Evening Visitok. 11 l.LIsKr.D IT The Evenirg Visiter Pu'clishbCo. ILUMiy :l er copy, - w twi. Vit Mouth, W Vusuie the City, 25 LARGEST CITY CIRCULATION. v Fatk of the Apostlf.8. All the.aj.osth'S wilt" attaulti-d the enemies of the Matter. They were called to 6eal their doctrines with their blood, and nobly did they bear the trial. Tradition cays: Matthew suffered martyr dom by being slain with the sword at the distant city of Ethi opia'. Mark expired at Alexan dria, after having been cruelly dragged through the streets of that city. ' Luke was hanged upon an olive tree, in the classic land of Gretece John was put intp a cauldfoa" of 'boiling-joil, but es caped death in a miraculous man ncr, and was afterwards banished to Pttmo8. Peter was' crucified at Rome, with his head down ward. James, the greater, was behdaded at Jerusalem.' Jamc$ the less, was thrown from a lofty pinnacle of the temple, and then beat to cleath with a fuller's club. r. Phillip was hanged up against' r a pillar, at Heropolis, in Phrvgia, Bartholomew was flayealiye. .'Andrew was bound to the cross, whence he. preached to his persecutors fentil'hfe1 died. Thomas was run through in th body with a lance, in the East Indies., jTnde was shot- to death with 'arrows. Matthias was first stoned, and; then beheadediBar nabapf thc Guntiles, was stoned to death by the Jews, at Salonica. Paul fetter' Various' tortures and persecutions, was -at length be hea(lt)llome by the Emperor .'Nero-J1' Simon Zelotcfc'wtw ...cruci tied, mJmlea. A LKriiiK to Dr. Giussom: And itiixueaoli, Dr. Orissom. TlmtYufter spakiii' to ye aloud; Do ye mind how ye coned Mr. Ham mond?; . . - , ; And now, wo ghv y the W. ' It was u nate speech ye made, too, As thhfeiakhsiiDg high o'er your hefid,u . ' ,-. And thefgonld on the end of it glitter- e' ' " .. Wheaipassed to the hands of a man. May y e tyve tjUjhe.end of ycr life, tp, Is tke.prayer of a son of the Green ! Isle : ' May yet fchattow never grow less, sir AVhn'yoxT bore, may yon tlways Btrike ile. U. Rett. Election of Ofkickks. -The followi;ig, members of the Rescue Steam c Fire Engine Company, No. 1 at their last; regula meet ing were elected officers for 1880: W. vWeir, Foremna; R. N. Mitchell, Assistant Foreman; T. T. Fentresp Recording Secre tary ; T. W. Blake Treasurer; W. Z Blake, Engineer; Ed. Me Allister, Assistani ' Engineer; Frank Braunan, JH-pBjsT pirecto-; J)u ector. i Wakk Cointy Commission liss. The meeting of tho Board of County Commibhiouers which commenced its session on yester day was the closing one of the fiscal year, and therefore much business was transacted. The different county officers tendered their official bonds in the follow ing amounts: J.J. Nowell, Sher iff, 105,000. John B? Neathe ry. Treasurer, SS0,0C0. Charles D. Upchurch, Clerk of the Su perior ' Court, 10,000. W. W. White, Register of Deeds, 5,000. Win. II. Richardson, Coroner, $2,000. The pressure of bnsi ness prevented the formal accep tance of the bonds on yesterday but thev ivere no doubt received to day. The main feature of the meet ing was the reading of tho re port of Col. John B. Neathery, County Treasurer, before the Magistrates and Board of Cora missioners. ; We have reason to believe that this important docu ment will be published for the information of the people, it is a clear and able statement of the condition of tho monotary affairs of the county and reflects great credit upon Col. Neathery's ad ministration as Treasurer. ! 