Eire ning Visitor. RALEIGH N. C. FRIDAY,. NOVEMBER 7, 1879. PRICE ONE CENT. Evening Yisitor. Wt. 2k IJTLE?, r - Local Editor. Dressmakers are trying to re animate the .basque - Short evening dresses will bo in favor this winter. .' ; Apples don't look as well when they have specks on. An exchange observe that the weather has taken a chill. The mania for oddities in dress is apparently in creasing l anJodd'seasaa whem oorDn haskers complain of the heat. The puckering persimmon now melloW on the frosty .bough.' A tidal wave of corn has set in toward the Thanksgiving turkeys. I Not an itepioUto MyPr'8 of fice to day. 1 ' 1 Only one . marriage license is sued to day. The Shcrift went to' Ttolesville to day to look after taxes. Kain is'needed very much in and around this city. , . We are sorry to hear that Mr. J. M. Broughton has a sick shild- , ' , ;, : ...... Go to Lincke's gymnasium to night, and you will be benefitted. Col. Cameron' c-f the Durham Recorder was in the city yesteiv The Board of Aldermen meet in regular monthly session to night.. 'Mr. Martin Mbtt, gives notice A gentleman lost, his watch Tuesday in this city. Advertised it in Tms-VisiTOB Wednesday and Thursday - at ;-3. o'clock ho got it back1 again. The good effect of advertising especially in 'the Visitor. ' ' . ' The greatest excitement of the season is at J. M. Roscnbaum's ready-made clothing 6tore, --orner Fayetteville and Hargett Streets. If you dont believe what we say, just drop in there yourself and he will tell you the balance." W. Ov. Wolfe wishes to. say he fWndhis valise this morning by A pumpkin pie is not excelled that he has removed his meat stall for dcliciousuess by any other. -Bead it. T7. .1 onnn rinn'f Ar Mr. Chas. H. Harper is a hap- . i j i n c fi, py man. ' He says its a girl and . I urro orris ! GloVes arid shoes several sizes too small continue to be the rage . All derivations of lilac will be the fashionable colors this winter Parisians supply an excellent weighs 12 pounds. The county road, leading out by the Insane Asylum, is said to be in an almost impassible condi- Beautifnl day. t Revenue receipts $8,209.07. i Quite a change in tlie-wcailiejLNr fe.'ilama Cotton sold 'today at 10 -Tone of market 6teady. See notice of piano for sale on installments. ' Scarlet fever troubles the little ones in Richmond, Va. 300 "bales of cotton received jup to hour of going to press. Rev. II. II. Gibbons, of Person Circuit, was in the city , yester day. Hon cn M. Morinsr. of . . I ' . .... 1 accident. He found the boy who Chatham, . is registered at tne carried it. He had accidently YarboroT" left it at Mrs. B. F. Moore's, a iittje koy wa3 thrown by a where it was' found all right.' mui0 at Carricrow's lot this See the important change in morning and hurt very badly. th3 ! advertisement of," Messrs. There was a large quantity of Pritchard & Brooks. They keep freeh pork in market this morn- a first class stock of groceries, ing an(l sold at 6 cents per hardwareboots',. shoes, and sev- p0un(j. eral other articles too numerous Mr. J. Q. Edwards has just re to mention. ceived a choice selection of ready Mr. Cassius A. Mattoon died made clothing and piece goods. at his residence yesterday after-. Call and see him. He will treit For the best fitting dress shirts go to T-awV . . 5 ' ( -. A Choice Lot Of " ! ' Qs'at Johnson Wifcg'a. no4 s.: Oeorcre Goldman has lust', received . ' . .... - . 