' The Evening Visitor, VOL. 2-NO. 13. RALEIGH. N. 0. WEDNESDAY, .NOVEMBER o, 1879. PRICE ONE CENT. l LJSJ If Evening Visitor.; WM. M.UTLEY. Locd E .1 alitor. ; LVJ-J. wl,om J iavo ! ray valise to t ike to th deoot Tester day, will return it, I will pa hiin $." for the Rame and ask no question. I gave it to him at t.'ie corner of Wil mington nnd Morgau streets. The va lise has my nnme on it in two place. Leave the valise at the marble yard or at Mr. Cay ton's house, who will pay for it. The party is known. If not returned iu two d.ivs will be dealt with according to law. W. O. WOLFE. News iteni3 scarce. Last night was a cold one. Large frost this moruiur. Have you settled your taxes ? Turnips are plentiful in mai ket. Sweet potatoes are selling for 50 cents a bushel in market. A marriage at Salisbury Street Uaptist Church to night. BALTiMOitn Bust and Cuus-amis. Where? At II. T. .r--tr & Co., No. 1 Johnson street. We. know, we have tried tli -m. Send in your orders at once. They ha 1 nrdor fur forty gal lons uy.-:t .'j-s SahU'lay liihf.- uo5-lt ice formed to the thickness of a half inch ;it our house last night. The Industml Fair promises to be a grand affair. From all parts of the State, reports come in that crowds of colored people will at tend and bring their industries for exhibition. Mrs. Beck with keeps a splen did table. If you don't believe it, just drop in there about meal time. She is such a nice lady, and so pleasaat-that her boarders can't help feeling that they are at home. They Can't Be Had anywhere else. What? Those fine oysters at K. T. Jeter & Co. The Howell House on Blount Street is conveniently located iind the terms are very moderate. For information apply to Mrs. 13. K. Howell on the premises. " Say, Mister, u har did you git -dat suit oh clothes 'P " I. bought it of J. ' M. Rosen baum." " Has he got any more like it V " Yes, plen. of them." "Come on Jake and des git nsa suit ob em," and they hurried on with their countenances lighted up and their money in their hands. They each bought a suit of his clothes. The Best Thtno Yet for a cou'h, , .Call at your drug tora and get a bottle, of .Cherokee. Indian Cough fCuro. i? 2sceuta,.p bottla. i' no.-2t It T.LJeter 5 &V Oo "ttitike 7an importarSt aniiouncement. Bead and then Hive, this firm a call.. Theyv .i! lvo6d;v ffrst class business gentlemen. If! the ladies want something nice they should go to Mr. Alex Creech's and get apattern of that fine blajck casamero he , is . selling 80 very cheap, lie also Keps a magnificent stock- of all kinds of dresS goods, and is selling thertt; as low as the lowest. Read hi? ad vertisement,1 and then give him a Read Prof. Pauli's advertise- Prco marrii,c ,icc,,6 issue1 i j today. Not an item in th Sheriff's of- ! . . i . ! Mr. 1). C. DndW U still c.on- lined at his home by sickness. . The New iisoLAND Okgax was awarded the Flu-vr Premium at the fair last week. J. L. Stone, Hgeut, No. 18, Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. C. i Notice fob the Ladies. Arrival of nue worsted goods for c'nidrcn and infants at Madame Bes Hon'ti. 6-tf One share of Peace Institute stock for sale. Apply to 1. O. i I3ox UG, Raleigh, N. C. 1 1 6t The Mayor gave four fartie 12 hours each in thejniard house for being drunk and down. Sheriff Simmons of Dertie Co., brought three prisoners to the penitentiary to day. If you .want a good cigar go to Fescud, Lee oc Co.'s and get one of their 5 cent pilots. Th'y can't bo beat for the money. Oh, yes ! plenty of them. Tur keys, eg's chicke1!-, ;i;id in act, two barrel.- Iuuvj sij-plo viii:.gar. V C MuMackin. ,!. j C3tO!!e II IS I 'C. i Lie iign liutterick cv for the side of 7 & Co.'s Patterns'. No one else will be snpiilied with these pat terns but by him, as he is the ex clusive agev.t. His arst order consists of $G00 worth of these elegant patterns. They will ar rive in a few days. 10 tf Is the young gentleman who i j 1 was exchanging' rings wun some vouna: ladies on the' corner, of the street the other day, satisfied with his bargain The cistern on " Newborn Av enne is about completed. It re flects credit on the superior work manship of Mr. Thomas Coats. He is a good mechanic, and should be well patronized. A colored woman named Geor giana lkshterfa, residing on the Chapel Hill road near Asbnry, dropped dead on yesterday. The Coroner investigated the matter and after taking evidence decided a regular jury of inquest was un necessary it -being evident that the woman died from hemorrhage. You can get the best country cider in the city at 'L. D. H Whitehead's on Wilmington street, next to Wooll cott's open front. Call and get a glass. 