The To o J isitor. nine YOL.2-N0.18.f RALEIGH. N. C. WEDNSEDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1879. PRICE ONE CENT. TOTM.'UTLEy Local Editor. Almost too warm. lajnwanted badly. The hat business is booming. The armers can now begin to think about sitting up with their turkeys. Too much dignity prevents a man from seeing the brickbats in his path. "He that is good prolongeth his days," but the wicked see most of -the world at ight. One' of the most insufferable persons in the world is the man who has got no failings. Saturn has eight moons, which ren ders it difficult to get a dark night to jpVreoV ThansgVing.' Some men have so much genius that they can't do anything but sit down in the shade and think about it. " " The fig trees have a third crop of 'fruit as large as walnuts, but the leaves are falling and it will not mature. A philosopher remarks that it is al- ways safer to quarrel with temptation than to debate with prudence. , We are sorry to learn that Dr. JD. Manly has a son aud daughter .(mite Biek. f "Old Probabilities" predicts rain during the next forty eight hours. Thanks. If those who overeat and those who half starve were to strike a balance the world would be pretty well fed. People never get credit for good qualities. The man who pays casu is regarded by the storekeeper as a per son of no account. The President having issued the an V. - . . . nual Tnanlis.ivina: proclamation we call for his arrest on the charge of era elty to turkeys. There is a noticeable falling off of tramps throughout the country. ' This is a good sign or returning prosperity. The best cure Wd know of, for mso- monia is a cheerful bedroom, a nicker ing fire, the recollections of a good Joke and a little something hot. Only one person in nineteen takes hold of the knob of a door when shut- . ting it, and yet this country is hump ing along like a streak of lightning. Tissue paper napkins are used be- ; cause linen ones are in danger of being pilfered. No man has yet been found mean enough to steal a dirty paper napkin. A confectioner advertises "fifteen kisses for ten cents." Too dear. In these days of . returning prosperity a T joiing maii can get more than a' hun- ' -difed kisses by simply t carrying her a t. ipint of. peanuts on Sunday? evening tis "said. That was the price of 'em before the war, anyhow. .O learn the Ncfrth Carolina nd Raleigh & Gaston Roads are shipping large quantities of cot ton daily. . ifie staple is now brin amz a fair living price andf ar mers are pushing it to the market Mrs. P.' R. Uzzle an aged, and , jnuch.esteeraed ladv. died atrher ? 6'tfsMiear the Deaf -and 0umb and 'Blind Institution on yester' -day afternoon'.'' She' was a mem-, bet the Edenton Street Metho dist Chiirch. ', ! We welcome cold weather wtth warmth. A smile on the face is worth two in a tumbler. 1 , Much mJ:Je f said of ' the modern cigar, but you must draw it mild. Revenue receipts $5,81(5.24. No marriage license issued to day. Ponds were frozen over at Yv iuston on the 5th inst. The total receipts of the Eliza beth city fair amounted to $358,70. Do people with colds in their heads belong to a generation of "wipers?" " "' L The Russian wheat crop is a failure More demand for American headstuff but higher prices at home. ' Dodd's skating rink will soon be one of the main attractions for our young people. The exer- sise is splendid provided as Sara Weller 6ays : "you knows how." A call for arms the baby's wild yell in the middle of the night. The Lcnior class, at Davidson College, is uniformed in silk hats. They ought by all means to have black gowns and become Uxrora and Cambrige chaps. It takes a whole Legislature to change a man s name. A woman can change hers by the act of a single man. We are now in hopes that the bright and golden loaf will be come one of the great sources of traffic in Kaleigh, before many of lis reach the "sear and yellow leaf." A western paper remarks that the world will soon look upon America as the fodderland. Persons desirous of attending the Fayetteville fair can leave to- night on the italeign Augusta . i -w- lain Air-Lme Railroad and go through withont detention The train leaves at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Florence, the versatile performers are having a good time in Norfolk