'itj of such a work, from aotne point or other. j Mi. Clay sys: J As lo the project itself, tho means of its! execution, and the termini of the Road, 1 stand perfectly uneo.iimi'ted, mid feel no prejudices nor predilections which would ' sway my judgment. Befoie an enterprise of such vast importance is undertaken, all the light of which the subject is suscepti ble ought to be obtained. Among these is that to be derived from accurate surveys of contemplated routes, and their practice" bility, at well ts estimates of the cost. I hope that the deliberations and proceedings of the proposed Convention at St. Louis will afford useful aid in arriving at a prop er conclusion.'' Mr, Calhoun says: "No one more highly appreciates the subject of your meeting than I do. I have made no opinion as to its Eastern or West ern lerminus, or the route that should be adopted; nor shall I until I am belter in formed. My wish is, that the best route, all I hihgs considered", should te selected, including the termini. The work should look lo Hie whole Union, and the eerteral commerce of both the Atlantic and Pscihc oceans. Such will be the views that will govern me, whenever. I my be called on to act ou the subject. I regard the work to bi. oris of loo great magnitude and inv porlance to be influenced by local or pri vate considerations.1 Gen. Csss says. : "Ii is difficult fur the rnind to grasp the immense advantages which politically. dettined tolbring with ;t. It Would become a highway, iT not of nations, for their pro ducts, ministering lo the wants of the ex tensive regions, and opening such a channel of internal communication, as the world has nrver seen. It would bind together the different portions of our country, ad ding the facilities Jof npid intercourse to all (tie oiher motif rs for perpetual union." Mr. Van Buren says; We may look with well-grounded con fidence Jo the successful completion, of diis great work; 4tit exprJet start td "ses its ac coinplishmenl facilitated by a general and unhesitating con ietion, imbibed by our en terprising countrymen on the day of its commencement that such must be the cei' tain result of their labors. CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. This grest enterprise is now out of ths reach of a failure, and we confidently hope arid predict that it is but the harbinger, lo. a road from its terminus u the mountain, through Asheville, to KnoxvilJe, Tenij.. Wr expect to be-abfr to show In our next, that such a road is perfectly feasible, ,d. sirahle, necessary, and that such a one in less than ten yean, will be built, and that if our own citizens do not do that foreign ers will.,an4 tht- if w -do nt ihy-tiirg'hf-.'' This is an age of improvement, and rail loads are the chief means of moving every successful enterprise, and giving permanency to the business interests of our whole coin mun ty wherever they stretch their gigan tic arms. We are so confident that Worth Carolina ought and will sit her net session rrterid 'c'h Salisbury, that we are opposed lo mak ing one fool of the turnpike from this place to Salisbury, for the reason that if .the rail road be built in ten years it will be that mueh capital wasted on a road that thereafter will never be traveled enough to keep it in repair. We must open a communication by rail road directly from