'Gold Medal. First premium awarded the New Home Sewing Machine in 1878. Also, another medal awarded by the late fair. 8 We saw a gentleman to day who says he ate 8 dozen oysters in one day and is ready to repeat it, provided some one Will pay for the oysters. We call special attention to the advertisement of Mr. D. C. Dud ley, Sr., which appears in this pa per. He has two valuable lots for sale. One improved and an other beautiful building lot un improved. Call and see him. T Yon Dok't Bblibve It pc arid see for vourselves. See what ? Why that,!)., S, Waitt & Bro. have the prettiest Sack' Suits of ready made . . i j i. IJ !S ! plied t!i'w morning with all kinds j of meats, and sold at a rcasona- . hlc price Thy pump on Illonnt, near where South street intersects, needs repairing badly. It takes about seventeen minuted to pump a pail of water. The "people in that immediate neighborhood are complaining heavily about it. We hope that street Conunis- sinner Andrews will nave the pump repaired at unce. Improve the condition of your horses and increase the flow of milk from your cows by buying the prepared mill feed of Jones, Green & Powell. They have constantly on hand n Dice supply of wood and coal, which you know makes ihe fireside so cheerfxl. No. 47 Fay etteville street. George Goldman has just received anoth ;r 1. t of Fine Putter. G-tf Miss Fainter will hold services at 1.. St. 11. U. Church to night. Mr. 8. Oriio Wilson have a ihio dis-.l iv of freji- and r.i-uoiion tsd tv for t!i- r M !!.:! i :rd, M. t. a line is:iay oi" ever- lie tiUo l.as a gl't.'CI, E-i I sio-aliie i''r i' . y. i e vuit.-s, .cc , va, iin ! ceme- i t""ie St!. e c oi he ioiimi (.(ii M al of IM ...I ' 1 i f Ml ll I ius ii:tes- sin v;hat othf-r fn Callaod s:( h'Uit one growers half i:t Oil!'!; tiiMi. - Mit. J. L. Store's Aveis.vue s des of X--w Ih)mo S -.virg. '?..'- -uiu ?s are over one hundred per month, lie has sold over fit ty (;!)) in the lust week. Oniee and show rooms, ro. 18 i'ayctte- ville siieet, Ilaleigh, N. C. uuo-tf A counterfeit of the new trade dollar is in circulation, and is so jod in execution that it passes readily in unskilled hands. Mr. Geo. T. Stronaoh is very much opposed to screech owls. He has lately killed two of his most choice chickens, thinking they were screech owls. Be sure before yon shoot, heresifter. The finest lied King Apples in the city at George Goldman's. G-tf For the best fitting dress shirts go to Levy's. 5 Look Bepoke you Leap. Stewart's Gallery is the only place for cheap pictures. Sittings made free before you pay. no4-tf First Pkemium. The New England Organ was awarded the first premium, at the late North Carolina Fair. J. L. Stone, agent, No. 18 Fayetteville street. no4tf Revenue receipts $1,584,9-1. 300 ludes received up to hour of goii.g to1 press. Cotton quoted to day at 10J to 104. ' Tone of market linn. A Chojck Lor Of N. C. Hams at' Johnson & Wigfg's. noi ' A L.viioE Lot ov Soap, cheap at wholesale, at Johnson & Wigg's. nol-tf ' The Place To But Wroeeries at bottom prices. is at John son & Wiggs. ' uoltf The Sheriff went to House's Creok township' to-day - to look after taxes. Fashionable marriage at Hills boro to morrow evening. Mr. Fairchild's sent a beautiful mar riage bell up there this evening composed of beautiful Camillas and tuberoses. (Jo to Lincko's gymnasium to-' night, The lIorcE VVatehs Pianos. s"ld! by J. L. Stone, General A cent, re- ccived the First Premium at the State Fair last week. 1 Mr. W. O. Wolfe was robbed about noon yesterday of his va ' lise. Can't our police work up this It seems 6t range to us that a man can bo robbed of his valise in the open day time in a small city like this and then get off scot five. D. S. Waitt fc Bro. hiive just received one of the prettiest lot of Sack Suit.-- to be found ia the city. I you don't believe it fro and sc.; for yourselves. 0 Gt Some one stole Dr.. J. W. Al ston's pointer dog yesfenhiy. He will pay a liberal reward f r his return to him. He is a white and liver colored dog with his tail cut off. The County CommissioiUTs met at the court house to da v. T i-aitt a: ;s oT 1 1 count V Creek Tun i;iy, fill.- In- h:sc.t:on hou- bu r,: oy-ontai 'I; abo'it -.!,( !!')) v.-,)--t'i ! O I v- i i j i . . c IllOl'ili -!-, 1 i O ('. I. . i in Mir.