v. . .,.::t.::- : .;. . 'ypggr- j - . 'kM .ii : . . - i .1.- .. . -j i . r i i i i i . . .. . . i . i r 1 r .. - - x UALCl6rirN. C. TUESDAY, JNOVEMBER 18. 1879. .HOI T JPKXCE ONE CENTi V I I " M UM1 J Ml T. U iST.'l x-:ir: ""Kir. "", " Industrial. tfmf&&XA'A Mr. VAN little rein this morning. Gov. Jam's opened tlie Indus trial Fnir. ' ; . in diiixaat ftsas jj&s ind ovens rattle yesterday. Crowds of colored people come in. by dery "train to- attend' thai fair. ' Mr James Woodward is still confined to his room with sick- Mr. John "W. 1'nrcfoy is con fined at His room at Mrs. Mont- aMJrjs)6ifirding bouse,, awilf sickness. The bridge at Maj. Tucker's mill, on ; the Fayetteville road, o&ds Repairing. It is dangeroiis to pedestrians. . j , , . , .Bead luvadvertisemcnt ff Mrn vt nci fi:il dvvil j wnsjjflg (crystal for whitening cloths. Call-and get a sample package. . , rree notice of the loss of a lady's pmse on Fayetteville street. The finder will be rewarded by leav ingw. same at the t store of Messrs: D. S. Waitt & Bro. Go to Mr. Wm. Woolcott's to bay good cheap goods. He is a clever gentleman to deal with, and keeps a corps of polite clerks all the time. Fathio liable marriage in Greens boro to-morrow. One af Raleigh's toost promising young men will take tuo f the fair daughter of . thai'Mwtj!itoy;''M the City of Oaks. Head the new and-' attractive advertisement ojf essrs. Yeargan, Ptty . ) Oh. They - make some very important announcements to( wlii.itjio tHdt ai tentionof our .'1 f".;V' i. The folio wing young gentlemen )tit for Greensboro this evening : Hessrs. 8. Ik Lewi;, V. M they vent when they return. Knff "iMolf "aorgc)t .the sabred, cnpert Bibt, for the benefit of said hnri. ,' ; Yon will be stipe to ipend thV'eVetiin pleasantly. 1 J. I s wilLfeTl our readers ' why; pla ; t fey all mean. ' i tq1 f f . . lVf ill VI II ki 'iV-, .., -, i .. w $17,R00 worth of old bonds , inrrendered to day for exchange. P. B. Cark, Esq., of the Henderson Tobacconist. was Ui! I Sanderson Ife Peters, Norf ol k, Va., had. a drummers liwnse is sued to them to day; Late yesterday evening Sheriff K. 8. Saunderson, of Hydo coun ty, brouglit three convicts up to colored, and their terms range from 1,3 to 10 years. We saw a negro woman this morning with the blood pouring freely from her head. We asked the cause nd .she said Henry Havwoo'd'cfji'd had tnfstaken hvvUM rofUklotUfitUoJd and had tried to split it open. ' Dr. F. A. Spafford arrived in Raleigh last evening. He has jnst graduated from the medical department of Dartmouth col lege, lie took the firsf prize for general, excellence. has re 6lfm lU llntielit? Ihaw W vcreitv. V! ' Mrp. Sylvester Smith returned to the city last-Saturday" from a trip to the Wcldon f tir and a lengthy visit to her relatives in that section. This is her first visit one of the city for .se viral years and her health is greatly improved from its effects. This season has been a tough one for the gates. There is an epidemic of colds sweepthrough this section . D$ it!jrierrrr you'll bones in your throat. All women consult their mir rors, but very few listen to them. :.: Cat have no' fixed political t)elief . 