BevenBe.: Strange andTe:r.b'e. j only Mxte. n year of age. and comted! her for tin month", with the iimhi j amount of icrevrttiwatullmy 1rjvy ! until tVio mrl r(itVir lirnn tit r . heml! already in the first nta mother-in-law.' .Jmt iToofeiers, vpt when in lave, ,ic matter of fact ami business like, and do not underhand .the mysteries and humor of fem. ,; ' coquetry, Qqr Hoower lover was tl" cerfcaiu of his game that he had ''"ft! (jJff IjiK U!3Cl)'T' " en tils jfriHJUifiiiou n op"' tail coat. He had also fixed his eye in a, wettf house. , and 1 & tiunfcjng Ui 1 ted(n07ik-3AyTQi lady to lic Ji&tilt) liidtillit fair young micUii; ;vw,4e,Uy ny, yi)u re 01a euougu , thought fliih; thiik: as marfryiWsf f VarioruUHiiiid of lis umfte . .you. .!' tiiitwa rn t 1 r ! -Bot' caid tlie luver, nrprised and ' -14mbIoiIndeSI( 'id ValJ! the . bhitgy rides apJeX!lCeft mfSiQioi. g?" ''Nothing at all," replied... the fill. "You are'efeoiVghto be my father." . Aptiflije jijii'iMr? .?:ilh. wy 'diirisiVe giggle. . -... v 1 ' '' T '.U1 right," said the : Hoosier lover, ..: we''bWt j't, .'!";: Ai 5 went. home ,na wrote a.note. to the ' girl's mother, " who was a lively widow of only thirty-five, and tohher t that he had suddenly discqvered that -he loved her as a sweetLear rather than a mother-in-law. - r- ' 1 ' The ' fair widow p aw '' it ; and the , . daughter was suddenly surprised hi find her , recent lover changed to her stepfather. " f . V ' Slie thought it wasifunny until tin cduple returned from : the wedding jioiir an1 then the newly ' made sup-. ; ..Lithter hurj,o her:., . :.. v&l!y kffjthfcfr.-yin-: m ii iyd.i: -beanxNice. ytung iiieij, kHrcrean.1 "Ind'Wili y'iJot',ii;opvr' miu nes for H.,tle;guil.ike m. m ojd; jmutflh'to fjvyoiu;fatiif-ii.i.jwiyjv,iii '.J .mliiVej-iriunit' fk o" tp tur, 'take'rofl hatlii'r-Hsl Vti reaAyfof'kchobl jj.vt'l'iettmi.ufJiiifinyouB man from y wit ' tfov .at least thkyvS.'" l! : -ii' "li.i' ' vt'Ui i 'r In irftii m.V:1 ' I U;ajcy, and;, it jdy , , Vainly, repent lptj . her rashaitt", amlU'uing uut by dje; IttWtnce that'a' htrr M;ffrtieil "cai be 'one's Wwsi"enrmy., eVpeciallv Hvheif Tie- ifEhe 'debt of Illinois hasi berp redutied 'v&JOq.OOOf and 'ffll viti)iguished,; vit jis cla'un.ditliiii'i 'jear by .he pajJ iVDWfy .to State ,if ..tua Huep of Uej H3intt'(Uenwal xailfoadj TliisrailrofiU. iUoVi'dt.a bolikif'o 'tiw bta;il'. When tile b.iji or''ihySiation of thlsi (troacl watt before the, ..Illinois Legi. (tule Senator Douglas afliied a provc-i ion whioaliiistead of "-uavinit tuxi w it'fehould ptfy iu fen! thereof iseveu p. j cent, of its gross receipts every y ar. Wh aucft ffcceiye by Alia Btsefce frcm and has gradually wiped out the State debt & 'Vh$nJtbis ds ' 'gofie, as it will be ' withih' ayea; thpughV' thatlhe ,.rgad,will yield a sufiicifint leenuf to carryjon the ordinary tsxper6seS of the 0 government, thus doiri)bwHwiththe uetisbiiy ior carrying an j piare; 'Wiltninfftoh has a cotton fac tory, a .BaeiL ana iHna laetQry "))((! 