one extremity r.f our Stale lo the other. If any one says we have no principal com munication, we say it is not so, or cannot. be long, if we do what we oughu WiU mintfion, if a rail road is run from this boint to her, will soon rival many of our flourishing cities. True she lies away on one aide of the State, but does not Charles ton, havsnsh, tsaittmore, Philadelphia. N.Yotk and BouonJ Every neorHhemr It us never lie idle till we feed her from our every mountain top and luxuriant val ley; then she will be what she ought and we what we should have been years ago, a flourishing, industrious and thrifty manu facturing State, what we can and must be We never- intend to let the moss grow on our ball till it rolls from the mountains to the sea coast, unobstructed by mountains, gate's er auseways.f More hereafterr shoille Messenger COT 1N!N EGYPT. ": . . Wilmer ii Smith's 7Weof20th fiepl. says: The introduction of cotton, now -one of ihe great staples cl the country, and in quality -anking nearly at the head in the .Manchester market, is wholly attributable to Mehemet Ali; as also the extended cul tivation of flax. The production of the former article is close on 200,000 bales a year, which, taken at $9 per cantsr (the present priee, will produce somewhere a bout .700,000. Flax is railing off in Jjiianiity, because its quality has not been ound to suit tbe European market: its sta ple, owing to the rapid growth of vegetation, being'couise and brittle. Cotton is not a favorite production among (the fellahs; it requires too much labor and mKchvirm, end its gsthering'-'is iroMtMmr-':"- - TALKING WITH FINGERS. The female operatives in some of the lillllllKH egs.t'Xjjeing.. presented by the unceasing noise and clatter of the machine ry from indulging in the indispensible a inusement if tho gentle sex, have resorted to a new mode of telegraphing. Fingers have been substituted for tongues and through the instrumentality of the alphabet of sins invented forthff use of the deafand dumb while fiy lliisir 'Men hours with discussions upon matters and tlii.tgs in gch eisl. -The new mode has a great advan tage over the old, since the wholo party can talk atones without any confusion, a hun dred feet being as little interruption to these commmjicaiions as five. t-f"A precoruMis youngster being aked how many genders there were,: replied: Three, sir, the masculine, the feminine, and the neutral. Well .done, my chin, now lie fine them. The masculine is men, the fern-' inine is women, and the neutral is old bachelors! TIIK l AKKKI's -couiitiTkn UAI.KU.II M(OI.K-,ALK. Boat n. lUiiis, V s Utimililms ml b.ilci 8 UuruiO. Cutiou 9a . t' curia. liri S. fa ye rriiA n.LE. SO ljrl 50 a CO Ct-xilirr, aole, 1 1 a t '!, l, 5 a 6 jvtulasses, 11 a Nails, cut, 1U a 10J Uats, 45 a StMlil, Linseed, D a II I'owder, a 11 Shot, ' 8 s 3sugar, hmit, 18 a !l)i.' Ursiiilv, p'rh. ,lJil!o," ailv, Hoi-ivm, liucn, usi6. Colioft' " tlorn, Coffee, Cheese, Ci a 7 rij a 7 a t 5 5 a .10 65 a 70 U a 6 U) Ij a 6 a 9 II a 1-2 CuiMiias, Camlli'S. K Klour, t-Valhcn, FImxii:cI tlidci, Kieeu, Ditto, tlrr, Iroti, Swedes, Do. Kngliili. ii(liiil, 4 75 a 5 ijlt, sack, I Mis I IS M t Mlh. slum, bu. 50 a 60 t 00 a I IU sliinlt-a, 3 a fi T.llow, 6 a ll: Wheat, 5 a 6'Al.hlii-r, 3 a 4 Wool, I. a 1 VYfeH.UaJ, it a i a 9 75 a Si) Si a 3S i a 15 a a n Ciuie, I 7S a UO 4-4 Ilrown bliertnii't, 7 cents. Cumin larni, 5lot0, IS do. ItK.M AUKS. Coiiim 10 a III I 4 rrsilily little coming in in. i Let. Flsaseed I. beat SO. Us coii 5 lu 6 NKWIIKR7T. fl) a ii Turiienlinr, lluttt-r 04l Salt Cora x- a 4.15 Flour 75 a 7 1)0 (rounil Feas $1 a I 0 -.,4. Lime t j a I 50 New dip S 40 a 9 50 OIU dip I J a I !i Scrape I a I 30 Tar I 10 ,Fa4Ua.7i , I li y Northrni 75cl MuUasce 5)4 a So Uacon hami, 9 a asaorted 7 a 7 50 "" "Wtl.MIXtiltlV. . lUcoa. hog rouml. 