Sveain v VOL. 2-NO. 34. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1879. PRICE ONE CENT. TM a Visitor. ... Evening Visitor.! TO.M.UTLEY. Local Editsr. Take Notice. ) The Visitor is run by a com pany of three persons and is not responsible for individual debts. Those having claims against any one of the tinn will present them to cither individually and not hold the company responsible. All amounts due the Visitor Vre'i expected t be paid on Saturday. We. are not able to run accounts with any one. Weaver Bros'. WilmingtoVetreet, i'East of Maflcet; stoke.a& i ' ;w;A$6ttSri, East Hargett Street. DBALHRS IX;rau jijerchandisb, Commission Merchants. Satisfaction fcnaranieed.- e2-lm llf cents. ' 300 bales u . Market firm. Nothing nefore the Jievenue collections to dar ThnupMt seMnUnlivint the sale of white satin. Changeable silks are very well 1 suited for bonnet strings. The World calls a , tack on a hair aeat a"aiarbnger of spring? A little boy, of Mr. Wm. Simp son is (iown with diphtheria. Ladies ate bound to drees in fur this winter if they can get it. The Federal court is still in session, J udge Brooks presiding. If you want a pice, smooth shave or a good hair dress, go to Davis & Dunston. ' Spotts & Gibson, of Richmond, Va., had a drummers license is sued to them to-day. Major Twitty, at Mrs. Lowe's boarding house, is the best por ter in the city. Mr. J. IL Hogan has fresh but ter and many other things. Bead his new advertisement. ' ' Twelve white and twenty-two colored couples were made hapov durrnghemonth of" . NoffembtSrs m inis county. ;old reliable commission mer Ichants;1 make a ; very tempting .announcement. Bead it and then pay tnemi a visit. If you want good boots, or anything in, the dry goods line heap, read' the attractive adver- isement of Mr. J. Q. Edwards. He has a fine supply of both on land.. . . .. I O 1 I Thei c- conference meets at V llsrip to morrow, ,' The re are very few genuine chrUtiani in this world. Go totta revivihit Swain St. Baptist CUiurch to night and do better. V ' Our subscription t is increas ing every day. Many thanks to 'our.kindbfriends. The (jfrand Lodge of Masons meets to morrow in regular an nnal session in tins city. Mr. Moseley's oyster saloon is the most popular resort in the cLt J' . 4j & i fixed , .up in . elegant style and is just the place to take iy'pur sweethearts. . ... Mr. Jftfiob IIigg8 keeps a freih supply of oysters and all kinds of wild ganut on hand all the time, flia price are as cheap as the cheapest. . Give him a calL RLveVoidj, tW bale of cotton by fire last Friday afcrlit. No insurance. UtttM YisxroK is the proper It nel Uttsttgb which ta Kim" tiee your different articles, if you o!cirgtb1ii3kefqliiul salesl'-Itdf re the largest cS9 Cctr9ulation. Mr. Joel 1). Whitaker keeps' a full supply of wood, coal nnd brick on hand all the time, lie isTselling at reasonable terms. Head his advertisement and then send him an order. Every member of the Hesper ian Society Club is hereby earn estly requested to meet this even ing at the office of the American Hotel at 8 o'clock sharp, as busi ness of great importance is to be considered. W. E. Thompson, Sheriff of Robeson county, brought Jim Mnrry, Frank Blount, Wm. Scott, Zien Judd, Lewis Single, tary and Isaac Buxton, all colors ed, to the penitentiary today. Their terms ranging from 1 to 5 years. : We saw an egg, the size of the end of your finger, that came out of another egg. It was perfectly formed, having a good shell on The hen that laid it has spurs fust like a r6ostcr. It can be seen at the furniture store of Mr.W. H. Morris, opposite the post of ficA For fine groceries of all kinds knf pri'es to suit the times, go to sp Mr. E. J. Hardin. He sells groceries leasonablo. He keeps everything you need, and-besides