Evening Visitor. rVBLISHEI? BT 1 ho Evening Visitor Publishing Co, TERMS Per copy, - One Cent, Vm Month, 20 Outsule the Ci'y, 25 " LARGEST CITY CIRCULATION The Goldsboro Messenger is ouo of the best weekly papers that comes to our office. Mr. Bonitz, the editor and proprietor, certainly deserves success, and we are glad to see that the pub lic appreciates his effort?. If onr friends , want to subscribe to a good, reliable, weekly paper, we most cheerfully recommend the Messenger. Address, Mr. J. A. Uonitz, Goldsboro, N. C. There will be a meeting of tUe colored mechanics of Raleigh, at the court-house to night, to make arrangements for the first day of January, 1880. The public are invited to attened. This is not . 5n opposition to the meeting that laa been held. (Sigued) Stewart Ellison, Norfleet Dunstons, Hay. Mood Spencer; Joseph Hill, and H. C. Jocee. The taxes are 80 very high that theatrical troupes are compelled ' to' give Raleigh the go-hj. It seems to us that if the. taxes on euch troupes were not so, heavy, the State and county would rea lize a great deal more revenue. Can't the tax be reduced ? In a barber shop the comb and the brush play the leading parts. - Ex. Well, where in thunder does the barber's tongue come in. John R. Long, of Baltimore, took out a drummers license to ell Long's Prepared Chemicals 'for composting. . ' ' Because a policeman knocks a j man down and kills 1 im, is it any ' reason that he should be called a . dead beat? ; . ; "Anew bridge at the corner of "Wilmington and Davie streets , has just been completed. ' i m ; Speedy Justice. At 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon information was lodged with Capt. J . W. Lee, Chief of Police, that two negroes, Theo, Henly and Peter Williams, had stolen some money from M.iry Williams, colored, and had gone off on the eastern train to Goldsboro. The Captain tele graphed to the Mayor of Golds-. . ; boro to be on the lookout, and on . the arrival of the train at 6 'o'clock at Goldsboro the said ne '1 . groes, were arrested-by the Mayor , apd lodged in jail and at 12:30 ;, ,o'cpck Monday, the Captain had jftHQta.back in Raleigh and they . were tried before ' Mayor Manly ' ; yesterday morning, convicted, and , ; in ; default of a hundred dollar ;i.,r,r .bond;were, sent to jail to be in , , terviewd by Wge' l.Avefy in ,r January;... This, eppalcs well for , , the etVV AjEf,of Po ' .the prisoners. ,,!,,. lMh,JV, u r - "flL'' An Office-II older. We can- I not 6ee why Postmaster Key docs not appoint men as postmasters that can read and write. No wonder so many letters are inis l.iid. We know of a postoffice in this State, not fifty miles from Raleigh, that has a postmaster that can hardly read his own name. And on several occasions The Visitor has lain in this s;iid office for four days, and every day a subscriber would go to the office and ask for papers, but the reply would be, "no papers." We know this to be so. Below is a fac simile of a letter written by a postmaster in this State, to a merchant in this city for a coat. Is he fit to be a postmaster? But judge for yourself: , Nov. 25 1879. I ce on your card cloth & castner & 1 wish to no if any of thes coies is over cotes & If the aire good heavy cotes or not 1 wood likee to hav 3 cotes fc I am liveing too for from the E. H. P. office I am Pm at k If you will cend 1 of your best 3 dollar cotes size 37 I will cend the money on Receipt by male of the Sam yours &c A Terrible Time. Some time ago a young man went out near this city hunting and fishing. Now, this young man had been a devout reader of dime novels, and, as the old saying is, "his feelings were pitched to the high est, and his hair stood on cend." All the way to the fishing grounds (Whitaker's pond) he was on the lookout for a Comanche savage to stick his head out from behind a tree and fill his body full of poisoned arrows. But no Indians were seen and he arrived at the pond safe and sound. Af ter setting his hooks lie left his companion and walked up the pond to kill a deer or a turkey, as he imagined, (there was nei ther in ten miles of the place.) After wandering around ".awhile, and not finding anything, he sat down on a log to rest and medi tate. In his mind he saw or heard bears, panthers, wolves, and once he heard an Indian laugh, when, all of a Ridden, he heard a noise. It was a deer. He knew it. Nothing but a deer would make sueh a noise as that, lie cocked his gnn, laid down behind the log, .