Svenin "Visitor. Lilt : i Vt. 2-NO; 20.f-v. V. , ; RALEIGH, N. 0. FRIDAY, iNOVEMBEIl U, 1879. PRICE ONE CENT. EVENING VTSItOH I . .Jt.-I WM.M.UTLET, Local Editor. Kot. Drj. t Dusty. 550 bale to dav. Put yourself on ice. Give us some mud. Did you ever see a pi-e i Cotton -quoted to day at llj. We prefer rain to meteoric showers. Moon changed j'estcrday and no rain yet. ' ' Hon. Thos. L. Clingman, of , Asheville, is at the Yarhoro. The last will and testament of Margaret Barringer, colored, was propounded for probate to day before the Probate Judge. Mr. W. 11. Bledsoe return ed from a trip down in the eastern part of the State last night' "Wo wereerlad to take bv the hand yesterday afternoon our former young townsman and friend Mr. Benjamin F. King.. lie looked as natural as ever, and was just as full of life. Shoot the man who says any thing about ti meteoric display of the stars hereafter. Did you see the meteoric d"s play last night ? No, but I'll tell what I did see. I saw J. M. Rosenbaum's store crowded with country people, buying his cheap read)' made clothing, it yon want a good bargain, give him a call. The . Greensboro Patriot, so long and favorably known to the reading public, comes to us this week much improved, both as to .appearance and matter. The outsidoiof the paper is now prin- I ted at home, it having heretofore been what -is" termed a patent out-; side paper. . The reading matter, both editorial and selected Is of the first, cjlas's. and we doubt not that under the management of 3apt Fnlghum tli Patriot will The Messrs. fuckers are very liberal advertisers, consequently they enjpyj-a larget trao 'Their jstore is constantly crowded with -customers, juiey,, pretjuui, fuiw- an attractive advertisement in this issue. If you want bargains now is your time, and their store is the place. r . The typef Mr." J." W &; Sim Vt v'r. 4 7. if Stone's notice read $15,000 worth of Butteriek's patterns received yesterday. - 'It snould' have Seen $1500 worth. i i ov Jarv'8 ani Col. Young j 111 . . t ana iaay. returned- trom the. r ay j K j Mine, iieuzd Minstrel troupe. will play at Tucker Hall on the 2 1st inst. There will be a big barbecue at Greensboro to morrow, in the in terest of the C. F. fc G. Y. Rail road. Five copies of the Evening Visitor, one month for $1. Send in your clubs. Col. Tucker predicted that cot ton last year would go down to 8 cents, lie says this year it will go up to 12 cents. Business must bo getting dull in Justice Bar bee's court, judg ing from the front door. He has a grinustone out there. We sup pose he is whetting up, preparing for futures. If the correspondent who sign ed himself "Tax Payer" will give us his real name we will pub lish his complaints. J. L. Stone received bills to day for over a hundred and fifty of his New Home machines. They are going off rapidly. Read the advertisement of Mr. R. II. Womble in this issue. He has a complete stock of groce ries of all kinds. Give him a call. . :'. Did you see the grand meteoric display last night? Col. Win. Johnson of-Charlotte, was at the Yarhoro to day. The agonizing opera troupe are rehearsing nightly. - Yesterday was a regular July day- The stars didn't fall last night, as predicted, to the great disap . pointment of many ladies and gentlemen. -: ' ; ; loud' complaints about not receive ing 'the Raleigh papers in time, saying that 'they are sometimes forty eighfWcmb tehlM, Wafe.V We do not pretend' to know where the fault as, ;but we thank' we can safely say i doqs not exist in , the Volt (Mee&kmd Wc 'A 1 mt .further and say, that to best of our knbVlei'ge and 1 he belief there lpo Dost.opicmp tlfe;oHUr Wy'iinder control 01 more emcient the'' Raleigh otfice. We agree " wjtli our esteente however, in one respect, ' and that 1 . '.r:- - itiiiu- id-m' is ine necessiiy oj..!j naviMg a ry.ui., Agents, men