7 1-i lo S. Corn 50 to 55 j slotk atr FaTellrvillr Flour i 511 lo i 75; Wry I.rd IV to 21 ; sioec light. 7 toll lor lunil.rr 'l imhrr 3 11 in 6 50 TurailliD Vl l.w Dip 8 35, VirginS 13, Haid 3 16. Spirits 25. 'ralMtSI. . F.xcljsiije, f 'per crnt. i PKTF.USBUrtG. Tosfo. Jlie ilnnanil continues active, anil pri ces tmprCiTijig. 1 hi- breaks ara small lng bring 3a5 l-4-U-al 4J'J 1-2. The .rii.eipel sales ol Leal ara from 5af ery little prim.' oftVring. Cotton. There ia an a.1 ranee lo 103 4 a II, I'lour. t he ilcmaiid is oonGncd to-h retail trt irt 4a$5 t'-U tor auperfine, and 6afi 12 lor Family, Wheal. The receipts are laife and prices hv again receded a litlre. KeH brings U5nt04 cts) very prime ft 00. White ICOnldS Hi. . Corn. The druiand ia good al i5a5fiota. Ilaron. Va. cured 7 a 71-2 f Western Shnul i'ei 6 I -4a6 S-4; Si-li-s 7a7 t-4 eta. I.ard. Va. Lard in kegst Salt 8 eta. ItlAItltlCD, In Warrenton, on the S3d alt. William Morgan Powell, Esq. to Mi Maty A. Trevalia. In Plymouth, Mr. Wm. Earl, of 'New' York," is Mi Sirah E. Paynter. . Ja IlaliiaxXroim on tt Perkins, Esq., Mr. Alexander Mings 10 Mra. Era line Schearin. In Kiosion, al W C. lftin's Hotel,- oa the sih inst ,-hy James W. Mortis, Ki., Mr. l.crny Whits Ui Mia JS'anrv M. Whits, both of Neschern. , . In Qraiigc, Jitr. Wiliiatua Harris. I Mr Emiline B. Ward. . DIED, In Plrmnulh, Mrs. Nancy puggin, consort of Looi Uuggin, In Waka county, on the 10th instant, Mrs Rho de Thrower, wife of Jerea Thrower, and daughter of. John Scarborough, in the 41st year of her aga Sbs, was Id years pious member ufttibMrthuilirt Episcopal Church. - In Johnston county, on the 4th inetent, near Bnulah, about 67 years nf age, John Joyner. In Kinalon on Wednesday ths lat ultimo, Mra. Sarah VbiiGcld, to the 31!h year of her Franklin County oa Ihe 4th, 'mat., Nathaniel flight, in Ihe 80th year of his age. In Hillsbom', Hotly Wtlfong, supposed ts he a bout OU years of aga. u.Mvr.itgirv. ' HE Annual Meeting of the Tiuilees of the IJni. versny ol X. U. will be held at the Esecntive DITise on t hin silny Ihe 13th day of I'ecerober rut Al this meeting ins Hoard of Trustees will pro ceed 10 fill the vacancy in (he Professorship sf Ithelnrir, Logic, he. oceuring by the resignalios at ItcV'd. Ur. Wm. M. (lieen. Ily order, O-h WHHij.r'tmnry Raleigh, Nov. SOih, l49. 46-4t. Uxeeutlve lepnrlnioii(, Rstaias, Nov. 6th, 1840. TO enable me In answrr certain emjuinca ad treasrd 10 this lVpsrlmenl, bv the Seerelsry of the Treasurv of the United Kuiea, I shall be pleased lo reeeive from Ihe owners or Maoagrrs t all the Cotton Factories Ii, this State, islotmatioa on the lollnwing pmnisi J t. Tho name ot tbe Factory, and hero sll ruled, 8 Amount of Capital iuvr'led, 3. Number of llslesnf Ottnn consumed annuallr 4. Number of Splodlt-a, aud Moles and Looms.' Cll AS. MANLY. November