-1 "I" 1 , oral . nr3 I- VolK-NO. 12.7 RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY, iNOVEMBEK 4, 1879. PRICE ONE CENT. I I 1 K.JU.Z? tlLZ&. Prices are advancing much more rapidly than our. frontier The horrid zone tho latest fashion in ladles' belts. ' All-wool scotch suitings find Silk handkerehief are being substituted for ties of lace. has giTen impetus to warm tinted hosiery. A white silk kerchief carelessly knotted around the neck is stylisji- tolaM-reftet hVleelets- witli 'a lace butterfly poised on top are Ptty. is thick, spongy, light and warm. A graceful poem on October alludes to "hill ides cladvi in opal The Plu-e To Buy 1 1 I ,!(''' Groceries at bottom pricua in at John-,-(ti & Wisfed" . . .? ,no4tf wmmm Cxotham. sGrorgeona .. velvet butterflies flutter 'among" the, tu;nn ihillio -. ery laccsa J ? 'ii ' -'! ' 1 lumes the yellow groves with fiery plume.;; ..: v; i So'ap. Cneapsatj')Mif kpj at Robeson 4: Wigg'".u no4-tf The height of fashion and the height of folly rph, to the SHiiatlA a C,atp jjajej nine lives, and in or der to live every one of them they have to stay up tights. , , . .Lb Ii'Atuttliocnr'dK fhwtwheW X lady &&nS'new 8mtfne,eyeVwof -all the other ladies follow '.Miifc. The genuine branjkfTnTodesty an readily .IW'rBcVgnized when mjrcdwifli' a mock humility. oomparea witli a inock nnmiiity ii 4 at r fash&Um (t?"dl'' feVsV; chickens, and In faK 9) wAirivii onlypnj,-&4Lng iraonuLfes yfou ssare pu yu tit anything good in the eatinir line iust droi) in J and xtmviWM you all viijht. -.'Uy house is-kept on tho. European jl:iu. ' ' " First Pkkmium. The New'Euglaud Organ was'awardod the first premium fit the late North Carolina F.iir. J.Ll tonci agent,. No. 18 Fayetteville street.- noltf t There are more' watches worn in the United States than in any other country. Of course the people have a better time. 1 yours. We call fHMff'ttentipn IgjM. fiue.VMf y 'j Mr. S. J. tfroeirmnt L still con fined at home by sickness. Fiddlers are getting out their reiin, and. ttwilj, not be long, bo fore country ball rooms will echo to the' rerf. : , 11 Takfe! ydhr posi tions for a cotillion I" w IidM Bxrofti ittj Lap:' Stewart's Gallery is the enly place for heap pictures;! Sittings made free before yo pay. no4-tf "VVhy.will peoplo " put an ene my in their mouth to 6teal their brains away ?" " Perhaps for re venge, in inducing the enemy to fynqtjfpr. something) thacaVt be found. What is the net profit if a boy obtains two quarts of nuts and tftars his best trowsci s to rags in 4 shining" the tree ? Some pa rents are how 'engaged in solving this PMV4.V)V' .AV See Mrs. R. A. Beasley's notice. She will sell her fine stock of goods at l",ew York and Baltimore cost for tho next The brightest day is not with out some shadow: ' The era of prosperity has at last dawned, but how one hangs on to the C-ilin,t skeleton ?-of i"tn'dopQrted c hard times imes when he hears that piano ,'' I 1 ' i' ' ltfnufacfurerB ao5part that at nri mknufa'cureili fp time during the last sixty years has the trade m U ill $r I f .tBi Mrs. S. A. Mowatt gives no tictflathe i!frep,a5o!d,td repair and rlfc-an all of your !!old jplothtaa (iivft'hAr a trtak )rivx,i' i.? --t go and Ir&rlttiw h. llSJt, ? Why that D. S. Waitt & Bro. have the prettiest, gack, SBjOfrixay,dyjajd F ThanetRwd'rfonrf?Al)pl in; the" or the btjbst fitting Mi-ties smrt-gt to iTwentv thousand dollars worth of old hahcre to dav atihe Treasury, i;? .Pen n i m an fe 15ro