Visitor, I fl M anas "V - TI 7v- VOL. 2-NO. 22. UALKIG1L N. C. MONDAY. .NOVEMBER 17, 1879. PRICE ONE CENT. STATU . Evening? ry isitou; "VTILH. UTLEY j Local EJitoft Oool and refreshing' . Industrial fair Iwgn u day... j "3fcstcrday was a lovely day. There id a grant dual of sick ness in onr it-. . , iney were nappy iroin i tie ci feets of the rain. All the churches had good con gregatiops jesterday. Did yon goto church yester day and improve your moral f , were glad to see Mr. R. H. Lee so far recovered as to he able : to bo on the streets again. Mr. B B. Lewis one of our most promising young lawyers returned last night from a trip to .Richmond, Va. Mr. J. M. Broughton lost hi oldest danghter yesterday morn ing by death. Udied with chph tHeria. Our citizens who hare flat roof shonld have them swept off, as a spark of fire might be the cause of a large conflagration. J fFor bargains "id all kinds of dry g6ods give the Messrs. Tuck ersra call. They are selling goods at. bottom figures. t, In the notice aboqt the glass in the storo window of Messrs. Yeargan, Petty & Co., Saturday, the types made a ay lawn glass. It should have read " blown glass' He was too 4 boozy" to kilow Hfe Pwn name Saturday night, when a Gopd Samaritan was try ing to loani hhj name eo that h eruld carry 1dm Umc: Ho had been pnk ii t.m- ttaid penitentiary main m the fcvi dericc of t,im Charles" lMi; fle professed religion and stfitf he loved everybody, . except Charftes Smith, d n him.'' The rain has come and laid the dm; hut it has not had any effect n ( the sale of JVM. Rosen bannT-s "ready made clothing. He fceeps ftrart ?lass goods and the public will Uv convinced if they J trill ; give him a call. Don't take our word for it, but go see "for yourselves. Ipll 0rechXp tor is' crowd ed klaioiitiBowlyf - fle is a . . ibi ? J-i'-,H -it r. : : Clever gentlemen and has a corps of polite clerks, consequently ho . 8iWf0kg.tMt wKat is better, he says his bnstness is in Don't forgot that'onr friends of Person etroet -church will give Agacrd rAncortfor tkp efitWrn'pl.V'1Ati6ther''id lie smelt the their Castor neit Tlmrsdav niiriit. powder, and ono Wfti heard to It, will be h3tthQ eid thi t&toit&nriia&-ot&vdS eot: Wo by all means. 100 hale' to day. Cotton quoted at 11$. Painted bonn:t itro oiiL Onr st roots are literally covered with leaves. iiunu on i;c'4 uvov f mi fori t l it?. j j ; j an Eider down qniltfe are a fash ionable bed cover. Tho best decoy is made of red cedar, hollowed out. The s'tort party dresses are much handier to dance in. Lard is firmer, sijice, Ue r bac- bone of wititor stiffened uj a little. Wollen corduroy is a favorite material for cloaks for young girls; it is light, soft and warm, and comes in tho pretty ecrue and gray tints that are so fash ionable this winter. Thk Visitor is 'eagerly sdnght for in onr sister States South Carolina and Virginia. Each day brings us new subscribers. That is right, friends. Help to circulate the Visitor and we will endeavor to give yon h paper worthy of your patronage. i . Messrs.l MerrimoiK & Fuvr have one of the handsomefit ana best arranged law offices in the State. It would be well fur our other legal friends to emulate thorn in the arrangement of their offices. If you want to see some thing nice just drop into their office. 