t . 1 -- -t , Visitor, ' r-j Jgry ' . wl -kA-is. f ' : A '?f: S'l RJ&KIPIL'N C. MONDAY, .NOVEMBER 24, 1879. PRICE ONE CENT. '-ii i MBBjwF-aea?p9wiwTyt.. a- " "- - '--- - - U. , t ? . kt ' " 1 i Villi TOE7 Local EiltcrJ( 150 bale to day. Revenue collections $670.83. Yesterday was a lovely day. Midgets at Tucker Hall to night. Are you going ? . ; i This is the season of the year for spar-ribs and backbones. Have yon bought yonr turkey for yonr Thanksgiving dinner ? Side issues the by-ways to barrooms. ; Do not live in hope with your 1 1 . 3 (arms ioiuea. Have your guns and locks, re paired at Kiug & Brock well's. The fancy for novel dinner decorations is running riot. If yon are a good speller try-- alittlehotscotchortoraandjerryr . ... r r g0ojwconreg.atjpnts yQSjterd One-more: Sunday "in NC,Veu? 798 bales of cotton was receiv- Regular meeting of Win, GoJtftalTqwfcer.-flaHJ' to-night and see the leastest. wee bittest people you ever saw. y y Scotch lamb's wool wfocipedc stockingrfftre a novelty for the (The season has arrived for mince, pie,, and all that the name implies. ' ;"' v Maroon and admiral bine are Among the select shades in fancy hose. ' - ' - Not a marriage license to day. Whatfs Jh7mattcr with thepeo blest - t Judge Wi'- T. . Faircloth, of Gold&boro, , is Registered ; at the Yarborough House. "Little Bnttereup" i now. TThe Pf ris Temps is rumen 1 ;hks oi lier as fcHlhold -she-Mitler.? Tbfi '-fallows who have the most The fellows who have the most thin ins to inve thanks for generally ,t ittteV poorest '-.Thanksgiving eat dinner v- . .. ' . . - Whei a" man says iieis , inno ent of a crime, any iurthcr con sideration of the subject seems to him like a persecution An -exchange discovered that when two young men meet they address each other"- W Wold J man, Evening- VtsiTditii and that. wbeawQ qld fellows ... tUnv oon i'mv hV" r i .... J ' cnwrt exerc'8e tne oaooatn eenooi 01 1 erson sireci M. E. Chnrch will be repeated on Friday1 night of this week. Let everybody go. There, will be services in Christ Church Thanksgiviug day, and we suppose in all the other city churches. Rev. NM. Jor r icy preached a capital sermon at Edeuton St. Church yesterday morning, say all who heard it. We were glad to see Mr. Will. T. Rogers ablo to be on the streets to day, after having bcn confined to his room for a week or more by sickness. A certain collector of this city started out latt Monday moniiiiiC with a ih msand dollars worth of accounts and collected $3 duiing the entire week. His 'commis sions were 15 cents. He thinks collecting a hard business. 7 - i. . - j A. correspondent wishes to Jcnow the best way ; to ' winter geraniums, j. he best and cheapest way is to sling ul bvef the back. ence ana ouy a new ioc in me SJjring. iJ v ' Blessed be the man who knows Jiow to caper and enjoy nonsense; woe to the man that parted early with liis boyhood, and blwesed be . i ' .1 I 1 1 J me man mat carries nis ooynoou down latest into life. 11 - - Whfn a fool is vooni? he SDehds ,, j l - o . . X - i i . :.. mucn iirne iu parting nib nair ui the middle. When ho is old and bald he wastes much more time in trying to make the ends of his 6parse locks meet on the polished crown above. Take your wife, married man. take your sweetheart, young man, and go to Mr. Mosely's elegantly fixed up oystei saloon and treat them to a stew or fry of his (le delicious oysters. Everything is kept in the best of style. M. XtosenVatua, near the capitol, has iuBt received ill additiou to liw well . i i i i '11.. i i- l selected eiocK, wnue aua coiorea oeu blanket?, white" :twed7flinel, od twilled HiAfiel, Iare lot of baJuioriil $kirt-, ladies, geutiemeu iiud ckildreus undershirts, huy es Katcuels u,ud truukrf, cantou il.uiiiel.trimuiiug, lace and neck ruffling ch!ap as ever.V We ask' ail m spection of our assorttnent'. Respect fullj, M. liosenbaum. 23-6t M. (irausman, who keeps a spleudid variety of family groceries has also in store a fine variety of (Jlawsou's Seed Wheat, to whvyi he would call the sp cial atteution of the farmers. The beat wheat known. Call and get eome of it. no!4. Look Bkfobb tou Leap. Stewart's Gallery is the only place for cheap pictures. Sittings made free before you pay. no4-t i Ctpbkss Shinglbs Chkapkb than ever offered tin Kaleigh before. All heart! never rot, ..For sale by car load or small quantity hy4ones,0reen mi Uev. Mr. Black being unwell, Ucv. K. L. Reid preached a. most capital seimon last night at Eden ton St. Churchj to a very Urge congregation. There will be a meeting of the RaleighLight Artillery to-night, at.(thc armory, at 7 o'clock, sharp. By order of the Captain. It is estimated that the amount of -cotton sold in October, thi year in the Southern States, will net producers from eight to ten million dollars more than the sales for October last year. This is not from the larger sales, but from the increased price for cot ton. We call attention to the new advertisement of Messrs. W. II. & li. S. Tucker in this issue. Evejy body should call arid see heir new arrivals. The weather is now fine, and the ladies should not' neglect the occasion to wit ncs$'one of the finest displays in the dry goods line to be fonnd in hidfState. ; - . Ik)8T. Last night in going from Jak"e Biggs' to W. G. Otey's Barber shop -a fine "'watch charm wjthjij 6npp$ side the picture of a ladies foot, on the other, a ockof hair. The 'fihde will bo iberally ewrded n by returning it to this office. TflR Kalkigh Dye Works 16 Uyed or -Ulearifd in firstYCtdBS stylo. Kid Gloves and S4 -peg cleaning a specialty McVgay Street, West of the PreHbytaiam ft i n i i. ' ;,' . 