'W.' R. Poole, Esq., tho present ;ffi cient chairfnan of the 'board; was reflected for the coming, fiscal year. ' "There, is always something lacking in the composition of a temperance mince pie. ; "That's all that's in it," is a newphral'eto birspoken witli-an aggressive shake. . , "Vlie; markets; City - Markets Wholesale Prices. . . , VKE3.'OjKTED PAJL1' BT. , -m.a Climiophers Sorrel!,, Groc$!i;ar , i . tvilmington fetreot. Flour, Korth Carolina, . iii M 75a7O0 rbickens, .' 12 !-2al7 1-2 Corn " ' : ' ' ' t7 l-2a70 Com Meal, . : , - ' 70a72 Bacon, N O Hog, round, 9al0 " hams, liI2 Bulk Meats, dt;ar rib Hides, , 6 7-8:i7 " " .vhoulJcr . ,. 5 1-4 North Curolijia Pork, ' - Cu7 Coffct, prime Kio,. - v loa 17 " good. I in 15 Syrup, 8 Fi, ' ; ' 25a'2 Molas9!8, Cuoa, Wo. 85 Suit, Liverpool fine, ; . 2 00 Sugar, whit. lOall 44 yellow, Hi'J Potatoes, Hwwt, 40 Iriah potatoes,' 75 Oata, fchellod, , , Vir 55 Fodder, t . . f$L,00 Peaches, peeled, 7"' ' por lb ,; unpeeled, j. , 4 !' -Applea, m rtherjl, ptr bbL '& 504 00 " dried, 4i : 5 Cotton ti, new, pv buueh. 2 75 aplioed, - 2 U0 Bagging. 10i-2al2 Peas, per luwhel, white, new, 75a80 stock, new, 75 Eggs, pev dozen, ,15al7 1-2 "Tucker Hay, 1 10 Timothy Ha v, 1 15 Mixed, 1 10 Above are for large quantities. When small quantities are wanted higher pricjs ill be charged. , , ' COTTON MARKET. Reported by COTTON EXCHANGE. Raleigh, Dec. 2, 1879. Middling, '.. ; ,113-4 Strict low' middling, ' " v ; ' : 1 1 5-8 Low middling, : - - ,11 1-2 Strict good ordinary, ' - ,ry. . Good ordinary, - - ' -Ordinary,' ' ' - ' Middling stains ; i ; - ; j'. . Low middling stains, - ' ., Good ordinary stains, Iff. j. Hill, GROCER, Fine Condiments Jtc, JUST RECEIVED. Cros & Black well's Walnnt Catwip and Pickles, Crosse & BLtckwell's Pot ted Yarrmcuth Bloaters.Broolcs Salad, Dosing Mustards of every description," Lea & Perrin's Vorce8tt-:it.lure Sauce, in all sized . bottleb, Gordon & Dilworth's Capers, &c, Gordon & Dil worth's Preserves and Currant Jelly. BgUThe goods of MessrH. Gordon & Dilworth are everywhere considered the best, equal- e - ing the best home made Jellies and Preserves. -8 Also cheaper .Tel- ' lie9 of sundry kinds, Ferris' Fulton Market Beef, fine J . "... ,.. Hams, small sizes, extra choice Cream - Cheese, Edam Cheese, finest Mac- ' V qaroni, an invoice of English, ; and Scotch Ales and Por ter, crushed Wheat by the pound, fin est Oat Meal, best Hew Buckwheat, &6. Everything in the line of Groceries and Provisions.' j First oUv8 goods-rlow prices. . ! C. U BOSS&CO.' LUNCI! MILK BISCUIT Retail pn.ee 15; cents pej( . pound, -.' The finest cracker in the world. I am sole agent for this crafckrk and will be pleased toinake close figures to the trade. Orders by telephone or other wise carefully filled, and all goods promptly delivered and guaranteed. 8elO-6m E. J.HARDIN. - , . - i IMPOETBD Washing CRYSTAL Fi -It IX AN'iN t AND WHITKNINa . CliOTHKS. . . . . . p : x ' , si ;; '" Pir ..'.:, ,fot knowing; (he good qiud itit t'.p f 'rvrt'ml can get a 'sample ;. i-:;-;. !r: -. ' , ' ' ' : ' Fit imiI iv . Ft (:orn-r Wilra ijTin and Hni-gett 8t., Raleigh ', X. C. nol7 1tf IMPORTANT TO Housclicopcrs ! . I, take this method of informing the public, that" I keep'i at: ray store dn the coVner of Jones hd Dawson trats, (Uzzle's , Old Stand',) in addition to the regular line of groceries, , JVsh Pork, Sausage, and . FRESH . OYSTERS I And can supply families at all times. My stock of groceries will be found fnwh and good. I keep Country produce, Baking" powders, Flavoring extracta, ' Canned Fruits, Bacon, S Lard, Meal, L E Sugar, Coffee, O S Tea, Cheese, V ,,. 