if "A r- r. V Evening TfsiTOB, " PUBLISHED BY TldemrgWtor'PbHliHng Co. TERMS : Per copy, - One Cent. v-- Vh Month, I - Oylxide the City, 23 V G E ST X IT Y C I R C U IATI 0 H . "The Iridnstrial exhibition of the colored people of North' Carolina winch commenced in this'eity tf day, inaugurated a new.ra among the people, of that class yi North Carolina which we are proud to record- is iit . , ... ; 'ff'infitwid of devotintr their yn- orgies and thoughts to the politi- cal'quU'tions'of the daft 0 ur col- fitimll wiif'irect their"it- tention to the. practical Questions of the day, theyfll not only hd vahce'thttr WaVcrial 1 interests, bni'wiiridd' grMHf Td : the ad' VancernVnt o'r ih'e t1,lhtcrVs ef the people of aft classes'.''' Ttf fair,' in' all 'department','' Ifttta-faiY to bo a credit to' 'energy of the colored' race, and.we sincere Iiqjjb thatjjts. anceess wil.1 be, uvh afc to' -insure its annual;. , couiw nanee.:" '' ' - ; ' uTlie ' Uii ' will be 'formerly !opVned' by the 'Governer t( inVir- J" "ae-Not HillN CU Nov,; ,15, '1879. "Editor Yisitor: While ' making a monotonous journey through the "wilds of Wake," on' the evening of the 13th inst, I chanced to stumble upon, a neat little house where several merry, rosyr aced girls were burning i-me through'with their "blue darters,' i and seeing one: of my acquaintances , (nothing more, of - course. ) I btoppe i " and found, what? NVhy only an i,uyi- Cation XO parrUJie m a wcuuisf; "i'i'"t t that ; loiHbu!) weddi jq iiiwuxVdauhtKiy at Ogi'0i,'' 'f ' wish tbVni hftfpy.tlveaf.' ' E'.-H. A;' , Mkteoeic Shower E'Utr Visiton; luiihinneh asf) Itiany hflv? b'" 'n'H" , appoiuted'in''7ot. Reejtig the'"clisl.Juy,il the meteoric'-shdwefs; I would Mi .41 " tliilt'wBioit AoefiThajp-,.,? tWV'Ji'h v Hnthe '-alarm bell, and t-ii il lire doparunynt should turn ou tiny , inay.try thefirl)ai)(l;n.-tlie:i t.ef.f!.K V f;;..it.o-.! urV&.-iV'. j ' nra.D IT li!'P K I jliror -V Islfi)) 'tVoulctVit' nst" Vadvifue jntieles brought there uwl . :alej 'huM Totettlt'r citizens?.. . . , ;Plato. -'Aflexander: JStephens i!has- jiint irined three ounces 'in , weight, . nd hia thSl&K-i is letting out hisl 'clothes.- ,1 '' : ',r-'::Vr- i Half of the si ore occupied fy" ''fhje ' vvneeier e vur 'ntwing-'MrtejiHifc " store'. ! -. u.. vim I.. :'tn;"!itkft$JlM ' 'm"i' ' . iUhu-im i' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. !' ' v.i' -!''' ; ''f. ;ni;iJ II..'; fWUatjjgrJ he good .p.iaj- -' ' package free; tof t ri VJ uM .U .Vi "VUf ltiK ' it .1)", VJ. Corner "Wilm ngton and Haigett ste., Mr.iD.. Womble was well tieu io cne i aprpn' utrings of Miss Ropna H nui t r, of Wake. ' Yonr correspondetit wnfc 'Itel'eliteil, ' elerktd" 'Wild .-nifiiilii '.'office- at '-jN0.-' TVrdyettettJlA ! RWtt, 1 can be1 tented 'Vprv" clrt'p- by ap'phflig ''M the WheeW'it Wiljrt cMHcn7fad " STATE MEWS. "Wilmington is to have a Chemi cal Fire Company. A man in AVinston offers to bet 100 that he has a horso that cn be driven from Winston to Dan bury, thirty miles, in three honrs and twenty' live minutes, and the roads' in that region nre far from good. 1 " ' The. "exodus" move 6cems to be for Indiana. inst'dad'of Kan sas, WilliaYus and' Sain- "Perry toex-4 amine the oitiiatiou'1 in Kansas nne the Mtuatiou in Kansas. i -reaching lndiau'ailolis 'And ''-7 i.i 1 e ' aL idirig vages higher and friends tf UQ - .? ? a abundant, -they returned; aHd are now niaking" ready' W