Sth, HH 4J Jw. IU- in I I I H I ' 1 ' i i - - lioitV Vatcta & 3ewery. Ib'F.W arriral of a large tc ! Faibninable aortmeal ot WATCHES h JEWF.LIIV, just at band, and lor sala cheaper rhan cser, at Palmer k kamsay's Jewelry Sior -Ihe moat eitenaicsj stuck ol all articles h their lias that baa been ollcrcd for sato hero forvear back,- Corns j aad look, If you do sot buy. 4 drs. Gold k Silver Watches of all kinds; fiold Fob, Vtt k Uuld Guard Chums. Keys and Seals, Finger flings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Khirt Smds, Collar fluitons, Ciold Lockets, Draocleta, Cleipt, Gold k Silver Speclaelea, Gold k Silver Pencila k Pens, Cold Waist Buckles k Silrer Combs, 8M ing Steel Bprclsclcs. Tortoise Shell Ditto. A very extensive assortment of Silver k Plated Spoons, fifeer Cups, Soup Ladles, uksr Tongs, Sail, k Muslsrd Spoons, A lrge Slock ot Pea Kniaes, Kasrirf IcScHsOrv, Putt tW Table" Goetetyi rlaSOr Strops and Diamond Powder for Itasora, Shaving Rrusbea, Hair Umancs k Combs, Tooth Rrushea, Butler k Fruit Knives, Gold k Silver Thimbles, Gold, k Silver Mourned Walking Canes, llr Plated iyaatnrs, Candlestick a, tJniloles, Plsied Wahers k Daskets, Salt k Butter Sleoile, Pearl Salt 8oons. . i . PERFUMERY. CoiognclTk Florida Water, F.atracts, Soaps, Toilet Powder, lea. A Handsome lot of Fane Articles, Work Itoaca k Netting Uos ea complete, and a variety ol other articles All kinds of Watabea and Jewelry repaired la their iitHal superior style, and warranted. . . Old Gold and Silrer laken in eiclae. . PAI.nCU k KAM9AY. rialeigh, Nov. 49. i- : 9'20 Itcrart1. T)litvti from the Subscriber, ab ul tl an' Ira "HtS weal from Kaleigh, Lis nejro man, Fraud, about 30 years of age, rather inclined lo he tall, thin vissgeJ, dark color, and weighs shout IM, mall and rather dull eve, ho iraa fiurclused of Kulit WytiH 'a wtale, anil haa s wife at Mr- Jol Bare. 1 Ho wilt pruhably emlravor to maka hia way to the Kai! Koad, aud cajie) fiom it a diate ihrnugh that channel. I wilt give theabote reward for his depvcrT lo me, ai try roldrnco, il taken in, or thirty dailats, if ou t uf die count. '..... J01I. SOKRELU Wake County, Nov. J9, J849. 46 3t pi 'I ra veiling tcut Wanted, rjou wnoimtiinti-s Ytiurirs c.vuixet one lt the I (,l iii-l innsl popnl ir MagattU's nl its class in America Is gcnllenieii bn pns Ktl the quViak'Sliout of a gumljienl. the publisli er anil uUVr terms vhii-b cannot tail lo senile a haortanui income. Afipliran't hT the ncy ara rtnirt to nrmtne rmotKlMs trtiimottt..! as to sfcwutf ami graet-ul rlKsirncy, ami to inseit Ihe mil tu 5i hi bound vnlnmes ol Hie work, which sell al a large adraoce. The Cabinet is not sect n i .ii in its charaeter, and ia equally pop ular among all denominations, and in escry part ol the Union. Price nl the Magazine SI; otitic uouihI volume, each (1 25. From 50 lo 75 gentlemen, in lihlilioii to lhai noat in the field, can be profita bly empliivrd in dilfcrcnt sectinna ol the United Stairs. .N t is the Itttt time to obliiin tubtciittio:it I the fieit valitme. '1't.e ii,itiat nunibcr, braut-lul-l emtw-llishril, a ill bp seat to agrnls nitaTis, in il.sre ol iis publication. Full psiticulais rrs ecrn$; Ihe agency aill be given on iiuit-y. A( tly iiumcd'atclv, (it bv letu-r, post-paid, j to O.K. VtHUiVOItTH,. Publisher, 135 