of intelligence' srad high charcer(t oft s, linos, ,01 railway, an.d it is presumed, 'that Bucn is too case. .! ..H.y tit ; . , Two marriage lcense; issued to-day. Revenue receipts $1,208.46 7 The," leave 7 iu the Capitol bquaro this morinngwero chasing j caeh other around, reminding us very forcibly of the play we used j to engage in tho country, called, "chasing the squirrel" the squir rel, of course, being a pretty young lady. Officers ; ti$d ' members of ' the McKee Encampment fchould not forget the meeting to night; some thing interesting. We had the pleasure of meet ing Mr. J. A. Thomas, of the Louisburg Times to-day. If you want ;. to sell t your tnr-? keys send them to Mr. V. C. McMackin. Two drummers license one to the Baltimore Plow Company and Pennitnan k Bro., both of Baltimore were the only itcm at the State department this morn, ing. Here is what the Rochester Dcmocrate says of Rentz Stantley Novelty Company: The Rentz-Stantly Novelty Company were greeted by a large attendance'' at the Grand Opera House last evening. There were eleven ladies six brunettes and five blondes -and their .first appearance in the :-minstrel ring was a dazzling sight, for they were not only good-looking but attired. in long trailing dresses of yellow, blue, green and other gaudy tinted silk. Contrasted with the burnt cork artists, Lew Benedict 'and Charles Wilson, who were the end men, their ap pearance was a novel one. The minstrel business was well done; the jokes (racked bv the"niggahsv were laughable and brought down the house. This was especially true of LeAv Benedict's atrocious collection' of puns and his stump speech. t i This Courtuey-IIanlan race cathdf in' fat a, full share' hi the mirtlj. Thet great, hit of the fevening was "Pinafore" as bur lesqued hy the company, the parts of fhe gallant sailors being takcji by; the female?. The Sir Joseph Weisbeer of Cliarles Wilson-., was' a stunning production and produced roars of. laughter, as did also the Dick Deadleat of 'James Sanford. The 'singing was inijy up to the standard and all the "parts represented were all sustained. See advertisement." Married.- At Salisbury St Baptistt'ChnrohVt nhht,1 by tKe1 Kv. Dr. Skinner, Mr. Wm. A. SmithujH;j jjjattie YpmsJli After the ceremoiy, thq contract- Infartiefogtlier with a large number of friends, repaired to the residence of Mr. II. C. . s i. r their fatdMlidpfnessM ' ' Ior th bast fitting dress shirta go U Knighj; and engaged in thej light fantastiei llWyfjps laiaf'jlioQ-s.! $15,000 Worth of Butterick's piittorns jiist recti veil ut J. L. Stone's oltiee, at No. 18 Fayette ille8treeu H liaa over 70U0 patterus unl 1100 different tylH. . no 14 . M. (irausm:iu, rio beeps a splendid Turiety of family grocoriefi, Las also iu store a line variety of Cluwgou's Seed Vii!t, to which he would call the h;o ci:d attention of the farmers. The best whiikt kno .vn. Call and get aonie of it- noU. Fob Rent. H.ilf of the store occupied by the Wheeler & Wilson Sowing; ' Machine oflice at No. 11 Fayetteville street, can be rented very cheap by applying to the Wheeler & Wilson office in said store. nol3-6t Removed. We have removed our oflice to the second floor, over Tuck er's store, where we will be pleased to have our friends and tne public calL j nol0-3w Dentists. Fine chrotuos, Mottoes. Jfcc, to., lower than ever offered to the public at Levy's Southern Bzar 5 CJyrBEss SinNQLEs Cheaper than ever offered iu Raleigh before. A.11 heart; never rot. For sale by car load or small quantity by Jones.Green & Powell. uo8-tf NoTICK YOS. THE LADIES. . An-ival of iiue worsted goods for children .and infants at Madame Sea son's. G-tf Gold Mkdal. First premium awarded the New Homo Sewing Machine in 1878. .Also, another medal awarded hy the late fair. 8 Look Before tott Leap. Stewart's Gallery is the only place for cheap pictures.. Sittings made free before you pay. noi-t First Premium. Tho New England Organ was awarded the first premium at the late North Carolina Fair. J. L. Stone, agent, No. 18 Fayetteville street. no4tf Photographs f the different actresses and other celebrities for sale at Stewart's Photograph Gallery. - , 63 Gt W. 13. Ataun fcCo., is the place tu buy nice hatter, eggs, hams, N. C. bacon, li'e flour, and any thing else from a thimble np to a barrel of vinegar. 