depart from this "land of lotidage'?' with k ' nuthber f: tlieirjibrethreii. Kinston- Jouruuli ' i ; I ' tile last Ch'arlbUe Sensation is ariegro whose"'toi)ue was para ', lyzed because1 lie "brushed his boots on Sunday. Speech occasionally tcfiirnf when he tells ' of visions. That'dj.rkcy mears business. Unriny; the' rctj'ent session of Pawiui.'titnk coirt,: a negro swoix a lie at 12 m.!l Tle Tarboro Southern-r says the- solicitor was instructed to draw a bill for per jury; the grand jury found it true. trial and conviction at once en sudd, "and by 5 p. m. the perjurer was sentenced to the penitentiary for 5 years. Mr." William Fike, of this coun ty, died last week. He was nearly eighty years old. Only' a few, L viviks frgo k younger biothilj Elijah - Fike','. dicd- vaged a-bni sevenrv years. In Uik-.xauiily w.-i'- mivi n .:hrij:hji rj i.i'Vt. r. ii., Hli) , 'MM)igl ft ; b'AiiJg about )ity , tf.it e, old, aiuUill -nine being n . 1 i '' 1 . 1 ' ' I 4 i. 1 ijtVK HI jU'lCJ jHOIIK Jb aim 1WU sister, iiUJiv.tug, , and the.youn- '''''. " " i m" ', r':il ,t ii.-niir bix,i viiiis oiu. 1 iiis- ,i. 'j ' '."1 ; f;i ' : , t i. 1,1. boro .Kecord. ...... : , The liiin e.imty negro chiivl tiiat acts and looks i'ur iill ' fh ivui-Ll 1 ike a'-'Troir. ' w'ss "bnJtiiiu' up :Meiiiiy uiiu jnu 011 i-aiiio- tion'jit 'Cciiteiiniai ' Hall, aftd'Tll 'tractcVj a cbn'siileVaiile'" crowd' of u 1 . red people. CI 1 a r 1 otte Oirsci;- vei . . , W, A1 u:p,tions.aj kit I . ! I I , . I .iTheintyrj will dry; and ;hangeai)lv, as, a rule, .'inowj snow than rain. Ihe ftrst snow will. be between tjio lutu. ana loth or; lrJ.ei!Ael.ji ,FiefJiiMitCpld.siiap$. lNetfttnei)rtiJltLerip 1 liotgraplis rff the aitfej-ent Hctreses an-j piherlbelebnties for sale at StewptV Phot.graph " ' '" " - P4 Mk . Wholesale and Retail peulet in . Wines, Liquors. AXDL.1GERBEER Agent for Smidlapp's Live Oak and Silver Star Rye, Tom Cooper's N. C. Corn and Rye Whiskies. THE 33 AW TJ Foreign atd Domestic Wines, AJ- and Linuors. Ales. Porter aixi 171 Lager Beer.-, TJie.best ilbrd R oom' ana Fifteen BaH Pool, 'on --3 The Bal ia in tuerear9fthe -t Wholesale Department. " ' A Soda, Seltzer .Water and Beer J; . aay. an.t a full sup- ! i Carom-Tables, u toe ouy. R' ply kept 00 hand t" supply the tr.iiTo rxl-3ni Johnson & WiGGrS, ' 'Wholesale and' Retail"' u: : O K U C K KHy Keepxoastantly: on hand consignments ,-,'' f -' ' Country ''Produce at Ipw prices. yVp, c,an mak it to,your interest to huy' of . us. , ,j . n615f Johnson &.Wiggs1 A bouse and lot on SaUsbury street, near the residence of the late Gov. Manly can be rented cheap by apply ing immediately to Mrs. M S. Harris , . 16. lw, Violin Strings. Banjo Strings. Guitar Strings. Fihe)Nii'kel Plated iBanjos ilO screws, cheau. . . ' '( i . .Choice Fipf-h Oiud;ie. -Uf I. ,1 iinX,.sr. (;AKES in tht V1LT ? t i.jv 1 r -. if . i '). Ti i - 'ivt.: ' i ! tt m- hnnl'ii! : ., , :..Coi(Vi..i)ei- an U;'lv;rv. ..:). lolO . h Fayetteville Street. Fon HKNxJ-r;''"!' housed 4vii i-HHriitncton li(t: fan be .r;nte cheap ly-,applying to . ' Mnaic I Jlusic ! A tine Piano tau" sale,low,on .instal1-.- l " :, :'-.' meut. Address, . , . n.vvZl-tl-b lij :.i P. (. JjOitfln i edtJExteftt. . ,7).'iH!l 'Jul 'i ill H cakfes, , vakje.rpi i. The .he iftveiCKlit ' I I A 11 ... . . 1 ?ar lib huui ill joe itiold at tji yPry loii't htiiguren. .lalT'"'11" v't i.. JivW Willi 0 "wj ttiij wf itil! nii! TT M m?T?rr A IT T? I? ! .'Iii1'b TJ.sI.i uioii mm lUl.KlGJK 2s . C, Hi,! I'iimm iHVlin k ,tofin.H I ..it'....