Nassauat-, Sew" Voifc. ---j . , aM-Hltc. - , sp'n oFiuc Jgti '"M1IS is ihe title of a weekly Newsps i. pi r. published in Raleigh, by Alkx. M. fioHSts, detotcd lo Temperance and general reading, on 'he fcilloaiug low Icnni, r;i- To-Single Subscribers, 50 per year. " Clubs ol S, and upwards, ! , Our Ureihron of Ihe I'real ihrsughoul the Slate; are rrseelfully rtqueated lo gi lbs abate two or three insertions. DOZ. YAItntJ VELVltt- ritlM.wt.NU!, lo day received by " g0. E,Gt.t8H AND UUSHKN CJ1EESK, mijiJ jusl rrccircd and Tor sale Vy " R. TUlKER St SON, Nov. 21,1 S49 40 laiini -krcliitecturul tV Mc cliuuical. S this la the seatot for young mechanics and is. oihera lo apply thrmseltca lo lb attainment ol ihe gicaicst aid lo eimnenao in their satioua pur suits, a Ihoi ough know ledge of Goowclriaal Drawing V would call ilicir attention la ".Minrfie's Tetl llnnk lor b. K-mtlnnlioi.," being a roiuplele ansa uat ot Mechanical Drawing, lucfudlng ISOMEI -RICAL DRAWING and PEKsPKli I IYK, illua iraled Willi So steel plates, aud eaplained in a la raitisr manner, reudei ing Hie altaikiuenl cf I hit art ey aufj Sgietable., ; '.Ft s rtcAV: Fee Seientifit .Imetiean "It is the best work on Draw inc. that wo hue eter seen; no ynung Mechanic, such as a Machinist, Engineer, Cabinet Maker, Millwright or Carpen ter, should be without it." Fnm the Baltimrt Wtitem CHtinenl 'lie, whu having thoroushlv iiiaiieicd this book. eannai make any of the ordinary drawings ol ibis a in.., may won nespsir oi ever being stile to aa complied such a result." f r"V-eH fmriVtaftDiirrf utrlfitrencer. 1 -'loded-.-SMW- K pM4tty ml airily goes inrougn n contu not be said, so lar as pi mtiples and methods are concerned, any longer lo want s mssirr." from On America Rail ltal Jtnrnitl J 'M Is commended lo ihnsc best pial.fe'l lo judge, of 'its merita;'as tiem'g'tbc in'utt lliorougb antl coan plot woik of tb kiuJ ever published in this soun 07" ' . ' 'it has received nntveror commentation from Ihe press, and we be lavs il lully meiila all llial uas oeen sam m us praise." I'rme 3 uu. PAItTIt'ULAR .tOTICi:. We will lorward a copy of the abuse work,rfS J erpenn, to any part ol the Union, on Ihe receipt ot llnce dullars, which rosy be seat per mail at our inrnae. "' vfi-yt. fc Cd- hse atso rmblished aw krila4 euiiHin oi me aoove work turlhe useul oumJlJ, eimlaining all the principles that ara conuhied in the large work. Illustrated with 41 attt! plates, I'riee ft 81, Pubtiiled and for sale by WILLIAM MIN'IFIK k CO, 114 llalliinoro-st , llatTiMOKC. 48 ths. ritiriT TitGKsin flIIE Proprietors of the I'omogical Gar JL don snd N urseries, have now on hand ready lor transplsnling, S I 000 apple trees, Snd a small supply of Peach. Cherry, Pear, Plum, Apr), col, NrcurinS, Mlrawberry kc, ol the finest known kinds, m' Sily prneed fruits, selected a lib tbe giesi. esl ear from Ihe beat nurseries in the Uh led stale - Catalogues oblsinrd at Ihe N. C. U jok Store, of M- U I timer or direct of Ihu Pronri etnrt, I'mii Creek, Chatham l.n , Ii. One of the pioprc leis will be al Kaleigh, time ol I'cliUtri Court, with a fine assortment of trees Orders may be scut dirast to us, or to 1 1-1). I water V IJook store Kaleigh. Nov. 1S49. 