playing the popular piece Mighty dollar. We hope they will pay our city a visit as their reputation is great Prof. Lincke invites all parties who want to see the meteoric 1 . showere to-night to come to his gymnasium ana pass meume ou in innocent amusements. ine phenomenon is said to commence at, 2 o clock, lieducea admission 10 cents. There is no doubt that the shower will take place to night. . It. is with '. the ' deepest regret, that we announce the death, in this eity, 9 gillie Hunter, laged about 10 years',) son of our distin guished j fellow citizen, . Judge Geo. V. "Strong. Death at all times tan unwelcome visitor, seems more relentless in its visitation, wlien it strikes down ' the young and-' prpuiising. Judge Strong and his afflicted ; family . have tho fivmDathv of thi' entire commu nity in their sad bereavemeriti Tit jtneraji iook piauu;.iui umuuuu at 4 o'clock tromriOhrUt'fl (Epis copal) church. '. - - .. Goad mountain beef in market to day at moderate prices. Cotton was up to 11$ cents yesterday, and holds its own to day. Every bedy 6eems happy, and the world wags on. The woods resound with the crack of the fowling piece, and Possums are thick. No fears of starving hereabouts. Dr. Samuel Love, our popular Audtor of public accounts, has gone to Haywood couuty on busi ness. In the meantime, the genial Partin administers affairs in the uluuu. By. reference Jo the . laws of 1879. chanter 70. schedule "C" faa a I sections 7 and 8. all income Irom li'mmr linens cm in f-nnntv school fund. The Superintendent or ruoiic instruction wants an J 1 t 1 T i A " 4 1 1 I IlOtlCC. I The Baltimore Sun and other papers say that the recent mur der by a woman of her five chil dren took place in Lancaster county, North Carolina. The murder took place in South Caro- Una. AY e dou t have such folks in our state, and rarely in this part of the world Louis Kingsley and Robert H. Engle, have gone to JNashville, Tennessee, to enter the Universi ty of that State. The tendent of Public Instruction four scholarships at his disposal, and the above named youngsters were successful in the competitive examination. One of the main features of the approaching colored fair will be a irlass ball shooting tor val nnh a alinr (vnna There is a telephone between the house of a young man and 1 ' T . young lady in tins city, it is in teresting to see a sparrow perched on the wires listening to the taffy as it passes, Can't Qur friend Col. Turner have a watch kept on top of the State House and report progress of the shooting stars? During the warm spell it would be a fine place to ;pop the question ' and ge upon tne pianei uid uo 1 Iitn'o titrn tava io "ur "UIIJC aitcy over paumtuu. &n old maid of our acquain- ar,ftft cavsthe reason she never marrie(q was. because men folks made so much racket in their elefeD. She savs she was courted once, and, after mature delibera- tiou she sent to her masculine friend the following pathetic lines. Tell me, ye winged winds Around my pathway roaring, Is there no place on earth Where men folks cease from snor- If such there be, Pray let me know And to that place I'll quickly go; I'll pack my trunk This very night, ; I'll go alone, 1 Without a light, -I'll crawl dear there , Upon all-fours Before I'll marry With a man who snores I . Another "one of them big fish Chowders to night at the Iliggs' o no House. The house will be kept open until after the grand meter ic display. Lewis will be on hand and glad, fo serve his friends. Our devil, says he once saw an Irishman hung, but the rope broke and he fell into a p6nd of water and drowned. Our devil is a curiosity in his way. The increase in the number of convictions to the Penitentiary will fill up that institution in a few years at tho present - rate. In the meantime we have no doubt .:n U J i. l means win uu usuu lu iuiku mum profitable. A Wll 1 "I " TT "kl -V-- 1 1 1 "1 xmify MSN UB,,;wHcu Cently bOHl 111 Wins'.On, Wdgll- ing H pounds jn time of war e for itTAQflwiji la oliAnt no wrt climiL remember that it cannot last al chilling blasts of wavs. lint tlin winter will come. Go then to J . a M. liosenbaum's and get a good suit of warm clothing, which yon can do for the very lowest price. Messrs. G. "VV. Atkinson, 13. L. Binorham and Lerov Wagstaff have leased from Judge Fowle, a' large