Utnranr i"ifMTi irirrr r-ri r-r n hitj .tie V VOL. 2-NO. 10. RALEIGH. N. C. FRIDAY, .NOVEMBER 1, 1870. 1TJCE ONE CENT. T . - i f- mi.ll. UTLS7. Eyeotso Visitor. ; ma "'TP - - . r;;r- :inl we arc ulad. Local Sailor. . porY. is selrm,, for ei,,hl t.cllti in tlrik market. '' Partridge sell readily, for ton Business was "..'Brisk yesterday. S. J. Freeman was '.plitu fcick yesterday. Fine cbromos, Mottoes. fcc., &c, The effect of jet on t-atin is Tory olsgant: ; ,i .1 Plusli jackets will be worn with street suits. What lady would not wear a ureinjrle two feet wide. ,, A fire insurance policy feels rood these cool mornings. Pebplfe with wold 4iiigef3tuight to wear castor gloves. Kid gloves are produced every season in all the dress tints. Ivs lucky bono W ti mrkey Ma the one that isn't found cut. A new reversible overcoat is in the form of a"demi-ulster. ! $ rf There's no established fashion for dressing feminine hair. Even tho discovery of new planets has picked lip vvohderf ully.. Pedestrains g( as-they pleas-' ervant girls go when-theyjiploaat?- - The time to save money is when everybody else is spending it. A beautiful. dolman is of. rich, black satin, with heavy jut decor ation5;. v. , pnpuW fttvlff for'tli hnir is lint on top and crimped handeuus in Iron. A cook-stove 'may be converted into s !i;c iiui-;u.r by billing 011 while it's led. ' . t-otriiismi-1 drunkard. bo tight than .bo. Pioi kntv The youth who upends- all his money for a pair -of-, t-katv will como to realize 'that he' is mis Vied ho v. - .:. ''.'';.- . I '. .i .... l'i-. in mm. I mm ' ii.: i t I n- i t r A. l ,. a tm) illiul ill r s.'i.i.in 14 keen eonshmtlv. a line Hionly of ' C.i-.n n:v I).,.. Tim davsof w i "rj ,1S onrt.irhiroulioiiM be cautious 1 - i , - : freih water hh. OH and get eouic. Tlie Statu Library is ke,.t in a splvtdid . cniiiitioti. ; The Libra rian, Mr. Sherwood Haywood is a clever and polite gentleman, and takes pleasure, in showing strangers the maiiy valuable books therein. There is about 10,- lower than ever offered 'to' the public i 000 volumes in the library, and at i,6vy southern Jjzar o !..',: o nnn Lt v in s,n. The Hoiuce Wateks' Pianos, hold by J. L. Stone, General Ageut, re ceived the First Pbemtum at the State Fap ls!rtftplt. i ' ! j ' ' : '7 ' 1 ' 1 1 ' " ' i library for them llic old bell cow was on the It was a wliO.OXclHimc'J, UI -hal -ra'her f.-. -: The !)read f this; co'untn has ; j . more to do with its success than the laws. Let women remember if A-a' C;'iO'eatlief'iil soon be cold jt s and Vlisagreeablc ? enough for ftp . i, ., .'. .amateiir-huntei to enjoy, ,them-; telves in the swamps. ' , ' ( Summer lingering in the lap of ; . winter is nersonated by the man shed three or four tears at a crit with a quivering sigh, can marry .Jill' around a glrdd looking 'Monde i r "who does nothing but try to hi a sh,: J. L Stone has taken the agen ¬ cy for thq-k.rta)fl9fl1V.(ntterM,h ACo.'s Patterns. No one else -wilkswppUlwitUlseT patj tertfs DufDjIdnl, assh6ii tie ex , elusive agent, frst , order ' consists" of $600 worth of theso j-ive in a few days. i''rfr streets-again last night, jingling her bell, thereby annuying thy steeps inelfny.She-WBgKtto be kept up. Have you paid your taxes? The SJie,rffy.ha8 yhi ln).ok fpen and will take pleasure in waiting on you. Call and see him. - i D. S. 'aiii V tjbo. , , , t have )uBt one ot the tW-ktiesf. lot of Sack Suits U l hi found in tlit; city. I. you doi't , bclkvi:- it". o nud see for vourmdves. ' (it Card photographs of actresses Scents; larger size 15 cents, at StewkrVs Npor'Gftllenv 'tf ( Tije.Mayr says , Jief is fleter- mined to astop to fast driv ing, if it takes him all .the winter, and. in this determination he will have the. hearty upwrt-jml 'o oDeration of the entife 5amniu- nity. If Yui: fyvis'r JiuaiAE Jt go-and see foi' your; solves. 8''e wliat ? Why that i. ii. -Xf, uiti w, iiro. have tho pri-tiit'Ht Sack .Suns 'of 'ready mufle ciotiiing iu ih' city. ..' i'ln1 tinest Jind ' Minjr Ainili's iu the , i-ity'nt (ii.sH'gu Cr)!din:tuV. (i-ft more than to ha e the fat. ma?i at the end of the table 'attempt'- to push himself 'backhand .in the ef fort upset the little.5 fellow at j tho other en of the board, while the ftflks'ldffiBflffijid'us. " tiitd .tilieuW other part of the building, there ! not being ' fcutficicrU room in the The next Leg- t.