Visit v i i i U W VOL. 2-NO. 29. Evening Visitor. H.UTLEY, Local Editor. f Christmas' oho montK off from to day. Go to Bee the Midgets before the end of the week. . .Remember the Catholic Fair at Metropolitan Hall to night. Hon. Geo. W. Brooks arrived last night and took rooms at the Vnrboro. Be sure to save a quarter to go to the Concert at Person Street Church next Friday night. The Midgets will give an extra exhibition on Thanksgiving morn ing from 10 to 12 at Tuckei Hall. Don't forget it. The city has done a good work in having a brick pavement put down' on East Hargett , sfej near the old Baptist Grove J Sfili thfi-ftdvm-t.Jafmjnnt rf O. V ....j, .. . ,....,v ,w. . Perry, who advertises fresh beef pork, sausage, &e. He keepsa' him a call. 4 Died, at the residence of Mr. Peter Francis, Nov. 24th, 1879, Laura Virginia, daughter of Nt HUjand Sarah V.! Brooks, aged 17 months. . " .. . give him a call and yon will be cdnvineed. His clerks are polite gentlemen and will take pleasure in showing you goods. The aged, tiie venerable and highly esteomed President of the Raleigh National Bank, Charles H. Dewey, Esq., will celebrate his 8l6t birth day next Friday, the 28th inst. May he live to celebrate many more happy birth in puf notice or the services at Swain Street Baptist Church last Sunday night, we said the Rev. Mr. Eaton of Portsmouth;-Va., preached, &c. It should have read , jtKo . Rev. Mr. Owen, of Portsmouth. Gen. Miti the greatc: t I );: re- back ; rider in the world, rode " Max,'.r the hairless dog, from the third; floor of the Yarboro House, to the lower liall, ;'own the steep steps as fast as the dog coul4run?'' and didn't fall off. On arriving at the hall he asked " who's to set 'em up to wine V. Major Atom, who had bet the General he. couldn't set on the dog, said1 he 1 would set 'cm up. And they, enjoyed a nice" treat of Champagne, together1 with many other friends who were present. J .WlRseiau m: is stfll at; his old 6n sflling goods as clieaj) everi ! fIf jbudtm'tf believe it. RALEIGH. N. Tjiepights are, again. bathed in silvery eplender. Eggs have struck Chritraa prices rather carlyi ' ' " ' . An oyster has o be taken as ' a whole and respected as inch. Aphorism by a little girl The "troth in a nutshell" is generally a worm. The household that keeps a baby can afford to soil its alarm clock very cheap. Poor people are spared the nuisance of unpacking furs and pounding moths. Horseradish is now put up in such fancy styles that one can hardly tell it from cologne The small boy is generally taken sick at the moment a ton of coui is deposited on the side walk. ... . . . . . The book trade is having the usual November lull that comes before the Christinas rush.,' -,:Tli0indvidual;whorv?i:bte,O, Solitude, where are thy charms," was a business , man ,r who didn't advertise. Although all flesh is grass, even boarding, houses haven't; yet dis covered how to make a palatable hash out of hay. If you can't buy a thermometer which will show colder weather than your neighbor's, whats the use of having one. Mr. R. H. Levy and Miss Bet tie Stranghn were united in mar riage at the residence of the bride's father, on Hargett street, last night, by the Rev. W. R. Gwaltney. Our best wishes at tend them. Geo. C. Love, the colored por ter in the Auditor's office, has in vented a very superior polish, for polishing shoes, Hither, '.harness, o m i i a t , . - ikc. ine oeanry or it is, it will not soil a white kid glove in two minutes after being applied. It is applied with a sponge and does away with the use of a brush en tirely. We have tried it and can safely commend "it., An editor, Viifh an eye to pay ment of what he sells, indulges in tins little l it ot uhilosoohv " Every man ought to pay his debts, if he can. Every man ought to get. 'married,' if he can. Everyman should do his work to suit his customers, if he can. Every wife should sometimes hold her tongue, if she can. Every lawyer should occasionally tell the truth, if he can. Every man ought to mind his own busi ness,, and let other people's alone, if he can. Every ' main; should wine luis visnoKj oy ine .fweeK, raontH f yar atid advertise any how. ."''.. C. TUESDAY, .NOVEMBER 25, 1879 Not an item at the eapitol when VVCCH,Ied : Hon. Daniel R. Good low is in the city. i . , ine revival at bwain btreet .Baptist church is increasing in interest. The Mayor gave one drunk and down a chance to cool off in the guard house. One of our Drominent feed j merchants left the city this morn j ing on important business. Read the announcement which Mayor Manly makes in another column, and govern yourself ac cord i ugly. Messrs. Betts & King, two of our popular young grocery mer chants, innke an important nn-nonnc-ement. They keep ail kind of groceries unci guarantee to tell them at bottom prices. - Read their advertisements ' Mr. Ar A.. Jones,. a ope legged Confederate soldier, who keeps a meat stall in the market,' lost Iris" aceo.urjt WollM!b$i'dyl nlotfniiig. Re mil bo , very ., thankful . if tjio finder will return it to liim or leave if at tlus ofilulv - - . X'?M That 4esirable , house and lot Watson, on Newlern Avenue is for rent. It s one of thvst and most convenient ho'usek in the city, i Call on Mr. T. fAve for all necessary informatiun.1 V' We wtre glad to meet the Rev. Dr. L. S. Burkhead on the streets this morning. He was looking Well and( seemed to be enjoying good health, He will remain with hs family in this city till the meeting of Conference