1 another lot pi 1 ine isuwr. o-u Tii finfiHt Rp.d Kinxr AuDlea in the city at George Goldman's. 6-tf v Ji A TiAROH Lot of ' ' " ,; Soap, cheap at wholesale, .at Johnson,, , & Wigg'a. ,no- . ThkPlickTo Box. Groceries at bottom price's is at John son & Wiggs. ' i k ; noltf Notice fob the, Lames. , , . Arrival of fine . worsted goods for children and infants at Madame Bes-,' . son's; : . . . -).; 6-t. , . . !One share of Peace. InBtitute.j atv-L' for fialrt. AddIv to P. O. Box 146, Raleigh, N. C. "Xl-M ; ri Look Before you Leaf. r Stewart's Gallery is the only place for: cheap pictures. Sittings made " fred before you pay. t ; . no4-tf Gold Medal. First premium awarded the , New Home Sewing Machine in 1878. ' Also, another medal awarded by the late fair. 8 The Best Thing Yet fob a cough. Call at your druf? store and trnfji hnfctla of Cherokee Indian Cough" Cure. 25 cents per bottle. - uo5-2t D. S. Wattt & Bbo.: : " ' have iust received one of the prettiest lot of bacK Suits . to ne iounu iu mo city. I. you don't believe it go and see for yourselves. , i ..t l !lt 9-6t, , If You Dom't Beltjeve It firm uiv.i I - I Tlis fnneral was preached vou all riffht. imitation of sealskin in woolen and Jas. D. Mason & Co., Bal- at his late residence at 4 o'clock The raembers of the Carolma TBroto. the oods timore had drummers license is- tg evenihg. Mr. Mattoon mane jifle Club praticed with the rea- prettiest Sack Suits of ready maue Kid gloves are no longer hosts of friends during his brief bod Martina rifle yesterday af- clothing in the city. . w-k l 1 - .1 . ITT il I - m 1 i I . I KTHtiT rKKM 1 M. Mrs. Anna looker ana miss stay in our city. W e sympaemze tei noon. Tins gun snoots a u.u The New fujand Organ was awarded Ella returned from the Richmond wjtil tjie family in their affliction. ancj a half with perfect accura- the firgt premium at the late North . ., . i . CaroUna Fair. J. L. Stone, agent, No. It is really astonishing to see CJ- 18 Fayetteville Btreet. no4tf i.. T,a'xrxlo thnrn. arp. who Don't fail to read the card or M T T aTflKR'a Average II II W 1 llfLW V IJl-'V l-'iw I I Af.!..". v k . i i I . .i ' -w -r tt iirVvi TTa Unna ooiaa nf Vpw FTnme Sewiuc? Machines AgooacooK cau gut eiupiuj- know 80 mUch better man your- mr. n. f f- ne hundred per month. .He ment and good wages by apply- how to rnn a newspaper 6uc a choice lot of groceries, contec- over fifty (50) in the last week, mg at this office immediately. cessfully. We would like to see tionaries, wines, liquors, tobacco "gJ?W ione oui goou oue ucuu p. Bome 0f these same people run a ana cigars, aim ui.uy wnici to mention. Give . lurs. XjU. vTruiiitm nw") newspapui mi i 111 n.s-n It 1 He. XTli:. HTn.il.T I . . -it It r. I liim a fall i hr'Rtnrms nreseuis win own .ip.. ana miss numu iunuij - at a t thr.v wonia ruu nuu - r - . - I x. v uvu w " H ti-nin WflSlimffton ' vlty I , , 1 !nfn I occupy tne aiieiiiiuu puDocoowio lutwv j . 0 . o-rand m 6caie puinapo " pensable for gentlemen, even at parties ! ' Ladies' felt hats now come in wine color, old gold, gendarme blue, etc Tramps have decreased, and fMpmrra' wivs don't have to bake so many pies of plethoric purses. Feather flowers are not so pret Q tliniiM whir.h imitate the , natural blossoms. . .. 1 . ,; Very long, tignt-niung wai&io, WirJthnt trimminsrs. are the eve- "ing mode1 for young ladies.' Get Out With Your rotten chestnuts. - . ft. ffA Wnpkmen have commenced to . Tle Greensboro Patriot came lower fchan ever offered t0 the public E. G. Haywood, Esq. bankruptcy.' ville street, Raleigh, N. O. no5-tf TmnrnvA the condition of vour horses and increase the flo of railk from your cows by buying the prepared mill feed of Jones, Green & Powell. They have t.lv hn hand a nice supply of wood and coal, which you know makes nhftfirfnl. No. 47Fav- UUO iilVJivw w - etteville street.. Hill . I t; Stone, has taken the agen cy for ; the sale of Ef. Bdtterjck .'"N"n nno 'telse WorKHien nave wumreuucu . , - -r- t - . Wwoi iuu - Uv hriokfor the erection of thl to us yesterday very much