-, mo. M-t on lire I iMfdl';!"1!; (f 1 actress'.- ot!r.:' s;ile at Stewart's Gallerv. Phs O-j- -Of Delegates to the 0.i'om Convex tiox, The following are the d-jlep;ti.s from this city to the Baptist State Con vention which met at Oxford to-day: Dr T E Skinner, Dr T xi Pritchar'd, P F Pescnd, Sr, Jordan Womble, Jr, J H .ilford, J M Heck, W W Vass, W D Williams, John Armstrong, W H Pace, T H Briggs, Sr, F P Hopgood, T H Briggs. Jr, C B Edwards, B if Montague, W W Holden.Lyuu Adams, Leu II Adams, G M Allen. J M Betts, S W Brewer, Ira Beck with, YV H Dodl, C S Farris, P C Havdie. Henry Horton, W H Holleman, J A Kelly, J D Joynei, R G Lewis, Sam B Norris, J M Pool, ?.I A lrkor, J W Purefoy, Marconi Purhutn, J D Royster. Win Simpson, Jtbse F Taylor, vv C Up chwrch, Elias Wyatt, B P Williamson, Thomas B Yancey, John T Pnllen, Dr J B Dunn, J C Marconi, M B Callen dme. : . i A Mystkry. Two darkeys had bought, a piece of pork, and Sam, having no place to put his in, trusted the wdiole to Julius' keep ing. Next morning they met, when Julius said: "A most, strange thing happen ed at my house last night, Sam. All a mystery to me." "Ah, Julius, what was dat?" "Well, Sam, this mornitv I went down into' the. cellar to get h piece of pork for breakfast, and 1 put my hand down in .the brine, and felt all around but no pork there all:' --'gone couldn't tell what bo went withit;kso I turned;! : -i 1 i : .. i - 2 .i : o . up (te narrei, anu, oam, bure as preachiu', de rats cat a hole clear fru de bottom of de . barrel, .and dragged doi pork all ont.' iV J V "Why didn't the brine run out ob de hole?" ' - ' ; "Ah, Sam, dat is the my tery." The Language of T9-DAY. "What kind of taffy i you giv in' us?'? demanded Charlie Gray with a Prieer. ; f ' "It's the true racket,", replied the noble hoy proudly "Aw, pull down yer vest,' was the rude retort. "I'm the gumest rooster o' my size In the ward," cried Harry, his blue eyes flashing with honest indignation at the implied doubt cast upon his motives. "See here, cully," said Charles Gray, thrusting Ins hands into his trousers pockets, spreading Ids legs wiae apart and closing one eye, "See here cully; give us the business. What's ycr game in doin' the pretty by th it old snoozer? None o' yer Sunday school pic now, but biz the cheese, you know. You don't think lie's got any scuds hid away in a sack that he'll leave in his will, do you.' Pr'aps yeh think he's long on Serry Nevady, but yer off. lie aint worth a short b t, and he came out o' soak ye terdav after beiir in for five j months for pretty larceny." yer rags, iray, hissed 11. -i !IT 1 ;:i''h the teeth. 'Tin "I H i-igger n wolf, an ycr waip "s mine," "i'v.-l g''( s," rejoined the wiek '"i i.nv, :;'ii in a moment sifter, Y'Ttiu and .Vice were rolling in '..: diis.t on Howard street, with ;..e oovs iu tiie neighborhood g:un red around, offering odds, ..'.i no t.ilvwis, thsit the ear . of Vii tuc wouldn't hoid out longer rb;:n ihe teeth of Vice. Old Giles, observing the crowd, hast ened back, sind quietly gathered up the jackets and hats of his young friends sind hobbled sadly awav. Hystericus Disappearance. A matter has come to our no tice, which, to say the least of it, is very mysterious. A colored woman, living as servant with a family of our acqusviutance, sud denly disappeared from her home Suuday night and has not since been heard from, When all the circumstances in the ca6e are considered, it looks suspicious. The woman's name is Ellen Johnson, and she separated from her husband, Tom Johnson, in Franklin, some months since. They had four children, and di vided them equally. The woman with her two children came to this city and hired herself out in order to msike a living. The man bothered her consider bly by letters and messages, and Sunday night lie came to Ports mouth and went to the house where his wife was living..-lie talk ed with her. privately the great er portion of Suuday, and the, wo:p;ui 's reply to his request. to come back to him, was heard to fay H at "she didn't' want him. "anymore." At night' the woman went to church leaving the man at home. On her return he re Vpiested her to take a walk, say ing that he had something to say to her which he didn't want anyone to hear. The :- woman went with him, but has not been 'heard from since. 'Her friends have' searched for in vain. The matter presents a case for in vestisration by the city - and county authorities. Portsmouth I Times iinent.in this issue. lotnmg in we cnj.