on the 3rd of December. '.'Always! the ; doors 'wide open when you go into a printing otiice or ai-y other place. Of course there are plenty of surplus hands lying round loose to don) them after yon. Talk and wluV tie as lond as yon can, pick up the exchanges, set down on the editor's table, take up his pipe arid tobacco and go to smoking, look around and find his - well then jjo r ound and read the matter-in the galleys and ask as many questions as yon nony de sire. We have plenty of time, of course, to answer all 'of your in terrogations. Ben. Debnam, colored, was committed to jail to-day by John Smith, J. P. of Marks Creek Township, this county, on' the charge of injuiy to 6tock arid carrying concealed weapons. t Mr, Jerome B. Stillsori, of thd New York: Herald'is at the iVf : ; oro. i. The Midgets. Go to Tucker Hall to night. j nWf ninrrlLr'n i;,.W,,.J : ' .,. .,' inn ivPdriuit) uiltTIUMiH. . Mr Ipnrw n . , 00 J v. iivu;nt Bgcu iu years, died on Sunday night last, at his home in House Creek Township, of typhoid fever. The deceased was a son of Mr. James W. Ilobbs, and was highly re spected by all who knew him. We return our thanks to Mrs. Anna L. Watson for the niee spar-ribs sent us this morning. They were greatly enjoyed. Why are thev called vulgar fractions? Rovenue r ceipts $J48.16 llf to ll cents. 350 hales. TiiK W ONDKUFUL MlDGKTS. : The greatest wonders ever on ex. hibitioq in tins' city are the little Midgesnhat arc being exhibited at Tucker lall. To appreciate them you, must see them. Lah guage is inadequate to express one's feelings on the subject. It yon desire to'drive the dull cares jof business a way,, and at the same time spehd-;. ..pfeaAittf. eVening, don't fail tv see tliem. ! This is the only exhibition we. ever saw that surpassed their advertise ments. Thev are uudoiilir'dlv the most wonderful human beings ever on exhibition in Raleigh. Be surt; to go and k rht ru du ring the week. Fkdkkal Court. The United States District Court convened at 11 o'clock, with his Honor Judge Geo. W. Brooks presiding. The regular jurors were drawn, after which his IJonor charged' them iu regard to their duties towards the violaters of the revenue laws. Ilis charge to t've jury. was highly complimented by the legal fra to i nity and all others who heard it. The following is a list of the Grand Jury: J. D. Hayes, Foreman; H. W. House, Jos. l Prairie, H. II. Ennis, J. Z. Bennett, Troy Poole, Charles Cooper, J. R. W hitehead, W. P. Wethervli, C. G. Lathi, Jno. W. Wiggins, C. C. CLiwsoii, F.. C. Cnristophers, Allen Terrell, colored, Geo. H. Williams, Frank Slronach, C. B. Dudley, Allen Lane, colored, A. B. Fleming, colored. M. Eosen'oanm, near tho capitol, has jaat received in addition to hia well selected etock, white and colored bed blankets, white twilled flannel, red twilled flannel, large lot of ; balnioral skirts, ladies, gentlemen and childrens undershirts, ladies satchelsnd trunks, canton flannel, trimming, lace and neck, ruffling cheap as ever. We ask an in spection of our assortment. Bespoct fully, It. Ik3eubaum. 23-6t PRICE ONE CENT: Lost. Last iiijrht in coinr Jake ' II iW to W. G. Otevi roi Barber thopa tine waich charri -r-within, on One aide the pietnra of a ladies foot, ontthe other, lock of hair. The finder, will bo liberally rewarded bv returning it to this office.. ' ' 1 ' Look Bcfobk toe Leap. " ' ' Stewart's Gallery is the onlj place for clu-ap pictures. Sittings malo freu lefore you pay. noi-t t'YPBFSS SHINOLES ChEAFEB than ever offorMl iu IlileiKU befon. All heart; never rot. For sale by car load or stuall quantity by Jones, Oreea & Powell. no8-tf i ' If You Wast j a fine carriage or baggy, don't fail to j drop into aud see Mr. Alfred Upehnrch i on Hargett sti-eet. He uub a large and complete utock of home mode work to which he invites thd atUsntion of th public. Give him a call, and patron ize home manufacturers. nol7-6t Nkably Three ani a Halp Mill ion Dollars Paid in Benefits, vm dek General Accident Policies, iu tlia Tkaveleks Tnsukancb Company, of Hartford. Every business man should have a policy. Vh. P. Wetiieiusll. 26 Gt . . Agent. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. METROPOLITAN HALL. none FOUR MIQHTM OSLY-- Everytuiliff'thM most- fantidioiistppitite can call for. For the purpose of improving th? Cowper property on Hillsboro treet.v Go i iy all mepiiH, Admis.sion to Full ten cents. ' ' MAYO UVS OFFICE, Kilbiuh, N. C, Nov. '25, '79. Tim i slay next boiug appointed is "Thanksgiving Day," the, several de pai tments of the city government, exrt cepiing the police department, will her excused from duty on that day. All persoLH havingf businefs will govern themselven accordingly. : R. C. MANLY, no25-2t - - Mayor. For Rent The house :uid lot formerly tKvupied oy Mr. .i. vv. uatsou, nu tue corner of Newbern avenue and Blood worth streets. The house contains nine good rooms. 'Oil the i premises is '"a good well of water, garden, stable, aud all other necessary outlumses. For terms, ice. apply to THOMAS L. LOVE, no25-lv Wiliningtou street. MAD E IS BETTS:&;KiN6: Most respectfully calls -'the attention, of the citizens of R.ileigli to their choice and -.veil selected stock of Far. a Great Attraction Ill Faiily Groceries all of which they are selling at bottom' prices. All tuey ask is k trud,' aud Sftt-r isfaction guaranteed. ,, -, . . Don't forget thd place, : " -M" ; NOS. 9 and 1 1 HARGETT Streef. no25-tf

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