'aiobacco factory; .iakoulf ?raj4..; mills, i anil the. tNavassai (jWiO1 Works just aldAeJat Dr yagflpds, grocer o4'" 4ierorts. -tk. bickers., kardwaiu luqi clfH.rjf ship huildefsi ' Baddle muKers i insurance com pa nice, bankers, etc. otar. j IT "A )TT HtLU J J U I i 1 ij. U lUlill I ! . V - . j ; - (w ,Vt7!. ; j ; f jc .'- ,. ;? i "'-, ' . -- i 'J uij, iji j ''? i 'i'rt-r' --y ' J 4 ; , , ; , c;. p ;J)nSH t, (j.'K Nt . i f, $ I : ' j i ; ; V V t i k I have HtMiind tbe mile ueiiev foi 1 f f Jf uufidTJai iflaiiu C, -,!... . WiS l'f ... . r t v - "j&2iJLj ' . to IMtizeiiK Bank. , . ' lt , ",' , 1 i Aim Received To datj. 'Jamaica ' Oranges,' '.'very ujcc'tniu fkjluued.friut;' ;i nsln.-, vlit t in' luilk, by the; pound; 2d ijurrel very large extra clioice lione ' P'-tat.; Heckler's all pork satLsugc; weet cider, tmsh and genuine. A fine lot of. CH DICE B UTTER nist ill. Mmic.' l "it. 'Vm-kwlii .(. A''., A"-. S a 1' "and I'liucy ( ivi i iie ai(d I'r.'visioii -f .-v. iy flt xc-i?n i . ' All' gV ..'"! ft 'iromjlyV'iid. VnVv'irimfSiiit.'d. ' " ;"- . ' '. ' HoufundUot.fpr i ON 3I )Nli.,Vi,t'i. M'V "f .VMi - House and jLot:1 Slid li.tll-S "'id ;ifr,)o. illi,u'.,(MihV' ii lib .a; f : ftj ,?iv, jut V,'.'.! l j1 ti .t,t . h tel. )tni7i 'tl .ts'iA'-fi ' wi J i f; i' i-, ii t 'f ' !' ' . lot. is .'i''.it;Xi'Jiu,;,.i;"' bniikjiV t; iitkoVi' 'it" mi )it'V, roou s; there !.-. I ti'f.W"'" UttiicJi. J. t''i':h" 1' j."tl!fi'iPl'.,,,7" anil otlH C4ieiesi rjL..:rI',tt)l' W 'M11! ?' pellUlU wen in iur. t! fc - ml t . I ".it - ' - . 1 '( , 1 .,,.' Patapscd Family JKloiir (Ha t blfl i i. u i Early Eojee rotato,K( ? U . W (I h ; w,-";:' vi;-'v.i',...f f-i?. t .. Red (riidtiSf'Nayy'iaiiiy L . '. pVMsr buhmKt BSlnlr. I. ' fteifer Wlnitnh - , N. C. Corn ShiskeY. - ' ."i OOUwampnjn tuegai. North S. near Old Depot no7-3m ' ; fT( ;1 I' il .'tl! (r I . . ; ' ' V V ,r ' tU ! 'vr'l ''' !'Pmffiei irWf fAe; ' li-. -r -4 '' -v, ,l . tin ,M! jii ."! i DL.u r.,t,it.u u . :.. .. 'i u ;l! . ; . . klCkxU VV " .0) Yf ?:YL f7 .iIJ: . , Brooke ) . . 1 1 1 1 1 : . . 1 ' A . 1 for. IlihVboro and Salisbury Sts., ) ....... ., . . , t . . . Nice Northern Apple. . .1. . Turkeys, fine and fat A fesh lot of Cbkkt ns cheap r ' 'till ' yon can't' tet. " Lemons runea. laxre lot ArtmcKle cotlee arrived. Nice H cabbagA from 0 ,.: ..... '. to 10 cents " apiece. 1. r'resh -vem cheese 16 2-3 cent a li). T& 'best lolj 0 cigars ever in i : iiit iy i any Louse, .n. oot 30 14i . .w . . . I ..... 