-hit'.ire should' make an appro priation for the extension of the library.' It ' ought to' be' ! just twice, as larire. . ; . You can get the best country cider in the -ity ;at ;L. II Whitehead's on Wilmington ytruet, next to Wooll- cott p opufto. (( ull av,d Hea SW13 George (Joldniau has just received another lot of Fine Butter. , , 0-t ' Ju&tfce.1'n:vi,beclia( 'aold-of- fender before him to day. .lus t'w.v liarboe wa.nted liim to give last accouiits hevas still giving it. oce cliaiigL' 1;! 3ti J iaru:;! ad vertisement. Jt; you 'Avish to be wealthy and flse,'do like Air. Hardin advertise. The latest improVed Singer Tvbi ehiuert tor side at J. L Stoac'h ojUee. ' Improve J.be condition of voar horses and lncree the flow of nnlk froni your cows by. buying the prepared uill feed of Jones, (riven . lv!i. ' Tiiev liavo selves eatirtirfroni their neighbors' i. Ay j dates'.' ,J. M. Ro'seifbaUhr has a crowd ways go out with great, bundles fif KZ's .'':' ' 1'' B.i' L 'i -J j- ci";t.fL'.2 OI 1)18 Dice rea-maue cioimui;. 'wheVtfeylrth th; B'.M) Bo-u t 1 uet'ei', was hu! He dpi . with' out a word, s intentions he's gone Jt J. ..' ': th at Jieel lsji'cl ipitbe :can ? t help buying. Call , anolsee' jfiim. For the best fitting dress fchirts' go to ! .Levy's. .-. !.S rr,; '..! '.- ;o:-' Qjai) Mkdai.. t lr.s..premuim awarded the .New Home Sewing Machine jn 5.8. " Sothe tnodal a wh rded by tW te) j ai r. B Two of the, nembers of the Wal proessipi tjnsdtwho. atfove" all other" peopTesWnld liaye known ' tra oi Ann i O wMternielon while .at Smith. field Ooitrt J tlrts hveek, 'nvhich" iiide them yerir'siek. ,! Be'tter: b'ej' fuiore careful thereafter, Dgentle-- ; :'-..'.! - i ! "lit J -..- KlW .ti! , ' conijtii.nt.lv o' i!--u wood and co.il, wjiie'i you know makes the fireside' so' ebei'i ;;;!. No. -17 Fa-yet tevi lie si'Lc'et. . ! . - ; negro , nuir- it Ilillboro last Friiav out we upaose 10 were like t'e rest straight tfPlIAven". If vu 'wait to eat something goo 1 , j nst. gr (to Ua rd in 's and get some of his lunch milk biscuits. They, are undoubtedly the best we ever, ta.stc4 k ?y lM-uifii)j7l 5. cents per pound. Notice hHii w ii ' I'japi ks. 1 Arrival of ine worsted V goods for children and infants at Madame Bes- TiiE AKv-J:iNLANi Ukoan was awarded Fliwr ; Piiiaoot at the fair lust)veek:'( J-il Sknie, agent, No. 18, Fatteville .sti-eet, Italeigh, N C i ing to win and presenting to be presentetl to, have not lost their uovelty. Courting people, you know, must, occasionally change the order of things, get -out' of the old ruts run iu new chan nels find new ways of doing old business n tine, this is a day of improvement, of discovery, of invention. To verify what has just been said, we'll relate a little incident which took place in the courting circles this week. A nijii l)eopii(mg fory muchtn vince her of his devotion in more ways than by simply telling her of her many accomplishments, her superabundance" Of' lib arms, a n d ot her "itn material, in ttf.ngi ble cvidencLS of his affections, con cluded to deal awhile in material, tangible, animate evidences. Tho young man is a great lover of the canine trilte, and supposing that .JUd.hi!j4$.puld bCvUiorp acceptable to (no ran' one than a tine dog. sent to hi Jhdcinea a big yal lcv brinded, country dog." The young lady had the elephant she didn't know what to do with hitn. '- H'u; called a (rouncil of her mother, the maid-servant a.i;'d the cook to devise ways and means storing the new pet until morn ing (for it was night). After much consultation and due .deliberation, they decided that the chicken coop, in tho back yard, was the most eligibile quarters for the night for tho" dear pet. So " the i ' 11 t 1 I i..... A ?' t ig aiiow onn i.