he is such a clever gentleman to deal Vfk Read his 'new adver tisement, ? ' 1 ' "Who were the seven young ladies who pat up last Thursday nidiE to see the stars fall? i Always fresh beer on "ftp at A. W. Fraps. If you want good tabic board, by the day or month, go ft see Mrs. L. Branson, at No. 1, Fay etteville Street. f Her talc' is supplied with all the latest deli cacies at all times. Give her a trial and bo convinced. ! llui most convenient hall ana best pool and carom tablesf at A. W. Fraps. . The best fitting buit of jready rnade clothes I ever had, 1 pur chased it at Mr. J. M. Rosen biijm's: store, and I advisq all of my, friends to call ,an4 Ret hem a suit. Ho will sell you goods very cheap. Give him a call. V The best and largest ass-traent of wines, liquor, &c , at A. W. '?: ' Mr. A. W; aps oppcite the market, on Fay etteville Street is the , place" WTjfo'. , j8 r ' class liquors, 'MlIrM Harris -'presides' at' the $ar ; and 11' h V'"w "uij. ' 1 ,":7 ' will foca up juimnyistde yoa may desire. 1 ! Several barrels Southampton aPPle lnmdv for sale cheap at J. vv.. i?raps, wnoiesaie aepart rpt'rtt. decl-6t TlVft ditch n4'J)awsyn street needs the attention of the city authorities. They should either have it filled in, or lse put in a turbine wheel during the preva lence of a large rain. The pres ent ditch is injuring the ground three folds more than if there was none at all. Onr worthy and efficient Street Coramissiomer should look into tho matter. Thk Halkigh Dyk Works Is the place to have your clothes Dved or Cleaned in first class style. Kid Gloves and Slipper cleaning a specialty. Morgan Street, West of the Presbyterian Church.--6t. Thjb First op January will be the last (lay's for cheap pictures at Stewart's Gallery. Two large pictures, 25 cents. nol7-tf Ctpbfss Shingles Cheapek than everojfered jjn Raleigh before. All heart; never rot. For sale by car load or small quantity by Jones, Green Th.3 Place tc get your fine Nor- folk oysters is at NV. H. Hicks's stall on the north eiilet of the market, in front of John W. Upchttrch's store. He has them fresh every day and will take pleasure in filling all orders. Send them in. no26-6t Nearly Three and a Half Mill ion Dollars Paid in Benefits, un der General Accident Policies, in the Travelers Insurance Company, of Hartford. Every business man should have a policy. Wm. P. Wetherell, , 26 6t Agent Winter Reading, L. Bran son keeps the largest news depot in the State call and lay in your supply of winter reading at pub isners prices. Every physician in the town speaks well of Lincke's gymim sium. Be sure to go to Mr. W. A. Gattu' and get your supply of ap ples. He keeps a Mne lot of tliein on hand all the time and sells verv cheap. Give him a call and see. for yourselves. Messrs. L. D. & W. R. W om ble have just received a supply of pearl hominy and grits and seve ral other things to which they call the attention of the public. Read their advertisement. Madams Besson. has just received another fine lot of misses and children's cloaks,uls tersjackets and dresses, which are going off very rapidly."' You had better call early or you will miss them. She is selling them very fast. no29 M. Rosenbaum, near thacapitol, has just received in additiou to. his well, selected etock, white and colored bed blankets, white twilled , flannel, red twilled flannel, large lot of balmoral skirt, ladies, gentlemen and children underskirts, ladies satchels and trunks, canton flannel, trimming, lace and heck ruffling oheiap as ever. . We ask an in speotion, of our, assortment. Respect fully, M. Itosenbaum. ' 23-6t umltnie and Toys. ' I am now receiving one of the finest lotso furnituro ever Jn)ught4v this city- and am, selling them at Jthe vfttjj lowest figure. I have also a nice lot