'They're usually on the" e&M bttii) eniln'Kliliil to mistake a '4ljjfij for ; a. wo- (ihilhng piece. ; ":, ; i tjlsieretjtes jllat name pps.oine Jhes. stivSAf Th dreated- WlibifM were of the lean kind yesterday and very 1 dnhion as trt;fcrmdUmn,i a . The tune a horse makes tie pends .something' ii the horse and Fogs are inwts befoi-e' ithey are isone. And are not tit to eat un- ; The .mnfvha'ii(ioie4nd laid the dnst; but it has not had any effect on' the salehjf Mviitosn banm's ready-made clothing; itlo iserfe. aud ihould JI.mi ; -j., ! .t ...iLn -.nt. 200 Ulea.i si KeyeP 1561.80. Threo marrtagoliocoses to-day; Mink cloaks, are again shown as fnshioiikMearments! Tkis fr' is , especially ,t liked by , elderly ladies. ' ' t t Nineteoa abh-bkied critictr will 'if'ijTj ujjlnliree hond. to watch a muA' paint a sign (hi a. window. , Th:5dtUnJ6 r lleilers an' worked Hlnij)8t to death They are kept -husnight - and , day marking up pfhosi ' ;. ' Two colored men had a regu lar "set .to" on Martain street this morning. Of-course they Wnn&'ihtetewc'a b tfi6 Maf oV! have a wide band of fur around jhe botto$iu&l iinjejskjrt; A Very narrow pleating ,is all that showfe beloivflt.' ' ' ' Go' to i Christopher- ud Sorrell and (ouy tliaf fiuu flavored Parched Coffee, ?Enterpri8e' the premium ooffc at M. Hossnbanm, near thd capitol, has just received. Ap, additioa'tq his well uelected t)k waite and kjbloved bed blankets, white twilled flumiel, red twilled flanne: large lot of, balmortil skirti,' Tadiaai'geatlemeri and cliildrens undershirts, ladies satchels and trunks, canton rIanneJrtrimmiiig, lace and neck ruffling cheap a? ever. ' We ask an in Bpection of out assortment. Respect fully, M. Kosnbaum. 23-6t Two car losra of white, old corn just arrived At Christophers & SorreilH.. Also hay and oats in any quantity : nol8-6t photographs ef s the different actresses and other celebrities for sale at ;6tewart' Photograph Gallery.' ; 63 6t tf Ton watt fine, ricn. tM Chees, why go to Uhristophert sr hdnvir, Wil mingtou ntfeet, opposite market. nol8 J ' V -f fxiBRUT. v" . ', , v (lalf of tn stor oocupid by tb bn b tpnUfd very cheap by applying to the Waaler Jc, Wikton offioe in said . ' nolS-t If lov XTaw '.-... . ftn carriage or boggy, don't fail ta drop in Aaeirr. Alfred Upcharch pu Havgeti ittfeet. He has a large and eomnU'te tocfc of-homer pukje work to, wWaihHiiTit ItljatQSaWlltJ bubiie. Give hia a call, and patron- t Look Barons rov Lar. Btewart'aUiSlOT W.the only place Jfer cheaf pictures.. ;9Wing,;jw4f,pw 'wfqrf.joa pay.,. iq . UiH.'x.9? 1 K&rWfwW KkiAwA ! " Arrivartof floe worsted good "for chiMrtf Rndlafants' at 1 Madat&e"B-' BOB'S. '-f variety of family groceries', has also in store aivietypi(uiawsona pfa Wheat la'trbbtt hrf would oD the sW- cial attention of the farmers. The best ht kaown audlgt meof r KH4JnraiffM5anrwa vMrmi than ever offered in Raleigh before. All heart: neve ot. i'or sale by ear load or small Quantity by Jones, C ex's L.-'vj tiUii ito 1 rr r procos- sin irrWl n p Fayetteville strcjotv at il oclcxfkj head Stahlyrf and 'and the '.Marshall afid ' hja aststanti,Hnd the Raleigh Ulnes. from Wilmington aud rsowiern4 in commaraJl f)Jte;(JnilIt4ryi: ft m he'i!fW i!r.d- pafjTnV tho city, toVwodVy the (ploveijiior, May9r andlnvitea gilost,' in carnage.' 6h arrival' at ; UK? groundsand order be- inS i , Tf f tlrcd tlie Govefnt r tormauy opened the nret in; ted the nret In WiUltlfr of M'UWie His address was said to be a pnu, practical one, full of good ad vice to the colored people. It was well received, highly compli mented by all who heard k. Ihe exhibition is very good. There was a large number of $V& pfpp ff if f he( gjrfttfft uab)VtoTae iofdfitnbiMdl too m uch an d the. Mayor v.e Ifin lodffint: i'trtne fguardf Iro'use ngs m 1 oroer tuht; he might coo off. W, B. Mann &0b.Vi3 tlie .'place' ilis k i ? i . i I i r to buy. nice ; batter,? jeggs,. JtHtjfis, N. O. bacon, fine. flour, audi anv- thing else from a thimble up to a barrel of