Hal ti i no re Mtvur thi8.itn6i'tip.i ' 1 aye from i'idladelpnia last nightJ He "sYvs. his .machiiies in urosfftcss- : If you are in need ot n .u it" "i ready made clothing go to .J . M. Rosclia,uia'r j Hqi lias a ftUlur compfcte 8ioc'.''" He" also keeps hats; gentlemen's read y made un- (lerwearfknd several 'other articles pianos been sp Tacitva as HUJ Ul l 1U 1 I too nnnitrou8 to mention. ; aVi' and examine his stock before pur chasing. George Goldman has just received another lot of Fine llutter. G-tf ' -'.V ' Com. Overcoats in dettind. Regnlarj tneeting of the Raleigh light Iufantry t S o'clock to night; !' Gir.. lBt, as many as yonf cin afford; 2d, abont right; 34, ppiey enou;h: 4th, cuough ncivs. Come Vgk-'r roTt-oiT. You cuu get the bent country cider in the city at L. D. H. Tiiteliead's on Wilmington street, nt W Wooll oott'a open frort. Cull and yet a glass. Gotp Mkdal. First premium awarded the New Home Sewing Machine in 1878. Also, another medal .wardedbv tho late fajr.. !M().yes is r&appj inn. HJ feays ifs a girl tpd the Hnest in tnecity." ' New York election to day. Air. Linck&',KJniinuilii the ii "f5 most po'pnrar resort n the city. The Board of County Commis sioners met at the poorhouse to day. Mr. Thos. B. liyan ind lad' frorjB near'AlbHMy, ir. rc:at the Yaaboro Iloue. Mr. Ryan is on liis v;iy to Hillsboro to com mence th'e publication of a news paper there. It will be his chief aim to induce the great tide of emigration to come to North Car olina instead of going west. His Ipaper will be democratic in poli tics. We wish him success. The latest improved Singer Ma chines for sale at J. L. Stone's office. Price $25. 6-tf i . Improve thtf condition Of'your nOrsiSs' nd increase the flow of milk from your jcows by baying tawprepired rmll fetd of Jones, 0 roe n & l'owell. They have .constantly on hand u nice supply of wood and coal, which you know makes the fireside so cheerful. No. .TiyfH etteville street. perienced this season. bee notKie lor-ir. Jvo: fay lor s Vomovrtl from Fayetteville to Wil- street. Mr. It. E. LuniMlen and lady returiiU WJtthtf vifyl lut riighV frprn their bridal tour. will be supplied witli these P4t- terns hv tafl lt :.. v .. of - .i.t-'itheria in Nw iK'rn. ; Chickens 'arc "dying up in New born. Tlio Nntsliell s:iys a Mr. Tisdale thinks-1! icy are dying. with' Utliiiiitiian. A tramp was .killed by. the train at. -Harrisburg the other J, L Stone hafs taken thp agen; y:fep r'KBri&ueiv tfe Ooisi'atteVnoi i -No iotie-jse A shooting afTray t-ame off on Saturday night last in Petersburg a., between, two-young men pfi)Hy. " ; ' ' luh tespefcabiaty," Young and llmton, in winch' the latteV was slot thronndan try MleJ TlAV.itistf fcs wfusVey ft.nd rWAitb-8. t is a sad comment tary u tho Southern press, to say, that although the affair oc curivd in an adjoining gtate, we hear of it iist. through the Now York papers i ;. ; -p, fiiirctaf ? AV TlXrr 'ftASxdii al the fair last week. JU L. Stojie, gent, No. ) 18, Fayetteville iitreet, Raloigh, N. C. i Nonoji fr thb Ladies. Arrival of tine worsted goods for children and infants at Madame B son's. , . ')' ; " " 6-tf "'One 6hare: of !Peaci Institute stockfur, $iiG. f AppU to - P O. Bo.f tiB'; ttalefgir, N.r 1 l-6t Tile Concord Register is proa poring. It claims to have a larger circulation than was ever received y any paper ever printed in Con cord. 'Success to it. Miss 'P.-iin'er ,w;is the c:iu.