O rr RALEIGH, N. C. TUESDAY, .NOVEMBER 11,4879; PRICE ONE CEtfX,', T' 1 T t n-i' , c a c "3i j ' ' -"a i . t . . T 7" . . . - w -I I Lrf L L Poor market to day. Bad weather for green pork. Aitumn leaves, -winter eomes. Leo D. Ueartt Sr. is still quite sickJ r ; " -o ; ?,' ' An angry man 6hould pull clown his choler. !Tne traveler.'' oii therroad tb ruin needs no guide post. The rout to the coal bin is a hod road to travel. of infants mborn. v- ' vX Old Probs is beginning to un pack his stock of winter winds. ' robaoilities Cold in the head "with theumatic tendencies. . Whooping cough is prevailing to some extent in the city. . Richard Schell, a prominent New York politician, is dead. j One 'touch of naturer Whoa tu get your nose frostbitten ? Every city should sell its own gas atrCost price to its citizens. The warm 6pell is causing the mosquito family to make calls. The mosquito in his chest pro tector now sings muffled evening songs. The mayor had no cases of special importance before him to to dav. The religious interest is on the increase at the first Baptist ennrcn. We are much gratified to learn that the daughter of Capt. T. F. Led is better. It will soon be neck or nothing: with the strangled Thanksgiving fowls. The Grand Lodge of Masons will meet in their hall in this city on Tuesday December 2nd. Now is the time for all who Jiave the money to lay in supplies oi fuel. By and by the cold will .set jn.- This spell can t last. A young man who sneers at a girl's false teeth hasn't a well bal- ancedhead. JLiJt mm marry a girl who has toothache and he will see where he was lame. n ;i j The Seaboard and Roanoke railroad is doing an immense bii- ;a MMft Mini daiivAacli Way j lotton 1 beibfftQe Mplearticle 5 of rains- aaity; freight rarmoges Jiro Beiung iu xwau-i i n t cents apiece, and in Raleigh at J ten-cents net profit' of fiTdand three quarter cents, pn , e.aXih.i after deducting freight. . Old Bob Ridly would hardl1 ever haV6'sungJ "Pfti1 ragged and dirty, von know," if he had Jiseji' sis wSLA mM tdfif o warm clothing can be bought at J. MJiRosenbaoHi Mot aoagf wi)h comfortable under garment thrown W.11'1 ! 1 ! - . . X 7.1". . The Thanksgiving boom is the next' and it is likely to be a thankful one hereabouts. We are glad to learn that the condition Jf AI. JLM? Blake, who was paralyzed" a few days since, ifc improving. ( Six cents a mile for round trips will be charged on th& North Carolina Railroad for masons vis iting the GrandiLodgd at Raleigh in December. - -Atncibn? lookers will he njTitlui ing the night of Thursday next to witness tho great display; id the heavens as . pnic by ! astrono mers. " 'tnr.'-.i rr:r ' Tho. dry, Warni weather ia atr acting the nDtice of scientists throughout the country. No such j season 'hasbeen pxperieijced Bjooc lOUD. Any Justice ofthp Peace who can boast of being grand pap two. times in one .week, ought to leave but the third letter of his " nairie. This would make him Squire Ba- bee. Next. .' During the last seven days there has been seven babies born in Raleigh, and Justice Barbee, who is tho grand father or two ot them, says it is not a good week for babies at that. . The Board of City Commission ers made arrangements at their last meeting to re-emburse the State National Bank tor money advanced on interest account All right. It is useless" to deny that .the great scourge, diphtheria, has not abated in - our uihUr. Several children are down with it. It is some consolation, . however, to slate that the disease is not of so malignant a character as at first. A large crowd is expects to participate in the approaching Industrial exhibition of the color ed people in this city. We know we speak the Fentiraents of our entire white population in wish iDg the affair a great success. The increase in the receipts of cotton in this market, for the week ending Nov. 8th, were 490 bales. Raleigh is rapidly becomiBg one of the largest , cotton markets in thp 'country.' 'if we could only make; a good start in the tobacco line, wo would be i all right and we will. Hie citv of Raledgh has allowed MajAA! Lew;J:hevBum of $?b0 as ' damago8v;if or. opening Johnson street ; to Wilmington streJhrougbthe Maiarpreni-iSes.