i ... Yenin 5RALBIGU;.;Ni 0; THURSDAY, .NOVEMBER 6, 1879. PRICE ONE CENT. , : . . .-. .. .-. :n .. .. UN UV MM 11 I -4- 1 JU LyXJ W whom I gave 10 ICk trtfte tiT da will pav him 5-5 for the same ami ask no question. I gave it to him at the corner of Wil mington and MorgattTtreets. " The va lise has my name on it in two place. Leave the valise at the nmrblevard or at Mtj (o ihraVjiiy for it. The party is known. If not returned in two days will be dealt with according to law. W. O. WOLFE. . l 1 . 1 icccj-Biniuraii average wneu it is down. A schooner thal ways tips a beer schooner. Valnut . h inttons inlaid with whWwbare o'urV0 ' ' An open question AVhy don't you shut that door? fV"0-- .V.ut illeJ the "corner stone.' Derby hats are both fashionable and pretty for young ladies. -E. Dittinan, of 'JNcxvVork took out a drttmrners license to day i- . The aged negro and the. coraj cobpjxitj.ij JRe latest compilation', MiOk'1 - h 'J -; " pcitlie,!' wrong n(q, y.'U' . B!no) noj-yiUinGjftilly abnie your crediti What ' of ten passes for the Golden Rule is merely very poor plate. .( Jack f rost has kissed the . ma ples, and they are blushing a rosy red. v--;( ; '''.';;'; An exchange says that mince pie for 1880 will be composed of fourteen ingredients. Now is the coal man's time to smile, while the ice dealer begins to look despondent. The Circuit Court will meet in this city the last Monday in No vember, being the 2-kh iust. Buckwheat cakes and syrup, with hot coffee and rolls to cheer up, are pleasant contemplations. Mr. W. F. Craig of Salisbury is in the city, stopping with his father-in-law, Mr. V. F. l'escud. Leave your r, business annoy ances .with the dust of youromces, and carry sunshine into the home TjiisOis the time of 'the ear-'at which 7ang MtP hyrte,th') Ins landladyfjt' 'jVut 'f.aimther lilanpt on Jus -bed .,1 u .i ul. ,.n-i1t& Don't fail to reail the letter of " Mose" wjiich . appears in this. M nice lutle cottage built on Bloods 5 m v DiJ MkU UMmlamA ? ill I new worth street, opposite Mr. dohn.vnlackwen & Co., oI)nrfiamvnd D. ToiatohtoilhAV Ta8 sotten p by Mai. T. II. The Mavor sent. John 1For.t..lt5lackn4lwai.uw'e rrwt VT7''"u 'dfAm "ir rTirr fr- i - ZA inU.irt tUv ,.ii,J0fflnH; of a $50 bond for WS'appearaticf if " : . at the next term of the Superior -Court. r . V"t",' r f'ix . Our friend, John Porter, at :menas ana ine .uululc eauprauy vwnen tney call, doim is a nice 'fintlfiman. and will i treats VOU all "right. "Pay riira a visit." u!r.r,L,(l Judge C. D. Upchnrch lias sold his calico horso to Mr. R. II. L. Look out. The colored people araantieipa tin a gradllAiBVlltihe 17th and in these anticipations we hope they y,iU npt1Jpudi8nppoiatef. There are 135 students at present at Wake-. Fjml Golloge,l kind tLo cry U still they come. J. M..'KrenbauMi?B W.tbc place to get ready made clothing. He deal with, besides his prices are very nioderato. Call an.d ,i . 3ec lllTO. ' 'i " . JJl'J lnl)l f.if.H The laana at lhffi'dorner of Mar tin and WTilmifl'littffllstruets wn? is J r',',1' burning" at 8 o'clock' this mor ing. Oil is plentiful, we suppose, j his cms' is, at his omce, in the 1 ul- office, to morrow night. : 1 AaEndihj f$bi jartie: 1. . Ik A parties at wmcit pear as some flower, fruit or veg etable. The lady who goes as a sugar beat is usually said to be dressed Hi the best' .afcte. ' k He came in from the country to visit one of our city belles. He heard the bell , of . tho milk was . on aild asked the lady what 'that' bell was ringing for. She told him it was tho bread and cake wagon.c He insisted on treating her