1 ' ' Personal.; Messrs. Jos. Beck er, N. Robinson and L. Grcen w0 special artists for " Frank Leslie Nitrated paper" are at the YarboFo Hvl- Thc.y (;amo here to " do. HpM 'tfirirftti!. Jl'air, which "begat .KdayY W hope our white itfid colored friends will give them all tho information pow4WeV Be sure to call him! $Jl H of Mr. Adam Hang's ice' Sold ie'ef When you go out to the fair. Hef hm , fitted up J several rooms in elegant style and is prepared to furnish all kinds of refresh ments. He is polite and court eons Mid wiU ta!;v pleasure in waiting J i yH- -Mwi ,hi U call. ; See his mammoth siy;n when you get there. ; Soniu of our young men went out to Maj. Tucker's old. field last Wedneslay night to send up sky rockets. Our colored f riem.s, who were oh the la)lcoo t f ok tlto me teoric shower, observed the sky rockets darting through the air were the stars falling. , ooute said they shot up from - the ground nd went cross wise and straight ifsyi 'WhiAe, what k foot yo - t lat is de sploslon 6?4e inlpour lUIiUJ J A i The condition' of Col." Russ is 1 about the same. t Many- fancy fnr muffs arc lined with cardinal, scarlet, or old gold tints. Many party : drescos are now iiiadefwitU skfrfshtltMuit esepo the floor.; I S t ' ' ' , Pride gpvth before a pair ,o tight b ts, h id o rns c im-jth af ter thcin.r 1 If Corditry velvets and plashes are said to wear nearly as well us siik velvets. . ' - r , Idleness is hjyol work for those. who are not used to it, and dull work for. those who arc. . . Most men wholook exclnsively after numlter one, have next to nothing to occupv their atteution. Ives,' liarphy Sr onnrJN. Y".; Dinsmord fc Kyle', Baltimore, took out drpmmer's liwnse to day. Several drunks and down were given 12 hours each iu the guard house to cool' off GyHhe Mayor this morning. Capt. R. B. Peebles of North ampton county and James L. Morehead, Esq., of Charlotte are at tho Xarboro, . ' ' , ? Arrnngements have been made with thcdifferent-hotels : of the city to "accommodate delegates to the Grand Lodge at reduced rates. With an easy conscience and a pair of old shoes a man cani shuffle through this vale of tears with comparative contentednesi. Every lady who goes .; to the theatre has a perfect right to wear a' high hat. The people behind Iter -.should have secured the seat in frnt. If they did not she ia nt to blame. A trade journal 'gi&Aujj tllU preparations for the Joliu.V. gift eon saysi 4Their factory now tiirtts1 out over 600 doll babies a diayVThis must be the otiginal! "Bal)y Mine." "ttvmy dte CVervthing for a man," stiil uit old gentlemeu pompously. "Tee' replied the other5 t)tiW, ahuf morttef ' wtmt do as much for a man a mxtf men will do for money." .We paid a brief visit to the In dustria Fair and found the ofH curs and managers busy receiving and arranging the articles being sent in for exhibition. The dis play oi articles is very tine, espe cTally fowls. 1 The prospects now are, that the fair will be a grand snccessj JWint of, time prevents ns from going into details. Thompson's Silver Cornet Band will meet to-night, by order of the captain. Foj toys and all kindof eon fectfojaerietjlgr?. tPlr; Briigassti. He hat r Ur stock and Is tell fn tli Am liAn. 1. hf,!fUk - . ii?q,:rKf Vjv-.W -j,,' i. ! ments Saturday. Mr. Z. 1 Broughton says its a boy and weighs 10 pounds, so we will have two Sqnirc Brongh tons. See the special change in the advertisement of the Messrs. Tuckers, They are selling tine alapaca6 " very cheap. An unruly bteor created a gopd deal of merriment on .Wilming ton street this morning. He set one fellow down and ihen tried to stamp him. , Dr. Sexton's horse became frightened at a large hog being driven up Fayettoville street this morning, and getting hU feet tangled, fell across the shaft. No damage done. We saw, this morning, the finest looking glass ever brought to this citv at Mr. C. C. Clawson's store. He had sold it to Hon. A. S. Merrimon. By tho way, if yoi want anything in his line, give him auall. The Messrs. Tuckers know how to make a . fellow feel that he is remembered, for ihe Col onel called us in this morning and nrcsented us with one of his fine hats. They have a laige stock of the , same kind on harn in connection w j'HiF..?