-c.oE two barkeepers 'shutting upshop' at Moorcsville. There were 2G0 persona professed faith in Christ at that meeting, so says a corres pondent of the Peoples Paper.. ,, Silvtir Cornet Band meets to-morrow night atj.l-a o'clock, the Gptain ays. ; ,;,.-': '''' ;' ' 4 1 ' V ' Have. you; paid your county and State taxes yet? V . , , .Hon.iA. M. Scales, member 'of' Cohgr; fi-dji tJie 5th, djricjt and Gjt;tj,',)PIiil.' B. Hawkins of 'Louinljujgj are .at the Yarboro IJouaeJ) . , ; Revenue receipM :to'day $$o2,- ' Rf . P-owy hass4ieBTP cofa1 lined t hisrtie for se'feral darT .wifhkne; 1 Raleigh Indppcndent, Brass Band is mi!ietd to met.Klieoua Hall to morrow evening at Ju'p bQ.' ! Three bimdrM bMeif bolli' i i W'fi''tfli Vit i f 11'- rt&'n-ft pre.S8.1t;, it',v.; 1i .-Jn.c;' '.fltU f:. 4UOTTOTT TpiHicn to-oay at TO i0iTowe4f market tVdjf! 'o... c Al".- r. UT'.ri.vA-.: See; notieo )fcrM in Jt W; lOoleiiitil this lis issuer dI?'rffttiJ)5Tgsooil mhltlV i...'. . - - coif tviU 1 1 1 I Scvrefarv O. II utitr;!ttJ r. for u co I n o U 1 1 iej i tar v ' ,Uc lyi' t- nr.t-i;fl ftiV ;crc on the 17tli sinst . Vou W betler .o 'to lr. A ;es it r ISV';, and save' trouble. - - t . vnut ciiai's. Go and try tiicin. -J uWr io u' 'Coukt. Justice Bar. Ik'O disposed ..of the case of tho .State .- vs. deny (ireeu, Vtriri. P.raneh, and Uiley '. Piiilipsnhis morning, for injury to seal property, lie bonsai them over to the next term of the Superior court in a bond of s5() each. j , Lovely day. morriae liwnse waned to- fall owing im the wgiate iridiea tiilg'luoi pbitrorr'-f ftres in the city:- ..( ..-;' Noj thiDf Hargett and ett ef FayettevUle, 1st division, dcug naUJ by one tap of the belL South of Hargett and east of Fy etterille, 2nd division designa ted by two tape; ! south of liar gett and west of Fayetteville, 3rd division, designated by 3 taps; north of Hargottand west of Fay etteville, th division, dewgnatei by 4t tap. .A continuous alarta without any taps indicates that tho tiro ia on one of the blocks bordering on Fayetteville street. NOTES AND NUDGES- BT P. O. X HOOKS, M. D., OF KKW T0BK. Tlie country is the. place for rabbit transit now. ' '' : Although man is the only ans imal tljatjca be induced to .drjnk; liquor, i ; beef' occasionally gets corned. ' All the cloths Adani had. for a long time was the close of day, while tho mantle of night was his bed clothes; " ' A gentleman travelling through Volusia .county,; Fla., recently, saw tlie. following on a signboard on tho outside of a store: ''r To trust, is to bust, ; f. To bust is hell;' . Jk3 it.: No CiisT; no hell. "The1 mills of tiie' goilsj .rind slowly.'.is Ubpese tp lia.rlape paid by.tlie day. T WiliVi Jkhe gods never loam that H is to lieir interi!4 luV 'wofk'by contraetJUn oi f- .ttlrw ar ioit ti I ' ryb-lmMm-tiUM i -l 'S.fT j The Jojln!jjfstryllw ft I Rlckillairnt4."i(iIiiBe'tddn,witli gypdiil stiys tfibBflOin 'ix Hrfi- 9 as Im't oV,iVu-'.ifu , It fltfov 0U3 ' '.I f in " iia4v a lt)0 e . J i r.i i ."'"ir k; otHtrs tof v tfieiiJjfliaabetli Oity It Telegram; each lost a child last ' l'yf tJit,',;:Klizabeth:....City ' b a.uv w-iia t iiulyi :'t tc!i'iol . " . - - . : : ' '; -: ' ; ' V, Fori.-st tire are burning ort the mountains near PeksMll, in tho Highlands Ney Yorkv - f t acrcw of woodland dinvx; been des-'" : -L 1 roved, and the lire is spreading. Forest tires are also prevailing in the Blue PJdgc mountain, Rap pahannock and other sections of Virginia. ' .'.,,;- '4

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