to cakes and had to be held to keep him f rom buying all the cakes and bread the man had in his wagon for her. While, our article yesterday may have tseemud to reflect on the inefficiency of our police,yet noth ing was farther from our inten tions. When a robbery of any kiml is perpetrated in the city they do all in their power to fer ret it out. Thev leave no stone unturned to do all parties I full justice, and it gives us pleasure to make this statement. The melancholy days are come, The HaddeitOt .leyear; .. Of buckwheat cakes and scarlet' rash, And five cent lager beer. 'Heaped in the hollows of tue grove, The autumn leaves lie aead, ' ' ' ' And festivals and cabbages Are fifteen cents a head, The robin and the wren are flown, t AiuTfro"nTt-lie shrub Hie jay, And by the fire the loafer toasts y His shins the live long day. -;-i n i .. i'i.u. ( 'ii . i - : . i '. '.'.I'..' '!" In the receut . eletiou in New rk Cornell. Rep., received a large Majority over iiobinson, Dem. It is 'fnOught the Republican wilirhave House. Long, rep., is elected over Butler in Massachusetts. Large gains h Jllinib,) the rephblieana. ' -! (.( ii We were shown ,0gv .f n tle. rettiest and best gotten up advertisements this mqr.njng tWQ( pvfir saw. It was for W. 1 . i . , . t fiiiJ. Ulacknall or . tno .xarbor.o r-r '. iatllfmi :ll i 'T "ili'l-" ' Mouse, lnmaiw, ener- at Agenc ior me Douuieni otates for this flirra. It is very strange that "this farm have never seen tit . . 0fWHaft :n thfl Vmtmi vp.t.. - i :MiiM,r1av.)J 'i 'j VOtton som xor ,o-uay. Choice .qr 'i V'.Qnp mariiwao. licpnse j&iueu. ,t, ' I ' i . I ifi it j dayfc..ji... l i ..jiuI mi uiai -ii W fiJN; p:yi .yo.ur, county, and State tartes.' vv - f i GoyaC'Via-hai returned frotni 'his'Tisit to GreehriHe.,',i'J -'-' ' -400 bales of cotton received up to the iuufrj&liCVjtl-cris. Hon. John Manning, of rJPitts lyjr''i8 . registerqd'.-.at,, tUe.:"ar- I , ... ; iMr.-J. A.rJifi!bi ettiEn from a briefuip To lrminirton 'vpfit.prnav. l ine oiieriu sunt inipuiy itog outfto --St; '-Mara -Townslifp to' day -to look ! :Arter trfjew;'-f'- oo :v i the most iopnlar place. iti Mty." ' lie kelp's good outers' the and-Sjeils tlom,cHcap. ;v , 1 1 .tMmEch 8 o'clock train, to. n,ight for Fayette- ville. Be shreWo' WM ' what Tiionias Donaldson says in our advertising columns. He keeps a full supply of beef, pork, and sausage on hand 'all thft.tipie.: Give him a call. A mail can never pass around a bat on tne sioewaiic wituont kicking it,yet a hat may bo passed around in a chu'eh aisle, and everybody will feelobliged to put money in it respc(!tfully. It, all depends upon t!ie style and loea tion of the liat. A Deputy Sheriff went out to Houses Creek Township yester day, and spent the day looking after taxes. He succeeded in col leering 13 cents (luring the entire day. The Sheriff says if the peo ple don't do better, they will see "ructions." Good gracious! Marribd. -At Salisbury Street Baptist Church 'at 9 o'clock last night, Mr. , A. ;Farris was united in marriage to; liss Lucy J. Betts, ; llev. Dr. Thomas' E. Skinner, ,tho, pastor pfficiating. They; entered Uijj tlwrch the loiiowing style 3n.nn cook tneir po sitions at tiie atav,;')Mr. Frank Hl lieartt and Miss, Lucvyigh( Mr.ob(MtVri aftU'Mls Mil in- ni6 Betts ; Mr. HenTL. Thomas and " Miss Annie ' Barber ; : Mr. ''' r' ait a CI....'" iviarcom : mr. vv . a,, oiaier anu !1 4cr U ikmn I'lifl'li-h M I f hue i.tli3o JLilll ilia L ii 1 ION , Uliaoi I F.arvii'in(l, MifelNftaiinirelh: M We ,wish ..thoiiil newly! married cbuple all1 th'e iappine' possible in this world:i)-iri'-'i,";,:f'u " A ) . .'