mi- U Levy's Southern B, 1 , t. ..... tki nroved both in appearance ana in - - , Mb. ij. p. tin . , ., , , fio,ft Patterns. BCCOna iapiibt miuiuu ny y nv r- ... i I received a fine not 01 canay, a oarroi , , i -j ' .k. ' Uit - i. .. ' , ' thp. tone of its editorials. The rfe" . ntl(1 other w 11 be supplied witlv these pat- corner ot Hargett ana x eraou ? ;.f ; V4Sn:n LA .Hbe pleased lterna hnt hv him. as he is the'ex- niiueui . v,,n no7-lt ..i....:.. t IT a fipaf order Streets. I v, ;,0 nitnr Rnd'nroDrie- t0 bave CaU at 1L ncavu oc-vu' r a (-( j. n : XV JLVJVJ IT a no7-lt elusive airent,' His first'' order inins mode tor young 140. auisiieau w wwi r--r- - fi ; , Mr. D.J. Ellis has opened. al TllH oHntain ia an experiv ntue.moK..ii.ww railroad briditef ou .Hillaboro , St. ,,L ' . Ptri ,, t)et. , OoisoWitu .' ; '...i " .( IflfllllllilllillVC J. v . - I . . , " , I ( 7 ' al little more, it, W4ti pe consa Ji A sin to rob the government. . . . i , . It ie predicted that tlio coming M,.lot,l.;j ,. ; lK4r mi MMffif&b The store of tho .iJiMX i k&Anlh 'rdkacK I wal- . . : v wj.1" t.fTrjj- , xii. i i ers' is crowdea : ..I Give him a call and see what le f Messrs. Tuclc- from morniiig tli nuts against. night u.Tlteir ;m Willi euscomerb. when a man cannot make-up ' his ar0 8ening goods very cheap for tniii dwlietHertoi hug ,thQ, stove EJ,5IU J?m . HUjlU,' j or his sweetheart.,, ... a ; ) ;, iowr: retrret to ?learn that Wi . .... u. T nec-Ua inrincr .riftar iveivm The man wno wore a straw nu n uaoow, 0 ----- . , xue uw , Grove, this county, had his store- owniayeyilK .street this grove u ua e y, m .v-m'nf rtia nromrjtlv arrest ... t... ujvi"i"o " r r 1 taming aooui uu uwoutw v. n"v I d bf IndPOJiee xormieiuuiiJg tu i d 30oo pounds or seea couou ter than it was before. We e- S VXW'W Y-M petition ,of SamueKlilana. h ."T . . , f!-, . 5 fol. u4r,nf tiiAm. on hand all the time filftn Randall. Judffe -xVKigerB, . ie.Uan),t,ig"V r ' iT J&i them very pheap to therade. N(JW Orleans,, hasdjugedu-the towship and wish him the mofe I Call and pee bimi ; , im -. no7:u PM. .) . tlLent o!f the Life- v.,-., . i .... .r ....... ' , Vt m rjJ ... . . 1 'il l V'.-. .:,.-.-. " . . 1" unbounaea buccc. - , . (! if iotj waht.xo d Association or America' raw -iui- a curiosity, go' to eo. lioiaman s ai , , , , ; u i' Pointed-Walter. rpjLtei a riot. fSAuc4rSinrfre; which .nAM!u8laU k?ri.juat now is the" touch of Jack Frost. ELe vmakes us all with one mind and thought don our ulsters. !T nsftai6itl86o 1 'No iinMrance. Wekdows Q SonpeiqreHaTowhi stables by fire, with 17 bale'Bsof TOSAi Mttfinfthreshina i: separator, I ' . ? 1 ' - T uaoa and nth fr articles, xiosa 11U1BUO very heavy with no insurance. resent a choice advertisement tNoMoke,Woemy , ., ff; 7 Jf,1 C0r x, o lie.ve to are selling them cheap LL Commissioner r : Thb Best ant Swbbtbst ,a -V WiA.,.. Yrt!nTMl ?Ttfia thottffht chestnuts canbe ;found at Geo. dold,; jog,,, 8tWS man's. no7-tf an; employe in the, stables perisn- ! -r r . -.reJ:l'' fid 'in 'the flames.' ; ' m the names Twelve hundred immigrantsT 2.:A t TAwtntiitlinkt thdhth. a - IV Cvl cu jfc,vvw f h rnp. was irr-i 1 1 r rLarnosw ce. wxt R i-v i 3H ? !T. il If I liil.iLi ' . ' - L t t nfABar i.uv ' v-iiiA. ivhft- snsrurcas jrome- ing a party wueu m nrr?. .r .-r?l sl I ? ij" I,' i': . . . T I A,; 1-1' ' 'f i. m 'A JrtCl I TT H T r I.IH1 H1K I consequently we ' are ; unaoie , w; wnar .Cuu8Fi--.-p. m!'s majority1- of whosti ieither yiveth6 -proceedings iinthis"; :is-; guit Kf heir againsVtho J& getSed i m;rOntar&ot3went to :i vin't-V; v,,.j uJi j a; was fotftid,, deadannid at. ,Salt antobaj an', increase,. of i 69a $W4J1$ W W .1 ovorthonninber'foTObtobe, Ust montn. v-- sick with typhoid fever