of toy-the ' very thing fr' Gliristouw presents whifh I am scyiygery low . Give me a cull and be eonvinced. J no. T. Morriss. corner F ayettevill" audi Davie Streets. t uo26-tf , , Iir You Want A fine carriage or buggy, don't fail io drop into and see Mr. Alfred Upchurch on Hargett htreet He has a large and complete stock of home made work to which he invites tht attention of the public. ' Qive him a call, and patron ize home manufacturers. nol7-6t There are several people owing us for subscription in the city. The collectors cannot find them. If they do not settle, np their names will be cut off. It takes money to even sleep in this word let alone running newspapers. Out side subscribers when their time is out, unless otherwise ordered, will be cut off. Thousands of papers have suspended on account of the credit system. It will never be said so of The Visitor. Watch out for the cross mark. Mr. B. F. Faison killed a shoat yesterday months old which weighed 255 pounds. , Mr. T. R. Fentress would in form his friends that he is still running his boarding house and is prapared to accommodate the public either by the day, week or month. Read his advertisement in another column. Mr. S. M. Farrishthe painter, requests us to say that some one borrowed the top-piece of one of his extension laduers. Any in formation leading to its recovery will be thankfully received and the party suitably rewarded. r It has a piece nailed on the side aad two iron catches on the end of it. Dec. 2 2t. i I Old gold stockings embroider ed in pefcock tints are esteemed rich. The chill v streams beirin to pull thick sheets of ice above t hem. . . Sealskins are shown both in dolmans and long, half-fitting ' saccules. "it Embroidered slippers of the same stuff as the dress, are pass ing fancy. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. wooiv colu ' wood,. , ccnC) WOOD,' . cSaK ' Lumber and BrlcU, LUMBER AND . .: Rl iBMb&, 1 ' LUMBER : akd , BRICJ. . J. J. WhlTAKER, Foot Hrgtt Street, Raleigh, N. 0. de2-jlm; , Butter! Butter! B iMH has just received a fine lot ofButtar, ' He filso keeps a ull line pf ready-mad clnthihg on hind all thetim'e.'and als-' a.fiijfj supply of family ricerieiirhiofi ni ne ill sell as cheap as any man in llal eigy Corner Martin Blouat 'stSdr '' ; Christinas. ! i By your Clir1tm;is supplies from Johnson & WiGGg is Their stock is large and eompleto, ''' i aud you con buy gooda of them ttj cheap for tne cash. de'J-lf pEARL HOMINY TtiGTS. J ust received a lot of that extra qual ity Pearl Hominy and Grits, groan from new corn. Also Golden and Sil- . ver Drip Syrups, highest grade of fam ily Flour, warranted to please. L. D. & VV. R. WOMBLE, de2-6t Cor. Wilmington & Hargett sts. FEKTRETS'SOARDING HOUSE No. 15 Fayetteville street. NEAR THE CAPITOL, Will accommodate from fifteen to twen ty weekly boarders, with or without rooms, on as reasorable terms as any house in the city. Jurors and witness es of the Federal Court, and membeaa of the Grand Lodge are requested to give us a call as they will find a pleas ant home during their stay. The tabid will be supplied with the best the mar- , ket affords. Transients and visitors ' will find it to their interest to give us a call. Our porter, James Murphy, will take pleasure iu conducting yoa to the Fentress House. de2-6t Boots. Boots. One dozen and a hall cases just re ceived, which I am selling cheap for cash. . "v." SI1AWLS ! SHAWLS 1 In endless variety aud at your owm price. ,:v , Fine Becbdij made ClotlUnjt as cheap as the cheapest . I also keep a frill line of dress goods. triuiks, Valisos, umbrellas hats, caps, bed blankets, and quilts, shoes, c. All I ask is a call. My motto is "Quick sales and small profits." J. Q. EDWARDS, de2-lw ' No.5 6 Hargett Street 1 . 1 .V t - i 1