brick building on Wilming ton street, in this city tor the purpose of carrying on the busi- nperin- propose to commence opera ction had r. n. T ;.. . nuns auuut iiiu iireu ui oaiiuary next. We make this announce ment with the greatest satisfac tion, believing as we do, that it inaugurates a new era in the his tory of our city, and one that must add vastly to tke prosperity of our people. wen. vv. ix. kjox, or tins city made a most feeling and eloouent dress a few days since, at Ox- I ' l forj jn behalf of the Orphan Asylum. Gen. Cox is making much reputation as an orator. Don't shoot too quick. This is the advice we want to give our vonng an inexperienced sports men. When a young hunter first starts up a covey ot birds he usu ally bangs away as it he were afraid the birds were liying at the ra f u minute About ... .. . the time you think a partridge is a mi e on. it is inst ine ngm. distance to shoot. Our departed friend, Dr. W. G. Hill, (who was one of the best shots m lNortn Carolina; usea 10 say, xnat it was a good plan when a covey was flushed, to stand still, take a enew oi tooacco, count iuu, imo the gun deliberately to the shoul der and fire. The bird would then be about twenty yards, and --- -- . you would be sure to get it The United States Consul Gen eral at Shangai, China, reports that the cotton crop in China and JaDan is almost a total failure. This will cause an unusnal de mand for. cotton gpods from the United States, and will; to a great The revenue men have three prisoners confined in jail at Greens boro. A colored preacher died in Richmond l?Pt Sunday while con ducting the fuiier&liof a member of his llock. . yifter. preaching he gave out a hymn, and then '.step ped back in the pulpit. In b. moment lie feirto the floor dead. Corn has fallen in ewbern to sixty cuets a hasheL ' Young man, if you cannot find a place to fit you, strive to fit the place in which you find yourself. There is a young man attending school in Watauga county who i twenty-two years old and weighs only fifty two pounds. Our old friend Henry Porter, Esq., who has been confined some months, is &till q-uite 6ick. The community is truly 6orry to learn that he has not improved much, if anv. W. B. Mann fe Co. is the place to buy nice butter, eggs, ham, N. C. bacon, fine flour, and anything else from a thimble up to a barrel of sugar. 17-6t The singinpr school of Mr. Pnuli an nounced to commence at the Graded School, will hereafter be taught at the chapel of Christ church, commencing on Friday evening next. Mr. Pauli has already formed a class of fifteen or twenty scholars and Ms eilorts wui doubtless be crowned with success . 17-2t Removed. "We have remoTed our office to the second floor, over Tuck er's store, where we will be pleased to have our friends and the public call. CKAWFORD & EVEMTT, nol0-3w Dentists. Fine chromos, Mottoes. &o., tc, lower than ever offered to the public at Levy's Southern Bazar 5 Ctpbis Shingles Cheaper Lthan ever offered in Raleigh before. All heart; never rot. For sale by car load or small quantity by Jones, Green & Powell. no8-tf J. L. Stone has taken the agen- ( .1 1- 1! T7I Tl.-ii....' 1. cy ror tne saie oi jl. xuuiencK & Co .'s Patterns. No one else will be supplied with these pat- terns but by him, as he is the ex- elusive agent. His first order consists of $600 worth of these elegant patterns. They will ar rive in a few days. 10 tf One share of Peace Institute stock for sale. Apply to P. O. Box 146, Raleigh, N. C. 11 6t Notice fob the Ladies. Arrival of fine worsted goods for children and infants at Madame Bes- son's. 6-tf The Place To Bui Groceries at bottom prices is at John son & Wiggs. . noltf - A Choice Lot Of -i N. O. Hams at Johnsqn,& Wigg's. no4 A Large Lot of Soap, cheap at wholesale, at Johnson & Wigg s. no4-tl Gold Medal. First premium awarded the New Home Sewing Machine in 1878. ' Also, another - medal awarded by the late fair. 8 Look Before xotr Leap. Stewart's Gallery is the only place for cheap pictures. Sittings made free before you pay. ' ' no4-t - 4f. ' i First Premium. The New England Organ was awarded Carolina X air. J. JU, btone, agent, Wo. 18 Fayetteville street. noltf 1 I : 1 -lie'- " - : For the best fitting dress shirts go to Levy's. 6 1

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