November lO, lH Visitor. 7, J RALEIGH, N. C. MQNDAYf &QYMJBERfl 18T9. ' PRICE ONE CENT. : -l-j 1 Mi 4 --r - 3 ifflf.'.1- I "I Editor: r i-aemacr are new. Pinclied waists are now The jewelry windows begin to be more eyed. ' An engagement ring should be worn with perfect nonchalance. The toy aim confectionery men are laying in Christmas sup plies. , A ofUlatlierfs 'alf that is needed to make business boom. Be patriotic; get married this year. The census will bo taken inU0.vV WyvVv'A. The ayes of a majority always putthe noes of the minority out oiipint. w . ome or tne expensive iianne skirts are briodered nearly half a yard deep. The boy , who. is well spanked iullyrealizes the deep meaning of , stern justice. ; ? - I Stores-ulsters and fur caps are lba-derj fcnd behmd them i stalks - 11k? plumber. , I J i , s ii 1 1 "llow rapidly xz in an "Ibsei all interest in,, politics when he shuts " the door -on his own thumb! : AVhen a man takes soda !. water in this season of the year yon may be sure there is something in it. 'i 1 St -L v Competent authority states that the bonnets nre lovlier this sea Vson than they have bien for years. ' The American twentS dollar gold piece has succeed the Eng lish soverign and the gold . stand ard of the world. ." ' " ' The coal wave has come, he re marked, as the scuttle fell from his . hand aud the anthracite went rattling over the stars. , Avoib!! people' who, by their lack pt rehneraent, make you ap pear excessively ridiculous when yon ask them for the loan of a dune. :' - No matter how handsome family monument a man may have in the cemeterv.he want to 4ay?iqn . his back and look up at t. NotliinW is more7 tantalizing ; to . a BickTman, when 1e.feleJ, atsho -could drink a barrel of water,than :- io W proffered a goblet - of' the precious beverage and then chok- single mouthful. clenwnwmatii t Ml' Oa' amily of aboat eight, including three boys and three girls, can , Of3icitaA)oU as,8pppflly. AS IS. necessary. h r, Mi fwe''eieheare oVeir flortn b(it etefetfepg among the people on account or the cheap price of ready made lothittOa1i)JMKo8enbaumJ If the rush continues he will be ea onywuna he? frtir next ' ,Mon- day. Yesterday was a regular sum mer day. Read piece of poetry headed "Joy at Home " ! Never d lan who wears a dirty shirt. . We were glad to ee uncle Dayi4 Dudleyabl be on streets to day. - . Mrs. Ldcy Blakelwd rcgreat to learn, had a slight stroke of para- lyBi6ConNonesidtY-.'iGf;1 SYAS We regret to learn that Capt. T. F. Lee's oldest daughterly tjAitb ' sick wiui uipuuiena.;.. Mr. C! C. Cljiwsojri the potrlar paper hanger $c, ,m.akes a,,veryj important announcement. Keaa it. ing engine at the R. & G. R. R. Shops, had his faeo scalded very badly yesttrday morning. day for.v(he eastern part of the State, lnii-jjeast f.tjie hard ware business. Frank JolnsSDHtSredt his hand badly lacerated Sunday by the explosioojof a kerosene lamp. Mr: ii.dbiWA cow and 3'ounr calf at Prichard o t i I'ri Bi'crjt. ac .urooKB ios io morrow nioruiog wnicn no vvm r;.seu cjicap ror cash. , . , Read the notice of Drs. Qmvt- ford & Everitt. They havo,re-l moved their ofthjc to' 'the Second floor over the Messrs. Tucker's store. Tho city authorities arc having a suusrantiai oricK walK put down on South Harsett ' street, near tho corner, of persoit; A great improvement.' Mr. Geo, B Harward propose to walk and ' run to Louisburg and return, (a distance of 6Q miles) within, 9 hours. He chal lenges the State. Who will take him Tip? ;'- ':'s ; Tho citizens living in the northern portion of the city near the corner of. Peace 'and'; Blount fltre,ets need a. new, lapip. Can't tflib'board' if 3Aldermti' ; a'cdomo- date, them.1 ,,'.:r ' ': ' F ;; ? :ti A: fashionable garmet can ;now Uw lii thAj uy ionium j vui iiuauaiiu . ? .. 