-and waited and listened. It was coming nearer. He almost could see the bushes shake. His heart beat loud and strong. His nerves got unstrung and his strong right arm began to tremble. In another minute the crack of his gun would be heard, the fame of this young man would go abroad asfa great hunter. The deer was approaching. It cpuldu't be very far-away. But the young man 'cbuld'staud (t no longer. . He would, go and meet' it Carefully and stealthily vh.f:' raised himself up, and-say jt. It was a high land tjarrapin ' crawling ' through the leaves." Tfto jchhg 'man look ed aronnd tb b66: 4f any one saw hira, and then left in disgust. Dress Goods! Dress Goods ! New Arrivals. A chance to save money. Dress Goods at lets than the old price, at CREECH'S. Now is the time to buy before they advance. CLOAKS. CLOAKS. Just received my fourth stck of new and pretty fitting Cloaks at less price than ever before, and if you want to buy a handsome cloak for a little money, come to CREECH'S. Prints. Prints. Advancing North but A. Creech is selling them at the old price. Always cull tit CREECH'S to buy Calico. Piece Goods and Domestics. Just the goods that everybody wans, and now is the time to buy before they advance. Call at CREECH'S and get the worth of your money. BLANKETS, BLANKETS. Do you want to buy bed blankets? If you do( CREECH'S is the place, as I have a large stock, and will be sold for less than the old price. HATS ! HATS ! Do you Want to buy a new hat for Christmas? If so, don't forget that CREECH , is the'.man that sells hats' cheap.1 de9-2w A. CREECH. Eflff.JJAI! GROCER, BUTTER. During the recent excitement in the mtter market, it has been difficult to btain supplies of fine stock, owing to r.he disposition of dairymen to hold ack their best tubs for higher prices. The market now being more quiet, I am able again to offer fine butter in regular supply. Have now in store twenty tubs of choice Northern Butter, and will receive my regular weekly shipment as usual. Also a small lot of country Butter at 30c. per pound retail. ALSO JUST RECEIVED, Very choice new crop New Orleans Molasses; better than any syrup for Buckwheat cakes; Sultana, London Layer, and Imperial Loose Muscatel Raisins; best Maple syrup in quart bottles; new French Walnuts, Almonds, Cocoanuts, and nuts of all kinds; extra choice New Jersey Cranberries. And a lot of extra beef tongues. "Tube Rose" flour as good as Pa tapsco, and cheaper. Crosse and Blackwell's .Mushroom and Walnut Catsup. Gordon and Dilworth's Bitter Or ange Marmalade, in quart and half gal lon jars. Gordon & Dilworth's Mince Meat for those who want the finest. Also Atmore's Mince Meat. Fine Coffees, Peas, Segars and every thing else in the line or groceries. First class goods, low prices. flel0-6m E. J. HARDIN. 3,873. 1879. SANTA CLAUS Come again ana made his heudquar ters at B&AGASSA'S. Toys of every description, too nu merous to mention. Everybody can be satisfied in price and quality. Confectioneries ! ! Choice French and plain candies of my own manufacture always fresh. New citron, sultana raisins and cur rants for fruit cake. New nuts of all kinds. I have also a Bakery in connection with my business. You can find FRESH BREAD AND V -:'"' Fresh Cakes of every description always on hand. CHRISTMAS Cd KES made and baked for families. .Give me a call. , Satisfaction cuar- teed or money refunded. J. A; BRAGASSA, Confectioner and Baker, . no!9 16 tfayettevme' Street. Raleigh, N. C. IN Ladies Dress Goods cheapest and best assortment ever offered to the pub lic. Black Cashmeres, all wool, from 60 cents and up; very superior. Black Alpaccas and BriUiantines at all prices, standard 1 makes, beautiful fabrics and lustre. Another arrival of those cheap Dress goods, which are so popular, and sought after by every one. A full assortment of Prints, at all prices. Bleached and Uun bleached Muslins t suit all classes. Dress Trimmings, Fancy Buttons,, in square and oblong shapes. Plaid and Fancy Ribbons, in all the new shades. Ladies Gum Circulars, Gum Um brellas. Ladies and Misses Cloaks and Ulsters. Our stock of carpets cannot be sur passed, in quality, patterns and prices, all kinds, Hemp, Ingrain, 3-ply and Brussels. A full line of Rugs, Druggets, Door Mats and Oil Cloths. We call special attention to our We. claim they are the best in the) mar ket. These shirts" are reinforced the whol9 length. f the bosom; prevent, splitting at edge of bosom where shirts alwayd wear first; a very great advan tage, besides being well made and of the very best material Ladies, Misses, Children and Gents shoes and gaiters. Linen Crash, "big bargain" at 8 1-5 cents. " pur Co, Tucker, is now in the Nor thern markets purchasing additional stock tot the holiday trade. ' 1-1 . . : noU-lm i