8 Butter, Starch, R,-A Pickles, Pepper, U L Spices, Jellies, ' O O Soap, Mustard, L ' M Lye, . Matches F &c, &c, ' Tobacco & Cigarp, Cakes & Candies, Shoe. Blacking, &c. I will Bell as theap as the cheapest. i , " ' I respectfully invite you to give me a call when in need of anything in the rocery line ., . M Mm ArHvedand Opened 300 Ladies Black B aver Cloth CloakH from $2.00 to 30.00. New lot rlamburg Edgingtt from 2 1-2 cents to 5 cents and upwards. - v Large and superior lot Linen Huck aback Towel from 10 cents to 25. s .i ; Linen Towels tied frirge at $3.00 per doz., very cheap. ,.: . ..- . V' v: FiPasePf New designs and. colorings, selected patterns from 5 cents to 8 1-3 cents. ? 1 ... ... . . V. if - . f ! '; . vUt1l!si, L .i i ...ri . f ill ft BOHlk'1 '4H NEW tifiE OF CHEAP DREGS Q00D8. n Also, 300 yaids Black, Anstralian Crapes at 25 cents. -. : i Deiialc assortment of .Ltlioti and ' Misses Hosiery in m-w w'tyies. Ladies, Gentw, Mif s Kloves. in Tier lin. silk, wool and kid, 2, 8, 4 and 5. buttons."' 1 v We call special attention to our spies-, d-fd 'assortment of Blankets white, ,brown and gray at. ldl prices 10 1-4 to 13 1-4. Dukth Quilts, Creimantown Quilts Buggy Robes and Blankets "and .Comforters.;. Our third purchase' of Gents hand- "made, double able .Gaitors, best and , cheapeat goods ever offered. . II II II II II I III i r Mrs. L. JSRAXSOX h 's moved li-r bn.trdiiur bonne fmra 'Ui'Mmro .tuvt In No. 1 Fiiyelteville i r it, tioo.l roorrn mil convenient to loiaincHs. SUo will board by the h or wci k :t r-MMia-.lik. riitea.uo22Ct TY the Liidi-(. Merchnn's, Clerks aii"l l'Yi'i;..N a g od iu.itntion. MOSEL JiY S DINING ANI YSTESSALOON A first clatss plaoo to take your A r..l. r'.. .....1 C.- .l i jiuuin, j imi vi'uus nififrs lo en joy c pleasfint timo villi tlie Bivalvew and other things kept in a lirht class place. Oystern every dny . A stw for 25 A fry for 25 ..OtCofffe 10 ' Beef steak 25 Ham'aud Eggs ' 25 Birds 25 Onler s solicited -and your patron age needed to sustain a place that Ral eigh '-light to boast tf .... All I ask is a visit to Moseley's saloon. ' . m ; : Pescud.Lee&Co . . . "jt WHOLESALK AND BETAHj DRUGGISTS, Cor Martin and Fayetteviile atreets, opposite the post office.' Drtigs, chem icals, dye stuffs, etc., sold at lowest market rate. ' 331 4 Horses & Buggies To Hire, Parties wishing a gosd nice " turn out,'' single or double teams ; also, saddle bora. Charges moderate. f'il.1! nn W T7 T.VnV ?.62-2w. llountSt.. . i MADE 18 BEITS & KING i U l',. , .4 ' . I f : f Mb.t respectfully calls the attentios ot tue citizens of llaleigh to their choice amt well seWted stook of n is-! all of which tftey are peliing at bottom prices. ' Ali t. ey ask is a nal, and .sat isfaction guaranteed." ;t '' ' Don't forget the place, N0S. 9 and 11 HARGETT Street. For Rent. The house and lot formerly occupied : i : ' 1 ' ; ' by;,Mr. J.uW. Watson, on the corner J : " ' i ' ? j : ' . of Newbern avenue and Blood worth streets. 'vXhe hpnficontains nine" good rooms. On the .preHiiees is a good well of water1, gardew, stable, amd all other U(3o)iiasary outhouses. For terms, &c , apply to THOMAS L. LOVE, no25Jw ,!-. j : v W!ilmingt6n street. A. W: FRAPS, - V holcsale and Retail Dealer in Wines; Liquors. ' - j n r 4 ft pr n P.tp.r III f - - . Agciu't for Smidlapp's Live Oak and Silver Star Rye; Tom Cooper's 'T N C. Corn and Rye Whiskies. THE BARze H. Foreign aad Domestic . Wines, i and Liquors, Ales, Porter and E . Lager Beer. The' best Billiard Room and Fifteen Ball Pool, on Carom Tables,, in the city. . BThe ' Bai is in the rear of the Wholesale Department. A Sodft Seltzer Watfer and Beer JtjL bottled every day, and a full sup- Rply kept on hand to supply the trade.. ocl3-3m Tone of market firm. no21-lm W. H. LANCASTER no24-lm

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