5?, -'.1 t'.ill- ..IU ' al6ter, dieirg at, jdhqwb,. putting off t)io-bc;tytj U'tbehiiicl and ..sewing.,, ten cents' f worW bf black', .'i-uching around Donh fail to remember that Emniersori's Dir ?tor the hands bf the rirtfater'ahti will be trpftdv for delivers in a few xiavs be called on in a few days by tlio ttgillir kWoVizgfeWOeeAdy when ho calls. Edentoa'St.rlkinnrctfy VeqtieBfedi toretnriib.ft (!iwHi rjtease' leVor!'at!IessrwivDi S Industrial Thd gentlemarihd exchanged ' " f. M ' 1 ) '' ' ' 1 ! ' ! ;' Dusty.' i,,, . ' , V I Warm. . Need rain. Not nTJU akt r iigdllCjit n s e issued to day. ! Churches hud good congrega m ...I I John T. Morris, Esq., left yes terday afternoon? for Baltimore, i "Regnhl' meeting of Hook and Ladder Company at 7 o'clock to ;inorrow nightj' sharp. Don't takfegur .wprd.for it but so and buy some of Mr. E. J.' sly and patientljr oc:,7.oV)to.!call aud :pay your State and county taxei. ! For drug ,ql all kinds and 'good cigars f go to Mr. Frank M 8 uiir jhm :?iin p Jp yuujj old put 'cushions, ladies. A ady friend of ours tqrofcpUtn cd one the other. day aft& fOujid 4& needles stored away l?iy mid ' ' r2mtneTson'8.Directpry is in the klH&M khkt printer i and ,wiU be ready for delivery in about ten neonla for tlieir snbscriDtions. E'vferVb'ftdy shotild a copy fAthiiT'directdry. 4 - : j Foot Bore, and tired this morn ing' we meandtred into the Treas- urerqmce auu enqnireu ot iu.r. Worth if he had any news items. f Hot $ bond or drummers license ias been issued to day. We bade him good .morning . and started for the Governor's office,' thinking we would certainly get some items there. But, alas! we were doomed to disappointment, for we met the Governor at the door who v told jtheroj was no news iu his department. We rushed out and made for tho Au ditor's office believing wo would certainly get a half column of items there, but, we were disap pointed again. . We found Mr. r artm, the clevk. aitfl Mr. biier wood Haywotid,- tlfe handsome Librarian, :discns8iug ' the best mode of how to raise a mule that has been on the lift for two days Ut&kcs&l CBmetr4rjIttWo,ligft in'dissrtit fand returned' to our office,' Svondering what our read ers win say mis evening, wneu thev read tliO V i-itor : ana , see that- fcvet Jug is 6 qtiiet at the Justice Barbae disnosed of tWo tavil cases una -nivrntug ;The i youngest chi)d,of , , Capt. W. W. White is quite sick. j Go to LiflCke' gymnasium to night, and grow strong. I - Mr. Lincke says it tins' weatlier continues r ha r.will rc,-QPea his Bwimmin&r nxlifnn.., 1 . w or gooa tningBin'.jja.Baujaf.B.ttuvcr tisemenc. "- '; U,hi8 Jiead lin: .Metropolitan: Hall i to 11 iirdinja-mfl fc-hmcjijiniscuitst ; The Sherift waits anxiou Only tw drunks disturbed his Honor'sSerenity this in rning. He gave tliom 24 hqura each in the guard house, ' " ' '-' At the request of a large pumber of eawnill men of .the State, the under- Hall, iu the city! MJRileigh, at eleven o'clock, as the time, .and place, of mept fng. ' The object'ol ''thtt'meelifig'is to otganizw.a State Lumber Association AU,toea,wtoi;eBted inuch a? orgauLsa- lion .are spfcfuUv reqaested attend. 'mr&6, w.lfF. Kdgm; Apex; J,' McElIlugton, Osgopd; O. W.' Atkinson,' Manly; Hunter 4 Beckwith, Manly; JA. Paere k Oo.4 Keyser. J. A. Blank. Manly; Q. F. & P. W. Dowfl, Manly; J. R. Paie k Co.. Krser. IPO ,bales to-day. M It '! ' Revenue -collections to day $950,18.-' - - 'potton sold-'day-at'' ;'6 'ta 10. , fone of market firm."'.'.' Mr; James sWilliamson is con finded to.hislibed.witli sickness '4 Seymour,' of kew bWjJV'ft.'Agisferod 'at the Yar- Jhcre will be glaa&.biiU slioot- ing.'atffhe Industrial fair next week. : . Kev. J. W. F. llogere and Geo. V. Atkinson, Esq., of Apex were both ia the city to day. Mr. B. H. Woodell says he ee- curea a great-many srooa tinners for'tlipriupflr man ,before .the ad' vancjln prices; Read his notica and give him a call. . Commissioner Purnelli had bqmre Grissom, colored, from Granville County, before him this muiuiiig jiut: rtjiaiiiug 'wnisKey without a license. The case was continued" t'll next Monday for want of witnesses. And the Squire was required to give bond for his ppearanee, Makriej. In this city on the 9th instant by Mr. W. D. Hay wood, J. r. Mr. Walter Steph ens and Miss. Bottie Ford both of this county. Kbmoved. we nave removed our office to the second floor, over Tack' er's store, where we will be pleased to have our friends and tae public calL Cbawfoed "Jc JSviritt, nol0-3w Dentists. For the best fitting dress shirts go to Levy's. i . o . mm : A Choice Lot Of . N. C' Hams at Johnson & Wigg's. no4 ' A Large Lot of Soap, cheap at wholesale, at Johnson & Wigg's. 