18 6t A Ehyms cf the Tima. Miss Pallas Eudora Von Blurky Biii didn't know chickeu from turkey; High Spuulsii arHjetjt she obuld 'An- ently speakj , But hor knowledge of ' poultry was murkyi - 1 " : " " ' Sue could tell the great it acle of Moses; And the dates of the Wars of the Roses, And the reason of things why th& In dians worejrings , ; ; ! j ; h their reu; )bfiginal noses! Why Shakspere was wrong in hism'ArAr mar, MinP "'DU And the meaniug'of Emerson's Brahma; And she went chipping rocks wiljh! i$ dittle bUckb'J V ? '' ' 1 And a small geological hammer! She had views upon coMedkeation ' And the principal need of the nation, Vfckher glasses were blue, and the number she kaew i 1 '- ' Of the stars in each high constellation. li.k4 llie wrote inia hand writing clerky, And she talned wita an emphasis jerky, Aujl she paintecl-oQ tiles in tjte weety est of styles; . ' I-,:. -A y I But '1 she didn't know chicken from :. -vi turkey. . V-1.v.-,rl;,!'-.-i'-i;-.l. Scribner for Qctobar. ( it;north;n-oi;thK tne jvaniias, ,ver, att la-w- se, Ks., was ca'red awa ' by a sudden rise of four feet in tho liver. Jndian Chief No IIeart and in- terpreter, fro.n Dakota, . are among tlie latest arrivals in Washington. Near Magazine, Ark.. John M. Slater was shot dead by Ins fath- in-law, J. W. Keen, during an -altercation. . Henry K. Doud, proprietor of the Turin (Mass.) 'flour mills, was caught and drawn into the; ma chinery of the mill, and killed. John E. Kubley, bookkeeper for Henry Claneer, brewer, of New York was arrested for for ing checks upon his employer to the amount of several thous and dollars. The New York pilots are ex cited over the effort to introduce steam into the pilot service. The steamboat Hercules, destined for the pilot service, is now almost ready for service. Two unknown persons in a rowboat went over Wood's falls, uii Black river, below Water ' town, N. Y., From their actions and appearance it is thought they intended suicide. Mr. John II. White, formerly private secretary to Speaker Ran dall, has been appointed one of the official stenographers of tho House of Representatives, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Hincks. Senator Ohandller left no will. Miss Nellie A. Hamlin, of Excelsior, Burke county, dropped dead on Wednesday morning of last week, in her father's house, while tying a shoe string. She was a pupil of Rutherford Col lege, as we learn from the Mor ganton Blade. Every hotel in Brattleboro, Yt., is closed, and travelers are compelled to find accomodations at private houses. This is in persuanee of the plan to make the prohibitory law unpopular. Black'.vell, ' of . Durham, t is booming. Hero, is the way the . Philadelphia Press states: ttUT'l'' Tl I ,11 U.'. k y . x. uiuuiv won, i; ruciii iu-. 1 p ... . bacco manufacturer of , Durham, . N. (J:, pays more . taxes to tho Government than any one man in the world to wit: $520,000' a year, $10,000 a week:' or 'over ; i;8;per .day"' ; ;:" Rah! for U19 Tar Heel. . fl, 1 . . .Tlio Copper were discovered in i , . Ash county, 'N.' last July is now being worked by seven hun . dred men." A Vein has been Open- ' , er one thousand r feet' in ! 1 1 ' lengKJ The blasVjurtiances ar -."' ,j sii'tyfj)i;k and, teri thousand poanda :, .f. tvu, of the refined metal is turned out u 1

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