vinegar. . .18 6t THE MAIAC MOTHER. The Children Not Killed with a Knife, but the Dkkd , Done with a I ? Hatchet. - ; , We haveti letter frin Ohcsiwi j S. C. tinder dnte of ? yesterday. f urnishing j articnlars of rftbe. tragedy of last Saturday night ij in Lancaster county, 8. C., i ad, ditioa to those which the 01wer- er ha already published. Our (correspondent has his news from a citizen of Lancaster wha alleges that the children were.not killed waU:kriif,,'aVnt ilrstiHpoAed; pimWW notfrJ(-nwji vier thVWer"hr witll ihUihifcJktSit iinttfhttty tie cots n rne inroars were an Ut InstancU VitelT WN throat ard )ndaly thr(l4gU f$i its right fiionJder. made it is ankletf bV S? mS " ii4 M Alii Vt' vit4 wttiffftfffHrt- its head another blow was 6truck on the jaw bone, apfl another iust lelow the ear,' and still .... , ..,-,. another directly across the throat It is now thought the children were killed on a, pallet in front dtherand ttiiheory'la sapportodby vth fait that poojt of blood ' were ' found : ander that wtftiMj ft-. jpgi is of.thQ.cJulcren. A hatch et wns'fonndMu -r - - 1 IKI .1. jpaxt'pf, house and. between ther plankf of the floor immediately, in front of the hearth. It is bi ;lieved that the mother waihed the blood. from. the floor with alqnili) pars, pf..wwh , were foun4 ftMb ashes the Jiearth. , ;Tha vHJt1 dren hJ undoij bedly,it is' naeaid killing liy r. Adam. ; j An ; additional incident is that, a tyottlq io? strychnine yai.-fofld, tabl was, discovered atjqp, wKiU'li onnhiinul urotn. wlil w bitter to the taate.,Jt is tlioughV the woman had: taken a doee of this,which failed t. produce death when she a firp t her clothes. Sho had cridcntlynot retired, for her ted had'n'ot bebfl'iisArlv ed. -After tiieetlng Mr. Cren-'--shaw, and after he had taken her to his own yard, Mrs: Adams re peaVedly laicT her' fiead bna bencn1 in tinyard ahd' begged hini to cut it 'off; She is epoketi' 6f in tJio! community as' a "woman of e cellent chnracter, industrious and onbrgetic. An evidence v of her industry is the .fact, that herself, li.isb.and . and ; children . were al ways, well and neatly - clad .'with clothing made by her own hands.1 one is said to have done most'of the work in the field. ' 'n: m The jury of inquest render ed a verdict in accordance with the facts as already published -Norfolk Landmark. A Ol'iisb Shavk. PBriDitfri.vn" Drlivgrancr. On the back trip I gave a glance at . Rcedr Creek, where,' some months agot' and engine aud mail and- haggage' cars plunged down a precipice of ninety odd feet 1 The conductor who made the-trip1 tfave.me: the particulars ' He in the bag 1 gage ear and knocked enteles by a fallir.jr trunk as the wheels' ' left the track, and was found , at;! the bottom,, of the, gorge in tlie wreck.. The wopder ,is that a; tqno waa left nVroken... He is able to go. on dnty, but not ;-(ta. Ijmb wi ,fracy tjirLaji4)A8scnger..coacnca, laododrwitli trMvclleiraJAtoiil iu . r ii thirteen inchea ;nf the : broken. span of be , brfdg t lc. ifttiit r left na, , sleeping car at a idpot. Only a f w persons were sin, thia toach.but tm j m uie object! ti8 to going iinQ ahocr,; apd dloving the empty ; car to bc left.?, iThor coundncrpersited. and it waa. swMcheNJ'off at ihd depot. ThRi am m l- rk S"! fx AIM kiio I- a ti1 t A thciwhote traineiond-lhe thiiK t?et ihkeVaWthoVoaclh3s,nU6d with men, women and chil dren, mnst have dropjed into tha abm. 4,.-; Thera is liui a worda atep betwixVlifrishtt ddath; Jf. J. k nichtaond Christian Advocate '3'', '1-fA 3 O 1 1. i, i

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