4iSt ' aV Vat. Urluk Ac Live as t'ttuul. N. B I.EIDY, ROLF. PROPRIETOR AND Manufacturer of ihe celebrated SAHSA- PARILLA BLOOD l'ILL8 dors not require you while taking ibem to ahalain from eating, or from customary hebita, provided they be not immoderato er txccaatvo. It doe not require much argument to convince sny one of common aense, that lbs human aystem requires nourishment and aupport in.ricknesa aa well as in health. Nature tesrhes us tbe fact in the Withering or decaying plant lettner in restraint irotii oerupation rrijuirej, nr need fear of eipoaurs be apprehended whilst taking: tiiree Pills. Th Proprietors of oilier rills, however, caution tits public, if not in newspapers in their directions, against auch eourae, Tbe reason U because their Pill contain powerful and dangerous drug Not so with Dr. LEIDY'8 A USA PA KILL A BLOOD PI LB, they are eanpoaed ef sefetabi. sstraeta friendly to ihe mnatitution snd THE ONLY PILLeS CONTAINING MAR8APAKILLA. They purge lh Stomach- snd the Howela, ami Portly lbs Blood st lbs asms in. In eonaequenee of their Combined action , they are adapted lo moat dieaaee common to men, women and children. arfy fills in a boa, firth Ctmtt. nj-PrinclpsI Depot Dr. LElDY'tl DISPENSA RY. No 1 14 North Fourth Street, shove Rare PbiUdelpui. Sold sreo, by WILLIAMS. HAY WOOD k CO. Raleigh, . J. Hinxlale, Fayette villri W. N. Lippilt, Wilmington; Dierwway U f'irmrv, NewaWn- and moat rrapectable DruegUt tsroughsul v United Bts'es. 81 ly FriuIvClnsiral Institute , THE Annual Exami.islion wlI taks placw si the lusiitule on Weduroday sod 1 huraday next, the Slat and 82nd mat. The Class will rrreivr the bonora of tbe Institution on ' Wednesday esening, - (Slat,) al ii s-ain mx v i-iuck, bi iuo aiciuouiM apiecvei Cburclt. The liieiids of Female Education are jnvikd le at'end. Tho next Seoior be ins ou MonJsv. the 7th Jannary. B. T. ULAKE, I'rimifml. SEED WHEAT, j lew bushels of El' UU I.' IAN WHEAT may bo had. at i. i a bushel, b, mm rt ..,.i;.... al the Star Offloe. Ualeigb, Sept. 5. IHj. . rri Um Curresp minus' attention ,s rc-tH-cifjllv eallt-d tolhe tollKWng Hltll I.IANT DlSfLxY OF SCHEME' ftr DECriMBKH, IM9 Drilers tote addiesaed le S. 1CCP.PJS01T &. CO. 47 VAI.L SluEEI . N. Y. ' 33T.jO GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF MA KiLA.NU, fur Ihe benefit of (h Consolidivd Lotteries of Maryland, Class No. I, lor. IS4f, lo b diwu in ibe City ot Baltimore, MtM sa S.t.inl., I). 1.1S49. ti Numbers l!i Urawa Dalle a - - - BPLENDID SCHEME $J7,5U0! t ol3,5(X) 1 ws.soo I . f 3.S0O I 0 S yr3 til $ti i 3itl I el 3 i 0 i , jaj I ol 3 5tKJ pi 3 JlH) I Of4.00 1 of 9 SIM i hi a a.Mk-: ... . . .. .. . soiaauo I of S 5110 0i3 3ui I of 3 SIX) 1 of 3,500 I of 6,$lW I nf 3,M0 ai Prizes or fti.sco, ti of 750 IU el 305 30 t4 Prise of $350 each 03 of 100 63 0( 75 --- --- ' IwS wf-tr- Hf nf jo- ka k . k Tickets f 10 shsra-s In prnporikia. A eeitinoattola Package ol US Tickets will V sen for $lSO--Sbr In propnrtion. ' - " 933,0001 MAltYLANP CONSOLIDATED LOTTF.RY for Ihe benrltl of SuiUehamit OaoaL k. Cls Ne. I. tor I MV.'to be drawn in Italiim.m M,1 WL. Diaaa lt.llois, UUAND SCIIKMK. . ait amrt , i of r,mo i of s.rci rs V 1 1 jvvnr 20ofT50 20 of 400 0nf3H0 ' 100 of BOO . V00 of 150 CI of SO tl ot GO fii ol 4 tilt of SO dollara. te ke tf Tickets only 10 Dollar. A eertineato ol a Package of 5 t icket will be eat for I shares in proportion. -atJ.AslAf Clf AfO COXSOLIDA'I ED LO PTF.RY of Mary, land, Delaware anil Georgia,. Clas No, 8 fee 184? lobe drawn in Baltimore, Md., on fSaiuiday, De. Slli, 1140. rs Numbers. 