-u c..umrv noz was safeiy. stored.;- "Tscxt" morn ing, the- y.'iing lady Junking .from to see how -h,-y (;:t their ame. The Lon don Lancet, a, medical joiirnal of high repute, says whcirganie killed, by shot and probably containing the' pelleta, in eaten, it may ( be worth while to cau tion those who consuae . the tlt-sh of birds with avidity, that tho proportion of instances in which shot is found is probably small in comparison w ith tho number of cases iu which the pellets are unwittingly swallowed. Occasion ally the most disastrous results have followed such small causes. The same iournal tells of a man who died After prolonged and unexplained sufferings from the , impaction of a Tery small nail, which had,, found its way : into a budding, and was inadvertently swalr lowed. us men. her- window was surpr (hill V tho, Uig yiillow '. .biiudied eountrv-";dog'' bad quit his city ouai'ter; took : the; : chicjap-cpop (which was rather light for such heavv contents) on his head, car ried it as far as the feriee, ""hung it on the gate-post and u stepped down and out" to his rural home from whence he was exported the gallant was forthwith inform ed of his exit and has gone in search of the aforeVaid, " big y al low, brindled country dog." Suc cess to the young man -- long may he vave;and not grow weary in well-doing, AJl's weilhat ends well. WW Rix. Bailed. The, Wilson Advance tellsj s that last Sunday night tne only in mate o t our county jail ' determined to make way for liberty," and he betran y setting Are to the " door of the jail which l?ads to the - jail lot. H had "uceeeded Very well and would have soon made good his escape had it not een for the vigilance of our ever wakeful policeman',- D. ' P.; Christinah; who happened to be in the vicinity of" the juil at the time when the door was almost gone. The fire was, put out and the prisoner further secured.1 STATE NEWS; Mr. Am row 0 verby, clerk in the store off J.lrAfel 'Jolly, on itreet, was accidentally Hi his right hand this . I) r. Fab. 11 ay wood ' in and dressed; the pr.Y'rv'W I'snffeVin at last accounts. We b' ididnyt know it was llillsboro shot throu mornnig. was cat let won rid;- great pair suppose hj loadedKW ,':A Bswarriyal of nueryndisaw, Koodsj silks ftu4 ribbons Mrs. II. A. : Si.- . -. .i v. ' . .in .1.1 i,, p:.- lieas'.ev s, wincu aviu ub sum iu inakiugVoutting;UniAnig(Wneto den.MT n (i n -( it4 1 RliottrapjiSof ithliireu acfrcss4 o4ir'-jlSytitf f ft sale1 at - Stewart's Piiotograplf Gallerv. : ' , -i ,, . ' . 03 Ct Do von November? This is the first day. ' ! ' ' ' ' : "" ' : ' ' Business lively on "Wilmington strcet to day. "! : ' ' ' - ;"' Oh, yefe ! plenty of them, lur- key aOT,' cnicu en s, 1 ana i n iac t, two barrels l;orsa , apple vinegar. 1 1.; Camp Russell, is being put i order for the Fair. ' ,' m The, Bantist Gj'ovc.looks like a The Itintop Journal , brags uboit Henry' F. Brooks, of Lenoir county who planted five ucres of in cotton and ias already pick.;d out five 450 pound l);)gs, and who thinks there is three more in the' parch. He used half ton of guano. That's pretty goou for this country. Mr. D. M. Karri ii ger, of Mt. Pleas ant, gathered , from caie vine this fall. ten punipkins-.that .weighed, together, our hundred and eighteen pounds. How is that for prolilic? Adolphus "Watson, colored, of Sand Hill township, says the Kinston Jour-' nal, -bulled gree.n gourds for thy cinlls. It. .-stoppea the , chills, but if killed Adolphus. , . , ' Stephen A. Douglas, of NortU,Caro-r lina, son of the late Senator Douglajv, -lias formed a connection with a Chicago, law firm, -and will take up his residence' iu that city. .: ; , ; ! " 1 . Thy, Elizabeth City Telegrajn has changed hands. H. T. Greeulef isr editor liov Mr. Garner having retired. Here's -hoping) &c. The Newbern- Democrat says that Mr. . D. Howard's new invention, -he automntic car-coupling; works admir- ablv. . . . m,; A man died in -La Crfange last XVii lay. Too much red rye hglfnTwg.wa the' cause of it. - , The. Bragg is the name of a paper. published iu" Charlotte. ' John Bragg i,editor., ' ' 1 -' ' ''' ''' Durham needs a town hall, says tho Recorder. It wants alpo. . a t!Natiopal Bank. ., ;. , ; The revival of religion: ,at Durham continues with unbated success'": Burglaries ai-e disgustingly common at Salisbury. . in "' - i ' - Hickory High School " has 107 pu- pila. ' ;' 1 teK in, snow storm lia over it. i ,.,.i,,i ; - rrBt . 1 - i i ' ' Wm Husk has been acqutft PhifadelphiaJ'ofJ the murder of'tfcrid McCool. Thl jury jwere put five days.