- 4iWe consider thf atht a small estimate, but, if the parties intereVieti kVe satisfied, tibne others i i r . - - l - r , r K, i pan comruaiii. Wafihincton county. N. Y., hav :bSeaHf)urihMed CV3firm ,jpf manufacturers from Guildford, the flrm will transferase;!; enre bsinesg'!to this teotintrjit vf.u t r'takit)iacewiDiJew.iii5lricj panic cleric Wtlitf 6ttm of '3Jp0q wehATBiDVlCaleal t ) X r$l t.7MiH 9 .old !)-r. r Unddr the'- direction ' of,. Mr. Faircliild, Nash Sqdare M ill sobn become an ornameat to the city. The jr rap gome at ipf the hot houses aha, tnHfffct tTre"Wrk gen erally, is uncjer-.the charge of Mr. Foley, a Baltimpre gentleman of lt charter, AUl wjd frjd; lig"nce. It Wfis a luckytftiy for Raleigh when -tho square was placed in their hands. v le attthorities.of tltg enten; tiary are now prepared to receive orders for. mattresses,., having ar ranged to go regularly into the business. We .are glad. ', to note this fact, and we hope that the day. ia.. wjpt- $$.r distent when the lusnftnWb -tvftf "fie Wartra stkree I of revenue ratho thanu expense! to the tax payers of the 'Sla'e. The gentlenfian Who exchanged lats with Mr. John Myatt at the Bdenton St. Church wsterdav is Hfffe&ted to Xqtft rfle Hl se leave jUQ sr f d. tt Bro's stort), ;,herfl he can get his own. zt Justice Barbee had a case of Larceny on hand this morning It had not terminated when last heard from.' ; 1 ' i : ; Revenue receipts to day $734,- 94. One marriage license issued to day colored. The Winston Sentinel denies the raging ot diphtheria in that place. Mrs. George Francis Train is dead. The' re adjuster of Falmouth Va., recently attempted to burn Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, in effigy be cause he wanted to pay their honest debts. What a sad fall e decendants of Po cahontas and the cavaliers of England. On the pther hand, we old tar heels aref1-delighted to see our worthy Treasnrer taking up the honest debt of North Carolina. Hinton Rowan Helper, formerly of North Carolina, and who is remember ed bv many of our elder citizens as the advocate -of "emancipation before the war. is encaered at St. Louis, in writing a book in adrocacy of a railroad from near Behrings '' Straits ' to Cape Horn. The ultimate hope of Mr. Hel per, if that at, 8ome future day, .the United States 'will wpy hnth sec tiVMis of the continen? with the capitol oh .the i8thmos of Pamama. Not an event; .The theamometer on yesterday was nearly one hundred fiu tlie aun. We saw it tried. How is this for Novem ber. .' '; , , Wo once 4ier(L hat our city Fathers had in contemplation the extension of .orgaa 6treet across the railroad and to a point near the penitentiary. This is a ques: tion, which, in our opinion is o importance to our people. There is only one prominent outlet from the city oh iihe . westj-Billstoro streeit-aBd at tWeji too crowd ed for the comfortable padsagetdf vehicles. The main expense 1 will bethe bridge 6Veth.eralroa6L. . iVTko members' of Marite'o Lodge, ;iNo.!l.8,iarerinerepy ; apjciuo., w m'eetdn their bdgarooniio-wiKht at aHoclor; 'the-'trahsactioD of Now that tho elections sire over the average. t street politician is, sighing for c'xcl'ement, and looks wonderfully forlorn, , t We' sincerely- ttA-ct to learn that Gen JLoJinstqne, Jones. Ad. jiftanV GbnWa! -6! Nortli -0?h- lina, 13 quite sick in Philadelphia. CrPKisa. SinsoiJEd Cheapek , : than ever offered in Raleigh before. IMeart; pevSi- rt. , , I'or. sale by 'car Ra Ar'Bmall quantity by JneiGreen & PowelL uo8-tf We were pleased to see our friend M. N. Amis, 4 Esq., on his legs again- ,this morning, after a protracted illness,- . ...... s ) jqjiarge flocks- of wiil: goose WEe' observed passing overi the city yesterday, flying southl AVefO j they getting out ""'bf' ,ftie way or rue railing stars, or nymg from a coming cold snap ? Why not7 cultivate tobacco in Wake .county ? The 6oil is good tfor ft,' arid'a' start m Wake5 would help Raleigh wonderfully. Those who ought to know, say that a tobacco crop is more remnnora tive than a cotton crop. Fine chromos, Mottoes. &c, to., lower than ever offered to the public at Levy's Southern Bazar 5 With the Medical Convention, Federal Court and Grand Lodge of Masons', Raleigh will have lots of visitors during the preseut and next month. Let us treat them all right. Water