1 unurcn. ot. To Catholic Fair and Festival, will open to-morrow night, at 7 o'clock in the Metropolitan Hall, and i will continue four nights. entertainment will afford muc pleasure for all the young people especially. All are invited to attend and get the worth of theiiMnoneyJu social amusements and innocent pastime. Tho Fair is for the purpose of improving the Cwper property for church purpore. If Yoc Want a fine fiirriage or bujgy, 'don't fuil to drop into hikI see M r. Alfred Upolmfcl) ou H.iigfett htreet. He ha a Ltrge and complete stock of home made work to which het invites tlw attention of the public. Give Iuto a call, and patron ize home manufacturers. nol7-Gt 'NfiAfiLY Threk and a Half Mill ion Dollars Paid is Benefiis, un ieb General Accident Policies, in the TbaVeuebs Insubancb Company, of Hartford. Every business man should have a policy, Wm. P. Wethebell, ,- 26-ifitS '-i 4t .Z ' -.. '. Agent Go to, Christopher- and Sorrell and buy that tine flavored Parched Coffee, "Enterprise," the . premium coffee at the State Fair. , noia-e Two car ' loads of wMt9. old corn just arrived at Christophers k Sorrells. 11 1 . Jl i- 1 Mn4-C4-n' ' ' n uajr Miu uaus xu uj 4unuwt; There was a case being tried before Commissioner Piirnell, for a violation of the revenue laws, from Johnson county, when we went to press. Bishop Green of Mississippi, officiated at Christ Church yester day morning, an ! had a large congregation. lie preached an excellent and very impressive sermon, which was greafly en joyed by all who had the pleas ure of hearing it. He also preached at the Church of the Good Shepherd at night. Uere is wlut may be termed j bang up poetry : The beauteous, buxom Bertha Bangs Is one of our divinest .yirls She hangs the doors bangs the chairs, And likewise bangs her auburn curls. She bangs on the pianny too, And bangs upon the lifiht guitar But, oh, ol all the bangs 6he bangs, She niogtljjjngsjlier, abum h'Vr - -.-- i .. Oh baniriag ! bpttnoing,tbiiXQn vbelll fJ U We call the special intention of the public to the announcement which Mrs. L. Branson makes. She has rented and fitted up in elegant style the rooms, at. No . 1, Fayetteville Street, where she is prepared to take boarders by the day or month. ' We can most cheerfully commend her to our readers, as knowing howtb keep a good table. We boarded with her years ago, and know that she can't be excelled in that line. Give her a trial. A crazy telegraph operator at Torch, 0., at the close of a night's debauch on Sunday week, jumped upon a'--locomotive-'which was attached to four coal lion fiers and started at the rate of twentv five miles an hour. lie ran down the road about five inik when he met the passenger train coming west. Into that he ran at full speed, wrecking both locomotives .and throwing them, with the btgjjage car.off the track. The passenger cars fortunately kept the track, ,aiKl no one. was injured. Tho engineer and tire man of the passenger train both jumped off the engine when they wore almost together, and escaped serious injury. The lunatic was found lying on his back in the wreck, somewhat injured, but not seriously. , The Industrial fair was a grand success, and we hope our colored f rinds will repeat it each year, as it will stimulate them to greater energy in the pursuit of agricul -tare. We call especial attention U the advertisement of Mr. B. II. Woodell in this issue. Every thiHg in his line, can be fonnd ii nis estbalishment at the cheapest" rates. ' ' One person received the ordi nance of baptism "at Person St. Church yesterday morning, after which tho pastor, Kev. W. C. Norman preached a most excel lent sermon, to a large congre gation. For good goods, for cheap goods, go to J. M. Kosenbanin't corner of Fayetteville and Har gttt Streets. He keeps the best stock of ready-made clothing in the city. Call and see him. Limberger cheese is considered mon profitable to the maker than any other cheese, because, from a given quantity of milk, mora weight is obtained and better prices realized. Thousands of tons are produced in New York and '' Wisconsin at less than half thfr1 ' cost of the imported article. , f j People who own , lots in th.v old. city cemetery , would enhance its beauty; very much . if they would have new fences put np and r the .debris which has acnnnnnlated, in some , of them dcnredi. nwaywJ Some, of ;; ,th : iobf :hok! -.verf-i-h uinl neglected. " . . t Jt , '",' Mr. Jacob lligsjs has two very rare looking birds, or fowls, at bis restanrant. One is "entirely 1 whiteVand somewhat resembles a guinea in shape, and the other is a pale bl tie one, his feet re 8embling a crows. Can't some -of our scientific men tell us tho ..,' name and origin of those peculiar, -i fowls? Au.it Amanda," the colored cook who fixod np oysters ifee. so long for the late Mr. Pepper, has opened a restaurant in the south east corner of the market house, basement floor, where she will give yon a good square meal at a. very liberal price. Wonderful Midguts. These marvellous and fairy like crea tnres -so perfect in figure,-" hand some, and bright in intellect. have arrived in our city, and will, give entertainments every after noon from 2 to 5, and evenings from 7 to 9, during this week. In httight they do not reach Tom Thumb's waist, and Gen.. Mite's weight does not equal that of ono of Thumb's legs. They are the greatest human miracles ever created, and thost who desire to see these atoms of humanity should go. early, irufche, week to avoid crqjwd. iu the lat- ter part.