4 i V :' : V 1 A1RS SHOES FOR ' 1 1 t in ONE Thousand PAIRS Ladies & Gents Shoer Three Hundred r si its or . , iiEall autl W.ititei4 pi .!.. . . . ... tt;k.tivtii44J,iU;ifjt iv.i r.Vf.y ? Avoir. 1,000 iS500-fe .i . f ,,' '.iiv.;.,.',.'! . I i. )! j-' oijene.Un, i J ' ."'- !. ) Open EfxjM Sfdre, Wilminffton '8t:' 7 . -!i!.ii' l-i'niiii .tiii -t . I'.'it-'MJS ' rf.'dilkf j WeigWngi about i to 1 l-2 lbf.-ti ; :o. Mixuiiisqnarty.yard.' u, ' "f ; t .l,a.! 'h .t fit I'ti in iU'iit"t--.nn to 'er.f ts'ving.'g'iesoltietiuYb: .'A ;-. Ik T-l .niuMHUt uuifitun tfiC' itm 'ii. "'nil d-i'MW n. ,wbi rt, r . r nuusanu ".t("iIs ftohl Vvt'jxwixvrlii tiicrcliaiits. P ArER HANGINGS,: &C. Fay etteville street, Ealeigh, N. 0. no"(V-6t :'.-';- - - Pr Rent orSalc 00 eay h rrns. A good dwelling, cou tiiing' boten comfortalh rooms' ft good welf I of- water, ' garden and out houses; pleasant aud healthy pluce to live; splendkl-stadet -ad good t-ize prrtniteH, aay thre. louiths of an acre; located ia llillsbqro Ktreet, llaleigh, N. C. and near Kt Mary's School. ' ll-6t 'Apply to L. BRANSON. MOSELKY'S isow in full blaat, Ladje and gen tlemen ajv e8pecially' hvited to ciill, as everything hall he first claw. 1 Part es visitiiig Laleighcan always be Curuiahr edwithV lunch. , Qqly. 5, cents a , plate. Only 25 cents a fry.' 5-1 w 1 Ai,.n. .l j : ,, 1 1 j Horses & Buiries ,ui . ToHirc, , .... . IVi.UV wishing a god nice "turn out, single or double teams: also, saddle hors!'ilJChatgtis moderate ' iJW,' , JilOUUt St. ..... --r 1. - I ft-:. I. . I t . i 'II , 4 . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Cor Martin and FayetteVille streets, opposite th'rt post 6'lfice'.' ' Drugs.' cjietu icala, dye stuffs, etc; sold at lowest market ratri. ;.' , : : .,&Mf. NEW GOODS Pretty G-oods CHEAP GOODS! DOORS OPEN DAILY., ADMISSION FREE' I'UU ATc desire to call the attention of huy era wt'X)i;y: (iooda, that never ( in the last twi'tity-five years' havo 1 hnd the plcasnf. )f offering 'tii- 'my nnntenms 'I'rwilld 0l t-Uistomers a'molM.'Ji'ntnif t- iiv of . gliml. iVhab I u&u th SW- soji i- und. eyi-rj. depnitiMi'iitjs fidf '.'u' 'i ; ii'ii'i)l"te. wlitcU.' e!iil)rHCf's i peW Hhtc'that' is' lep'f 'in' 'a 1 first c!a? ,tv(.! ;iud'jebhiiig'lK)use! il:?-'.-;!! !.,1.jjlJlilVl(l)A.)ei4,US if'i'SaleH- n. iljnf t'.'ii t twenfy years extfi-iioKce. Alriii - will jnstily mwj-in suvUji that ny iiHiise is thonVghVy igil'liiy1.' d, and .iiiiineix will .sifvt titne enj 'iiwui-y l.y cv.'.ing'td' CRM '' to'bny r l wish t'cdT' yrturTst'-i'il fit- teiitniii t't'bij"i3Wk uhtl I'ani j ! jnrvs j4j, omj.uf my bpeni'dties iii.Di-ess' 0:HWi'lalsWsky;uV 'poci.l at'ten , 'io'n;to': ntir;tf;tl).iiV.s tivci-i I', t . thw 'I city, .andjjadis-.wtl (Vit. ti tliejV tf G)od'8 dfpartuierit sniMid Hr bh t'ortiti'-n as tute gooslKijwiil..vHljt prices tu mee. the ;lnuu Jimes. , ;P H Wy wholesul' (p.'ivrineiit'ts futl itfid' complete.