is becoming fearfully low in some of tho wells around Raleigh, and we learn that some of the mill ponds in Wake are about giving out. A good rain and cooler weather wonld be rel ished by everybody. Removed. We have removed our office to the second floor, over Tuck er's store, where we will be pleased to have our frienda and tue public call. Cbawfobd k EvEim?, nol0-3w Dentists. The 27th inst., has been ap Doiuted by the Executives of 1 V many of the States as a day of thanksgiving in accordance with the proclamation of the rresi dent of the United States. . The scholars of Person Street Sabbath School have a Sunday School Concert exercise in rehear sal. It is said to be good. The concert will be given on the 20th inst. Tickets can be had from the teachers or scholars at -25 cents each. Gold Medal. First premium awarded, the New- Homo Sewing Machine dn. 1878: ; -Also, another meaal waraa oy urn late iair. o ' ' Sheriff Nowell ha3 not so far appointed a jailor ia place of Mr. Jirvant. The bnentt ,t will no ti doubt make a good selection. is a place.,. of fmpprtance and ouglit not to.; po nurneaiy nueu Look Befobb totj Leap. Stewart's GaUarJOnhe only place for cheap pictures. Sittings made Jrde before you nay. ' " ' 1 ' io4-t ' U ,;'. -tpiBsi Premium, ; v . The New England 'Organ was awarded the first premium at m late worm Carolina D'air; 1 J ir. toce,i.ageAS, jno. For the best fitting dress shirts go to. Levy's. ''')- !"al "'v"' " ' ! 1 0 The unusnally 'warin tepell on-1 eiates against the 'interest' 6f tliof oyster dealer.' Those who onght to kn'ovv, however; Inform ita'U an oyster if lwaj8giOoA4n4eft sbn'- w0tFier'vvatni 6?col6J-fchtt't h, provide' it'isf'p'roperly'UepftPiit J.' ' S1 tone h''f akdVtlie 'a'geri cy for the sale of E;' Utitteriek & Co.V Patterns No ' (hieb'fSc will be supplied with tHele pat terns but by him, as he, is ,tjie. ex clusive agent. HisfjLi' order consists of : $6Q0 ; yortli, uf , tqsq elegant patterns. They,, will ar rive in a few days. 10 tf " . ','-'''; -i i ,:: t ... .i4 Sji'iT An immense crop of grain has been barypstedniiiH.tiiis:;uuntr, especially in the great .northwest, and yet flour has gone up consid erably; and' is 1 expected :to;;igo higher. 1 he reason' given, is, iv'-i 111 ll nat a large amounfwill oe need ed for foreign markets,; but as there is no large European war on hand, we fail to see the "point. vV e rather think that speculators are at tho bottom of the ' attempt o make a " corner of tho "start of life." One share of Peace Institute stock for sale. ' Apply to P. (). Box 146, Raleigh, N. C. 11 6t There being no legislature this winter our State officers will have a comparatively ... easy time of It. The Treasurer, however, will lave something to, do in the way f decreasing the ' debt. Noth ing seems to arouse up the spirits of the Doctor so much as to see a fellow coming with a large bun dle under his arm. How we do wish we had the wherewith to fund a little. Notice fob thh Ladies. Arrival of fine worsted goods for children and infants at Madame Sea son's. , 6-tf , Much' indignation is being ex cited in New York and other cities, over a recent order bf the Postmaster General that all let ters not having the 6tate as well as the city or town in the direc tions, shall be sent to the dead letter office. This piece of red tape is expected to bring about much contusion, and will proba bly result in.; lost in business cir cles. .'.';") The Place To Buy - Groceries at bottom prices .is ac John son Ac wiggs. . . , ' .: ; ) ;np4tf A sad case of poisoning; ; took plape recently near Goldsboro which should , be a ; warning io 11 parents. Two children the eldest of which was , .thirfeen, years,, old met their death by eating what is knoWh as: ' night-sHady borries. Children frequently, when; wan dering alne-in the woods1,' par take of such ' things 'innocently believing them ''to ' be; - harmless. The best plan r is to .keep, a ftrict watjeli.on ihei' movements: until they'are old enough ' to fu'clb!for , , A, Choice, lips Of N. C. Sams at Johnson & Wigg a, jioi . A TitBflB TjQI-ftg Soap, cheapat oleaaleyrfit Johnson & Wigg's 1:0 no4-tf iLtiaypes up again,., .i IT , -.. . ... uii ,k . k: m1 v . :-k

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