-. ... lkJEbTSlblTB'A?ll tfxioitto.'kitxMii iUsH. niMt'jfc'i '-r- . iueua.li" dhiuu ar.Ki, tttuuun uuu other Wood ( offiiia'and Caskets. All sizes, stvles and uriees. All orders bv Metahv iiiuul liaKets, Walnift and . i. 1. : f J - - - V mail or tele era nh nromntlv attended , We Imve.just received . a choie lot Vjt cbhVl'.:4,Jnts,Ii,alMii, Wfl'tigfei,' lem-hos.-.((lc(Umi tsl lannlea i til stteaulits. u-. r ; t ,. - We are filing aU wool I Black Caslimeres i . at FIFTYcento, ' -, f ; l ' rfl V V'.- ' ! T ..fl"' : I i" ' ti ,11 . " 1 r -t , i J- .j . ; .' . We are selling alrwoOl i , nvn n at SIXTY cents. . .;!?-. 1 -. .., ! i- '. '" i --.I ' T fl W : IV i I 'I' We are seflihg the' best ' ' ? Canton ( jPrwers for men, at FITIY cents .. " .-; - ... ,, ... , . t 1. We are selling Tlie Best Prints at FIVE cents ever offered. ;Vw are selliflg thu.br s$ assorted , , Line of i3rinfe M ..1. .. in l; V city-, .,;ti , .-.j 4. ' ' ' t ' 1 . goods arc advancing daily iw the Nor 1 , : ';" : itlinrii nktrkY Vl-will'snr 'thfttf 'mttA will.. j.Avelartj iellliig.th .Msn-l't,.,.-,,! ' Ia-Peffged Shoes ; , r I , 1 1 , (' i 1 M -,t t We arWltiil'th f&rtesii s&rh4d Iirie-DIii!Gobd5 L11; in u ( coiois ai x Y i i. i-i.-m-". All 11 X V f ' I J w -' - I1i" 1I1 1 ( ! 1 ) '-ll .?'o.,,.( ! liJDUlUJv .41lialHaf?. J . , m,thm ilk .Warp .,4ll'':f(.7f . f'Ui.s jiei ji--' ,.; : ;;'.;V'l?iiil .J:?V' ; nHW '1 Ctli Hl 1ll t .KlItK a feV daVfa our sfeonti tipuuig:: S - 7J3,;ir1j!'ja;t'?niP:'-i'.!''yitirr'':'':j t ",. .n ;il i.-n. .(.. ifi .1 'ii-n Turkey lied DQflie, ii ?jiif ,:U!joo-!!ii iiljjul t.iWf"?ra tilVKsrX'ly. jido '-';yyw'wMr JiWtt Liit J .'J!: .OV-- ..107 ncinn 0 QNMA11KE1 Square !.- I.' 1, bt'u -.: ! ni- '' !'.. a a a a an a a& a m m a a a u .me . t,! v i.i.y i 1 f Ml"f !! 7t "XSDC"'' lil,t bfTk 7i:i' Goods, Going tiiil t - yili:.. ii-i ,: J(j JJM'Ut.. EwrybQ&iinI?lmW& .'.si! i) 1 ' I . ! 1 . ,Jt, -i. '(I ru -.it'Hr ThO j only, direct route, Xor cheftj goods and no stopping place. The cry is onwar I to ' 1 . " - A - ! i', Jo s Eichanffe Place! Mr. FREEMAN jt there, who wiU sell goods as cliesip as anybody, if not cheaper. Wliy he has a store full of everything, not onlv Dry (o V,, bnit Clothing, and a full1 line of Family vimi!r8 ,.or) ?'! ,:r,WXf GROG E -3a IJESBv ,4 5 ....,i- '!tU,;V' .jr '. bought at cash prices, and wilj, be sola at prices to suit the times. AmJ ftlme ir.it ATTILEi t-''! vt Aif . PRICES! ... . . 1 ! r. . ,il !.. Mil I. iustii:ecei Dreiis Goods, :. " , .. . . v Prints. . , fi j... : 'iii,,M: 'Notions? - fvKti uui --1 V 1 1 li d PiecefGoMs flt6ihlsti, aVid' ' everything ' kepn a fii-st class !stoi-e t Mv Grovery IWpftft- activate if jIWtuFJourf, !Meat8nn-, .A careful jinHyjtioj, ail .that a4 Give me a iwll' and judee for yoursrf We haw jusfcTflBdvelllr-tiMl'HAe of1 rand many other articles needlf3 to tflehtion.MIM afldiWdfl we ! hlire ad Jed, ),' -.V tiff ,1! lo'l ;jV'"'iV fft'5lll; j Olgdrs .and Tobacco, Yrm will find us aljvs'YS ready aad willing to ' serve, m'ghara W: ovrv Uivr iHiMih.J:fcts ikmiI . i Mil iiutt fk i 1 it ml S. J. FREEMAN. t - - I T 01 h ai ill hi nj w C( ( U w si t d h 1 d ti ti y ,1 r .4 A ' t y I t ,1 r 's c . t "I . t 1 .1 tv; ti i ti i if ij : 1 , 1 ' J 1 I 1 -i'lcWaag8ag3!, 1

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