-.",-.-:-JL SiMMaEii-ling ii4A and yoking' grs grow up to xnajnhopd apd woman ho(jd and marry. " In1 after years they have a large !famiy 'of little-ones. Then it is ym. to.tieid;iiti(kil1" tyien ire hea'rs oflsotoe hevf' cbttplfe "g6' mgto be married, "Ah! podf ybhngj' man. -He-1 hiiol ' "belter' stay single. Same way 'with old married ladies. They ivei the-8athe advloe. BnieJ times pebpkTmal,ryand tlieir" xnarrfege ij ?i n. I. . . i i . mi. i 't rj l(. ine; is f aisagreeaoie. . xnen; you can hear'the man enrse h.11 wbmen tod flay tney arb ftaitidsi'-. Siwne-: way wfth1 wo--mn aboiit men.' Etneh. "on6: rwilt flat tha$ ithy! wereJ single : tKey "wbidd j'iaveitmarry again: and' tbat people afa f ool4f tb et ihartie'd. But iust let a marriage take place at the churilf ... -j . , JteveunHiA'bceipJU.$l,4:33.tfc-t-.' l ! T 1 1.1 i . .. on ia -t von ilu-l&s i uicnwuyu iu u g'jyi ' .riTocta audience, at titreet. last timn;. Sue leaves-en the ; -I -'ii I'M, . ( . , -. : ' . hi ui'mu mi ii (UlillM iihii wnwrfwa wth-rtnps: itr is -strangeo'file'win talk so,fanJ;-thn almost bWiWheir uccks ixyiug - to get to fiit Jukoss Pok Ul S.' 'Cnictrr ' CloW . The following is a list of the jurors that Lure 4)troii ilrawn f or fh Noyenabed term of the U. S. Circpiit Court, which ,i (kn,.!J tl ;,. ..i. . 1.11 J '..1 :. . I meets in this city on the 21th of No veinberjW J King; W A Porter, CtG Laty itf alJVf Mtott fi pol, B J Perkinson, P A Wiley, J W V logins, .UUJ ,indley, UW-lioufle4' tj-l; :vViHiam.s;! OAi-teu-CaoburyiLV limappnllri Sion D ,. Williams, f W.1W 1 'Forrest, 0 F Jones, F C Christophers, EnnisV W H burroughs, AV H Peace D F Fort, J. Z. Bennett, W A .Puly, AU Fleinmingj col, Allen Lime,' col, John Rogers, coL C D Hatchings, W G BidJiokrtfH WctheivU, J Rowan Geo IlWillibmS, 1T.A Htvcn kcTf feloW Fartfn, AlW Terrell, cdlT J) D (.Till, Juatfoh iJ Prahie. James Womack. r- Barking ajsd Catching. Lieu' ben Kauiholz was arrested yester day,' charged v'it violating sey- tiou ftrtjciie yo or tne city;oao, by catching hold of a colorod mjjn i&iiHciferin witlt'-hLlfrJe passage along li.wTisou street. lie ,vas uued,J.O , ann , costsraud took an appeal. Air. Ivuujholz keeps a store, and it-, was alleged that he was trying to induce the man to purchase goods.-Bal.'Sun. 4th... The Horace Waters' Pianos, sold by J. L. Stone, General Agent, re ceived the First Premictm at tiie State Fair last wee k. 1 I). S. Waitt ScJSv. k have just received one of the prettiest lot of Sack Suits to he fonud in the city. I you don't believe it go and see for yourselves. 9-6t Card photographs of actresses 5 cents; larger size 15 cents at Stewart's New York Crailery. tf Mr. J. L. Stone's Averagis des of New Home Sewing Machines are over one hundred per month. He has sold over fifty (50) in the last week. Office and showroQUis,No. 18 Fayette villo &tret,Rareigli, X. C. :A noT-tf Improve the condition of your horses and increase the' flow of inilk from your jows by buying the prepared mill feed of Jones, Uroen Ar Powell. , T Bey, hav constffiTrtrySbniltaiiiee'8bpbIyioJ wood'k'nd coali wliieli you kiibxr makes' he liresid80 ' cheerful. i!Xo.' 47 Fity-' eteville street. --:( - ' " i .-( GeprgC4 oidajau )(ias ;Jii., receivud i another lot. pf Fine! gutter. , , ,T rtf . . v ine imest 'iied' liTng Apples ln'the. city at Georg-e GoMinrtS ' 'tVtl .'' i:!.. . .-.lU i i'-i " j finest 'Red ' Tim? Apples itf thd' Look Before Yor La. i Ste wa''salllrllf flJSaoe ; cneap pictures, outings maao . iree , befdroyoir. 