'i no4-t Groceries at bottom prices is at John WnTTOW FOR THE XiADlES. Arrival of fine worsted goods ' for children and infants at .Madame, lies fcokVa o v. yy vyyvtv ov.4-tf t One share , of .iPofice.iJos.t.itnte -i - stock tor sale. Apply to . V Bo M&i llaWffh, Nl' 'C.v.l !4-6t Biewyrfff OftllAry is tle:0nHr;plaoe.for cheap pictures. .'Sittings jfauSdellfreft before jbifJ A . i'in fac-tt 1 VAW&AUUfM Wrciniiim f I 4 1 awarded the New Hornet Sewing, FlBST PBEJCTCJI.' - Thfi New England Organ was awarded the firtt premium at the late North Carolina Fair. .J. 'L. Stone,' agtrat, No, ' 18 Faycttville fctreet. . . noilf t ; J. L Stoneia( taken the agcnY cy for tho ;4alo,of E.,,.n;tericK. & Co.s jiltyjep's. . q.iyiie,' cho. WiH be, up)d.viti th jai-' twrts birlj by Wmt 8 he is ; tlw. ex-1' ' clusiyQ ,,ftgept. . Uis jrst order ' conslttof, 000, Wort . of 'tlieso" elegant patterns. Tliejjvyilarr rive. ia.a. fear.. days, ld tf Fine ;chromosj' M)ttoe'- &o.f'&o., lower than eyer offered to the public at eyyjBerrBazyi j , f J CXPKHSS SraNGLES C?HEAPEB n ever pfferl Lin RaleicU he fore. All heartnr nit. ' FoVi .fe hf car oad or small quantity by Jones, Green Attention Chemicals! Tne members of ..PhoBnix iCJiemicali ire Extinguishing Company arc requested, to meet at 7 o'clock sharp in their ut iform on Thurs day evening pv);14t f 187?r There ii something up. hot everv uniform be present. tiufrieLd tiL Bioiiarau, says it's a girl and the prettiest one ever born..! .. He ought to kn,ow. . f SiV JRoMNQBv-r A ' -.dispatch Prohi Oatskill, K.' Y. announce the finding of the dead body ofa wOman m a field near that place a few days ago, the remains being since ludentified by t Henry Bis clioff, a .banker, of jfevy.Xork, as those of a Mrs. Volebaeh, who lad been in the habit of procuring )ills of exchange on Paris month y from him in sums of $25, to send to Paris, where her niece, a Philadelphia girl,' was studying music, and with no other mean except those sent by the devoted aunt-. It ia said the niece recent ly made a successful" debut ih Paris. ,r. House Inspections. Memphis, Nov, 8. House to house inspec tion was begun yesterday, unaer the auspices of the NatiOnai Boai'd otf Health, with a view to ascertain what imprOyelhenfs e necessary, for each dwelling with in the corporate limits' of u the city.,.- "' ;;; V'--.. ExAMINATIOK-'OF JaME8.,M. Young. Petersburg, Va., Nov. 7. The examination . of James M. Young, who killed ..George iHintdhj' Saturday lastj; began in Mayor Cameron's Co'urt this mor ning.; i An immense pro wd . was ia attendance to hear the testimony. The prisoner'; ' whd1 wore ! very dejected, look,..-,Qppied,'a ieat next to his father , aO(d , .opposite fIiiS,Atirisel.';TlMy testimony, of a 4ozen jor more wtneBaes'wai takon and written down , bf the counsel for the defense, and also by MOaptff!''ffihW 'Mayor Oamewni-tQ.baeClbefbretlie jury at the final trial before Judge 'EMarihf'Thellexwriiaation, continue to morrow, ;t and w probably last several days. 810CK OL i.ail UU wiut;ji gvv9t 'ir!g1ltW-artit Kvttormilfc. M.h aehnleiia ,iL88-jt(iids.0w another mining- stqqlEiriSkofiKpCWfi in ban JVnciS?(J.Jii vert iit ri h U ' ('maHVrdea ftrilate fair,' 'B' Mri,r(lf, ., I "' viUyjill-M ate ,iij:iioov .it .h .Rfif ah .l .:i us.Mtif i .iv fi, itio a'14 t. .n.n .w

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