-F We stock of goodd, WhPO W want a bargain in goods give tbeni a call. The North Carolina and East ern Virginia Christian Confer ence convened at the Christian Church, uear Merry -.Oaks, '.Chat 'itnn COUnty, Friday. Yester day there whs a tremendous crowd it! attendance. Vour sermons , yfiVv 'preached during the day. and stow Were ' WM at niglit. The hospitality of thmtt peole was unbounded, so our informant says. The conference will pro bably adjourn on Wednesday next.' Died. At the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs f. M. Broughton, in this city, at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, Lizzie Broughton, aged 5 years, of diphtheria.' Her fmeral was preached at 11 o'clock to day by the Rev. W. R. Gwaltncy. Her remains were deposited iu Oak wood cemetery. i , Tax on Marriagk Lickksks. On Saturday Capt. White, the Register of Deeds of Wake, paid to the Sheriff $375.73, State tax on - marriage- licenses issued for one year. Ho also "paid Treasurer Keathery $6013, eounty tax-on the iante laxnvy ifnce the 24th of vrrade was good in all depart Revenue receipts $0,537,74. Sc wing rnaclnne needles of all lescriptions, keptYt L. BransonV bookstore. Those- otficc inkstands at L Branson's bookstore are certainly elegant and cheap. ' ' Regular meeting of Hiram' Lodge, No. 40, to-night. Elec tion of officers and other impor tant business will bo transacted. The National Hotel will lc re modeled and improved soon. The. contract has )een awarded to Messrs. Ellington, Roysterfe Co. Mr. S. P. Ptttit, of : Virginia, has been engaged to take charge of the cnllinary department of tba 'National Hotel. 2,694 bales wero the. receipts in this market last week. Dieii. The many friends and acqnaintanances of Miss Alice Woolcott were very mnch shock - edSatuidavovening tohesr of hor sudden death. She. jva too pure fOi" this sin-cursed world, henco sho has been called to dwell with the heavenly hosts above. -Hei1 spirit. has "crossed the river" and is at rest with Jesus. Tier fu-s neral was preached at the Chimh of the Good Shepherd ftt four o'clock yesterday afternoon; nni was attended tgr an Immt'itSQ pon - coursq f poople. Her romaiua were deposited ii.-. Oak Wood Cemetery, - tty thg ; Supremo the Universe ' sooth tho aching' heart of tho stricken pa rents and ouly brother,' The fol lowing gentlemen acted as pall bearer Messrs. C. C. McDon ald, F. B. Hill. Y, HlW. W and Ed, Tjiylor, , -J?-? Zoit of Jaklaht vllu ba .je Jp-t day's lor cke pi..-tur at btswarj't 3dery. , Two irge pict p s. 23i-euta. " HOtfrtf. Ir You Waki a fine uarriugo or buggy, don't faii U drop Into U. Alfred Upohurch ou Hargcit hitcd. ft hut a lurgfc aa i complete stock of horn raafo work to which ha invites the attention ef th public. Give iiiw a call, and patr -its hoifle mnnufactarfr col7-6t Look Btvontn TUtf LfcAP. Stewart's Ciallery is th wjijr jiln(j tot . cheap pictures. Silting uirtd ffe More yon pay, lioLl Noticb wh ih Lawkm. Amvalof ttue woratod goa-. for children and infants at Mudume Be.v son's. (Mi M. Uiwtsiaan, who kps h nplendii. variety of ftiinily groceriei-, has ulw. in store a fine variety of Unwnou's Se.ii Wheat, to which h would call the cial attentiou of the farmers Tho htt wheat kuo'u. ' Coll unci got ttoate-o . it. . . noli. . t ypbvss Shisomcs Chfi&kkk ' than ever offered iu R deign before. All heart; never rot For sale by car load Or Small quantity by Joui(.ltipen & Powell. uob-tf Bbmow. W have removed oar .office to the second fl wr, over Tuck er's store, where we will be pleased to hAve our friends and tne public call. " CaiwroKD A Evjearrri hol0-3w 1 Deututti, W. B. Mann & Co., is the plaoo to bny nice rHittrt eggs, haras, N.'C. hacotoj fiird (.floury nud any- , tiling cjso front ii thukblo . tip' to a barrel of viaogarv 1) -4v

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