'Vi,' The ew Luffland Ogaawiis awarded the fiib Dreniiuin,. aii i the. late North' j Caroih a Fair. J. L;8toiie,; agent, Noji jio iiijcucriiio oticcw - uutu !. ' THET CAKViMlflAD anywhere else. What? i,T,ho.se ,fie, oysters atE. T, Jetpr'A Qo t 1B.,r 5 1. V. ' TftB BiST iTlilNOET. JFOR '. ! .. cough.' 1 aft at y:oni drug f tore ,fthd ge,t a oottie or unerogee incuan uugn Cure. ' 25 cents pet "bottle. ' " no5-2t Why that ft. & AVaitt 'Fro; Mve the prettiest' -"Sack ,; Sulfa oi'raady madS f Jlothftig in the oity." ' " ' " wu.jr,o ui ee these ijame mU croak- in k Off tho fi-Out seats,' sitting 't'lieru uro j 4! .You can get th,e bft pcviutry cider In tb city m. L. D. -Ii . ,WhiteUad! on WitLuington" t,tftitt, next to Wooll- n-H . i j 'A ' . ' e ' tit h cott oio front CkTlkiii.'et'a yaAs; AVafded 'thc New Home 'ioewing Mataiine Iif 1878.;!nAlso;;wfotHer medal awarded' Wy tiib faV.e'fj N.'C: i itiHtlj'sl! JohnHAit1 AVtgVOiU ' "''A h&ilz Utt b :",.t I , Soap, cheap at wholesnK , - t Johnson &Wigg's. . ..7 i"4nb4-U . The Place To. Bus ... Groceries at bottom prices is at John son' Wiggs.' ' ; '' " no4tf The Tew UsGLASD Oroax was awarded the First PREMftii"at the fair last weeL J. L. Stone, ageit, No. 18r, FavettevilW Jtrtt,',( Raleigh, Ni,a; , . :i -Af. : . -iAu: tn Notice Fdu the - LiiiE; ;- ' Arrival of fine worsted. iTOti3 ! for . children and infauts at Madame Bes- sonV !,: . ...'ifi'P r t J'tf : Quo share of. .Peace Institute1 btock' for sale.. Apply to P. O. Box 1:4(3, IUleigh,;Nv C. . 11 Gt: : J. L Stoiie has taken the agen cy for tho salc. of ;E.: Butterick te Qo.'s Patterns ' o one ; qlse will be supplied with these., put-; ti ris but by. him, as he'is the j elusive, .agent. His first ord,er . consists of $000 worth of these elegant, patterns. They will ar rive irt a few days. . ' M0 tf NOTES AND NUDGES- BT P. O. T. HOOKS, M. I., OP NEW YORK. There is nothing quite so rash as the measles. The plum harvest is at hand and the plumbers are having full crops. Why is a glass of frosh lager like a mad dog? Because it froths at the mouth. It is all very well to talk about "plowing the water," but they ofr ten use hose for water. , ' llelancholy barber (with soal'7 above his business)"! don't get' much of a livin' by it, sir!" Cus tomer (through the lather) "Then yon ought for you scrape hard enough -for it!" Skirts are to be gathered to the waist this winter, says tho fashion Journals. Hevings! are we' going to have mud waist': deept Miss .A.ddie Boyd. Noi'ii tha? Weans . the waist pf the ypnng men, und includes. ''-tlicoimg woman intqT . :' 'skii-'t. ''i-V .rri 7 1 s, , $T4 N$W$. -v, .. . " . ' '.T1H ' ', ' '' , ' . '. u For a mdel newspaper. we refer our' , readers to the Baltimore Sun. Any-' 5' thing in the worjd you, want, in the . way '6i reading, 'can beftnimcl in tliat paper.".' :t)uly SQ'oenM-tiimouthtf'ot'.; . : :,'f A'Uir. 'ChAyetofjtttdlivle:!f!' BiMriffcenlfy-diBd'ff?oto-ittiffe6t9 bf aibuiltot by Gen. i?rftiicia JMoli' y, Oxford Tqidhhglif. . 1 " , . 'JH-!': 1 ; ... 1 ? ni;' ,V'.: ' Miss Beuie. Longpst is' " at . home v , again,' after a Ibn'gbsence! Alairia'noe GdeatieT. ! " THat's IKe' ' longe&t 'naiae we evor heard. i . Ii; - ! . . .Diphtheria in Winston. ? 2 (' 1 ' ' " if V A . well, d;ev;lope,d child, weighing ; 1 1-2 pounds, was born recently near- Winst6n- says the Leader. ! ' : ',':l W'' A i i'ii w J .:'! v. !-.')ih diaij j (Ihe . first case of .proseoution, for y- arryihg "crinceaTed weapons, is ' W "- Charlotte.' Winston Leader. H,iis v" take. Happened in Kaleigh aboji(t A. ). month ago.

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