13 drawn ballots. 1 tVT i ofiti nun - unnnii ijtj u CiVi tu,- - 10.000 20 Pri2es of $4,000 each! 40 Prise el f 1 WJO each !!! 4 of 500 dollar 115 of tit 40 dollars 65 of 100 dollars 65 of to dollara 130 ot 0 dollara. 130 of SO dollars, ke ke - ke Tickets only 4tt-lbres io pranertkHw. . A eertiSoat of a Paekag of So whole Tieketl will be sent lor l0 shares in proportion. 30.O00! XiO AMta.StXieru la n'rvvnv . ...... vrf.r i i en i of jsiarya land, Delaware and Georgia Clasa No ,1 for ll4"tobedrswn In llsltlmrre, (Md.) en Satur day, Dcxjcmbcr II, 1 849. 7i N ambers 13 drawn ballot a. -SPLENDID SCHEME.-$30,0001- $20,000 J 4 Prizes of 85,000! I of 3,655 dollar. , 25 Print o( 1,000! SJ of 550 . 85 of 300 ' SI3 of 100 Bi of 100 ' fWol 10 1S4 of 40 IS4 of 0 dollars.. '-.,...w sfcC &0 Ticket only I0 Shsrrs In'proporllonT'3'"'' A Crrtifieate of a Paekag of 85 Ticket wilt Is sent for ft2u Share in proportion .. ... .v .... f JO.OOOI , r:- - ; GRAND COXfJOLIDATED LOTTERY sf Marya lalid for the benefit of. the Cannliilied ljiitae. t ol Man land Clas I to be drawn in Balti more, Md., on Saturday, DcS. S9, 1140. 7 Kundier liiierv, IS drawn ballota. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. I of $30,000 25 ritlZES OF 910,000 caclil ARB $230,080! - l?4 PVizes ol 400. (Ml of lOO M ol 80 M ot 70 7t .1.14 of 80 lasotfu - USofio r 3,762 of $30. lj,,. ,iii5.. tkcw ...tcj . ... Ticketa $15 Share In proportion A Certificate ol Package of S6 Ticket Will on ent lor 815 -Shares in proportion. "fortune fiitnrs the rar." , GRAND CAPITALS. 834,000' 1 or 4s mo. $t! 100 of II.IIK) GR AND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, for the bencSi of the Consolidated Lotteries of Md, Class No. 4. To be drawn 'an Baltimore. Marya land, en Sstard.v, Dee. S3. 140. 7 Numbere 13 drawn ballot BRILLIANT BCHKMR. I prise ol 55,H f 5i)0f ' ' I prise el " " 4.1.0H0 45 K I prize of S5.WIO s 35,000 I prise ol S3 000 ' - 85,00(1 I I riae o 1IO0O- . 13.000 I prize Of r.500 1 500 OTJ-IOOprhleaef" . 1,500 150,000 I SO Inwest S No. prize, 500 90,000 J5 I st snd 3.1 drawn no. 900 . , 13,000 tS 3d and 4th drawn no. 150 . S.750 85 Sth k fhh drawn noa. IS5 1.15 1.10 fib la Sth or 9ih k 10th do. S3 ti 10,175 -- 130 Illhk IlboeI9th fc ISihVri 9730 130 Sd and 3d or 4tn snd fin, 60 T.IOO 4.4S5 40 179,400 87,040 prise ef SO . 540,300 32.3U0 amounting to $1,202,000 Tiokets. 110 Hah ea. 110-Ouwrters. J Eishiha 30. v . " - A CeH-neate of a Package nf 98 Whole Tickets ill be sent for 'M0 Sharea in Proportion- ' A CHANCE TO HIAKE JU0.HEV -r r CHOICE U of Superune Frejch and Eng. SiA liah Cloths, Cssimeree end Veallnga, I now oeing openea ai uiuurj- v siiaianun it CLOTHING WARK-1I0U8B, on Fayettevilla cltreet, sabers hi friend end Ihe community gen erally, ire particularly invited to esIL . ..... ..... . - There ia a girat variety 0 new stylos thi tea, ann, which, with s genera' aopply sf goods in the furnishing; department, use ts found oa lbs nseeg . aecoinmodaling time, at the above piece. Ihe proprietor, or Uia Foreman, Mr. reach, stay nt ell lime be found si home. . ... Ileadr inaele f lothlnsr Inst Arrirrat. I Rnligh,OtU l, 119. 4-6w, .

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