- jn Kitl gdH as eonntiy luJilyits. Mattt . .itll.'apd MWUinUirMiiitaWwiWiiitJti4my, and 1 will save von siuue money. rC ' ' . ' ''ACitl-lJc'E.; .him? rtyt'''r Hiai (...C.rutMi-. H .'iii Vi! iv.ii' V. ) f nH .(') ;..nuni'M '.-iH 1IU' ,' (!Mfi;;!i mmTIh- uudfrsifjutHl will, for ihe nxt' fcv:itynnys,,!$e71 ller!fcirtirctotll of mtl- 1iuerTV'stiaw.good8 and uottrt rf at ew lYork aiid Baltimore, tAwtj hd no mis- ike-.v'rhisfis no t humbug. tiPlabtof bulnes3M-iJk)imt streeti' between JMar tihi imdtDa-vieV'Baleijrhi vWm -v. .;' i M-lidfiiThli mlfejFsvliisrifiryjeH!tn'.ili0' thliiUlOrI . Hwi'xitie pleiyeii ji attlnAJ to ihitiU: n i n g an d re ptni gdt'iuW ad irvTTB?i jtH (infJAl simHettA SadbsMaMU pdliail up1 if desired. . Satisfactioritf ed; Orders left at Alfred Williams' Book-: store, Fayetteville street. Am atso agent for the celebinted Brymer Pi anos and Organs. no5-lm ISA I Pescud; Lee & Co BtoUs! rrlmc. BESSOBI WISHXS ,TO , rSFOHM TUE , Mil DfBalei and surrounding vicinity that her weH belt eted stock of .ct . LADIES, ( misses, . . :A AND CUILDRRNa Clothing, I Inderwear, ft lotions is now read v, or ejauuuation.t AH are invited to cojiM and look. Prices mi)dj erate and all c ii 'be siutel ' ,liH lM Thankful for Ihe liberal patronag4 of the ladiea and inviting a contijiuaaoe tif f 1 1.. wiimA T Q 111 r)(J Respe3tfnlly, Mie.' BESSON. ' '., . . ..,. , 1 ' ' - VP i i.i.rj 7 ri l:,fl ...... i Practical Watch-Maker and Jeweler, ; Keeps constantly iw stock,! JuS FINE AM EE! CAN WATCHCS. . Ch.cksrIew'eliV'Wleahi, MASOmCJEWEL&. Good watches furnished on ordei by express C. O. D. , or by mail on receipt of price frm4lO-to$500. Corres pondence solicited, and price lisjfc seat on application.' ' No huinbuc dr com mon trash kept in stock. Ail jmois ana work warranted a reprint teL;xtt money refund ed on return of 6lo GREAT-""" r REVOLUTION1 n PRICEi f( Astonishin rly ldw figures in all kinds of Goods, such as never before , offered to the public, n't i f;( J I . ,.;,!li-'f.,li:i'i- --f'i! Jl' -rai.i'l iiK-i'l Uw- w -iftto!qiii..' i . ' . 'Uh-tHHmHA'HVWohS'tiW iSioitt , ,, . T ; :;, , SAVE MONEY, AN& BtlY Ydbft Hats ami Caps,- TTniUrePa-', , i Wal king. Can v. -..' ' t Picurea, i :' ! ;i01fldka) . 'w, ".i'JM, ..'.'. .''in'i-u ,H'i".iii' .;-. lijiv) LIOVY'S . ( I . V i 1 1 1 i i I I I . ' ' i i !T 2ri Oflf HOMW MANrr.UTTriJK.. ! ' ' If lis. lit: ;; v: ;S ' -i i,'iMu'!"..',i.,. iH'tAMD 'iih' rl VViiJ f i :" ti i i; t-w ii ;r s ' .i! Mm1 ju1) vm-n TjCiivp Tim order at . 1 . ". ! oc27-tf rrTrj hUUiitiMHT" litF" fiitYj ..-f.n IN FAMILY S UP FLIES At WEAVEB BROS.. 25-3m East Hargett Street. i2 t j. I' .' il QlTtr'ci JJUMu Cf I A.MPfON